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Hidden 2 days ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Attire: Party fit (one brooch only)
Date and Time: Sola 25th, Morning
Location: The Edwards estate
Mention(s): Anastasia, Farim, Drake, Duchess Edwards
Interaction(s): @Rodiak Nahir, @Helo Rohit
Wulfric followed Nahir's gaze to his sister, who was sprawled in Farim’s lap.

He had noticed the two, of course he had. No one dared so much as whisper about the pair of debauched royals. Most averted their gaze from them, pretending they did not exist. Did that mean they were immune to the pitfalls of unfavourable public opinion? Not necessarily.

Wulfric was unfortunately used to Anastasia’s decadent ways. Watching the pair, a number of faces and figures transposed onto the image of the Alidasht prince; the various men and women she had been with. From his viewpoint, the two were just playing around, as she liked to do. There was nothing special or different there compared to her past dalliances. If Farim was so easily given to carnal lust, he did not expect there would be anything to the courting efforts he had claimed he would pursue.


After a brief observation, he turned back to Nahir. “It has been eventful, has it not?” he agreed. “I do hope you have had moments of relaxation as well. I would not wish for your experience here to be too trying.” She referenced the recent chaos with deliberate delicacy. It was understandable an adept diplomat such as the Shehzadi preferred not to openly criticize. Nonetheless, Wulfric was aware the state of his kingdom was far, far from optimal.

Nahir’s words had shifted the conversation to the noble who had introduced himself as Rohit. The man enjoyed excitement, and asked for recommended spots to explore. “Within Sorian? If you are interested in naturalistic romantic retreats, you may enjoy the Lover’s Lake. Pasta Oasis is a well-visited all-you-can eat restaurant featuring a pool. Speaking of pools, the Seaside Heaven Resort has water slides I’m told even adults can enjoy. The Gambling and Games Hall is a fun time whenever you are in the mood for games of chance. Sports games are often hosted at the Athletic Stadium or the Athletic Arena. Generally, you will want to be on the lookout for the summer events which will be announced in the newspaper,” he listed a few venues based on what Rohit told them he had enjoyed so far.

Drake’s performance had nearly been a background event to their conversation, but then there was a disruption as his friend promptly fell of the stage. Wulfric frowned at the lord. It was unusual. His gaze swept through the crowds. Noticing a trend, he eyed Rohit – or rather, the drink the man had already started on. “If you would rather refrain from getting embarrassingly drunk, I suggest you do not finish that drink. As delicious looking as they are, it appears these cocktails are unexpectedly potent.”

Potentially spiked drinks featuring at this party was suspicious given recent events. However, the only apparent effect so far was inebriation. Not as concerning as drugging or magic, though Wulfric still figured it would be best to have someone collect a sample afterwards.

“What a farse,” a note of disdain coloured his tone as he coolly surveyed the crowds. The guests were getting drunk fast. As a result, the birthday party was getting rowdier than expected. People were shouting, insulting each other, laughing too loudly, or dropping like flies.

“There goes another one,” he commented dispassionately as Charlotte fell to the floor. Cassius joined her soon after, though in his case, it was very much deliberate.

Peripherally, he noticed Farim’s fingers making headway in exploring Anastasia’s abdomen. He still had to tell him about the Grand Vizier’s scheme, didn’t he.

“Shehzadi Nahir, how would you feel about relocating to a calmer venue? I cannot say this is the type of entertainment I am looking for…Though, I suppose if we are staying, we might as well wager on who is going to pass out or make a scene next. Duchess Victoria does seem worryingly close to bursting a blood vessel, does she not?” he noted. Unlike the concern implied by his words, he sounded bored, if anything. If this group of fools was going to cause a mess, he knew he might have to intervene. He never did easily suffer idiots who made things difficult for him.
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Hidden 2 days ago 2 days ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Duke Gideon Edwards

Time: 10am
Location: Drake Edwards Birthday Party at the Edwards Estate Backyard
Mentions/Interactions: @Lava Alckon Drake, @Tpartywithzombi Ariella, @CitrusArms Stratya, @princess Victoria

Gideon’s attempt to continue his conversation with his daughter was interrupted when his son took to the stage for his performance. He watched with joy as Drake played to the crowd so elegantly, pride swelling up within him. However, as the performance concluded…things would go awry.

His heart sank as he watched Drake stumble and fall, the laughter of the crowd cutting through the air like a dagger. Drake had been drinking, sure, but it was unlike him to reach such a level of inebriation. He felt the way the few cocktails he had enjoyed were affecting him and wondered what in the world was making them so damned strong.

His gaze shifted to Victoria, whose voice rang out across the garden with sharp, biting words directed at their son. The familiar disdain twisted in his stomach, made all the worse by the drink coursing through his veins, loosening his grip on his usual patience. This wasn’t just a party; it was a showcase for Victoria’s grandeur, and it seemed to come at the expense of their children’s dignity. Watching her berate Ariella just moments prior left him feeling disillusioned. How could she be so cruel to the very children she was supposed to nurture?

“Stop making a scene,” he muttered under his breath, the words directed at no one in particular but laced with an urgency that dripped from his voice. He could feel the tension in the air, thick with laughter and mockery aimed at Victoria, and he knew this could spiral out of control. He had seen his wife wield her sharp tongue with reckless abandon, and surely the alcohol wasn’t helping that matter… it was as if she had forgotten the very essence of mothering.

He caught a glimpse of Stratya’s audacious heckle, the words ringing in his ears like a siren call. Gideon felt a flicker of approval mixed with incredulity; if anyone could draw the line against Victoria’s reign of judgment, it would be the Knight Captain. But the laughter that erupted only added fuel to the fire, and he could sense the atmosphere shifting dangerously.

With a resolute breath, he made his way toward Victoria, trying to intercept her before the situation escalated further. He sidestepped the revelry of the crowd, feeling the collective energy swell and shift around him.

