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Lillianna Steiner

"Second Chance?"
Hyah! Hookshot, Away!

"A second chance is what we have - Being here."

"A second chance is what we offer - With that cube."

"Not sure there's anything more perfect to define us. I'd say we've found our team name guys."

"I like it"
With Great Power Comes Great Headaches From Your Friends...Because He's Now The Party Leader AND The Party Healer

She had to concur, after a breif moment of thinking about it all. Wasn't every day that someone got another chance at life, in another world not less, even if it had all occured so suddenly and out of the blue. Or, well, in her case coming at her like a beach umbrella to the face on a very windy day at the beach. Close enough? Close enough.

"'Second Chance', hmm? It has a nice ring to it, I think. Agreed."

A fitting name indeed, though the conversation was far from over as the elven woman answered the first of her own questions.

"That would mean that you have an affinty for both Air and Light Domain magic. It's quite rare for any mage to be specialize in twin elements. Looks like you've been dealt an extraordinary hand. Kudos to you. You should go to the Academy, if you've not been already. I'll bet they'd love to meet a twin-element mage that's just started her journey as an adventurer. I'm guessing you must be highly intelligent for The Source to bless you with two Domains, so if you like books, tomes and scrolls, you should do quite well there."
The Lovely Lady Dealing With The Latest Newbies

Such a pairing elements was that extraordinary? Curious, most curious indeed. This 'Academy' place seemed to be a place of magical learning, as far as she could glean from it all, and in that vein she wished to go visit it as the other woman had reccomended. Yet the promise of books and tomes and even scrolls to read and study was certainly something far more tantalizing. Would she be able to read the material of this world without learning it? They could certainly speak the local lingo somehow, and understand it all in turn, so it was certainly a promising prospect at the very least for someone interested in academic learning and having a bit of a love for fantasy as a genre.

Whew. No. No no no, she didn't need to go nuts here with anticipation...even if she really kind of wanted to right now. Like she could barely contain the geeky energy inside for a moment. Yet while she seemed to visibly get an excited twinkle in her eyes at the mention of the 'Academy', and frankly even more so at the mention of new reading materials, the white haired mage visibly tried to calm herself back down all the same.

It was also around this time the second answer made it to her ears as well.

"Hmmmmm... died in the Mazy Hillocks, did he? Not a nice place to meet to your end."

"Sorry, I can't think. I'd need a little more, I'm afraid."
Lucy the Lucid

...Curses. The poor soul who'd helped them back there hadn't even a chance to give his name either, which wasn't helping anything. Though dead, he had managed to save her life at least. Seemed to be a kind person wanting to assist some lost and most woefully outmatched novice adventurers, even after his own horrible death and wandering around that place. Argh! He had mentioned a few things about himself, at least, which perhaps would be something to look into as scant as they were. Maybe if she added those it would help Lucy get a more specific memory? Hmm.

In the meantime, she would listen as James tried to fill Lucy in on their situation and showed her the cube, until the point that-

"By the Quinity, am I reading this right!?" she exclaimed. "You did kill Aurok." She looked at Adam, who was the one who hinted to it earlier. Then peered around the rest of them. Early, unascended adventurers, all of them. "Aurok the Maneater... How!?"
Lucy the Logically Dumbfounded Listener

That was what she wanted to know as well, though give the lack of two party members being among the living still...it came at a great cost indeed she imagined. Even so, the elven woman would seem to move on to describe the situation, as well as reveal a message for them that seemed to be currently well out of reach, and it wouldn't be good to leave that unchecked. Couldn't they check it some other way than having to gain silver rank? They'd all just nearly died out there after all of this, and while she had to admit a good cry was more than needed back there at the hospital it didn't mean she wasn't worried about how the others were doing still as well. Concious as they had been back there, she'd no idea fully of what had happened to them back there in the Mazy Hillocks as of yet. It was...vexing!

Heh. She hadn't gotten to use that particular word in a little while.

"A friend bravely sacrificed himself."
Adam the Appreciated

...So her theory held some water, it seemed. Though for that matter, Adam hadn't seemed to be doing too well either now that she noticed. Zell's antics had kept her mind occupied outside of some personal thinking along the way, but she felt that she still did care in the end. On the other hand, she hadn't had to watch anyone die out there either. It...hmm...curses.

"I'm good with whatever you all decide to do next."
Adam the "Actually You Need To Say Something Too Before Zell Chooses The Mission; Also <ore Importantly Are You Ok?"

He wasn't going to pitch in on this? Really? It was important to everyone that they all get a voice in this one, and he was a valuable part of the group! It was enough to get the white haired mage to walk over to the red-eyed man and tug on Adam's sleeve before looking him in the eyes (after he'd had his moment to speak to Lucy too of course). Even if she felt her own idea was perhaps the best one, he had a right to say something too! And in this case she wasn't going to sit silent on that particular thought.

