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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Katherine “Kitty” Anne Pryde

Shadowcat (Retired)


Place of Birth:
Deerfield, Illinois

- Headmistress/Teacher of Computer Science (Xavier Institute)
- X-Man (Retired)

- Piotr Rasputin (Colossus) - Husband

Relationship Status:
Married to Piotr Rasputin

Mutant Ability:
Phasing/Intangibility: Shadowcat possessed the ability to pass through solid matter and objects by passing her atoms through the spaces between the atoms of the object through which she was moving. In this way she and the object through which she was passing could temporarily merge without interacting, and each was unharmed when Shadowcat had finished passing through the object. This process was called "phasing." When Shadowcat was phasing, she was, for all intents and purposes, intangible. Hence, when attacked, she could shift into a "phasing" state (even if she was not at the time passing through an object) so as to allow oncoming projectiles or energy blasts to pass through her harmlessly. Shadowcat passed through objects at the same rate of speed at which she was moving before she "entered" it.

Personality and History:
Katherine "Kitty" Anne Pryde was leading the normal life of an extremely gifted thirteen year old girl in Deerfield, Illinois when she began suffering increasingly intense headaches. The headaches were a result of Kitty's mutant power emerging. Kitty possesses the ability to pass through solid matter. Professor Charles Xavier located Kitty and set out to recruit her for his school and possibly as a new member of his X-Men. Kitty's parents allowed Kitty to join Prof. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. She became the newest member of the X-Men. Kitty spent a great deal of time training. During her first training session in the Danger Room, Kitty easily walked through a scenario that took Professor Xavier weeks to program, this showed off her great natural intelligence.

Kitty served with the X-Men until she was eighteen, becoming increasingly close with the likes of Ororo Monroe and Piotr Rasputin before she headed off to college, specifically MIT. Occasionally she would return to her duties as an X-Men when the situation called for it until finally she decided to become an instructor at the school, teaching computer sciences. Of all the X-Men and young mutants that passed through his doors, Professor X saw more of himself in Kitty than any other. The two shared a special bond closer to father and daughter, rather than teacher and student.

An ancient evil, buried alive in the tombs in the Valley of the Kings was accidently awoken and Apocalypse was reborn. He began to target mutants and in a mighty battle, he destroyed half of the X-Mansion and Professor X with it. There was no time for grieving as Kitty and her fellow X-Men found themselves in an all-out war against the first evil of the world. Eventually he was defeated but at the cost of many friends lives as well as the lives of the poor civilians that wandered into the path of destruction.
In the event of death, Professor Xavier had bequeathed his entire estate to Kitty, who decided to use the money he had left to rebuild and improve the mansion. Upon its completion, the young mutant re-opened the doors and became headmistress of the new institute in the hope that she could honor the legacy of Professor X and instill his ideals into a new generation of mutants.

- Although married, Kitty and Piotr are currently in a long distance relationship as he is working overseas to help those affected by Apocalypse’s rampage
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Name: Luna Marionette


Age: 18

Place of Birth: Hume, Fauquier County, Virginia.

Occupation: Student

Family: Parents Joseph Marionette and Angie Marionette residing in Virginia

Sexual Orientation: Pan-Sexual

Relationship Status: Single

Mutant Ability: Lupine mutation, much like the proclaimed Sabretooth and Wolverine. Accelerated healing factor which includes virtual immunity to known diseases, Enhanced senses of sight, smell & hearing, superhuman strength to a degree not strong enough to lift a building but could lift someone twice her body weight and throw them across the room. Enhanced athleticism and reflexes, retractable claws at the tip of each finger, Claws are extremely sharp and are capable of cutting most known conventional materials and flesh. This mutation comes with flaws, her bestial nature makes her unpredictable and she struggles to control it. She has elongated canines which she cannot retract; her eyes are constantly a bright yellow colour she has to wear contacts to conceal them losing her enhanced sight when she wears them. Her ears are also pointed and she has a strict beauty regime to stop sideburns from growing on her cheeks. She can contort her vocal chords to form growls, howls and snarls etc. It’s unknown whether she can transform into a wolf or wolf hybrid like Wolfsbane or Wolf Cub.

History: Luna was born during a lunar Eclipse, she appeared in this world with burning wolf like yellow eyes. Her parents were concerned about the yellow eyes but were assured by the doctors at the hospital that there was nothing wrong with her on the whole. They didn’t deem it necessary to dig any deeper into it telling her parents it may have been an altered form of Ocular albinism. They put their worry to the back of their minds and took little Luna home, it only became apparent she was very different when she began teething, her teeth came through very quickly and were sharp to the touch. She also begun to sprout hair along her cheeks, by the time she was crawling her parents discovered she had some kind of regeneration ability, they had to finally accept their child was a mutant.

Despite knowing this her parents kept her with them on their ranch in Virginia, they raised her away from normal society, depending on a few close family members and friends to keep her as secretive as possible for fear of people’s reaction to her. She didn’t develop any further abnormalities until she was 13, where her senses and strength enhanced, she also discovered she could make claws spring from the tips of her fingers. Unfortunately around this time, her bestial nature took a stronger hold of her causing her to have severe mood swings and to become restless with her current way of life.

Her young teenage years were the hardest for her parents, Luna became extremely volatile and unpredictable. She longed to leave the safety of her parents ranch, to go out and meet new people, people her own age, she naively wouldn’t accept that because she was different it was highly unlikely that she would be accepted into the community without serious prejudice. Her father tried to distract her by teaching her the family business but she could only get close to the horses when she was completely calm in mind and body. They eventually caved in on their decision just before her 18th birthday and agreed to send her to a normal school. Luna was beyond happy at their decision, her mother brought her a pair of contact lenses to wear and helped her get rid of her embarrassing sideburns. They couldn’t hide her elongated canines and gave her strict instructions to NOT disclose or show any of her other powers to anyone else.

Luna’s first day of school was a disaster as her parents thought it would have been, she was ridiculed for her elongated canines even after she told the story of having them pulled down to look like that, in fact her story made them ridicule her even more. She was called a freak for doing it and was picked on for being home schooled and wearing old ranch clothes, they called her a farm girl and accused her of smelling. They were incredibly cruel to her and caused her to lose her temper, she injured the main antagonist severely leaving him with large lacerations to his face and torso, not only did she reveal she was a mutant she came across as dangerous. She ran away from the school before she could be punished returning to her parents ranch later that evening, they already knew what had happened. They explained to Luna that what had happened was unacceptable and that the poor boy would have to live with her mistake for the rest of his life, as he would be scarred for life. The local community spoke out in anger at the attack and demanded justice for what had happened, Luna’s parents were forced to send her away for her own safety. They had heard of Professor Xavier’s school and went out of their way to locate it, begging for them to accept Luna as a student it was really her last chance.

Luna’s personality: Luna is a conflicted individual; she struggles with her bestial nature on a regular day to day basis. She wants to be carefree and friendly all the time; she loves the idea of being around others and making friends. But sometimes she can’t help but be brash and rude to the people around her, she is likely to strike out if she is angered or afraid and does not take kindly to be challenged whether it be mentally or physically. She is very protective of her friends and loyal to them once she respects them. She carries a huge amount of guilt for what she has done in her past, and has locked it away in the back of her mind, choosing to live in denial instead of accepting the truth. Unfortunately a trait that has stuck with her, she protects herself from emotional trauma by avoiding her problems or in some cases keeping people at arms length.

Luna has had steamy affairs in the past but has never crossed the line into a relationship, she’s not particularly good at talking about her feelings to another person. Her bestial nature makes her libido rather high she's a monogamous person who admires beauty in both sexes she strongly believes that people should love or lust after who they want without prejudice. Luna can be intense to be around sometimes, despite her anti social tendencies shes a very passionate person some would say she's impulsive and can be rather outrageous in how she acts.

Extra: Suffers from Cleithrophobia ( fear of being trapped) Strong negative emotions (Example: Intense fear or anger) can lead to a loss of control where she will become more beast like in her actions normally very aggressive and violent when this happens.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alfredo “Freddie” Benito DiAngelo



Place of Birth:
Isola delle Femmine, Sicily, Italy

- Teacher/Coach, Physical Education

None Important

Relationship Status:

Mutant Ability:
Telekinesis Freddie is classified as a first-class high-Level telekinetic. Before the mental blocks on his mind were unlocked back when he was a student, he was able to telekinetically move, levitate, control, and manipulate solid matter, people, and inanimate objects with a mere thought. He can use this to various effects. He is able to fly, create small gold-coloured telekinetic shields and barriers, unleash incredibly powerful blasts of telekinetic force and, freely control and manipulate several objects from a distance. Since his powers are mind-based, it means that if he's unable to concentrate or form a thought, he's unable to use his powers. This also means that most of his powers are controlled by his emotions and can often get out of hand if he gets angry enough, causing nearby objects to explode or random telekinetic bursts to happen, even sending things flying depending on how passionate he's feeling. Often, the telekinetic pressure surrounding Freddie can become so intense that it effects the surrounding area/objects and people as if gravity itself had cranked up to 100 times the normal amount.

Personality and History:
Alfredo DiAngelo was the second of three children born to Benito and Apollonia. He has an older brother Tomaso and a younger sister Carmela. His family originated from the small town of Isola delle Femmine on the coast of Sicily. The DiAngelo's lived a somewhat idealic life for a while until Benito's past came back to haunt him. One day after finishing work, Benito had just picked up Tomaso from school when they heard an explosion. Rushing to the source, the two found their home ablaze and Alfredo standing outside watching it burn. He was eight years old. Later that day, Benito put his children on a boat to America and headed out to find his wife and daughters killer. He died that same day from a gunshot wound.

Arriving in America, Tommy and Freddie found their way to Baltimore where they began their lives anew. Tommy had to teach Freddie English and took a variety of jobs just to pay the bills. When he came of age, Freddie too began work. It was these early hardships that shaped Freddie's personality as a pride filled, blue collar worker. Trying to stay out of Baltimore's drug trade, Freddie managed to enroll himself on a boxing program and got into high school after missing out on a year due to his work commitments. During his high school years, Freddie displayed a great intelligence but didn't possess the drive and ambition to reach his potential. He believed that people from Baltimore could never achieve their dreams. Eventually, Freddie's brother Tommy began to work on a fishing boat which paid good money but meant he was away from home for nine months of the year.

