This lovely map was provided by @Dragonydas Please give them all the love and hugs.
7 8 9 5 1 6 2 3 4
1 The Nameless Village
2. Tanglesteppe Hills
3. Sandshore Cove
4. Bubblebog Swamp
5. Scorchrise Dunes
6. Springwood Forest
7. Cragstone Valley
8. Snowsleet Highlands
9. Sunnybreeze Plains
1. The Nameless Village: The Village is located in a small, grassy vale, with thin trees and sparse bushes around it. The climate is temperate and the area doesn't seem to have any monsters, apart from the rare slime. The buildings are, at this point, mostly falling apart, except for two structures near the center of the hamlet. There's also a well and a weird star-shaped statue at the heart of the town too. The roads are simple dirt patsh that've mostly begun to become overgrown by invading grass once more. The settlement is located about a 30 minute walk from all of the surrounding areas, give or take.
Village NPCs
Daryl Brax: Daryl is a fairly tall and well-built human male, with brown hair and eyes. He dresses simply, and is most often seen wearing a dark apron. He's a friendly and jovial man, and loves his wife very dearly. He's a carpenter of several years worth experience.
Daryl's speech is Beige.
Sherly Brax: Sheryl is the wife of Daryl. She's got vivid red hair and equally red eyes, but like her husband dresses fairly simply. She can be a bit tough on her husband and often scold him for his impulsive or not-very-well-thought-through plans, but she does love him a great deal. She's a seamstress by trade and is quite handy with needle and thread.
Sheryl's speech is Light Pink.
Milni's a fairly young dwarf. She makes a living as a hunter and trapper, along with doing some skinning and leatherworking. She's usually quiet and often seems lost in thought, but a nice enough girl otherwise. She's very skilled with her crossbow and a good tracker, of both beast and man. The horns she wears on her head are from some critter shee hunted - don't worry, they're not attached to her head.
Milni's speech is Gold.
victor Sayber: Victor is an elderly human, with light grey hair and dull blue eyes. Despite his age he still has a seemingly strong and fit physique. He also seems to come from money, as he dresses in fairly fine garments. He used to run a successful business as a merchant back in the day, but has since retired. He's a sharp old coot with a quick wit, not one to let his age get the better of him. While he tries to be a good guardian for his granchild, he can't help but dote and spoil her sometimes. He's an honest and good-natured man otherwise.
Victor's speech is Silver.
Wilma Sayber: Wilma is the grandchild of Victor. She's got brown hair tied into a pair of braids and brown, almond-shaped eyes. She's very short and very young. As a young child, she can loud, selfish and a general nuisance at times - especially since she eems to come from a well-off family. But on the other hand, she gets easily attached to people who're kind to her and isn't shy about showing her affection and fondness for them. She gets very concerned when people she likes get sick or injured. She has absolutely no worthwhile skills what so ever.
Wilma's speech is Aqua.
Other NPCs
Nobody here yet. :(
Note; The monsters listed in the zones below are not the full, complete roster of creatures you can encounter in each area. Rather, these are just the most common things you're likely to run into - in that region - without specifically searching for a certain creature.
Forest Slimes - They're the same as blue and green plain slimes, but a darker, more leafy green. They're also faster, and they're aggressive, leaping at anyone or any living thing that gets too close. Their bodies burn like nettles or mild acid, and they're sticky like sap.
Goblin - A small, ugly, gnarled green or yellow-skinned creature with long, droopy pointed ears and a lanky frame. They're weak and cowardly and only attack if there's more than one of them. They use extremely primitive tools like sticks, bones or rocks as weapons. They don't speak the commmon tongue and cannot be communicated with.
Kobold - A small, humanoid dog or lizard-like monster. Roughly the size of a goblin, which is roughly the size of an average human child around 10 years old. They're likewise cowardly and primitive like goblins, but a bit better organized and pose a slightly greater threat.
Dire Wolf - A really big wolf, so big it can't be considered a regular animal anymore. They're also solitary, unlike regular wolves who live and work as packs. They're very ferocious, strong and have sharp fangs and claws - but luckily they're an uncommon creature.
Myconid - A humanod mushroom being. They look like a giant mushroom with a pair of small, spindly legs and spindly arms. They mostly show up during the night. While they themselves aren't particularly dangerous, the spores they can spray from their cap-like head can cause a number of unpleasant effects, including blindness, poison, temporary paralysis, sleep and confsuion (though only one effect at a time). Myconids vary in size, and can be as small as a newborn human baby or as big as a fully grown adult dwarf.
Horned Rabbit - A large breed of rabbit that has a unicorn-like horn growing from its forehead. Unlike regular rabbits, they're predatory omnivores and quite territorial - and they don't fear humanoids, often charging them either to impale with their horn, or bite with their sharp teeth. Their meat is tasty and their fur is pretty though, so they're sometimes hunted as wild game. Their horns may have some use too.
Forest Spider - A spider that's the size of a fully grown bulldog. Well, their body is, though they look even bigger on account of their legs. They're predatory giant insects who live in the trees and caves. They can spin webs to catch prey in, have tow sharp front legs that end in dagger-like appendages that they use to cut enemies and food apart with, and have nasty mandibles with a lesser venom in them. They usually hang out in dark places.
Armored Boar - A large boar that doesn't look too different from a regular boar, except both the males and females have tusks. They're also covered in a thick layer of segmented skin-plates, sort of like an armadillo, which acts as 'armor', hence their name. They're usually shy, but will get angry if cornered, surprised or if they have young with them. In terms of size, they're slightly larger than a regular boar, but not by much.
Thunderhawk - A blue-colored bird the size of a regular hawk. What makes them special is that they can generate electricity around themselves via magic, and use it to shoot either a single bolt of lightning in a chosen direction, or discharge a static field around them, to zap enemies and prey. They usually stay away from humanoids, but can sometimes attack if they feel threatened or want to steal food from others.
