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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laue
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


A strange voice could be heard by all the mages in Altea, one only they can hear. A voice promising hope, voice promising change, compelling to seek the Witch of the Black Forest. A mesmerising, alluring voice, and so, many mages have began their journey towards the infamous Black Forest.

There has been an unusual commotion lately, with the higher-ups looking far more nervous and twitchy. It all culminated in a direct order from the Inquisition for Paladins to gather in the capital's Grand Square. An Inquisitor gathering a small army was rather unnerving, even for the most seasoned Paladins. And so those who were called began their journey towards the Liria - the capital of Meldiniar.

Alicia was one of the Paladins called to rally in Lidia. Both the girl and her father would be very surprised if she wasn't, after all, it was by Deliah's initiative that the march will happen. For the first time in her life, Alicia will face real danger. Though unlike the rest, she knows the severity of it. This was the beginning of the end of her luxurious lifestyle. Nevertheless, Alicia was confident - she was preparing for this all her life. After her maids perfected her hair and packed up her items, she set off in her personal carriage.

The journey was short and uneventful, though one of her maids did tell a good joke. Lidia was bustling with activity and paladins from all over Altea. There were even a few dwarven ones. Alicia has never seen a dwarf before, only read about them, becoming almost mesmerized by her own curiosity. Standing in the middle of a busy street, gawking at a dwarf surrounded by maids, while wearing paladin armor, she was quite a sight. Eventually, after a maid poked the girl with an elbow, she finally remember to continue onward.

As they reached the square, a large checkpoint was formed, with higher-up paladins checking the citizenship papers of anyone who enters - only the called paladins were allowed in. Alicia grabbed her papers from one the bags that her maids were carrying, but the officer just stopped her, with a rather large grin:
"You must be the Eternus' girl." The girl was rather surprised, this man was no one she knew, how could he know her?
"Excuse me? Do I know you?"
"Watch out for a young, clueless looking girl who is accompanied by maids. That's what this letter says."- The officer lifts up a piece of paper with her father's seal on it. "How rude!" - Alicia exclaimed, trying to process the meaning behind this. Meanwhile, the line behind grew began to grow.
"Well, this is a letter from your father, which instructs me to only allow YOU through, and give these letters to your maids."
"Your father did tell you that we cannot come with you, M'lady." - one of her maids stated, as they were handed out the mysterious letters. - "But you will not be able to care of yourself, Miss Alicia. "
"Of course I will! I watched you do it all the time. How hard can it be?" - her voice betrayed her false confidence. As her maids read their rather short letters, each of them containing her family's emblem. Their faces lit up with happiness, as one of them began reading it aloud.
"For all the care you provided for my daughter, I hereby grant you this crest which allows you to complete various transactions on my account. You are hereby given a year of rest to do whatever you want. Any items of Alicia you are currently carrying are yours to keep." - with each sentence, the girl's face sunk further and further into horror, and the officer was trying his hardest not to laugh. As her maids ran off cheerfully, with all her expensive clothes and vanity items, she was left to endure this journey with the basics, just like everyone else. And finally, the line started to move again, as the officer motioned her to move on, finally giving in and bursting into a wild laughter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Zinzie didn't often listen to voices in his head. He usually had more pressing mattered to attend to. Secret meetings in mysterious forests didn't overly concern him. To be honest, he wasn't even sure where the Black Forest was. But here he found himself, laying in the muddy floor of his prison, hope lost. A voice promising him change sounded strangely promising. However, he was still locked away in a horrible little cell.

The cell, the place he had called home for the past fourteen months, was dark and dirty as always. The floor of the cell was nothing more than a pit of mud, not even fit for pigs to wallow. The cold water that was dumped on him about once a week as his 'bath' had mixed with the dirt floor to create an unholy concoction of wet earth. In the darkness, it never dried. Zinzie usually found himself covered in it.

After finding the strength to pull himself up off the squishy ground, he staggered over to the one place that kept him sane. On the outside wall of his cell, there was a small, barred window. If he stood on his tiptoes, he could see out into the forest that surrounded his isolated prison. The window was about ground level, allowing him to, if he became desperate enough, snatch up insects that wandered too close to eat. There was a juicy, plump cricket sitting just outside of his reach. Zinzie watched it as it crawled away, back into the forest. The sunshine looked beautiful this morning. The birds could be heard singing. He wished more than anything to be enjoying this morning with his family; he friends. He let out a soft sigh and began to sing again. Singing always seemed to help.

"I'm so far from where I'm from
I don't know where I've gone
Lord, I'm five hundred miles away from home

Away from home, away from home
Away from home, away from home
Lord, I'm five hundred miles away from home

Not a shirt on my back
Not a penny to my name
Lord I can't go back home this a-way

This a-way, this a-way
This a-way, this a-way
Lord I can't go back home this a-way

Don't have much longer left
Even if I go in death
Lord, I'm a-going home, someday.

Someday, someday
Someday, someday
Lord, I'm a-going home, someday..."

He grasped the bars of the window and used them to hold himself up. Zinzie believed he had counted two days since the guards last gave him food. His legs were beginning to shake underneath him, but he didn't want to sit back down in the mud. He rested his chin on the edge of the window and looked out, wandering if, by some strange chance, if he was in the Black Forest. Suddenly, a bird landed just a foot away. Zinzie jumped, but managed to hold in his yelp. The bird had a nut in it's beak, which it began to repeatedly strike against a rock in the dirt. Zinzie watched with fascination, until his more primitive side took over.

He let out a shout, scaring away the bird, and snatched up the little acorn. The shell was already half busted, letting him open up the rest and devour the nut inside. It wasn't much, but it might keep him alive. He then leaned his back against the wall and looked down at the broken pieces of shell. What now? He was still hungry. Perhaps he should have grabbed the bird instead...Then an idea struck.

Zinzie made his wobbly way over to the barred door of his cell and stuffed the nut shell into the latch. He hoped that, if and when they ever opened the door to give him food, the door wouldn't catch the lock. It would be a while before he could test his wackjob theory, however. Hours went by with not so much as a peep out of thieves that lived in the base. Then, finally, the door at the top of the dungeon stairs opened. Zinzie, out of habit, pressed against the back wall. It could be a guard with food, or it could be a guard who's had a bad day and was wishing to take it out on him. However, the form of one of the smaller men appeared, a piece of moldy bread in his hands. He muttered something under his breath as he opened the door and tossed the bread inside. It landed in the mud with a wet 'plop', and then the door was closed behind him as the guard went back up the stairs. He didn't even bother to check if it had caught.

Zinzie made a dive for the bread and ate it down in seconds. There had been a time when he turned his nose up at the rotten food they gave him, but now he'd eat just about anything. When he was done, he looked up at the door with wide eyes. Could it be? He was almost scared to look. Slowly, he got up and crept towards the cell door, then gave it a light push. It didn't budge. He scowled and shoved it. The door creaked open, making Zinzie jump back. What if they heard it? The possibility was ridiculous at best, but to a man who spent the last year in a dark, muddy hole, it was terrifying.

Slowly, he crept out. As he left the cell, his bare feet touched solid ground for the first time in a long time. He didn't see any other way out of the dungeon than the one offered: the door. He barely had the strength to fight his way out if needed; hell, he barely had the strength to waltz out without a hitch. Zinzie slunk to the top of the stairs and took the door handle. He paused, gave a short prayer to whatever god was watching, and pushed the door open just a crack. He didn't hear any voices. Perhaps they had all gone to rob. He pushed the door a little more and poked his head out. By some miracle, the coast was clear. The base wasn't large. It was mostly three rooms, and the one before him was empty. Zinzie wasted no time as he snuck out and slithered towards the door. He couldn't believe it; all that time and escape was so easy. It seemed that he had tried anything and everything. Everything but placing a nutshell in the latch.

As the front door creaked open, Zinzie somehow found the strength inside of him to run. He ran even though his entire body hurt. He ran with the fear of being caught and locked up again. He gritted his teeth and kept up his pace even as his lungs caught on fire. The forest underbrush tore and cut at his body, but after what he'd been through, it was mere child's play. The only clothes he wore, his tattered pants, were already torn halfway to pieces. His skin, which clung tightly to his bones, was just as tattered. His body was covered in a rainbow of bruises. Large cuts and open wounds were an angry red with infection. His back bore scars that only a cruel whip could leave behind. With one black eye and a swollen lip, he looked like hell itself. His hair was long and untrimmed, the lively curls all but flat. Mud caked itself in it, as it did everywhere on his body.

By the time he reached civilization, Zinzie couldn't run any further. As he slowed, he found himself dizzy and exhausted. He staggered out of the woods and onto the cobblestone street. There were people. Real, live, actual, non-threatening people! Zinzie called out to them for help, but most gave him one look and hurried off. None of them wanted to be bothered by a half naked man covered in mud.
"Please help me," Zinzie cried. "Somebody, please." His legs gave out on him, bringing him to his knees. He felt utter distraught. He made it so far, only for the cruel social status that was 'look out for number one' to doom him. He crumbled on the street, no more strength and out of hope. People on their way to run errands just walked around him, looking down at him as if he were a rat that had crawled from the sewer.

(The tune of Zinzie's song is Five Hundred Miles. You can look it up if you're curious enough :p )
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"I hope you're all wearing your best armor, because you're about meet an Inquisitor!" A Paladin shouted towards the group that he was leading. He wore large, grand armor, with golden edges around a shiny silver plating. Behind him, followed four other Paladins with less eye-catching looks, but impressive nonetheless due to the reputation of their organization. Among this group was Varkasan Trenact, Paladin of The Covenant of Guardians.

