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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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mood: sad as hecc

A lot has happened at once that Aphrodite needed a bit of time to fully understand everything. Morrigan explained the mystery regarding Hephaestus' death and Hermes and Loki made snide remarks about the whole situation with Aphrodite just rolling their eyes at them. It's a wonder why the irresponsible ones would even be here if they didn't want to be here or have no intention of helping them with the situation at all. Anubis expressed his condolences for the Greeks at which Aphrodite smiled sadly and nodded as a sign of her gratitude. Thank goodness there were still level-headed gods in this room.

Aphrodite sadly watched as Eros left the room followed closely by Apollo. It looked like her way of helping had the opposite effect on some gods. She looked around and saw the expressions on their faces, turning from dream-like bliss to heartbroken frowns. Aphrodite winced at herself, it seemed like she messed up big time. Whatever chance she had left on fixing things up with her son was now all thrown out the window because of what she did. Ares left the room too but it wasn't a big deal for the love goddess. She saw the solemn way Poseidon held Hera's hand and for once, the queen of the gods was silent. She wanted to express her sadness to Hephaestus' mother too but she didn't think that Hera would accept Aphrodite even at this time.

At least, it seemed like not all the gods didn't take Aphrodite's power negatively as Heracles seemed to be in high spirits after taking in the effect of her power. It's a wonder why she hadn't hooked up with him yet all these years. All the ladies were swooning over him and Aphrodite was one of those ladies who admired Heracles and his very godly physique. She may or may not vaguely remember those few times where she drunkenly spent several nights with Heracles in his chambers while Ares wasn't there to fulfill her needs. It may look like it was time for her to relive those nights together with him.

"Oh Heracles, still as hunky and suave as ever." Aphrodite said after giggling and smiling sweetly at him. Now would not be the right time to express her wanting to 'catch up' to him. Maybe she'll do it later when the Conclave has ended.

Aphrodite saw the way Tlazolteol give her a loathsome glance. She really just thought she was helping; if they were all in their godly forms, Aphrodite's powers might've given them a huge positive boost of emotions and such. Sadly, being mortals complicated things and no doubt the memory of their loved ones brought them more pain than pleasure instead. The love goddess could only wince, bringing her hands together and mouthing 'Sorry' at her before giving the filth goddess a small nod as her way of apologizing. Xolotl, a member of Tlaz' kin, spoke to the gods remaining and asked if anyone might've had a grudge on Hephaestus.

"Can I say something first?". Aphrodite held up her hand, deciding to speak her truth in front of everyone still present.

"When I first walked into Mount Olympus, it was Zeus' idea for me to be married to Hephaestus as a way of preventing an all-out war with all the male gods wanting to possess me. I mean, I couldn't blame them. At first, I was outraged knowing that I, a goddess of love and beauty, would become the wife of one of the ugliest gods in existence. Hephaestus didn't seem to mind my coldness towards him; every single day since we first became husband and wife, he would create the most beautiful jewelry and accessories for me, including the cestus, a girdle that can make its wearer even more irresistible to men. Despite being married to him, that didn't stop me from committing adultery. A woman has her needs and Hephaestus, bless his heart, was not even enough to satisfy me. I have been in bed with many male gods and mortals alike: Ares, Adonis, even Poseidon, to name a few.

When we got cursed by the Colossus to be trapped in the mortal world, I admit that I didn't even find Hephaestus. I was so happy that I'm finally free from him completely and I can sleep and be with whoever I want. I've never felt more alive. As time went by..."
Aphrodite paused to take a breather first before continuing. "As time went by, I realized that I'm a complete idiot. Despite all the men I've slept with before, only Hephaestus was the one who truly loved me the way I am. No matter who I meet up with, no one could compare to him. He has endured so much pain and hardship in his life, yet he still found the beauty and goodness in the world. I-I took his love for granted because I thought I could find someone better than him but no. There was no one like Hephaestus, and I fully regret that I didn't give him even a fraction of the love he gave me."

