Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Evvie almost immediately spotted the bear, how could she not, charging in to engage in bloody combat against that vile creature who had apparently awakened her from her sleep, for who else could have made such an accursed sound as that? It was clear that it was the bear who was on her side in this confrontation, or at the very least an enemy of her enemy. Even someone of her humble intellect could deduce that. That being said she wanted to help him if at all possible, but there were plenty of obstacles in her way. It was true that she could easily fly over them, but it wasn't that she was physically stopped. She simply couldn't bear (sorry) to pass them up without doing something about it. The scene below her was absolute horror as helpless civilians ran through the streets, trying desperately but failing to escape the hunting pack of wolf riding elves that came charging through the streets, nipping at their heals and shouting out yelps that held a combination of malice and eagerness. They were enjoying themselves, toying with the humans before cutting them down like cattle. The lucky ones at the front of the group managed to dart into a building, slamming the door shut just as a middle aged woman holding a baby managed to leap in at the last second. Unfortunately a locked door wouldn't protect them for very long. Not against these blood thirsty savages.

These elves didn't just cause Evvie to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. It was more like they kicked her off, ate all of her food, then mocked her abilities for good measure. Her slitted pupils took on a animalistic, vicious look as she stared them down, the dragon half of her personality boiling upwards along with her internal flame. She let out a battle cry, leaping towards them at full speed. Their heads all jerked up all at once, giving them just enough time to see her flame wash over them. The two elves closest to her that got caught on fire let out horrified screams as the heat instantly burned away much of their frail looking flesh. They tore at their burning clothing but their armor could not be removed so easily, trapping them in this rapidly heating armor prison. They tumbled off of their mounts in their desperate struggle, and with the animals now free they bucked around to try and remove the flames that alit their backs, but this obviously did them no good. One of them crashed face first into a brick wall as it blindly surged forward while the other ran for it's life down the road, where it would soon succumb to it's burns before it would get very far.

Evvie ignored the desperate pleas from the dying elves. She didn't have time to focus on any mercy killings and they were no longer a threat to her, so she leapt over their flailing bodies to combat with the other two elves that had somehow reacted quickly enough to dodge backwards from her flames, receiving only second degree burns at most. A wolf snapped at her as she came down but she was faster, axe kicking his skull and killing it instantly. The elf was thrown off balance as his mount collapsed, sending his sword swing hopelessly off course. She stepped up onto the wolves shoulder and used that to vault upwards, punching him underneath his chin and snapping his head back. He bent backwards, draped limply across the hindquarters of the dead wolf with his head bobbing around at an awkward angle. The forth elf tried to joist at her from behind but she quickly darted off to the side. The spear lodged itself into the hide of the wolf. Realization clearly set in that he had just made a huge mistake, for he had no time to draw his sword in time to repel Evvie at such a close distance. She spun around, her right leg smashing into his torso, breaking his left arm and ribcage and sending him flying off into the wall of a building. Dead or merely unconscious she didn't know, but there was no way he'd be up to fight again, not for a long while. His wolf tried to bite her as he let loose a ferocious snarl, and she had just enough time to grab onto his jaws with both hands. She let loose her own cry to match his, and after a brief struggle and quivering of muscles coming from both sides she gained the upper hand. The wolf's paws skidded against the road as it was pushed backwards, slowly at first but then at high speeds as she was able to lift it completely up and slam it against the brick wall with all of her strength, enough to break off some of the bricks into an impression of the wolf's now dead body. By now the deranged cries of the burnt elves had gone silent, their lives more then likely extinguished, unlike the fire that still roasted their bodies.

"Run," she said to the civilians who had just peaked out the doorway to see what all of the commotion was about. They might be killed if they stayed here for much longer. They acknowledged this fact and, hesitantly and disgustedly at first, skirted around the lifeless bodies and began to rush for the nearest safe place, preferably far out of town as they could get. Another hunting pack was racing out to meet them but she stood firmly in their way. Unlike the group she had ambushed this one managed to put up a better fight. She opened up her jaws and unleashed her fire breath yet again but they were prepared for it this time and managed to get their wolves to lunge out of the way just in time, hardly loosing any momentum as they reached her. Claws, teeths, hands, and feet were rapidly flailing around as she and the wolves fought tooth and nail against each other, and it looked like she was still winning when all of a sudden one of the rider managed to grab her from behind, wrapping his left arm around her abdomen with inhuman strength and his right around her head and hair, almost yanking it from it's roots as he scooped her up by it. Her licked her cheek as his face moved in close to her's.

"Well what do we have here," he whispered into her ear. "And here we thought the other group had been attacked by the dragon we had sensed earlier, but it's just this little runt instead. Well, it's not all a lost. Looks like I can have some fun with this one. Your body is far more interesting then these human scum, after all. How about you stop resisting, and I'll treat you nice and-eeeaaaaAAAAAHHHHHH!"

He let out a loud shriek as Evvie managed to raised her head up and clamp down onto his neck with her sharp canine tooth, jerking her head to rip to skin open. He clutched at his bleeding neck, whimpering like a frightened girl and allowing her to escape his grasp. As soon as she did so her wings snapped downwards, pushing air and dust against all of the elves who surrounded her as she raised upwards past their weapons before they could recover from this surprise and stop her. A few took wild swings at her feet as she flapped overhead, but she was long gone. The elf with the blood gushing out of his neck collapsed limply against his wolf, not able to stem the tide of his life's energy flowing from his veins, quickly causing him to expire. The other elves and wolves had bruises of their own but were still in fighting capacity, 3 elves and 4 wolves in all.

