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Hidden 3 days ago 28 min ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

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Name: Scott Valentine
Callsign/Nickname: Heartbreak
Age: 37
Gender: Male

The only difference to the picture is that Scott has heterochromia, with his left eye being blue, and the right one brown. His hair is also a much more 'sandy blond' colour. He is approximately 5'7" in height.

Nationality: Joint US/UK nationality
Scott is almost the typical fighter pilot. Laid-back in demeanour, confident, and witty. He has a playful character and charm to him that is either endearing or frustrating, depending on who you are. This is countered by a professional seriousness and lethality when he is in the cockpit, and a respectable amount of raw, natural skill and expertise.
His somewhat rebellious and maverick nature has lead to chafing against military authority and limitations in the past, and as such the somewhat more relaxed life of a PMC gives him the same experiences, and makes use of his skills.
He plays as hard as he works, and this shell of easy confidence and casually treating even the most deadly and desperate situations with an air of dismissive humour masks a much deeper fear of his own mortality and of losing those around him, and the need to form bonds to ground himself to something. It is rare he lets the mask slip and the more vulnerable, real side of himself out, often seeking to drown his worries or at least relieve them with the highs of drink and sex, sometimes presenting him as at best a playboy or worst a callous and shallow man, when the opposite is true.
He has a particular relationship in his past that turned sour, and still harbours unrequited and unfulfilled love for his ex, Valerie Glass, who has become a commander in the N/UN forces. They have a cordial, if distant professional and working relationship and both still like one another, even if they are no longer intimately involved.
Scott was a naval fighter pilot before and during the Heavenfall, flying for the US Navy. Becoming a pilot was what he always wanted, ever since he was a kid. He managed to - despite chafing at authority, and being somewhat of a problematic cadet, prone to emotional outbursts and thinking with his fists or heart - make the grade and became a pilot of the F-14 Tomcat, a dream plane for him.
He met Valerie during this time, and they had a very on-again, off-again relationship. It was a lot of fun for them both, and they cared deeply for one another, but often clashed on a lot of things, mainly due to Val's frustration with Scott's hot-headed, impulsive nature and he with her more strait-laced, reserved nature.
Despite caring for one another, their careers constantly had them being apart, and combined with their butting up in personalities, they decided to split and remain friends, before getting so frustrated and angry with one another that that wasn't a possibility.

He didn't see much action prior to the Heavenfall, mostly combat air patrols along with the carrier group he was assigned to, though there were many close calls and intercepts, as well a number of reconnaissance missions, and a little bit of action that showed his talent for ground attacks.
However, this all changed during the Heavenfall. Stationed in the Persian Gulf at the time, the carrier group he suffered massively from the tidal upheavals, and then the following violence, the local powers seeing a perfect opportunity to lash out against the 'infidels from the west'. His unit - the survivors of it - were forced into combat, and Scott's plane was shot down, his RIO killed by being shot in front of him after they were captured by enemy forces.
He managed to escape as rival factions in the region clashed, linking up with other military survivors from the US and other allied forces in the region, and as a rag-tag band, they made their way overland toward hopeful help in Europe.
Eventually, during this slog, he met Katherine Kane - Kat - who joined their band of survivors and refugees, and quickly became a close, trusted friend and they built a strong, loyal relationship with one another.
Scott finally made it back to something resembling civilization, where he found he had been listed as dead, like so many of his comrades. Disgusted with the Navy after the commander who sent them into battle not only survived, but was free of all blame and even promoted, he left.
Civilian life didn't suit him, there was a restlessness within him, and he wanted to get back into action.
He decided to enlist with Shattered Steel, where his skills and experience were welcome.
He was reunited with the F-14 in the shape of the much more advanced and capable ASF-14 Super Tomcat 2010.
Kat was a natural fit as his WSO, having enlisted alongside him, and the two proved as inseprable and reliable in the sky, as they had on the ground.
His experience and skill resulted in him being given a commanding position and rank in Shattered Steel, and he was recently assigned the command position of the Cobalt Haze squadron.

