@Crowvette Look in the Hints & Tips hider, muh friend. You can have as few, or as many, things in your "lists" (be it quiriks, equipment or spells) as you'd like. Well, okay, if you go over 10 items then I may have to ask you to dial it back. Bur, yes, you can have many novice-level spells if you want. Because they're low-level spells. It'd be a different story if you wanted to start with like, 5+ Expert Level spells, that might not be so okay - you're all supposed to be relatively young still, after all. And yes, the spells need to more "specifi" and less "versatile" in terms of what they do.
As for a carpenter. Don't worry, if nobody makes one, we can always get one of those stinky NPCs to fill that role. Or you guys could just manage by living in mud huts with straw roofs and no furniture. I don't judge.
If you haven't already, you probably should read all of the hiders in the first post. A lot of things from the interest check has been expanded upon or explained in more detail. It'd also be helpful if ya'll checked the Hints & Tips hider in preparation for the IC.
30 days ago
30 days ago
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Who says you need a wood house before a stone one anyway? We could just get stone from the mines and put up houses.
Well we need to start with sticks until we get enough xp to unlock wood walls then we need to farm slimes for a few dozen hours until we get a schematic drop for a stone cutter.
Or we can pay @xaltwind $30 a month for the premium battlepass and get it unlocked immediately.
On that note I think I will add a few worthless spells to the spoony bard sheet…
Nah, if nobody plays a carpenter or a mason, the Universe will provide and one will be MIRACULOUSLY present at/near the start of the RP. And no, silly lupine, slimes don't drop schematics for tools or workstations - humanoid monsters do. :)
... You really should buy the battle pass though... I mean, just look at it! It's got cool graphics and visual effects! Just try it. You won't regret it. I guarantee it! *pushes basket of battle passes at everyone, trying to get them to buy one*
... You really should buy the battle pass though... I mean, just look at it! It's got cool graphics and visual effects! Just try it. You won't regret it. I guarantee it! *pushes basket of battle passes at everyone, trying to get them to buy one*
*When you shove the basket at me, I hurriedly stand in front of my computer screen and take off the tricorn skull-and-crossbones hat*
Yarr, I already found the torr--I MEAN, I UH, PRE-ORDERED ONE!
Humanoid monsters, eh? I mean, I wouldn’t go so far as to call the neighbouring villagers that, but well…50 bucks and a lighter is 50 bucks and a lighter.
Nah, if nobody plays a carpenter or a mason, the Universe will provide and one will be MIRACULOUSLY present at/near the start of the RP. And no, silly lupine, slimes don't drop schematics for tools or workstations - humanoid monsters do. :)
... You really should buy the battle pass though... I mean, just look at it! It's got cool graphics and visual effects! Just try it. You won't regret it. I guarantee it! *pushes basket of battle passes at everyone, trying to get them to buy one*
"Father, I'm so hungry..." *Father drops the basket of battle passes on the table* "Dont worry son, I just spent all our savings on THESE!" "B-but... you cant eat a battle pass, father!" "Of course not, son! Not like that! You gotta boil it first..."
"Father, I'm so hungry..." *Father drops the basket of battle passes on the table* "Dont worry son, I just spent all our savings on THESE!" "B-but... you cant eat a battle pass, father!" "Of course not, son! Not like that! You gotta boil it first..."
What? No! You eat the hearts of your enemies to gain their courage! Their tasty, tasty courage...
29 days ago
29 days ago
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Probably best if I create a new character for this.
Name: Prince Edmund Darrington - Defender of the Realms, Lord of the Wastes, Eminence of Skulls, the Exiled Prince of the Kingdom of Yavell (a.k.a. Bad Prince Ned) Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Human
Height: 5' 9" (1.7526 m) Eye Color: Steel blue Hair Color: Bone White
Description: This arrogant man has almond-shaped eyes the color of steel. His luxurious, wavy, white hair has been crudely cropped by a blade. He is tall and has a graceful build. His skin is pale. He has thin eyebrows and a large mouth. His wardrobe is practically non-existent.
