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Hello! just checking in! I see your CS, @Crusader Lord, I just can't spend any time this morning looking at it. Drowning in work. As soon as I have a free moment, I'll read it over!

Also, just to update, I'm hoping we can have this up and running by this weekend so please, please get your CSs into me completed as soon as you can if you haven't already. If we need any filled in roles, a knight or noble, I'm happy to fill in as needed.

No problem!

I just finished some more editing as of making this repsonse in the OOC, so all I don't have is the ages of his family members. Well, if such is needed/required I mean. Is it?

Other than that, I think it should be all filled out! Was mostly some smaller things I could get back to later that I had left. Whew. But if I need to explain, remove, or fix anything just let me know! o7
Clarissa Ryte

Front Foyer, Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

"A Gastly Sight! Unless-?

It wouldn’t be long before Clarissa would feel a chill up her spine. The air noticeably cooled. The foyer itself seemed to be a square room. The old lights overhead hummed with electricity still, thankfully giving off light despite years of disuse in the factory. A desk where there was likely once a check-in or some sort of security personnel letting people in once worked. And just behind the desk, was a TV.

It would switch on, static playing on its screen.

An initial shudder from the chilling aura in the air ran up her back, even as the scene began to rapidly shift in the lobby before her. A TV had turned on, as impossible as it seemed for such an abandoned place, static screen flickering ominously before them. Even so, the static screen was a somewhat familiar thing that reminded her of when television would have had outages back where she'd lived in Orre. Still, between this, the drop in air temperature, and the thrum of electcicity running audibly through the lights above her, it was a sign something like a gh-

“Gaaastly…?” Floating just through the wall near where her had was, a ghostly noise and a little black ball of floating gas was now watching this static screen, looking from her, to it. It didn’t immediately seem hostile…more curious than anything, perhaps, though it was floating between the door and herself, making any escape route having to go through it…

Ah-....it was a ghost Pokemon. One that had floated in from next to her head and come upon her location, despite her hopes that the entranceway would be a safer place to hang out for the moment until backup had arrived.

All the same, however, Sir Lopsalot seemed only a little less surprised than she felt at the whole scene. The little Buneary would blink for a moment, and then immediately would hop closer to Clarissa and come to her left side before turning around, crossing his little bunny arms in a protective sort of manner as he tried to put himself between his trainer and potential danger. At the same time, however, Clarissa tried to gently put a hand up to Sir Lopsalot to keep him from....er....moving in front of her more and potentially starting a fight they couldn't really win at the moment.

It was then she looked back up at the curious little ghost Pokemon in front of her.

"Hi there, little one. It's curious to see you here."

Her voice was gentle and soft as she tried to breifly smile at the little ghost Pokemon while speaking to it. Likewise, she tried to gently extend out her psychic powers once more in a more slow and methodical manner, hoping to get a better read on the Pokemon's mood in the room without trying to probe or prod the actual Pokemon itself with her powers. Even so, Clarissa would go somewhat paler in the face as some of the prior strain of sensations she'd had to recover from seemingly minutes ago began to seep back in....just like the chill in the air, which was now creeping back down her spine even as she spoke. Her eyes would also look to the static screen, and then look back to the Gastly once more to boot.

With her rolling suitcase of things next to her, the psychic tried to think for a moment before gently unzipping the front-most exterior pouch on it where her mom had told her to look 'for an emergency snack' if needed. She hadn't any idea if her parents had packed her anything for the road, but it didn't seem too Farfetch'd to hope there was something inside. Ugh. It made her wish that she'd taken the time to-

Aha! One small bag, with several cured strips of tough, dried-...jerky inside. Jerky. Her dad had likely sent that to go with her things, as it was his favorite local brand he'd picked up after they'd moved to Eidda. Not something she felt was a favorite food of sorts, but which was a good ration for the road that she could at least tolerate and didn't hate either. Maybe she had ought to buy some long-lasting trail mix or such before leaving Byjerfal in the future, really, but she hadn't any other options now either.

"Would you like a little snack?"

Her voice kept its gentle beat and softer tone as her right hand wiggled in the bag for a moment, even as she took a piece of one of the tightly-packed sticks of jerky from the bag and gently held it out to the little ghost Pokemon. Not something of a food item that Sir Lopsalot would like or could eat, which was a bit peturbing to he but perhaps also fortunate at the moment, though the food itself had a distinctly smoky and likewise not entirely unpleasant smell of few choice seasonings and herbs that had been applied to it.

