Hidden 12 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Physical Details
Quinn is a shortish girl, no more than 5'3" in height, with an extremely ordinary build. Despite that, she is extremely recognizable whenever she walks into the room thanks to a few very specific and unusual pieces of her appearance. And first and foremost is her hair. While dark gray streaked with yellow isn't exactly impossible, is is highly unusual. But moreso is the sheer volume of said hair. When tied up in a tight (if large) braid, it ends up going down to her upper thighs. Untied, it goes all the way halfway down her calves. Needless to say, she keeps it braided near permanently to avoid tripping over her own hair. She's reasonably athletic, another piece of her that is fairly average; but that average is applied to the average of a teenage girl, so she's not going to be running a marathon any time soon.

Next are her eyes. Or, well, her eye, singular. Only her left eye is intact, and it is a bright, sharp, violent yellow, wide and expressive, roving around with constant curiosity. By contrast, the other side of her face displays a black eyepatch, dyed here and there with goldenrod yellow. Faint echoes of scar tissue peek out from underneath, barely hinting at the mangled, mutilated mess that sits where her eye socket used to.

For the most part, she wears functional clothing; not out of any real desperate need, but simply because it's her taste. She's never really liked super restrictive fancy clothing. As a general rule, she likes duller, darker shades much more over bright colors or pastels. When asked for a reason, she simply claims that dull colors set off against her eye and hair a bit better, and that anything else would look weird.

Background Information
Quinn Loughvein's background is a bit mysterious, all told. With the exception of her parents, nobody really knows much about it, especially her. And she certainly doesn't want to spend much time around her parents. What can be loosely speculated is that she was born in Denver-Vegas in the summer of 2662, upon which her parents immediately tested her for NC compatibility. And upon discovering she was neurally compatible, they began feeding her and pumping her with a staggering array of neurochemicals and other morally dubious drugs in an effort to crank her neural compatibility up: to turn her into the ultimate NC pilot. She was steered away from ever leaving their sight; and so never being exposed to the world.

Unfortunately for her parents, working where they did meant working reasonably closely to Rebecca Darroux, the poster child of the jerk with a heart of gold. And, on top of that...canny. She noticed that there were some things wrong with the Loughveins; they were exceptionally cagey, so it took more or less eight years. But when she did notice, she decided to tail them with a drone to figure out exactly what was going on.

She did.

She called them in the next day and reamed them, tearing them apart for their mistreatment and giving them an ultimatum: either they give child up and forfeit parental rights, or she'd see them in court. With all the evidence she needed from the drone footage.

Of course, it was obvious to everyone that 'court' was a sham in a city like this. But Becca had a bit more cachet and notoriety; and thus, she made the rules.

It took a bit for parental rights to be ceded; and during the process, Becca decided to spend some time with the child to avoid leaving her alone with her parents. She didn't know exactly what had cause her to have an eyepatch at eight, but whatever it was, it was not good, and she wasn't sure she wanted to know. But then...something interesting happened: She got attached.

Quinn's life changed unbelievably quickly as soon as she found herself adopted by Becca. She chose to keep the name Loughvein; it just felt wrong to leave it behind. She was a child, after all. And her life going forward was...nice. Sure, Becca had her share of detractors. But she'd never been anything but wonderful to Quinn, and as time went on, to Delia as well.

Rebecca hoped that she could keep Quinn out of the NCs permanently; completely disregarding that pilots typically didn't live very long, she didn't know the full range of effects that the drugs that Luke and Shannon had given her had. But it was fruitless, because Quinn gravitated to them in the end; and at 15, she became one of the younger pilots out there. The notably sensitive Quinn didn't fare too well on the battlefield, but she was a pretty skilled pilot, and DV probably wasn't going to let her go easy.

To make a long story short, Becca eventually bought her out of the military. It wasn't exactly cheap, and it wasn't exactly easy; but Quinn was much, much happier. But still...she loved piloting, but didn't want to be in the military. So...what?

It was then that Becca put in her head the idea--the contract was free now--to leave DV, and go freelancing.

So she did.

She's been doing so for a little while now, and has happened across Lost Hope.