She landed on a rooftop next to them. They were far too focused on her now to bother in the slightest to chase down the civilians from earlier. They clearly wanted her dead. Badly. She couldn't blame them, and she felt the same towards them. She had been so focused on that battle that she just now noticed a dragon flapping their way. A dragon!!! This was good news, as long as it was a friendly dragon. She would be leaping up and down like a giddy schoolgirl under different circumstances. Another fast approaching person also caught her eye at this time. He was quite unlike the random foot soldiers she had just fought. This could be trouble. Five centaurs managed to make their way over to the street by now, three men and two women, and they were charging in to fight the remaining elves. Good. She had bought enough time for the cavalry to arrive. She felt like she could trust them to handle the elves so she set her sights on this new guy, getting into a battle stance with her legs shoulder length apart and fists held at the ready.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Death, the sweetest kiss, danced on the lips of Dynoz as he hurled forward astride the great wolf that served as his mount. The bellows of the great behemoths filled the forest, hearkening back to a time when such beast roamed the world freely, before the Overlord, before the age of the Elves.

A wicked cackle left his lips as he raced forward, his bone daggers trailing blood from a recently slain centaur, stabbed and slashed so much so that the human torso is nearly severed from the equine half.

Arriving on a small knoll, Dynoz obtained a positively magnificent view of the walled town, the fleeing humans, running helter-skelter, their shrieks and screams mingling and merging with the howls from the great beasts.

Rubbing the neck of his mount, Dynoz tittered at the thought of the pain the humans would suffer.

“Perhaps Hans, we shall feast on the flesh of a succulent human child tonight. How long has it been since I fed you a fat babe? I know my friend, much too long.”

Dynoz slipped off his wolf and with a grin that was frightening in its inhumanity, howled as his daggers flared on, one acid the other lighting. With a lazy hopping lope he jogged towards the town, a rhyme sung aloud as he came ever closer;

`I sent a message to the humans:
I told them “This is what I wish.”
The wretched humans of the town,
They sent an answer back to me.
The wretched humans answer was
“We cannot do it, Sir, because -
`I sent to them again to say
“It will be better to obey.”
The humans answered with a grin,
“Why, what a temper you are in!”
I told them once, I told them twice:
They would not listen to advice.
Now they all fall dead,
To the Elves they dread.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Two great pains struck Sukoh in immediate succession, neither of them were expected in any way. The first pain was in his head, an attack on his mind from some unknown source. Though the likely source of this assault is the monster he was fighting, how powerful was this creature? The pain washed over him like a storm inside his skull, it was so excruciating that his vision went blurry. All of the force behind his attack, however, was not lost. Sukoh was using barely any of his muscle in the first assault, all of it was his weight being let fall. As every single pound of his bulk fell upon the monstrosity another pain pierced through his whole body.

That freak of nature had prepared for his attack in what short time it had, the twin horns each of them as long as swords jabbed inside of his chest. But this creature had not anticipated how thick Sukoh's bulk was. Horns digging deeply into his flesh were a painful event no doubt, but five feet of fat was more than enough to protect him from their intended deadly strike. His skin reached the base of the horns on top of the creatures head and its claws dug into the area beneath his arms. Blood was released from every wound he received flooding out by the liter and staining the head of the snarnorgul and the ground below with their crimson tinge. His legs missed their target and landed upon the ground on either side of the ghoulish beast. The pain he was in was enough to kill lesser beings, but Sukoh was not a lesser being. The position that the elf-summon had placed itself in was one of no leverage. But for Sukoh? Well he had all the leverage in the world.

Horns buried in his flesh were painful but with them there Sukoh didn't have to worry about the creature moving an inch. Every pound of his weight was placed on top of its head, and he knew that his foe had not thought about this outcome. Sukoh hadn't either, but fortune shines in some of the strangest ways. Though his head still screamed in agony his body moved on pure instinct, both of his forelegs dug into the ground and held firm. The snarnorgul wasn't going anywhere if Sukoh had a say in it. If he kept him here until the dragon got close, he could get the dragon to help the people. Without the people concerning his thoughts he could focus solely on this beast, and with every thought devoted to slaying him the mutant would stand no chance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Snarnorgul smashed into the oversized bear, fat rippling from the savage head-butt, it became a resounding crash that was easily heard over the fields of battle and across town. Snarnorgul's horns dug deeply into the beast’s chest. However, he had not expected the shear layer of fat between him and the creatures bones and organs. Indeed this beast was heaver then he looked, he had underestimated its mass. Had he not prepared his head for the climatic clash, his neck would have been in danger off snapping under such weight. But not all the weight had rested on his head, as its pincers dug deeply into the creatures under arms.

He huffed out a steam of breath, momentarily immobilized by the great mass of fat. While Snarnorgul might not have expected such dead weight, Sukoh would not have expected his astounding strength, as well as Snarnorgul's raw intellect or savagery.

"Ah, so you possess some girth do you? All the better to satisfy my hunger!" Snarnorgul huffed from bellow the dire animal. "Do you think you can immobilize Snarnorgul the Mighty? You will make a fine meal with the humans here serving as my dessert after!"