Height: 5' 8" / 173 cm Eye Color: Light brown/amber Hair Color: Red
Description: Akitsugu has wide shoulders, but still has that youthful litheness of a man who hasn't quite grown into his bulk yet. His hair seems naturally unkept, though he keeps it quite clean, and likewise he maintains a neat and clean-shaven countenance. Most of the clothes he currently owns don't look like they're suited for outdoor labor, but he doesn't seem to have a problem tying up his sleeves and girding his robes. He bears all the signs of athletic training, but from how little he moves one wonders how he could've ever built that muscle. He often appears deep in thought, looking down at the ground or up at the ceilings, and has a habit of turning away from people to do other tasks even if he's genuinely interested in what they're saying, or speaking directly to them.
Personality: Akitsugu is the type that gets an idea and can't stop working on it until they've figured out all the nitty gritty details. However, anyone else who looked at his workspace would see "orderly chaos," and God help you if you move something out of place.
When complimented, he becomes flustered and nervous; but no matter how biting the criticism he always seems to let it roll off his back. He clearly hates asking anyone for help, but will give his own freely whenever it's requested. However, one should beware being too specific, or not specific enough. If you ask him to dig a hole but don't tell him how deep, you'll soon need a ladder to get him out.
He's quite morally upright in terms of his values, but also very respectful of privacy and doesn't abide gossip. He doesn't have any inkling of desire to "police" others' behavior, save in instances where they're clearly overstepping their bounds or committing some direct offense towards another. He's quick to jump to the defense of children.
He likes savory foods over sweets, meat over bread, and bitter tea rather than coffee or milk. His tastes in music are soft and melodious, favoring wind instruments over drums or strings. He dislikes people that interrupt others, but also people who talk to much.
If confronted or questioned, he gives away any insecurity by over-explaining.
He will mutter, scribble on a napkin, or leave himself various "clues" to organize his thoughts.
Sometimes he writes secret poetry.
Brief History: Akitsugu hasn't been the most forthcoming about his past. His family, the Yasunami Clan, live in a nation far from The Hamlet, and seem to be some form of nobility or knighthood. However, they were apparently not happy with Akitsugu's desire to become a blacksmith for some reason. It's not clear whether he was forced out or left on his own, but before he departed he stole a rare and valuable heirloom from the family vault: a blade named Miyusahime.
He traveled for some time, rarely stopping until after his supplies ran out. He began to do hard labor for coin, but many villages were rightly suspicious about a lone, foreign wanderer with a sword. Sometimes, they thought it even more suspicious that Akitsugu asked for work that didn't involve using said sword. Whether because he couldn't find enough friendly faces, or wanted to get further from his family's reach, or for some other purpose, he just kept walking...until he heard a new voice Calling him. It rang in his ears, like a hammer on hot steel.
He had been walking a long disused, rocky trail, said to lead to a mine now abandoned, when he came across the hamlet. Again, he heard the ringing, but now it was different. Direct. Perhaps...perhaps this was to be the place, then. A place where he could finally settle down, and get to some real work.
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Social Status:Foreigner
Swordsmanship (Expert): Can wield swords for a variety of techniques up to Expert level.
Jujutsu (Adept): Unarmed combat suited to throwing, disarming, and grappling up to the Adept level.
Blacksmithing (Apprentice): Knows how to smelt and process basic metals, and make simple tools/objects such as hammer and axe heads, ploughshares, nails, etc. The quality is only up to Apprentice level.
In Akitsugu's homeland, there is a belief that the most skilled craftsmen imbue spiritual power into their creations, and also that as objects age they accumulate spiritual power of their own. The Yasunami Clan is an old bloodline, and Miyusahime is an old sword. Yet the blade's "power" has nothing to do with how well the edge cuts, nor how it channels any kind of supernatural spell or ability.
"Eugh! Your hands are cold! Hey, are you sure that choji oil is fresh?!"
Basically, she talks. More specifically, Miyusahime can somehow speak, hear, and--within only a short distance of herself--perceive her surroundings as a human would. And unfortunately, she has an attitude to go with it.
Otherwise, she is a "normal," albeit absolutely beautiful sword. Her hamon pattern appears like dappled sand dunes, uneven in height yet smoothly flowing down the blade. Her sheen is such that, if tilted just right in the light, she scatters rainbows against the walls. The silvery, mirror-like surface of her steel is unblemished, and her tsuba is of finely wrought and embossed gold depicting a dragon curling over itself. Ivory white rayskin wraps her hilt first, then a criss-crossing black cord, which threads into the gold, rounded pommel at its end. Her scabbard is lacquered in a glossy, midnight blue with more vibrant slashes of white-froth-tipped, watery waves--like the ocean's surface on a dark night.
Tarnished Copper Hatchet
Iron Smith's Hammer
Simple Hunting Bow
Simple Backpack
Spells: None known yet
--- My House ---
Until the RP actually starts and you guys get a feel for what the village looks and feels like, please leave this section alone.
Location:Where in, or outsde, the village is your home located. Type:Is it just a residence? SOme kind of shop? A facility of some kind? Floors:Is it a single or multi-storey building?
Description: Here you can describe the out and inside of yoour building, along with any special or notewrothy aspects of it. If you're feeling articularly creative, you could even include a floor-plan for others to look at, if you're into the artsy drawing biz.
Personality: Quick-witted, sarcastic, and light-hearted, Rinn makes it easy for others to form strong opinions of him during any interaction. He never shies from confrontation and is always ready with a jab or compliment depending on the situation at hand. On the outside he is the life of the party, the unwavering optimist, and the first to call out perceived injustice (though maybe only if an escape route is close at hand). He will defend his friends or loved ones with surprising ferocity, be it in social or physical context. Though skittish in the face of overwhelming odds, Rinn does possess a modicum of skill that lets him defend his boasts or challenges but will quickly spin any loss into a victory, if only in words.