As the group marched through the streets of Liria (passing by other groups as well), Varkasan thought back to the events that had transpired at their headquarters a few towns away from the capital.

Their commanding officer had received a letter detailing the names of five Paladins that were to be sent to Liria, and become a part of a small army being gathered by a member of The Inquisitors. Varkasan did not really understand why a new initiate such as himself was included on that list, but it was wrong, nay, foolish to disobey a direct order from the highest branch of Paladins in Meldiniar. He assumed it was his loyalty that got him selected. After all, he did hear his superiors remark about his incorruptibility often.

Varkasan was snapped out of his flashback by the voice of one of the Paladins next to him. "Anything here seem familiar to you, Varkasan?" The Paladin said. "Not much, Aradus. The only time I was in the capital was for my Paladin training. And with such a huge responsibility, you tend not to notice anything else." Varkasan replied. "Heh, I wouldn't call it a responsibility, as much as it was a test, but you have a point." Aradus replied from underneath his golden, spherical helmet. "Still... No amount testing nor training will ever prepare you for the real thing, as I'm sure you'll learn soon enough." Aradus continued. "I am anticipating that, sir. You need not worry." Varkasan answered. "Ha! Just don't get yourself killed. I'm not going to risk myself just to drag your corpse back home." Aradus replied jokingly. Despite the darkness of the topic, Varkasan simply nodded, and smiled from under his helmet. Inside, he was always waiting for a chance to prove himself to the others, and serving under an Inquisitor was as perfect an opportunity as any.

Eventually, they reached a checkpoint guarded by Paladins.The one leading the group of Guardians reached into his bag. "Men, papers ready" He ordered. The group retrieved their own papers as well. "We don't need you to tell us that, Kagax!" One of the Paladins piped up. Kagax simply shook his head and presented his paper to the checkpoint guard. Varkasan chuckled. Kagax was always trying to impress the higher-ups by showing how well he was in a commanding position, so it didn't help that he was the highest ranked Paladin in the group.

Once the guard had checked all of their papers, they were allowed entry into the Grand Square.

There was a large crowd gathered in the Square. Paladins of different groups and Covenants were gathered together, and their large variety of armor and equipment made for quite a sight. Varkasan was looking around, admiring all of the veteran Paladins, when he spotted a familiar sight. "I know that woman." Varkasan said out loud. "Hm? Who?" Aradus said, turning to him. Varkasan pointed towards a white-haired girl who had just entered the Square through another checkpoint. "Her. I remember her during my training." He said. Aradus turned towards the woman. "That's... That's Deliah Eternus' daughter." Aradus said as he looked at her. "Yes, I've seen her before as well." Aradus continued.

"Looks like father's little princess is finally going to war!" Kagax said loudly and mockingly. "Where are her caretakers? Trenact, did she not have caretakers even back during training?" Kagax continued as he turned towards the younger Paladin. "I believe so. There were several maid-uniformed women entering and exiting the female barracks often. I think I even saw them when she was out during field exercises. It is... strange to not see her with them." Varkasan commented, noticing she seemed rather lost without them. "She cannot bring them into battle, obviously. She'll either learn to get by without help, or die helplessly like a pampered brat." Kagax said. Aradus interrupted. "Hold your tongue, Kagax. Noble or not, she is still a Paladin, and she should be treated with the same respect as one." Aradus lectured.

Varkasan joined in. "Becoming a Paladin is hard, as I'm sure we all know. And even if she did have caretakers, they cannot take her place during training or The Ritual. Besides, I have seen her strength first-hand. She is not any less capable." He added, trying to think back to his training days. "Hmph... As long as she makes sure not to get in our way." Kagax said as he turned away.

Varkasan looked down shook his head. Despite being their leader, Kagax failed at understanding others, a skill that Varkasan was, on the other hand, good at. He still respected him as his superior, but it didn't make his ways any less unlikeable. He just hoped that this mission (whatever it was) would be able to whip him into shape. He turned back towards the white-haired girl. He could not remember her name, and he wondered if he should approach her as she seemed confused. But then again, he did not want to involve his team, nor The Guardians with whatever controversy might be surrounding the Eternus family name at the moment. For now, he remained with his group, and awaited whatever announcement The Inquisitor who had gathered them might make.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlaying


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"Eat your rabbit, we don't know hoe far we are from a town and this meat goes real bad real fast." Kama advised, devouring his piece of meat in mere bites. Tosama didn't reply with words rather than a groan, though she eventually got to eating and silent as could be. "Yea, id knew you'd like it, just like a chicken but more beefy isn't it?" He asked, throwing his bone into the bristle behind the two, reaching over the cooled fire to snatch the other leg off the rabbit. His mana flowed through his hand strongly, preventing it from behind burned by the fire. This use of magic is resourceful, though even this would probably have the paladins up in arms, trying to behead him.

"Would it kill you not to chew so loudly dad?" Tosama questioned, with an obvious tone of irritation in her voice.

Kama continued to chew loudly, up until the point he swallowed the meat and begun to speak. "Well, that just means I like it, besides you're not some noble powdered face queen, I remember you digging in your nose just the other day." Tosama gasped loudly, shocked at what she heard. Kama proceeded to copy her and gasped back. "Oh my, i'm am the honorable Tosama and the act of digging in my nose is not only repulsive but completely on of conduct. I don't burp, piss, shit or do anything unladylike for I am a woman of stature." Kama continued to mock, throwing anther used up rabbit bone into the bushes, with nothing left to grab off the already devoured corpse. "For I am Kama, the dad who talks to much, eats to much, sleeps to much, yells to much and most of all jokes to much." Tosama snapped back, getting up off her feet to brush the dirt off her trousers.

"That was nowhere near a description of me" Kama stated with a meager tone of embarrassment in it.

"I thought it was on point, but where are we headed again, Leriana?"

"Yea, maybe if that place existed, we're going to Liara, we got enough coin for two days at the Inn, after that we gotta start making money, I was thinking we could do a little exterminating."

Tosama sighed heavily, she grew tired of fighting and constantly putting herself in harms way for a few coins. Her idea of a good days pay was helping heal others of illness or mend broken bones, but her father would much rather go into a den and bring make a few troll heads or clear a town of witches. Regardless, she was just a child and had to stay in her place, so wherever the waves takes her, also known as Kama, is where she would go. "Did you ever think about like, joining a guild or something, that's good money and protection" Tosama asked, hoping to gain something out of it.

A loud grunt erupted from his chaps lips, followed by a long and unsettling silence.

"Guilds are for people who fit societies standards, we don't therefore we wont, therefor never ask me about a guild you got that?" Kama snapped, with an very angry look in his eyes.

"I just wanted to know, can we get going, the sooner I get away from you the better" She replied.

"Watch your tongue" He yelled, rising up from the cold floor, leaving the fire burning. His eyes set forth on a large building within the cut, he could make out a few landmarks, they were definitely going in the right direction. Liara was a town he had never set foot into, which put him in defense mode. The two had took their last few seconds of relaxation and journeyed fourth, they would be at the gates of this town in no time, when suddenly a voice could be hear, by both Kama and Tosama. Both Kamas legs and arms were being amplified by his magic, he was ready to fight.

"Whos there!" he yelled

"I think we have a change of plans" Tosama inferred

"Just because a voice tells you to go somewhere doesn't mean you go, we're going to Liara I don't care if a trail of gold leads to that black forest I ain't touching it" He informed stubbornly, so the two set off to Liara, home of the unknown.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tiberious
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Tiberious From the pits of Hell (Arizona)

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A calm breeze blow through an abandoned town, scorch wounds marking the nearby building. Several months ago, this was a busy little town out in a rural farmland. Townsfolk would go about their day farming, smithing, whatever it is small townsfolk do. But a wave of fury and anger struck this town, killing everything within. Since that day, The Unholy Hand have been using this abandoned town as a base of sorts. All roads leading to this town have disappeared, leaving only the few, unlucky folks that stumble on this town for The Hand to deal with.

The largest building in the town, the dining hall, sat at the edge, raised slightly by the nearby hill. Tiberious had made his way through town and now stood before the hall. The large, wooden double doors were ajar and a soft light came from within.

"Tiber, come in, we have much to discus," a harsh, raspy voice shoot out of the hall.

Six black hooded figures stood around a large dining table near the back end of the room. The only light came from a few dim candles, half melted to the table. One stood out from the others, with jewels and gems detailing his midnight black robe. The candle light gave him an odd sparkle, obviously drawing attention to himself.

"Ah, good... Now, you all now we I have gathered you here. That voice we all heard a little bit ago," The jeweled man spoke, his age showing through his voice. The other hooded figures muttered for a few moments before silencing again. "Now, we do not know if there is truth to these words, but a powerful being would be needed to send this many messages. And we have to assume we were not the only ones who got this message..." the jeweled man began a manic cough, placing his hands on the table to stabilize himself. "It is getting worse.." one whispered to Tiberious. ".... I am...fine..." Gathering himself, the jeweled man stood back up, clasping his hands together. "I will get to the point. We need to continue are plans for exploring The Beyond, but I want to find out what this voice wants. Back your stuff Tiberious and move out."