When tossed out of the castle, the only thing he was wearing was an embroidered linen blouse (that he had slept in), black canvas pants, and simple leather slippers. From the college, he packed a silk blouse embroidered with the college crest, hose, several linen handkerchiefs. An olive green wool cloak with a bronze clasp that he keeps rolled up behind his saddle to keep him warm at night.
Personality: Some might call him aloof, but in truth, he's just grim and moody, suspicious of others following the betrayal of those who turned the entire kingdom of Yavell against him. Normally well-mannered, there is an anger burning inside him.
He does have an organized mind, with an ability to plan.
Quirks: - Milk allergy - Hay fever - Studious - Suspicious of all the overpriced coffee shops suddenly popping up all over the kingdoms of Yavell and Geodel (If you're not careful, they'll try to put creamer into your cup claiming it's a flavor...! And charge you an extra three-bit for it!) - Believes slice bread to be unhygienic. (Haven't they heard of germs?)
Brief History: There had always been misgivings. If custom hadn't demanded it, they would never had shown their son to the kingdom, his hair so pale as to appear white. Their hopes it would turn dark as he grew older fled when Ned turned twelve.
It didn't help that James, his younger brother with his dark locks, was constantly pranking him - slipping butter into Ned's food, setting him up for fights, spreading falsehoods all around him. Before he knew it, the people of the kingdom was calling him "bad prince Ned".
Then there was fair Abigail, grand-daughter of the former king and his promised bride. She stood by Ned's side when they were burying his mother - despite James' cruel trick that made him void his bowels. Ned was in love with her, but really her desire was to reclaim the kingdom.
When his father died while he was away in college in the kingdom of Geodel, Ned returned just in time to rescue Abigail from the bandit Drasvask Vrimryarko the Bad (he was just really bad at being a bandit), but already her cunning plan was in place. Even James didn't see it coming. Abigail made it look like she was trying to escape from the palace while Ned was seen seemingly stopping it, while Abigail's maid spread false tales in town of how Ned was trying to force himself on her.
And so the kingdom rebelled, making Abigail their queen - and for his "crimes", she exiled him from the kingdom with only the clothes he was wearing on his back. Fortunately for him, Ned had left some things back in college, including armor, a good stout pair of boots, his weapons and what was left of his tuition. Geodel, however, not wishing to cause an incident with the new queen of Yavell, exiled him as well - but not before Ned's roommates could slip him a few things to make his new life easier.
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Occupation: Prince
Social Status: Noble
Skills: - Swordsman (Adept) - well-trained to fight with sword and dagger. - Archer (Apprentice) - Trained in how to fight and hunt with bow and arrow, some success at striking the target. - Swimming (Apprentice) - able to keep himself afloat, swim the butterfly or breaststroke.
Equipment: - Iron Chainmail with iron chest plate and helm - Simple Linen Gambeson (goes under the chainmail) - Simple Leather Gauntlets - Simple Leather Boots (with two gold groats tucked inside) - Meteoric iron sword with a simple leather sheath - Meteoric iron dagger in a simple leather sheath - Yew bow and two quivers of 30 plain arrows each - Iron hand-axe - A horse and a simple leather saddle with a simple wool saddle blanket - Simple leather saddlebags - A simple shard of flint on a simple leather thong he wears around his neck - A simple leather coin purse holding 23 Geodel gold groats, 15 Geodel silver Dol, and 19 copper bits of various nationalities - A simple hide Waterskin - A silver flask of simple brandy, half-full - The Exile's Book of Plain Living, Volume 1. (Property of the College of Geodel) - The Novice Tome of the Dark (Or an introduction on how to poison and curse your enemies - Property of the College of Geodel)
- None at present
--- My House ---
Location: Type:
In the clean CS, the My House Location is missing its ending [/b]
@Expendable Thanks for catching that. It's been fix'd. :) Also, armor is not considered clothes, so his chain mail things should also be listed in Equipment section. Same goes for leather boots, since they're technically a form of protection - at least more so than regular-ass shoes. No need to list the cape though, unless it's MAGIC.
