Avatar of Danyel


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7 hrs ago
Current The Sword of God
13 days ago
I am a God even though I'm a man of God, so y'all better quit playing God, I am a God, get the Porsche outta the dam. Garage!
1 like
1 mo ago
I'm free
2 mos ago
I am vengeance.
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2 mos ago
Having the right Players in your RPs and yourself at heart goes a long way, I thank everyone.


You Will Know As You Watch Me...

I recognize what I can control and cannot in a situation but that doesn't mean I'll be easily giving up.

In doing so, I determine my reaction to crises including others, so I may display objectivity and compassion.

I may ignore people, dominated by their negativity but not fully, I extend compassion to those who badly needs it, carefully at the same time.

I continuously master myself to be virtuous.

Learning to move on may be tough but it's a necessity to be the storm that approaches!

To the people I've worked with, good or bad:
I was Masaki Haruna and Floch, I'm not gonna be ashamed for who I was.

Everything will be in Keikaku.

Most Recent Posts


@Iamme@Dragon Arts@Digmata@Gerlando@BlackMaiden
@Letter Bee@The Man Emperor@Aku the Samurai@JrVader@Paingodsson

I am here to thank you for your earnest participation in this RP, Just Another Hero for this past 3 months, we all had our ups and downs but regardless, I'm grateful for y'all sticking towards the end and for believing in each other, believing in us, including whatever RPs will Urizen Productions that you're partaking.

We are about to end this first arc and will head to the next, the upcoming posts y'all be making with me are going to be its contents.

I love y'all.

Keyaru brushed off whatever's left of Kaiga's supermove, unscathed.

He felt the mental tremor emitting from Kanako, whose mindbase was directed to one his Eight Bullets. Unless she's human, death was a one way ticket but far be it from humanity, despite the world-shattering pains, her nomu-bioengineered body maintained the integrity of her mind & body. Keyaru smiled and quickly eliminated Kanako by temporarily disabling her Quirk with his own Antiquirk Pistol, never was there a need to use his Quirks against children, his withdrawing of artillery was too fast for the naked eye to see. Gazing upon the remaining Heroes, he intends to kill all of them except Kanako & Matsuru.

Suddenly, black feathers prevented his quick-witted reflexes, knowing well not to react poorly against Ravens.

Keyaru remained calm & in-control of the situation, he proceeded blitzing Ravens, who could react to his fast-pacing movements. Against a winged hero, remaining on guard is something crucial, having fought not just Hawks but also his Agents to a standstill, Keyaru knew that at any given moment, underhanded tactics is his WP and that diversion on all sides was a given. Before he knew it so, Keyaru has fallen prey to the illusion of Ravens, who not only quickly evacuated the wounded at the level of Hawks speed.

Keyaru's impressed that there were still Heroes of that caliber.

It's clear to him that not only the wounded was evacuated to safety but also the civilians and Kanako herself, leaving him inclined to believe that Ravens knew of his plot to take Kanako from the Heroes, who Ravens flew away with Hebi in tow.

"As expected of the #2 Hero and successor of Hawks."

He saw that Matsuru's body has revived & slowly regaining his conscience, Keyaru deduced that Matsuru had Yusuke's Quirk, feeding off the recently copied Super Regeneration Quirk.

Ants after another, Rin arrived and froze him off of his tracks.

Both had eye contact, Rin wasn't showing any signs of fear but only hatred against Keyaru.

Unfortunately, she was knocked out by surprise by his redhead henchman, Rin was impaled by photokinetic light spears, who then shifted her attention towards Haru & Yusuke.

Yusuke once again served as a meatshield to Haru.

"You owe me two for this!"

"Lisara, do not entertain, go forth, I don't need you here." Keyaru reprimanded his henchman not to kill the students, Lisara disappeared.

Reality crumbled as space altered into a concised form.

The Heroes across the other locations got transported into the same place as Keyaru, his henchmen was also nowhere to be found, as his henchmen settled their scores with the Proheroes.

