Hidden 3 days ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Edward's Estate
Interaction: @princess Cassius, Callum, Charlotte

Surprisingly, just one of the drinks helped to take some of the edge off of Lorenzo. Though he was aware of how terrible it was to medicate himself with it, Lorenzo would be lying if he claimed it never helped sometimes. His eyes admired his glass as he attempted to keep himself from butting into Charlotte's fun with her two new and peculiar male friends. He winced.

A Danrose and a Damien… How did this happen? It's… it's not bad, I guess. Unexpected but she's having fun… she's having fun… she's having fun, Lorenzo. He beat those final thoughts into his head until he couldn't but hear Cassius baiting the others into a drinking contest of sorts. Lorenzo finally turned his head, first looking at Charlotte, then to Callum, and finally Cassius.

“Shall we see who can keep up?”

“Let’s! The Duke of Vermillion could use a warm up… Like a rival of mine famously says, ‘I’m here to play… and win.’” Lorenzo downed one of his two cocktails before flashing a mischievous grin at the young men.

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Hidden 3 days ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Attire: Black/Green Coat, Black Dress Pants, and Black Shoes
Time: Morning of the 25th
Location: Edwards Estate
Mentions: Everyone present at the party]

Drake waved his hand at the offer to join the man with his guests. ”I would love to keep you all company at present. But I actually have something to tend to…I just wanted to make sure all is well. Do give Charlotte my best wishes, though. I think I caught wind of what she gave me and I -” He paused for a moment in appreciation. ”I am very thankful.” He bowed towards the man and walked off towards the stage setup near the end of the garden.

On his way there he managed to bump into three lady servants serving cocktails. While it would normally be ill-advised to partake in drink so soon before a performance, Drake could scarcely hold his nerves together. He gestured towards them and gave a bow as he reached for a cocktail. ”Oh you three are life-savers. I am rather shaken by the upcoming performance and might need a slight bit of liquid courage to stave the nerves.” The man swigged a good portion of the cocktail before letting out a sigh. Immediately he felt a strong kick to his throat as the alcohol slipped down his throat and he stifled a minor cough from the pure strength of the drink he just consumed. There was no odd taste, yet he felt like this was quite the potent mixture he just drank. Nonetheless, he smiled at the three ladies. ”Oh thank you three very much. Erica, Vanessa, and Yellenia right? You three deserve a break from my mother’s antics. I’m sure she’s had you running around all day - so please help yourself to some of the food being prepared. Tell them I said it was okay.”

He gave them a bow, albeit slightly shaken, and stood up to walk back towards the stage. Once there, he read over the sheet music once more. Gah. Why can’t I focus? Surely I am not so anxious that I cannot even see straight? He shook his head and gave his cheeks a light tap - his vision clearing in the moment. Once he gave it another once over, he placed it to the side and picked up the wrapped up sheet music that Charlotte had given him. It was a rather nice piece - something calm and serene, and thankfully short. He felt like if he was any longer he would forget half the notes before he made it back on stage. It was a rather large gamble to pull such a stunt - but for one reason or another he was feeling rather adventurous.

Drake made his way onto the stage amidst the bustling crowd. Once he placed the sheet music onto the piano stand he waved his hands to the crowd and gave a big bow towards the party-goers.

”Dearest friends, guests, gentlemen, ladies, and everything not classified. I welcome you to this fine celebration put on by my loving family in commemoration of my Name Day.”

He gestured towards the table where his Mother sat, and then towards his Father and Ariella.

”To you all I cannot thank you enough for making me feel like something of a somebody on this beautiful day.”

Once he had grabbed their attention he made his way to the piano and kept his voice projected, yet still moderately quiet as to not jar anyones eardrums before the performance. ”I hope you enjoy this performance of Clair de Luna - and may you all have a beautiful day.” Once the sound had quieted down enough, his fingers hit the keys with grace and precision.


As the final notes filled the air - Drake could scarcely believe he had made it to the end of the performance with little hiccups. The man felt his head beginning to spin ever so slightly - but he pushed on. Turning to the crowd, he shouted out once more, more boisterously than before.

”And this next piece is a surprise one - gifted to me by a special someone. A spectacular person by the name of Charlotte Vikena. Thank you for blessing me with such a fine gift on such a fine day, milady.”

Perhaps in a wiser state of mind, he would have elaborated, but he chose to end it there, and began the next piece.


The notes hung in the air - a little shakier of a performance this time around but Drake felt like he more or less nailed it. Which was a miracle given how little time he had to prepare it. The lord stood up and faced the audience with a smile. He waved his hand and looked from left to right before taking an overenthusiastic bow. But that is when things would finally go wrong for the young lord. All the sensations that he had managed to ignore, whether through adrenaline or tolerance, had come washing to his head all at once. It proved to be too much - and so Drake in all his glory took a tumble off the stage, careening into the clearing in front of the tables that were closest to the stage.