“Victoria,” he called gently, his voice firm yet coaxing. “Why don’t you come back and sit with Lily and I? We’re all supposed to be celebrating together.” He placed a hand on her arm, a silent plea to draw her back from the precipice of confrontation. “Today is about our children, about Drake. Let’s not give him and Ariella any more reason to feel ashamed.”

He knew he was treading on thin ice, but as he looked into Victoria’s eyes, he hoped she would see the sincerity in his own. “It’s not worth it. We’re better than this.” The words felt hollow even as he spoke them, but Gideon clung to the belief that they could at least attempt to restore some semblance of decorum amid the chaos.

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Hidden 2 days ago 2 days ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Edwards Estate Backyard
Interaction:@Helo Callum, @Lava Alckon Drake @TpartywithZombi Ariella @Funnyguy Lorenzo @Helo Callum @PapaOso Gideon @CitrusArms Stratya

Victoria's eyes flared dangerously the moment Ariella opened her mouth, and any semblance of restraint snapped under the weight of the alcohol coursing through her veins. She tensely leaned in and began to whisper. "Oh, Ariella, darling," she spat, her tone dripping with venomous sarcasm, "since when did you become the expert on decorum? You can't even keep your shoes on for more than an hour. I can't imagine how much dirt is stuck under your nails." She laughed mockingly, her eyes flashing with fury as she took a step closer, her gaze burning through her daughter.

"Honestly," she continued, her tone scathing, "if you ever want to be anything in this society, you’ll stop making a fool of yourself and start acting more like me. "

She let out an exasperated sigh, glaring down at her daughter before turning on her heel with a dramatic flourish, her head held high. "I don’t have time for this nonsense."

Victoria's lips subsequently thinned as Drake tried to smooth over the situation with humor. He did a fine enough job, but she was too annoyed to properly award him. She found herself irked as he tried to claim he could hold his liquor after showing clearly that was not in fact the case to most of the nobility in the city. "Five scotches for breakfast?" she echoed, "You're kidding me, right? You better not become some smelly alcoholic." Her gaze flicked to the crowd, irritation barely concealed. "Fine, I’ll refrain from further yelling."

However, not everyone wanted to refrain from yelling. A female voice suddenly cut through the air, “Take off yerr shoes!”

Victoria froze mid-step, her head slowly turning back towards Stratya, her eyes wide with confusion. The confident demeanor cracked for just a moment, giving way to a bewildered expression.

"What did you just say?" she asked. It took her a few seconds to process the outburst, and for once, she was speechless. "Take off my shoes?" she repeated, almost incredulously, as if the very suggestion were the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard."Who do you think you are?"

“She won’t do it! It would be a crime Knight Captain! Victoria knows she has the stinkiest feet in the Kingdom! Trust me when I say it would be easier to bury your face in WEEK-OLD ROYAL CURD CHEESE left in the blistering heat than to be subjected to the hell of her removing her shoes!”

Her head whipped toward Lorenzo, her eyes blazing with fury. Her lips parted to speak, however, the least important prince spoke up with empty threats and even dared to jump on insulting her foot odor! He'd pay for that! They both would.

“Victoria,” Gideon's voice intercepted her raging mind, “Why don’t you come back and sit with Lily and I? We’re all supposed to be celebrating together.” He placed a hand on her arm, “Today is about our children, about Drake. Let’s not give him and Ariella any more reason to feel ashamed. It’s not worth it. We’re better than this.”

Her lips curled into a tight, icy smile that didn’t reach her eyes as Gideon spoke. Instead of replying, with all the elegance and poise of a practiced noblewoman, she lifted her glass, as if in a mock toast, her fingers tightening ever so slightly around the stem.

"Enjoy the party, Duke Vikena," she said softly, her voice carrying just enough edge for him to know the sentiment was anything but kind. As she lowered her glass, her eyes remained fixed on him. She didn’t need to say anything more—her look alone was enough to make it clear. Lorenzo had just made an enemy, and Victoria Edwards was not a woman who forgot or forgave easily.

With one last piercing stare that could cut through steel, she averted her gaze and addressed everyone, "For the record, I bathe daily and apply only the finest floral-scented lotions to my feet regularly. I receive pedicures every week from the best in the kingdom. If anyone doubts me, you're welcome to sniff my feet yourselves!" With a huff, retreated back to the table, her head held high.
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Hidden 2 days ago 2 days ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Time: Late Morning
Location: Damien Estate → Lover’s Lake
Mention: Fritz/Ryn @JJ Doe, Calbert and Liliane Damien, Charlotte @princess, Roman @ReusableSword

The Damien Estate. Alexander’s eyes lit up as he took in the view of the property from the small window of the carriage approaching the front gate. Though he had been here previously on the night of the masquerade party, seeing it now, revealed in the light of day, only added to its allure. To think the very element that unmasked the beauty of the Damien home was what he could only mildly tolerate, especially on clear-sky days like these. Still, there were tasks he needed to complete and ongoing operations that needed the occasional or even frequent stoking.

Scarlett. I continue to force our paths to cross. Alexander had not completely planned this visit, at least not this soon. Reviewing the objectives laid out during the Black Rose Company meeting brought forth a realization for him. Alexander actually found it a touch humorous. The two other men who knew Violet’s true nature were also considered enemies of her father. A grin spread across his lips as he thought of how entangled the threads of these relationships were becoming.

With the Black Rose Company embedded with the Damien family staff as an illusion of providing needed additional protection, the carriage was let into the property. Concurrently, word was being passed that Violet had a guest. The information passed from servant to servant until Violet heard a firm knocking on her bedroom door.

She had been in the midst of a rare moment of quiet, savoring the stillness of her room, when the knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.

“Lady Damien, a Mr. Deacon is here to see you. He intends to escort you from the property to talk about… work.” The servant didn’t even believe in the message she was conveying. “If you prefer it, I can send him away.” She offered, assuming Alexander might be a bother to Violet’s desire for solitude.