Keyaru glared at Akira, Mei, Yui, Amaya, Matsuru, Haru, Yusuke, Chinmoku, Hikari, Rin, Kazuki & Ria as he released an invisible field of force that threw off their gravity, they were being crushed by the weight of the gravity, they were also receiving images of death.

"Eirei Heroes, let this be a warning to never intervene with my business, Endeavor made a mistake, retiring without a proper successor." Within that confined domain space, there appeared a gigantic fireball, coming in fast like a meteor.

Within that confined domain space, we could see the buildings, crumbling and falling as debris, burning and melting.

Besides the crushing weight of gravity that was pulling them down, restraining them forcefully, along with the imagery of death, they could also feel their throat, burning from the intense scorching atmosphere as the fireball drew closer and closer...

The space domain is a sealed and contained area, only those inside will be obliterated into cinders while the outside world is unaffected.

You can't run because Keyaru is here.

Keyaru stood atop, whether this was a godly display of power or not, either they live or die.

What're his intentions?

Is it over for our Heroes or will there be someone to save them?
We all have that attention span deficit, asking what is even going on, as your beloved Gamemaster, Chairman of Brainrot, my Covenant of Comasters, moving forward will be doing what I do, post summary count, this is member retention quality and because I love y'all.

Always remember, we are all equals fighting for the same cause and when there's a break needed, we will commit Unlimited Break Works!

Being honestly upfront with each other helps, that's why I love y'all. To tell you honestly, my way of doing things though questionably fourth-wally, is a matter of care and love, I am the Honored One and y'all are the Chosen Ones.

This is a moment of sacred text and not a means to rush anyone.

Long story short, Fenix Tear had breakfast and discussed about the things to come, they had interactions like a daily morning routine. Each played their roles according to how they act, an example of it Jericho being the gallant, hanging out with just about everyone in the guild with his cutesy athlecism in the speed of darkness. Ceri being our moe-moe little etherious, Amaya being our resident wisewoman, Gwen doing Alchemy things with Ayuna & Zeire. Meanwhile, Azuria having private moments with her trusted set of S-Classes on a critical mission that's an S-Class, hoping that it may change the tide of the demonic fog raids.

Jaina, Shinra & Reina initially not told about the true nature of their Quest was then explained by Weisz, one of the Hitmen & members of Azuria's Blackops Squad. In the long run, it's revealed that their Quest is the same as what Team Eris will be partaking, and to standing still of twist, Amaya joins the Quest, making her a partner in crime with Reuel. Our lonesome Craftsman, being the best at his job as more than a craftsman, is the best Blackops Squad member, had connections, network of informants from the Icebergan vantage point. Reuel and Amaya then encountered a Thought Projection of Azuria, who gave them proper details of their Quest, shockingly, Fortuna being corrupted may soon meet its desolating fate.

There's also a meeting prior everyone's deployment.

Gwen & Lucas duke it out offscreen and will be seen in Digmata's post.
NTL: Filipino | FAC: Mafia | AGE: 19y.o

Noble Arms





Source Material

Iceberg | Fylkirlén | Main Capital | Castle Blüdenfort
As the air to the bird & sea to the fish, so is contempt to the contemptible.
Nothing but agonizing wailing from a seemingly innocent woman has cried within the confines of the fortress, the woman was devil-possessed as she was floating and speaking an alien language so gibberish.

She dressed in white, she was beautiful yet was eerie, three priests from the Holy Magic Council of White Creed were speaking in tongues yet couldn't exorcise the target. Switching to the scene, multiple priests were alarmed about the situation, the bells were erratic, ominously ringing, clanging & banging, its sound waves to & fro was seen, glistening reverberating. Footsteps to the exorcism chambers are heard, stomping, thumping, over & over, over & over, over & over again, hurriedly zooming to the direction of the fracturedly blended souls.

The next scene had the Priestly Choir with their homilies, chanting, chanting, chanting.

