Rendition: Enchantment is the magical ability that manipulates magic essence, which in turn affects the physical. To avoid Alchemy vs Enchantment confusion, the former only modifies extrinsic properties that are outward while Enchantment does it for intrinsic properties that are inward. As such, Enchanters have occupancy to become Celestial Spirit Mages or a Slayer, Enchanters are also adept in producing and learning Spiria, faster than anyone else, at their peak, they make the constellations bend to their will.
Enchanters are the most common Magic Denomination.
Take Over Magic is the process of internally altering one's soul after absorbing the magic essence of a sentient construct, in return, the Mage can invoke an advanced transformation by becoming the being themselves.
Reijutsu aka Spiritual Arts is the most common use of Enchantment, the people of Elentir produces Spiria-based magic cores, warranting them the title of White Mage.
Celestial Spirit Magic & its branch,
Heavenly Body Magic.
Devil Slayer Magic is the magic of exorcism , Angels are the Allfather Ankhseram's personal enforcers of his divine law. The Angels teach Devil Slayer Magic to their Exorcist, thus exhibiting angelic eyes to see the cup of evil, a concept that measures the level of sin in a person. The greater the sin, the more effective Devil Slayer Magic becomes, hence making it the perfect magic to kill Devils, Demons and Etherious.
Devil Slayers leave no room for Devils, Demons and Etherious to live, even against beings perceived as evil. When they defeat their Devils, they can consume their souls, imprisoning them against their will inside the body of the Devil Slayer, and for each absorbed soul, it'd appear like a series of tattoos/black markings. These black markings, greatly enhance the Devil Slayer, since it will allow them to use the abilities of their absorbed enemies into holy artifacts or outright spellcasting in tandem.
Their element delivers emotional damage like penance and it's difficult to extinguish.
God Slayer Magic is taught by Gods to their Champions, their element is divine and always black in color with its natural hues. When a God inhabits their God Slayer, they are neither being, they become an entirely new person, different from the two mix while maintaining a synchro-balance of godhood and humanity. The purpose of God Slayers is to destroy False Gods, Idols and heretic magic architecture like the Tower of Babel, they also erect Lacrima Towers as a Church, more followers means more power.
Dragon Slayer Magic is taught by Dragons to their Dragon Slayer, of all Slayers, they have the highest elememtal resistance, bordering imperviousness to magic as they age until 700 due to their tough scale-like skin. The purpose of Dragons are to destroy worlds, nations and ethnic groups of people who have committed blasphemy against Ankhseram, they are the most destructive form of Slayers. They destroy those who are far too gone in the Black Arts.
Dual Modes, all Slayers have a learning curve for Dual Element Modes within their respective Attribute that they're initially born with.
Forces, Dragon Force turns one into a Dragon, Angel Force turns one into an Angel, God Force turns one into a God.
Covenant · Neither Slayers can eat each other's elements because they're different forms of Slayer Magic, Natsu's asspull of emptying his magic container is irrelevant here. Slayers cannot learn a different form of Slayer Magic either.