The news of Alexander's visit caught her off guard, and her mind raced with the implications. She knew Alexander Deacon well enough to understand that his visit was never without purpose, especially given the intertwined web of alliances and enmities surrounding them.

She stood up slowly, smoothing out the fabric of her black morning dress as she considered the situation. The offer to send him away was tempting, but Violet knew better than to avoid Alexander. His presence on her family's estate, under the pretense of discussing "work," was a signal that something important needed to be discussed, but truthfully, she didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to see him again. Strangely, through their conversations, she felt herself growing fond of Alexander.

"Thank you, but I'll see him, I am under his employment now, attempting to keep myself busy so he may make an appearance from time to time." Violet replied, her voice calm but firm. She dismissed the servant with a nod and a soft smile.

Violet took a moment to compose herself, her reflection in the mirror showing no trace of the unease she felt. The dark circles from the lack of sleep were evident, and despite her attempts, she couldn’t seem to hide with makeup. Taking a deep sigh, she stood tall, attempting to pull herself together; she could be herself around Alexander; however, the presence of him at her home would likely have the household buzzing, and she wanted to avoid any unnecessary attention.

Finally making her way down the corridor, she headed down the large stairs; grabbing her thick black coat, she pulled her hair around her shoulders, adjusting it to sit comfortably. She turned back around to see many of the staff members waiting at the top of the staircase watching and whispering. She knew that before long, this would likely get back to her parents as well, which, after the conversation she just had with her mother, she hoped would go unnoticed.

Heading out to where the carriage had been pulled Violet opened the carriage doors. Her crimson eyes landed on Alexander as the bright hues from her red eyes seemed to glow under her hooded cape. With the help of his attendant Violet stepped into the carriage sitting across from him. It was a familiar feeling, one that brought her back to the night of the stables.

“Should I expect early morning calls after a night of drinking to be a regular occurrence?” her voice tinged with sass as it was clear Violet was certainly not a morning person. Alexander simply sighed as he held open a small, black, hard-covered book in his right hand.

“As if you’re busy with something important.” His eyes remained affixed to the open page containing a list of thirteen names. A dozen nobodies and someone Violet might become deeply connected to. “Wait! Before you tell me otherwise, I only jest.” He grinned as his eyes finally met hers. The carriage suddenly started moving but he kept his eyes on hers as if searching for something in them. “How are you?”

Her red eyes narrowed in on his “As if you care about the response to that question.” She sighed. “I sent a letter to Lord Fritz last night, I expect he will receive it this morning, and truthfully…” she paused taking a moment to catch a breath “I am still uncertain about the arrangement but I suppose we should see how the meeting goes.” She sat back against the carriage wall “I almost had my maid for breakfast this morning as well.” She sucked in her breath and held it for a moment before releasing it slowly. She took notice of the book in his hands with writing inside of it. “Does that book have anything to do with why you decided to call on me so early?”

“...” Alexander parted his lips to speak but refrained, deciding to take another second to think about what Violet just shared with him. “That and those eyes I admire so so much.” With little effort, Alexander tore the page of interest from the book. “I… missed you.” He shamelessly bit his lower lip as he shut the book and started to neatly fold the paper on his lap.

Blinking, her eyes widened slightly at his admittance to the reason for his visit. “..I’m surprised,” she said truthfully as she watched him fold the paper on his lap. She wanted to trust the words he said to her but his life was coated in lies and secrets, ones she knew well and others she only imagined existed. Yet foolishly she couldn’t help herself but to indulge in the fantasy of it all. She remained silent while he continued folding the paper, waiting for some kind of hint as to what exactly it was he wanted to speak on, it sure as hell wasn't for her company.

“And aware…” he added before extending the folded paper to her with an outstretched hand. “And informed. Don’t read the names aloud, please. Simply look and tell me how many more you recognize.”

Violet reached out and grabbed the paper from his hand. She carefully opened it up and took a moment to read all the names and double-check them before folding the paper up once again and extending it back. “None,” she said simply before leaning back in the carriage. “Well…Other than Lord Fritz Hendrix but you know that.” Her eyes watched him as if trying to find some kind of clue for the question.

“Good… Actually, ‘not too bad’ may be a better reply,” Alexander said with a shrug before reaching and retrieving the paper back.

“They’re all marked for death by…” He paused as he seemed to be saying too much. “Well, my people are still unsure, but I can assure you the threat is real enough for me to come to you so suddenly this morning. For that I do apologize, Scarlett.”

“Marked for death?” She studied his face as she thought. However, her initial reaction was not one people would normally have upon hearing that news. “There are worse things in this world than death but … what exactly did Lord Fritz do to wind up on that list?”

“I can't say, really. There are far too many reasons for wanting someone dead.” Alexander smoothly slipped the folded paper between the pages of the book from once it came. “What’s important to me is that your potential source of blood remains alive. And though I don't have much to go on, simply informing him of the plot may greatly aid him.” Alexander chuckled lightly. “It’s almost too perfect that you happen to be meeting with him soon… And poor Roman. Or perhaps, lucky Roman, hmm.”

“So you want me to share this information? I might need more than just ‘your name is on a death list.’” She took in a breath.

“I don't want you to do anything, dear. I am providing you this information so that you may make your own decision regarding one of your lambs with it. If you can't convince Count Fritz with your word alone then it may be best to let him perish. There should be more trust between you two. Again, poor Roman.”

“I don't see how Roman has any factor in this…” she responded, confused by his concern for him.

“Oh… I’m sorry if I honed in on you not mentioning a meeting with Roman as well.” His tone was dripping with a false sense of concern. “He must be your backup plan. I like that. Good thinking.”

Her face dropped as a shadowed expression glided across her face. “I haven't found the words to say to him yet.” She said softly, her red eyes glancing out the carriage window for a moment. The slight exposure of her neck from turning her head set a vicious and curious thought in the mind of Alexander. He leaned forward ever so slightly, feigning interest in her words though her flesh… her crimson nectar within was his focus. “I don't have backup plans. I have regrets, and as I said, I don't know about the situation with Lord Fritz. The idea scares me in truth. Maybe the idea of accidentally killing someone is easier to swallow when it's a stranger than a friend. I wouldn't put Roman in that position.”