Personal Gear:
  • Colt M1911 MEU/SOC .45 Calibre handgun with mounted tactical light.
  • M110 7.62mm Marksman's rifle with suppressor, bipod, optical scope, vertical foregrip and optional light/laser.
  • Combat/Survival knife - Scott carries the Gerber LMFII ASEK survival knife he had when he originally ejected from his jet after being shot down. It got him through everything after that, and its' kind of a lucky talisman for him by now, as much as a tool and weapon.
  • backup folding knife
  • Flight helmet; has a broken heart painted on the visor cover

Personal Aircraft:
ASF-14 ST2010 aka Advanced Strike Fighter-14 Super Tomcat 2010

Customised with the following:
  • All suggested modifications/upgrades in the linked article above
  • Jolly Rogers-style paint scheme (minus squadron numbers and aircraft carrier markings)

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Hidden 3 days ago 1 day ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Name: Mykhailo Martinez
Callsign/Nickname: Brightspark.
Age: 19
Gender: Male.

Nationality: Ukrainian - Filipino.
Personality: Polite, kind, and generous, even to his foes, Mykhailo has one stated goal, to bring order to Ukraine, his mother's country, under the auspices of the N/UN, and save it from the nation to its east, whom he considers to be the architect of the misinformation operation who had killed the first person he loved out of hatred and bigotry towards those who wanted to live a different way. Because of this, Mykhailo, despite wishing for a stronger Ukraine capable of defending itself, has very little connection with Ukrainian culture besides the essentials and feels a deeper connection to his father's country, the Philippines, than his mother's. On personal terms, however, Mykhailo loves both of his parents and wishes them all the best in their endeavors; if anything was to bring a full smile to his face, unmarred by suffering, it is positively mentioning them.

History: Mykhailo's Father was one of the Philippines' richest media executives, his mother was a Ukrainian exile and political activist who ended up in the Philippines nine years before Heavenfall. They married; he was happy for those nine years, not wondering about his mother's roots - He loved the Philippines, and Ukraine to him was a distant name.

Then all changed when Heavenfall struck, and his family was thrown into turmoil. His father kept them all alive, and eventually became more politically and economically powerful as he helped to rebuild the Philippine nation into a power that was able to achieve heights of geopolitical power that would have been a pipe dream only five years before. His mother was his equal and co-partner, eventually dreaming of returning to Ukraine and setting all to rights, protecting it against the gigantic nation to the east which had designs on everything the Ukrainian people had.

And to complicate it all... As he grew up, Mykhailo fell in love with a boy (although he had crushes on girls before). It was strange, exhilarating, beautiful, and ultimately tragic, as the person he loved died, killed in a riot caused by an Anti-N/UN country's misinformation operations (he suspects the nation to the east of Ukraine).

This tragedy caused him to join a Military Flight Academy, then, as soon as he was old enough, the Shattered Steel 'Legalized PMC'. He would not let such injustice happen again if he could help it - If Ukraine stood as a buffer between the free world and the large nation to its east, if the N/UN became the most powerful single, well, power in the world because of that, then he would be able to prevent the lies and hatred that had killed his first love from causing any more deaths.

Until then, he will fight.

Personal Gear: Ceremonial Sword, Pistol, Smartphone, Burner Phone, Pen and Paper.
Personal Aircraft: F-16 Fighting Falcon
Aircraft modifications:
- Painted with sky colors for visual camouflage.

Anything Else:
- His parents back the faction in Ukraine most aligned with N/UN Values, and have lobbied the Philippines and the rest of the N/UN to recognize them as the only legitimate government of Ukraine.
- His father is a member of the current Philippine President's cabinet.
- The current Philippine President is a woman and a competent administrator with a strong track record of being incorrupt and also aiding a lot of people with limited resources.
- The Philippines is much stronger than it is in IRL and has the Spratly Islands.
- Mykhailo knows how to cook, but prefers to use fish, rabbit, beef and chicken in his recipes; also squid and shellfish.