(She still calls Becca every night).

Polaris Shift
Quinn's a little bit of a special case in the way she thinks about her Shift. Not only does it not bother her overly much, but...she actually likes it.

Quinn's Shift manifests as a voice inside her head. As far as anybody can tell, it's got nothing to do with personality drift regarding any old pilots of Ablaze, it has nothing to do with anybody else at all. More likely it's just a kind of persistent psychosis. But whatever the cause, the manifestation remains the same: there's another person inside of Quinn's head, or at least that's how she puts it.

This personality--who she says also wants to be called Quinn and so she that's what Quinn calls her--as far as can be gleaned, is rather different from the Quinn that most people know. That bouncy positivity is markedly absent. In the fragments of conversations that can be observed, she seems much more cynical and aggressive. But regardless, Quinn seems to put a great deal of stock into the other Quinn's opinions and thoughts. And not only that. Quinn has...

...She's made friends with it.

A small side effect of her Shift and this bizarre situation is that Quinn can sometimes have difficulty in knowing whether she's talking to her internal Quinn through thoughts, or spoken out loud. Sometimes she'll cut in and out of a conversation, bits and pieces of it out loud and the rest remaining unspoken. It can be someone disconcerting at times.

Personal Mission
Above all else, Sirona wants desperately to be safe.

Trapped for so long in so many ways, literally or figuratively, Sirona feels constantly exposed. Like she's always being watched, always been watched, and always deeply unsafe. Her past is full of shadows—the doctors from L1, the military of Fairbanks, the last look that she took at her sleeping sister—that loom over her like so many swords of Damocles. So her ultimate goal, even if she doesn't quite know it, is to lift those swords away, one by one. She may never be able to rid herself of them all. She may never feel completely comfortable. The past may always haunt her through her nightmares.

But it shouldn't need to control her any longer.
Hidden 11 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Physical Description
Fujimoto Chou doesn't have a ton that sets her apart from any other young Japanese woman. Straight black hair, a slender build, a height of only about 5'1"; if one word could be used to describe her, it would be typical. Perhaps the only thing that really sets her apart is a single wisteria-purple streak that runs top to bottom in her hair, framing her face on the left side. Much of what makes Chou unique isn't her appearance, but her personality, and strange idiosyncrasies, such as her habitual tendency to speak nearly exclusively in extremely polite kenjougo keigo, regardless of the situation. She wears largely typical clothing, though she does have a particular penchant for wearing long coats when it's chilly out.

Papiyon, on the other hand, is very different in appearance, given that as a Pariah avatar, it stands as a manifestation of how Chou wishes she could be; an ideal version of herself. The single streak spread out into flowing pink hair that frames a pair of wide, kind violet eyes. A more buxom build. Significantly increased height: about 5'1" no longer, now reaching upwards of 5'7". Flawless skin. She thinks she looks SO cool. Instead of her skirts, blouses, and coats, she wears a close-fitting white leather-backed vest with gilt fastenings that trails off into long coattails that flow behind her. Enough to deflect a blow or two, though leather can only do so much. And finally, her weapon: a long-handled nagamaki, wrapped in fabric the same color as her hair. The blade is fine steel, and the handguard is fashioned after a butterfly.

...It took her SO long to save up for it.

Character Conceptualization
Fujimoto Chou was never a genius, and she's made her peace with it. That's not to say she's not smart. She knows her fair share of miscellany. But she doesn't need any more than that.

Born to Fujimoto Rikako and Souun, Chou—named after the butterflies her mother loves so much—had a happy childhood and was (and still is) extremely close to Hanako, her elder sister by two years. Mild in temperament and unfailingly polite, Chou was a dream daughter, and her parents were ever so proud of her when she got into a good high school. This is about when she began her habitual use of keigo. When questioned on it, she would simply shrug and smile: "I like being polite."

Her planned life trajectory, though—good high school, good university, good job—was shot in the face in her second year of school, though. Hana was in College Application Hell, and Chou hated seeing it. And she hated even more the idea of being in it. She'd never really figured out what she wanted to study anyway; so, while still attending high school, she began to probe a bit for possible jobs nearby. And a little while into her search, she happened upon a small florist's shop owned by an elderly woman looking for part-time help.