That old man needs to die already. Tiberious thought to himself as he finished packing his alchemy kit into a small traveling bag. The only reason he is even apart of the inner circle was because of his master. But, this voice intrigues me, and if I can just get a little bit stronger, I can kill that hag myself... Besides, Master would have gone to the voice any way, his inner self said as he glanced at his Master's old gear. A dingy old book sat on a small table with a black handled sword next to it. For a quick second, Tiberious felt something he had not felt in a long time. Sadness. There was no time to mourn his Master's death, there has never been time. Several years ago his Master got caught in a summoning involving The Beyond. It sapped him of his magical energy and most of his life force. He died the next day, but not before giving his belongings and spot in the inner circle to Tiberious. No, he would not have me mourn, for there is adventure and a chance to gain more power.

Fitting the book in his bag, Tiberious double checked his gear. That voice called, and I must find out what it wants.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

In the rougher parts in he city of Liria there was a tavern it was the place for individuals of with questionable morals were. Inside towards the back in a corner was a group of 5 men with various weapons sitting around the table while one of them deals cards to the other men at the table. "Did ya her that there's a gathering of paladin's in the main square?" said the largest of the men asked. "Of course we did rumors of what they are after," replied the man who was not tall. "Maybe we get a job out of this," the man who was not short chipped in. "I wouldn't get your hopes up. What ever they are doing they will keep it to them selves," the who was not tall turn to the speaker. "How would you know Boje?" the person in question refilled his glass with some whiskey "because the times I was hired to work with paladins they barely tolerate us," Boje explain to the table there a chorus of understanding sounds as the focus back onto there cards.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RiteousTurtle


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Zander was in the middle of searching for a notorious mage that was rumored to be a powerful wielder of a type of summoning magic. After a courier had handed him a small parcel containing a request letter from his covenant leader, he changed course and marched off to Meldiniar capitol, Liria. He was standing in the line-up of paladins who were waiting to have their citizenship papers acknowledged and confirmed, waiting to enter this magnificently built city. Zanders legs ached from the long journey here, because he hadn't the money to buy or rent a horse. He felt like collapsing, but he thought if he did, other paladins would think he was to nervous or scared. That clearly wasn't the case, but Zander didn't want to be viewed that way. As sized up most of the paladins in their glistening armor. Rude comments that he thought had transformed into rude comments that he spoke. Paladns and citizens alike turned to see Zander in his silver plated armor, talking to himself, unaware he was insulting those very people.

"Pathetic...Useless....Is he even a paladin?" these words flowed out of his mouth without him even having a second thought.

"Sir, you could at least be more respectful to these fine men. They're here because they were sent here by their higher ups." A mans voice echoed from behind Zander, making himself something of a target for Zander. Zander had glanced behind him, his face had some battle years on it, making him look older than he actually was, and in turn, a tad bit more intimidating. He give the people behind him the stink-eye, because he didn't exactly know who was talking to him. The line was being held up by something or someone, he tried looking past off the men and carriages by he just couldn't see. He was getting irritated. Someone must have fumbled their papers, or some must've been got rejected of entry. Whatever it may be, Zander didn't like it.

"Move it or lose it!" He shouted towards the front, no thought anything of it, probably because most of the men around him were thinking the same thing. The line started to move again, quite quickly now, so Zander kept his mouth shout until h reached the checkpoint. 10 or so minutes had flown by as he waited, finally reaching the officer who would confirm his citizenship papers and allow him entry.

The outiside of the walls of Liria did the capitol no justice, for a bitter soul like Zander had to double take everything that he saw. The sun light of beamed down perfectly on the tall building just beyond the square, giving it a nice glowing feeling. The birds chirped inside the walls much louder than outside and the people of this city as well. Noise was buzzing all around while stands selling bread and assorted goods dotted the streets leading to the square. Zander was amazed, he was in awe. He snapped out of his illusive trance after somebody bumped into him. Zander's face scrunched into a ball and he snapped his gaze to the man. "Watch it boy, or I'll have your he-..." Zander paused in mid sentence. The man had kept walking. He didn't glance at Zander, apologize, he didn't even stop to notice him. This angered Zander but there was nothing he could do, so he didn't. Zander marched forward looking at everything as he entered the massive Grande Square.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tiberious
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Tiberious From the pits of Hell (Arizona)

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Tiberious, are you all set to leave?," a raspy voice screeched from outside TIber's room, followed by several harsh coughs. "Of course old man," Tiberious scoffed as a hunched over figure entered the room. "Don't you speak to me like...," before he could finish Tiberious stepped into the old man's face. "Or what... You need me more than I need you." Tiber's surprising connection to The Beyond has led to a great deal of information about it and what it's uses could be. "... Oh, you are just like your Master... I did not come here to fight with a youngin'," "Then what did you come for, to wish me luck?," he spat at the old man, pushing him aside as he head for the door. But the door swung shut as a gush of energy flowed by him. "I came here to inform you of our plans." Tiberious turned to stare the old man down. "There is more to this voice than most think. I believe something big is about to happen and it may shape the world." The old man began to cough again, sounding like a lung could come up at any moment.

"We are so close, The Beyond is calling me. Wants me to return." This surprised Tiber. "I thought you were not able to anymore?" he questioned the old man. "I believed so, but our recent test may have proved otherwise. I have to return, they are waiting for me, and I have to find what was once found and get revenge for what those paladin bastards did..." So, the old man's test is about ready. Crazy old fool. I don't know what he found, but everyone who knows of The Beyond knows that prolong exposure can have terrible side effects. There is no way he found sometime so... The old man jabbed Tiberious in the ribs, snapping him out of thought. "Listen boy, this is important. This is not just babble of a old man. I found something many year ago and our research is helping proof what I found..." The old man took a few seconds to cough up something that did not look like the human body could produce. "Gro," the old man cut him off, "LISTEN... All these tests, these missions, have finally led to something. But we need conformation. That is where the captured paladin comes into play. I can speak no more of it till you return. Send a message once you learn anything." Coughing on his way out, the old man stopped at the door. "I know you detest me, but we need each other. We are one of few who can truly connect to The Beyond...," the old man paused, "I will tell you the reason why your Master chose to follow me when you return." With that, the old man shuffled out the room. Crazy old hag... But It would be nice to know why Master ever listened to him.

The road to The Black Forest was an uneventful one for Tiberious. The most excitement came from passing through a town and seeing a man crawl out of the forest, begging for help. He looked like Death was knocking at his door, waiting patiently for him to open. Only the strong deserve to live. Tiber continued on his way, letting whatever fate had in store for the man to take place.

From a distance, it looked like any other forest, with large, lushes trees towering over the large plain that sat in front of Tiberious. "Wow," the word just slipped out of his month. "No wonder my Master never wanted me to come here, the magic in that place. It is overwhelming." There was indeed reason to fear this place. The magic energy that could be felt this far away, it was staggering. "The old man was right, something big indeed was about to unfold... And change this world as we know it."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laue
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Those who finally arrive at The Black Forest find that the forest itself guides them deeper and deeper, as if showing them a path. The forest was dark and gloomy, and without this "aid", one could get lost extremely easily. Eerie sounds echoed around, but nothing ever showed up. Eventually mages would come upon a large structure, seemingly formed by trees themselves. It was circular in nature, and around the perimeter there were various rooms, with massive leaves for doors that would open as soon as someone approaches. The rooms would contain a patch of warm moss, looking and smelling better than most beds the mages have ever slept on. In the middle was a massive hall, with tables and chairs scattered about, once again, looking just like trees that just happened to grow into that form. The tables were filled with various berries and tasty herbs, as well as fruits and vegetables. In the very center there was a huge throne of vines, with an old woman sitting upon it. The throne area, currently protected by a barrier of roots and vines, had three more people inside.

There a rather young looking man, together with a sophisticated, older, finely dressed man, both talking with The Witch. A stack of official looking papers sat on a nearby table. And all mages could feel it - the power radiating from both the old woman and the young man was even mildly paralysing to some. None could deny that those two held great power. The third was a young girl, held suspended mid air by vines, with a shimmering aura around her. Nearly all her body was badly burned - are they trying to heal her. The young man stood vigilantly near the girl, caressing her hair, arguing with the witch about something. He tried to grab a stack of papers from the pile, only for The Witch to slap his hand with her staff, with a painful, whip-like sound.

Eventually, a rather large group of mages gathered around, resting and having a feast like no other. A small girl, no more than 12, appears within the closed off throne area, relaying something to the young man, and both of them disappear. Looking disdainfully towards were the two just stood, the woman lifts the barrier, bellows with a commanding voice: "Sit, and listen."

"You have called here to change your fate. You have been caller here to find the means and will to fight for our right to exist. You have been called here to change the world. This man is an influential noble, one that has too lost everything to this Paladin reign of terror. This man, in secret, with utmost risk to himself and his family has helped mages whenever he could, and now he gives the opportunity to fight back, and the opportunity for him to regain what was taken from his family - his country, his land, his people, their virtues and traditions, all in the name of unity. Near me are are documents that would make you official citizens of Meldiniar, free of suspicion, free of persecution, and free to go where you please. Count Deliah Eternus will explain this to you in detail."

"Thank you ma'am. As this dear lady has said, this paper would mean you get to traverse Meldiniar freely, and you will draw no suspicion unless you directly show your powers, which I doubt you will. And even if you slip up, accusations against other citizens, especially ones sponsored by the likes of me are not taken lightly. And I've taken good measure to make sure that any slip ups you do will turn into a political shitstorm, one that few dare to weather. Though preferably, it shouldn't come to that. As members of the Covenant of Scholars, your duties would be roaming the land, seeking lost history. Your real objective, amongst that, would be find others who are not content with the current leadership, and convince them to take action. And trust me, there are a lot of people like that. To that end, I've managed to acquire a remote, abandoned fortress. At the moment, it is not even a shadow of it's former glory. But the moment your name appears on this paper, that fortress will become your official home, a home that I already dispatched people loyal to me to fix. It will need a lot of work, and these workers will need your assistance, but I believe you can make your home in there. And this is the least I can do for your assistance, but anything more is currently out of my power."