Aphrodite wiped a tear rolling down her cheek while clearing her throat. "I want to help bring my ex-husband's death to justice but I understand that we have no solid evidence for now. Still, I want to help in any way I can. If there's anything you all might learn from me is to not take love for granted. With a god-killer on the loose, we do not know if we would even still be here tomorrow. My only advice is... When you have someone dear to your heart, you must express your love for that special person now more than ever. You might never have another chance." Aphrodite finally said, especially looking at Anubis knowingly as she saw the way the Egyptian god looked at Bastet.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TIME: Evening
LOCATION: The Grand Ball, Roshmi City
INTERACTIONS: Cade @Helo, Ayita @13org, Elsea & Torvi @Tae + plus whoever's controlling the big scary demon

Ahzmorath. Sakura couldn't believe Aklenroth will allow such a horrifying demon to be unleashed here of all places. At least she finally guessed what her father's plan along: to kill every single human and creature aligned with them. She looked around and saw everything was indeed in chaos. People fought against each other as the exits were surrounded by an invisible barrier, no doubt the work of one of Sakura's kin. She then saw Zelginn, her young dance partner from earlier, turn into a demonic creature in front of everyone which only confirmed Sakura's thoughts on him. Cries of anguish echoed throughout the ballroom while there were already lifeless bodies on the ground, surrounded in a pool of their own blood. Sakura would've reveled in such an occasion but now may be an inappropriate time.

Sakura watched as Ayita destroyed her dress, take off her heels and mask, and removed the mark she put on her forehead, exposing herself as a human too. The demoness was angry at first but decided to just go along with it. If she learned anything from this night was that humans were foolishly brave and stubborn. Ayita killed a soldier and Sakura watched in horror and awe as Ayita threatened Ahzmorath too. She then handed Cade a halberd and Sakura a shortsword. Torvi then approached their group while fending off more enemies and advised them to get out since the exits seemed to be unblocked now.

All while this was happening, Sakura was thinking heavily. Whatever she decided to do at this very moment will have severe consequences in the future, especially on her. Was it advisable to just go along with everybody and escape or should she do something about this now? Sakura looked at the determined faces of Cade, Ayita, and the human girl on the table. Sakura knew they will have no chance of winning against Ahzmorath even if they all work together. She was also sure that her kin will just chase after them as well. She breathed deeply and exhaled before turning to the group. "She's right. The best course of action right now is to escape. Ayita, you go with Cade and the other human girl. Try to find Risa while you're at it too. I'll stay here and keep this demon occupied to give you a chance to escape in one piece. Remember, you have my talismans so use it in case you get lost."

Sakura handed Elsea the shortsword and turned to Cade and Ayita. "See you when I see you." She cupped their cheeks before turning her focus on Ahzmorath who's too busy having fun ripping the heads of several demihumans and elves he caught. Sakura flew mid-air until she's hovering in the middle of the ballroom and shouted to get the demon's attention. "Hey! Why don't you pick on someone you're own size, rat face?!"

She procured several talismans from her sleeve and they all hovered around her. She pointed her middle and pointing finger on her right hand and placed it on her chest while she created a five-pointed star with her right hand, making it glow pink as the five talismans fixed themselves on the star's points. Sakura then chanted:

"O' archaic spirits that glow in the power of life's might,
Bind the blood-lusted horror, eradicate from thy sight!"

The star glowed and pink chains made of pure energy emerged from the five talismans. They all fly in speeds towards Ahzmorath, wrapping both his wrists, ankles, and neck in chains as the demon roared in pain as well. Sakura had to focus harder as Ahzmorath thrashed, trying to free himself from the chains with his sheer strength. "I-I don't know how much longer I can hold him." She said to her group below, her voice strained with the effort in keeping the chains intact. "You need to go! Now!"

mood: scared and unsure, but still prettier than everyone

Well... That was rather unfortunate, to say the least.