"Adam! You've just as much right as anyone else here to help decide. Besides, if anyone decides to do anything rash we-"

"Gold is lower than Platinum right? If we take a gold contract, you won't be sending us anywhere like The Mazy Hillocks"

"Good. I say take the gold, but I'll leave you guys to make a more thought-out decision. I need a beer."
"TELEPORT 2: Electric Boogaloo", Now Premiering At The Nearest Bar

Wait wait wait, what?! Wasn't it clear that they'd already been in over their heads with all of this so far?! It was enough that, to her at least, it seemed clear that choosing the two silver contracts would be the best call. The safer call, less likely to get them jumped by angry enemy monsters well above their bronze-tier and otherworlder expertise! They had no business running out there suddenly again, not without getting some footing around here, maybe a place to live, and getting an idea of what they could each do better. Or at least taking the time to practice some kind of formation or the like to use out there!

"I'll tell you what: If you go there, ask for a woman named Clarissa Shields. Tell them you've been sent on Adventurer's Guild's business." She took a small piece of parchment from behind the desk, wrote some words on it, slipped it in an envelope and stamped it with a wax seal and pushed it forward on the counter. "That should get you in the door to someone high enough."
Lucy the Likeable Guild Leader

Well, she did want to go see the Academy in person now. On top of that, they'd needed to go bring that cube over to the mages of this place anyhow. So it all worked out in that sense. Stupid thing had given them enough trouble, and-...ah! Yes, she had a working theory about the object based on her limited experience with it. Certainly wasn't something she had been given the time to tell everyone, however, but perhaps she could bring it up at the Academy! Certainly it could be a potential boon to figuring it all out, right? Well, if anyone would listen to a peculiar theory coming from the mouth of a novice mage. Maybe. Then again, not everyone was likely not as trusting as this group she had become a part of either.

"In ascending order; Bronze, Silver, Gold, then Platinum and finally Diamond." She reassured the others. "I believe, looking at your stats, history and abilities, that you will be able to handle a gold contract. I've been in the Guild for more than while now and seen all kinds of parties. I'm a pretty good judge of these things."

"I warn you though. Ascension and abilities will only get you so far. What seperates the best parties from the rest is teamwork, decision-making and spirit," she lectured them. "Be courageous, be virtuous, be smart. Learn eachother. Trust eachother." She smirked. "Even the idiot."

To be honest he was a useful idiot, at least, and had been among those who had gotten out of that hellhole that was the Mazy Hillocks at least. Also seemed friendly and brave and kind enough to boot, based on what she'd seen of him thus far. In that vein...yes, she did need to be nicer and give him some slack. But if the name "Zell's Angels" had passed, or he managed to name someting of the group's that inane at a future point, she would be hitting him with a basic lightning bolt. Not that she'd have the first chance, if MacKensie got her hands on him first in such a scenario perhaps. Heh.

Party idiot indeed.

"I also think we should take a gold contract."

"We have business at the Academy and a promise to keep to the town of Hommas. This must come first. And we must take an evening to - how you say - decompress? Find a hotel or something? Mentally, I think it would help."

"But I feel in my bones that this message in that computer is so important for us. And I wish to see it as soon as humanly possible. Zell is right; we are all stronger than before. Much stronger. I know this. And after going through The Mazy Hillocks, I feel I am ready for anything now.
The French Strike Back

Oh no. Oh no no no no no! They were NOT taking a single dangerous gold contract, just to speed this process up! What in the world was MacKensie thinking?! She was the chosen one! Her ally! She was destined not to suggest bad ideas, but to destroy them! Nooooooooo!!!

...But the purely mild dramatics conjured up by her internal frustrations being set aside, she agreed on most of the other woman's points for the most part. Some rest, some time to mentally let go or relax, etc. She wanted to see what was on that computer message as well, as odd as that seemed to be to acknowledge that existing in the first place in a fantasy-type setting as they had seemingly been pulled into. Yet even, so she would speak once more as she turned around to face the remainder of the group who were still standing there.

"I do agree that...I feel some extent stronger than I was before. At the same time, I feel taking the two silver contracts would be out best and safest choice in this situation. It would allow us to get acclimated with this world better, as well as get more accustomed to this adventuring work and local fauna more before we try to tackle anything more dangerous."

The mage would speak with a somerwhat exasperated tone near the end, though the stoic expression and worried tint in her voice would betray her somewhat perhaps. She didn't want to just jump in on a big, dangerous mission again without preparation! Did they want to end up as all the dead souls wandering around the Mazy Hillocks had become?! Then again, she had no idea if anyone else had seen them other than herself, really...hmm. Maybe James? He seemed to have an affinity for the divine, if his clerical inclinations hadn't been clear enough to her so far, so she needed to ask him.