One thing that stood out about Freddie was his temper which was incredibly volatile. After a fight in which he put a fellow student in the hospital, Freddie was going to be sent to juvie because he had no one to care for him (his brother was away on a fishing season). This was until the timely intervention of his school coach who said he would take care of the young man if he joined the basketball team. In the Summer period before school would start, Freddie got into another fight and it was this incident which triggered his mutation. During the fight, the young man’s rage caused things to levitate from the ground and pin people to the ground. Terrified of what he was doing, Freddie packed a bag and fled Baltimore. He made it as far as New York where after yet another fight, he was recruited by Professor Xavier shortly before his death.

After the destruction of the institute shortly after his graduation, Freddie set off on his wandering ways again. Eventually he got the call from Kitty to return to the newly rebuilt mansion as an instructor, needing a bit more direction in his life, he took up her offer and is back at the institute for the first time in six years.

- Freddie has HCM (Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) A heart disease which causes certain parts of the heart to thicken. This disease once caused Freddie to go into cardiac arrest during a battle.

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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Standing at a pint-sized five-foot even with a petite frame, Daisy hardly strikes fear in the hearts of others. But be warned, strong for her size and extremely agile from years of mixed-martial arts, she is one tough little cookie.

Name: Daisy Vaughn

Codename: Flicker

Age: 24

Place of Birth: Atlanta, Georgia

Occupation: Teacher, English and Introductory Combat

Family: Alive, but relatively unimportant to character. Unaware of mutation.

Relationship Status: TBD

Mutant Ability:

Daisy possesses superhuman reflexes and agility, both of which she has furthered through intense personal training. Her more active and apparent ability is teleportation. Daisy is able to pop (“Flicker”) from one location to another at will, the jump totally silent. There are a couple of limitations to her ability. The first is that in order to jump somewhere, she has to have been there herself first. She couldn’t, for example, teleport to the North Pole as she has never been there. Also, longer jumps can be physically draining for her, as can teleporting with people (she is capable of teleporting others as long as there is constant skin to skin contact. If that contact is broken, there is the possibility that that person could be lost forever, or end up in a random location on the planet. Luckily this has not happened yet.)


Daisy is cheerful and possesses and unshakable resolve. If she sets her mind to something, she will accomplish it, no matter the lengths she has to go through to do so. Dedication has been drilled into her since her birth, and you will not find a more loyal or steadfast individual. That said, she is playful and likes to play harmless tricks on people sometimes.


Daisy had the rather unique experience of being the only child of Alex Vaughn, a top-tier mixed-martial artist and dojo owner, and Lucille Schafer, a relatively well-known poet. Her father had wanted a son, but due to complications during Daisy’s birth, Lucille was incapable of having any more children. Determined to make the best of the situation, Alex almost immediately started training Daisy as his protégé. Often he was known to go overboard with the intensity of his daughter’s training, but Lucille was far to wrapped up in her work to notice, so Daisy simply struggled through.

Despite her size, Daisy showed great promise, her impressive speed allowing her to end matches before opponents even had time to react. She was Alex’s pride and joy, and he fully expected her to help him run the dojo when she graduated from high school. It broke his heart when instead she accepted a place at Sarah Lawrence on a writing scholarship (her mother was naturally ecstatic).

College was really the first time Daisy had spent away from home. Her first day on campus was terrible. She got completely lost, missed orientation, and got sexiled by her remarkably fast moving roommate. It was then, curled up in a ball in the hallway, sniffling quietly, that Daisy realized she was different. One second she was bemoaning her fate wishing she was home, and the next she was in her room in her parents house. She couldn’t believe it, but after a thorough inspection she realized that she was in fact home, almost a thousand miles away from school.

Terrified and fascinated, Daisy tried focusing on that dismal little hallway, and the next moment she was there. She was exhausted from her first two jumps, but too excited to sleep. She started researching on the internet about her experience, about what she was: a mutant.

Her immediate and extremely unorthodox transfer to Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters (a school, not a college, so she essentially went through high school twice) may not have made any sense to her mother, but it certainly made sense to Daisy. She took online courses in her free time to earn a college degree, and at the school worked hard both academically and at improving her powers, graduating as salutatorian of her class. Headmistress Pride offered her a position as a teacher at the Institute, and Daisy immediately accepted. While one of the younger staff members, she makes up for her lack of teaching experience with enthusiasm and steely willpower.


Nothing as of yet.

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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Duncan James Pearce



Place of Birth:
Lucerne, Switzerland


All Deceased

Relationship Status:

Mutant Ability:
Kinetic Energy Absorption Duncan is a mutant with the superhuman ability to absorb kinetic energy and to metabolize it to enhance his own physical strength, speed, and stamina. This makes him extremely difficult to defeat in battle, as every blow struck against him only makes him stronger. Unusual tactics are required to defeat him, usually by incapacitating him or by attacking him psionically. Duncan absorbs the energy of any blow he is struck by, not just punches, but also projectiles like bullets, and to a less successful degree, electricity and physically based energy beams. Without absorbing energy, Duncan is merely a strong ordinary human, though normally he works to keep his strength at a superhuman level. For example, in one instance, he was shown to spend time hitting a wall after waking in order to build up his power reserves.

Duncan is a unique individual. He appears to be of sound mind and strong spirit. Like most who lose parents in their youth, Duncan has abandonment issues. He rarely makes long-lasting relationships with men or women. He professes to have never fallen in love. He maintains no friendships from before his parents’ death and only the most irregular contact with friends from his late teens. Duncan is not nostalgic, but lives firmly in the present. He has only vague notions or thoughts about old age and retirement, which he does not seem to think he will live to see. He enjoys pushing himself to the limit, both mentally and physically. Duncan's stress levels actually drop when the stakes are higher. He is prone to boredom and mild depression when not challenged. He has strong interpersonal skills. He can act comfortably in many situations, but does not seek out companionship except, most notably, for sexual recreation. Duncan's lone wolf personality-type tends to attract others.

He is goal-oriented, but he often seeks these goals in an indirect and secretive way. He has kept many areas of his life meticulously compartmentalized, never allowing the emotional issues from the loss of his family or from relationships to intrude on his professional life. Duncan seems to have an emotional and mental need for multiple layers of reality. He thrives when not revealing all of himself, carefully organizing the aspects of his personality he reveals to others. Thus Duncan is excellent at burying information he does not wish to reveal, making him a very good security risk if questioned under almost any circumstance.

Extremely solitary, he does not console himself by surrounding himself with others. His athletic pursuits tend to be solitary: running, skiing, hiking, swimming, diving, and climbing. Most importantly, Duncan is deeply loyal to institutions. After his parents' death, he embraced his British and Scottish roots. His concept of his nationality is a large part of his identity. This is reflected in some of his social attitudes, which seem to embrace a British identity of the not too distant past. When pressed, Duncan seems to identify with the notion of helping to "protect the realm", or "serving the monarch" and the ideals embodied in the mythic notion of St. George.

Duncan Pearce was born an only child in Lucerne, Switzerland. His father Andrew Pearce of Dundee, Scotland was an officer in the Navy who was stationed over there. He met his future wife whilst over there and the two had a whirlwind romance that resulted in marriage and Duncan. Until the age of eleven, young Duncan lived in Switzerland with his parents until tragically, they both died when the train the young family was on derailed. Duncan survived only by the timely manifestation of he would come to know as his mutant ability. After being treated at the hospital with only minor injuries, the young boy was sent to live with his paternal grandparents in Dundee, where he was privately tutored in order to adjust to the English way of life. He then joined the public school system a short time later.

After graduating from the local school at the age of 17, Duncan began attending the Britannia Royal Naval College. While there, he excelled in all areas of training. Duncan matriculated from his coursework at BRNC with passable marks. However, whilst excelling at athletic competitions, strategic operations, and counter-intelligence courses, his unconventional approach to his education, his diffident attitude to some of his superiors, and a lack of respect for curfew drew him many demerits. On more than one occasion, a fellow candidate was strongly suspected of lying to protect Duncan from punishment. In his later teens, he lost both of his grandparents in the span of a few months.

Duncan’s exceptional skills and seemingly impossible physical capabilities for a boy his age, caught the attention of one of his instructors. This instructor put young Duncan on Kitty Pryde’s radar, he was recruited a short time after.

- Duncan’s ambition in life is to write the next great novel of a generation but nobody is aware of this fact due to his solitary character

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Member Seen 1 yr ago


No longer in the RP
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(Note: Streaks in her hair come in varying colors, usually green or red, and always bright)
Name: Naka Vejay
Codename: Element
Age: 18
Place of Birth: Sibiu, Romania
Occupation: Troublemaker
Family: Uncle Boamos and Aunt Analetta
Relationship Status: TBD
Mutant Ability: Naka has the unique ability to harness the elements around her, her main strength coming in the element of earth. She can coax plants and trees from the earth on short notice and very quickly. The vines can be used to incapacitate or as a tool to reach enemies or places high up. Most of her abilities fall into the realm of earth. When under a great deal of stress (ex: life/ death situation) she can be called upon to cause a crack in the earth, but once this is done, she would be out for the rest of the fight. Because most of her powers are plant based, Naka herself is like a plant. If denied water, sunlight and fresh air, she can die.

Personality and History: Naka is a party kid, it comes from not wanting to be home. As a baby Naka's mother abandoned her to her extended gypsy family. Her aunt and uncle took her in and soon after moved to the US to have a better life for their adopted child. Naka can a be a bit of a wild child. She likes to get her way and usually has the wiles and guts to pull it off. Her abilities didn't surface until she was around 13, and when they did, she was horrified. Her aunt and uncle told her to hide it, to suppress the feelings and want to be outside and growing things. So, Naka changed almost over night. She became a raver girl, going out to clubs, sneaking out her window and drinking away the urges. This worked well for her until she was 17 and her adoptive parents kicked her out of the house after finding a stash of illegal drugs and empty liquor bottles in her room. Since then Naka's been using her street smarts to keep herself safe and alive. When she was just a few weeks from her 18th birthday, a guy who she sold some drugs to had told her about the institute, and Naka vowed she wouldn't go there unless absolutely needed. A fight ensued on the night before her birthday, leaving a bruised and bloody Naka to try and find somewhere safe to hide, it seemed a few of her clients had a problem with the strength of the items she was supplying them. Naka gave almost as good as she got, using her abilities to escape, she knew she had no choice but to seek safety at this 'mutant haven' at least until she was healed.