Im Namen An-ḫkseraam
Und zum Sohn, Zeref
Zum Heiligen Geist


(Repeated 7x)

Singing, chanting, mumbling, muttering and all sorts of deceleration to cast out the stinking malevolent soul inside the woman.

All for none, neither of it were working, if anything it barely did anything, it amounted to stalling the inevitable as the holy set began seeing creeping things of unholy objects. Heads were popping, blood was pulsating and maniacal cackling heard from the woman as if it's not her own voice.

"In the name of Allfather, and his sonful incarnation, Zeref and the Holy Ghost, we cast you out!" The Main Priest, Father Luke cannot do anything, he was on the receiving end of a laughing stock as he took the woman's green vomit with carpentry tools like nails.

But then the Devil Slayer arrived.

Fylkirlén Church's Divine Executioner

Hear me
Obey me
Revere me

For Allfather God Ankhseram ordained the heavenly hosts through his sonly incarnation, Zeref as the Holy Ghost dwelleth upon Elentir.

Throughout the Angelicals of the Aluhim, the Hajahim & the Gordohim, they have made their decision, the verdict of the Gods resent you, unforgiven, thou Dragon Gods lay their judgment upon this rock, you are unworthy to dwell upon the living, repent and be baptized — receive this mercy in Mount Zonia

Im Namen An-ḫkseraam
Und zum Sohn, Zeref
Zum Heiligen Geist


Pastor Vergil laid his hands upon the possessed woman, a flash of beaming light can be seen all the way from the sky and outside, it's as if his flames, fractured the structure of spacetime.

White flames can only be seen after the purification.
The man then reported to the next scene, it was the throne room of the Isenlord, the ruler of Iceberg.

"Lady Setsuka, I take it that this wailing is our actual prospect, God Zagrebal by the extension of God Rajabel, doesn't take kindly to traitors yet I see that this woman was brought by Moiselle Liv, Mortal Sinners either be exorcized or judged by hellfire for this was the traitor that leaked info to Fenix Tear."

Jester of Isenlord
Suddenly, crows made out of darkness emerged from the ground.

"Kekkakakakakajaja!" Brandon in his ghastly entrance, not just stripped the handmaidens of the Isenlord but also devoured then, eating and leaving them without a trace.

"Sinner? Ain't the world not perfect, Pastor? It's better to sin, in order to overcome sin! Darkness can only be overcome by those who knows darkness, like the starry skies in the cosmos, those shining stars of Mother Cosmos in the end will be devoured by darkness for that's their life cycle in space! Like a Dragon who eats in full."

KKK Member — White Mage

Sinners? There's no such thing as sin to the KKK, gentlemen. With her eye magic, candles begin to float and as their fuel was blood, and then the exploding blood, opened portals to eat the remaining corpses into the portal.

Avalon Skyline | Licensed Manaburst Aircraft: Pandora
@Digmata@Rune_Alchemist@King Kindred@Deide@Polaris North@JrVader

A Private Blimp owned by the wealthy, Gwen Óðnskaðe, she argued through thick and thin with her father for Fenix Tear to use it. The Blimp is running on autopilot and everyone is made comfortable except for Jericho, which Gwen intended on purpose as to get him to behave. A Blimp like this is controlled by the speed of thought that's channeled via mind Lacrima receivers.

It didn't take long Gwen to take the Blimp but she certainly was quicker to argue with Lucas just as the living legends: Gray Freagarthach & Natsu Vortigern did. This all went up the richter scale because whatever Lucas said to Gwen, just made her go nuts. The fight was eventually broken up by Eris and Ifrit.

Gwen and Lucas are sealed inside a runic room setup by Ifrit, it looks normal but the barriers are invisible and see through. It can't be dispelled easily like standard runes because these are chronorunic solid scriptures that Ifrit developed during his time in the White Creed. Mostly a spell to counter Dark Mages, Rogue Mages and the KKK, a typical action between Gwen and Lucas, these two just can't get along and argue every damn time.