And she fell in love.

Her parents took her assertion she was going to become a florist instead of going to university rather well, actually; she wasn't cut off or anything, though their relationship was a bit frosty for a few months afterwards. But in Chou's eyes, it was so very, very worth it.

Some years passed, and Chou found herself more and more in charge of the shop as the elderly owner aged further. Twenty-two years old now, she has a comfy apartment, a wonderful family, and a job she loves. And having some disposable income now, she decided to try out this new game she's heard about, some wild VRMMO called Pariah Online.

No harm trying it out, right?

Other Information
She is very into astrology, both eastern and western.

Hidden 9 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Physical Description
Saiba Aoi is...not tall. Standing at a tiny 148cm (more or less 4'10"), she is head and shoulders below several of her classmates, and still significantly shorter than even the other 'short' students. Cornflower blue hair tied in twintails and bright blue eyes frame and sit atop a narrow, pale face that is nearly always sporting a big smile. Her frame is as small as the rest of her and as narrow as her face. Her legs are long (proportionately, at least) and as slender as the rest of her. She is fairly weak as far as appearances go, with relatively undeveloped musculature. Still, though she isn't strong by any means, she's much stronger than she looks. Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the obvious appearance: her legs evaporate into pixels and electricity, and then nothingness, from her mid-shin down. She can't fly or anything, but it does mean she never needs to touch the ground.

It must be noticed that with her Quirk fully active--that is to say, with her entire body digitized--she changes appearance slightly on whatever screen she manifests on. Her cornflower blue hair fades to glowing electric blue at the tips, and her blue eyes turn to a bright turquoise-cyan. She gains a few digitized lines on each cheek. Whatever she's wearing or carrying at the time comes with her when she jumps in. Excepting, of course, her phone if she uses it to jump in.

While at school she wears her Ishin Academy uniform as per requirements, when she's got the choice to wear something else she is inordinately fond of a tracksuit jacket with hugely oversized sleeves into which her arms just about disappear.

Personal History
Aoi has always been a computer person.

Even when she was a small child, she was endlessly fascinated by them, often spending hours poking at them (and accomplishing nothing, of course, she was a small child after all). Her mother Kimiko, a four-armed programmer, indulged her daughter, let her fiddle around to her heart's content as long as she didn't touch the work stuff. Still, as Aoi grew, she nursed a private worry. Quirks were inherited. But Aoi didn't have four arms like her, and her husband...

...Well, Saiba Ryoutarou was Quirkless. And as Aoi grew and grew, past six, seven, eight, it looked like she might be Quirkless too. And some of the kids at school were starting to notice.

So both Kimiko and Aoi were delighted--though Kimiko was deeply confused--to find that Aoi's legs had flickered and faded into pixelated data. And when she proudly walked into the classroom, hand in her pocket with her phone, and fell due to her unfamiliar physiology...she vanished. The class was instantly freaked out, and the teacher, even more so, running over in fear. Until...


Character Arc
Perhaps it's not obvious at first glance what's up with Aoi, and where her character development will go. Well, I point you to the above backstory and ask you to consider it. For as cheerful and chipper as Aoi is all the time, she's also burdened down by feelings of inadequacy. Being treated as Quirkless until mid-elementary school, and then being told, however gently, that her Quirk just wasn't cut out of hero work... well, it's left some marks on her psyche.

Quirk Description
Tsukiko has a particularly powerful utility Quirk known as Hypercognition

Description in brief: Passively, Aoi has digitized legs that have different properties than normal people, cutting off some avenues and opening up others. Actively, she can transform into computer data, jumping inside of a terminal. She can travel at internet-fast speeds on Wi-Fi, data cables, or wire connections, but needs to open a channel through cell data by making a call at the moment, and can only travel between devices; she can't jump out midway. If the device she's in is disconnected from all data, she can't exit it. If it's turned off, she goes unconscious until it goes back on. If it's destroyed, she dies.
Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

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Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by Lemons
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Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Lemons
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Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Lemons
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Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago



[Name] Aberrant Integration System, Subject 1 - AIS S1
[Callsign] Aissi
[Gender] Female
[Age] Early 20s
[Rank and Designation] Experimental Constellation, Stardust Rank
[Place of Birth] Kepler-195


[Anti-Barrier Sword] #236 - AB1 (Aberrant-integration Blade One) and #371 - AB2. But since they've been reforged into identical forms and serve as a single unit for Aissi, she refers to them much more personally, simply as her Wingblades.
[Anti-Barrier Quotient]21%

[Physical Description]
It's no wonder the Anti-Barrier Quotient of the Wingblades is so low; after all, they're unreasonably large, and there's only so much AB material to go around. Matte black with gleaming red bevels, these double-edged blades are roughly as long as Aissi is tall (about seven feet), and mounted on winglike struts grafted directly into her nervous system through her back. This unorthodox arrangement allows her to manipulate the Wingblades as though they were a third pair of limbs, leaving her hands free for more typical swords used almost exclusively for defense that are sheathed along the struts.

In order to supplement the low AB Quotient caused by their large size, the Wingblades have been retrofitted with laser technology. They can ignite their blades in red light, significantly increasing their cutting force; and, even further, they are able to fire powerful, though short-ranged, laser blasts.

[Anomaly] Aberrant Integration System
[Origin] Aberrant Research Laboratory A2

Though it fills the same space as Anomaly typically would, this is quite explicitly very different. To put her on level with actual Constellations with Anomaly, Aissi's body is infested with an expansive suite of Aberrant technologies. From the system that controls her Wingblades, to magnetic clamps in her hands, her limbs more biomechanical than flesh now, compact jet engines in her feet and legs along with stabilizers in her shoulders...and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Finally, it all connects to the most important of her modifications, the most powerful, and the most taboo: her core. A fully-intact Epsilon-tier Aberrant core harvested from a high-caste Bishop has been embedded into her back between where the Wingblades emerge, which powers all of her multifarious augmentations, coordinates them, and normalizes them in her nervous system so they feel as natural as whatever of her original body remains.

The same way it doesn't function as Anomaly does, it doesn't have the same kind of cost on usage. What it does have, though, is quite an adverse affect on her mental state. The painful experiments that were done to her over the course of years, as well as the overtaxing of her brain as it attempts to manage far more than it was designed to, has led to her being VERY unstable, especially during full-throttle combat where all of her augmentations and implants are working at maximum capacity. Perhaps not a clear-cut cost; but quite a cost nonetheless.

Home World

Notable Contacts

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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

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R.I.S.C. Dossier

Kelly Anne Makai


Physical Evaluation
Kelly certainly looks younger than she is, which has gotten her some questions regarding her participation in a Savior corps before. Short at just a bit above five feet with a slender frame and round, heart-shaped face, her height and overall build makes her look more like a younger adolescent. Her short hair, dyed pink, only furthers this impression. Still, she is nineteen, and though she may not look it at first glancee, she is perfectly physically capable. The baggy clothing she tends to wear conceals a fairly impressive athletic physique, and she is startlingly coordinated. Though her looks may be deceiving, she is every inch a pilot.

Psychological Profile
Kelly is quiet and reclusive much of the time, highly introverted and preferring her own company. There are, however, additional notes to her character that can come out in certain situations. For example, though she is generally a fairly kind and easygoing person, she is highly competitive; especially in physical contests, where some insecurity about her youthful appearance can prompt a strong urge to prove that she's perfectly capable of keeping up with anybody else. This competitive streak is generally harmless, but on occasion it can yield to out-and-out aggression if she feels she isn't being taken seriously. In addition, she grows aggressive and potentially violent when people mention her family in any kind of derisive tone (which she is hypersensitive to).

As may be surmised from that, she is particularly proud of her skill as a pilot, and though she does take her job seriously, she also has a tendency to show off from time to time when she considers the situation handled.

Background Information
Born in a small town just outside of Queenshand, Kelly grew up on the coastline and spent a vast amount of time in and around the water. Her parents, native of the small town Hovvi, had maintained a small vacation home there that they headed to on occasion. One such time was during RISC's recent and disastrous showing there. She was spending time on the lakeshore when the second singularity manifested; and, being an extremely strong swimmer, she jumped into the lake and swam as hard as she could away from shore.