With that great boast it snapped down both of it's powerful pincers, cutting deeply into the under arms of the bear. The each possessed the strength to tear into metal and steel with ease, such flesh even though thicker than most creatures proved no challenge for them. He aimed his ministrations toward the area of it's triceps, as this was near the point in where the arms joined with the body, there was less fat, but he would still need to dig to reach what he was aiming for. The mind blast had meant to dull the creatures mind so it would be even less likely to note the significance of Snarnorgul place his upper arms under the bears own upper limbs. Assuming it had intelligence on par with a human of course.

The pincers would continue to cut into Sukoh's underarms, eventually slicing into and passed it's triceps until it reached the teres tendons underneath. No doubt this would be excruciatingly painful but from this position Sukoh had few means in which to retaliate. Snarnorgul great arms were also still supporting the bulk of the bears weight as the pincers went to work opening and closing, slowly digging deeper. They had not long to go to their goal however, two perhaps three such cuts would sever the tendons there. Which would rob the bear the use of its upper arms, or at least severely limit them. Snarnorgul would be impressed if it could stand on them with all it's weight ever again.

Still he could not hold such weight forever, not after the run he had gone through, but long enough to finish his bloody work. If this torture was not enough, the bear had the misfortune of having it's entire lower belly open to any savagery his lower arms minded to dish out. He had soon loosed a storm of cuts upon their collision, slashes, jabs, ripping all cutting deeper and deeper through the formidable hide his counterpart titan possessed. A much slower pace, of course, but much more satisfying, he even golfed down a handful of bear flesh to sate his hunger, if not his blood lust, giving him a momentary second wind. The wet sounds of flesh being torn, and hopefully, the anguished protest of Sukoh created the most beautiful of composition like notes being played on an instrument, and too Snarnorgul twisted mind, it sounded like the most beautiful melody he had ever composed. Unless of course Sukoh managed to avoid this close ranged assaults, pinned as they were.

Snarnorgul might not have been able to move at this moment, but why would he want too? Several tons of weight was child's play if he could keep his arms pinned where they were, and Sukoh did not defy gravity to then suddenly spine in the air like a top to break his neck.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 1 day ago

As she approached, the rumbling gusts heralded by her massive wings, Vera was met with the helpless attempts of the elves to down her from the sky. Measly arrows pricked into her scaled hide, bouncing off or remaining barely embedded until a simple breeze blew them away. They were but thumbtacks attempting to bury themselves into steel. For the time being, she ignored the beasts she had sensed brawling in the forest. It did not seem, initially, that they were specifically allied with anyone in the town's two factions. With a quick glance beyond, she could see that it was the human settlement and some aiding centaurs against the vile forces of an elven raiding group. Their canine mounts bristled upon their manes as she approached, and being just ahead, her wings beat dust and debris into the eyes of those unprepared.

The ground shook when her body hit the ground. Her legs bent to absorb the shock and her wings folded close to her long back. Despite her size, some of the elves thought themselves powerful enough to try and assail her; for what reason she could not discern. Perhaps they were simply too blood-crazed? Maybe they were so foolish as to believe their strength against puny humans could hold true against her. But the answer was meaningless as she simply swept her hand and crushed their armor inwards or flung them like projectiles into nearby buildings. For a moment, both centaurs, elves, and humans paused in her presence, but quickly realized they were still face-to-face with their enemy, and continued to fight. Only one deviated from the battle and quickly sprinted to Vera.

"Vera! Vera! Thank god you're here!" It was the man who offered her food and shelter earlier the previous night, a middle aged individual with a well-kept beard and a family of four. He was slightly bloodied and carried a single shortsword in his hand, but bore no armor of any kind, save for his tanned peasant cloth. "Please, I beg of you to help us! These elves of Dynoz are brutish murderers! The centaurs have come to aid us, but I fear even that may not be enough to save our village!" Vera glanced at the wreckage of elven bodies she had accumulated in a single swing and laughed, a small ember brightening in her maw as she did so. Perhaps it was simply because she was still used to rolling around in the sky with another dragon that the creatures of this world seemed so pitiful, and it seemed strange for a moment that the humans would have trouble.

Vera nodded as she agreed to help, "Certainly. You kindly offered me help during my daze, and I will repay it in kind." Vera unleashed her wings and beat them once, lifting her body up and over the man and landed with a crash in one of the village squares, crushing a few elves in the process. With tooth, nail, and tail, Vera procedurally quelled the waves of elves that valiantly prodded at her sides with countless blades. She considered for a moment that maybe it was unnecessary of her to go out into the woods to find food; there was so much right here, and it walked right up to her! For the moment she retained her breath of fire, careful not to set aflame the very town she was protecting. In the air she sensed a faint scent of dragon, but it was nothing like that of her own kind. Still it interested her, and she lifted her head above the houses to scout out the surrounding area, oblivious to the elves who clamored below.

Facing its own entourage of elves, a dragon-like human stood in the town. Her back bore clearly draconic wings, and so Vera resolved the girl must have been half-dragon. With another wing-lifting bound, she hurled herself over the buildings and landed at the girl's side. At the time, she seemed to have disposed of the elves in her area, but was readying for another more peculiar elf.

"You look and smell of a half-dragon young girl, are you not?" Vera's voice boomed, stern but with a faint sense of kinship within.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sukoh was in a compromising position but so was the freak, his claws and horns were digging into painful places in his body, the pain was deafening. This was bad, very bad, if things kept going at this rate then his arms were going to be severed at the joint and his guts would be spilled on the battlefield before any real combat could be had. There really wasn't much choice as to what he was going to do next. If he tried batting at it with his legs he'd just serve to further allow this beast movement and access to his vitals. The bear winced as he realized this thing was literally eating him alive. Eating him. . .Eating him?

