
Location: The Waldorf Astoria - Washington D.C., United States of America
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Shoot to Thrill #1.03: Back to Bed
Interaction(s): None
Previously: Philanthropist
Alcohol flowed freely from the bar as the night became a blur. As ordered, Major Jordan bought the first round of shots, subjecting the group to Picklebacks before Rhodey promptly took that as his cue to leave, followed quickly by Danvers as Jordan swung an arm over the blonde woman and offered her a second round. Stane bought next, ordering a pitcher of beer for the group while Karoline planted herself firmly in a corner of the upstairs bar, raising a cocktail to salute Jordan who at some point had lost his shirt and was now line dancing on top of the bar rail, double-fisting a pair of his namesake highballs filled with who knew what by that point.
At Stark’s behest, the band went through every classic rock cover they knew as Tony kept prompting for more, eventually joining them on the small stage for a rendition of ‘Dream On’ that miraculously didn’t shatter every piece of glassware in the Waldorf. Throughout the entire night, Miss Anovna hung into Tony, pawing at the billionaire like a lioness with a gazelle. Before the clock had even struck midnight, Tony was sporting a large hickey on his neck. By the time last call was issued, Tony’s shirt was open by three buttons, his ear lobes purple and his chest covered in teeth-shaped bruises.
Unsurprisingly, Ali’s panties were hanging out of her clutch by that point after the pair had made at least three separate trips to the bathroom together.
Jordan was still dancing atop the bar to ‘Cotton Eye Joe’ by the time Ali managed to drag Tony away from the bar. The billionaire reached behind the rail to help himself to a bottle of top-shelf bourbon before the pair stumbled through the bright hallways toward the Presidential Suite. Karoline’s giggles could be heard echoing in the corridor as she pulled the shirtless Major Major from the bar and followed Stark’s lead, dropping the protesting Major off alone in his own room for a cold shower, pausing just long enough to blow him a kiss before darting into her room.
The cold air of the suite was a welcome reprieve from the sweat and heat of the bar as Tony flopped onto the bed, unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. His chest heaved up and down as he tried to stop the room from spinning. He moved to sit up before a manicured hand against his chest stopped him.
“Shhh,” Ali whispered, removing Tony’s glasses. He suddenly felt blind without the smart lenses that helped him keep up with the world around him. His connection to J.A.R.V.I.S. was removed the second they came off.
“You get comfortable, love, I will slip into something less comfortable.” She added, picking up the bag that was left delivered to the room. She opened it, looking down inside as a playful smirk crossed her face. “Oooh, this Pepper lives up to her name, very spicy.”
Tony could only laugh, knowing Pepper there was a chance whatever was in that bag was nowhere near as spicy as Ali had let on. Not that it mattered, it didn’t stay on for long anyway.
He had to sit up though, the spins were not going away and if they continued this way the last place Tony wanted to be was near the bed when he threw up. That kind of thing put a damper on the mood.
Did Ali say she was going into the bathroom to change?
It didn’t matter, he’d just excuse himself, or not.
“Where are you going, love?” The familiar voice asked as Tony lifted his head from between his knees, his eyes following the leather catsuit that looked vacuum-sealed to Ali’s body. It was definitely out of Pepper’s comfort zone, not anything like Tony would have expected. Roleplay had never been something that Pepper picked for his girls. Lace mostly, usually matching sets with garter belts, playful teddies, and even the occasional corset but a leather catsuit was a first.
As was the gun.
“Back on the bed please, Mr. Stark.” Miss Anovna ordered, waving the gun as Tony raised his hands moving a finger to tap his glasses only to remember he was no longer wearing them.
“No, Mr. Hogan nor anyone else will be disturbing us.” She retorted, one hand still firmly gripping the gun while the other held up his glasses. “Don’t worry, I won’t be breaking them either as I imagine that also triggers an alarm.” The blonde woman smiled, placing the glasses down gently out of Tony’s reach.
“Hands above your head, Mr. Stark.” She ordered, waving the gun as Tony hesitated. “If you would prefer to keep your hand, I suggest you do as requested. I need your fingerprints, whether they come with the hand attached or not was not specified.”