She was found shivering and hypothermic in the middle of the lake during the emergency search the next morning, having watched from a distance as Hovvi was destroyed and Dragon fell. As yet, she bears a distinct, if misguided, grudge against St. Senn, a loose childhood acquaintance of hers; if she'd dropped earlier, or been down in Hovvi to begin with, Kelly's parents and a town that she'd spent a fair amount of time in could very well have remained. Immediately upon being rescued by RISC, she asked--demanded, even--to be made a pilot, so that what happened to Hovvi would never happen again, and so she could take her own form of vengeance.



Unusually tall and broad, Elya is built like a brick wall. A much larger proportion than is typical is armored in silver modium metal, masking the black beneath and making Elya fairly resistant to damage. The fingers are long and end in vicious talons. At the pilot's request, a blue diamond has been stenciled directly over where the Savior's sternum would be.

Kelly's weapon is an enormous, vicious flail. Made entirely of solid modium, it is remarkably heavy even for its size, even compared to other Savior weapons. While it may appear cumbersome at first glance, it becomes apparent watching her fight that it's essentially an extension of Kelly's body

While she has a fairly slow phase, when she does her flail gains the unique and powerful ability to arrest molecular motion, superchilling anything that it touches to truly frigid temperatures approaching -200 degrees Celsius.
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Lemons
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Physical Description
Kanga Omoko is a young woman of fairly average height--about 165 centimeters, though she uses her Quirk ensure every time she takes a physical, it reports 170cm. Her bright seafoam-green hair--generally tied back in a single high ponytail--frames brilliant eyes of roughly the same shade, as well as a narrow, fair-skinned face. While she's on the more slender side, that's to be expected from a first year in high school; her mother is a rather curvy woman, and her body has been shifting that way recently as well, so she doesn't expect to be slender for much longer, though she does has rather long legs for her body mass. All that being said, what she isn't is particularly muscular. In terms of pure physical fitness she's very much on the lower end. In fact, she might be the least athletic individual in her class.

One of the more interesting notes about her appearance is that she almost never smiles. That's not to say she's never happy, not at all, she feels emotions just like everyone else. Rather, she actively avoids smiling so as not to accidentally trigger her Quirk. Consequently, she generally wears an expression of practiced neutrality, and the best way to see her emotions is to look at her eyes, or to hear the tone of her voice.

Personal History
Aoi has always been a computer person.

Even when she was a small child, she was endlessly fascinated by them, often spending hours poking at them (and accomplishing nothing, of course, she was a small child after all). Her mother Kimiko, a four-armed programmer, indulged her daughter, let her fiddle around to her heart's content as long as she didn't touch the work stuff. Still, as Aoi grew, she nursed a private worry. Quirks were inherited. But Aoi didn't have four arms like her, and her husband...

...Well, Saiba Ryoutarou was Quirkless. And as Aoi grew and grew, past six, seven, eight, it looked like she might be Quirkless too. And some of the kids at school were starting to notice.

So both Kimiko and Aoi were delighted--though Kimiko was deeply confused--to find that Aoi's legs had flickered and faded into pixelated data. And when she proudly walked into the classroom, hand in her pocket with her phone, and fell due to her unfamiliar physiology...she vanished. The class was instantly freaked out, and the teacher, even more so, running over in fear. Until...


Character Arc
Perhaps it's not obvious at first glance what's up with Aoi, and where her character development will go. Well, I point you to the above backstory and ask you to consider it. For as cheerful and chipper as Aoi is all the time, she's also burdened down by feelings of inadequacy. Being treated as Quirkless until mid-elementary school, and then being told, however gently, that her Quirk just wasn't cut out of hero work... well, it's left some marks on her psyche.