The count has stepped back, picking up the stack of papers, as an inked feather started floating near it. A stand of hair was glued to the feather. The witch stood up, and continued from where the speech has left off: "Your names will be written in the handwriting of an important inquisitor, to further secure your safety. And so, I run out of things to say to you. Leave, and once again hide and run in fear. Join, and carve out your destiny. What is your choice?"

After a brief moment of blissful mingling, a bellowing, commanding voice could be heard for the paladins to stand in formation. In front there was a pedestal, guarded by paladin officers. As the men got into formation, a middle-aged man stepped on the podium. Wearing the trademark Inquisitor armor.

"My name is Levran. I am an Inquisitor. By now you must be wondering why I have gathered you here. After all, we had no need to amass a group of his scale for quite a while now. The Azure Covenant is the answer. With the help of one of our most honorary noblemen, Count Deliah Eternus helped us to figure out the general whereabouts of their lair. Since any other encounters with them ended with a complete loss, a much larger force was deemed necessary. According to our findings, the lair is none other than the infamous Black Forest. And so, you will be led by me, to finally purge their evil from this land, and cleanse the forest. Prepare yourselves, for we will soon set out.

Also, we have a few paladins that I will be keeping my eye on, as they are being evaluated for potential promotion to the Inquisitor status. A few of those are freshly initiated. The first is none other than the daughter of Count Eternus himself, Alicia. Another one is Varkasan Trenact. The last potential candidate is Zander Parliah, who has already given us years of his service. Learn from them and respect them, as they may the future shapers of our destiny. And that is all. Horses will be provided for each and every one of you, and you will follow me and your commanding officers. Any questions are to be relayed to your commanding officers. Dismissed."


Alicia didn't mind being the center of attention, but this the awkward type of attention. At the very least, she was not alone. A man she was training with was also in the same boat. She did not fully consider Varkasan a friend, but he was pleasant enough to talk to. The briefing itself said nothing new, as Alicia knew this days in advance. And that she is heading into a trap, a trap that she will avoid. Though she was dedicated to her father's plan, a fragment of guilt still bugged her - the people who suffered with her, the people who overcame the hardships to become what they are now, people who believed in the paladin cause - most of them were going to die.

Suffered, she scoffed in her mind. No, they suffered, Alicia did not. From since she could walk, Alicia was being prepared for this. The exercises that would leave others exhausted would only be a light warm-up for her. Long months practicing weapon techniques would minutes to Alicia, as there was no one left to sharpen her skills in Mel'Shi. Though her refusal to use the uniform sword and board style have earned the ire of the instructors at first, it all ended when she defeated her own combat instructor. Wanting to prove a point about how unpractical and ineffective her fighting style is and armed with training sword and shield, the said instructor missed his first swing, with Alicia effortlessly stepping out of the way and twisting her body to deliver a spinning blow to the instructor's legs with both of her training swords, slamming him face first into the ground. The expected "oohs" and "wows" from the observers also came with some sign of respect, as Alicia found others less hostile to her. And her weapon training was replacing with sparring with experienced paladins. Though they were not caught of guard, nevertheless the girl managed to hold her own every time, until she was overcome by the lack of experience that those paladins had.

As those fondest memories faded away, nearly everyone had already left, and Alicia rushed off to keep up. And this time, daddy's little princess was truly on her own, ready to prove that she has finally grown up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Varkasan was surprised when his name was mentioned. He was never told that he was being considered for candidacy into The Inquisition, and to hear it in the midst of a large crowd of Paladins gave him a small case of stage-fright. For a while he simply stood still, in silent surprise, until a Paladin from his group tapped the back of his head. "Cough it up, Trenact! Who did you bribe while our backs were turned?" the Paladin said with a chuckle. "No one. And I do not understand this either... I never considered myself eligible for such a position..." Varkasan replied. "Then perhaps you should have. You're moving fast, kid. You've only been with us for less than a year and the brass is already sizing you up." Aradus said.

"Argh... What is the meaning of this?! Varkasan Trenact, an Inquisitor? How did you of all people become a candidate for The Inquisitors before I? I've spent more years of service than he did, and we're from the same covenant!" Kagax said rather loudly. Aradus laughed. "It's not the time you spend, but how you spend it, Kagax. Perhaps he's simply spent it better than we have." He said, trying to calm him. Kagax simply grumbled to himself. He obviously wasn't pleased with this.

Varkasan was about to speak in reply to his comrades when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Are you the one? The other candidate, Varkasan?" A voice said from behind him, it sounded slightly belligerent, but perhaps it was just him. Varkasan turned around and saw a large man standing there, wearing large plate armor and donning an impressive beard. Varkasan was about to say something, but Kagax beat him to it.

"Now who do you think you are?" The commanding Paladin said. "My name is Zander Parliah. The third candidate for the Inquisitor position. I'm just here to make notice of my competition..." The older Paladin replied. Kagax looked as if he was about to say something else, but was stopped mid-way by Aradus. Once he had the opportunity, Varkasan began speaking. "Yes, I am the other candidate for The Inquisitors. A pleasure to meet you, sir." Varkasan said, bowing his head in respect. "As Inquisitor Levran has said, I'm still rather new to the Paladin Order. But I'm a quick learner, and I shall do my best not to disappoint any expectations set for me." He continued as he looked up towards Zander, waiting to see if there was anything else he wished to say.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RiteousTurtle


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As the Inquisitor spoke, Zander look around the vast group of paladins, probably thinking he could see one of the candidates. Zander's name was announced as one of the candidates from the inquisitor himself, Zander closed his eyes and looked down. Zander was proud of himself, but showing his self-praise would be make him seem like a jerk, so he thought. "My goal has just become a step away..." Zander managed to mutter to himself. The ceremony ended with the inquisitor sending everyone off to their commanding officers, but Zander hung around looking at the paladins disperse, watching as if he could spot the candidates without any information on them. It was just than that this method of standing around and looking helped when a slightly raspy voice bellowed from just behind him

."Argh...What is the meaning of this?! Varkasan Trenact, an Inquisitor?-" said a man standing behind him, Zander pivoted and scanned behind him as the voice carried on followed by a few gestures that indicated that the the other candidate was standing just a few feet away, just barely out of talking distance. Zander marched with haste as he bobbed and weaved his way through the oncoming trafic of paladins, finally making his way to the group with Varkasan Trenact in it. Zander cracked his neck lightly seconds before laying a hand on Varkasan's shoulder. "Are you the one? The other candidate, Varkasan?" Zander said with a slight sprinkle of hostility. This wasn't intentional, but Zander thought it made him more intimidating after the fact, which he liked. The same slightly raspy voice spoke just beside Zander, "Now who do you think you are?"

"My name is Zander Parliah. The third candidate for the Inquisitor position. I'm just here to make notice of my competition..." Zander hadn't the slightest bit of nervousness n his voice, even when talking to a higher ranked paladin like Varkasans commanding officer. After he said that, It seemed that the officer became vex with Zander, luckily there was a second officer there aswell, probably second in command. This second officer stopped the Commanding officer from stepping towards Zander and seemed to calm him down a little. Zander showed his manners towards the other candidate after the tension cooled, letting him speak and introduce himself.

"Yes, I am the other candidate for The Inquisitors. A pleasure to meet you, sir." Varkasan said, bowing his head. "As Inquisitor Levran has said, I'm still rather new to the Paladin Order. But I'm a quick learner, and I shall do my best not to disappoint any expectations set for me." Varkasan added. Zander sized Varkasan up and down, "Well, it aint no lie that your still fresh meat. Barely got scar on body."Zander continues," It's not everyday you get the opportunity to have the chance to help more...'Efficiently', in the purging of the magical practices." Zander had paused a moment and glanced at commanding officer before continuing," Especially when you don't have years of experience like these men." Zander gestured to the two high-ups in front of him. Zander was treading on dangerous grounds, indirectly insulting a paladin higher in rank than himself. Worst of all, It isn't even his superior, all the more reason to show respect, not the opposite. Zanders mood swung from sour to sweet in second, he looked back at Varaksan with a smirk," I've been a paladin nearly 10 years, and not once have I got an opportunity like this, I'm impressed. I could only imagine the skill you possess. May I enjoin you to be my ally? Maybe even embark on this quest as a team?" Zander wasn't planning anything tricky, except for wanting to see what he has to supass to become an inquisitor. Zander waited for an answer. He assume the young Paladin would decline because of the circumstances, but he waited anyways.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlaying


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Flashback-Kamas POV

"We've been out here harvesting crops all day, its just us four, who's gonna eat all this." Kama complained, gazing up at his beefy father, full of testosterone, ale and hate. The year has been good for the family, the fruits grew great and they were able to sell it to the market and splurge on things, ale for the father and a night without hearing their mother being beaten by their father. While life was tough around the place, that year, it just held a beautiful light over the old house, where hope could shine through any crack. His father though, tried his best to place a shutter over any glare of hope and happiness with a well placed punch, as he did when Kama complained about harvesting, which sent him flying back into a basket of freshly picked tomatoes.

