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8 mos ago
Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
8 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

Most Recent Posts

Interaction: Anki @Medili, Srikandi @Kumbaris, Zavim @Sanity43217, Fei Bai Ho @Shirly Swad,
Almira and Galmira @Kumbaris, Sumiye @King Cosmos, Garret @ShiningSector, Q-T @DracoLunaris

Catherine kept watching the dragon as she transformed into a human form. Even though the situation was incredibly dangerous, Catherine simply wasn't able to hide her amazement and curiosity. Her eyes glinting with an almost mad curiosity and inquisitiveness, even in the face of something which could easily kill her and seemed like definitely was holding itself not to do so. Truth be told, even though the dragon was clearly displaying it's hostility towards Catherine, she couldn't help but feel her skin shiver in amazement and excitement. Who knows how long did that dragon live? How did it's 'shapeshifting' worked? Was it a special organ? Magic?

Truly a reaction fitting of a mad genius like herself.

"Fascinating..." Catherine said to herself as the dragon approached her in human for, completely unfazed by it's hostility. It was the first time Catherine had even seen a dragon like that, capable even of transforming itself into a human form.

While she was undeniably entranced by having a dragon like that one, which was much older than one they killed, near her, she still kept paying close attention to both the dragon and her surroundings. The strange automatons and the woman that accompanied them didn't seem to agree with the dragon's sudden display of hostility. Some which were slowly getting into a fighting stance. While that was definitely a good thing, it wasn't like it would make much difference with the dragon standing so close to Catherine like she was right now.

Then it came the question. A question which honestly made Catherine confused and disappointed. The way she looked at the dragon was almost as if the reply to her question was simply obvious.

"Wait... That's it? That's the reason for your hostility? I am sure that you wouldn't care if the carcass laying right there wasn't a dragon's but our mangled, broken, burnt and possibly half eaten corpses..." Catherine asked, looking deep inside the dragon's eyes, almost as if she was hoping if she could see inside her head and how her body 'worked'.

"With that said, we did not come here specifically to hunt your kind nor we had any intention of starting a conflict... At least most of the group didn't want to, that is... We simply came to investigate the meteor. That dragon, that I presume it was much younger than yourself, after sending his kobold minions to harass us, came himself, mentioning that we were 'trespassing' on his territory demanding for the gold and treasures we do not carry, as we are an exploratory team..." Catherine began explaining as she shrugged.

"The only outcome for that situation was violence, as we couldn't really escape from him and our words and attempt to defuse the situation with diplomacy and words were fruitless. We fought and he lost. That's all that there is to it." Catherine said, shrugging.

"Besides... You can't possibly blame us for fighting to protect our lives and our things. The way I see it, it would be an insult if we simply left his body there to rot or to be eaten by wild animals. He would have simply died in vain... As his reason to fight us was honestly... well... Pathetic. Why would a dragon act like a petty robber? The least we can do is give him a purpose for his death. If we were the ones that died, he would probably feed on our corpses anyways... Such is the natural order." Catherine said, finishing her explanation as she looked to the dragon, who was still in her human form.

Catherine was a genius, yes. But she was also infamous for her terrible interpersonal skills.

<Snipped quote by 13org>

Hehehe I'm glad you're drawn to my baby XD! I'm so excited to see you guys bring Alidasht to life haha!

I'm a huuuuge~ sucker for these types of stuff, so when I read 'deserts, sand dunes and jungle' I was instantly captivated lol.

By the way, while I don't know yet if i'm making a male or a female character, I have a good idea of their personality already, so if anyone else is making another character on Alidasht and is interested on having a potential sibling... XD
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Astra and Vrexen @FunnyGuy, Alaia @Alivefalling and Maeryn @princess

Myra continued watching the winged girl, Alaia as the dark elf hunter would call her later, with caution. While Myra was not really sure why she was so unnerved by Alaia's presence, she wasn't all that comfortable around her. Eventually, as the conversation continued, Myra became comfortable enough to stop keeping a watchful eye on the fairy, instead only glancing at her from time to time. Despite that weird, unnerving feeling though, both the dark elf hunter and the fairy didn't seem to want to do any bad to them.