Hidden 3 days ago 18 hrs ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

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Bell Thompson


Appearance: imgur.com/a/e82NBTf , has a scar on right hand, some bandages on face, Well defined physique, pale ish skin, grayish blue eyes, 6 foot 2.

Personality: childish but the good kind, funny, chaotic, can kind of stay calm in really really bad situations, Has but one goal: to destroy the Anti-N/UNs terror in honor of his brother who got shot down like a animal, has a lot of pain built up over the years, but he desperately tries to mask it, is probably one death away from becoming insane ish, will stay loyal to his team forever.

History: was a normal family in Brooklyn New York before the Heavenfall hit and when it did his mother protected both of the Thompson brothers and became respected ish in the N/UN, mother eventually died of natural causes and him and his brother were both accepted into a foster home, he never knew his biological father since he died before he was born, met a girl in the school system Vicky Cane Alister, they fell in love at age 15, she eventually became a pilot in Australia but not in shattered steel, they broke up and hated each other at age 19
because he “cheated” which he would never do,

couldn’t move on, joined a military flight program out of desperation for closure at age 20, Has a medical condition that makes him almost die from coughing if he doesn’t have medication called Nevio, Is a extremely good pilot, has gotten shot down by an enemy and crashed into a building killing 5 innocent civilians, he blames himself for not being able to have control of the aircraft because he froze, has a alcohol and smoking problem, he doesn’t have hand to hand combat training but is very good at it because he’s been in lots and lots of fights since he was 14, has been a pilot since 8 years, usually when he gets into H2H he lets the rage out and usually wins the fight, is better at h2h then most marines, has a daughter named Aster Alister age 9 that he doesn’t know about at all because Vicky never told him, is an insanely talented pilot.

Personal Gear: flight helmet with sticker that says hasta la vista baby, a old lighter, a couple of cigars, picture of lover, small metal container of Nevio, Small notebook with pen, fathers old sliver pocket watch, colt python 357 Magnum 6 inch stainless steel imgur.com/a/q49WPUg

Aircraft: F-106, imgur.com/a/sI23Qeu

Aircraft modifications: Upgraded avionics; modern radar and flight instruments fitted, including integration with modern weaponry
Internal weapons bay refitted to accommodate modern missiles along with permanent fit of M61 Vulcan cannon; such as AIM-9 Sidewinders and AIM-120 AMRAAM
Wing hardpoints refitted to accommodate weapons as well as drop tanks.
Newer, more modern single-piece canopy fitted for increased view
Improved performance via new, modern engine; giving maximum of Mach 4.7 performance,
Modernised IRSTS fitted
Red-and-black colour scheme.

Music: m.youtube.com/watch?v=K5U7b_E14cE .

Quotes:Your scared You’re always gonna be scared
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Kensai
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Member Seen 33 min ago

Name: Aurélie Bouchard
Callsign/Nickname: Chevy (from Chevalier du Ciel, "Knight of the sky")
Age: is but a number, non? (32)
Gender: Female

Aurélie is a petite strawberry blonde with pale blue eyes and an innocent-seeming demeanour.

Nationality: French
Personality: "Look like the flower, but be the serpent under't." Aurélie has the face of an angel and a heart of blackest pitch. She's charming, quirky, vivacious - and she'll put a heat-seeker up your tailpipe without a qualm if the mission calls for it.

History: Aurélie is a bit of a mystery. She doesn't talk much about her past, and deflects all questions about it with a fetching giggle. However, it's a matter of record that she learned to fly young, receiving her PPL at the age of 14, and that she served with the Armée de l'Air for some years. There's then a gap in her service record, but there are rumours that she was seen in parts of Africa and the Middle East - traditional stomping grounds for French forces - flying for various mercenary groups. At some point she was shot down and captured by forces of Shattered Steel, who offered her amnesty in return for joining them. She turned coat without batting an eyelid and has been flying and fighting for Shattered Steel since.