Quirks: -Always has a tale or anecdote to inspire (or discourage) a course of action. These are most often made up on the spot, though Rinn would never admit it. -Claims to never-ever be wrong and if he is it’s just because he WANTED you to notice he was wrong so… you’re welcome! -Will hit on just about anything with two legs (but he can take “no” for an answer).
Brief History: Rinn Arniman was born the third son of a minor noble family of good standing. His parents were stern and distant and quick to show favor to their first born heir and as he grew, Rinn surrendered his attempts at gaining their approval and spent most of his time galavanting in the local bars or taverns. Handsome and confident, his rousing tenor voice quickly drew the attention of a local bard named Dorn D’Arto who took the boisterous young lad on as an unofficial apprentice. Skipping out on his private tutelage, much to his parent’s chagrin, Rinn quickly picked up the harp and lute and vielle and soon became a favorite request by the local drunks and merrymakers. Just after his 18th birthday the eldest Arniman, Rhohin, was struck down by a fever and the mother and father who never once wasted their affections on Rinn or their second son, Rellin, suddenly realized their continued legacy wasn’t as stable as they believed. They cracked down on Rinn’s ‘frivolous behavior’ and sought to yoke both boys with speedy arranged marriages to other noble houses. Rinn protested his restriction of freedom and when the ultimatum of 'obey or be disowned' was given he chose the latter. Ever vengeful, his parents ensured he would not be welcomed in his local haunts and so the young bard was forced out of the city and into the greater countryside. He made coin where he could but destitution was ever at his heels until that night he sat within the stable of a roadside inn and had a very peculiar sensation. The following morning he started walking east.
Skills: You may start with up to 3 skills of your choice. Any more skills will need to be learned. Also include a description of your skill and what it does, like in the example below. You're free to set the skill-level to whatever you want, except for Master. - Rapier and Dagger (Apprentice): learned from some very talented and well-paid tutors. - Performance (Adept): Can play a variety of instruments as well as sing before a crowd of any size. - Inspiration (Apprentice): Is able to pull out the best in others when the situation is most challenging. - Fire Magic (Novice): Learned the very basics of reading simple tomes.
Equipment: - Steel Rapier - Iron Dagger - Vielle (Fiddle) - Wide-brimmed Velvet Hat - Simple Backpack
Spells: Sparks, Fire (Novice): Allows the caster to create a burst of colorful, though harmless, sparks. Can be used to ignite a prepared fire. Warmth, Fire (Novice): Allows the caster to generate gentle heat from their hands. Is enough to ward off a night’s chill or to keep a cup of tea hot.
Name: MacKinnon Age: 17 y/o Gender: Female Race: Human
Height: 5'1 | 155 cm Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Grayish Brown
Greedy and jovial, MacKinnon lives to dig for the riches within the earth. She has a sharp wit and loves to chat with others, a sociable miner who always has an ear out for rumors and stories of hidden treasure. Perhaps the girl is bewitched still, by that rush of euphoria when she had uncovered the treasure that changed her life and bought her freedom. But perhaps she was always like this. For one born into poverty, enough is never enough, after all.
Yet even street urchins had their principles. Her pickaxe isn't used to mug travelers on the road, nor is she about to dig graves to wrest family heirlooms off the necks and fingers of the recently-deceased. Skeletal remains adorned with jewels? Fair game! The great-grandmother of a noble family? Naw, she'll let 'em go, no matter her personal thoughts on the generationally-wealthy. And while she can be stingy when her purse is empty, she is paradoxically as generous as she is greedy when she strikes a mother lode. After all, MacKinnon isn't stupid! Only idiots expected to grow their money by letting it rot in some dusty old metal box. If you wanted to have good fortune, you had to spread a fortune.
And what was a treasure hunter without Lady Luck on their shoulders?
A compulsive gambler, MacKinnon can't resist taking anyone up on a game of chance, and the worst the odds, the happier she is.
MacKinnon has a surprisingly good memory for music, and lives her life with a melody (or even just a few bars) on her lips.
She spends money like water, but hoards food as if it were gold. Nothing gives her more security than a cellar full of preserves.
Brief History:
The children yearn for the mines.
Not because they liked the persistent risk of getting crushed by falling rocks, breathing in toxic gases, or crawling into holes that they couldn't crawl out of, but because at least there, urchins and orphans could work for some coin, have a straw mat out away from the elements, and be guaranteed at least one meal a day. If they got older and their bodies were still intact, they could become a proper miner, making more money just by pushing carts in and out of the caves, or hammering away with pickaxes in nice, roomy tunnels. And the boss always told them too: he used to be one of them, so if they all worked hard, they could afford a house of their own, three meals with meat a day, a pet dog, and a loving family!
MacKinnon might have been one of them. MacKinnon was one of them. Her earliest memories were that of the mine and the pickaxe, of digging away in search of ore veins for the adults to blast open. Her hopes were pinned to the mine, to honest work, to gradual growth and pay raises while keeping her body as uninjured as possible.
That changed though. At eleven years old, in a tunnel that she had to slither into the depths of, her lamplight reflected off a gleaming emerald. The green flame blinded her eyes, and from that day on, nothing was the same again.
It was a process, of course. Breaking off chunks of the gemstone, swallowing it, then vomiting it back up. Collecting the pieces until she had a small fistful. Hiding it desperately from the overseers, the anxiety crossing over into excitement at night. It was a gleeful, taboo thing, doing something only for her own sake. It was exhilarating, even, a liveliness in her steps as she got to work every day to chip away at her little project!
And when emeralds were traded for coin?