Extra: Naka is usually the life of the party type and tends to be the one who people go to when they want illegal substances.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 42 min ago


Name: Alicia "Ali" Taylor

Codename: Shifter

Age: 17

Place of Birth: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Occupation: Student

Family: Alicia is very close to her family and always keep in contact with them her mother Karen Taylor age 35, father Michael Taylor age 37, younger brother Jonathan Taylor age 10.

Relationship Status: Single.

Relationship With Others:

Mutant Ability: Metempsionic, this ability allows Alicia to take control over a persons body by letting her mind go into the target's mind, this however leaves Alicia's body to be in self induced coma until her hosts body touches her original body. When inside the hosts body she has access to all of their memories knowing the person inside and out their daily routines and habits also smells and tastes whatever the host does or eats even down to their handwriting. The ability requires only skin to skin contact which requires her to wear gloves at all times. She cannot take control of other mutants, the longer she is in the hosts body the harder it is for her to remain in control over her host, if the host dies Alicia is returned back to her original body and experiences the same pain they received. After Alicia releases a host they wont have any memory of what happened or they will experience small glimpses of what happened. This ability also has a side effect from those she has inhabited, some of her own memories maybe parted on them or something she has learned in the past. Example would be someone know how to suddenly play a guitar but never having learned before or any fighting skills that they never learned before. And it goes the other way around to and takes some of the persons skills or memories as well.

History: When Alicia was born she had no signs of her mutant powers most of her childhood life was very normal living as a normal girl, her mother was a nurse at a hospital in the city, while her father was a police officer. Going through school Alicia stayed as an only child until she was seven when her mother gave birth to her little brother Jonathan, at first she was jealous of him since her mother took a leave from her work to take care of her little brother. Eventually Alicia accepted that and then became close to him taking care of her little brother whenever possible.

When Alicia went into high school it was fairly normal Alicia eventually ended up dating a boy she knew since they were little and they fell in love very quickly they dated each other for the next two years. On her seventeenth birthday Alicia was with her boyfriend, they were hanging out at his place and when he went in to kiss her Alicia's mutant powers finally manifested her mind went into her boyfriends and had sudden control over him. She looked down to see her own body laying on his lap and suddenly freaked out and panicked, and she was unsure what to do. Alicia stayed like that for several hours in her boyfriends body before touching her body again and she was back in her normal body again leaving her boyfriend unconscious and clueless to what happened. After a few days she thought it was a dream and when she went to hug her mother it happened again, Alicia used her mother's body for awhile before touching her normal body again. she heard of Xavire's School and left everything she knew behind to go to the school.

Extra: Alicia always wears a pair of gloves over her hands and refuses any form of skin to skin contact with anyone in fear of her powers taking over anyone. Alicia likes to play the guitar and listen to music in her spare time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Oona Fredrick
Codename: Selkie
Age: 17
Place of Birth: Fort Campbell, Tennessee
Occupation: student, works part time at a local bookstore
Family: orphan
Relationship Status: single

Mutant Ability: She can change form into any water based life-form (within reason) mainly fish and the like, if she has a piece of the creature (for example if she wants to become a trout she needs a trout scale, or a sea turtle she needs a claw or something). Only water based life-forms! and she can only take on the form of magic sea creatures, mermaids, naiads, ext, with the help of one of those creatures (in other words she needs a live, and willing, mermaid there to take the form of a mermaid) but she doesn't have the full powers of those creatures (control of water for Naiad or whatever) only has a tiny fraction of the actual power of the creature, however can come in useful because she becomes the natural size of the creature as well. she doesn't require anything to turn back into herself, her clothes do not change with her.

Personality: a generally very active and friendly girl though shy as she didn't have many friends ... ever, She is very protective of her friends, some times it appears clingy, which can turn people off from hanging out with her too much, She is a very happy-go-lucky kind of girl. She is actually scared of water.

History: As a child she lived with her parents but there was an accident (when she was about 8), her parents car went off a bridge, she only survived because she frantically grabbed hold of a minnow when the car started flooding and she changed, both of her parents died and she was sent into the foster system, as none of her family would take a 'freak' like her. she was only a child when this happened and as so spent most of her life in the foster system, bouncing between homes, was kicked out a lot of times because she would get scared and end up transforming (as she keeps a small box of different fish scales on her at most times, in case of emergency). She was found by the school because she was in a mall being bully and got pushed into the fountain, her head went under and she panicked and turned into a trout in the middle of the mall and another student happened to be there and brought her to the institute.

Weaknesses: fire of course, doesn't get the powers of magical creatures she becomes, has to have something of the creature to become it, poisons affect her more then they would a human, and anything that can kill a fish can kill her. She HAS to get into clean water (chlorinated doesn't work) every week or so or she begins to dry out and can lead to death very quickly, (can substitute short dips and sponge baths and the like but requires it far more frequently if she does so)

(i gave her that codename because i play a character similar to her in another RP and that's her race, and i couldn't think of anything else)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Asuu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alucard De Vinci



Place of Birth:
Venice, Italy

He drifts from job to job, and is currently working at a popular Ice Cream parlor.

Relationship Status:
Relationships are...dangerous for Alucard, for right now at least. He's single.

Mutant Ability:
Blood's Essence - Factoring majorly from his mutant genes, Alucard's powers are both dangerous and awe-inspiring in nature. To put it in simple terms, Alucard has direct control over his blood, and the mystical Essence of Blood that flows throughout the universe. The power is mystical and spiritual in nature, rather than a physical type of power that ties directly to Earth. By using this power, Alucard calls upon the blood from his surroundings (e.g gathering blood from thin air), or even his own blood, for different uses. The blood, once called upon by him, is revitalized with his essence, allowing it to become free-flowing, harder, sharper, stronger, and gain magical properties. This allows him to travel through puddles of blood as if they were portals, create living things to attack on his behalf, utilize blood to create different weapons and appendages made of blood itself, become blood himself, and a variety of other uses. He cannot control the blood inside of other mutants, though the pure blood in humans are fairly easy to control with a bit of concentration. Blood is constantly being pumped into Alucard's body, despite his paleness, so his body works overtime to burn and harness this extra energy. This gives him enhanced speed, strength, and durability on par with what one would expect an abnormally strong and fast mutant to have.

Due to this power, Alucard cannot die from blood loss. He's also resistant to pain, and uses pain, and the blood that comes with it, to fuel his attacks.

Personality and History:
"Alucard originally lived in a life of luxury and riches, having a filthy rich family of blood-manipulating mutants."

Naturally a gentleman first and foremost, Alucard regards everyone with the same natural outlook he looks at everything with. Calm, regal crimson irises stares out through pure black eyelashes at everything, giving it a casual, yet observatory once over that carries a sinister foreboding, something that usually psyches out most when he glares. Alucard is a polite young man on the bare surface, not afraid to kiss the hand of another when greeting, though with his politeness he carries a sort of measured arrogance that seems to be more for show rather than actual childish cockiness.

Every move he makes is thought of before he actually makes it, hence his calm, yet long strides and intelligent nature. He was taught to be a noble by his parents, but taught to be a Reaper by the thoughts in his mind, leading him to be a hybrid of the two. Underneath his cold, yet gentleman-like behavior hides another part of him. Complete and utter apathy to any natural human. Yes, while Alucard may treat other mutants with a calm, detached, and cold friendliness one would expect someone of his appearance to ooze, he has a different mindset to humans. To him, they are nothing more than fleshbags to harvest the sweet nectar of life from - Pigs, basically. You would wonder why he opts to protect and uphold the peace to keep humans and mutants safe, then? It's rather personal.

"The fire...their mansion taken over...torches...gunshots...fire...family burned at the stake...treacherous humans."

Over-all, on the surface he is a gentleman. A coldly efficient and intelligent one, but an aristocratic gentleman regardless. Dig a little deeper, and you scratch his core - a sociopathic, yet honor-bound mutant whom detests humans on a disturbing level. He has a strict moral compass, and he goes strictly by a few rules of honor that's been etched into his brain by his Mother and Father, on their death beds, to protect the innocent, human or not. Though it may seem as if he has no warmth - no desire to love, Alucard is actually a hopeless romantic, be it as contradicting as it may seem. 'Hopeless' is a great way of putting it, as there's no legitimate way for Alucard to have an actual lover. His soul thirsts for blood, the misty vapors, and sustenance, a side-effect of his specific spirit. He will always be a danger to those around him. Over the years, he's learned to control these desires, but being the hopeless romantic that he is, Alucard has decided to not even risk it.

"Do not travel down the path of hate, Alucard...protect the innocent, like your parents and ancestors before you..."

To help control these dangerous powers he's been cursed with since birth, Alucard traveled to the Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters...

His ways of dealing with crime and violence is rather...looked down upon by heroes. While he doesn't kill the enemy unless absolutely necessary, the things he do makes them wish that they had died.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Fox

Little Fox

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

║Full Name║
Armonía Rebekah Torres

Her X-Men given codename is “Apollo” . Though her friends call her by a variety of names, to which she answers to each one; Art, Nía, Bekah, Becky, Luminesca, Faerie, Firefly.

She was Alfredo's high school sweetheart and had gotten to the point of nearly tattooing his name on her. She left without a word after Charles' death and does not currently know where she stands with him, as neither one said goodbye or reached out to contact each other. She does hope to rekindle their romance and possibly settle down with him though.

 ║Birthday & Age║
March 21st (24)

½ Cuban ½ Greek


║Sexual Orientation║

X-Men Leader (also instructs future X-Men in advanced combat), Singer, Dancer, Art & Literature teacher. Instructs yoga and runs the drama club.