In the end she would go with whichever choice the group overall decided to take, but she also likewise hoped they would see some kind of sense at least...

Oh! Right, those detials to tell Lucy in one last attempt to trigger some kind of memory in her head about the poor boy back in the Mazy Hillocks. To that end, she would try to get Lucy's attention once more in a more polite and formal manner before speaking once more (if she got the chance to that is).

"I do remember a few more things about the dead man, I believe...perhaps it is worth a shot at least to mention them if nothing else. Just to attempt to get an idea of things.

His torso seemed to be clad in a basic gambeson type of armor, with a shirt of chainmail covering this as well as his torso and upper arms. He wore woolen pants covered his legs, a pair of boots, and a helmet rounded on top with a brim around the outside of it on his head. He had on a pair of leather gloves and pair of metal bracers, used a polearm I believe, and ah...hmm!

He had messy and roughly-cut, as well as short, sandy brown hair. Said he came from a small village as well, and that his sister was trained by the local church in his small village since she could see the dead as well."

If you want to vote on Second Chance's next course of action by OOC or by PM, you can do so. Or if you want to write out your vote by way of story in IC, you can do that too. Whatever each of you wants do.

Lillianna: "The two silver contracts, because I do not wish to die any faster than last time. Or the time before that. Also, it gives us time to look into more things outside oof the contracts, such as looking into groups or places that might interest us in-between."

Lillianna Steiner

To say things had been disorienting was certinaly something, not to mention increeibly awkward had she been observing herself from afar. And yet? At the same time, the cry felt like it had taken some kind of weight off of her shoulders. Shoulders? Hmm. More like a weight off of her chest, her head, or her...soul? Actually it felt like something had happened to her beyond simply almost dying and everything else she'd known before, because new spells were floating around in her mind and ready for use. New. Spells. Like she was some character in a game who had just earned enough exp and-...had...oh by the Quinity. Not only was she apparently using local phrases in her head now, or at least in this moment, but more than that she'd just leveled up. Gained more power. Killed enough monsters, or perhaps in this case been alive enough for a kill to happen, and by proxy been granted just enough exp to power up. Or something? Certinaly it wouldn't be because...ah. A chill ran down her spine as the thought of getting EXP from the party deaths crossed her mind, before the mage shook her head back and forth and took a deep breath. No. That couldn't be it, it didn't even work like that in video games much less in the crazy video-game-type isekai stories for that matter.

Though with the others also discussing the topic, she probably wasn't the only on-...ah.

As much as there perhaps was a change, some thing apparently did not based on what little time she'd been here with this group of people. Zell especially, if this was any indication. Him and James talking about the matter of the former apparently teleporting at some point, however, seemed to break the mage out of her deep thinking at the very least as the strange idea raced through her head. Teleportation? With a non-magic individual? Now that was certianly something interesting to ponder. Had it been something he perhaps was given when arriv-

Zell The Swell-Swordsman

Oh. Oooooooh no.

The group's path took them through a huge marketplace. All the while down the road, Zell had been trying to activate his Teleport.








The fact Zell could teleport became breifly lost on Lillianna's mind, mostly as the man seemed to put on a show as they walked through the marketplace. A loud show. With all the kind of attention a village idiot would draw by shouting a random word and pointing at people. And then to top it all off? He tried to convince Adam to put himself in danger for the sake of 'testing' things. While thankfully the red-eyed man didn't play along with the preposterous idea, all of this did one thing for her personally.

It made her laugh. Or to be precise, stifle one back as best as she could while the attention was on Zell's antics. Raised eyebrows, hushed whispers, a smaller child laughing at it for some reason, and whatever else just seemed to make her laugh in combination with said antics on Zell's part.

And then James walked over to where she was, moving alongside her. It was enough to get the slightly red-faced mage to suddenly straighten her back up and feel the urge to laugh disappear in a heartbeat. Was it because James was scary? Er, not really. Stern perhaps, but he seemed to be lightening up compared to their first meeting at least. Or, well, hmm...she didn't know him too well, but as he got her attention she would look over with the intent to listen to what he said at least. It was the least she could do after-...well...truth be told she needed to ask about what else had happened back there. Last she'd known were things moving and blurs and the like.

Even so, what did he want to ask-

"Hey Lily, how you doin'?"
James, The Stressed Leader-Healer

"Ah...ahem! Yes, I am doing better than I was before...at least."