"Who said you could speak you peon, i'll drag across this entire field if you dare speak to me again." he roared, throwing a stale plumb at the young Kama, bruising the side of his face, as if the punch didn't. These actions, fueled his hate for his father, every attack on him by this brute of a man gave his life purpose, to never become scum like him. The blood in his body boiled to a point, enough to light a gas filled room on entrance. Laying into the basket, his pants soaked in the back from the tomatoes he has squished, this would be another event to mark in his book, for the day his father could haunt the family no more.

"Kama!" The mother yelled, rushing past the helpless boy over to the father, holding him and pleading for him to stop. "Jr is just a boy, he cant take the beating a grown woman like me can, please, give it to me" She pleaded, holding him tight while gently kissing his oversized arms. This brought a sinister smile to the mans face, he stopped proceeding towards the boy and made his way towards the house with his wife in his arms, young Kama helpless to get up and forced to watch his father walk away with nothing but the worst intentions in store for his mother.

"You've cursed me" He whispered, staring at the name tattooed on his back.


"Faaaatheeer!" Tosama roared, aggravated by his silence. Kama quickly snapped back to reality, his mind searching for the goal he had set, once found he began to shake his head and looked down at the Tosama. "Do you see them, the paladins" She questioned, hiding behind his shoulder, trying to stay out of sight. Her ignorance to the situation tickled him, he simply rubbed her head like a owner would his horse and pointed towards them. "They don't have what you have" Kama informed, looking back down at her with a large smile. She was puzzled, searching through her bag to pull out a small stone.

"They don't have man stones, really?" She asked. Kamas eyes widened faster then a deer that spots the arrow, faster than a rat caught by a falcon. Without a seconds hesitation, he grabbed her wrist and poked it with his thumb, they her right finer with his pinky. she tried to pull her hand away but she couldn't for it was stuck, before she could think of a way out of his grasp or even ask why he did it, the stone was out of her possession. Kama quickly shoved it into his satchel, looking around at his surroundings, stupid and uncalculated actions like those are what get mages killed.

"Me, they don't have me! Don't you ever do that again, you hear me" He grumbled loudly, trying not to be heard.

"Okay I got it, espionage" She complied, soon after she gained full control of her hand.

"We're wanted for black magic, that's something dangerous and people don't like it. We probably have some good people on our trail, the last thing we want is someone finding out we were here, can you just bare with me?" he asked, with a genuine look on his face, gesturing towards the paladins. For minutes he channeled his magic to his ear, greatly amplified by his Tosama, he could hear every world perfectly, and was glad to know nothing of their names had come up, so as far as he was concerned, they were safe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tiberious
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Tiberious From the pits of Hell (Arizona)

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

This place is..., Tiberious could not find the words to describe what he felt about The Black Forest. Magic flowed through everything, from the leaves atop the trees to the blades of grass that rested in the forest floor. It is no wonder no one ever ventures here. I probably could not find my way out even with all the magic at my disposal. Yet, somehow, the way through the forest seemed clear. He had no idea where he was going but he knew he was not lost. Several hours had gone by, no progress seemed to be made. Maybe this was trap... No. Paladins would never set foot near this place. Azure maybe... Then it hit Tiberious, like a bucket of cold water being dumped onto his head. A power that he has never felt before began to push its way through The Black Forest. I must be getting close. The closer he got, the stronger the presents felt, sticking out in this magically dense forest. Then as if on queue, the forest parted, opening up to a large, circular building constructed from the forest itself. Smaller rooms littered the edge of the large structure, strange smells leaking from those rooms. All kinds of mages were gathered in and around this building, many not sure why they were here or who called them.

"Welcome, Tiberious," A pleasant, sweet voice came from behind him. "Wha..," he turned around to see a beautiful young maiden, dressed in dark green robes. Vines covered much of her robe, even the tops of her feet and hands. Tiberious could not tell if they grew onto her robes or were apart of them. A hood left little of her face to be seen, only a pair of bright yellow eyes that seemed to peer into his soul and mind. "Please, come with me. A message is about to be delivered to the mages and then our mistress would like a word with you." Confused, Tiberious followed the hooded maiden into the large hall where most of the mages had gathered. In the back of room was a large, natural throne which view was being obstructed by dangling vines. That magical power he felt earlier seemed to come from behind there. But now that he was close, it felt like two, not one. "This way please. Our mistress and the Count are about to speak." The vines parted, revealing two figures. An ancient women who commanded a presence like a great war general before his troops. The other was a tall, well dressed man, giving off a vibe of a lesser ruler.


After the Witch's and Count's speeches

This news surprised Tiberious. Maybe my Master was not crazy after all. A revolution within my life time. Hmm, never would had guessed. The maiden from earlier had sat next to him the whole time, awing at the two as they spoke. She rose from her seat and turned to TIberious. "This way please," she started toward one the leaf doors near the back. He followed, not sure what else to do. The room they entered was one of the larger rooms connected to the main hall, a similar throne sat against the back wall. A strange orb floated near the ceiling, illuminating the room with blue glow that blended with the dark green vines that clung to the walls. The maiden stood next to the throne, whispering to the old woman who sat in the throne. The witch nodded then beckoned TIberious closer.

"Welcome young mage. I know you have many questions but this is not the time to ask. Just know that I knew your Master well." Tiberious stood still, not wanting to disrespect this powerful being. "What we want to do, will not come easy or quickly. By the end of this, we will need the best mages to complete our goal and rid our world of this paladins. So I offer you a chance to assist me. What do you say?" The witch clasp her hands together, waiting silently for TIberious' response. He did not think, "Of course, but why me?" A vine came from one of the walls and whipped he face, leaving a small cut across his right cheek. Tiber stood steadfast, not wanting to show shock or pain. "Did I not say this was not the time to ask questions... But you show courage. I will tell you this, you have great potential. In a time like this, it never hurts to have extra help." She paused, taking several pieces of paper from the maiden who Tiberious did not see leave. "Here are your papers to let you move about. Your first mission will be waiting for you at the Count's fort he has secured for the mages. I have sent a message to your covenant, so you have no need to return to inform them." Tiberious bowed, confused as the the turn of events that have unfolded in the last few hours. The maiden brought the papers to Tiberious, her eyes never focusing on him. "I will not disappoint," he stated as he headed towards the exit. "Oh, and one more thing, Saberia will be joining you. Take this as a sign of trust. Your master spoke highly of your ability and I need to see proof of that. Plus, she needs to experience the world and I need to make sure you preform. Now go."

Tiberious was not sure about taking Saberia. Most the time he worked alone, thinking another person would slow him down. But there was something about Saberia that gave him an odd feeling. Tiber never bothered acknowledging lesser mages, figuring they needed to prove themselves. He was no fool though, knowing to respect power, but TIberious has not met many who he deemed worthy of his respect. Saberia was different as he could not tell where she stood. Being under the witch, Tiber could assume that she had to have some power. Nothing seemed to emanate from her though, making Tiber question her effectiveness. They stood outside the main hall, watching as many of the mages prepared to leave. The Count's plan was under way, the mages finally having an ally on the inside to help tip the tide in their favor. "This way Master Tiberious, the fort quite a ways away and we want to get out of here before the fighting starts." TIber stared at her, "What fighting?" Saberia returned his glare as she removed her hood, long black hair falling out. She had a warm smile on her slender face, "The Mistress and Count were talking about preparing for some kind of attack. But I did not hear anything else as they shooed me away. Now come." With that Saberia turned, light in foot, and headed into the forest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laue
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Exhausted, wounded and without help, Zinzie's life withered away quietly.

After waiting for a while to distribute the citizenship papers to all who accepted the terms of The Count, The Witch teleported him away, probably back to his mansion. Then she created a sort of door in space - a portal, leading to their new fortress' front gate. Decrepit, old and in huge disrepair, it was still enduring. Any signs of once bustling area were overtaken by nature and it's elements. It's name lost to the ages, this area was once a major hub of trade and culture, but that was more than six centuries ago. But despite it's age, the fortress stood. It was up to the mages to bring back it's older glory and give it a name, for this was their new home.

With the portal opened, the witch issued on last warning: "Up until now, this forest has been my sanctuary. None can enter safely without permission. Every blade of grass, every tree and every leaf has been infused with my magic to defend me. But now, I shall leave. The paladins will now relentlessly assault this place. They will fail, over and over, but eventually, this forest will be burned down. Once we leave, the forest will destroy ANYONE who dares step inside. Now go".

There was about a hundred paladins gathered of various age, experience and rank. A massive amount of horses were prepared for this journey, as it would take them several days. Marching in a column formation, with each column's commanding officer in front, and the inquisitor in the very front leading the way, with the candidates and paladin higher-ups behind him. Their resting points were towns or villages along the way, where they could rest, eat and relieve themselves - all prepared in advance.

NIghtfall was soon approaching, as the troops were riding towards their last destination of the day - Aggrast village. They were supposed to sleep there during the night, but as they were approaching it, everyone could sense it. A presence of sorts, one sending shivers down your spine. There were mauled corpses littered everywhere, as if made by a wild beast, though the victims were not devoured, just killed. Giving an order to dismount, the Inquisitor led the way to the presence in the middle of the village. And there, atop a large rock, sat a little girl, with a black cat purring on her lap. Without a doubt, she was the source of this terrifying aura.