Westchester, New York
Bronx, New York City, New York

║Physical Description║
Armonía isn't one of a physically imposing stature. She's rather regular sized, 5'7" and 128lbs. She prides herself in sporting sultry curves in all the right places. Her muscle tone is well defined and she takes quite a bit of pride in it, working religiously to ensure her heavenly physique remains as such. She has her mother's dark locks, though she tends to keep it in a tight bun or a long and thick braid rather than letting it flow down freely. A faded yet prominent and dark scar on her chest jaggedly spells out “Demon” while the rest of her figure is adorned in a number of faded scars from experiments and beatings. The only scar that she has above her neck is a horizontal scar on her right cheek. There are two columns and fifty rows of round scars that start at the base of her neck just below her hairline and extend all the way down to the base of her hips. The spinal scars are jagged and look as though needles were ripped right from her flesh. As far as tattoos, she has a bar code on the back of her neck and a short score of music wrapping from her left shoulder to just before her elbow. On the underside of her left wrist is a sword and bow making an "X" over a shield with "True Justice" underneath it. The outer part of her right leg sports a well crafted 3D tattoo that gives the realistic appearance of her leg having decorative holes carved into it. Like so. She also has tattoos on her Left arm, right arm, & left foot. She also has several piercings.

✔ Music ✔ Art ✔ Combat ✔ Vlogging ✔ Writing new songs ✔ Reading ✔ Candy ✔ Organic food ✔ Eating pure sugar ✔ Subs ✔ Seafood ✔ Steak ✔ Flying ✔ Her truck ✔ Her pets ✔ Tolerance ✔ Tattoos ✔ Body art in general ✔ Animals ✔ Her students ✔ Alfredo ✔ Daisy ✔ Writing poetry ✔ Her fans ✔

✘ Self-important people ✘ Bologna ✘ The smell of Pinesol ✘ Black licorice ✘ Watching horror films alone ✘ Watching war films alone ✘ Being without her stuffed panda ✘ Disorder ✘ Nihilism ✘ Bigotry ✘ Dogmatism ✘ Beef stew ✘ Most stew in general ✘ Feeling useless ✘

There are two sides of Armonía, though this is due to her forcibly repressed memories. The surface Armonía is the Armonía from the better part of her childhood. It's who she would have grown into being had everything that happened to her as a child hadn't happened. She's very amiable and finds it easy to approach others, though with the belief that she is a mutant, she is wary around most humans. She's your typical sweetheart, often throwing people off because her type of sweet is a rare thing these days. She would offer a total stranger her jacket if they were cold or perhaps a slice of pie if they seemed sad. Despite being so forward and friendly, she still manages to give off a bashful vibe towards those who don't know her well enough. Once a person has earned the right to be called her friend, they aren't just a witness to her outgoing and whimsical mannerisms, but they become involved and she's more open.

She's the type of girl who prefers spending time with her friends over solitude unless she needs some time to think. She's almost always with someone though, even if she's just reading a book or writing a new song. She's never still for too long, having to do something that keeps her moving. Because of this, she often prefers to be outside entertaining. Whether she's in the middle of the mall, a 7/11, or the street, she has no problem bursting into song, dancing, performing acrobatic stunts, acting out a scene from Hamlet, or breaking out an instrument. She's not really an attention-whore, as some would misunderstand. She just likes to see a smile on people's faces while being able to express herself and her talents. She's very proud of her talents, though not overbearingly so to the point where she has to point it out in every conversation or display them to anyone who hasn't seen yet. In actuality, when it comes to performing in front of others, she tends to only do it to cheer them up or busk. She's never actually uploaded any videos of herself performing from home – All videos of her performing are from her busking. She'll only perform socially at the request of others and prefers that she's not the center of attention outside of busking.

Self-expression is a phrase that she's highly familiar with. Art is her life and her passion, easily told by the tattoos and piercings adoring her body. One of her pet peeves is being judged (herself and others) for tattoos and piercings. She literally has a rebuttle for anything and everything that a person might try to argue about in a conversation against body art, as she's been approached more than once (like so many others) by people (mostly old people) with reserves against body art. She's very proud of the ink that she's put on her body and finds herself often doodling more onto them every now and again when the inspiration hits her. She frequents tattoo shops to observe the work of others (maybe now and again to do some work of her own for some cash) and isn't against sitting in an art museum for hours to stare at a painting or sculpture to wonder what the artist was feeling. She wishes that every artist had her ability to make others feel as they do when they perform or paint, thinking that more people would truly appreciate art if they could.

That's her good side.

Let's talk about her inner warrior.

From the ages of six to fifteen, she was...Well. She was something. She was prone to violent mood swings, depressed one minute and ferociously angry the next. She spent her days switching between two very exclusive ranges of feelings: Hatred, anger, vindictive, righteous, and sanguinary were the worst. She was more bearable when she was feeling lonely, sad, hurt, suicidal, and dead inside. Either way, someone ended up dead before the night was over each and every day. After escaping her captors, when she wasn't feeling dead inside and moping in bed, she was out satisfying her need to vindicate the innocent lives she had been forced to take and the lives of others that she had not taken but had witnessed being taken. Her level of intensity during such a mood swing was always at a fifty out of a scale of ten, “going hard”, as the kids say. She was absolutely brutal, cruel, and uncaring. She could skin a man alive and pour acid on him without feeling a shred of remorse for what she had done.

But she wasn't messy. She was an apex predator. She was the crocodile in murky waters and her prey was the unsuspecting deer trying to cross. She was smart – She had been trained to leave no traces of her presence and she did so very well in that. She would often compare herself to Dexter - a favorite show of hers and a bit of inspiration. She had been hardened by her past and no fucks were given as she watched the light diminish from the eyes of her victims. But she felt in her head that she was doing the right thing. Her heart had no say in it – They weren't on speaking terms during that time. But despite her cruel treatment of perceived criminals, she never hurt an innocent person if she could help herself (when she wasn't hopped up on mind control) and would go out of her way to make sure that an innocent would remain out of harm's way even if it meant that she would get hurt.

She didn't like talking to people and she didn't make eye contact except to either glare or give a lifeless gaze. She had no passion for art or life, only her view of justice. But she's changed now, though Natasha hopes to bring out her inner beast and control it.

║Powers, Skills, & Talents║
[+]Powers – Attributing to her mutation, the genes within her has taken the form of light and she has studied Photology extensively to harness her powers. She has the ability to generate, bend, shift, focus, scatter, and generally control light to various degrees and effects. From weapons to steps to shields, Armonía can solidify the light photons and manipulate their shape and density to aid her. She uses this for flight often, creating a “surfboard” under her feet and using her control over light to move herself. By energizing the light photons and directing them, she can create an offensive and powerful blast and even create lasers to sear her targets. Armonía sees the world around her in extreme HD and literally doesn't miss anything around her. It's pretty useful for noticing nervous twitches in suspects as well as spotting things from far away. Though, she's not Superman; She can't see clear across a city. She can individually pick someone out in a crowd from half a mile away. Armonía can bring about an area of darkness through repelling or simply absorbing the light photons around her or her target. Through scattering and stretching and bending light photons, she can cast about an area of absolute light, allowing for no shadow and even no visibility, possibly blinding people temporarily or permanently. She can also create illusions. Rather than creating illusions in someone's mind like a telepath, she can make something that is solid and real. Sort of. Whether its a walking, talking person or a large building. Of course, she needs empty space to create the illusion; She can't make a wall lead into a room that isn't there. The difference between her holographs and visual illusions is that the holographs are impalpable and the illusions are solid. Armonía's ability to generate light comes from the light inside of her. Literally. Photons of light are integrated to her every molecule. Even her boogers glow. Lovely imagery right there. Anyways. When not too worn out, Armonía can manage to become light. Her body fades away and her clothes drop and she becomes light. She can still hear and see and smell (she has yet to figure out how that works out) but she is intangible – For as long as she needs to be. In addition to her ability over light, she is well noted for her “Art Intuition”. Her combination of mastery over light and art is what earned her the codename Apollo. While one might not think that being able to master various art forms without trying is hardly much of a power or even out of the ordinary, the fact that she can sway people's emotions and thoughts and actions  through her work is quite a power. Hardly an aggressive power, but it has its uses. It's rather entertaining as well. She can also generate various sounds from thin air, often blending them into unique music. She cannot manipulate existing sound unless she created it. She can mimic any movement and sound that she's heard/seen just once, providing very well for learning new dances, fighting, and mimicking people.

[+]Education – She's done extensive studying of Photology and is an RN. Her list of languages include English, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Dutch, Icelandic, Greek, and Latin.

[+]Combat – She's a 5th degree black belt in Muay Thai and a formidable boxer, a former Bantamweight Youth World Amateur Champion and former Underground MMA champion.

[+]Domestic – Her domestic skills include cooking, familiar with many recipes through surfing the web. She is also (obviously) highly artistic and is a frequent traceuse.

║Weaknesses, Disabilities, & General Flaws║
[-]Oddities – She cannot sleep. She might get tired, but she cannot sleep for any longer than three or four hours a day. It's on the last seven days of every month when she just shuts down, her body entering a state of self-preservation as she recharges completely. It's these seven days when she's at her weakest. She can stave off that sleep for a few days if she must, but she'll sleep for every day that she missed.

[-]Mental – She is mildly schizophrenic with a dash of PTSD, a sprinkle of paranoia, and a hearty helping of dysphoric mania.

[-]Emotional – She doesn't do so well with trusting humans, much less giving a damn for most of them.

[-]Medical – Well, she doesn't have a blood type. Her blood is 57% light photons. She is also allergic to asparagus, peanuts, paprika, codfish, poppies, bush daises, carnations, copper, and papayas.

[-]Addictions – Marijuana, nicotine, sugar, body art, and alcohol.

※Weapons – She doesn't use man made weapons. Her choice of weapon is a small sphere of light that she can morph into what she wants. She also has a number of instruments, but she mostly uses her violin.

※Vehicles – She has two vehicles – Her civilian vehicle is a 2008 GM Sierra while her other is a “surfboard” made of light.