Perfect delivery. Totally not socially awkward-sounding and said half-blurted out too quickly because she had been caught off-guard by being called a nickname, one she usually didn't have most people call her at that unless they were close to her, while being asked a pretty standrd thing to ask someone who had nearly died. Nope. Not at aaaaaaaaaaaallllll!

"Physically I mean, your injuries were pretty bad when we entered the hospital and for you to be walking already they must have done something short of miraculous."
Also James, The Lilly-Surpriser

Ah. Well, yes, that was certainly something ot talk about she supposed.

"I believe they must have applied some kind of medicine from here...which is fascinating, really. Magic? Technology? It seems both are in play here-"

"Ah right, you okay with me calling you 'Lily'? Last time I asked you were pretty delirious."
Wait Wait Wait, James, Where Are You Going With This-

Well if she was near death, then it made sense if she-...wait, delirious? Talking in her unconscious state, perhaps?? Wait a second, they needed to back up a bit so she could get the full picture here!

"W-W-Wait! Delirious??? What was I saying? Or, ah, no, wait, I also need to know who carried me here for that matter! How in the world did-?"

James had unleashed one of her secret forms, as her uncle had called it, in this case being: 'Hyper-Ultra-Mega Panicking Lilly'. This was also known as the 'knowing she had the occasioonal time she mumbled or talked in her sleep back home and it was incredibly embarassing' thing. Well, known as that to her personally at least. Not to anyone else...not to anyone else? Was it known to anyone else?! Please someone tell her it wasn't something everyone else in the party had been forced to hear in the middle of a life or death situation! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Perhaps somewhat luckily for the poor man talking to her unfortunately for her desires to ask James everything else she could about the prior situation, what had happened to her, what had happend to the stuff going on there, and so forth, they had arrived at their next destination. The Adventurer's Guild, if she remembered hearing about where they were headed to correctly along the way there. Right? Or maybe she was assuming things based on how it all looked as they'd headed inside, before getting odd looks before being pointed upstairs by a seemingly confused bartender (among others). Not to mention the presence of a few armed perople with various weapons in hand, others in robes akin to her own (but different), and even other species for that matter! Pointy-eared elves! Short and stocky dwarves! She'd seen them in the hospital, but outside of the awkward situation she'd created there it gave her time to notice more of these things on her part.

Even Zell's attempt at the same antics once more was lost on her as her attention was-


Such was her utter and total fascination with things around her that Lillianna was looking the place over with wide and almost twinlking excited eyes, but a closed mouth admittedly, as she mostly followed the others up the stairs to get to where they were directed. A simple thing for her to do, at least, though as it turned out this was a woman who could sign them up at least according to what she'd said. Indeed Lucinda's words seemed to snap the mage out of her fasination, and she had to admit the woman seemed to have a good choice in outfit. Yes. Outfit. Still, the visage of the elf, with an odd little pet with her at that, seemed to give off 'superior' vibes to the curious mage as well. Like she was used to things, or managed something around here, and they had just been the oddity to walk in the room.

Or perhaps she was just assuming things. Again. For not the first time nor last time in her life.

Built into the well-polished wood desk was a golden metal plate with a wide slit that glowed the same blue as their crystals. As they passed their left hand over the scanner, both the blue glow and their crystal would briefly go purple to signify a connection. Then Lucy would peer at her magi-tech screen and look at translated Source Code provided.

Ah, so they were to simply scan the crystal on their respective hands? Effective. Advanced. Modern, even, but with a fair fantasy-like charm to it. She liked it, but that was more a side note. Perhaps it could tell her why she could see the spirits of the DEAD, among other things about her new..er..self? Status? Existence after being kidnapped to another world after dying in hers like an isekai protagonist? Whatever the case was, she looked forward to it.

However, what she didn't look forward tro was having to make a 'party name'. A name for the group. Certianly it would fulfill the need to identify separate groups of adventurers from each other, but it was not something she frankly favored.

"As for team name, what about - and I know you guys'll love this -" he paused for suspense, then drew a line up across the air.

"The Zell Squad."

Nodding a few times, his eyebrows raised expectantly. "Eh? Eh? Gotta nice ring to it, don't ya think." No positive reinforcemrnt came so he thought quickly. "Or maybe, The Zellionaires." No takers. "Zell's Angels. Vroom vroom."
Zell The All-Speaking and Unknowing

...No. In fact, not just 'no' but a vehement, all-in 'NO' was in order. The expression on her face, so utterly disappointed and yet somehow not surprised at all, would say it all as she looked Zell back dead in the eyes after he had said all of that. No chance it'd go through, she hoped, but if it did she was going to zap him in a flustered rage.

"Ignore all the team-name suggestions with the name "Zell" in them, please."
Fenna, The Patron Saint of Common Sense

"Hello Lucy, I'm Adam, nice to meet you."