"Yay, you're all finally here! Just like Master said! she said in an overly excited, childish voice, which only added to the creepiness. Levran, however, did not wait for her to finish what she was going to. A beam of light appeared in his hand, forming a large spear, which he nearly instantly thrusted in the direction of the girl. The spear extended mid thrust, hitting the rock with enough force to shatter it. But not the girl, as she disappeared in a puff of black smoke, which were set on fire by the spear's touch. Most paladins were shocked - they were never taught techniques which made the Power of Light they used solid, physical object. "Spread out around this village in units, search the vicinity but secure the perimeter. Candidates - with me." the Inquisitor ordered. walking to small shack nearby, which was in the middle of preparations for the paladin arrival - they were attacked as the villagers were preparing the lodgings. "They were killed no more than two hours ago... It is as the Inquisition suspected - The Azure are capable of scrying. That's how they catch us off-guard. And I'm certain that someone is going to teleport b..." A loud bang interrupted Levran, as the girl appeared back at the shattered rock, with someone else. His aura, however, was mildly paralysing, just radiating with power. The Inquisitor motioned the candidates to stay perfectly quiet and still, observing the duo.

"Mimel, runners are yours. the man calmly said. The girl - Mimel, still with her cat nearby, seemingly melded with the shadows, disappearing from sight. Screams could be heard from this patrolling the perimeter, rapidly changing directions. A scream on the south side, a scream on the northwest side, and so on. "Like moths drawn to flame..." the mage started speaking. Hesitating no longer, the paladins charged forward en masse, each and every one calling forth light in their own way. "Your wings will burn in agony. he finished his sentence, bolts, arrows, balls and anything of the sort flying at him, a mass of paladins charging at him, while something was slaughtering others around the outer perimeter. As the mage snaps his fingers, a wave of some strange liquid was released in all directions. The projectiles, utterly ineffective, were swallowed by the azure mass, sparks flying around, trying to ignite the spell. Those hit by the initial wave were turned into crystal instantly, despite their defenses. As droplets scattered around, turning everything they touch into crystal. The charge quickly turned into a rout, as a single droplet, a single touch of the crystal would start the crystallization process, and the victim could only helplessly watch as their body slowly becomes crystal. Those who tried to purge it with Light got it only worse, as their mastery was not enough to burn through the spell, only ignite it - burning them alive inside their crystal coffins.

The Inquisitor, however, erected a barrier of light, as thick as a castle wall, which was barely enough to stop the spell. During the terrifying minute of screams and death, Levran pulled out some kind of flash and threw it on the ground, shattering it. A faint blue smoke spread through the shack, as the Inquisitor gave the candidates his last set of instructions: Stay here and do not move until they leave. Inform the inquisition that Azure is at the very least a Class 5. Any and all questions are theirs to answer. No matter what, DO NOT LET THEM SEE YOU."

Stepping out, Levran released a wave of light of his own, purging the majority of crystal mass in the village, as well as the crystallized bodies. "Well, well. It seems the Inquisitors are, in fact, more capable than Paladins. I'm glad it's not just a myth." Azure mocked the Inquisitor, as the candidates were watching through the cracks small cracks in the wooden wall. "How long do you think your rampage will continue, Azure? What are you aiming to achieve with all this?" Levran replied.
"Oh, believe me, I am just barely getting started" Azure replied with a mischievous grin, only to be replied by a spear of light speeding towards him. A crystal column erupted from the ground, blocking the thrown spear, but shattering in the process, the pieces set ablaze by the Light. Charging forward, The Inquisitor conjured up another spear, one just like when he tried to hit Mimel, only to be forced to swat away a Azure's crystal lance. And then another one, as Azure began rapid casting this spell. Having a hard time advancing forward, Levran created another solid spear in his other hand, now dual wielding them. Slowly but surely, the two weapons allowed him to progress towards Azure, who still hasn't moved an inch all this time. Azure almost being within reach switched up his magic, creating a barrier from countless crystal lances, all ready to be fired again, and that amount would be unblockable. But Inquisitor expected that, and with an impressive, inhuman leap jumped over them, preparing his weapons for a plunging attack... Only to replied by Azure thrusting his left palm towards him. A loud thump could be hard, as Levran froze mid-air, his innards bursting out of his back, and a huge, burning hole in his chest - no doubt he tried to block Azure's spell. As the lifeless, torn body plummeted to the ground, the little gibs that were once this man's organs showered the ground with red. A deadly silence had set in, only for a moment.

Shadows near Azure, taking the form of, or actually forming Mimel. "Master Revin, a few managed to escape. Everyone else are in the dreamland. I cannot find anyone else."
"Good job Mimel. Any other news?"
"We've found the key. It is held in the dwarven vault."
"I see. So that rules out frontal entrance. Scry out a tunnel which is outside the barrier, as precisely as possible, After all, teleporting into solid rock would be... unpleasant."
"Right away, Master."
Mimel once again disappeared in a black puff of smoke, quickly followed by Azure.

Waiting for about an hour, just to be safe, the candidates finally step out of the shack, as the smoke that somehow concealed their presence started fading away. Walking around the perimeter, all around the mangled bodies of Paladins and villagers alike, the three were looking for their horses. Sighting a large group of them grazing in a pasture a bit further away, their trials were not yet done for the night. Black smoke erupting from the slain, their corpses becoming reanimated, and heading straight towards the candidates - an unavoidable fight.

The massacre lasted for no more than 5 minutes, but Alicia and her companions could see every single bit of it. From a Light technique she never saw or could even imagine, to the absolute curbstomp that Azure and Mimel just performed. The hour was spent with her shaking - this was not in the plan. They were supposed to head to the black forest, and the forest would let her and only her slip away. Azure intercepting them was not part of the plan. What if Azure has killed The Witch and her father? What if Azure is going to come back for them? Alicia was terrified like never before, but then again, she had little occasions to be terrified before. Either way, she still had her duty to perform, as an Eternus, and as a Paladin. After the long hour of waiting has passed, she finally stepped out, as Zander and Varkasan followed suit. "We must return to Liria." she said quietly. Gone was her carefree smile and that air of incompetency around her. "We must find our horses."

Alicia was prepared for moments like these. All her life she spent strengthening her body and mind. And even though nothing could prepare her for this, they had to move forward. And she knew that in a state of distress, there must be a leader. As scared and trembling as she was - Alicia had to take the mantle of leadership here. Around the perimeter the villager corpses were met by those of fellow paladins, mauled in the same pattern. In a distant field, a group of horses were resting, eating grass or just lazily running around with a bunch of cows. "There!" she said, as her companions catched up to her. Varkasan was seemingly out of breath, muttering out "Alicia, hey, LOOK!" as he was pointing behind them. The Paladin corpses were being reanimated with some kind of dark energy, taking up their arms and rushing forward. Gripping the handles of her swords, Alicia stepped in front of her comrades, as the reanimated dead were fast approaching. "Necromancy, huh.." she muttered under her breath.

Drawing her swords with amazing speed, the first zombie was cut in an X. Somehow, the dead were able to utilize their weapons and armor, as if remembering their training, though they proved useless against Alicia's custom made equipment crafted by master artisans. Firing her Swords of Light towards distant enemies, they were set ablaze and instantly released from control - the Light burned away the reanimation spell. Stepping out of the attack's way as soon as the opponent starts swinging, and cutting them down with a single blow, Alicia was in no harm - the zombies were a bit slower than their living counterparts. Even though she saw some friendly faces she had to cut down, Alicia could not hesitate, for grieving has to wait. And as amazing as Alicia's combat skills were, there were just simply to many for her to handle alone, but fortunately, Zander and Varkasan could hold their own as well...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RiteousTurtle


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Zander felt the crunch of a fallen paladins bone underneath his armored boots. It's not the most pleasant feeling, having all your comrades and fellow paladins mauled to death before your eyes, watching as the terror of those you loved get brutally murdered. Zander clenched his fist under his suit of armor, having the metal between his fingers and on his knuckles bend into the form of a fist. At a time like this Zander wished he could have said some thing like " I've seen worse" or " I seen that coming", but he couldn't. Zander couldn't ever have imagined the magnitude of Azures power, let alone predict he could do this much damage. Zander heard a muffle of a sentence before he turned around to see one of the candidates slash down a once able paladin. Baffled by the attack, he pulled raised his hands which were fuming with the divine powers aura, ready to attack the white haired girl for slaying another paladin. "Are you Insa-" Zander cut himself off from finishing the sentence as he saw the dead paladins raise from the ground with an eerie stature. His mind didn't hesitate to realize this was necromancy, and so his body responded accordingly.

His finger spread outwards from his palm letting loose a small volley of 10x10 inch squares made of the purest of light. The light targeted the lifeless corpses as they marched towards the white haired candidate. The squares scorched through 11 of the undead enemies before dispersing, relieving the white haired candidate of her many enemies. He looked around to see the zombie-like paladins starting to grow in numbers, almost surrounding Zander and his fellow candidates. "If you have a divine power that is an area of effect type, would you mind using it right about now?!?" Zander shouted at the undead paladins. Obviously this was intended for the living paladins, but there wasn't exactly the time to wait for people to give him the attention he wanted. Zander raised both his hands, creating a small wall of light the seemed to appear out of thin air. The light from the barriers vanquished the necromancy inside the bodies, making all the dead paladins who touch the shield return to their eternal sleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Slaughter... Execution... Genocide.

Those were the only words that came to Varkasan's mind as The Azure Sorcerer laid waste to the once proud army of Paladins. All of his morale and courage from when he first set out, following closely behind Levran was gone. With their leader dead, and their allies either scattered or met with the same fate, Varkasan felt very true fear; something he had not felt ever since his rigorous Paladin training.

"To think that all these tough and trained men and women would fall just like that... All of their lives and efforts, gone to waste..." He thought in disbelief. Though the sheer amount of brutalized corpses consolidated the fact that this was real.