"You dare consume the meat of Sukoh!? I shall have your flesh for dinner, monster!" The roar was a combination of desperation, anger, and brutal pain. This sadistic beast was a real thorn in his side. Except not his sides but his underbelly and underarms, so the saying is kind of off. The bear saw the dragon fly overhead and into the town, perfect! Now the innocent were sure to be safe from danger, Sukoh's focus was now solely on the creature below him. And his head was easing off from the mental assault, and his thinking was perfectly clear on what he had to do. The spines on its shoulders were pointed downwards because its arms were held up, and its back was well armored. Below, however, he saw the perfect opportunity for retaliation. This thing intended to eat Sukoh? It'd have to out eat a mouth that was almost half the size of the snarnorgul itself.

With one swing of its head downwards Sukoh positioned its mouth in the position to clamp down on the hindquarters of this monster. With a resounding snap of its jaws closing around the softer flesh of the ass end of his foe Sukoh had the creature in its grasp. With enough force to crush a heavily armored tank he chewed on the exposed flesh of his victim. And if that didn't distract the creature then I don't know what will.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

As Adinraen approached the breaker of the window, he felt a chilling presence approaching swiftly. A new combatant must have entered the area, and as he turned in the general direction of it - he saw what it was. A gigantic dragon had appeared and was flying towards the town. Now, he had the choice of a Bear, a window breaker, and now a actual dragon. Adinraen could barely contain his excitement at the turn of events. It didn't cross his mind that he had no one to stand at his side - either of them, as he rushed towards one foe and had another on his tail.

He decided, for the moment, to stop putting his energy into the earth to expand his circumference. At the moment, he had a radius of four hundred feet, and that would be well enough for what he needed. They were all within range of his domination, literally standing on his battlefield.

As he looekd forward, he could see what had broken the windows. A woman was standing atop one of the building, presumably ready to do mortal combat with the insane Demon Elf. He sheathed his Ring Blade and landed four buildings away from the woman, standing on the far edge, watching her as she stood there. Off in the distance, he could hear the terror as men, women, and elves were all sent flying by the gigantic dragon's beating wings. It wasn't long before the dragon had graced the pair with its large presence, choosing to side with the half dragon wench that was prepared for a fight.

Adinraen stood there and removed his two Bone Blades from their sheathes, and began to manipulate the earth in his domain. It was a subtle manipulation, something he didn't need to use right away but would very soon.

"Two dragons," Adinraen remarked, "Or should I say... one and a half. It seems the human really was lying," Adinraen toyed with the corresponding head, "there seems to be a great many foe here for us, with exceptional power." He began to sway back and forth, preparing himself to move at the slightest provocation. He didn't know anything about his two opponents, but knew for the moment, he would be fighting alone.

"Which one fo you will fall first? Will it be the big one, or the little one? How about this.. we play a game... can you catch the Demon Elf?" With a wink and a smile, the Demon Elf fell backwards off the building, landing softly on the ground. They were still in his territory. If they gave chase, he would lead them into a trap; but if they didn't, he would have to find another way to his his intellect in military strategy to best his foes.

He was sure Snarn would love a dragon brain.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Snarnorgul continued to cut away into the great bears arms with it's powerful pincers, even as he sliced deeper and deeper into it's stomach with his lower claws. At this rate his foe would surely be disarmed, perhaps literally, as well as disemboweled. Suddenly a sharp pain caused Snarnorgul to buck his head back ripping a wider wound across the bear’s chest in a savage line unconsciously pulling loose. It seemed this creature had found some means of retaliation after all. Jaws were snapping at his hindquarters ripping scales sending jolts of pain up his back causing his pelvis to crack from the pressure, focused under the area his formidable exoskeleton protected.

This was a most troubling turn of events, and until now Snarnorgul had not even imagined this insufferable inferior creature was even capable of doing it any real harm. Now it seemed in danger of suffering a swift defeat if the situation was not reversed and soon. The odd angle meant he could not get his lower arms into position to defend against this humiliating attack. Snarnorgul snarled in protest and anger at the audacity of his enemy. He would not take such insult sitting down, or standing up as the cause would appear to be. Snarnorgul's upper massive limbs still held Sukoh aloft with pincers digging into flesh. Snarnorgul decided that a change of tactic was in order, thus Snarnorgul clamped down hard into the bear’s tendons. He then ripped his right arm loose with a savage pull which might tear away clumps of flesh and likely tearing an artery in the process. That was not his goal however, for even as he bent his right arm slightly, he quickly delivered a punishing elbow down at an angle aimed for the biting head at his lower back, the awkward bend of his goat-like legs eased the effort of the attack.

The strike would meet either neck or head, which it mattered little, for the way in which Sukoh had choose to bite him meant he had leaned within easy each reach of his elbow blow. With rock hard points of spine made of chitin and bone at its end, the attack might resemble a morning star being swung around on the head of a human. The force of this was easily akin to an anvil let full on a large balloon of water with the considerable strength of Snarnorgul. What might have otherwise been a decisive blow was somewhat anemic due to the lack of momentum aside from the downward fall. It would rock Sukoh with a powerful concussive force all the same, likely increasing whatever damage his mind blast might have inflected beforehand. Even after the single blow Snarnorgul would shoot his arm up again, his clutched princes stabbing into the same injured side they had clutched previously like a spear, before letting fall another jackhammer elbow strike to the beasts head.