"James would be a good leader and I support it, but…I agree with Fenna."
Adam, The Hero of Common Sense

Two people who didn't want the dumb names...praise be to the Quinity for that one, as the locals might say. Or at least kind of things the dead spirit she'd talked to might've said, if she had to take a gues. Oh. Yes, actually, she had no idea what had happend to the unfortunate spirit after all of that mess after saving her skin. Probably was a former adventurer himself, now that she thought about it, but she hadn't even a name to ask about before she'd gone and tried to use the time-honored technique of the 'electrocution double-kill suicide' technique on herself and a water-transforming cyborg ninja. Which, in hindsight, was a fair thing to have taken up all of her attention span at that point in time after having been IMPALED by said cyborg ninja in the torso.

Even so, the elven woman seemed to react well to what Fenna had said at least.

"Party idiot. Got it. Most parties have one of those. My condolences to you..."
A Skilled 'Village Idiot' Detector Extraordinaire

He was an idiot, but he was their idiot at least. One who had fought to save their lives back there and so forth. So as much as the mage agreed, she did feel a bit softer toward the big doofus in the aftermath of everything. Attracted to him? No. Like rubbing his head and giving him a scooby-snack for a job well done after lovingly but alsomightily bonking his head with her staff because of his dumb suggestion of a team name? Yes. More like that really.


“How about Sky Heroes?”
The Group's Resident 'Samurai Jack'

Hmm. As the mage walked forward and ran her crystal under the scanner, she heard Joji give his own suggestion for a group name. Not her favorite, but certainly not something bad either. Not as bad as Zell's suggestions to boot. The rather imposingly large Japanese man did seem in good spirits, however, and that did at least help her feel a little more at least about things for the moment. Even so, she was curious.

"I'll concur with Adam and James, James should be the group leader."

Using blessings and healing skills, hmm, yes he'd be at the back and a support already during combat if she had to go by RPG rules. Plus from all she'd heard and seen, he had a level head and had helped the initial party members take care of the invasion back at the village. Certainly not something bad for leadership qualities, no? It was thus logical to choose him in her mind, then, and run with that as her answer.

Even so, she would keep her attention for a moment on Miss Lucinda, well 'Lucy' she supposed, a she stepped aside so another could get their crystal scanned. Or at least she did this before speaking to the beautiful elven woman once more at least.

"Pardon me, Miss Lucy, but I do have a couple questions if that is alright."

If the elven woman let her ask away, then she'd proceed on. Still, it was a bit odd-feeling to her to address someone by a more casual name in this instance though. On a first meeting, really? Hmm. She supposed she wasn't much used it still, even after the bit of time spent living with her Uncle...heh. The silly goofball did, as long as the two had been living out of the same abode, make up quite a few silly nicknames for himself though. Tried to get her to call him them too, like "The Bodacious Beach Bod Extraoadinaire", to get her to 'relax and chill' as her Uncle had also said at the time.

Ah, but she didn't need to get distracted in her thoughts once more. Not yet at least.

"I can unleash lightning and see the spirits of the dead...ah...is this in any fashion normal for one with a class such as mine?

And secondarily, would you happen to remeber a party in the past who had a gambeson-wearing halberdier among them? Bit of an accent, perhaps came from a rural place, maybe died back in the Mazy Hillocks?"

It was certianly something to ask, at least, and while still odd to ask perhaps she did want to know these things. The first thing more so she was interested in, whilst in regards to the latter thing it was just if Ms. Bottrill happened to know anything on the matter or person if interest. It felt like an odd combination of factors when it came to what she could do, at least, unless she was going to become Doctor Frankenstein and make a new body for a dead person and bring it to life comically with lightning. Meanwhile with the second thing it wasn't something she'd press about hard, to be frank, if the elven woman didn't know anything in regards to the second question. Really, the mage didn't even know herself if he'd been dead for a long time, died more recently, or not! But perhaps she could look into the matter later and on the side, if nothing else could be learned or done at this point in time.

((EDIT: Removing the WIP mark at Tort's encouragement. Still needs a flag though, but hopefully it is in enough of a state to approve. Will fix whatever I need to though!))


Certainly a fair portion of meat, given her snacks beforehand as she had tested her theory about ingesting parts of the beast. In that vein the female orc had no complaints as Esfir divided up the meat among the four of them. The smell of the cooked bird was certainly as it had been described to her within the information provided by her analysis skill, though the taste to her didn't seem too bad considering. The first bite was a flood of sensations to her, really. Heat from the flame, and flecks of grease that stung the chin and tongue. A soft, stringy consistency, with a slight grain. A lightly salty, slightly yeasty taste on the tongue, but dense and moist. A metallic hint of blood still lingered, along with an earthy game-flavor. The first bite was a flood of sensations. Heat from the flame, and flecks of grease that stung the chin and tongue. A soft, stringy consistency, with a slight grain. A lightly salty, slightly yeasty taste on the tongue, but dense and moist. A metallic hint of blood still lingered, along with an earthy game-flavor.