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Hidden 3 days ago 2 days ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

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Hidden 1 day ago 1 day ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: 10 AM
Location: Sorian Temple
Interactions: The Perfumer

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Hidden 1 day ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning, 10am
Location: Edward’s home, for Drake’s party
Interactions: Nahir @Rodiak, Wulfric @Silverpaw

Calbert Damien, constant grumpus, hates the flashy fella in pink, Lord Vikena. He noted, and in so few words Nahir had clued him in that such drama ran rampant in Caesonia. Before he could answer her question, a man whose appearance could only be described as angelic approached. A pristine white suit? At a garden party? Ballsy. Classy. He admired the choice and how it made Wulfric stand out so easily in a garden full of vibrantly dressed nobility.

Rohit rose from his seat the moment Prince Wulfric introduced himself. He bowed respectfully, “Good morning, Your Highness. I’m Rohit, son of Vali Amar of Kimoon.” He sat down once the prince had taken his seat and grabbed a well-crafted cocktail. A future King and the likely future Sultana…picked the right seat to steal!” He thought, remaining relaxed in the impressive company until whoever’s seat he’d borrowed eventually showed up to claim it.

“Much to explore.” Rohit repeated in agreement sipping from his drink. He’d seen only a fraction of the city and already looked forward to seeing more. “As for my journey here,” He paused to think of the many ports he’d stopped at -why go on a grand journey and not make the most of it- and decided to speak of another Caesonian city.

“Felipina.” Rohit said, addressing Nahir. “Best stop of my journey, excluding the destination, of course.” He continued, nodding to Wulfric. “Great food, even better wine, beaches filled with beautiful people, and music and romance fill the air. Casa de las Estrellas, what a way to wind down - stargazing on a private balcony. And I’m told I must return for the Grand Treasure Hunt, how exciting! Shehzadi, I can’t recommend it enough. Never dull never dreary.” Rohit gave his mostly honest review of the city, was it better than Breoven? Maybe not, but he doubted the future King of Caesonia wanted to hear how wonderful Breoven was to visit.

“But despite the high bar set by Felipina, Sorian has already impressed. I arrived just in time to catch the carnival last night, what a wonderful surprise. Anyplace you‘d recommend?” He asked Wulfric just as Drake took the stage.

Drake’s performance was marvelous, a pair of well-played songs that showed the man’s skill off nicely. Until he went to take his bow, “Ooooh, embarrassing, he muttered as Lord Drake fell from the stage.

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Hidden 1 day ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: 10am
Location: Drake’s Birthday Bash
Interactions: Charlotte @princess, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Cassius @PapaOso, Drake @Lava Alckon

Callum made a face of disgust as Cassius referred to him as, Your Highness. “Nonsense, I’m not high, right now.” He joked and noted the discomfort from Charlotte, and denial from Cassius, at his assumption that the two were a couple.

It wasn’t obvious, but Callum had a knack for finding darkness, and there was certainly some of it behind Charlotte’s eyes when he’d mentioned his dislike for both Calbert and Edin. But what was more telling was the long moment where it seemed like Charlotte was somewhere else; her expression changed as her eyes focused on empty spaces. Like she was seeing things that weren’t there too. ...And what spells have you been casting, Charlotte? He wondered, jumping on the explanation that made the most sense to him.

”Princess, huh?” Callum repeated the nickname Cassius had for Charlotte. ”Didn’t realize I had a secret sister out there.” He joked as he watched Charlotte down her drink.

Callum was not going to be outdone. He grabbed a cocktail and lifted it in Cassius' direction, as he was the one to officially make this a challenge, and drank the entire drink in one go. “I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there’s a reason there’s a tavern with my name, and face, on it.” He added, slamming the empty glass back on the table as Drake took the stage.

”What a lovely piece, you composed it?” Callum whispered, eyes flickering to Charlotte. ”It’s magical.” He commented as the song ended.

And then Drake fell off the stage.

Callum stood up, stumbling as the cocktail, and that loaf of alcoholic bread, struck him. He held on to the table for a moment then fumbled his way to Drake.

”You alright?” He asked, offering a hand. ”From the guy who's usually falling over at parties, best to just laugh it off.” He added quietly.
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Hidden 15 hrs ago 15 hrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Location: Edwards Estate - Drake's Party
Attire: Dress, Amulet
Interaction: @PapaOso Cassius @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Helo Callum @Potter Olivia

Charlotte turned her attention to Callum, her smile lighting up her face as she leaned in slightly, and teasingly said, “Well, maybe I am your sister. We do share strikingly similar features, don’t we? Dark hair, blue eyes... Perhaps there's a royal family secret worth investigating.”