The size of the bears head made it an easy target from this angle, and Snarnorgul doubted there was layers of fat enough around it's skull to weather such an assault. Snarnorgul in any case would continue this back and forth, quickly deforming the bears head or breaking jaws and bone should it's head remain in elbows each. All the while his left arm was still pressing down on the under arm of the bears right arm, threatening to snap it off at this point if nothing was done to prevent it. A single arm was all he needed to support the dire bear’s otherwise great weight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

With his jaws clamped down on the monster below he had the advantage, and the creature had gotten desperate. Thrashing about and clawing much more violently. For as his mouth began digging into his weaker flesh it relinquished its grip on his left arm to attempt a somewhat futile assault. With its hand was withdrawn a massive chunk of his flesh but Sukoh's left arm was free. This was the only opening he needed. The bear's nearly crippled foreleg cracked and ruptured, sending blood spraying everywhere, but it had enough strength left in it for what he needed to do. With all the force left in it and his jaw clamped tightly around the lower half of the snarnorgul he shoved himself upwards, throwing his shoulders backwards to produce even more force to lift the monster upwards.

While he was doing this the creature brought its arm backwards, slamming a rock hard bony structure into the bottom of his jaw. The stony part crashed into the the left corner of his lower jaw, shattering the edge of his mandible. The ground bone splintered and even poked outwards through his skin. The fat wasn't nearly as thick, but it provided enough protection to not completely destroy his jaw bone. In fact his biting grip might have even been improved by the strike, forcing his teeth even deeper into the cretin's hindquarters. Sukoh was going to have to do this quickly, his vision was starting to go blurry from both the head trauma and the large quantities of blood he's been losing.

But if his pull was effective, then the monster was going to be hoist out from underneath his bulk and into the air. Preventing further damage to his underbelly and forelegs by keeping the creature out of reach. It would also make its entire body face away from Sukoh, because he was facing forward while underneath him. And once his body was safe he'd be able to finish the monster off with a vicious follow up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

When Snarnorgul had managed to land his first blow on the bear, the distinct sound of breaking bone heralded a successful hit. Though to his surprise the dire bear seemed unperturbed by what was likely a broken jaw, somehow managing to remain steadfast. Once more it had begun to shift it's weight, attempting it seemed, to lift Snarnorgul off his hooves. Astonishingly it was attempting to use it's left arm to aid in the task of lifting it's own considerable weight and that of the Tanar'ri himself.

Beyond the fact it was using a limb with torn tendons, Snarnorgul still clutched tightly to the underarm of Sukoh's right leg. At this point the pincers had already dug past the layers of fat and was clamping down with an ironclad grip into sensitive muscles tissue and arteries. To pull him away with enough force to lift them would simply mean Sukoh's arm was coming along for the ride. Perhaps Sukoh had not considered this. Snarnorgul held on all the while Sukoh attempted to pull him free. It might have resembled a person trying to pull off a bothersome tick buried to deep. No doubt he was causing himself unimaginably immense pain, leaving Snarnorgul to wonder, at least with some grudging respect if not annoyance, at just how much punishment this creature was capable of stomaching before it reached it's limit.

Thanks to this grip however, Sukoh would be slow in moving the stubborn Tanar'ri whose own limb was not so weakened or pulling at such an odd angle. Thus giving just enough time for another savage elbow strike, aiming for the same spot as before and without the hindrance of having just pulled his pincers free of the bear’s arm it would strike with a tad more force. If it landed it would sunder it's mandibles even more. Suffice to say even with the bears mighty jaw strength Snarnorgul was not going to be crushed by it any time soon.

Still if Sukoh continued to pull with while Snarnorgul was clutching all the harder. Snarnorgul was likely to rent the arm from the bear’s great shoulders, no doubt sending blood spraying freely and bathing the ground in crimson. If the loss of a limb, after suffering all he wounds till now, did not send it into shock. Likely nothing would. Indeed, it had begun to bother the over proud fiend that there existed a creature with such a pain-threshold that seemed to outstrip his own. It took some kind of rare strength of will to maim oneself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The strength in his left leg just wasn't enough to move the gigantic terror beneath him, and his forelegs were feeling awfully numb. This was not going well, and Sukoh was starting to feel lightheaded. At this point he was unable to keep his left eye open, the pain was so great in that half of his face. With broken bones and a burning ache inside of his skull he was going to lose at this rate. What to do, what to do? There was something that bears did when they had a grip on something, but sometimes it would cause severe pain in their neck from doing it. Hell, at this point Sukoh was feeling nothing but pain, a little bit more wouldn't cause much of an issue. With teeth wrapped around this thing's pelvis and jaw locked in position, Sukoh began to rock his head back and forth slowly.

The rocking quickly turned into a violent head thrashing, his teeth and mouth tightening around the lower half of the tanar'ri. This would be a gambit that could cost him his life, Sukoh didn't care about his own life. Nothing mattered to Sukoh but the lives of others, not even his own well being. Even if he causes the damage this attack intends to do, it might be for nothing, since he's taken so many deep and grievous wounds. But none of that mattered, Sukoh was going to kill this thing no matter how great the cost. If he didn't stop it then the dragon would have to, and the Dragon didn't need two enemies to fight at the same time. Especially one as strong as this. So Sukoh's attack did not relent, it did not cease!