“I know I said I was kinky, but we really should have discussed a safe word before you brought out the handcuffs.” Tony tried to smirk as she cuffed his hands above his head. “I’m really into the whole femme fatale look, but are you sure you weren’t looking for Jordan? Seemed to me he had more of a thing for blondes.”
“I am not blonde,” Ali winked both slowly and sarcastically, “And you invited me here. Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Stark.”
“If it’s money you’re after, that’s not a problem, name a price, I’ll write the cheque, get you a whole closet full of catsuits. You’ll be rich and look great.”
“Your money is of no interest to us, Mr. Stark.” She replied, raising the butt of her weapon, “But now you sleep.”
The screech of brakes echoed through Tony’s head as the boy craned his neck to look out the back window of the car. The snow created a perilous hazard, more so on these back country roads. His father, Howard, had sworn this was a way to bypass the congestion of the city, but the congestion of the city at least meant plowed roads.
Out here there was nothing.
Someone had just hit their car. Howard lost control, the screeching brakes careening the vehicle off the road, burying it into the deeper snow of the ditch.
“I don’t see any headlights, It wasn’t another car, Maria, it must have been a damned deer.” Tony winced at the tone of his father’s voice as the man raised the back of his hand to silence his wife. If it was the slap of a hand on flash, it was the crack of a leather belt that followed the man’s increased volume. A whimper came from the front seat but no further protests as the cold winter air filled the car while Howard stepped outside.
Howard’s body suddenly skidded across the hood of the car, his terrified face appearing briefly through the windshield before he disappeared into the darkness of the barely illuminated night.
Maria screamed and Tony unbuckled his seat belt, diving for the floor of the backseat. The shattering of glass echoed through the vehicle as shards showered the back seat. His mother’s scream was cut short and then suddenly there was silence.
Silence and cold.
A pounding headache awoke Tony as he tried to sit up only to find himself handcuffed to the headboard of the Waldorf’s Presidential suite. He looked up at his wrists suspended upon his head, blinking as he tried to find his glasses.
His mind was a discombobulated mess, the events of the previous night scrambled as he tried to piece together who had left him like this and why for once his pants were still on.
And where were his glasses?
“J.A.R.V.I.S.?” Tony called, there was no response. He opened his mouth to speak again before a knock at the door was followed by a key swipe. The door swung open as Pepper entered the room. She took a quick survey of Tony before shaking her head as disappointment was written all over her face.
“C’mon, this is hardly the worst situation you’ve found me in,” Tony smiled as Pepper shook her head.
“I’ll get the hacksaw.”
At Stark’s behest, the band went through every classic rock cover they knew as Tony kept prompting for more, eventually joining them on the small stage for a rendition of ‘Dream On’ that miraculously didn’t shatter every piece of glassware in the Waldorf. Throughout the entire night, Miss Anovna hung into Tony, pawing at the billionaire like a lioness with a gazelle. Before the clock had even struck midnight, Tony was sporting a large hickey on his neck. By the time last call was issued, Tony’s shirt was open by three buttons, his ear lobes purple and his chest covered in teeth-shaped bruises.
Unsurprisingly, Ali’s panties were hanging out of her clutch by that point after the pair had made at least three separate trips to the bathroom together.
Jordan was still dancing atop the bar to ‘Cotton Eye Joe’ by the time Ali managed to drag Tony away from the bar. The billionaire reached behind the rail to help himself to a bottle of top-shelf bourbon before the pair stumbled through the bright hallways toward the Presidential Suite. Karoline’s giggles could be heard echoing in the corridor as she pulled the shirtless Major Major from the bar and followed Stark’s lead, dropping the protesting Major off alone in his own room for a cold shower, pausing just long enough to blow him a kiss before darting into her room.
The cold air of the suite was a welcome reprieve from the sweat and heat of the bar as Tony flopped onto the bed, unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. His chest heaved up and down as he tried to stop the room from spinning. He moved to sit up before a manicured hand against his chest stopped him.
“Shhh,” Ali whispered, removing Tony’s glasses. He suddenly felt blind without the smart lenses that helped him keep up with the world around him. His connection to J.A.R.V.I.S. was removed the second they came off.
“You get comfortable, love, I will slip into something less comfortable.” She added, picking up the bag that was left delivered to the room. She opened it, looking down inside as a playful smirk crossed her face. “Oooh, this Pepper lives up to her name, very spicy.”