How would it taste? Desirable? Disgusting? Warm? Or perhaps cold and refreshing. Her eyes moved back to look at him, unaware of what lay beneath his surface.

“If that's how you decipher your relationships, then so be it, but don't include me in that.” She tugged at her cloak as she smoothed it out against her lap “I would like to say I can include you in that mix, a friend that is. That is why, regardless of your motives, I wouldn't toss your name to the wolves either.”

And if you did? Ohhh Scarlett… Cry monster and I'll show them one. A red-eyed bloodthirsty killer.

Violet shrugged her shoulders glancing down to her lap as her hands fiddled with a loose thread.

“Roman saw me before anyone else did…and you..you helped me in many ways that I'm not sure I can express properly. So no. Not a backup plan. More like a reason as to why I haven't taken you up on your offer.” The dark thread twisted around her pale finger.

“Precious… You make this difficult, you know? To be in your presence, and remain… professional.” The thread around Violet's finger snapped as Alexander looked out the closest window, eyeing the passing trees. Her red orbs moved with ease to look at him.

Lover's Lake… Sly driver, you.

“I respect it, Scarlett. Sorry for assuming you were like everyone else. Selflessness is so rare these days, and that's why… why I think I can… No, I shouldn't…” He gulped, keeping his eyes off her and to the passing trees through the window.

Her eyes followed his to see the passing trees, unaware of where they were. Her eyes darted between him and the window.

“What is it?” She shrugged “You’ve helped me take a life, you helped me dump a body and listen to me rant about all sorts of useless things. At least allow me to offer the same if you want it…” Her voice dropped to a deep tone at the end.

“See. There you go again, Scarlett.” He faced her with a brief smile before his expression turned serious. “I-” His voice was but a whisper. He leaned toward her at first but then moved across the gap to seat himself right beside her. Violet’s heart skipped a beat from his sudden closeness to her. She instinctively pulled back slightly, her body tensing for a moment before relaxing. “I’ve been holding back…” He leaned in closer. “About the situation with Fritz… I apologize… There are things I’m forbidden from saying, Scarlett. But I trust you. How could I not?”

“The choice is yours and the offer stands. Perhaps you are right. I may be too selfless for my own good. However….” she paused for a moment trying to read his face but getting nothing. “It’s just who I am, I suppose. I won't sit here and attempt to coerce you into anything.” She let off a toothy grin, her fang very apparent as it rested against her red-tinted lip. “Not that I believe I could coerce you into anything but I hope you understand my meaning.”

“Of course I understand… Yet, you seem to have this ability to make me want to do things I shouldn't.” A sigh of defeat escaped him as Violet attempted to hold back a cheeky grin. “I have more information on those planning to kill Fritz. I’m not meant to divulge but no one needs to know… no one needs to know anything that happens between us.”

"No, you're right. They don’t," she replied softly, her tone confirming his observation. "I have very little interest in divulging anything I do with my time. Unless you tell me otherwise, it will always stay between us." Her voice, once firm, softened into a sincere, almost intimate whisper as her words lingered in the air.

As she spoke, her shoulders eased, tension dissolving as she cocked her head ever so slightly to the side. Her crimson eyes, gleaming with a quiet intensity, remained fixed on him, studying every contour of his face. She searched, her gaze probing for the smallest crack in his expression, hoping for some sign of emotion, some hint of vulnerability. But still, he remained a perfect enigma, unreadable as ever. The silence between them stretched, thick and weighted with unspoken words, but she refused to look away.

“Always?” Alexander's eyebrows raised slightly. “So if we…” And there it was. His toothy grin. “...in here… right now… Alexander leaned closer. His lips shut, hiding away his teeth.

Violet's crimson eyes flickered anxiously, darting from side to side as he leaned in. Her chest tightened, and for a fleeting moment, her breath caught, trapped in her throat. Every instinct urged her to pull away, but she remained still, rooted in place. Tension coiled through her body, yet she didn’t flinch, her gaze locked on him.


And then Alexander withdrew.

“Ahhh… I couldn't take advantage of my Scarlett like that. Not with how precious you are.” He snickered.

“You would be so lucky.” She attempted to play it off cool as her voice dropped, leaning back against the carriage wall with a grin of her own.

Then the carriage stopped.

“Fortune has never favored me, dear. Now come, there should be a spot with some shade beside the lake. Our tryst will have to wait.” Alexander opened the door of the carriage and offered a hand to help Violet out.

Releasing the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, she exhaled softly and allowed a faint smile to curve her lips. With a graceful nod, she accepted his outstretched hand, letting him guide her out of the carriage. "Thank you,"

Once her feet touched the ground, she delicately adjusted her skirt and cloak, smoothing the fabric with practiced ease. Her fingers briefly lingered on the soft material before she straightened up, her gaze sweeping over their surroundings. The realization of where they had arrived struck her, and a flicker of amusement danced in her eyes.

"Interesting choice for a work meeting," she remarked.

“It’ll allow us to speak freely without tiring the horses.” He briefly looked over at the pair of equestrians, acknowledging their strength and beauty. “I have a bit of a soft spot for them… That's why it's a shame what happened to that boy. We had that in common, he and I.” Alexander’s expression became solemn as he thought of Darryn’s fate. He fiddled with the peculiar ring on his finger, tempted to remove it and the burden it carried.

She hadn’t thought much of the stable boy, and even now, she didn’t hold much remorse for him either. The concept startled her. Her lack of empathy towards those she’s hurt seems to be disappearing as the days go on. "Yes…very sad indeed." Her voice lacked any sign of remorse. Pausing to look around, Violet noted how shaded the area was so early in the morning. "Shall we then?" she asked, attempting to pull him out of whatever remorse he was feeling.