Every one of his injuries was burning hot right now, the blood was flowing from them like a fountain. Head spinning and shaking he could barely think straight, and yet he persisted. The horns digging so deeply into his body that he could feel them scraping against the bone, his claws were cutting at his tendons and arteries. Making all of his weight drop down on top of him even moreso, unable to support himself as fully anymore. At this point his head was basically twitching so violently that his entire body was wobbling, from head to hindquarters his body shook. With all this force being applied shaken around Sukoh had full intent of tearing the monster in half. And if this is left alone it will in fact happen, and that's all Sukoh can hope for at this point. Even if he failed, the monster would be crippled from having its bones crushed in the iron clad grip of Sukoh's jaw.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dynoz spotted the dragon alight in the town, a twisted grin spread across his lips as he stopped, shouting at the top of his lungs, “What a pretty prize….a dragon’s skull to cannibalize…a prize surely to immortalize…one that shall over emphasize my skills, if only I can monopolize it from Adinraen’s eyes.”

With that Dynoz raced ahead, leaping over low fences and bales of hay, skirting the fighting as he raced towards the dragon. The bone daggers sizzled and dripped what they touched either melted at the touch or scorched by the brush. Such are the twins of acid and lightning.

A human man, who was stocky in girth, his florid face streaked with blood as he disengaged from a slim elf lass, her back broke by the huge oaf. With a spit and snarl, Dynoz leaped upon high, falling on the man’s bowed shoulders, both daggers ripping into the muscled flesh, with squeals of delight.

The man screaming in pain ran forward into the street, Dynoz’s legs wrapped around his waist, his arms rising and falling with incredible haste as the bone daggers plunged repeatedly into the man. As the man staggered and fell to his knees, the elf whispered into his ear, “You should have fled, but now it’s too late, you’re dead!”

With a quick slash, the daggers crossed the man’s neck, nearly decapitating him as the elf stood back, his eyes wild as the blood lust filled him. Turning his attention again to the dragon he snarled, “Now for you my pretty.”

However before he could take another step, he was rushed by a half dozen human men, who tackled the elf, throwing him through a door, following close behind, revenge in their eyes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The combatants were now well and locked in their dance of death. Those spectators on both sides had given the pair a wide berth, despite the pair having hardly moved from their spot just on the town’s edge. Humans on the walls we astonished at the display of power and ferocity by both sides, but knew not who to cheer for. Bowmen held their arrows in awe of the battle before them. At this point now the dire beast had begun a desperate and renewed attack as it now attempted to thrash about with his jaws still clutching the Tanar'ri. It had given up on pulling him back, but decided instead to pull back and forth. Bear teeth had by now dug into Snarnorgul scales tearing rudely into his tough hide. Blood had begun to drip down his legs, threatening to give out from under him already developing a hip pointer, painting the grass at their feet with black and the bears own crimson.

Growling with even more anger Snarnorgul patience had worn thin. He decided this contest had long since out grown its amusement. Judging from the act his enemy had chosen, Snarnorgul decided to rob the beast of as much flexibility in which to twist his head and thus Snarnorgul in the process. He snapped his right arm pincer under his opponents right arm once more as it breathed in sharply, with as close as the creatures body was too him he clutched on and dug his lower arm claws deeply into flesh. As with pulling back motion before Sukoh would be causing himself even more pain. If moving the Tanar'ri before with the aid of its torn limb had not proved successful before, shaking it about with a broken jaw would aid it little, at least it kept him on his feet. However, the violent shaking of his enemy had given Snarnorgul an idea.

With the bear’s body just inches from his mouth, his own jaws snapped open. Not to clamp down on the soft tissue of his foe, rather instead to unless a screeching roar like no other. However, it was unlikely his opponent would hear it, even the sharp ears of the elves around would not pick up even the immense levels of infrasound Snarnorgul had just unleashed. The intense pressure waves rocketed through the air, traveling into and 'through' Sukoh. At point black range Snarnorgul had loosed over 199db of sound waves. Causing extreme vibrations that would travel throughout the bear’s whole body. His layers of fat would prove no protection; in fact they likely sealed his fate. Sound waves passing through his organs would cause them to vibrate violently, which included the heart fluid-filled organ, lungs gas-filled membranes, and the abdomens variety of liquid, solid, and gas-filled pockets. All of these structures would vibrate at different rates and each had limits to how much they could stretch when subjected to such force, if the sound wave hit, as likely it would, and they would stretch and shrink in time with the low-frequency vibrations of the air molecules around them.

In the simplest of terms Sukoh's organs would be bouncing around in a lake of fat. His heart would rupture some of the arteries and vines as it pulled and shook in dozens of directions. The most interesting effect would be on the lungs, which would cause Sukoh to involuntarily take in a breath. The effects of this type of whole-body vibration coupled with his opponents already violent spasms would cause crippling problems, ranging from bone and joint damage within short time to of course inducing a range of symptoms, from nausea, and vomiting, to the rupturing of internal organs and even death unless something as done. In essence Snarnorgul had turned his opponent’s greatest strength, their great fat and mass, into their greatest weakness. Even after the scream had ended, aftershocks of vibrations echoing through the bear’s fat would continue. The bear's insides would soon be reduced to jello.