Tony could only laugh, knowing Pepper there was a chance whatever was in that bag was nowhere near as spicy as Ali had let on. Not that it mattered, it didn’t stay on for long anyway.
He had to sit up though, the spins were not going away and if they continued this way the last place Tony wanted to be was near the bed when he threw up. That kind of thing put a damper on the mood.
Did Ali say she was going into the bathroom to change?
It didn’t matter, he’d just excuse himself, or not.
“Where are you going, love?” The familiar voice asked as Tony lifted his head from between his knees, his eyes following the leather catsuit that looked vacuum-sealed to Ali’s body. It was definitely out of Pepper’s comfort zone, not anything like Tony would have expected. Roleplay had never been something that Pepper picked for his girls. Lace mostly, usually matching sets with garter belts, playful teddies, and even the occasional corset but a leather catsuit was a first.
As was the gun.
“Back on the bed please, Mr. Stark.” Miss Anovna ordered, waving the gun as Tony raised his hands moving a finger to tap his glasses only to remember he was no longer wearing them.
“No, Mr. Hogan nor anyone else will be disturbing us.” She retorted, one hand still firmly gripping the gun while the other held up his glasses. “Don’t worry, I won’t be breaking them either as I imagine that also triggers an alarm.” The blonde woman smiled, placing the glasses down gently out of Tony’s reach.
“Hands above your head, Mr. Stark.” She ordered, waving the gun as Tony hesitated. “If you would prefer to keep your hand, I suggest you do as requested. I need your fingerprints, whether they come with the hand attached or not was not specified.”
“I know I said I was kinky, but we really should have discussed a safe word before you brought out the handcuffs.” Tony tried to smirk as she cuffed his hands above his head. “I’m really into the whole femme fatale look, but are you sure you weren’t looking for Jordan? Seemed to me he had more of a thing for blondes.”
“I am not blonde,” Ali winked both slowly and sarcastically, “And you invited me here. Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Stark.”
“If it’s money you’re after, that’s not a problem, name a price, I’ll write the cheque, get you a whole closet full of catsuits. You’ll be rich and look great.”
“Your money is of no interest to us, Mr. Stark.” She replied, raising the butt of her weapon, “But now you sleep.”
The screech of brakes echoed through Tony’s head as the boy craned his neck to look out the back window of the car. The snow created a perilous hazard, more so on these back country roads. His father, Howard, had sworn this was a way to bypass the congestion of the city, but the congestion of the city at least meant plowed roads.
Out here there was nothing.
Someone had just hit their car. Howard lost control, the screeching brakes careening the vehicle off the road, burying it into the deeper snow of the ditch.
“I don’t see any headlights, It wasn’t another car, Maria, it must have been a damned deer.” Tony winced at the tone of his father’s voice as the man raised the back of his hand to silence his wife. If it was the slap of a hand on flash, it was the crack of a leather belt that followed the man’s increased volume. A whimper came from the front seat but no further protests as the cold winter air filled the car while Howard stepped outside.
Howard’s body suddenly skidded across the hood of the car, his terrified face appearing briefly through the windshield before he disappeared into the darkness of the barely illuminated night.
Maria screamed and Tony unbuckled his seat belt, diving for the floor of the backseat. The shattering of glass echoed through the vehicle as shards showered the back seat. His mother’s scream was cut short and then suddenly there was silence.
Silence and cold.
A pounding headache awoke Tony as he tried to sit up only to find himself handcuffed to the headboard of the Waldorf’s Presidential suite. He looked up at his wrists suspended upon his head, blinking as he tried to find his glasses.
His mind was a discombobulated mess, the events of the previous night scrambled as he tried to piece together who had left him like this and why for once his pants were still on.
And where were his glasses?
“J.A.R.V.I.S.?” Tony called, there was no response. He opened his mouth to speak again before a knock at the door was followed by a key swipe. The door swung open as Pepper entered the room. She took a quick survey of Tony before shaking her head as disappointment was written all over her face.
“C’mon, this is hardly the worst situation you’ve found me in,” Tony smiled as Pepper shook her head.
“I’ll get the hacksaw.”