Well, even though she knew she was getting ripped off, MacKinnon still ended up with more money than she could have ever imagined! Thus, the miner was gone! Thus, Treasure Hunter MacKinnon was born! She brought new clothes, new equipment, and a whole night at a proper inn. She threw a whole feast at a restaurant for her miner-buddies, giving them a taste of 'luxury' that they would never forget. And then, before her sins could catch up with her and the overseers could drag her back to cut off her hands or something like that, MacKinnon skipped off out of town, with a pack full of food, her trusty pickaxe, and a broken compass.
Six years later, that compass lead her to an empty village and the promise of new findings!
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Occupation:Miner Treasure Hunter
Social Status: Urchin
Treasure Hunting (Expert): Either incredibly capable or incredibly lucky when it comes to searching for buried 'treasure'. Increased chance of coming upon rare materials or artifacts when digging through caves.
Gambling (Adept): Either fairly good at calculating odds and counting cards or simply lucky when it comes to games of chance. The more dicey the situation, the more excited one gets.
Appraising (Apprentice): Either intelligent and analytical or just plain lucky when it comes to ascertaining the value of something. For MacKinnon, appraisals become more accurate with higher-value items than with lower-value items.
Until the RP actually starts and you guys get a feel for what the village looks and feels like, please leave this section alone.
Location:Where in, or outsde, the village is your home located. Type:Is it just a residence? SOme kind of shop? A facility of some kind? Floors:Is it a single or multi-storey building?
Description: Here you can describe the out and inside of yoour building, along with any special or notewrothy aspects of it. If you're feeling articularly creative, you could even include a floor-plan for others to look at, if you're into the artsy drawing biz.
Height: 5 feet 2 inches, ~157.5 cm Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Blonde
Personality: Myrr has an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She’s always fascinated by the mysteries of alchemy, whether it’s unraveling the properties of rare plants or experimenting with daring combinations, sometimes to a slightly explosive result. Despite her occasional mishaps however, Myrr is fiercely dedicated to her craft. She’s inventive when solving problems and views every failure as an opportunity to learn. She’s light-hearted and enjoys the little joys in life, but Myrr also knows when to buckle down and give her work the attention it demands.
Easily Distracted by Research: Myrr can become so engrossed in her notes or on a new fascinating idea that she forgets she’s already brewing something, often resulting in amusingly chaotic moments.
Fascinated by Plants and Flowers: Myrr cannot resist the allure of a new plant. If she spots a rare flower or herb, she’ll drop everything to sketch and study it, no matter where she is.
Gives Her Ingredients Names: Myrr names her ingredients, giving them personalities like "Leafy the Lavender" and "Bert the Beetroot." She often chats with them during the brewing process.
Brief History: Myrravel's journey began not from necessity, but from an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She grew up in a quiet village, surrounded by a family and a community that valued tradition. While most people were content with their simple lives, Myrravel was always different. She found herself captivated by the mysteries of the world, especially the art of alchemy and the subtle magic of nature. Her love for plants, potions, and research grew, and she spent countless hours poring over ancient tomes and experimenting in her little lab with the help of her grandmother and teacher of herbology..
But as the years went on, she realized that the world beyond her village held far more to discover than she could ever learn in the confines of her small home. The hunger for knowledge called on her and she needed to explore, to push beyond the borders of what she already knew, and to uncover the secrets hidden in the far-off lands. One day, after many quiet hours spent contemplating, Myrravel made the decision to leave. Her family and friends understood, though they were sad to see her go. Her grandmother especially pushed her on to new paths.
So she set off, traveling from town to town, village to village, seeking the answers she craved. Along the way, she collected rare herbs, studied unfamiliar plants, and honed her skills in both alchemy, herbology and water magic. Every step was an adventure, and every new discovery was a small piece of the grand puzzle of the world.
But over time, something else began to stir inside her. It started subtly at first—a faint whisper of intuition, a sense that something was guiding her, pushing her toward a new destination. It was like a voice in the wind or a small ripple in the water. Something was calling her forward. At first, she dismissed it as simply the excitement of exploration, but soon, the call became undeniable. It was as though the world itself was beckoning her to a specific place, a place she had not yet discovered.
And today, after following this strange pull, she has arrived at the place she was meant to find.
Standing before a crumbling, yet oddly charming building, Myrravel feels a deep sense of connection. This is the place. The one that, despite its state of disrepair, feels like the home she never knew she needed. There’s a warmth in her chest as she takes in the sight of it. This is where she belongs.
--- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Occupation: Alchemist
Social Status: Commoner
Water Magic (Adept): Can wield staves/wands and learn tomes of Adept-level water magic. Can also cast Water spells up to Adept-level.
Alchemy (Apprentice): Can create a small variety of potions and mixtures with more consistent results. Kows how to work with different ingredients, combine compounds safely, and recognize basic chemical reactions. Can experiment with new formulas, though may still encounter occasional failures or unexpected side effects.
Herbology (Adept): Can quickly identify most plants and knows the subtle ways herbs affect health and well-being. Has a solid grasp of herb gathering and preparation techniques.
Simple Backpack.
Small portable alchemical set.
“99 Strange Plants and where to find them” Book.
Research diary and writing material.
Component pouch.
Water Pull, Water (Apprentice): Control and move small amounts of water over short distances with focused concentration. Can't create water from nothing. Can only manipulate nearby sources to pull or direct water in specific patterns.
Frost Touch, Ice (Apprentice): Channel cold magic through the hands to freeze small objects or liquids upon contact. The ice is light and temporary.
--- My House ---
Location: Where in, or outsde, the village is your home located. Type: Is it just a residence? SOme kind of shop? A facility of some kind? Floors: Is it a single or multi-storey building?
Description: Here you can describe the out and inside of yoour building, along with any special or notewrothy aspects of it. If you're feeling articularly creative, you could even include a floor-plan for others to look at, if you're into the artsy drawing biz.
Height: 5’0”,153 cm Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Lavender
Description: Root elves from the floating islands tend to be shorter, and Niara is no exception. Pale hair and violet eyes give her a distinct visage of her burrowing kind.