Consumed: Congealed Elwet Blood
Consumed: Cooked Elwet Meat
Consumed: Cooked Elwet Marrow
Consumed: Small Cracked Elwet Bone Fragment

You are Well Fed. Your HP and SP recovery rate is temporarily boosted.
Current Ingestion: Elwet - 100%
All Ingested Skills have been detected! Choose ONE:

  • [Skewer]
  • [Fire Bolt]
  • [Murderous Intent]

A new feeling settled in the pit of her gut...as though a muscle she'd never known had begun to flex, a muscle akin to the lungs that could draw something into their bodies. The more she ate, the more this feeling swelled. And then, each time she bit into her portion, the smells and tastes and even the consistency upon her tongue provoked a mingling of senses and the memories associated with them...

The Elwet's sharp horns and spear-like beak...
The Elwet's flaming breath...
The Elwet's fiery, angry eyes burning with malice...

Just like when their lungs grew full of air, this new "muscle" inside them needed to breathe out...yes. This would do nicely, and now she had all of her portion eaten as well. So that was valuable data in and of itself to learn about ingesting things, as well as being of a benefit in being able to choose a new skill to learn due to [Ingestion].

She would choose the [Fire Bolt] skill to take in this case. Seemed to be the most useful to her, if it was like thhe MMORPG spells it sonded like from back on Earth. Perhaps even a branching into the magical arts at that. Mmm.


So what she'd had beforehand, added with this portion of meat and bone marrow, was just enough to get her to 100% when eating an Elwet. Would this change with large creatures needing more biomass? Would it also vary depending on her and the others' own physical maturity and development? What if they advanced in level far enough? Hmm. So many questions yet to be answered, but she would remember all of this for the future. It was certianly a learning experience indeed, especially as they'd need to get another creature to complete the quest for the Head Warrior now. At the same time, though, having a well-fed body and being able to hunt and get things done with that before heading back would be to their advantage in her mind. Just as much of an advantage as her choice of first skill.

Every little advantage over the world around them was certianly be valuable in these days and beyond.

But if she had to place another theory out there in her mind, simpler creatures such as these Elwets would maybe be easier to unlock all of their 'ingested skills'. This compared to stronger and more powerful ones, which might need more biomass to unlock more potential skills and likewise to 'ingest' fully then. In that vein, that would be something to keep in mind for the future. Could be a way to ensure that they got the best 'bang for their buck' on skills and accruing capabilities in this new world. Eh, depending on how long they worked together in the long-term of their new lives at least. For now, though, it was certainly something she was happy to do for their survival and so forth for mutual benefit unless any of the others got back-stabby.

"I am at one hundred percent ingestion for Elwet now, with all potential skills to get revealed, after all I've eaten before and with my portion here. Hmm. I'll assume it's because these are smaller and simpler creatures that we can unlock Elwet-related skills so quickly perhaps.

I'll also wait before eating next time, though, my apologies everyone."

The female runt made sure her gathered Elwet antlers and such supplies were with her. It would be well enough to carry at this stage, but they'd need a pouch to carry anything else with that. Just something to try to learn to craft, or get someone else to for a favor or such, in the future. Preferrably sooner than later, though, if they were going to make anything of note along the way. Heck, maybe they could find some useful materials to boot among the plants and such as well...which only made it a shame she could only have chosen one analysis skill. But the one she'd chosen would be useful indeed, if employed correctly.

Yet the Head Warrior's warning about the caves and nocturnal creatures 'havving a reason to only come out at night' still lingered in her mind a little bit. Concerning, but useful to know in this case then.

Her eyes then moved over to Akeno, and the particularly familiar behavior of sorts that the other female had shoown before eating. Or rather, a cultural habit she assumed? Either way maybe it would spark some conversation before they took to the road so they could get kills to bring back to the orc camp to fulfill their quest. Wanted to do that before it got too late into the day, or heaven forbid dark, for that matter.

"Though if I may ask to indulge my curiosity, Akeno, your name and mannerisms remind me of the Far East. Would you happen to have been from that region of the world before?"