Er, it was not much of an offering at least. An offering to a ghost though? Hmm. Odd enough as it was to attempt in-person, but she'd heard of offerings to the dead from some of her grandmother's friends back in Agate Village. Maybe this would be a good idea for the moment?

Still, the Pokemon here before her overtly seemed curious and not hostile, at least, which was something. Not unless her attempt to better read the room pulled up anything else passively from it here. Still, the first thing that had come to mind was a gentler approach. Non-hostile body language. The sort of thing she'd used on Sir Lopsalot when he had begun to recover first.


Well, Sir Lopsalot certainly wasn't going to be happy about this in any case it seemed, but he was at least holding to her side rather than going any farther forward for the moment. A moment of restraint that the psychic hoped would last for the time being, at least if things went well at all in this attempt to keep the peace and such until backup arrived.


I've got just my WIP for the noble thus far, which I will put below if anyone's interested! Most of it is done, but just finished what I was going to do for tonight and wanted to put it somewhere to remind me to finish later. XD

@Izurich@Fading Memory@HylianRose

Still waiting on GM's response, but I'll let you know that I'm ok with the Underground serving as the main villain group.

@Crusader Lord

If you're having second thoughts, I could always relocate Esme's house and it won't bother me, or at least work around your idea for a united Scandinavia.

You're fine! All is good, and I think I am getting back on the right track now at least when making something as well.
So ultimately I maaaaaay have just realized I have written myself into a corner, and will need to in the end redo my noble idea from scratch.

My noble idea has come to revolve around the idea of a United Scandinavia under an empire, which to put it most simply and not get too wordy ended up with a really powerful absolutist royal family and basically powerless (politically) nobility. Etc. (Insert overthinking and overcomplicating things here because history is fun to learn about and look up). However, this all ended up being written in a bit of a vacuum mostly, due to work IRL and such going on and the like.

Thus I am only now just realizing that my ideas clash with background stuff in Esme's lore. And I am a silly goose who overthought the whole thing to a point that now I feel a little ridiculous. So I think I'm going to take the easier solution for me at this venture, as well as in hindsight, and just try for making a simpler idea for my Noble character. XD

But for the moment, as of writing this post, it is time to sleep. Maybe.
I've sketched a knight character but I am struggling with a good name. I feel like the name kind of sets up everything else... Maybe we can crowdsource ideas based on what I came up with?

Charlie for the 'either sex can use it' nature of the name. Nice and stealthier~

So, excluding completed chars (accepted or not), what we publicly know to be in the works:
- @Crowvette's Noble
- @Fading Memory's Noble
- @Crusader Lord's Noble
- @Expendable's Noble
- @Kero's Knight
- @The Savant's Knight

Did I miss anyone?

I am also in the works on a knight! :D

And....this week has been irl work busy like heck, working tomorrow too, and Saturday I'll be gone all day on irl distant-family-assisting business. XD
I've been tossing around the concept for a boyish/reverse trap knight, but that's about as far as I've gotten. It might be too on the nose.

As long as you have fun with it, i'd think, all is good! :D
@HylianRose So I've worked out a decent bit of the app for my Scandinavian Prince/Noble, as it were, but the idea hinges a bit on him having a sixth skill that is "Expert" while the rest are Journeyman, Apprentice, and Novice in kind. Is this acceptable, or should I switch ideas to make someone different who isn't a physically frailer veritable savant in some field who is coming to the school? I didn't even include him having a singular talent to try to compensate, but idk if that works.

Though thinking on things, I am also curious.....since we are short knights for the most part, would it better fit if I just made a knight instead to help the numbers? I also want to check this, in case as GM you feel we really do need some more balancing in numbers here. Because either way I don't mind, and my knight might be a simpler thing to write than my current noble. lol. XD

I think the most haunting thing to Millie would be a Hapsburg.

I think the most haunting things to a Hapsburg in turn would be a healthy genetic variance, normal-sized jawlines, and a random Serb with a gun. Based on historical evidence at least.

But that is as mean as I'll get with history.

<Snipped quote by Crusader Lord>

That is a hilarious image in my head. Everyone fighting about who is Rome.

The Byzantines, grabbing the mic: "Are you even truly ROMAN if you aren't constantly backstabbing each other, literally that is, in the political sphere and otherwise? Can you truly be ROMAN, if you aren't an utter beauracratic nightmare to navigate? Are you even truly ROMAN, unless you are having a generations-long beef with some big nation in the middle east? HMM?! HMMMM?!?!"

*drops mic, walks off, and then has a ddedicated 'mic picker-upper' servant pick it up so as to not leave a mess behind*
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