Quirk Description
Tsukiko has a particularly powerful utility Quirk known as Hypercognition

Description in brief: Passively, Aoi has digitized legs that have different properties than normal people, cutting off some avenues and opening up others. Actively, she can transform into computer data, jumping inside of a terminal. She can travel at internet-fast speeds on Wi-Fi, data cables, or wire connections, but needs to open a channel through cell data by making a call at the moment, and can only travel between devices; she can't jump out midway. If the device she's in is disconnected from all data, she can't exit it. If it's turned off, she goes unconscious until it goes back on. If it's destroyed, she dies.
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Alright, draft is finis!

Hidden 7 days ago 7 days ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

V I N E G A R ' V I N A ' L I L I A N N E

L I G H T A U G U S T 2 2 N D (1 7) F E M A L E

"Yes, my parents named me Vinegar. Yes, I know how absurd it is. No, I am not happy about it."

A P P E A R A N C E:

Vinegar cuts a distinctive figure as she walks through the halls armed with a smirk, straight pale blonde hair usually pulled back into a haphazard ponytail, just far enough to frame her watery gray-green eyes. She's built like a whip, just a few inches short of six feet and skinny as a rail. Everything about her is kind of long, really. Long body, long hair, long legs, arms that end in long, dexterous fingers that constantly rap-tap-tap at any surface in front of her. When they can't, her leg bounces instead. If that can't happen either, she clenches and unclenches her toes within her shoes. She just...always needs an outlet for that nervous energy.

When she has the chance to wear things that aren't a stodgy uniform, she prefers athletic clothes. She doesn't really work out, per se, but she finds that running helps to clear her head, so mornings usually find her on a track or treadmill, and she's just kind of gotten used to the style by now. Tanktop, sweats, running shorts, running shoes, and so on and so forth, and during the winter, long sleeved shirts and more sweats. Utilitarian. That's a good word for her fashion sense.

There is the odd little note, though, that she always wears something like a thimble on her right index finger.

B I O G R A P H Y:

The Lilianne family had always been an object of intense scrutiny for Vinegar. Honestly. What kind of family named their kid that?

Well, she never did know, after all. Soon after she was born, they both died in a terrible car accident. She doesn't really even remember a single thing about them. No, she never really had a single set of 'parents,' not really. She grew up in the foster system, and was always a bit of a...problem child. From the moment she realized as a six year old that she wasn't actually the Donaldson's daughter, behavioral issues started popping up, one after another. Provoking classmates. Indifference, then defiance, then outright aggression towards her foster parents. They did their best, they really did. But no matter what they did, Vinegar just came out worse and worse.

Finally, she broke a window in their house one day in a fit of misplaced anger, and the Donaldsons simply couldn't deal with it any longer. There would be someone else, they reasoned, who would be more capable of giving Vinegar the care that she needed. And so to the foster system she returned.

The problem was, there's not a lot of space in the foster system. Not enough foster parents. Few enough that children get tossed into places that don't suit them, and they bounce back and forth quite a bit. And so it was for Velvet. As she grew from a child into a teen, the surge of hormones made it way worse. She was hair-trigger angry, all the time; she didn't walk so much as stalk. She was consistently avoided at school. She was a fight starter, and always in a bad mood regardless, it seemed like. Nobody really wanted to deal with Miss Vinegar. Nobody wanted to interact with her, and risk getting involved in whatever was going to land her in the principal's office or possibly suspended this time.

Well, until that one time in her freshman year of high school that she saw a bully beating up on a younger girl, and she chased him off. Got a few bruises for her trouble, but she always had a bruise or two, it was nothing special.

But then the girl kinda...started idolizing her? It was weird. Really weird. Her name was Charlotte, she stuttered out. She was in her last year of middle school, and that bully had picked on her for a while because of her stammer.

"So what, you just take it? Punch him in the dick or something!"

Charlotte was aghast. The thought of properly fighting back, punching him, kicking him, biting him...it had never even really occurred to her. Or, it had occurred to her, obviously, but she'd never entertained it. He was so much bigger and stronger than she was. What purpose would it serve? The grown-ups would step in soon, she was sure.