※Sentimental Items – A locket mirroring her brother and father's containing a picture of herself, her brother, her father, and her mother.

※Gadgets – Nada

※IDs – Driver's Licenses for New York, Louisiana, Washington, Nevada, California, Florida, and Arizona under the names Jamie Willer, Nadine Salem, Luna Forester, Arlene Berry, Rebecca Stack, Jessica Rider, and Amelia Lee. She doesn't have any IDs with her actual name on it except her ID for Xavier's.

Edgar was a Cuban butcher with a kind heart and a certain bit of naïve to him. One day he found a woman hiding in his shop and found out that she was a former prostitute, sold out of Greece by force and recently escaped. He took her in but soon fell in love and married her. Out of this relationship came two children: Armonía and Adonis. Now, these two children absolutely adored their parents, though they were more inclined to their mother. But their happiness wouldn't last for too long, as they were soon thrust into a world of darkness and abuse. See, Hera had grown weary of her husband as he soon began "finding Jesus". It countered her own religious beliefs and he began to look at their children in a way that made her uncomfortable. Not to mention that her life had grown stale and her husband lazy. And so she told her children that they were leaving - She was going to take them far away to a place she had heard of for mutants like them. She hadn't had the chance before Edgar killed his wife and abandoned his children. After shooting Hera in the head in front of the children, he beat them until they were a bloody mess and drove them out into the middle of the woods where he left them. Why would he do that? Because, he had let his head get filled with ideas from his coworkers and media that mutants did exist and they were abominations. He was a Christian man now and his thoughts were easily swayed into believing that the children he once thought were angels blessed by God were demons in disguise. So...where did that leave Armonía and Ásbjorn? Well, they had managed to wash upon shore where they were found by some fishermen. They were surprised to find a young girl who was glowing and a young boy whose body seemed coated in shadow as though standing under shade, clinging to a log for dear life. Thoroughly frightened, they called the authorities and were paid off by the government to keep silent about it. The two soon found themselves under the “care” of William Stryker and his team of odd and twisted scientists. With twelve mutants they were in captivity and slavery from the ages of six to thirteen. For seven years they suffered daily emotional, mental, physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. Or at least Armonía did. Ásbjorn was nine when he died after having his heart removed in a battle to the death. It was part of an experiment to see which was stronger – The mutant with super strength or the child whose species they had yet to identify. Ásbjorn was easily stronger, but he wasn't a fighter. He never had been. In their years of captivity, Armonía had been the strong one. She was the one that defended who she could, taking extra beatings so that he might be spared and have a few minutes to recover. The most horrific part of her capture was the Quintipede. It was a crude form of technology that was used to manipulate a person's nerves to control their movement. It was a failure and discarded after a mind control serum that worked through injection had been created. It was with this serum that they were able to mostly control those that they held captive. Their subjects became less resistant and were more malleable for training. They were transformed into drones, trained to handle various forms of combat and often sent out to capture or kill mutants. Armonía was further turned into a killing machine when the genetic tests began. . They didn't expect some of them to start developing an immunity to the serum, therefore unsuspecting of the attack that came shortly after. They destroyed the base where they were being contained, killing everyone that they came into contact with. William Stryker was lucky enough to not be there when the attack happened, though he was furious when he returned. Where did these kids go? 1407 Greymalkin Lane. They were found and rescued after walking down the road by Professor Xavier and his friend, Eric Lensherr. It was there that Armonía went through a couple of years of deep depression and anger, her strange sleeping habit forming. For two years, she simply lost her passion for life and seemed to just go through motions of living. She also had a sort of... “Batman Phase” going on. She would venture out into the city and brutally murder criminals that she came across. The NYPD was on a manhunt for a serial killer with no face or no name. Fearing that the government would get its hands on Armonía once more, after finding out what she was doing, Charles went through intense therapy with her and eventually got her permission to repress those memories of her life. When he was finished with her, as far as the fifteen year old knew, she was an orphan. Her mother, father, and brother had died in a terrible house fire - this also prompted a fear of uncontrolled fires. With the darker memories of her life gone, so was the attitude. She became all that she could be and was virtually a ray of sunshine. She had no memory of her combat training or anything. She had no urge to kill anybody anymore either and actually became a bit more withdrawn when faced with conflict. She was eighteen when she moved out of Xavier's and got her own apartment in the Bronx, continuing to work at a small diner that she had been working at when she planned to move out – Busking wasn't going to pay her new bills. She also worked on weekends, paid by Charles to substitute for art classes. She later took a job as an RN as well. But after the death of Charles the blocks in her mind slowly faded. She left the world to sort herself out, taking time to center herself in the middle of nowhere. She was found and called in by an old friend, Kitty. The new Head Mistress asked her to return as a teacher and to lead the new X-Men. It didn't take much to convince her and she soon packed her bags and returned home.

♢ She has a Tibetan Mastiff named Yum Yum, a Corgi named Talisman, a Norwegian Long Hair named Fonz, and a Sugar Glider named Bastille ♢

♢ She is still trying to deal with her past self ♢

♢ She does her own tattoos ♢

♢ She instructs morning, afternoon, and night yoga classes ♢

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


A rather average sized individual, about 5'9", and weighs a solid 158 lbs of well-toned muscle. A relatively lithe form, Harley has an unassuming figure in the way that he carries himself and is often distant in his actions, if not overly hesitant in the way that he moves. He's got a perpetual aloof look to his face, an expression usually lost and inattentive when calm—that 'in the clouds' look, with the glazed over eyes and slight yearning that tugs at his brows. Though, he often cares more about how he looks than most would determine, even if his attitude is more unsocial than the average person; he is well kept, clean, and keeps himself as fresh as possible. Elongated features and doe brown eyes, Harley usually wears a curious expression, though riddled with lines of worry and anxiousness; his brown eyes are often wide in observation and dart around with equal parts curiosity and caution. Often regulated to a slightly unkempt hairstyle a simple hand through would fix, he's afflicted with an astigmatism that requires the use of glasses or contacts, though forgetfulness forces glasses more often than not. His voice is very quiet and muffled, though has a softness to it unlike any others with a soothing quality to the slight high intonation.


Harley Roald Coeman





Place of Birth:

Stillwater, Minnesota


Student (Volunteers at the local animal shelter)


Joanna Loraine Coeman - Mother/Deceased
Lucas Kaiden Coeman - Father/Deceased
Esther Anna Coeman - Older Sister

Relationship Status:

Single (Homosexual)

Mutant Ability:

Hallucinogen Emission/Emotional Manipulation

Through the emission of certain toxins or pheromones, whichever one wants to classify it, Harley can effectively manipulate a person's emotions to cause increased rage and anger, as well as reduce the need for self-preservation and can increase depression so much that an individual can literally lose their minds, to the point where they inflict extreme self harm to themselves. The effect starts upon being within the general vicinity of Harley and increases the closer an individual gets. The effects usually span from mild irritation to outright berserker rage, which is directly correlated to how much control Harley has over his power. It can also either cause a person to become unwilling to do anything but wallow in their sorrow or completely go mad from their depression, causing themselves and others around them harm. The effects can be subtle, in that Harley can direct irritation toward an individual or themselves, or blatant, in which a victim can effectively become consumed with rage and attempt to outright harm someone closest to them, including themselves. Not only that, but the hallucinogen when used as an agitator can amplify a person's strength, endurance, etc. to make them an effective combatant and increase their potential damage output; it unlocks subconscious restrictions on powers to use them to full effect. When suppressed, the power merely amplifies the strongest emotion of the people around him, but has greater and easier effect on those already angered or with temperamental issues and people prone to depression or already afflicted with chronic depression.

Harley doesn't have particular control over his powers, especially when under great duress. When panicked, he can literally cause the people around him to tear at each other's throats or undergo a state of masochistic madness until he is either subdued or calmed down. He is immune to the effects of the hallucinogen and any emotion altering powers and is only as strong as the people around him, should they be susceptible to mind altering effects. The toxins are relatively hard to detect, though can be resisted with enough will power or through telepathic intervention, the latter of which has the most chance of success. When suppressed, they are still powerful enough to increase the depression of a person currently afflicted by it and can potentially dip them over the edge. The radius increases when he is panicked and loses control.

Personality and History:

Stories have to begin somewhere.

Harley's began in Lakeview Hospital in Stillwater, Minnesota to two loving parents, and one well trusted sibling. Life from then to the activation of his x-gene was, in general, average and kind of expectant from a small, middle-class family. He lived in a modest home in the suburbs, went to the largest public school, and had parents who provided well with the work they did; his father was a real estate agent and his mother worked as a doctor in Saint Paul. With an older sister, he had more than enough people to confide in when things got rough and they didn't normally get rough until he hit middle school, at about 12. It was that awful moment in just about most people's lives when he started the school year off with copious amounts of acne, large-rimmed glasses, and larger than average braces. He looked to be the easiest target to enact some prepubescent, hormone driven assertions of dominance.

In other words, he was bullied. And with his sister off in college and his parents so swamped in work, he had no one left to confide in.

It got particularly bad when he hit the 7th grade and had developed a particular crush on a male teacher in school, who'd showed him more sympathy than most. The kids tormented him relentlessly, calling him more words than one; unfortunately for him, this was about the time his powers began to accumulate. Under a copious amount of stress due to the physical and verbal abuse the surrounding kids were dealing, he unknowingly began emitting his toxins, causing the children to mercilessly attack him with even more force and when finally pushed past his limit, they began to turn on each other and themselves. They were ripping at each other's flesh and near bleeding out before Harley realized what he was doing and effectively stopped it by ramming himself into the nearest wall, ending it all the moment he fell unconscious. They were all sent to the hospital, in which one child died due to loss of blood and the others remained for a few months due to broken bones and severe internal bleeding. The school faculty had no idea what had happened and determined the school closed for inspection of a possible terrorist attack. Scared out of his wits, Harley didn't say a word; in fact, he was under such shock he could barely make out where he was.