Height: 5’0”,153 cm Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Lavender
Description: Root elves from the floating islands tend to be shorter, and Niara is no exception. Pale hair and violet eyes give her a distinct visage of her burrowing kind.
Personality: Niara is the inquisitive sort, stubbornly curious and inventive. Though she can be a bit anxious, she loves nothing more than to solve a problem with a bespoke invention, though she can be rather bullheaded, as well.
Quirks: - Curious - Old-Fashioned - Persistent
Brief History: Niara was once part of a maintenance crew, up in the floating islands. They’d regularly check the flow of mana throughout the root systems and crystal growths of the islands, diligently assuring that nothing would conspire to damage the system by which the islands float through the sky.
As she performed her routine checks one day, she heard something from the mana. Had it been the mana? Or had she heard something else? She was never very certain, but after a while, she knew it led away from the island. It took her a little bit to work up the courage to leave, but airships were not hard for her to get passage on. She could care for the engine, maybe even make overdue repairs, in exchange for passage. It was only a matter of committing.
She could hear it, the mana in the wind, singing to her.
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Occupation: Root Maintenance Tech Social Status: Skilled Commoner
Skills: - Earth Magic (Expert): Can wield staves/wands and learn tomes of Expert-level fire magic. Can also cast Fire spells up to Adept-level. - Repair (Adept): As a root maintenance technician, Niara has had a lot of experience with things like appliances and stoves that tap into the mana of the islands. She’s never built such a thing from scratch, but she’s maintained them. - Gardening (Apprentice): In her gardening, Niara is a little reliant on her Chlorokinesis to ensure her plants grow. Her garden tends to be more of a laboratory than a traditional garden, as well.
Equipment: - Simple Tool Kit - Sturdy Trowel & Pick - Long Iron Dagger - Copper Buckler - Simple Backpack
Spells: - Chlorokinesis, Earth (Apprentice): A bit of an odd spell, it is a necessity for those tending the root systems of the floating islands. She can manipulate and spur the growth of plants. To utilize its fullest potential, she must be deeply familiar with the plants she is working with. She cannot create a property in a plant from nothing, but she can accentuate it, promote it, spur it to prominence. An aloe plant could be grown to be particularly rich in aloe. She can only manipulate living plants in this way, or something with potential to live, like a seed. - Chloromutation, Earth (Expert): This magic allows plants to be changed or altered beyond promoting an existing feature. This magic can be used to awaken dormant features or, with more expert use, add new ones. An aloe plant could be made a dispenser. Changes are not without drawbacks; an aloe plant changed to dispense aloe so would undoubtedly be a very hungry plant. - Mineral Touch, Earth (Adept): Used mostly for feeling, this spell allows the user to sense mineral deposits and, also, grasp and throw them, as though with telekinesis. This can be used to find anything from precious gems to ore deposits, though she can only tell you what something is if she, well, knows what it is. She can sense further by “reaching” through the ground, so things like bodies of water or cliffs can get in the way of her sensing things at a distance. - Rock Shock, Earth (Apprentice): Sends a shockwave through dirt and rock. This can be used to loosen the way ahead or send earth flying. - Earth Sense, Earth (Novice): Less specific and more passive than Mineral Touch, this spell allows the user to sense the earth. In a wide sweep, things like caverns and bedrock can be felt, but at a closer range, it can be discerned where digging would be best. Where the earth is compacted or loose, where there are roots or wet soil.
@CitrusArms Niera looks fine, except for Chlorokinesis, which has the unfortunate trait of bieng able to do too much at once. You'll have to choose between it being able to enhance the properties of existing plants, increasing their grwoth speed/size OR being able to mend wooden objects/constructs. The alternative is to create three seperate spells that can work in conjuction do each of these individual things.
Eeh. I can do without the woodmending. I kinda just tossed that in 'cause it seemed to mesh well. Split the remaining two effects and there we have it.