Avatar of Carlyle


Recent Statuses

16 days ago
Current I'm so tired of this cold weather. I can't wait for the warmer months to come by.
17 days ago
4 more hours until I'm out of work. Closing shifts are suffering.
20 days ago
The new Captain America movie is definitely flawed, but it wasn't trash cinema IMO.
29 days ago
Oh, yeah. I forgot it's Wednesday. Time to go watch the trailer.
1 like
1 mo ago
Cleaning out PMs and other test threads. It's amazing how much junk you can easily accumulate over time.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

Most Recent Posts

Borkus is an absolute fucking icon.

yeah but have you heard of the slimes
@mickilennial@Lemons You two are good to go btw (unless micki changes her CS on me again).

T H E C A S T :
T H E C A S T :

Aaron Miller, the farmer, played by @Yankee
Anderson Louris, the adventurer, played by @mickilennial
Callum Reed, the curator, played by @Theyra
Emma Coll, the aquarist, played by @Carlyle
Erin Miller, the farmer, played by @Yankee
Fiammetta Accardi, the painter, played by @Carlyle
Jane Fairton, the accountant, played by @Cyrania
Luna Alderdice, the shopkeeper, played by @mickilennial
Miriam Santorini, the author, played by @Lemons

T H E L O C A L E S :
T H E L O C A L E S :

Adventurer's Guild
Starlight Aquarium
NaCl is a rock

it's also a pokemon

is this why you became a geologist, were you inspired by the culinary experience of sucking on rocks

does she eat rocks
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