Unfortunately, he was back at home when his powers acted up a second time. He was tucked into bed with his parents hovering above him, attempting to garner any kind of interaction from their child. Frightened by the sudden realization that he was a mutant and the fact that he could harm his family, Harley began hyperventaliting uncontrollably, succumbing to a terrifying panic. It, in turn, caused the air to begin to cloud with his toxins, though it went unnoticed to his parents. His parents, not noticing the sudden change, forced Harley to stay in his bed in order to calm down. By then, it was too late, as the room was so thick with the hallucinogen, that they fell into a mindless haze and began attacking him and then each other. His mother quickly dispatched his father before turning on Harley. Out of a need to survive and unable to stop what was happening, Harley panicked even more, which shifted her mother's hatred to herself. The adrenaline that surged through her kept her conscious as she did herself in, ramming her head and body against the wall until she finally slumped over and died. Harley could only frantically call his sister while he watched, who came home immediately to find him huddled on the sofa talking to a police officer attempting to coax the story out of him. Their parents were long gone by then, having been taken out to the ambulance the moment Esther arrived. Rumors quickly spread that the family was unstable and it was only a matter of time before either cracked; it was unfortunate that both did, and forced their son to witness such a traumatic event.

She was the only one who had learned of his mutation and the only one who knew he killed their parents. At first, it was hard to take in—she was so filled with anger and disgust that she literally locked herself inside her room for an entire week, ignoring Harley's cries and leaving him to cope on his own. But, she came to and realized that she was the only one who could safely take care of her brother. Though, he was quickly left to his own devices in his grandmother's home, somewhere in Wisconsin, whilst his sister finished her last few years of college. They both understood that only with a proper education and job could they take care of each other, so Esther made good use of her time in college, whilst Harley breezed through middle school and part of high school.

More cautious and afraid of himself than anyone else, Harley was distant to practically everyone but those he trusted. He and his sister had a plan, which revolved around being able to take care of each other, but most of all themselves. They needed to be self-sufficient. Though, he felt she was more scared of him than she realized—something he merely accepted and learned to live with. Esther, however, made sure to find a way to support him in more ways than just a good job and possibly an education; she knew he couldn't live in a world where he could still hurt people and get hurt himself. Finding time outside of her busy schedule, she ventured to the newly rehabilitated Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters in order to find a way for her brother to better control himself and his powers and possibly protect himself from the prejudice of the outside world and those beyond—the world quickly forgot about the incident Harley caused in the destruction brought upon by Apocalypse's wrath. After a discussion with the newly appointed headmistress, she gathered Harley's things and made for the institute, explaining what Mrs. Pryde had told her along the way. Whether he'd need her or not, his sister saw this as the best possible opportunity and the best way for Harley to fulfill his dreams. Though, he quickly saw it as a way to get rid of him; he was volatile and dangerous, so he understood. He didn't like it, but he understood.

He quickly found a place for himself, however much he distanced himself from others in the process. He didn't relate to anyone because he was even more of a danger there. Scared of himself and the potential of his own powers, Harley limited himself to aloof interactions, became adept at hiding in the background, and quickly engulfed himself in study and hard work. If he busied himself so much, people wouldn't have the chance to get close to him and he wouldn't have the chance to hurt them.


—Harley has a penchant for chemistry and biology, but in particular loves veterinarian work and animal studies. He hopes to some day be able to either help form medicine through the research of exotic flora and fauna or just find a small town where he could pursue veterinarian work.
—Out of all the animals, Harley loves bugs and deep sea creatures. Anything that's extremely exotic in nature, or different and unique.
—Loves romantic comedies
—Is keen on learning to cook, though is currently terrible at it.
—Has recurring nightmares of what he caused his parents to do and is ultimately unable to forgive himself, despite his sister having done so, so quickly too.
—He's got a very distinct Minnesotan accent, seeing as he's lived there most of his life.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heathen
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Heathen Astrologist Know-It-All

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"I don’t need life to hand me lemons. I can grow them myself and make lemonade."

Daniel Aiden Green - "Danny"



Place of Birth:
San Francisco, CA

Student, Teacher's Assistant, Botanist

Mutant Ability:
Plant Manipulation - The power to control plant-life. Users can create, shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, even moss and (for practical reasons) fungus, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers. The user can cause plants grow, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk", mutate plants by rearranging DNA structure, and revive withered or dead plants. They can use their power for defense and support by growing plants from the ground and make them sprout seeds/fruits/berries, or even to possibly use plant chemicals to heal people or objects or manipulate their properties for a wide range of effects. Though less commonly activated by passive users, the ability may deal a series of offensive techniques on a target. Making the plants as weapons enables users to grasp and strike continuously with vines and roots, project thorns at a distance, and quickly regenerate the withering weapons at the user’s will. They can cause horticulture found, i.e. wrap of vines, to grow and climb around a target's neck, causing choking, or even strike with plants. A more subtle technique is to release damaging toxins and pheromones, affecting targets in which conditions should be treated quickly with ailments.

Contaminant Immunity - The power to neutralize all existing detrimental contaminants in one’s body. The user's immunity, digestive, and other organ systems are enhanced or evolved far beyond that of a normal human's. They are completely immune to every form of contaminant known to man. The user is immune to all known poisons, toxins, venoms, viruses, bacteria, alcohol, radiation, etc.

Danny is a sweet soul, always doing things to better him and others. He can come off as quite timid sometimes, but get to know him and he's outgoing and a ball of energy. He can be highly opinionated and cannot stand when people make a mockery of nature or do anything to harm it. He's the true definition of a tree hugger and will do anything to protect the environment. Although it is highly unlike him, he can be a bit witty and sarcastic at times when he's comfortable around certain people. Danny is very observant and can read a person almost instantly. He is very good at hiding his emotions so if he lets you in, you're someone special. However don't mistake his kind nature for weakness.

Danny grew up in a stable household with normal parents. He was raised an only child and was home schooled most of his life until his freshman year of high school. Being openly gay, he got bullied and teased a lot from a few of the guys, but had a strong support system at home and had friends that stuck by him. Danny is your true definition of a tree hugger. He recycles and tries to only use products that don't harm nature in any way. Danny has been seen in many protests having to do with cutting down trees to put up buildings and other man made things. Not only is he a tree hugger, but he is a total vegan. He's opposed to the cruelty of animals or the consumption of them, but tries not to push that on other people. However, he does encourage his peers to recycle and use fewer products that harm the environment.

One day when he was at a protest, at age 16, the man that was driving the bull-dozer to cut down trees, came down and started getting physical with Danny. Due to his anger, he unconsciously made one of the nearby trees extend its branches and knock the construction worker out. Even though he didn't really know of his ability at that point, he completely became aware after he healed a dried up flower in a pot when he was merely touching it. Ever since then, he's used his ability for good, growing gardens and natural habitats for animals, growing gardens for people that had no food, using plants for herbal remedies, etc. He became quite the humanitarian and eco-friendly activist in under a year's time. He rarely used his ability for offensive purposes unless threatened. When he was 17, Danny and his parents were approached about attending the institute to give him the chance to teach him how to better use his abilities and offer him a place to stay there. Danny gladly accepted and has been living there for over two years.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


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Name: Steve Irvine
Codename: Spitfire
Age: 29
Place of Birth: Miami, Florida
Occupation: History teacher & mechanic
- No brothers or sisters;
- Lucie Ann Irvine - mother - deceased;
- Derek Westwood - 59 years old, Steve's biological father. Lives in Los Angeles, where he owns a construction company, a mansion and a fat bank account. Has no idea Steve is a mutant. He is not relevant to Steve's story in the beginning but might get interested in the future.
Relationship Status: Single, but always looking.
Mutant Ability: Pyrokinesis - Steve has the ability to create, absorb, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Steve has been practicing his powers ever since he discovered them at the age of 14. At first they were trigered though emotions, typically anger and frustration, however this dissapeared at older ages and through practice. As a pyrokinetic, Steve has a wide array of techniques at his disposal. He can use various attacks like fireballs, low powered fire bolts, fire blasts in the shape of a creature or object, release fire blasts that split into multiple fragments, send out waves of fire that repel everything, create fire streams from either his hands or breathe fire from his mouth, he can burn, melt and incinerate objects and/or living things, he can also solidify flames allowing him to create pyrokinetic constructs like weapons, walls, and servants like animals or golems. However Steve's favorite use of this power is that of flight. Steve can fly through the air in 3 ways. One, by either engulfing himself in flames and propelling himself like a rocket, with the intensity of the flames defining the speed. Two, by surfing on a surf board made of fire. Or three, and by far his favorite, by creating a set of two flaming wings on his back and fly through the air like a bird. The wings can be bird-like or bat-like. Steve also has a fire affinity, which means that whenever he is close to fire, or various sources of fire his physical condition improves. Rumors have it that he might even be able to slow down or even stop his aging by drawing sustenance from fire. Unfortunately this ability also has it's weaknesses. Oxygen is needed otherwise Steve can't create flames without it, needless to say control or absorb it. Also fire can be overpowered by water and ice. Fortunately this works both ways as fire can overpower water and ice as well. Flame retardant substances will also work very well against him. Also, control is extremely important while using this power. Slightest loss of control can lead to devastating consequenses.
Personality and History: Steve is a friendly and helpful guy, but also has a dark side as he can easily become merciless and hateful. He never backs down from anything and puts alot of heart in everything he does. He always says exactly what he thinks and never hides his true feelings about something or someone. He is the kind of person that forgives but never forgets, so anyone that fell from his graces will never be able to redeem himself in his eyes.