Personal Gear: "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner"
Personal Aircraft: "Papillon" Dassault Rafale https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dassault_Rafale
Aircraft modifications: None

Anything Else: https://youtu.be/mX9L8IuiwJA
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Hidden 2 days ago 21 hrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

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Name: Katherine Kane
Callsign/Nickname: KK for 'Killer Kitten', and a pun on her initials and 'Kat' the short version of her name.
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Katherine is a towering 6'7" tall, and has a wiry, rugged, muscular body, built from hard wear and toil. She is covered in scars, including her left eye being missing and covered with a black leather patch. Her black hair is worn in a shaggy mess, often tied back when working. Her remaining eye is a very pale, icy blue.

Nationality: English
Kat has a personality that might come off as abrasive and stand-offish to those who meet her at first, especially coupled with her quiet voice and fierce-looking exterior. This prickly exterior is hardly surprising given her history.
But her like, fondness, and affection for others is often shown in small gestures and actions. Should she feel the need to express her opinions, her words will often be blunt and direct to get to the point with the minimum of misunderstanding.
She does have a sense of humour, and is thoroughly amused by silly humour and jokes that don't end up with anyone hurt or feeling bad.
She adores animals, due to their simple needs and feelings, and bonds with them easily and quickly. She likes children, but is often confused and somewhat wary of them, due to their energy, enthusiasm and unpredictability.
It takes her a while to open up and trust other people, but once she does, she is a die-hard loyal friend and comrade.
However, her past always haunts her, both in her physical scars and mental ones. Aside from her frequent nightmares and occasional dissassociative moments, she is absolutely terrified of being taken prisoner and the possibility of torture and as such, will enter a blind, berserker rage state if she is in danger of being imprisoned.
Kat grew up in a comfortable life, and comfortable surroundings. Raised in a family with Old Money in the English Aristocracy, she had a childhood with ponies, private schools, and all the luxuries one could imagine...
...Paid for by her father's life of organised crime. It of course, caught up to him and to his family, and in this, Kat was kidnapped and thrust into the horrible underworld of crime. Her captors had no interest in her worth, ransoming her wasn't of interest; breaking her father's spirit was. And as such, she was forced into degrading slavery, and when her father finally met his end, she was of no more use or interest.
Kat fought back viciously against the indignities forced on her. She was beaten into submission each time, but it never dulled her fury and anger, and eventually her captors tired of having to cope with her struggles and violence to present her to clients - who'd often end up mauled and injured themselves - they sold her on into underground fighting.
She fought viciously and relentlessly to stay alive, driven by the constant thought of getting revenge.
Eventually, she got her chance not long after the Heavenfall. As the Soviet Union disintegrated in violence, chaos, and anarchy; the criminal underworld fell apart along with it and she was finally able to take her freedom - not after taking her revenge on her captors.
She managed to find her way through the ruins of Europe, eventually banding together with Scott's refugee sailors, soldiers and airmen, where the two struck up a friendship and a mutual respect for one another. He taught her how to fly, and she picked up the rest of the understanding with her quick, smart mind, and they became an inseprable duo, enlisting together in Shattered Steel, where she learned the rest of the skills and talent necessary to be a RIO for the F-14.

Personal Gear:

Personal Aircraft: RIO (Radar Intercept Officer, aka backseater) in ASF-14 Super Tomcat 2010 with Scott as pilot

Anything Else: Kat speaks in a very hushed, rough voice due to damage to her throat and vocal cords. Despite her missing eye, she has extremely acute and sharp vision in her remaining eye, and incredible situational awareness.
She also really loves ice cream.
Hidden 2 days ago 1 day ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Lázaro Ruiz
Callsign/Nickname: Circus
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Appearance: Early thirties, dark hair, brown eyes, somewhat wiry but fit. Mid-height. Usually seen with a perma stubble and a laidback manner of walking.