@Zeroth@Kazemitsu@ERode@King Cosmos

Lillianna Steiner

Rising again from where he was sitting at a normal speed to talk to Lillianna at eye level, Adam spoke sincerely to her. "You were so brave back there, taking the ninja on like that. And I'm so happy to see you're okay. Do you want some water again? …Or maybe a hug? Whatever you want."
The Red Eyed Red-Eyed Man

She...she didn't know how to respond to that one really. Not that she knew how to frankly respond to any of this. Lillianna felt her tear ducts about to burst, and yet at the same time the red-eyed Druid's words ending on such an awkward note almost made her want to laugh-cry at the same time. Did that even make sense? Maybe. She appreciated the sentiment at the very least, the edges of her mouth ever so slightly curling up on either side in response to Adam's words. However, even then she still tried to hold herself in restraint, visibly so, her staff still clutched tightly in her hands and whitening knuckles.

Her mouth still refused to form proper words, perhaps even a bit afraid to make physical contact at the moment, but in lieu of that she seemed to be-

"If we are going to have a group hug I want you all to know, my safeword is Chayanne, nothing worse than saying your dad's name in the middle of it"

He stood up from the wall he was resting on and rolled his shoulder, damn the anchor was heavy "Full seriousness though, nice to see you walking around Lily, I knew a cray- a genious wizard like you would't kick the bucket by something like that" A lie, he knew exactly how bad were her chances had they not found the hospital on time "So, let me get you up to speed, we are in Valhaim right now and we are waiting for Mac and Joji to join us to head to the Adventurer's Guild to get rid of the Cube of Doom, they are not here because they" The idea of laying briefly crossed his mind but he dismissed it, she would learn about it sooner or later, better take the bandage off now when they were safe "...They went to give a proper burial to Clive, he and Arthur didn't make it"
The Latest In Local News, As Brought To You By Mytheria's Newest "Anchor-man"


...Ah. Her vision would turn to James as the other man spoke, seeminmgly scrambling for words himself in the heat of the moment. As much as he was trying to distract her and perhaps the others for a moment, it was not hard to tell that much, the news he gave did cause the corners of the mage's mouth to turn back down once more. She'd been afraid that-...so it was just Arthur and Clive, then? She'd had a guess in her mind at seeing the anchor strapped to the cleric's back, but hadn't had a way to know for sure really. Not until someone told her something, really, and it wasn't that she wasn't glad for that.

No, she was glad someone had told her. She could feel the cracks in her facade beginning to grow at it all, her attempt at self-restraint wavering even closer to the point of no return, and yet at the same time she felt grateful for at least knowing. The pecuiliar farmer and the odd other man, both gone to the dangers of a new world and the violence they had managed to survive back there. Somehow. And yet here they were in the aftermath. Survivors, still alive and living.

Part of her felt somewhat...'guilty' about it all, really. Felt guilty about still being here when the other two were not, still holding onto her own second chance at life with a clinginess as tight as her hands were gripping her staff. Did she even deserve this? To still be around, and not having passed away into the pit of oblivion that had seemed like it was sitting just below her? It was seemingly chance and magic and the others who had managed to get her to what was seemingly on first glance a proper medical facility in this new world, like a vast swath of sheer dumb luck keeping her alive through this point. More importantly...

...was this how her Uncle or others might be feeling back home? Even if just a bit?

Here she was feeling sorrow over the deaths of others who had fought alongside her, but family was certainly a bond that was far deeper than even that. She'd learned that much from her Uncle, perhaps for the first time in a long time at that. The one who who had shown her nothing short of unconditional love from day one of meeting him and living at his home, all without the fuss and education and mess thrown into the mix like before.

A couple more tears would run down her face, then, even as the last two living members of the group entered the hospital.

"H-", but when she saw Lillianna, her words caught in her throat. She was alive and perfectly well - finally some goodness in all this mess! Marching forward, her eyes alight with joy, she squeezed past everyone else and threw her arms around the white-haired wizard. "Lillianna, thank god you're okay."

Death comes in threes, she'd heard her grandmother say before. Not today. She let go of Lillianna, only to take the wizard's face in her hands, smile and then hug her again. "Don't scare us like that again, okay?"
Now The Current Acting President of the Lillianna Waterworks Board

And then the Frenchwoman threw her arms around her, regardless of her posture or stance, seemingly on first instinct and without hesitation.




Thse all were not sounds that anyone could hear, in the room or otherwise, but within herself the mage could hear and feel them. The final blow to the mental dam in her mind had been made. It was like pulling the trigger of a firearm to start a race, even, or opening the gates of a flooded city long left abandoned and mired in the deeps contained within its walls. Or...something. She couldn't think of it all right now. Or think in general now. Yet whatever the case was, the tidal wave that had been contained for so long had finally been loosed in its entierty by this one action.