From that point on it was a matter of continuing to grasp onto Sukohs body to thwart it's attempt to throw him about. If his opponent was secretly a magical construct with flesh built about it, or needed no muscles or organs to move and live, this is when Snarnorgul would find out in a most troubling way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Suddenly his grip loosened on the beast below him, the soundwaves and bloodloss combined were far too much for his body to take. Sukoh's eyes rolled backwards and every single pound of his body went limp and fell on the tanar'ri. The bear's hind legs had been holding up a good bit of his weight since the beginning of the fight, and now they had bent to his foe. Though he had dealt significant damage to his opponent his body was not built to fight this kind of enemy, such raw evil was too great for even this pure of a spirit. His innards scrambled and more than half of his blood spilled to the ground he fell in battle to the snarnorgul.

Before his last breath was cast his jaw slid open and he muttered out a weak cry for someone to stop the monster, anyone. Though not many would hear it, it didn't really matter. Sukoh's lost blood and spinning head made this moment pretty much emptiness and silence, he couldn't even see as his head flopped limply downwards. Letting a good portion of whatever was thrown into his mouth fall out. A flood of blood and scrambled innards were sent careening from his mouth and onto the battlefield where elves and centaurs continued fighting. The awe-inspiring battle of colossi was quite finished at this point, with no fight left in him, and a lot of his own body not left in him. Sukoh dies.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She smiled up at the dragon, comforted by the fact that she would choose her to land next too, but feeling like, objectively, other people could use her help far more. She didn't know that the two approaching enemies would more then likely far overpower her if she was left on her own, so the addition of a dragon could be of great help. Evvie's eyes only were on the dragon for a brief moment before flicking back to the approaching elf. She nodded her head at her question, not deviating her gaze again.

"Yep!" She said enthusiastically, just in case she didn't catch the head nod. She was oddly casual in the presence of another dragon, as if they were old friends simply hanging out. Odd that she mentioned her smell. She was used to the smell so didn't pay it much attention, but upon this being brought up she did notice how she wasn't the most cleanly individual around. Did all dragons smell like caked on mud, grass, and various other elements of nature had been smeared onto her body? She made sniffing sounds as she leaned in closer to the dragon's scales, but she didn't notice anything unusual. Perhaps her sense of smell wasn't as keen as that of full dragons.

Such antics didn't last much longer because the elf had closed most of the distance and was now standing relatively nearby, observing the two. He complimented Evvie's power, or at least she assumed that's what he said, but he used a pretty big word that she wasn't completely sure of. Although he was more then likely a horrible person, at least he had good taste to point this out. She would have flexed her muscles in response had this been a more light hearted confrontation. For now she just kept staring him down, waiting to see his next move. That move was to taunt her and step backwards, vanishing from view behind a building. Oh no you don't! She was good at playing catch, and in fact she never lost when playing with friends (besides one unfair match when they tricked her), so this man was clearly underestimating her. She glanced briefly at the nearby dragon, nodding her head in his direction to wordlessly say that she was going in. Without waiting for a reply that was exactly like she did, tile roofing cracking underneath her foot as she shoved off at full speed. Her wings flapped four times to allow her to keep her altitude as she crossed all four buildings separating the two. As she passed over the one the elf had escaped too, she looked down, and if he wasn't there, quickly glance to the left and right down the alleyway to see if he was running away. If she spotted him and there were no civilians around, she would open up her jaws and blast him with the full force of her fire breath. If not she would have no choice but to drop into the alleyway and search the buildings. It was unlikely he could have gotten so far in such a short amount of time that he wouldn't be in any of the nearby ones.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dynoz staggered from the building, blood splattered across his armor. A haggard look graced his face; both of his daggers were dripping with blood, his hands shaking a little as he slumped down on the stoop.

Breathing slowly he plunged his daggers into the wood, lowering his head into his hands, quiet for a moment as the winds swished around him. Exhaling he scratched his ear, rubbing some blood away he stood up and pulled his daggers from the wood. Acid burned the wood with ease and the lightning scorched and fried the wood.

Somewhere out there were two dragons, a prize worthy of any elf. Even better was the fact that he was not alone, oh no, the Demon Elf was in the town somewhere, and his very presence would stack the odds in favor of the elves.

It was at that moment that Dynoz realized that the bellows of the behemoths had ended. A frown crossed his face as he turned and stared at a palisade, trying to see through it to no avail. Either the bear lay dead or Snarnorgul did…or perhaps both.

Shaking his head, he bared his teeth at a gaggle of humans who were working their way towards an exit. The cowed and battered humans, defeat in their eyes as they scurried away like the rodents they are.

With a low hiss, the elf leaped atop a low roof and managed to climb up higher. Crouching, he spotted the larger dragon, and then the smaller one flapping wings and racing off, presumably after the Demon Elf. Cocking his head, he listened for anything that would tell him where they went. Dropping down to the hard-packed streets, Dynoz took off at a good clip, easily covering the distance, zig-zagging to avoid the dead and the debris that littered the town.