Don't get her wrong; even though Hele- Aphrodite kept on cheating on Hephaestus hundreds of thousands of times, she still genuinely loved the big guy. She may not be able to love him as a true wife would but she still respected him to always come to his aid whenever he felt sad or unappreciated. She would remember all the times she spent with him in their chambers and gave him the best sex he will ever get in his entire godly life; though in all honesty, she did make herself get so drunk just so she wouldn't realize she was making love to him and he could do whatever he wanted to do on her. She could go on and on about the details but that would be inappropriate for the time being. Bottom line was that even though she may not be the perfect wife to him, she still loved him as a caring and kind husband.

Now that he's truly gone, Aphrodite felt like her chest was going to explode. She felt so guilty that she didn't come and find him when they were cursed by the Colossus. She has learned to be more mature in her time in the mortal world but she guessed it was too late for that now. The question was, why Hephaestus? Why kill the harmless god of smithing and volcanoes? She braced herself for Hera's screams for berating her as a bad and irresponsible wife, but she let out a sigh of relief when she poured all her anger at Zeus and Apollo. Even though they were trapped in their mortal forms, the gods were still practically immortal and the only way for them to truly die was to get away as far as possible from the Colossus which was considered suicide. That may not be the case on Hephaestus as the Morrigan seemed sure that someone killed him.

There's just so much stuff that's happening all at once that it's too much for Aphrodite's pretty little brain to take in. First was the man who was the one who puked on Zeus's shoes turned out to be Poseidon who they all believed to be dead. He still looked very hot indeed, she wouldn't sleep with him back then without a reason, though he looked like he's been through hell and back. The Poseidon she was looking at now was very far from the Poseidon she knew back then. He was just like the other gods Aphrodite had seen: wallowing in their self-pity and drinking all their sorrows away while in the mortal world. Seriously, what's with all these strong and powerful gods turning into spineless crybabies?

Next was the arrival of Eros. Aphrodite won't lie, she shed a tear once she finally saw her beloved son again. This might be the first time she had seen him in the flesh for a long time and he still looked just as handsome as the last day she saw her. She wanted to speak to him so badly and she kept on looking at him with hope in her eyes that he could notice her yet much to her dismay, he didn't even look at her direction one bit. It's as if Eros didn't even know Aphrodite was there. She sat in silence as she watched her son put on that charming, dazzling face again while he flirted with the other gods and looked at Ares with baneful eyes. Once again, Aphrodite felt like a knife was jabbed on her heart. Did he really hate her that badly? It's so ironic that Eros chose to speak to Ares with anger dripping from his words; at least he confirmed Ares' presence, but not hers.

Even when the other gods felt fear and unease when Ares flipped the table and pointed the gun at Shango, Aphrodite still looked at Eros with sad eyes. If he really hated her that badly, then Aphrodite couldn't do anything but to give him the distance that he needed. She was glad that her son was still healthy and doing well but she won't bother him anymore unless it's important. A mother could only do so much for their children and even though Aphrodite wasn't the most perfect mother, she was willing to do everything for all her children.

The time it took Hathor to coax Ares out of shooting Shango was the time it took for Aphrodite to regain her composure. She looked at the gods present within the room. Some were still freaked out from what Ares did while others were either sleeping or didn't care at all. She just sighed and activated her powers, releasing a bit of pink aromatic mist that wafted throughout the room. It was only a small amount of mist that would faintly remind the gods of their true love when they smelled it which she hoped was enough to calm them down.