Vinegar stepped back, shook her head. She wanted to say something, but she wasn't quite sure what it was. She knew Charlotte was going to keep getting bullied. Fucking moron teachers never did anything. And for some reason it was REALLY bugging her. A few more months went by. Every time she wanted to start a fight, the image of the bully harassing Charlotte played in her head, and it felt a little less tempting. The seasons went round, and school started up again. This time with Charlotte in the grade beneath her.


The two of them spent some time together; she went over to Charlotte's house now and then, though the inverse was never true. Her family life was, as ever, rocky. Not to say this round of foster parents were horrible people or anything, but they were strict, and that was the worst possible thing for Vinegar right now. She helped Charlotte study, and started caring more about her own grades too. This was when she started going by Vina. It felt...nicer. And she wanted to be nice around Charlotte. A few of her hard edges started to melt away. She even started getting along with her foster folks a little bit better. She wasn't used to really having proper friends, but it was pretty nice.

And then one day, Vina noticed that Charlotte wasn't where they usually ate together in the cafeteria. Curiosity piqued and a bad feeling in her gut, she slipped out from the watchful gazes of the lunch ladies, pacing back towards Charlotte's last class.

And oh look, there he was. The bully. And Charlotte did not look happy.


The sound he made when she yanked him off her and threw him to the ground was like music. She was about to beat the tar out of him when she remembered the image again: him, beating up on Charlotte. So her fist, so close to him, pulled back, and she simply stood in front of Charlotte, arms crossed, as he rose.

"If you touch her again," she said matter-of-factly, "I'll put you in the hospital." He weighed his odds, and he stopped bothering her. And the round edges that had replaced those jagged ones finally there for the world to see. And, most importantly, for Vina herself to see.

She'd actually made a few friends at her school. The legacy of the problem child still surrounded her, but she actually had a small group of people to call her own.

And then the dreams started. Dreams of staring at the sun, and of the sun staring at her. Of light bouncing off the water, of a cage of mirrors refracting light into fractals which refracted and refracted until the whole world was blinding white. She didn't understand what it meant, not really. She'd only just started paying attention in classes, after all. But then she hear someone talking in the hallway. Quietly, quietly, almost out of earshot. Retracing her steps, she paused to listen. Just some guys talking about girls in a...teenage fashion. Alright, yeah, fine, no big deal. She made to walk away.

And then she heard Charlotte's name. And hearing what the person wanted to do to her...even if it wasn't real...even if she KNEW it wasn't real...there was this PRESSURE that was building, sunspots dancing in front of her eyes as she rounded the corner on them, the look of annoyance and then fear that suddenly took them, it was all too much, too much, TOO MUCH TOO MUCH-----

She doesn't know how nobody was hurt. Luck, she supposed. And a bone-deep instinct that if she hurt anybody, Charlotte would be furious with her. So it was just pieces of metal lockers that clattered to the ground as she searing flash of light screamed out from her, and not pieces of people.

At that point, the meaning of the dreams became...ABUNDANTLY clear. The instant this round of foster parents heard about the incident, they ceded her straight to the Merryweather Institute. She's been there for a few months now. Long enough for her to have a specific note just for her:

Miss Vinegar Lilianne has been formally barred from using her powers out of controlled scenarios, after an attempt to use her finger as a laser point resulted in an eight-inch hole in the wall.

P E R S O N A L I T Y:

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A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

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C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

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Hidden 16 hrs ago 11 hrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

一 色 み か こ - I S S H I K I M I K A K O
一 色 み か こ - I S S H I K I M I K A K O

"I think it's amazing how beautiful the world is!"


Full Name - 一色みかこ - Isshiki Mikako
Nicknames - Mika, Okaa-nee
Age - 18
Gender - Female
Year - Second


As someone who's been helping to take care of a pretty big family since she was pretty small, Mikako has developed a keen sense of responsibility. And, of course, her family isn't the only thing in her life; this sense of duty, responsibility, and sheer has stuck with her everywhere. Her grades are excellent. She's on student council. She tutors people for free. And so on and so forth. There's always more in life for you to do, after all, and if you can do something for someone, then you should.

That said, this is a bit of a double-edged sword. Because she feels so keenly that she should put herself out to do things for people, she's got a bit of a pattern of being taken advantage of.