While things got a bit tense when the fairy tried to pet Vrexen, someone whom Myra was fairly certain that did not know what headpats were or what they meant, it seemed things wouldn't devolve into violence... Something which Astra seemed to be working hard to try and avoid, judging by how fast and the amount of strange stuff she was speaking... Which despite trying her hardest, made Myra get lost within the first five sentences and after that, when Astra only continued to speak, she just gave up on trying to understand anything other than she was speaking about humans and the dark elf hunter was also looking for them and instead just kept staring at Astra's mouth, amazed by how fast it was moving and how many things she was saying without even stumbling on her own words.

Even though Myra had almost no idea of what Astra was trying to say, she knew what she was trying to do, especially as she put herself between Vrexen and the fairy. Fortunately, it seemed like the male dark elf also realized what was happening and what Astra was trying to do and sent the fairy girl away in a task to try and talk to the orcs, in order to try and avoid a possible conflict.

As the dark elf hunter approached Astra again, asking if their goals aligned, Myra couldn't help but approach both of them, still holding the shiny spheres in each one of her hands, making each one of her steps make a soft chime as she curiously, albeit a little warily, looked at the dark elf hunter, sniffing the air around him and then looking at Astra. If she understood his words correctly, he was basically asking if they would travel together and if that was the case, Myra would have to be sure that he and Alaia could be trusted first.
Definitely doing a character on the Alidasht Kingdom XD
Definitely interested!!

Interaction: Anki @Medili, Srikandi @Kumbaris, Zavim @Sanity43217, Fei Bai Ho @Shirly Swad,
Almira and Galmira @Kumbaris, Sumiye @King Cosmos, Garret @ShiningSector, Q-T @DracoLunaris

Staying true to her word, Catherine was completely absorbed in her work as she 'harvested' the organs and useful parts of de dead dragon's body. Fortunately, both for her and the others nearby, not only no one tried to stop her neither they seemed to need her help in healing the rest, thanks to Anki's healing magic and quick treatment of the wounded.

It was only after a good amount of time, when Srikandi was already fully healed and carrying Fei's unconscious body that Catherine finally finished butchering the dragon's body. Besides the now open carcass were many different jars, with many different organs and parts of the dragon inside, neatly organized besides Catherine, in a grim and bloody display of efficience.

"Hah! That was refreshing! It was quite a haul. These beauties will last me a good while!" Catherine said, looking at the initial results of her 'harvest' with a satisfied expression as she cleaned her arms and the knife she used to cut the dragon open with a small rag, tossing it aside soon after before she kneeled down and started putting all the jars back into her bag.

"Plus, if I ever wanted to get stuff as good as these back in a city, I would probably have to either blackmail, threaten or punch someone!" she said, laughing as she gave a small tap on the bag, making the jars inside clink against each other.

"Still... It's really a shame to leave so much behind... Sure, they're basically useless to an alchemist like me but scales, bones and fangs can fetch quite a high price on the market..." she said, looking at the dragon carcass in front of her before she looked back to the group.

"Hm... I've heard that the meat from a dragon's tail, especially the thicker part of it, is quite a delicacy... Is anyone interested in eating some dragon tail steak for dinner? I'll need some help with the tail though, since I don't think this knife will be enough for a clean cut..." Catherine said as she looked to the dead dragon's tail with a rather voracious look in her face.

It was exactly at that moment that an ominous sound of wings beating interrupted them. Something was coming their way and by the sound of it, it was even bigger than the dragon that they had just fought... The realization that the situation was really hopeless only came to Catherine after she heard Srikandi apologizing herself and a huge dragon suddenly landed behind her. Everyone seemes to be far too tired and exhausted to fight and they both had no time nor a place to hide...

On that moment, Catherine's mind was racing with everything she had, thinking of any possibility for them to get away of that situation. She still had some reagents and could maybe do something to blind the dragon for a moment, but that wouldn't help them that much, as it would still be able to track them by their scent... Fighting against a dragon that big and that old wasn't an option... not on the state they were...

Strangely enough though, the dragon didn't use it's breath or even demanded anything from them. Instead, it simply lowered it's head as the unlikely passengers slowly slid down. What Catherine saw next thoroughly confused her. While she didn't recognize the technology, the automatons that came down could only be Oberian constructs, since there was nowhere else in Friestan where that type of technology was this advanced. That said, not only the clothes the woman was wearing were incredibly strange, but for some reason, she seemed to speak Pataliputran.