"Can't we all just talk to each other like the mature civilized gods that we're supposed to be without shouting and pointing a gun at each other?". Aphrodite said to all the gods present, willing her power off to wipe out the mist once she thought everyone was okay before turning to the Morrigan. "How certain are you that he's dead and that he was killed? Are... Are you implying that there is someone or a group of someones out there running around and killing us off one by one?".

tag: everyone, especially @Icy Hot, @fledermaus, @Legion02
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TIME: Evening
LOCATION: The Grand Ball, Roshmi City
INTERACTIONS: Cade @Helo, Ayita @13org, Elsea @Tae

Sakura couldn't believe what she heard from Ayita. A human was helping Aklenroth? There was no way Ayita's kin would ever help the undead, let alone a lich king like Aklenroth unless they were brainwashed or were forced to serve him. They probably cast a spell on that human, or maybe, just maybe, they ordered a demon to possess their bodies. The demoness looked at the crowd around their trio. If there were humans in this place, they would probably in disguise, perhaps posing as elves like Ayita since it's the easiest for them. Sakura wanted to ask Ayita more about what she learned from this human before they would leave towards this port town Cade mentioned.

However, she was interrupted when a hologram of Risa appeared on the Ball's windows and spoke to the crowd. She gave a speech about the dark elves hunting her, about the humans and how she urged them to work together with the rebels to fight against Aklenroth, and she guessed Risa's official proclamation of usurping the lich king from his throne. Sakura noticed all eyes were on the holograms and she took it as a chance to scour the crowd for any potential threats. Before she could, Risa's hologram changed into an image of a fairy's corpse, her body all covered in blood; it was basically just a horrid display that Sakura would've found impressive if she were back in Daka Island.

It was pure chaos. The haughty elf from earlier, Terneus, ordered the guards and prevent anyone from escaping. Among the crowd, a series of chants started, all screaming for Aklenroth's defeat as they seemed to be inspired by what they've seen and heard from the fairy princess. People were fighting with the guards as they all tried to escape and run away from here as fast as possible. Even the humans took their disguises off and proudly proclaimed their loyalty to Risa despite the danger they're being faced with, especially this girl who bravely got on the table next to them and took off her disguise, showing that she's a human too.

'Finally, the fun has begun!'. Sakura thought evilly to herself.

Ayita suggested to find Risa immediately and leave. They needed to protect the leader of the rebellion if they wanted to have even a single chance of defeating an enemy, plus it will also make them be very prominent and trustworthy members of the rebels. Cade, on the other hand, didn't want to leave some of the humans behind as they could be the keys to defeating Aklenroth. The lich king wouldn't even announce that they should be brought to him dead or alive if they didn't have any importance in turning the tides of battle after all. Both of Sakura's friends were right, so the only problem was finding a way to accomplish both tasks.

"Alright, I'll go with Ayita to find and protect the fairy princess so we can get her out of her. Cade, you round up as many humans as you could and then leave. Bring this human with you too." She said as she pointed at the one standing at the table next to them. "Once we're out there..." Sakura procured two marked talismans and gave Ayita and Cade one each. "Tear them up and these will guide you to me. Remember, our objective is to escape from here and get away as far as possible so keep the fighting to a minimum if you can. Cade, be safe out there. Come on, Ayita." She patted the large cat man on the shoulder before she set off with Ayita to find the fairy princess.

Sakura noticed two guards grabbing a screaming light elf so she threw talismans packed with energy at them, hitting them on the chest and sending them flying away. She threw another talisman straight outside and it continued to fly through the night sky as it made its way towards a specific group Sakura had in mind. The talisman had a message for them, the three words that the group had waited to hear for a very long time:

It is time.

mood: beautiful and loving it

It was quite a hectic day. A lovely apartment with a beautiful view of the city of Seattle got turned into a temporary make-up and styling station. People wearing full black outfits were busy making sure one particular woman will be much prettier on that specific day. Well, they didn't have to do much actually because the woman they were busy with was already gorgeous herself. The woman in question was none other than the goddess of love Aphrodite who had changed her name throughout the years. Currently, she was Helen Beauregard, a sex therapist and a marriage counselor as well.

That day, Helen was very busy chilling as her whole glam team made sure she would look even more stunning for the Conclave which her team thought was just an ordinary business meeting. She thought about the gods and goddesses she was going to meet there; she's also sure she's going to see new faces as some of them didn't attend the Conclave way back. Helen really hoped she could see her son, she's been texting him and hitting his number up but got no reply per usual. She sighed sadly and began to have doubts about coming to the meeting.