“Yes of course.” Alexander leaned up against a tree with a splendid view of the lake in front of him. “No need to put a life lost ahead of one we mean to save. Especially when someone who's attracted the attention of the Bloody Thorns.” Alexander sighed. “They’re an organization of the most depraved criminals. Even more extreme than what you may believe I'm capable of.” Alexander shook his head trying to fathom such a thing himself.

“They plan to… send for him during the night of the Drunkards Day celebrations. I don't know how they plan to end him but your friend should remain home that night with some form of protection. Offer yourself even. All he has to do is survive them long enough for them to realize he's not worth it.”

Silence swept over as she absorbed all the information he just shared. "A depraved criminal wouldn’t waste their time on small fish so I suppose the question lies, what exactly would he have done to make them so upset…" She leaned up against the tree beside him watching birds land in the middle of the lake as the morning sun peeked through the treeline.

“A count? A small fish, is he?” He commented under his breath as he took in her point of view. She does live with one.

"I supposed I could help him, as you said but If these people are as dangerous as you seem to be implying then the likelihood of them adding me to a list is a possibility…" Her eyes glanced over to him for a moment before looking back towards the lake. "I could use that to my advantage. Use him for myself and offer help in return…but its alot to risk over someone I hardly know."

“You speak as if you don't need him at all.” He shook his head at the awful predicament knowing his situation had been far from this complex from the start. “Your options become even more limited than they already are if he perishes. At the very least, inform him. The Bloody Thorns like to keep their intentions hidden, so much so that they won't make a second attempt at his life or kill someone not on the list.”

"I don't need him." she said pointedly "You act as him providing me with blood in the small amounts he could handle would set me on my merry way." She knew he would disagree with everything she had just said but something inside of her fired at that idea. He couldn’t understand the sheer amount of torture she was under on a day-to-day basis, the need for blood so strong she was scared to let herself go. "I will speak with him and tell him what you think he should hear, I will even offer to be there when that day comes but…" She took in a breath her red eyes once again moving to look at him for a moment. She decided it wasn’t worth dragging him into her inner demons. "I will talk with him." She added, not going into what she wanted to say.

“It’s not just about blood. But… I guess that understanding comes with time,” he replied with a smile full of positivity as he kept his eyes on the scenery. “Just keep me out of whatever explanation you give him. If not for your unique connection to him, I'd allow events to proceed as normal.”

She turned her attention toward the lake, the surface shimmering under the pale light of the setting sun. A gentle breeze stirred the air, rustling through the trees, making their leaves dance in rhythm. The wind caught her dark hair, causing it to whip around her face like wild, unruly tendrils. With a frustrated sigh, she reached up, fingers brushing against her neck as she gathered the raven strands and pulled them over her left shoulder. She began to twist them absentmindedly around her fingers, trying in vain to tame the mess, but her hands fidgeted continuously, betraying the whirlwind of thoughts racing through her mind.

Her gaze remained fixed on the water’s edge for a moment longer before she broke the silence, her voice tentative but edged with curiosity.

"What do you mean there’s more than just a blood exchange?"

She turned her head slowly, her eyes searching his face for answers, an unspoken plea for clarity.

"My mother was supposed to give me the books she found on this... change," she confessed, the words tumbling from her lips with a mix of frustration and self-consciousness. "But I haven’t read them yet." Her voice lowered, the vulnerability in her tone making her feel exposed, like a student admitting they hadn’t done their homework.

She had spent so much time trying to understand herself, but in this moment, she felt lost, standing on the edge, waiting for someone to help her make sense of it all. Alexander stood by her side, seemingly with all the answers. He would surely lead her to some semblance of peace…right? To be lost and alone, to be so vulnerable attracts the empathetic and the charitable. However…

“Well… naturally you form a special bond. A special relationship. It seems silly, I know, but… it's everything.” He turned to face Violet, wearing a hint of a grin. “To mutually trust each other with your lives…” He took half a step toward her. “Willing to embrace so intimately, even passionately…” With another step he eyed the little space between them now. “To know it will all end terribly, yet still you both remain…” His hands rested on her sides. “Familiar, isn't it?”

Her breath caught, a sharp inhale she couldn't suppress, as the gap between them vanished. Her pulse quickened, a mix of apprehension and anticipation twisting in her chest. The only person she would have felt comfortable this close to was Roman, not Lord Fritz.

His words confirmed the unspoken fear she'd been harboring, the sinking realization that aligning herself with Lord Fritz would bind her in ways she wasn't ready for. Yet, as his hands settled on her sides, steady and deliberate, her thoughts fractured, tugged away from her dread. Her crimson eyes flicked down to where his fingers lightly touched her sides, then lifted slowly, locking onto his gaze with a silent question trembling beneath the surface.

“It’s love, Scarlett. Commitment. Intimacy. Passion.”

Her eyes widened slightly, his words confirming what she was curious about. "Love?" she repeated as if to somehow convince herself of the word. "So…If I …if he and I…Then I’ll love him? Just like that?" Her eyes were wide as a doe’s as she searched his face for answers. "Does it only work on those who are afflicted?...does it work the same way if you were to feed on me?" the words left before she could even think of the implications of the question. It brought forth a brief chuckle from him before he took another moment to admire her naivety.

“Me feed on you?” He almost seemed to be asking himself the question, his curiosity piqued with wanting to know what benefits or consequences he might face in indulging it. Luckily he wore his ring, or he might have thrown all sense to the wayside.

“Scarlett, no one is going to fall in love at first bite,” he said lightly smiling to himself. “I may have gotten carried away but… if you continue to feed on the same willing person for long enough, there can only be love. It can be romantic, familial, platonic, or even fantastical. That and the blood bond but that's the ugly part of things.”

Her shoulders relaxed at his words but she was curious about the blood bond. "What is the blood bond?" She asked, unsure if she wanted the answer or not, but it felt important to be educated if she was going to do this.