"We must return to Liria. We must find our horses." Alicia Eternus ordered quietly. Varkasan had to give her respect for being the first to compose herself in such a situation. "Agreed. Levran's final orders were to alert The Inquisitors. And by the Light's Strength, it shall be done." He said. The trio then began moving out through the wreckage and bodies to find their horses. Or any horses they could still use to return to the capital and deliver the warning. They walked nearly the entire span of the village, until they found several horses on a distant grassy field. "There!" Alicia shouted, pointing at the animals. Varkasan was beginning to feel the effects of fatigue, but still had enough focus to hear something behind him.

It vaguely sounded like the snapping of bones, and the tearing of flesh.

Turning around, Varkasan saw the bodies of their former Paladin allies beginning to repair themselves and stand up once more. "Alicia! Hey, look!" He shouted to alert his allies about the impending attack. Alicia responded quickly and began engaging their new foes. Zander took a bit longer to realize what was happening, but began fighting back with just as much strength. Not wanting to let his comrades fight for him, Varkasan began gathering his strength.

Using his shield hand, he waved it over his sword, and did the same to the shield using his sword hand. Afterwards, both of his weapons were enveloped in an aura of light. He then quickly spun his sword, and pierced it into the ground before him him. Light flowed through the small cracks and touched his armor as the aura began covering him completely. "Divine Light... Defend me and my allies from thine unholy enemies..." He muttered as he assumed a battle-stance. He was trained with dealing with Necromancy. He had to be able to steel himself in order to fight his former allies. All he had to do was convince himself that they were no longer the people he once knew, they were now corrupted vessels who did the bidding of a dark master, and had to be relieved of their pain.

The first undead who approached him was swiftly cut down clean through the middle with a horizontal slash. The next one met the same fate, with a decapitated head. The places where they were slashed immediately began burning up as Light spread through their bodies. Another undead Paladin came at him. Varkasan attempted to quickly defeat it, but it managed to put up a fight. It blocked his first attack and retaliated with its own, which was quickly intercepted by Vark's shield. He then followed up with a stab through the undead's chest, and kicked him away as the body began burning up and falling down lifelessly once more.

Varkasan then had an idea. As the next undead Paladin came bearing down upon him, he stunned it first by bashing it's face with his shield, and then quickly resting his palm on it, but pulled it away just as quickly. He then proceeded to bash the creature once more with the shield, but this time with the intent of pushing it into a nearby advancing group. The undead toppled backwards, as cracks began showing through his body, with Light streaming out of it. "Your corrupted vessel... is now my Holy Flare!" Varkasan said as the undead began screeching, just before he exploded into a ball of light, scorching the entire group he was pushed into, putting an end to their puppet-like control.

It was no reason to celebrate however, as the undead army was still as large as ever. Not to mention the fact that they were now surrounded, despite their best efforts. "If you have a divine power that is an area of effect type, would you mind using it right about now?!?" Zander said loudly as he set up a barrier to defend from the oncoming horde, but it would not last forever. Varkasan began picking up stones and discarded weapons from the ground, imbuing them with Light Energy, and turning them into Flares.

He threw some stone debris at the horde through Zander's wall, causing small explosions, and leaving behind balls of light that slowly burned away at any undead that passed it (though not enough to kill them off completely). However, small objects did not have the intensity of large ones, such as a human corpse. He passed some of the Light-imbued, discarded weapons and armor pieces to Alicia and Zander. "Quickly! Throw these at them through the wall before they explode!" He ordered. His Flares would be able to thin out the undead by a margin, but not enough to clear them out completely. They needed a plan and fast.

Just as Varkasan was contemplating that however, a sudden volley of Light arrows came falling from the sky, cutting a path through the horde straight to their horses. Varkasan turned to the source of the arrows, and saw a living Paladin with a spherical helmet standing on the roof of one of the buildings. "Aradus?! What are you still doing here?!" Varkasan shouted to his squadmate. "No time to talk! I've given you a clear path to the horses. Now RUN! I'll cover your escape! We'll meet up in the plains as we flee!" Aradus shouted as he stabbed an undead Paladin that attempted to climb to the roof of the building he was on top of.

Varkasan turned towards his allies. "You heard him. Make for the horses!" He said as he ran through Zander's wall with his shield up on his front, and sword ready at his side, leading the way to their escape. Meanwhile, Aradus launched another small wave of Light Arrows to take down the undead that tried to close the distance on the group. Any ones that survived his arrows though,would have to be taken care of by the candidates.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlaying


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"What in the gods name" Kama uttered, observing the monstrosities conjured up at the rally of paladins. The two sides fought strongly, though eventually the dead remained so, for the sake of the two they scurried away before they could join them. Kama had managed to get enough details on their plan, he was a fool for not listening to the voice when he had heard it in the forest. Tosama nudged on his arm as he dazed, staring blank at a wall trying to process all the information he had gather. Things didn't look good for anyone right now, but what he had just concluded was a blessing and his will both at the same time.

"The war is about to begin" He uttered in a dead, emotionless tone.

"Whaa, what? what do you mean?" Tosama questioned, stepping back with her satchel in hand.

"We need to leave now, should have listen to you and im sorry, I mean we are leaving right now" He reiterated, peaking around the sharp corner before starting his quick walk for the gate and out of ground zero.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tiberious
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Tiberious From the pits of Hell (Arizona)

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Count's fort was a horrendous mess in terrible shape and coated in dust and debris. There was potential in the fort, though who knows how long it will take to get in working condition. Tiberious and Saberia were not the only ones showing up however, as a large portal had opened in the large courtyard by the front gate. Most of the walls were half the size they once were, broken from what seemed like years of battle. As for the fort, it was mostly intact though with are the holes and cracks, it might crumble with any more weight in it. The ground in the courtyard and surrounding area was broken up dirt with bits of grass scattered. A fort like this could be of hardly any use for almost anyone, but mages were not just anyone. They all stared at the fort, wondering if it was even worth trying, puzzling looks on many of their faces.

Tiberious grinned. "This place is perfect." Saberia glanced at him, noting his smirk like grin. A loud commotion begin near the front gate as a crowd began to gather. "I don't take orders from anyone, you slime." A hooded figure stated, fire gathered in his palm. The man was the recipient of the remark stood across from him, a sword in one hand. "Well, heathen, someone as to take command." A roar of a laugh erupted from the crowd, causing many to look Tiberious' way. The hooded figure glared, a scowl look twisted his face, "What is so damn funny?!" he screeched. TIberious took several steps toward the center, still chuckling as he gathered himself. "You see... this is just the reason I never work with lesser beings." The hooded man's face turned a vibrant red, matching the fire in his hand. "Why...you...What makes you better than everyone here?" the flame he held began to pulse. Tiberious turned to face his accuser, "Well, I have a simple question for you, how many paladins have you...ANY of you killed? I bet you could use one hand to count." The crowd talked among themselves, "I bet is more than you." Tiberious removed his hood, revealing his young face that seemed to show ages of wisdom and battle, though there were no physical marks. "I would tell you if I knew the number, but I stopped counting long ago. It has been my goal, MY MISSION, to end the paladin's reign and to make them suffer." Then someone from the crowd raised their voice, "Wait, I knew you looked familiar. You're the Terror of the South aren't you? I thought you were killed?" After several seconds of whispering, the group grew silent. "Well, I have not heard name in quite some time. Glad to know that name still carries some weight." The hooded figure took a step closer, his rage now in full effect. "You are the Terror of the South, the man responsible for the deaths of over hundred paladins in a one year span... and the destruction of several towns and villages." Tiberious did not respond. "You killed my family, destroyed my village. It was because of you at an army of paladins came swooping through, killing or taking any they thought knew magic or of the Terror." his words were heavy with pain and anger, his flame had traveled to coat his entire arm now. "I should kil-" the man stopped, his face now showing shock. A black arrow which seemed made of an ooze of some kind, stuck out his stomach. After staring from several seconds, he reached to go pull out the arrow. As his hand started to wrapped around, the arrow faded away, leaving only the wound where it struck. "Be grateful I don't kill you now, scum at rests on the bottom of my grieves." The man placed a hand over the wound as blood began to work its way out. Tiberious turned to the crowd, "Now, we can figure out who will do what later. What we need to do now is fix this arse of a fort up. We were given a gift, lets us it," he paused for a moment, watching as most mages had gathered to see what was going on. All their eyes were on Tiberious, waiting like puppies for what would come next. "The walls need to be risen, the gate repaired, this... fort, if it can be called that, returned to a former glory. Once that is done we can start bring in supplies as what ever else we need. When this place is up and running, then we can discuss our next move." Tiberious raised a fist into the air, "We will no longer be treated like garbage, thrown out and hunted for out abilities. RISE UP, MAGES! Rise and lets us replace hope with fear. Every light has a shadow, and the paladins light has created a very large shadow." Everyone raised their fist in response, hollering cheers of hate and anger toward the paladins.