Born in Miami, Florida, Steve was abandoned by his father, a wealthy man, even before he came to life. Abandoned by her boyfriend without any explanation, Steve's mother lived a poor life and struggled each day to insure the best for her young son. At the age of 13 Steve started stealing and became quite talented at it. One year later he discovered that he was different from the rest of the people. A person he just stole from caught him from behind and started beating him up. Steve released a shout of frustration and pain and in the next second he bursted into flames as the man that was beating him up ran away scared. Steve himself was scared by what he just discovered and he was too afraid to go home to his mother. After weeks of wandering through Miami and practicing his newfound powers in secluded places, Steve was discovered by Prof. Charles Xavier who managed to covince him to come to his school. As time passed, Steve developed a huge passion for history and amazed everyone at the mansion with how well he was learning. At the age of 19 he reunited with his mother. Steve told her the truth, why he ran away, that he was a mutant and all that, but she didn't care. She was just happy to have her son back safe and sound. Unfortunately the reunion was only for a short time because 4 months later Steve's mother died of cancer. Although he suffered for a long time he eventually got over it and moved on. After the Professor's death in the hands of Apocalypse, Steve packed his bags and dissapeared. A couple of weeks ago he was found by Kitty Pride, who offered him a position of history teacher at the the Institute in which she was now Headmistress. Steve was shocked to find that nothing was like it was before and the old X-Men just vanished into thin air, but either way he accepted her offer and returned at the mansion. Steve also offered to occupy the position of mechanic, repairing vehicles and all that, at least until Kitty finds someone else to occupy that post.
Extra: Owns a Yamaha FZ8 bike and a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Yenko clone.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Jade Green

Codename: Bastet

Age: 17

Place of birth: Little Falls, New York.

Occupation: Jade does not yet have a job she spends most of her time volunteering and at school. She volunteers at the animal shelter, library, and the boys and girls club.

Family: Eva Green (Mother)

Relationship Status: Single

Mutant Ability: Jade's mutation enables her to give form to artificial beings using flames. When she summons her flames, her hands darken and grow claws similar to a cat, also her eyes change into that of a feline. Jade creates feline creatures, constantly clad in flames. Jade's feline flames are for long range. She also has the flexibility, acrobatics, and speed like a cat. She can only create four artificial flame felines.

Personality and History: Jade is a person who lives in the present moment and enjoys her surroundings with cheerfully, low-key enthusiasm. She is flexible and spontaneous, and likes to go with the flow to enjoy what life has to offer. She is something’s quiet and unassuming, and may be hard to get to know. However to those who know her well, she is warm and friendly, eager to share in life's many experiences. She loves beauty and seeks it out in all her surroundings. Jade tends to be tolerant and nonjudgmental, but she is deeply loyal to the people and causes that matter to them. She endeavor to accept and support other people, but she is ultimately guided by her own core values. She sometimes underestimates herself. She does not like to be in the spotlight, preferring instead to take a supporting role.

Jade was born into a wealth family. Both parents dealt in art giving way to her love for it. At the age of five Jade was no longer an only child. Eva had given birth to a small baby boy named Cody. She loved her brother she would spend her days playing with him or creating art. Jade was becoming a great artist. She liked to use every different style she could. The day she had an art show in middle school her family was running late, it was raining, and her father did not see the oncoming car. Jade had woken up in the hospital with her mother bandaged up next to her. Jade’s mother had only come away with only minor cuts and bruises. Jade she had a broken leg and arm. Her father and brother were killed on impact. This had divested Jade. Cody was like her other half even if they were five years apart they were like twins. Jade was in Cody’s room when her first burst of power came out. She was looking at his picture crying over him when she suddenly got angry that he was dead. A burst of fire, things, came out of Jade’s body engulfing everything around her in flames. It frightened Jade to scared to admit what happen to her mother Jade blamed it on a candle. She knew how weak it sounded but she was too scared to think straight. Jade spent most of her time in the shed out back practicing her mutation. It was not until she lost control on her sixteenth birthday that she finally told her mother she needed help. Eva had sent word to the school hoping that they could help the only child she had left. It was not long after word that she was sent to the Institute .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 4 days ago


Adrien Timoshenko is 5'9" tall and weighs 159 Lbs. He wears his short black hair neatly combed often using a gel to give it a "slick" appearance. His eyes are bluish gray and his physical appearance is average, leaner than other young men.

Name: Adrien Timoshenko
Codename: Rasputin
Age: 18
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia
Occupation: Student
Family: Veronika "Nika" Timoshenko, 47 - Mother
Regina "Gina" Timoshenko, 16 - Sister
Relationship Status: Single and not looking

Mutant Ability: Adrien uses "Lay of Hands" to draw poisons, illnesses, diseases, injuries and any other malaise out of the victim's body. He must have physical contact with the victim in order for this to work. Once he performs "Lay of Hands," he becomes physically depleted and must rest. As he grows older, the amount of time needed to recover from this fatigue diminishes.

Unknown to Adrien, he has a reverse ability, "Death of Hands". Any malaise Adrien has drawn out of any number of victims is stored as energy. Adrien may use "Death of Hands" to transfer the malaise into a target. He must have physical contact with the target for this to work. So far, this side of his ability has not manifested in Adrien. Given his moral compass, this ability may come with a terrible price for Adrien.

Personality and History: Adrien Timoshenko is a good-natured young man. He is positive, upbeat, generous, and quiet. He prefers to take on the role of the observer, silently watching the activities of others. He is the quintessential "Observer". He is not prone to anger and is very comfortable with himself. He cares for people and is willing to help others when he sees a need. His moral compass points toward good. He likens himself to a Paladin of midievel age, but associates his ability with Grigori Rasputin

Adrien's family immigrated to the United States ten years ago when he was eight years old. His father died in an industrial fire at the factory where he worked outside Moscow. His mother, Nika worked as a physician in a hospital on Moscow. When her husband died, she was struck with grief and felt it necessary to leave Russia.

The Timoshenkos ended up in Albany, NY. Nika could not be employed as a physician in the US as her credentials were not transferrable from Russia to the US. She trained as an Emergency Medical Technician and currently works as an EMT for a local ambulance company.

Regina, Adrien's 16-year old sister took the loss of her father the hardest. She has been morose and quiet ever since his death. She wears black and takes on a Gothic appearance with dark eyes, multiple piercings and tattoos. As a teen, she is rebellious and does her own thing. Nika is very worried for her daughter, believing trouble is waiting for her around every corner. Adrien also, is concerned for his sister and tries to watch over her when he is able.

Adrien discovered his healing ability at age 11. It was a surprise. He healed his sister who fell ill from Bronchial pneumonia. While she lay in her bed near death, Adrien draped his hands across her torso as he wept. He prayed to God and wished for her to become well. A faint wisp of orange colored light emanated at the point of contact between the siblings. It was as though a transfer of energy occurred passing the illness from sister to brother.

The illness passed as energy into Adrien making him very tired. He immediately fell asleep. In the morning, Gina awoke healthy wondering why her brother fell asleep on the floor next to her bed. When he woke up, he was happy to see his sister alive and well. He initially believed he was not responsible for her health. It would be another two years before that realization hit.

His mother was traumatically injured in a motor vehicle accident. Nika was in a coma and suffered two broken legs and a fractured pelvis. He found himself in a similar position as with his sister two years earlier and once again, he cured his mother of her injuries. When she awoke, her bones had seemingly mended themselves. She awoke to find her 13-year old son asleep in the chair by her hospital bed.

Adrien told his mother what had happened. He was elated with his gift. He doubted himself, and practiced what he saw infrequently over the next year. His mother knew he needed to be with other children like him. Nika was interested in Xavier's School, which had shut down for some time. When she heard that the school was re-opening, she enrolled her soon as soon as possible.

Extra: While a student at Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters, Adrien helps out in the school's infirmary. Over the past five years he has cured five people of cancer and repaired several fractures amongst the student body and faculty. Although he is widely known at the school, the faculty and staff have maintained discretion to insure Adrien is not well known outside the school.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Exie
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5’6, Olive skin, Dark wavy hair

Name: Aurora “Rory” Olivia Claudwell

Codename: Jinx

Age: 18

Place of Birth: Upstate New York

Occupation: Student

Family: Julian Claudwell – Brother, Missing.

Relationship Status: Single

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Mutant Ability:
Cat-like abilities. Rory is agile, flexible, has fast reflexes, and is stronger than the average human being. This makes her more prone to success at certain martial arts. She also has sharp vision, capable of seeing clearly at night and across distances with higher detail. Her more obvious mutation is her claws, which are hard of substance and retractable when she’s not engaged in combat.
Unique abilities include…
Phase Walking – Rory may appear to be ‘teleporting’ when using this ability. However, Rory accelerates her speed of movement to the point of being indistinguishable by the human eye. This is mostly used to dodge attacks and typically works in shorter bursts.

Rory’s abilities are continuing to develop...

Personality and History:
Rory grew up in a wealthy and comfortable home. Her father owned and ran his own company successfully. He along with his wife were frequently away from home due to company obligations, leaving the children in the care of the nanny. Because of this, Rory and her siblings, older brother Julian and younger sister Alexandrine, became extremely close over the years. They relied on each other to confide in, and they were the first to know when Rory’s abilities began to manifest.

Despite their frequent absences, Mr. and Mrs. Claudwell always made sure to spend holidays and birthdays at home. One birthday night, Rory’s 16th, their large home caught on fire with the family inside. Rory escaped with the help of her brother, Julian, but the rest of the family perished in the blaze. Shortly after seeing his sister to safety, Julian disappeared into the chaos. It was assumed that he died trying to save the rest of their family from the burning house, however, his remains were never found.

With access to her funds limited until her 18th birthday, and harboring fear over her growing powers, Rory sought out the institute. She viewed it as a safe place to cope with her loss and to learn more about her strange gifting.

Although she still seems to carry a lot of sadness at times, Rory has slowly begun to heal from that tragic period in her life. She is a deep thinker, with a wild and fun loving spin to her personality. She values spontaneity and personal connections. She is fiercely loyal to those she bounds to, and can be extremely protective. She is a passionate and aggressive fighter.

Rory often has extremely vivid dreams and nightmares. They are unbelievably life-like, and frequently leave her with a sense of foreboding. More than once she has woken up screaming or in tears. The emotional turmoil and realistic quality of her experiences have left Rory wondering if these visions could possibly be more than simple dreams.