“The blood bond, it's…” Alexander thought about explaining it from an unbiased point of view. “Besides becoming a tad bit possessive, you can tell how the person you’ve fed on is feeling and if they're close by. With a little magicae, you can grant them an invisible form of protection to safeguard them.” Alexander let loose a sigh and released Violet as he thought about his recent run-in with such a safeguard. Another vampire with as much or more experience than himself did not sit well with Alexander.

"Oh…" her voice dropped as the idea didn’t help her but instead made the fears worse.

“Think of it as a consolation for possibly damning someone else.” He couldn't help himself not to say that. “Perhaps we could both damn each other.” With a gentle hand he tilted her chin upward to get a good look at her neck. “If that were a possibility…” Her chin moved with ease as he inspected her neck, her crimson eyes fixated on him as she could see the curiosity in them.

"...Try it." she said without much thought but she too was curious about it. "Show me what I need to do..."

She didn’t believe he would, but her curiosity was strong. At least, if anything, she would know what to do with Fritz if it ever came to that.

“Show you what to do?” Alexander raised an eyebrow with an amused grin as he leaned toward her exposed neck, Violet's cheeks turned slightly pink from the embarrassment of her suggestion. “I’m sorry but it's just something that happens. It can't be taught, only experienced,” he whispered, caressing Violet’s neck with his hand. “Take my hand…” He offered his free hand to her.

She looked down at his free hand, confused; she didn’t feel like she understood the bonds or exchange of blood or anything. She would need to find the books that her mother mentioned, maybe she could find more answers there. With all of her confusion, she accepted his hand as her slender pale fingers slipped into his. His grip was easy at first but then squeezed firmly.

“Now, brace.” he ordered. Shutting her eyes she felt her body tense up as she anticipated what his next move was. Her chest rose with air as she held her breath as the muscles in her neck and shoulders contracted slightly with tension. All of that only to simply feel a prick upon the tip of her thumb and the feeling of Alexander's tongue licking at the small puncture he had made. She opened one eye, the crimson orb falling on his lips around her finger as the tension in her shoulder relaxed. “Hm.” His eyes narrowed before removing Violet's thumb from his mouth to take a look at the blood that was visibly dripping from it and onto the natural ground.

"What?... Is there something wrong with me?" She looked at him, her eyes widened with concern then down to her bleeding finger.

“Not sure,” He answered casually with a shrug and a frown. “Never had the opportunity to drink the blood of someone like myself…” He shook his head with disgust before letting loose a hearty chuckle. “And would not recommend, ever. It is… it is absolutely vile! Especially compared to the usual. I mean that… that was an unpleasant surprise.” Despite the result, Alexander was in a seemingly good mood. More in awe with how terrible the taste was. “Eh, part of the curse I guess. There are rarely shortcuts when it comes to magic.” Violet looked down at her finger with a frown, the wound had already closed by the time she took note of it.

"I guess on the positive side, I don't need to worry about you attempting to make me your next snack." She laughed at the idea. “I wouldn’t imagine the blood of rats to taste very good either.” Her body relaxed back against the large tree that shaded them. “I’m surprised you haven’t tried before, but then again I'm not familiar with how common our kind is. I would imagine not that common.

“Correct but…” Alexander walked over and leaned against a vacant spot beside her on the tree. “I think ‘exceptionally rare’ is a better descriptor. Magic is practiced in secrecy and knowledge of this curse is not easily obtained. Add the fact that conditions of this affliction are meant to be kept secret, and you will find it near impossible to discover a handful in a lifetime yet…” He chuckled. “In my short time in Sorian, I've discovered two with no relation to each other. Heh. The capital sure is interesting. Gave me my first taste of vampire blood, from Scarlett no less.”
A chuckle erupted from Violet as she used a hand to steady herself against the tree from falling over. “Yes, the most vile experience thanks to yours truly. I am delighted to have offered you that.”

“As am I.” Alexander smiled along with her. “It may not have tasted good, but you've provided me with something invaluable. An answer to a question that might have bothered me for quite a time. Care to answer another?” He leaned toward her.
“I can, maybe this one will be less disappointing…” She leaned in towards him “What is this mysterious question?”

“Hmm, dear, I’m afraid I’m torn between two.” He obviously feigned an exasperated sigh, all while wearing a playful grin. “I guess I can let you choose how we proceed. To make it fun. So, Scarlett… would you like me to ask about your closest neighbor or worst enemy? You can only pick one.”

She let out a long sigh as she thought for a moment. “I could answer both…” she said looked at him. “Worst enemy,” she paused whilst Alexander reacted with a raised eyebrow. “If I had to pick one.”

“I see…” Alexander nodded his head as he took note of her choice. “What do you want to do to the person who put you on the brink of death? The one who played such a major role in making you what you are now.”

The laughter faded from her eyes, replaced by a softness that seemed almost distant. Her mind went blank as her gaze drifted to the lake before her. She watched the birds, which had been circling the treeline, finally descend into the water, causing ripples to fan out and expand against the current. The gentle movement of the water seemed to mirror her thoughts as she spoke softly. "When I was a child..." Her voice carried the weight of distant memories. "My parents used to let Crystal and me run around the yard. It felt enormous back then, like a vast wilderness waiting to be explored." A faint smile touched her lips as she recalled the laughter shared with her sister.

"Dusk had settled, and I was the only one left outside. My parents didn’t mind—they could see me from the large sitting room window. But I had wandered too far, right to the edge of the property." She inhaled sharply, her hand unconsciously drifting to her neck and upper chest, where old scars still lingered beneath her skin. "A man had been sitting just beyond the treeline, watching us all day, I assume. When I got close enough... well..." Her fingers brushed over the hidden marks on her neck, and her voice grew quieter. "I nearly died that day. The doctors managed to save me, but the wound left an awful scar. For so long, I carried it with shame."

She glanced down at the lake, watching the ripples dance on the surface. "It later came to light that it had something to do with my father—some deal he had been involved in. He made the wrong people angry, and they decided to send a message." Her eyes darkened, and her breath caught in her throat. “Crystal and I were never left outside again.”

