Avatar of Carlyle


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19 days ago
Current I'm so tired of this cold weather. I can't wait for the warmer months to come by.
20 days ago
4 more hours until I'm out of work. Closing shifts are suffering.
24 days ago
The new Captain America movie is definitely flawed, but it wasn't trash cinema IMO.
1 mo ago
Oh, yeah. I forgot it's Wednesday. Time to go watch the trailer.
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1 mo ago
Cleaning out PMs and other test threads. It's amazing how much junk you can easily accumulate over time.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

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<Snipped quote by BunniesOfDoom>

Well, I did consider a crusnik, a witch, and a demon-angel hybrid.

Out of curiosity, just how hard is it for someone to force their way into a tenant's apartment?

In Suzy's case, I wouldn't imagine it being so difficult.

- a rpg user fending off spam bots, circa the great witchcraft invasion 2024

Location: Hallway -> Velvet's Condo, Umbra Rose
Timeframe: Early Morning

Interaction(s): Velvet @Lemons, Qaymu @Expendable, Theria @Dragonydas
Previously: Click Here

Suzy rolled her eyes. Floozie? What, were they back in primary school? If you wanted to get under her figurative skin, you had to try better than that.

Ignoring the ignorant, Suzy waited for Theria to grab Velvet, letting the gorgon take the lead. There wasn't much Suzy could do, after all, being a ghost and all. A part of Suzy had felt horrible for not being able to do much more, given Velvet's current state. Sure, Velvet had shown quite the bravado earlier, her confidence blazing at the thought that she was nigh-invincible. But what about that small, tiny percent, where the vampire's constitution would fail herself? What was Suzy to do in that scenario?

That's right. She couldn't do anything. She would've been helpless.


No. Suzy shook her head at the thought. Not happening. There had to be another way.

By then, the three of them had arrived to Velvet's room. It was just as Suzy had last left it—dark, desolate, and the epitome of a NEET's dream. The ghost's eyes lingered on Velvet, watching the vampire as she broke loose from Theria and raced to the blood-filled refrigerator, ripping the door right off its hinges.

Keeping her mouth shut, Suzy said, or rather wrote, nothing as Velvet began to down bloodbags like a school kid chugging their Capri-Sun. There was a time and place for words, but not now. Suzy hadn't wanted Velvet to feel like she was judging her; that the vampire was making a fool of herself as blood dribbled upon the condo flooring.

Once the vampire had finished, she moved to her computer, clearly wanting to talk about what had just happened. Following her lead, Suzy flew over to Velvet's side, and began to deliberately manipulate the electrical impulses that radiated from the PC to type her response on the screen. Now was the opportune time to speak.

"I..." Suzy paused. She hadn't felt entirely comfortable with what she was about to say, but chose to say it nonetheless. It was better for the both of them to not avoid it, like Suzy had done for so long. "I know how it feels, Vel. The desperation."

Another pause before the flashing line began to move forward once more.

"My hands were tied when I drowned. I tried so, so hard to swim upwards, but my lungs gave out before I could reach the surface. Sometimes you just can't help but to give in when you're pushed to the limit—I'm proof of that."
Kali Nordstrom

Location: New York Streets, Outside Home
Skills: Throwing

"I don't know, Isaac," Kali replied, "and that has me worried. I just hope she's fine right now."

As Isaac pulled onto the road Kali lived on, her heart sank at the sight that she saw. One of her neighbors, the elderly gentleman from next door, had been badly injured; his body clearly broken from some impact. By God, was he even still alive? Worried sick, Kali unbuckled herself from her seat and hopped out the moment Isaac had parked the car. She needed to know he was okay (or rather, still alive, given his injuries).

Racing across the street, Kali made her way to the scene. She needed to talk to someone; someone here had to have seen what happened. Yet before she could ask, a large, round object had sprung from the shadows, beaming her in the head. What had hit her? Where had it came from? These were the questions she asked herself as she stumbled, taken off-guard by the sudden impact.

Thankfully, it didn't take Kali long to find out. Her eyes centered onto a ball, now rolling across the ground in front of her. Picking the ball up from the ground, Kali turned around, hoping to find the owner only to find a group of nearby kids hanging around the neighborhood block. "Go on, get lost!" Kali shouted at them, clearly angry. Her grip on the ball tightened before she chucked it into the air, hoping to throw it far away so that the kids wouldn't pester them again. Being hit in the head was one thing, but this was an active accident scene, not some playground for them to fool around at. "Don't you see that someone's been hurt? Go play somewhere else!"
Damn. Someone literally already took my idea for a character.

Which is?


I now officially have one tattoo. People have assumed that I've had tattoos for years, but they've been wrong until now. It's a small dedication piece to my home town on my left ankle.

I've been asked if I have any but I still haven't bothered to get one.

That being said, I've been eying the idea of the image below, given that the tattoos would be a homage to one of my favorite Marvel characters:

The cake was a lie.
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