Personality: Niara is the inquisitive sort, stubbornly curious and inventive. Though she can be a bit anxious, she loves nothing more than to solve a problem with a bespoke invention, though she can be rather bullheaded, as well.
Quirks: - Curious - Old-Fashioned - Persistent
Brief History: Niara was once part of a maintenance crew, up in the floating islands. They’d regularly check the flow of mana throughout the root systems and crystal growths of the islands, diligently assuring that nothing would conspire to damage the system by which the islands float through the sky.
As she performed her routine checks one day, she heard something from the mana. Had it been the mana? Or had she heard something else? She was never very certain, but after a while, she knew it led away from the island. It took her a little bit to work up the courage to leave, but airships were not hard for her to get passage on. She could care for the engine, maybe even make overdue repairs, in exchange for passage. It was only a matter of committing.
She could hear it, the mana in the wind, singing to her.
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Occupation: Root Maintenance Tech Social Status: Skilled Commoner
Skills: - Earth Magic (Expert): Can wield staves/wands and learn tomes of Expert-level fire magic. Can also cast Fire spells up to Adept-level. - Repair (Adept): As a root maintenance technician, Niara has had a lot of experience with things like appliances and stoves that tap into the mana of the islands. She’s never built such a thing from scratch, but she’s maintained them. - Gardening (Apprentice): In her gardening, Niara is a little reliant on her Chlorokinesis to ensure her plants grow. Her garden tends to be more of a laboratory than a traditional garden, as well.
Equipment: - Simple Tool Kit - Sturdy Trowel & Pick - Long Iron Dagger - Copper Buckler - Simple Backpack
Spells: - Chlorokinesis, Earth (Apprentice): A bit of an odd spell, it is a necessity for those tending the root systems of the floating islands. She can manipulate and spur the growth of plants. To utilize its fullest potential, she must be deeply familiar with the plants she is working with. She cannot create a property in a plant from nothing, but she can accentuate it, promote it, spur it to prominence. An aloe plant could be grown to be particularly rich in aloe. She can only manipulate living plants in this way, or something with potential to live, like a seed. - Chloromutation, Earth (Expert): This magic allows plants to be changed or altered beyond promoting an existing feature. This magic can be used to awaken dormant features or, with more expert use, add new ones. An aloe plant could be made a dispenser. Changes are not without drawbacks; an aloe plant changed to dispense aloe so would undoubtedly be a very hungry plant. - Mineral Touch, Earth (Adept): Used mostly for feeling, this spell allows the user to sense mineral deposits and, also, grasp and throw them, as though with telekinesis. This can be used to find anything from precious gems to ore deposits, though she can only tell you what something is if she, well, knows what it is. She can sense further by “reaching” through the ground, so things like bodies of water or cliffs can get in the way of her sensing things at a distance. - Rock Shock, Earth (Apprentice): Sends a shockwave through dirt and rock. This can be used to loosen the way ahead or send earth flying. - Earth Sense, Earth (Novice): Less specific and more passive than Mineral Touch, this spell allows the user to sense the earth. In a wide sweep, things like caverns and bedrock can be felt, but at a closer range, it can be discerned where digging would be best. Where the earth is compacted or loose, where there are roots or wet soil.
Height: 4'10 or 147.32 cm Eye Color: Brown. Hair Color: Brown
Personality: A jovial man with a thirst for life and an insatiable hunger for food, Brom comes across as a warm and friendly person ready to offer a hand if needed. Sharp of wit and perceptive, he is sociable and attentive to the needs of others. He is always on the lookout for the freshest ingredients and even try things that maybe most people wouldn't dare out of typical convention just to see if it tastes good, or at least to see if it's lethal or not. Hell, he'll go out himself to find these ingredients happily.
He is a creative soul, constantly experimenting with his cooking to find the best possible flavors even if there are some less than tasty results in the mix at times. Each failure is a lesson to learn, and he never makes the same mistake twice, at least when it comes to cooking. His mind tends to wander from time to time, but when the time comes, he knows the value of hard work.
- Nicknames his kitchen equipment: Pretty self-explanatory. He nicknames his tools and fondly takes extra care of them, liking them as extensions of himself. - Flavor seeking freak: In the pursuit of flavor, there is no depths he won't go to find it even if it's absolutely a terrible idea. He has tasted and cooked some terrible food from things that could only be described as edible as a technicality. - Shaves everyday: As a chef having a big, luscious beard that dwarves are known for is considered unsanitary in the kitchen, so Brok shaves once a day. Still doesn't prevent him from having a small beard though.
Brief History: When Brom was born there was a single driving desire the fueled him: food. There was nothing he wanted more than food under the mountain, but he was not satisfied with dwarven cuisine. He wanted to experience more, to taste more, to understand what made things taste the way they do. It was quite a conundrum for a family of blacksmiths to have a child more interested in eating and cooking than continuing the family tradition.
At the ripe age of thirteen with a half a foot long beard and some savings from his parents, Brom went off to live with his uncle in much more populated city with hopes to get an apprenticeship in a restaurant, maybe something even upscale. Instead, he got his start working in a tavern washing dishes though over time they taught him cooking techniques and even let him cook. Once he got older, he would then go to one job to the next, each one a higher establishment until he was working in a nobleman's house as one of his personal chefs.
One would think that Brom would've been happy with his predicament; he got to cook delicious food every day and at first, he was. However, it was the same food, seasoned the same way, plated the same way, every single time. This was not why he left home and certainly not why he became a chef. At twenty years old, he just left with a new goal in mind; to adventure the world and find all the unique, delicious things. So, he became an adventurer. Not a very good one, at least at first, but an adventurer, nonetheless.
Brom joined various different groups though he never really stayed for long. He was always hopping to the next thing, the next village cuisine, or the next beast or herb to cook. There was something else though. Something that was drawing him in, a desire, but he was not sure what for. The only way he would ever figure it out was if he went out to seek it, so that's what he did.