"Well, we aren't dead yet so that's a good thing." Catherine said to herself as she continued to watch the situation with extreme curiosity and amazement, but at the same time, still cautious.

For now, she would just gather information. It was highly unlikely that the dragon didn't smell the blood on her or the jars inside her bag, so the fact that she didn't have to fight against it meant that the dragon didn't seem to harbor any hostility towards her. Regarding the strangers who got down from the dragon, the first contact was still... cautious, from both parties so she was unable to say if they could be considered allies or if she had to be careful around them.

"So... I'll leave the diplomacy to you guys. For obvious reasons, I'm definitely not suited to this type of thing." she said with a mocking smirk, but sharp and observant eyes, looking at every movement the dragon or the strangers gave.

Interactions: Amanda @Kumbaris, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial, Scarlet @AWACS

While Faye knew they would be on a rather dangerous mission once they arrived and started searching through the city, she was expecting the trip to be just that. A calm, fun little trip. While the warning that Amanda gave them regarding their immediate departure was rather sudden, thanks to Faye's abilities, she didn't really need to pack that many things, so it was quite easy for her to just get a few important items on a small backpack and get ready. Mainly consisting of a few sweets and snacks for the trip, a headphone to help her with the inevitable boredom that would come after she got inside the plane. one or two change of clothes, soap, shampoo, conditioner and a few other skin care products.

After the plane landed and Faye saw herself finally free from that boring steel cage, Faye and the rest of the group were received by a group of OMR agents, whom would apparently be their escort to the OMR headquarters on Minsk. Just like the rest of the group, Faye didn't really pay much attention to the agents as she got inside the car with Amanda and the rest of the group. They didn't look or acted differently from the other agents she had saw until now, so she didn't really have any reason to doubt them.

"Wow, I'm really thankful I came together with you guys. I can't read or speak a single world of Russian. I'm definitely sure I would get hopelessly lost if I came here by myself." Faye said with a giggle as she entered the car with the rest.

"Do you think we'll have some time after the mission to stop to get to know the- Huh? What's happening?" Faye began saying, stopping as she looked to the windows, confused as they suddenly began rolling down and revealed two other black cars that besides theirs, one on each side.

Before Faye could even register what was happening, a loud shout from Scarlet scared her, before she was pulled down by Scarlet, away from the windows in the exact moment that the other black cars began rolling down their windows, revealing the soviet-made magic rifles that they had pointed at them.

"What is happening?!" Faye asked, panicking as the magic bullets flew over her head.

Unlike Faye, both Amanda and Scarlet were quick to act, with the former immediately taking control of the vehicle, crushing the driver's hand, disarming and quickly getting rid of him. Scarlet also was quick to act upon being ordered by Amanda, immediately pulling a gun and starting to return fire upon their shooters.
It took a brief moment, due to how stunned Faye still was with how chaotic the situation became in such a quick manner, but along with Micheal, Faye was doing everything she could to ensure the shooters on the other side wouldn't be able to hit them. Opening and closing a multitude of small portals one after another, Faye focused on trying to redirect the magic bullets that were shot at them. Due to how quickly she had to open and close them, Faye didn't have enough time to think about where the bullet would go, instead simply making them go anywhere but towards their car.

"I can't hold them forever! If I stop making portals for a second to try and take one of them out, the others will definitely be able to hit us!!" Faye shouted, still trying to do her best to keep her friends safe in the middle of such a chaotic scene.

Faye could barely register the fact that the car was heading towards a lightpole among such chaos. Fortunately, Amanda gave her a loud and clear order to blink everyone outside of the car before it crashed. While Faye knew it would be dangerous to just blink them outside, both due to the speed the car was moving and for Faye herself, since blinking all of them would put great stress into her body and mind, she had no time to think.

As she blinked the group, she could feel an intense pain going through her head and running through her body almost as if it was a strong pulse of electricity. She could feel her eyes, her veins and her entire body burning. Faye had always used her ability in a very unrestrained manner, but it was the first time she had ever felt something like that. Unable to handle the recoil, Faye got unconscious even before her body hit the ground, after blinking the group outside of the car.