With a sigh, she pressed her lips together, her expression unreadable as she tried to hide the emotions that threatened to spill over.

"That's why I was always so pale as a child. Funny how I was cursed to avoid the sun once again," she said, referring to the affliction they both shared. Her lips curled into a bitter smile. "I wore neck-high gowns, covering my scar out of shame—not for my father, but because I felt unmarriable. Worthless." Marriage had always been a concern of her fathers, she wasn’t sure if it was to get rid of them out of his home faster or to strengthen some political ties. Her voice dropped quieter now. "My sister had suitors lined up, but for me, that was never in the cards. So I kept my head down, stayed in the shadows, hoping that if I did, nothing like that would happen again."

Her red eyes flicked toward him, searching to see if he was still listening, before turning back to the water. "But it didn’t last long. All I remember was leaving the ball, and then... darkness." Her voice grew hollow as she continued. "Now, I have a scar I cannot hide, no matter how hard I try. I've become nothing more than a tattered, sewn-up shell of a person who feeds on others just to survive. I thought my father would have learned from the first time, but I suppose not."

Her hand moved from her chest down to her side, fingers clasping together as if seeking comfort. "I don’t know for sure if my father was involved this time, but I wouldn’t be surprised. History tends to repeat itself." She trailed off, staring at the lake as if the calm water could somehow soothe the turmoil inside her. “My mother told me I died. That for a day, I was gone until someone performed something on me that brought me back. However, I had been gone for so long that my body was in a questionable state. I had to stay under care until I could walk again; even then, it wasn’t by much luck. It wasn’t until I started feeding as much as I did that I started to feel better.”

She took a deep breath “To answer your question, I blame my father for it. For not learning the first time… putting me and the rest of my family at risk. I blame my mother for bringing me back and cursing me with this disfigured corpse of a body I have to now live with and … I… feel nothing towards the one who did it.” she said honestly as she looked over at him “I want to find out why…find out if it was because of my father or something else and go from there but I’ve held so much anger and resentment for my parents I don't think I’ve given myself time to think about anyone else.” She adjusted herself against the tree. “I’m sorry you didn’t ask for a life story but I just felt the context to be important.” Alexander furrowed his brow and shook his head, denying her apology.

“Don’t ever apologize for expressing yourself to me. Remember, I’m someone that you can just talk to without feeling judged. Besides, it's good to know that I can provide you with the truth of that night. A sad truth but one you need to accept. Perhaps you'll even change your mind on whose to blame.” Alexander walked forward, leaving the tree behind so that he could face Violet squarely.


With hesitation, Violet nodded softly.

“First, I would like to inform you that your death was not an act of retaliation toward your father or your family. In fact, the killer wasn't even targeting you. Why would they? Think about all that you have just told me. If someone wished to deeply wound your father’s spirit, wouldn't the perpetrator choose Crystal?” He let that sink in for a short moment before he continued.

His words hit her like a wave as she braced herself against the tree. Her mind spiraled. He was right in that fact Crystal had always been their prize, and when she fell ill, it turned the whole household upside down. For years, it felt like they mourned her … or what they lost due to her illness.

Regardless of what her parents had tried to say Violet never held that hope for them, that left so early on in her life.

“The true target of the killer was someone who was very suddenly shoved into the spotlight. Not the best light, of course, but her father’s actions ensured their names would be burnt into the thoughts of all who attended the ball that night. A young woman, the daughter of a public official, alabaster skin, raven hair.” Alexander admired such features on Violet. “Perhaps your resemblance is why that person settled with choosing you that night. Who they truly desired to murder was none other than Charlotte Vikena.” Alexander averted his gaze from hers. The truth of it all did not appear to be easy to deliver, yet he persisted with his intimate details of her murderer’s plan.

Her knees buckled as her red eyes widened with surprise.


“And to think that Duke Lorenzo's strange disappearance that night was what made Charlotte too difficult to isolate. She was abandoned, sure but she was seen later with your father, then Count Fritz, then later at the Tough Tavern… The irony. So, the killer became desperate, so much so that just seeing you walk streets alone drew him to you to be the replacement for his scheme.” Alexander began to pace. “You see, they wanted nothing but to throw Sorian into chaos, and they just might have if they had been a little more patient. Imagine it. The royal family of the Alidasht would have been prime suspects with Duke Vikena unable to fathom their innocence in his spiraling after losing another woman in his life. He wouldn't be the only one to point the finger at the kingdom’s rivals either, further escalating their underlying tension. What would follow is still a mystery, since his plan failed the moment he chose you. Not only would your death not stir enough controversy due to your reclusiveness but you didn't even stay dead. No one knew that you died. To the public, it was as if nothing ever occurred. The only forms of proof are that scar you're forced to wear so openly, your affliction, and the man responsible locked away in a dreary dungeon in the company of a good friend of mine.” Alexander shrugged nonchalantly while thinking of Mistress Valeria Thorncroft. “So… do you still feel nothing for him? Or would you like retribution?”

Her eyes stared blankly into the distance, the world around her splintering like shattered glass as her body became a statue of dread. An unsettling presence stirred within her, a shadow long buried, clawing to escape the confines of her mind. Twice now, she had been chosen as a mere substitute, a pawn in a cruel game. First, it was Crystal during that horrific day so long ago, and now, it was Charlotte’s intended death! The pain and confusion loomed ominously over her like a storm cloud ready to unleash its fury.

Anger simmered beneath her skin, a volatile fire threatening to consume her as her thoughts spiraled into the abyss, where darkness thrived. Yet she fought to contain it, to keep the demons at bay.

Clearing her throat, she pulled herself away from the tree. Her crimson eyes fixed on him, an unsettling darkness creeping into their depths, a silent promise of the chaos brewing just beneath the surface. At the same time, Alexander refused to meet her gaze.