After months of traveling, he ended up in run down village and there he stood before a less than stellar building, but something screamed out at him that this was what he was looking for. It was then he understood why he sought this place out. It was the perfect place to start a tavern.
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Social Status:Commoner
- Cooking (Expert): Has advanced cooking knowledge and techniques from his time working in restaurants and his own experimentation. Just ignore the failures. - Foraging (Adept): Can identify most documented wild fungi, herbs, and produce. Has enough knowledge and common sense to tell when something is dangerous to eat. - Swordsmanship (Adept): A sword is just an oversized knife when you think about it, so one would think that knowledge would transfer over. It really doesn't. Over his adventures, he cooked meals for swordsman in exchange for lessons. His swordsmanship is just a hodgepodge of different styles, but he can at least fend for himself.
- Kitchen knives set - Cast iron skillet - A cast iron pot - Copper great sword - Spatula - Wooden ladle - Simple Backpack - Flint - Wooden utensils - A collection of herbs, spices, and salt - Olive oil - Cutting board
--- My House ---
Until the RP actually starts and you guys get a feel for what the village looks and feels like, please leave this section alone.
Location:Where in, or outsde, the village is your home located. Type:Is it just a residence? SOme kind of shop? A facility of some kind? Floors:Is it a single or multi-storey building?
Description: Here you can describe the out and inside of yoour building, along with any special or notewrothy aspects of it. If you're feeling articularly creative, you could even include a floor-plan for others to look at, if you're into the artsy drawing biz.
Height: 5'3 Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Pale Blonde
Description: Adrila is your average elf height, not standing very tall or very short. She has a soft, gentle face with laugh lines ingrained in it. She has straight, white hair that she keeps exceptionally long even though having such long hair can be such a pain at times. She can be seen wearing form fitting tunics of a deep forest green color with multiple layers of clothing underneath. She wears thin bracers along her wrists to keep her sleeves down and a thick belt around her waist with a long cloak, woven into her tunic.
Personality: If there is anyone who is a stickler for the rules, Adrila would be it. She likes order, and plans, and when things follow those orders and plans. After being alive for more than a century, she has learned a thing on two on how to deal with people and to get them to do what needs to be done, nicely. She has too kind of a heart to really push people more than they need to be and really hates when she has to be rude to someone to get something done, but she will do it if she has to. She does have her moments, however, where her youthful emotions get the better of her and she has a bit of an outburst if things seem to be spiraling out of control but usually, she's very calm headed and in control.
Quirks: - When deep in thought, she'll twirl her hands and when absolutely consumed by an idea, she might snap by her ear as she thinks. She isn't sure where she got it or why she developed it but it helps her stay focused on the task at hand, the snapping especially since it gives her a rhythm she can focus onto. - Adrila tends to have high anxiety and combats that by covering every little detail of her work. It's not bad enough to be considered OCD with rituals, but she likes to have every step covered and if things tend to sway off the path, she'll have a backup plan for her backup plan. - If her backup plan for her backup plan starts to fall through, Adrila's anxiety can cause her to malfunction at time. She might try to figure out where her plans went wrong instead of focus on the problem at hand. She can get stuck in this rut for quite a while without someone helping pull her out of it.
Brief History: Adrila was born to a mid class family who had connections with nobility so she grew up going to balls and parties and learning in the same schools as the other children in higher economic classes than herself. During school, it because obvious very quickly that Adrila was a little- different from the other children. Where the other children spent more time with each other and focusing on non school matters, Adrila spent almost all her time with her nose in the books. She took extra classes, a healer's class being one of her favorite out of her electives and one she continued to progress with during her education at the school. She did, of course, have a few friends but most were bookworms like her. She graduated top of her class and was fought over by the nobles who all wanted her to be their advisor. Eventually, she settled into her new job and began getting things into running order. It didn't take long for everything to be to her liking, so she requested a small chance to go out in the world and explore. She advised the noble that her infrastructure would run by itself, almost perfectly, for a few weeks and she would come back in more than enough time to return to it. Of course, the noble agreed and off she went to see the world she never got to see. Till one day, she got lost and in a fit of anxiety and panic, came across the village.
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Occupation: Not the Village Chief, yet
Social Status: Noble Advisor
Skills: - Planning/Organization (Expert): She has backup plans for her backup plans - Air/Wind (Apprentice): Can use apprentice level Air/Wind spells and magical items, can read up to Adept level tomes - Light/Holy (Adept): Can use adept level Light/Holy spells and items, can read up to expert level tomes
Equipment: - Large Leather Satchel - Willow wood wand for casting spells - Small collection of books Books: The Complete Guide to Planning and Maintaining an Organized Lifestyle Healing, Expert Level A Kissin' Miss
Spells: - Cure Wound, Holy (Adept): Can cure small wounds easily. Can also cleanse meager illnesses or sickness. It would need to be cast more than once for more advanced wounds and requires complete focus while casting. Can only focus on one thing at a time. - Move Item, Wind (Apprentice): Can move one small item with the help of wind up to 30 feet, a medium item up to 10, and a large item up to 5. Cannot move an item that she could not physically lift.
Height: 5'4 (162.56cm) Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Green
Description: Yingmei is someone with somewhat shorter stature and of similar presence. So little, perhaps that she could be mistaken for a ghost despite being dressed in dark greens and clearly wearing garb of a foreign land. Typically she wears a fairly formal looking dress and comfortable looking shoes. She mostly is well kept and has a neat appearance, save for her somewhat constantly worried expression as though she's about to be jumped by something.
Personality: Mei, is an absolute mess. Her talents in agriculture and supposed spiritual matters aside, she is a complete scaredy cat that finds it difficult to speak up in situations. Still, she's extremely passionate about her craft and despite her timidness she displays a surprising amount of courage about most things and tries not to let her unreasonable amount of dread and believing the fact that she is indeed, cursed, stop her from trying to do good.