"Now, now. Don't frown, dear. A frowning face can't bring out the beauty that you are." Danny, Helen's most-trusted make-up artist said, said when he noticed she was frowning more.

Helen snapped out of her trance and looked at Danny's reflection in the mirror. "You're right. Thanks, Danny. You're always there for me." She said to him with a wistful smile. Even when her make-up's halfway done, she's still prettier than all the models in the magazines yet she felt very hollow whenever she remembered the pain and hardship Eros had to go through. She could only hope he was doing okay on his end, wherever he may be.

Danny smiled sweetly at him and patted her shoulder. "Whatever it is you're worried about, it will pass. Nothing lasts forever, after all." He reassured her before instructing the others to go get her dress ready. Helen smiled and was now at ease as her secretary gave her the set of pearl earrings she ordered from the latest runway in Paris.

As her glam team put the finishing touches on her while she looked at the mirror, Helen couldn't help but let out a smile that figuratively lit up the room and boosted everyone's moods. No matter what happened, every day was still a great day to look gorgeous. "Thank you all so much for your wonderful efforts, my dears. All of you will be generously rewarded for your hard work. Now, I believe it's showtime."

Students and professors alike were gawking in awe as Helen got out of her sleek, black car while assisted by her driver. Her light pink couture dress fitted against her curves perfectly, her blonde wavy hair framed her light brown-grey eyes very nicely, and her expensive high-fashion heels and pearl earrings made the overall look of the outfit even better. They couldn't even tell if she was wearing make-up or she just woke up like this.

"Thank you, my dear. I'll call you later when the meeting's over." Helen said to the driver as he was giving her one of her Birkin bag at which he nodded and drove to the parking area.

She gave the onlookers a flirty smile and wave as she made her way to the conference room. Her heels clicked against the tiled floor as she looked around while walking. The Morrigan could've picked a better choice for a meeting, perhaps a high-end restaurant or a cozy cafe where they could drink mocha lattes while talking but she supposed this will do. She couldn't help but wonder what the meeting was all about but she was certain all the gods wouldn't meet up if it weren't so serious.

Helen opened the door of the conference room and gave the present gods there a very sweet smile. "Bonjour, everyone!". Her nose was instantly assaulted by a foul stench as she saw a janitor cleaning up a pile of vomit. She rolled her eyes and gave her fellow gods a teasing smile. "Really guys? We all haven't seen each other in a while and the first thing one of you did was puke? Tsk tsk, how naughty." She said with a giggle as she approached them, the aroma of her expensive perfume slowly wafting throughout the room.

"My oh my, all of you are so handsome and beautiful! It really is a pleasure meeting you all again." Helen sweetly and genuinely said with a curtsy. She noticed Eros wasn't in the room yet she could see Hera and Ares at her peripheral vision whom she chose to ignore for now. She's going to try to act as professional as long as she could before this whole thing blew over. She could already tell the room was filled with tension due to the long history between each of the gods and their experiences of living in the same city together. She was already bracing herself for the storm of drama and chaos that will eventually come.

Neith would be lying if she said she wasn't expecting this to happen. That said, she yelped and groaned in pain when her bum was suddenly dropped down to the floor. "Yeesh, just trying to be friendly." She grumbled while rubbing her butt. She was about to complain as she looked up and saw Tolan slapping Micah's hand away but the masked man seemed to be focusing on something. Did his weird mumbo-jumbo work? She just raised her eyebrows in confusion when he suddenly hugged the mean guy and told her he got all the information he needed. If only she knew he would've eventually got the job done himself, Neith wouldn't have to be all 'friendly' with Tolan and her butt in pain from being pushed down the floor.