Mikako is just about the sweetest, most empathetic girl you could ever hope to meet. It's
part of why she's so easy to take advantage of as well; if someone gives the excuse of their sibling being sick or something, well, what is she supposed to do? Not believe them? Ask for proof? Of course not. If one of her siblings was sick she'd do anything for them, so of course she understands. Whether she's helping a kid look for something they lost, talking a friend through a bad breakup, she's a genuinely kind person that rarely loses her temper and really, honestly wants everyone to be happy.

With all the things that she deals with, all the responsibilities on her place, as hard as she works, Mikako still manages to keep that smile unblunted. Her chipper smile is almost her trademark. She's not superhuman, of course; she can lose her temper or get upset just like anybody else. But taking care of three younger siblings has expanded her patience greatly, because what is she supposed to do, yell at her seven year old brother? Not likely! It's pretty difficult to get under her skin.

That said, though, just as it's kind of difficult to get under her skin, it can also be a little difficult to get to know her on a deeper level. She doesn't mean to, of course, but she's already got so much on her plate, and she's loath to ask anybody else to do any of it, so it's hard to spend time with her.

Mikako hate seeing people fight. The worst is seeing friends fighting. So she leverages a bit of that patience and kindness that she's got running through her to try and step in when people are in conflict. Does this always work? No. Not at all. But it can work. And if there's a shot, then she's going to take it. It's easier for her to prompt reconciliation between younger children; that's what she's really good at, after all. But even though high schoolers and younger children are very much different, she still tries. And wow, does it feel good when she succeeds.

Character Relationships

friend from elementary school.

introduced her suzuka also she ships it

golden retriever boy

Other Information

She has three siblings: Kaede (13), Rin (11), and Hiro (7). Kaede calls her nee-chan or nee-san like a normal person, Rin is going through a manga phase so she calls her aneue, and Hiro calls her okaa-nee and she thinks it's the literal cutest thing that has ever been.
Physical Description

Mikako is a little bit short, ending up around five feet even, or 152cm. Her blonde hair, usually tied back in either pigtails tied with black and white bows, or a ponytail tied with both, has just enough droop in the front to frame her bright smile and her bright green eyes. Also, that hair is long, falling comfortably to the small of her back even when tied up. She takes impeccable care of it; or at least she tries to, sometimes she's busy enough that it's not viable and it ends up frizzy and out of pocket. But most of the time it's smooth and shiny (and smells nice, too). It had better be; she wakes up an hour early every morning to make sure, after all. She keeps a comb, a hairbrush, and a small bottle of hair product in her bookbag at all times.

She has a typical enough build for a high schooler at the moment; however, her mom is a pretty curvaceous person, and she's starting to develop in that direction as well. It's all a bit embarrassing for her, really. Consequently, when she gets changed for gym classes she does her best to do so a little bit out of the way, and get it done with as fast as possible. Her skin is fairly tanned, by and large because she just ends up being outside a lot by happenstance; bikes to and from school every day, walks to the supermarket to buy stuff for dinner, spends time in the nearby park with her siblings...

When she's not wearing her uniform, she tends to wear comfy, but feminine, clothing. Jeans, sweats, floofy oversize sweaters, sundresses, midi skirts, when it's really hot out she'll rock a sports bra and shorts, and so on and so forth. If she can, she gets them in shades of blue, green, and white. They're her favorite colors, and she thinks they go the best with her hair and her eyes.

A special mention, though, has to go out to the thing that she can most often be seen wearing outside of school. Brought back by her mom from London, the Malibu blue newsboy cap is something that she treasures deeply. She's pinned a white and a pink star on the brim, and basically any time she can wear her hat, she does. It makes her feel closer to her parents, and on those infrequent nights where she lies in bed, staring at the ceiling and missing mom and dad, she clutches it to her chest and it chases away the cold.

She carries herself with something almost like a bounce, a cheerful spring to her step that doesn't quite intercede on the strange aura of maturity that she bears. Of course, she's not always happy, as discussed, and when she's not feeling super jazzed that bounce morphs into a much more typical stride, usually with purpose, because if something is bothering her then she's probably trying to do something about it.

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