The moment Amanda went to Faye's unconscious body, she would realize that while there were bruises caused by the fall, they wouldn't be enough for Faye to get unconscious. Instead, what was alarming about Faye's condition was that both her body was hot to the touch and blood continued to drip out of her nose. While the nosebleed could be caused to the fall, maybe a result of her hitting her head after she blinked out of the car, her bodily temperature was definitely related to her powers, as it was the only explanation for a human body to be able to get so hot in such a short amount of time.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Astra and Vrexen @FunnyGuy, Alaia @Alivefalling and Maeryn @princess

While Myra was worried at first, thinking she would have to compete against the dark elf for the shiny spheres, she was relieved once she realized that his objective was talking with Astra and Vrexen instead of going to the stall. Normally, Myra would be curious about what they were talking about but at that moment, she was too busy trying to purchase the shiny spheres from the orc.

Despite the rough start, the orc did seem to understand Myra's words and her intentions fairly well, and even though he seemed to be rugged and rather crude, like most orcs did, at least for Myra, he wad kind enough to even give Myra a few shinies back! Something which did make her quite happy, since now, not only she had a few shinies, but she had the spheres as well!

With a huge smile on her face, Myra carefully grabbed the wooden box as the orc handed it to her. Holding the wooden box with her tail, Myra took the spheres on her hand slowly turning them, both watching the shiny reflection, feeling the cold and smooth mettalic surface and hearing the soothing, delicate noise that came from inside them as she moved them in her hands. It didn't take much for anyone looking to realize that Myra was absolutely ecstatic and thoroughly satisfied with her purchase, something that definitely would, albeit unintentionally, give the orc and his stall quite a bit of positive advertising. Drawing many curious eyes as they saw Myra running, almost jumping out of happiness to show Astra and Vrexen her new spheres.

Astra and Vrexen were still talking with the strange dark elf when Myra approached them. While the fact that he had approached them, more specifically Vrexen, who wasn't exactly the kindest looking fellow out there was indeed surprising, what was even more surprising was how the pretty winged lady didn't seem to be afraid of vrexen, in fact even approaching him and petting his head, something which Myra herself would have never even imagine happening. What she felt when she looked towards the winged lady was completely the opposite from what she was watching though. While it did seem quite obvious that she wasn't a threat, something on her made Myra's skin crawl. It wasn't in her appearance or her voice, instead it was in her eyes. Something about that winged girl made Myra's instincts yell at her to stay clear from her.

Quickly giving a few steps back, Myra kept staring at the winged girl with a nervous expression. While she wasn't exactly displaying any hostility towards her, she was definitely watching her every move with extreme caution.

Time: Dusk
Location: Myriamor Bed & Breakfast
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter , Jomari @baraquiel, Mikazuki @Tae, Uzul @dragonpiece

It was no secret that the desert was a ruthless and unforgiving place. Despite it's beauty, it was truly a place where only the ones who knew it very well were able to survive and right now, the person who were responsible for their safety was one of Princess Mikazuki's companions, Uzul. Even though Nuallán had not underestimated all the warnings and orientations he received as he was preparing for the desert as the group prepared themselves, buying scarves, camels to carry their posessions and all the equipment they might need, it still proved to be difficult even to the normally composed Nuallán to tolerate the searing heat and sun over their heads, giving the contrast between the forests he was used to and the harsh, unforgiving desert. To make things worse, the uneven footing from the dunes made the trip even more exhausting, especially since Nuallán himself, despite how agile and dextrous he was, wasn't really used with that type of terrain. Still, despite all that, Nuallán continued to faithfully perform his duties to Princess Rosaria and her close friend, Princess Mikazuki, having bought a parasol to shield both of them from the searing sun. An added protection besides the scarves they were all already using.

"Princess Mikazuki, please be careful. We are moving through a deceptfully dangerous terrain. Strained muscles or ligaments can be incredibly dangerous injuries to have when traversing the desert." Nuallán said, offering his hand to Princess Mikazuki, who was just climbng back the dune after falling and rolling down half of the dune.

"In this case, it is best to take our time instead of risking getting exhausted or even injured while trying to hasten our pace." Nuallán finished, offering Mikazuki a spot under the parasol he was holding for Rosaria.

"Please be careful as well, Lady Rosaria. We still have a long way ahead of us. Should you feel tired or uncomfortable, you have but to tell me and I will do everything in my power to help you." he said with an smile as he returned to his position besides Rosaria, making sure she was fine.
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