For the most part she's friendly, and tries to get along well with others.
Just don't harm a plant in her vicinity or you shall receive divine wrath from her watering can. She can be surprisingly spunky and confident when it comes to such things she cares about such as plants, agriculture, and the nature of the human soul and gods and spirits.
Quirks: List one or more peculiar traits or habits of your character. - Attributes bad things to being cursed and bad luck, or alternatively, the wrath of an angry god. - Has a habit of randomly handing out good luck charms to people to prevent them from befalling a terrible fate. - Collects bugs, because they're 'cute'. - Might go off on a philosophical tangent.
Brief History: Mei hails from a mountainous country far to the east of the hamlet. A place that is quite isolated from the rest of the world with deep valleys, mountains that would take days or weeks to traverse. Her town was a little place situated right at the base of a large mountain. One where supposedly the god that the people worshipped lived. A god of agriculture and rain. A god that blessed the village with purifying rain and an abundance of crops, so long as they performed festivals and rites in its name.
This, was once upon a time the life Mei was born into. The daughter of the previous priestess and a traveler who happened settle down there. She was expected to take over as the caretaker and duties of caring for the shrine, conducting rites and handling spiritual affairs to ensure the crops were abundant and the weather was pleasant. Unfortunately, a series of mishaps and generally things not going well such as a famine followed by a drought quickly soured peoples opinions towards her.
They began to speak as though she was 'cursed' or at least, unfit for the role. She too, began to believe this slightly when she began to feel as though she needed to leave, or at least she no longer belonged here. Perhaps it was her being a coward. Perhaps she truly did feel the writing was on the wall.
But she ran away, one night, taking only a handful of seeds and essentials with her.
She ran, and ran, and ran, across the continent for nearly a year and eventually, where she found a small, rundown Hamlet. For some reason, it made her feel safe.
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Social Status:Priestess
Skills: - Farming (Expert): A skilled farmer and understands many agricultural principles such as crop rotation, soil health, and most basic things and the tools of the trade.
- Botany (Adept): A good farmer needs to understand and be able to identify plants and crops that could be useful for growing or that may be edible or have other uses beyond consumption. She at least, has a fairly decent knowledge of plants.
- Athletics (Novice): A summation of skills relating to cardio and physical exertion. A good farmer, needs good stamina and physical ability. Mei, is a hundred percent lacking in that area. Yes, she is probably a bit better than most commoners that don't have such an ability but she definitely needs improvement to run a good farm.
Spells: Spells? She doesn't know any least, not ones of any respectable nature. - Purify (Novice): Creates a small area around herself that briefly banishes low level evil spirits or at least harms them in some way. She doesn't know if it actually works, but it makes her feel better whenever she uses it. It definitely isn't just an old spell her mom gave her to make her less afraid of spooky scary things.
--- My House ---
Until the RP actually starts and you guys get a feel for what the village looks and feels like, please leave this section alone.
Location:Where in, or outsde, the village is your home located. Type:Is it just a residence? SOme kind of shop? A facility of some kind? Floors:Is it a single or multi-storey building?
Description: Here you can describe the out and inside of yoour building, along with any special or notewrothy aspects of it. If you're feeling particularly creative, you could even include a floor-plan for others to look at, if you're into the artsy drawing biz.
Name: Prince Edmund Darrington - Defender of the Realms, Lord of the Wastes, Eminence of Skulls, the Exiled Prince of the Kingdom of Yavell (a.k.a. Bad Prince Ned) Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Human
Height: 5' 9" (1.7526 m) Eye Color: Steel blue Hair Color: Bone White
Description: This arrogant man has almond-shaped eyes the color of steel. His luxurious, wavy, white hair has been crudely cropped by a blade. He is tall and has a graceful build. His skin is pale. He has thin eyebrows and a large mouth. His wardrobe is practically non-existent.
When tossed out of the castle, the only thing he was wearing was an embroidered linen blouse (that he had slept in), black canvas pants, and simple leather slippers. From the college, he packed a silk blouse embroidered with the college crest, hose, several linen handkerchiefs. An olive green wool cloak with a bronze clasp that he keeps rolled up behind his saddle to keep him warm at night.
He also picked up his training gear - iron chainmail with an iron chest plate and helm, a simple linen gambeson (goes under the chainmail), simple leather gauntlets, and simple leather boots (with two gold groats tucked inside).
Personality: Some might call him aloof, but in truth, he's just grim and moody, suspicious of others following the betrayal of those who turned the entire kingdom of Yavell against him. Normally well-mannered, there is an anger burning inside him.
He does have an organized mind, with an ability to plan.
Quirks: - Lactose Intolerance - Hay fever - Studious - Suspicious of all the overpriced coffee shops suddenly popping up all over the kingdoms of Yavell and Geodel (If you're not careful, they'll try to put cream into your cup claiming it's a flavor...! And charge you an extra three-bit for it!) - Believes slice bread to be unhygienic. (Haven't they heard of germs?)
Brief History: There had always been misgivings. If custom hadn't demanded it, they would never had shown their son to the kingdom, his hair so pale as to appear white. Their hopes it would turn dark as he grew older fled when Ned turned twelve.
It didn't help that James, his younger brother with his dark locks, was constantly pranking him while they were growing up. Ned's long suspected that James was the one spreading falsehoods through town about him, with the people calling him
Then there was fair Abigail, grand-daughter of the former king and his promised bride. She stood by Ned's side when they were burying his mother. Ned was in love with her, but her desire was to reclaim the throne.
When his father died while he was away in college in the kingdom of Geodel, Ned returned just in time to rescue Abigail from the bandit Drasvask Vrimryarko the Bad (he was just really bad at being a bandit), but already her cunning plan was in place. Even James didn't see it coming. Abigail staged a number of public escapes, then made sure Ned stopped her. While this was going on, her maid made sure to spread rumors of Ned trying to force himself on Abigail.