Nationality: Spain

Personality: A goofy daredevil, always seeking to make a jest or invest in the newest cool aerial maneuver, Lázaro is a born and bred trickster, and likes to challenge ideas and conceptions and mess around with people. He does draw the line at being outright malicious and mean, and if you scratch the clownish surface, Lázaro proves to be a rather fearless optimistic squadmate, willing to go great lenghts so everyone can reach base and crack a few beers and live for another day. He likes to learn to fly different planes and see what kind of tricks they have in store, or how high and fast he can push.

Born the son of an aerobatic pilot, little Lázaro was eager to follow his father as aerial stuntman. At the age of 16, he had already taken his father's aircraft for spins and knew some of the basic tricks. However, the post Heavenfall resource shortages forced his father to retire and for Lázaro to seek a way of living elsewhere. He found a market for his skills in the Fuerza Aérea, where as he cruised through the ranks and training, earning heaps of recognition and enmity in equal parts thanks to his daredevil, go getter attitude which rubbed many the wrong way and amazed others.

Considered a good pilot, but a rather questionable officer, he was therefore shuffled into an experimental pilot, which paid him the bills and maintenance of his family, but left him bored to death. Shattered Steel then entered the scene, and they paid more. So he signed up for the PMC, after applying for leave.

Personal Gear: Astra A-100 .45 ACP, Multitool. Smartphone. Spanish Card Deck. He also inherited a private-maintained Yak-52 trainer airplane who used to be his father's stunt plane and that he fondly calls "Puerco Volador" (Flying Pig).
Personal Aircraft: Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche 3 Custom, nicknamed "Jabalina" (Female Boar or Javelin, depending on context)
Aircraft modifications:
  • Thrust Vectorial Nozzles and improved engine.
  • Upgraded Avionics. (Or "less safe" avionics. They allow a higher maneuverality but the burden is greater on the pilot's body. As a result the Jabalina's entry level is significantly higher than a stock Eurofighter.)
  • (Will probably add more to fit the theme, as airplane illiterate)

Anything Else:
  • He still routinely does maintenance on his father's Puerco as a hobby and likes to do a few acrobatic rolls here and there to not lose the touch.
  • Both his parents are retired and keep pestering him to stop being an ass and get married.
  • He is rather infamous for his creative pranks in both Armies and PMCs.
  • He is the first usual suspect if something bizarre happens.

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Hidden 2 days ago Post by AvaP
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Ayvee Reagan

North America, ashes of the US.
Ayvee Reagan is the epitome of cool under pressure. Despite the high-stakes nature of her job, she maintains an effortlessly laid-back demeanor, rarely flustered even in the most intense dogfights. Her calm, collected attitude isn't just for show; it's a crucial part of her approach to flying. With a sharp wit and a steady hand, Ayvee navigates both the skies and the camaraderie of her squadron with a relaxed grace, making her both a formidable pilot and a beloved teammate. A good mix of a friendly attitude and a professional demeanor.

Ayvee Reagan's upbringing was steeped in privilege and influence as the only child of a prominent politician whose decisions shaped the nation's fabric. Growing up in an environment of high society and political power, Ayvee was surrounded by opulence, from grand estates to exclusive events. Yet, amidst the grandeur, she felt disconnected from the world her father navigated. It was her uncle's own fascination with aviation that kindled her passion for flying. While her peers were immersed in political debates, Ayvee found solace in the thrill of flight, often accompanying her father on private jets and developing a deep-seated love for the sky.

Determined to forge her identity, Ayvee excelled at a prestigious military academy, where her exceptional skills as a pilot quickly set her apart. Her calm demeanor and innate talent earned her a place in a high-end Air Force squadron. Yet, her success in the military only deepened her dissatisfaction with the expectations of her privileged background. Her father saw her success as another tool to levy for political favor. Ayvee's desire to defy her father's political world became a driving force. She felt increasingly constrained by the rigid structures and expectations imposed by her family and the military hierarchy.