After everyone had their fill, the mages began to work, using either their bodies or magic. Thanks to magic, repairs will not take as long as anyone would think it would take to fix this decrypted fort. Though because of the state of this place, it will still be quite a while before the fort would be useful. Tiberious and Saberia headed inside the fort, the large double doors squeaking as the slowly swung open. The first room they entered was a large with large pillars lining a walkway toward a set of wide stairs. The pillars rose several stories high, some how still holding the roof from falling in. "This must be the main hall... looks like the stairs split when they hit the back wall and go up left and right, leading to the balcony." Saberia said nothing, just in awe of the main building interior. There were several hallways on the ground floor, leading a kitchen, a barracks, storage rooms, and servant quarters. The hallways on the second floor balconies lead to different parts of the fort. A empty library lay one way, several large living quarters a couple ways, and even a lab of sorts for alchemy. Tiberious noticed a hidden doorway that led under the stairs, Probably to a secret lair... maybe a torture room and treasure room. A set of double door were on either side of the stairway, both leading to the same hallway. At one end, a door that lead down, under the fort to a large, empty room once used magic training. At the far end, a set of double doors that led to a war/throne room, a place where people of power gathered to discuss important topics and where the ruler would meet people in private when he/she was not in the main hall. The only other door in the room was behind the throne, leading to a bedroom where the ruler more than likely stayed.

They spent the next hour or so exploring, not really talking much as the took in everything. Finally, as the entered the war room, Saberia broke the silence, "That was some speech you gave." Tiberious ignored her, studying the stone throne and table. "Did you ever think that you should lead-", "Listen, I am a strategist, not a leader. I saw that someone needed to step up and get these mongols working." Saberia stood near the door they entered, holding one arm behind her back. "I think you are lying to yourself because don't want to lead this." "Be quiet maiden, we will discuss anything you want later." Tiberious headed into the bedroom, nodding his head, "This will do." Saberia followed in, studying her new friend. "So, Terror of the South, what will you do next?" she asked playfully. "I am not sure, need time to plan and think. Let me mediate, let no one in the previous room or this room." Saberia nodded, taking one last look at Tiberious before shutting the door.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RiteousTurtle


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The Volley of light arrows cleared a make-shift path for the three candidates, but the road to their horses didn't last long as the un-dead paladins slowly started blocking their way once again. Zander shot his divine squares of light towards the horses, as planned, they were intercepted by the bodies of the rotting paladins. The dark magic was expelled from the bodies of the paladins, as it burned away into nothingness. Zander ran towards the horses. His armor weighed him down slightly, but not enough to make him slack behind. He ran a few paces behind Varkasan who seemed to be in better shape than Zander, but he still managed to stay in front of the white haired girl somehow. He held both his hands out in front of him as he and his comrades came closer and closer to their horses, seeming to "charge" one of his divine abilities. Now, only meters away from their horses, He releases his built of power by throwing his arms outwards, like a child pretending to be an airplane, and uses his spell: Impending Divinity.

Four large walls of light form around the horses, Zander, and his the two other candidates. A few of the zombie paladins managed get close enough to Zander to be trapped inside the four walls with the three of them. Zander grabbed the reins of one of one of the horses and swung onto it with a nice elegant jump. The saddle on the horse as not fitted to Zander's size which made his knees bend at an uncomfortable angle. There wasn't much time to fuss about it, so he didn't. "Alright kids, My walls wont let anything past, so if we can make a break for the path before the walls dissipate we wont have to run over the paladins and possibly make the horse's tumble" He shouted over the ominous grumbles of the dead. He pulled on the reins of the horses and turned his horse the right direction.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laue
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The yet unnamed fortress, decrepit and dusty, held many secrets. It's extensive libraries, long abandoned, held knowledge that was lost or destroyed by the paladins, ancient maps and spellbooks. Armories full to the brim with now rusted equipment. All of it abandoned when Eternal Kingdom surrendered - the kingdom which belonged to the Eternus bloodline. This was one of their major hubs. But at the very least, it was not touched by the ravages of war much.

There are many secrets of old buried within and throughout Altea. Powerful artifacts of ancient making, vaults lost to history, tombs of powerful mages. This was the official occupation for Covenant of Scholars. The main goal - spreading dissent through the land, as there is a bustling underworld, one that manages to avoid the Inquisition for as long as they existed, and they don't really like their reign. After all, many nobles lost their lands, or more. Either way, both duties are equally important, and it was up to the new freedom fighters to decide their course of action.

The survivors manage to escape their reanimated brethren, fleeing back to the capital. Tired, scared and angry, nevertheless they reach Liria. After quickly explaining their situation and clearing up the suspicions of desertion, they are given a day's rest, as a high-ranking inquisitor will be coming for a debriefing.


A day of rest and a night of nightmares. At the very least Alicia knew that her father was OK. According to the paladins, he never left the mansion. Revin, the man called Azure - how was he so powerful? Mages of such caliber existed only 300 years ago, before the Paladins were founded. And his underling - the little girl was just as capable, Though no one really saw the powers of Mimel, Azure displayed a clear show of force. Light - considered to be the ultimate bane of magic, simply was not enough. Even an experienced inquisitor failed to even touch Azure.

Alicia's thoughts were interrupted by a guard calling her to go to the War Room, as not just any Inquisitor arrived, but Sebastian Arman himself - The High Inquisitor, second only to Grand Master Grinnoc himself. The others were there too. Relaying their story one more time, the group awaited Sebastian's response.

"It is regrettable about what happened, so many loyal and brave paladins were slaughtered. But now we know who we are dealing with. You must be wandering: what does Class 5 mean? Classification 5 for short, we rank mages according to their power. The lowest is class 1. Class one and two are what you deal with most of the time. Class threes are now rare and require a group of paladins to deal with. For all we knew, there was nothing above class three for a long time."

Out of pure curiosity, Alicia asked how many classes are there total. "Seven. Though there were only three known class sevens in existence. They were one of the main reasons the paladins were founded. They could destroy entire kingdoms if they wanted to, and they did try, but the other two made sure to counter such attempts. All three at different sides of war, they almost made armies obsolete. Their struggles of power were tearing our land apart, and we did not know how much more can it take. But out of nowhere, Grinnoc appeared with his power, taught others to use it, and saved Altea.

And now we learn why we couldn't get rid of Azure. Scrying and teleportation are very advanced spells, and very powerful. This way beyond the capabilities of any paladin, no matter the number. And as such, we will have to hasten your initiation."

A lot of this did not made much sense to Alicia just yet. Drifting in her thoughts, in the memories of the slaughter, she suddenly remember one crucial detail: "Grand Inquisitor, I forgot to tell you something! After Azure killed everyone, he and his lieutenant talked about some kind of key located within dwarven vaults, and that they should look for tunnels below the barrier to gain entry." In a mere moment, the eternally blank Sebastian's face turned into something resembling worry. "Oh shit! Alright, no time for small talk! Zander Parliah and Varkasan Trenact - with me to the Inquisitorial Fortress. Alicia - report to the fortress as soon as you are able, and make sure all of your affairs are taken care of."

With the Grand Inquisitor rushing out, dragging Zander & Varkasan along with him, the girl was left confused. Alicia decided to visit her father one last time, as she did not know what would happen next - either of them could perish. Waving goodbye to the other paladins, she set off home, for one last time.
Zander & Varkasan

The Grand Inquisitor wasted no time and the trio were riding towards the plateau upon which the fortress of Inquisitors was built. The dwarven tunnels were below, and where the majority of them lived. "You must be wondering why I chose you to come with me. It's simple really. Inquisitors are valued for their unbiased thinking, sight of the big picture, analytical and strategic skills, not zealotry. Unless... you would want to become a Witch Hunter. Witch Hunters are our elite, above the limits of their mortal body. However... to receive that power, you will have to undergo special training. It lasts only a month, but that month will be your personal hell. Your body and mind will be pushed to and beyond their limits. On average, during that month you will get about six hours of sleep, and 3 days worth of food. And that's not counting what exercises you will have to go through.

Why all this? Receiving that great power is easy, but since your body will not be able to handle it, you will just explode, as your mind is also overwhelmed. There is no other way. And that's where your traits come in. Sure, Alicia's pure skill and talent dwarf most paladins, including yours. But, she lacks that pure willpower, that zeal that is needed for a Witch Hunter to endure. Witch Hunters are only known to very few. Majority of paladins and inquisition have no knowledge of their existence. Mostly because we had no need for them anymore, the only Witch Hunters so far were the fifty original ones that fought with Grinnoc. Only 4 out of those 50 got to reach old age, however.

And now, we are in need of Witch Hunters once again. Alicia is not meant to be on the front lines, it would be a waste of her talents. She would be an assassin, an infiltrator - she would never endure this training. You however, have a chance. That's why I personally chose you two. You can always say no, but this is an opportunity of a lifetime for you. And a chance for us to stop Azure before his power grows out of control. And now let's just hope we're not too late to save that damn dwarf."

Idron Boje

A wealthy looking fellow with several bodyguards approached Idron, and sat by his table. "People like yourself are harder and harder to find with each passing day. Mr Idron, you may have no heard of me, but I have heard of you. You can call me... The Collector. And I have a proposition, just for you." Motioning his bodyguards, who pulled out an old looking map, he unfurls it at the table. It seemed like a map of a small area, some kind of burial tomb. "This is a long lost tomb of Archmage Romerus. Back in their day, it was a tradition to bury them with all of their belongings in various maze-like crypts or dungeons. I am looking for a sword called Void Blade, which was a rather noteworthy weapon wielded by Romerus. Anything else you can keep. You would get a quarter of the payment right now, and the rest upon the delivery of the sword. Of course, you can expect many traps in there, sealed doors and maybe even various guardian creatures, but I am sure there is nothing you can handle."

Plopping down a large back of gold coins on the table, The Collector stood up from the table, and was preparing to leave. "If you take this gold, I'll assume you accepted the job. In case of success, I will find you myself. If you decide to run away with the money or otherwise break my trust, I will find you too. But meeting that way won't be pleasant for you. So how about it, Mr. Idron Boje?"
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