And so the kingdom rebelled, making Abigail their queen - and for his "crimes", she exiled him from the kingdom with only the clothes he was wearing on his back. Fortunately for him, Ned had left some things back in college, including armor, a good stout pair of boots, his weapons and what was left of his tuition. Geodel, however, not wishing to cause an incident with the new queen of Yavell, exiled him as well - but not before he could visit the market to find some suitable supplies and a wagon to carry it all - along with a few handy book his friends slipped him. (During his freshmen year, he took Exile 101 as an elective.)
His destination, a small village past Geodel's border that he and his father had passed on one of their trips.
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Occupation: Prince
Social Status: Noble
Skills: - Swordsman (Adept) - well-trained to fight with sword and dagger. - Archer (Apprentice) - Trained in how to fight and hunt with bow and arrow, some success at striking the target. - Swimming (Apprentice) - able to keep himself afloat, swim the butterfly or breaststroke.
Equipment: - Meteoric iron sword with a simple leather sheath - Meteoric iron dagger in a simple leather sheath - Yew bow and two quivers of 30 plain arrows each - A horse and a simple leather saddle with a simple wool saddle blanket - A small used covered wagon in fair shape. - Simple leather saddlebags - A simple wooden student letterbox, with paper, vellum, ink (some bottles are half-empty), a pen knife, various quills, sealing wax, and blotting sand. - A simple wooden apothecary medicine chest containing vials of various powders and herbs, mortar and pestle, a slim book of recipes, and a pill roller. He's low on headache powders. - A carpenter's tool chest with simple iron tools (and a really good lock) - Simple iron and wood gardening tools (rake, shovel, hoe, reaping hook, etc.) - A keg of various seeds and bulbs - A keg of nails - A simple shard of flint on a simple leather thong he wears around his neck - A simple leather coin purse holding 23 Geodel gold groats, 15 Geodel silver Dol, and 19 copper bits of various nationalities - A simple hide waterskin - A silver flask of simple brandy, half-full - A sack of horse feed - A week's worth of dried rations - The Exile's Book of Plain Living, Volume 1. (Property of the College of Geodel) - The Exile's Book of Basic Carpentry and house building (Property of the College of Geodel) - The Innkeper's Guide to Spirits (Property of the College of Geodel)
Name: Chanticleer Malloy Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Half dwarf/Human
Height: 5'3 Eye Color: Hazel with flecks of gold Hair Color: Fiery red
Description: Chanticleer is a heavy-set individual who despite his pot belly has rather muscular arms and legs from his dwarf heritage. He is slightly taller than the average dwarf but not honestly by much. His hair is flaming red and goes past his shoulder blades. The strangest part though is amongst his red locks are equally red chicken feathers. He has a full unruly beard and mustache that matches his hair. His eyes are unique in that they are a mixture of hazel and gold in color, giving his gaze a rather striking look. He is most often seen traveling in a mud brown cloak that covers his clothing. On his left hip is a plain looking sword that has a red gem in its hilt.
Personality: Chanticleer could be considered fairly carefree most of the time. Some might even call him borderline dumb, but he is always worth a good laugh. As everything he does, he does for his own amusement sometimes to the chagrin of others. He is not a mean individual, and he tries to let these serve as teaching moments even if only to himself. His carefree nature makes him friendly and borderline lazy when he does not have a goal in mind.
Quirks: - Tends to rub his pot belly regardless of the situation - Keeps the hood of his cloak on to avoid questions - Despite being half dwarf, can not hold his alcohol
Brief History: Chanticleer's mother always said her son was dropped on his head as a child. While most would be in a rush to achieve great things, Chanticleer never seems to be stressed about things. One day out of the blue he just up and left home without a word and began to wander. Sometimes things would go swell and other times he would be a beggar on the street. During one of those low moments, he came across an eccentric man who had many wonderous items for sale. Each of them life shattering and capable of changing the world for better or worse.
The traveler would allow anyone who managed to see him one item and one item only. True to Chanticleer's brand he somehow managed to pick out the only item that the traveler had put in there as a joke. Instead of picking up an orb that contained wild lightening that could have made him an all-powerful lightening mage or picking up an enchanted heart that could have given him the strength of a dragon. Chanticleer picked up a small golden egg. When the Traveler tried to persuade him into picking something Chanticleer merely laughed and walked off.
He was hungry and the egg looked delicious. When he discovered he could not break the shell and being rather desperate in the moment. He Swallowed the egg, shell and all he was granted the unique powers of a Chickenmancer this gave him the ability to summon normal chickens and even battle roosters, though they are laughable in strength for now. In his random wanderings adventures he stumbled upon a strange blue portal that left him in in the Springwood Forest. He noticed upon entering this new world that the air smelled differently here. Less smog and more nature scented, so he is quite thrilled to be here. Wherever here might be.
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Occupation: Ye old Chicken Wizard
Social Status: Lost
Skills: - Swordsmanship (adept) He sure knows how to swing it. Not much skill involved though.
- Fishermen (Expert) His lazy approach to life means he's great at this hobby. Just sit and wait.
- Begging Silver tongue (Apprentice) Being homeless and constantly wandering. He has gotten good at mooching off of others and getting supplies.
Equipment: - Mud brown hooded traveling cloak - Steel short sword with a red gem in it's hilt - Small knapsack with a canteen of water and several pieces of hardtack.
Spells: - Summon chickens (Adept) This spell allows him to summon up to four normal chickens at a time that lay regular eggs. If any harm befalls them even death, they will vanish upon the spot. They are not for eating.
- Chickenmancer (Adept) This spell allows him to summon up two special battle roosters that are roughly the size of a medium sized dog that can battle for him.