Having covered nearly 80% of the distance between where he was and where he spotted the little dragon he paused and dropped low, sniffing the air and tuning his ears he caught scent of her. A wolfish grin crossed his lips, exposing his unnaturally long canines as he adjusted his grip on his daggers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Suddenly the weight of the bear gave as the life seemed to slowly recede from it's form. Snarnorgul back was no longer supported by the creatures head, causing them to both fall backward. The earth shaking in a resounding crash as the great mass of two titans hit the ground beneath them. Snarnorgul had managed to shift it's wight roughly to his right at the last moment. He laid there for some time, the pain at his midsection hinted h would not be moving anytime soon. A piece of bone had managed to jute through his scales, midnight black blood still bleeding from a row of wounds. Snarnorgul growled in frustration but he rested in knowing he had at least completed it's given task. The Tanar'ri had survived worst, but the damage to his pride was more significant. The bear had fought well, managing to deal nearly crippling. In the end however it's many wounds had proven to much for it. Leaving the Tanar'ri partly under the great mass of his fallen foe. He was slightly begrudged however, he would have rather to have killed it slowly to allow it to suffer.

But was done was done, there was nothing left now but to wait.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Adinraen landed on the ground below with not much more than a whispering thud. He knew one, or both, of his freshly taunted foes would be after him within moments. Quickly, he turned on his heels; racing down one of the many alleys that would cause the dragons to have to give chase from above, making it an aerial to ground battle - or both would have to make it to the ground. It would be interesting to see if the large dragon had the ability to become somewhat humanoid like her half-dragon friend.

As he raced through the streets, the first thing he did was anchor his domination, so that he had a steady area to work with. Moving too much would ruin the chase and make things too easy for him. He had a diameter of eight hundred feet to work in, more than enough for his plan of attack.

With that done, he quickly sheathed his Bone Blades and removed his Ring Blade, if the battle was to be aerial this would be the weapon to have -especially if he stayed in his area of domination. The lack of people around would have perturbed a normal being, but Adinraen liked it. It meant they were dead or dying - sadly it couldn't be because of him.

Adinraen came to a bit of a stop, turning and seeing his aerial dragon foe - it was the smaller of the two - coming after him. He readied himself, not knowing what the dragon lady would do next. He had already prepared a defense, as well as a way to move around the field all in the same go.

Within his area of domination, he could feel things moving - including the familiar foot steps of his leader, Dynoz. Perhaps Dynoz would benefit as well. His domination had given him plenty of effects, aside from being able to manipulate the area. His energies had become one with it - and he would exercise his cruel dominion to startling effects.

The dragon had come closer and obviously saw the circular blade wielding Demon. How did he know? Because there was a torrent of fire spewing from the half dragons mouth, coming straight for him. Normally, one would want to hide from a column of fire, but Adinraen was not the one for normal measures. Instead, he quickly rose his arms and all through his eight hundred foot diameter, which translated into an area of five hundred and two thousand six hundred fifty four feet, contained with a two thousand five hundred and thirteen foot circumference, and formed a multitude of pillars including one right in front of him to block the flames. Peppered throughout the area now, would pillars of all shapes and sizes - portals to him.

From behind the pillar, protecting him from harm, he rolled and launched with magnificent force, his Ring Blade towards Evvie. With the power, and his domination, it would clear about half the length of the flames within moments, but perhaps would not reach the woman by the time she stopped spewing the flames to move. It didn't matter, if Dynoz had took the signal, the woman would be done for soon. He was close and still coming, he couldn't be any less than ninety percent of the way towards them now.

But, should the Ring Blade strike true, the Dragon lady would need to deal with anything ranging from a nick, to a severed limb or artery, depending on the hit. Adinraen was already beginning to move - beginning to play his game!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 5 days ago

Niks flapped his wings as he explored this weird new world he was thrown to because of the Nexus from where he was trapped before getting his current suit to his homeworld had closed and shifted its destination to where he was at the moment. The place was slightly dimmer than his own, even with the three suns above. In exchange, the place was saturated with arcane energy. Which was something he had only known to happen when a Dregas rebalanced an area with their magic. That the whole place seemed to be in that state without any indication of the Dregas' presence would meant this world is probably filled with magical creature who probably has excellent affinity with magic. If he can find a sentient and their place of learning, it might be worthwhile to stay around for awhile. The only problem with it was that the first sign of civilization he saw was currently in the middle of skirmish. An incredibly dangerous one that involved one large dragon.

Not willing to be caught in it so soon, Niks landed on the ground and tried to find a place to hide. His current size helped since he won't have to worry about finding too large of a place, his hair color, however, did not.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 1 day ago

They were too small, to quick within the sanctity of many (albeit dilapidated) buildings. With her immense size, Vera did not stare leap about in the town's small spaces for fear of wrecking the human's homes even further. The half-dragon pursued what was originally to be her target as well, though her conscience had since stopped her. She had the option of reverting to human form, but amidst the chaos and uncertainty, she worried that such a stance would prove insufficient in dealing with her foes. She maintained her titanic size.

But something large and formidable caught her eyes. Something she thought would justify battling in her size; the monstrous being she had seen earlier upon arrival on wing. The disastrous form of its body, layered with armor and sporting numerous chitinous claws, she knew in that instance that it was her fateful opponent here. Giving one last glance into the direction Evvie had left, worried slightly but placing faith in her abilities, Vera took to wing and landed with a skid beside Snarnorgul, sniffing the blood and gore that coated him, noting the bear's carcass at his side. Certainly this thing was worth her sincere time if it could fell such an immense bear.

"Forgive me if my assumptions offend you, but your appearance and destructive nature indicate you side with these horrid elves," Vera stated, blowing a jet of flame from her nostrils, "I would so love to engage in a battle befitting of my own size and strength. The elves are cannon-fodder you see." Vera crouched low to the ground, and expanding her wings, readied for quick movement if the beast proved faster than his weighty appearance indicated.
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