“What is his name?” her words dripping with venom. Her tone seemed to force him to steal a glance at her.

“That… I'm afraid that is something I don't have the privilege of telling you. Though I can say this…”

Violet's breathing quickened, each gasp drawing in sharp, frantic breaths as her heart raced like a trapped animal. She braced herself against the tree, its gnarled bark a cold comfort against her trembling frame. Desperation clawed at her throat as she fumbled with the corset wrapped tightly around her waist, her hands shaking violently as she fought to loosen its cruel grip. Desperately seeking air.

With a sudden surge of will and panic, she tore it open, the fabric falling to the ground like scraps. Still drenched in panic, she unlaced her cloak, watching it crumple into a lifeless heap beside her corset. Turning her back to Alexander, she felt exposed and vulnerable, clad only in her black gown, the fabric a stark contrast to the darkness closing in around her. The feelings of anger, destruction, and need flooded her.

With each hurried step away from him attempting to gain distance from Alexander, her hand clutched her chest while the other grabbed onto the trees that passed her as she pushed herself away from them. A futile attempt to steady herself. Her legs buckled beneath her, surrendering to the panic. The world around her felt like a tightening noose, the encroaching darkness threatening to swallow her whole.

Hunched over on the ground, she slammed her fist into the earth, each blow echoing her torment as she punched a hole into the soil. Her nails dug deep into the ground, anchoring her to something real as she struggled against the tide of despair.

Her head tossed back, her raven hair cascading over her pale skin like a dark waterfall, and her red eyes lifted to the treetops, searching for solace in the sky. She took one long breath when A deep, guttural growl erupted from her chest, a primal sound that morphed into a broken cry—a release of weeks' worth of pressure, frustrations, and an unbearable sense of loss.

Her body crumpled down into a child's pose as her body caught its breath, her chest rising and falling as she felt the tears begin to sweep in her eyes. Her entire life had been destroyed because of others.

“…Think about all that you have just told me. If someone wished to deeply wound your father’s spirit, wouldn't they choose Crystal?”
“…you to be the replacement for his scheme.”

She was always the replacement.

Alexander stood over Violet’s pitiful display, his hands now bare with his cold gaze piercing through her. It was a sad sight to behold but there would be not an ounce of sympathy from him now.

“...Your worst enemy, Scarlett. The one who hurt you so… they are within reach of the crown.” Alexander whispered.

Her head peeked up as a tear rolled down her cheek. Her glassy red eyes shone against the morning rays. She didn’t make eye contact with him. The darkness had consumed her, her mind held only one thought. Death.
“...I will kill him” she whispered back to him in response “I WILL KILL HIM!” She shouted at the top of her lungs, her fist slammed down on the ground again, birds taking flight from the sudden shock of her loud voice.
Darkness had swallowed her, she wasn’t sure there was any coming back from it now.

She refused to be anyone else's replacement, second choice, or victim. The world had forced her to be the monster.

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Hidden 6 hrs ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
Avatar of Tpartywithzombi

Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Time: 10am
Location: Drakes Birthday Party
Appearance: No shoes | Blue summer gown with butterflies embroidered on gown

Ariella huffed away from her brother, her mother’s words stinging like nettles as she stormed off. Another servant, fully aware of her rising irritation, smirked and glided over with a tray, offering her a cocktail like it was a peace treaty in a glass.

Stopping mid-rant, Ariella eyed the drink, took in a deep, calming breath, and snatched it up with surprising enthusiasm. The servant wisely backed away, clearly not wanting to witness the aftermath of a woman on the verge of a meltdown. Cocktail in hand, Ariella resumed her dramatic exit, muttering to herself about how she *really* wasn’t cut out for these events.

She couldn’t fathom how she shared DNA with her mother—surely some mistake had been made at birth? And poor Drake—his birthday bash had gone from “respectable” to “downright awkward” thanks to their mother’s insufferable lack of decorum. At least her father was the eye of the hurricane, calm and collected amidst the family chaos.

Taking a sip of her cocktail Ariella scanned the crowd. A few guests were rolling around in the grass which she envied, others were clustered around tables sharing drinks, while a giggly mob gossiped louder than the string quartet playing in the corner.

Her gaze zeroed in on someone new—a young man looking distinctly uncomfortable as an elderly woman bore down on him like a hawk on a mouse. Ariella’s eyes widened at the sight of the man’s mustache. It wasn’t just bad it was terrible.

That poor man, she thought, amused. The fear on his face wasn’t exactly subtle. Smirking, Ariella decided to rescue him. Cocktail in hand, she practically skipped toward them, eager to intervene just as the elderly woman came dangerously close to spilling her drink on the unfortunate gentleman’s pristine suit.

“Good evening!” Ariella chirped even though it was still morning, throwing a curveball into the awkward situation, and adding another layer of possible discomfort. “I don’t believe we’ve met! I’m Ari—uh—Lady Ariella Edwards.” She winced internally at the title but soldiered on. “Have you tried these drinks? They’re amazing!” She held up her glass before realizing it was, yet again, empty.

Mid-rant, she stumbled to the left, narrowly avoiding a full-body collision with Lord Wimsley. Grabbing onto his arm for dear life, she erupted in laughter. “Oh my, I think I tripped over my shoes!” she said, wobbling but somehow still standing. Peering down at her feet she laughed again “Oh wait, I'm not wearing any…” as she attempted to straighten herself back up. “Dreadful things they are… Don’t you agree?” she said looking at the two of them her eyes darting between them as her cheeks flushed pink from all the alcohol she had consumed.

Her voice dropped to a dramatic whisper as she leaned in, cupping her hand around her mouth like she was about to spill the kingdom's juiciest secret. "My mother wears them—some truly uncomfortable ones, too... I think that's why she's so mean." She gave a solemn nod as if this revelation explained everything.

Leaning back with a self-satisfied grin, Ariella beamed as if she'd just solved world hunger. She even gave a little nod, as though waiting for the crowd to break into applause for her sheer brilliance.

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