In a bold move to assert her independence, Ayvee left the Air Force and transitioned into the role of a mercenary pilot. This new path gave her the autonomy she craved and a chance to distance herself from her family's political shadow. Embracing the freedom and flexibility of mercenary work, she found a renewed sense of purpose and exhilaration in high-risk missions. Ayvee's choice to become a mercenary was as much about personal rebellion as it was about pursuing her passion for flying, allowing her to chart her own course and thrive in the skies on her own terms.

Despite leaving her family behind, she does deeply miss them. Her father is a greedy, ruthless politician who still loved his daughter very much. Her mother may have been distant and uncaring, but she had become softer and more personable in her later years. As the years marched on and her work grew with mercenary flying, Ayvee increasingly regretted severing her ties with her family. Perhaps one day soon, she will reconnect with them.

Personal Gear:
Personal picture of her family, an FN-Five-Seven pistol, pair of old aviators, a VERY expensive bottle of fine scotch, and a box of her old trapping from when she was in the academy.

Personal Aircraft:
The F-117N Seahawk

The F-117N "Seahawk" was Lockheed's proposal to the US Navy for a naval version of the successful early 5th generation "fighter" F-117 Nighthawk. After an initial rejection outright, Lockheed proposed a heavily modified design, one that had more powerful engines, redesigned wings that allowed for safer stability during slow-flight carrier landings, and, most importantly, the ability to carry a wider variety of munitions, including air to air missiles—turning the practical stealth bomber into an actual fighter aircraft.

As it stands, the current figures are so:
-(Optional) Four external pylons for munitions
-Two extended internal bays, capable of storing two air-to-air IRST or radar-guided missiles such as the AIM-120D per bay for a total of four missiles along with various AGM weapons depending on the chosen loadout.
-A duel purpose air-to-air and air-to-ground radar
-Radar-absorbing paint
-Radar deflecting airframe
-Two more powerful F114 engines (the same ones found in the Super Hornet) allow for higher top speeds and acceleration capabilities over its USAF sibling.

Aircraft modifications:
-A center-mounted pylon capable of carrying a 20mm rotary cannon gun pod or ECM pod for radar jamming/SAM hunting
-A slightly expanded crew compartment for personal storage
-A gaudy shark-face design on the nose and a stingray painted on the tail

Anything Else:
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Hidden 1 day ago 18 hrs ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Anything Else:
- Collective Consciousness, Oh Shit I'm Feeling It, Schostakovich Quartet No. 8
- The couple wears open Aloha shirts between their flight suits and gear

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Hidden 22 hrs ago Post by Srpv
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Srpv Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Name: Sebastian Dabrowski.

Callsign/Nickname: Venom.

Age: 32.

Gender: M
Nationality: Poland.
Personality: Sharp, immaculate, mellow, and merry.
History: Dad was a Polish Air Force Kapral. Sebastian didnt intend to be a Pilot but before the leveling of the planet, when he was a Hunting Guard Sebastian had a helicopter gambit with another Huntsman. Just enough pressure kept them afloat from the disaster, so he joined the UN to avenge missing patriotism; helicopter for jet. At first it was courier duty saving cropdusters then having found a jet Sebastian enlisted for higher demand, which was accepted. Some shadow ops later he was transfered to the Cobalt Shadows.
Personal Gear: white Helmet with sliding shades, green flightsuit, gloves and boots. Flashlight, compass, atlas map, Dagger, Incindiary Grenade Belt.
Personal Aircraft: PZL-230 Skorpion. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PZL-230_Skorpion
Aircraft modifications: It’s brown camo, Polarized Pitshield, and the Wings can segment inwise and extend parallel.
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Hidden 19 hrs ago 5 hrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

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Some recurring friendly NPCs that you'll be dealing with on a regular basis.

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Hidden 8 hrs ago 8 hrs ago Post by Smike


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