Rory is a skillful cellist. Before the manifestation of her powers and the death of her family, she had planned to pursue a career in music. She still practices, although she typically does so privately. It is rare to hear her play. Most students and faculty are unaware of her musical talent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The epitome of a well kept, very clean cut man; as if he directly came stepping out of a yacht somewhere off the coast of Rio. He's exactly the man people picture wearing a brightly colored scarf around his neck and decked in some designer, modern fashion wear, or walking around in a 'casual' suit as if he owns half a continent. Of course, that's just his style. Marlowe likes looking nice and being that stop-and-stare kind of guy, though he wouldn't quite jump anyone's bones just for a random compliment and he certainly isn't fishing for compliments (though that's what it might seem at first), but rather he's a man who intensely cares about how he presents himself. And he often presents himself as a man who knows where he's going, what he's going to do, and where he stands; he's confident and should be. It came iffy at first, but Marlowe has come to learn that he's truly living his life as he sees fit, uninhibited by the prejudices or worries of people and institutions, regardless of where he currently is in life.

There's always a visible glow to his skin, which is unusually soft to the touch and as bright as the smiles and smirks he often flashes. Holding his 6 even height as tall and sure as possible, Marlowe keeps himself as fit and healthy as possible and regularly undergoes a a day-to-day routine to do so. He always moves and acts with purpose and motive, not to mention he's almost always actually moving. At least one part of his body needs to be moving and always is, just out of habit due to a minor case of ADD. Blue eyes are stark and intense, holding back feelings only meant for those closest. Out of everything Marlowe cares most about is his hair, which he tends to with extreme care and style, often wearing it slightly longer, with a modern dapper style as if he was always formal and with the clothes he wears, it's a wonder he's not at a ball or gala 24/7.


Marlowe Hanse Faraday


Goldberg, Goldie, Marley, Day, Marls, Low, Mars, Dandy, Pretty Boy





Place of Birth:

Lévis, Quebec, Canada


Physics Teacher at Xavier's Institute; Stealth and Reconnaissance Instructor; Occasionally aids in Hand-to-Hand combat, or CQC, with the actual instructor


Ryan Daniel Leidel-Faraday; Ex-Husband

Relationship Status:

Right out of a Divorce of 9 Years; Currently Single, but not necessarily looking

Mutant Ability:

Probability Manipulation

Essentially, the ability to change things in or out of the favor of either Marlowe or a target of his choice. This is the exact change in probability surrounding a target or event, to either change something that has a relatively low chance of happening into occurring immediately or through a chain of events or stopping something that should have happened by decreasing the probability of it occurring. It's the direct change in something that was probable or improbable, but not something that would be deemed impossible, such as defying the laws of physics or suddenly causing a mutation to immediately make one invincible. It plays around with the chances of something that could happen and either stops it from happening or makes it happen.

However, in combat, Marlowe isn't much of a direct fighter and is more of a saboteur type support, or stealth combatant. He uses this to aid his team to further their chances of survival and success, while also degrading enemy defenses and essentially making them less efficient fighters—clouding their helmets, causing one to choke on his gum, jam guns, misfire, suddenly increase the intensity of the wind to shirk accuracy, etc. At the moment, he can directly effect the outcome of something through touch, or by centering around a certain person or object within his line of sight. The aid of scopes or binoculars, or anything that enhances his current vision by giving him nightvision, infrared, etc. can essentially increase the range and efficiency of his powers. As well, if he doesn't have a particular target, he can effect a radius around him or around something he targets (such as ricocheting a knife into a corridor to increase the chance of hitting an enemy that he cannot see).

He is particularly known for initiating elaborate schemes and events akin to a Rube Goldberg Machine, which was how he got his nickname, though he is officially called 'Ivory'.

Personality and History:

Canada is just a wonderful place.

Not only does Marlowe drive the stereotype home, but he was practically the staple for it. Of course, following stereotypes isn't bad... it's just the part about actually forcing the stereotype on others that would be deemed bad. Marlowe wasn't necessarily that person, but he often held himself to be as respectful and polite as possible, regardless of who that person was. But, Marlowe's life wasn't necessarily as full and vibrant as his character is; in fact, he was often the reason for a moment or the reason something was exciting. He was the reason people would go places. If Marlowe was there, people followed.

Born to a single mother—his father left before he could remember who he was—Marlowe was raised in a slightly downtrodden home. His family was impoverished, his mother a waiter, and he could barely get by in school. Of course, Mars was always a chipper individual and did more care taking than his mother did for him. He didn't mind being there for her and didn't mind falling asleep hungry, every now and then. But, that didn't last all that long because Marlowe literally fell on top of a pile of luck.

A young man had found him roaming around the streets of his town, in an attempt to maybe help his mother out with their money issue. Being the production assistant of a local TV show, he found Marlowe to be the perfect child to play the family's sweet, adorable kid. Swept into the entertainment business, he lifted all the burden off of his mother's shoulder through the copious amounts of money he began making. Canada didn't have a Hollywood seen like its neighbor, but there was still plenty of money to be made there. It was definitely enough money for two people to survive on. But it, oddly enough, got better from there. Not only did he become a rising star, occasionally drifting from Canada to Hollywood, though his home was back with his mother, but he kept getting offer after offer until he couldn't possibly do anything but work. And yet, he always found time for his family, in which his mother had struck gold herself by inventing the next best thing and raising a company from it all on her own.

Not knowing that one shouldn't bite a gift horse in the mouth, Marlowe delved deeper into this sudden font of luck that showered over him and his family. It took a few years, but after willing a certain chain of events to happen before his eyes, he realized exactly what he was and what he could do. But, the world didn't quite like mutants; there were active protests against giving them the same rights as humans. But, his powers were tame and unnoticeable, as well as easily controlled. He could grow them in secret without anyone asking why and even those who did often let go of the question without much fuss.

But, entertainment wasn't quite where he wanted to be. He saw the pain that people like him had to endure and not many people were doing things about it. He didn't have the power to stop it completely, but he did have the power to try. Plus, his mother had whatever she had under control and she no longer needed him; he no longer needed her to live. Not to say that he didn't stop loving her, much less visit. But he found himself working for government officials, working his way up to gain enough know how and enough power to possibly turn the tide of the whole mutant rights thing.

Though, he did run into a hefty obstacle on his way there. Fresh out of the political circuit, he stumbled upon a secretary, aspiring to be an ambassador; he had a quite the wanderlust and it showed in how much he knew about the world, it's issues, and its languages. He stopped his climb to settle down, to help this green eyed traveler get out into the world. There was only one issue holding him back: the fact that, in his years with Ryan, he'd found his way into the X-Men, having realized that he couldn't quite rock the boat from where he wanted. He had various years in which he questioned his motives and the way he was going about them; politics wasn't necessarily his forte, despite having climbed so far already. So, he settled for something a little easier and a lot more fulfilling than discussing issues instead of actually solving them.

The move wasn't at all suspicious to Ryan, though it would take awhile before they could get proper citizenship. Though, Ryan had found a way into working for the Canadian Embassy from New York, making the process for getting a visa a whole lot less messier. It was at Xavier's Institute that he made a name for himself in the mutant community, unbeknownst to Marlowe's husband and indirectly aiding in the whole Apocalypse incident—he made sure the students that were still there were properly protected. Prior to that, he would often accompany a few from the X-men team on covert operations, in which he served as their recon and stealth operative.

It wasn't until it all went down the drain that his marriage did the same. Apparently, his husband of 9 years had a particular disdain for mutantkind, something that Marlowe had either blinded himself to or hadn't bothered noticing. When things leaked about him having been a part of the X-Men and teaching mutants how to be better mutants, things didn't end quite as Marlowe had planned. Luckily, they hadn't any children to harm in the rocky divorce that wracked their marriage. They both split a part when Katherine re-opened the Institute, unknowingly giving Marlowe and escape from the emotions that plagued him afterwards. Despite seeming perfectly fine, the process is still ongoing and it's taking its toll on the teacher, especially since he is most unlikely to gather any help during.


— Despite already being properly funded, Marlowe aids Kitty through pooling what money he can to help keep the institute on its feet and sturdy.
— Has a proclivity to use throwing knives as weapons and is adept at it, even without his powers.
— Has a white and black calico cat by the name of Dice.
— Has a very light, almost unnoticeable French-Canadian accent. In particular he can sometimes curl his r's in that guttural French sound and has a light slur on n's or t's that end a word. He talks so fast and concise (other than those slip ups) that it's often hard to tell to the untrained ear.
Ryan Daniel Leidel-Faraday was his husband for 9 years before something had occurred in which Ryan found out that Marlowe was a mutant. He filed for a divorce soon after a large fight. Marlowe currently has no idea how something as big as being a mutant could have been over looked and why it was such a big deal, though, despite being curious, would rather he keep it a mystery. No reason to hate the man you still have deep feelings for.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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no longer playing...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Morena Silicus
The Mage
Las Vegas(Original I know)
An intern at a medical hospital.
No one of any importance, maybe her Brother: Lucas who may or may not be added...
She has no one yet. But is a fan of making relationships, friends or more.
Magic The most simple way to say this is; she is capable of magic-like feats, though in all reality she channels the energies of the world through items, EG her journal and a set of crystals for a variety of effects Thank you for the idea, Xtreme. Tools: Earth Water Wind Fire, they are small enough to fit on a leather cord around her neck. And this, is her journal.

Staff A staff, with sharpened, steel tips. This is for combat outside of the spells. She isn't very good with it but she likes to train with this weapon during her free time.

A very understanding and wise girl, she doesn't act like the know it all she feels she is though, instead she is sweet and loving with a slight attitude. When she isn't being sweet she is very, very rude, but this usually comes out in battle. She is also unsocial because of her past.

Born of of course in the beautiful and hated city of Las Vegas, she lived a simple life, no powers and no worries. Until she was six, then she started to mess around with the unknown. Things that shouldn't happen happened, she caused the smallest of earthquakes and floods at the strangest times. And the worst of all, she continuously hurt others. That is when her parents decided something was wrong, they had no idea how to stop it, or challenge it so instead of face the music they locked her up. Yes, believe it or not they kept her in the basement, it was lonely but it was also better for everyone. She didn't have to worry about much and they came to visit her daily. It was a good substitute to life, and she decided to stick with it. Though when she turned seventeen, and decided that she was safe enough to be around, after a long debate and many family arguments, they sent her to the Institution. That is where she got her tools and where she started to learn.

Relations to come.
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