Matches by random are:
Zachary Abraham Campbell - Aleister
Faust Arzt - Aeleisa Petrides,
Sara Kimito - Light Void , Niyoki Tennaris
Elizabeth Rose Tyler - Azael, Ragna Wolfang
Charles Urdien - Melissa
Now please note these are not final, as per the anime series you may request a transfer IC to another household, however to do this will require an in character Interview. We are still accepting more, as thus more humans may decide to join which if they do it would be great, and some of the existing monsters may request a transfer for what ever reason to a new home, if they don't get along with their host family or any of the likes.
as for now I am going to begin working on the IC post so that we can actually make a headway with this RP and not just sit in the OOC talking about it :D
Any questions do feel free to message me.