"Okay... If you say so." Neith said, fairly impressed at Micah's talents as she got up and patted herself off. She then turned to Tolan. "You might be in a bad mood. Let's try it again sometime when you're feeling better, yeah?" She said, giving him a wink and blowing him a kiss. "Let's just meet again in the morning. This has been a very long day and if we're going to face some freakish horrors in that forest, then this elf needs some beauty rest." She said to the others, going to the door but looked back at Micah before she really headed out. "Coming?"
Hopefully they're safe and doing alright :3

Even though it wasn't shown on her face, Hinra was very much this close to soiling her clothes. Like some of her peers, it was also her first time riding a flying bison. She closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh air to calm her nerves as she felt her heart beating so fast, she felt like it was about to burst out of her chest. She wanted to scream her heart out but she couldn't, not when she was with company.

She was so wrapped up in her fear that she almost forgot that she was not alone on Yuya if her group didn't speak up. Hinra never met any of these people prior to their assembly so she was also curious as to what they were like. She opened her eyes just as Hao, an Airbender and their de-facto leader, spoke about his feelings and thoughts to the whole group. He seemed to look like the typical leader: serious and steadfast with a aura of kindness surrounding him. He's probably the most reasonable one among all of them.

Bik looked like the enlightened type, one who's always spewing out words of wisdom to his peers whether he was asked about it or not. He probably meant it with good intentions and besides, he gave off an 'approachable mentor' type of vibe. There were Ayuka who was more of a serious type and Tikaani who was the goofy, go-with-the-flow type of person. They were complete opposites of each other and Hinra feared that this would not bode well for their group.

Case in point: Tikaani used his waterbending and accidentally made Ayuka wet. Hinra just rolled her eyes and sighed as she proceeded to get a dry towel for Ayuka to use, putting it on her lap while secretly hoping they wouldn't notice her shaky hands before the young non-bending woman spoke, while also hoping they won't sense the fear in her voice. "I may not be a bender like the rest of you but I assure you that I will not be a burden in our group. I will also help in any way I can so you can all count on it." Hinra said before closing her eyes to calm her nerves again which seemed to the group that she was meditating.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TIME: Evening
LOCATION: The Grand Ball, Roshmi City
INTERACTIONS: Cade @Helo, Ayita @13org

Sakura's mind suddenly was on the alert and she quickly looked up at Cade. His dance partner was a demon? She quickly glanced around before looking back at him. Did Aklenroth send a demon over to look at Sakura's progress in her mission? Maybe this demon was one of the many who hated her and wanted to meddle with her plans to make her seem like a failure in the Lich King's eyes? It looked like she couldn't afford to relax now, especially when her kind made their presence known to some of the attendees of the Ball. She was furious that her own father wouldn't even tell her what's happening so she could be ready and act appropriately too.

There's nothing she could do about it now. The best course of action was to just chill and keep her company happy and safe as the night went on. She listened as the big man put his arms around her and Ayita and said something in private. "Oh that's interesting. That would prove to be extremely helpful when the time comes. It's definitely an opportunity for us to meet more allies for our cause. I wonder if we can meet some more cute guys there?" Sakura replied with a smile. Her mind automatically went to inform her father about this new piece of information she found but part of her was still resentful about him and wanted to keep this a secret from him instead. No matter, she decided to cross that bridge when she got there.

"Oh Ayita darling, I'm so sorry your experience was uneventful. Indeed, food will make us feel better. Come." Sakura sympathized as she enclosed Ayita's hand between both of Sakura's to comfort the human as the trio made their way to the table. Like Cade, the demoness also noticed that something was wrong with Ayita. She probably got unfortunate with her dance partner and now she looked like she was less happy than she was before they entered the Ball. Sakura partly blamed herself for not keeping a good eye over her objective/friend but she was also kind of relieved that nothing worse has happened to her. Sakura playfully pushed against Cade's abdomen and gave him a chuckle. "Cadence, you best be on your good manners here. Besides, accidentally pouring something on their clothes is so old-fashioned. Perhaps I could conjure a spell that would make him fart noisily every time he put his feet on the ground?" Sakura suggested with a sly grin, hoping to make Ayita feel better as well.
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