With a quick glance at Cassius, her voice shifted to a breezier tone, “A legend, huh? Well, I suppose I can’t argue with that.” When he leaned closer and claimed he’d be carrying her, she raised her brows with an exaggerated tilt of her head. “Oh, you really think so? I’ll have you know, Cassius, I can hold my own.” Her hand casually brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear as she lifted her glass, smirking confidently, “In fact, I think I already have the trophy.”

Cassius downed his second cocktail and her brows shot up in surprise. But as he issued his challenge, her eyes widened, and she repeated, ‘A drinking contest?" She glanced around the table as if appalled by the very suggestion. “At the son of the Duke of Soralia’s birthday party, no less! And need I remind you, it is only 10 AM!” It was clear from the giggles that followed the statement, that she wasn’t sober enough to deliver the logic convincingly. The warmth from the cocktail had settled in quickly, loosening her usually measured demeanor, though she had always been a lightweight.

“Let’s! The Duke of Vermillion could use a warm-up… Like a rival of mine famously says, ‘I’m here to play… and win.’” Charlotte whirled to face Lorenzo, half-raising her hand to object, but before she could even get a word out, he downed his cocktail just as swiftly as she had earlier. She blinked in surprise, only to hear Callum’s voice pipe up again. Callum, too, emptied his glass. She knew she should have been exasperated with them, yet she couldn’t help but grin at the absurdity of it all.

"Well." she began, raising her finger as if she had just thought of something profound, "if you boys insist on carrying on like this, I suppose someone will have to teach you a lesson in how to properly handle your liquor like a lady." She grinned, then plucked one of the shots and gulped it down with a quick flick of her wrist. The alcohol burned briefly as it slid down her throat, a sharp reminder of what a terrible idea this was. But Lottie, for once, didn’t care. After all that had transpired—the constant swirl of drama, the weird aura around her, Calbert Damien, and those intrusive memories of her father that seemed to force themselves into her reality when least expected—she needed to let go, even just for a moment.

Besides, if she was going to be dragged into another one of those surreal flashbacks, better to be a little too tipsy to care.

"...We could play strip poker." Her gaze slid to the table next to them as they remained perfectly in earshot. As Anastasia had been speaking, she had dimly registered her words as background noise, but it hadn’t been until that last bit that she felt the need to look over and spot the scandalous amount of PDA between Farim and Anastasia. Compared to that spectacle, she figured a few shots would be the least scandalous thing happening at this party.

Her eyes met Olivia’s for a fleeting moment to check up on her, then her attention shifted entirely as Drake made an announcement then sat at a piano, the serene notes wrapping around her like a comforting embrace.

Clasping her hands together in delight, she squealed with a rare burst of excitement. “Oh! This song is one of my favorites!” She idly sipped from yet another cocktail as the music filled the air, swaying slightly to the rhythm, a contented smile on her face.

Then, Drake’s words made her freeze mid-sip.

”...And this next piece is a surprise one - gifted to me by a special someone. A spectacular person by the name of Charlotte Vikena. Thank you for blessing me with such a fine gift on such a fine day, milady.”

Charlotte’s eyes darted around as heads turned toward her. Instead of shying away, as she might’ve done before, she eventually gave the crowd a cheeky little wave.

“What a lovely piece, you composed it? ...It’s magical.”

She slurped the remaining liquid from the bottom of the glass as she replied casually,"Certainly did," she said, "I suppose that makes me magical, doesn’t it?" It wasn’t long after that Drake tumbled off the stage, and Callum had rushed to his aid, along with several attendants. Charlotte assumed his parents would also be soon to follow as gasps filled the air.

She craned her neck to check on Drake as he tumbled off the stage. Gasps filled the air, and Callum, along with several attendants, rushed to his aid. She watched for a moment, her lips forming a faint pout before deciding he seemed alright. With a dramatic sigh, she turned her attention back to Lorenzo and Cassius, her cheeks flushed and her eyes gleaming with a giddy energy.

"Well, that was quite the performance," she giggled, playfully swinging her now empty shot glass in the air before setting it down a little too forcefully. "But you know..." she began, her words starting to slur ever so slightly, "I think I could do better—without falling off a stage, mind you."

She hiccuped and blinked, her train of thought momentarily lost before a mischievous grin crossed her face. "Cassius, Lorenzo," Lottie continued, swaying slightly as she leaned closer to them, "I've been thinking... If we were all animals, you'd definitely be a... hmm..." She paused, her gaze locking onto Lorenzo as she squinted in mock concentration, leaning in as if unveiling a grand revelation." A ferret like Kier! All squiggly and sneaky. You clever little thing!"

She paused, giggling uncontrollably at her own words. Then, turning to Cassius, she poked him lightly in the chest, "And you, you'd be... oh! A peacock! Always strutting around, thinking you're oh so pretty." With that declaration, she snatched up another shot and poured it down her throat, perhaps enjoying the pleasant feeling a little too much.

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