MacKensie thought she'd get the chance to step back, but this ultimately would not be the case. Instead the white-haired Lillianna instinctively threw her arms back around the other woman and pulled her in tight in turn. No more thinking. No more pondering. Just burying her face in MacKensie's left shoulder and holding onto her tightly, as if either of them could disappear again, as she began to ugly sob as hard as she could into the warmth of another human being. The hot tears were pouring out like a deluge coming down upon the world, like a dammed river that had just been unleashed downstream, overwhelming everything else in its path and wiping it out of her thoughts and mind. It was nothing short of raw emotion, burning, searing, painfully hot and yet flowing freely from her without any more restraints or attempts to hold it back.

Not this time.

Lillianna cried, and she cried hard. Cried for a family that she had many fond memories of and still loved, but which had broken apart around her without being able to do anything about it as she'd been pushed to the limit and beyond along the way. Cried for a future long sought, even fought for, by her...only to be lost on the wind of change as it had all been cut off brutally yet simply at the head. Cried for someone who had become like her second family, even after it had all fallen apart and she'd been left sitting in the very basement of despair, offering her a hand and that stupid relaxed 'beach bum' smile he'd always had on his face. Cried for the pain of separation, from the fear of dying alone and being left sitting in the darkness by herself once again, for the fear of the others around her dying, for all the feelings of loneliness she'd tried to push back since her arrival, and for the lives lost so quickly and horribly in the little time they'd been stuck in thisd crazy and dangerous world they'd all been pulled into.

She'd even cry for the sake of crying, should it help in the end, but even so her heart couldn't help but let it all go like the disaster she felt like right now.

Her staff even fell to the ground with a sudden and unceremonious 'clack' amid all of this, though with all else shut out in the heat of the moment the twin element mage didn't even so much as notice it.

Gossip. Idle chatter. Things potentially seeded among them partly in-place by older students trying to get them to spout things in front of the teachers. Whatever the case was, it was nothing that Sera herself paid much attention to. Well, paid attention to 'much' to being the key word there. It was certainly a wait for the initial address to the students to begin, and admittedly the girl found herself listening with bent ear to the whispers going around. Auristel, the Second Battlemage, and the Victoria Charbeneau? Really? Was that the best an older student or peer had to toss to them in the way of made-up gossip?

She would turn to the mage that the little cospiracy theorist had called 'Theo', someone from the next cohort she surmised, trying to politely get his attention with a soft smile before speaking to him.

"They are just dirty little rumors, nothing more. Perhaps from upperclassmen trying to get someone to say something stupid here or to a teacher at that. Doesn't make such things any less tasteless though."

She felt bad for the boy, though she had no idea why the other student had asked him about the rumor in particular. She hadn't heard of any siblings of the Second Battlemage ever coming to join this year. Ah. Whatever the case, as soon as the talking and whispering and so forth suddenly was cut off Sera's eyes came up to the stage to see the face of the Headmaster himself up there. It was almost amusing to see a few peers attempt screaming at the top of their lungs but only achieving silence, as childish as such as thing was, though her ears dreaded when the spell would eventually be lifted again even if it didn't show on her face and in her expression.

Still, the tactless man seemed to have more to him than met the eye. That much her gut instinct was telling her for sure. Placing a silence spell over a whole room, the confidence in which he was on the stage, his dress and manner of appearance, all were among things that seemed to give her the impression of there being something 'peculiar' about him. She wouldn't doubt he was a highly skilled mage either, though, and that was for certain unless proven conclusively otherwise in her own mind.

Once the spell was lifted, and the Headmaster gone to formulate another ad hoc speech for the older students, Sera would turn her attention to her own Cohort's overseer. Certainly not someone who looked as if they volunteered for the job, if his expression was of any indication, but all the same she did have a few questions to ask of the man as well. Just a few things about campus, such as visitable locations, where to find office hours, and that sort of thing...well, at least in the basic sense. She could ask more later, she figured, so a few basic things to start would suffice then with haste so she could get over to the food. Could already smell the divinely cooked meats and other array of dishes...mmm~ She could barely wait as her stomach was already growling with anticipation.

Yet as she walked over to the overseer of Cohot VII she would find herself seemingly beat to the punch, perhaps in part after having to push through the crowd of her peers that was bolting for the free food. He seemed to be a tall yet bored-looking person himself, with short blond hair and blue eyes to go with it. Something about him felt grating to her, perhaps it was how soberly he seemed to drag himself over to the overseer in her eyes, but at the same time it wasn't what mattered in the end. She would take her silent if not somewhat relaxed place near the overseer, to that end, to ask what she wished to after this other boy was done with his own question.

Fair enough! Just wanted to be sure.
@ERode Just to be sure and on the same page, would Esfir still do all the same stuff she did in the post then? Or would there be some small change to your post?
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