"Wanna have another go, Luckyboi? I am sick and tired of your crap since we got here." Gwen is stuck with Lucas without her clothes in the said entrapment rune, in the background we see that the flooring and the walls are dented since both of them had been shooting spells at each other, they just have minor bruises from said spells.

"Our groups will be split into two ways and I can't believe I'd be stuck with you, Bookface! Though I'm glad you can't make rules up because this isn't a library. If I can't beat you up with magic, let's settle this with our fists...unless being a Gutenberg means you can't hit a woman! Gwen was mad that Azuria has decreed what it meant earlier.

Icebergan Envoy, Lucian Aigad, asked Eris and Ifrit, his voice is monotonous. It's about to be a three hour journey, mind you that Reuel's group is three hours ahead of us in this Quest, so this segment was more of a flashback of what's to come.

"Are these two always like this?" Lucian Aigad is a Mage from Iceberg, Team Eris's informant and one of Ifrit's colleagues in the White Creed.

His wife, Rei Aigad, tended to the motion sickness of Jericho with her Healing Magic while their children were playing with Nirvana, the Exceed.

"I dunno how to tell you two about the details of the Quest, would you kindly so free up Lady Óðnskaðe and Sir Gutenberg first, so we can have a proper briefing."

Chancellor Elektra interrupted Lucian and winked at Eris.

"I'm just a Thought Projection, I figured Ifrit should take Gwen and Lucas with him while Eris takes Jericho, Ayuna and that Demon Child with her. Personally, I prefer the groups don't split unless it's their discretion based on the situation that calls for it." Some things don't change, Elektra though an ally of Fenix Tear, her hatred for Demons remains high and racist against Ceri.

"What's wrong Eris? You look pale, did you see a ghost." Elektra held Eris by the chin like this.
and chose violence
Iceberg, Adalborg - Fortuna
@Aku the Samurai@Letter Bee@Sho Minazuki@BlackMaiden

Adalborg is a seaboard checkpoint in Pergrande between the two crossroads, either Iceberg or Snaerverold. It's a port that is not far from Port Camlann, traversed only by boat at its capital, Fortuna, a zealous town that worships Angels. Or so they say, [Kay-Kay-Kay] KKK.

Set apart from the rest, the lone craftsmen was reaching his destination, for he knew the job must be done.

For standard travelers, it may take three days to get around the seaboard and for Adventurers, 7 hours, but not for those with specific skillsets that make them built different. Among those unique mages are the S-Class for they muster advanced spells like Teleportation and their level far eclipses any Mage in Elentir excluding the Seven Star Saints. It'd take a whooping 7 minutes by foot with their exceptional teleportation to casually waltz from Pergrande to Adalborg. Although inferior to the S-Class, the A-Class are no pushovers, except that it takes them four hours to get to Adalborg, they are to travel by a Manaburst Aircraft Blimp that's licensed to reach Adalborg & show their travel pass.

Reuel was given specific instructions by Guildmaster Azuria and while it's no different from busting KKK Cultists, his rendezvous point is none other than the Order of The White Creed and its credible informants, vital for this Quest.

In the same vein, it was Azuria's backup decision that's mixed with grieving intent of Amaya to have her partake the urgent Quest.

A Though Projection of Azuria was briefly with Amaya and Reuel.
"I sensed how far corruption has tainted Fortuna. It's my prerogative that both of you are here. I'll set the record straight in the name of Ankhseram and as a Devil Slayer before my mercy as your Guildmaster." Azuria knew what's bound to happen.

"Remember Reuel, bring me the the Baron and his family with you, alive, find whatever valuable information and wipe out the KKK Branch that controls this town." Azuria reiterated his mission.

"I understand your grievances for Iceberg that's not far from here. However, in the name of Ankhseram and Archangel Zarathos, the Angel who bestowed me authority to judge the living and the dead as the Spirit of Justice and Vengeance, Amaya Aurora Vanisis, I will compel you to destroy this town after Reuel returns with his prospects by sun down, I will sound the Trump--..." She took a deep breath and sighed, knowing how unfortunate Fortuna will soon be.

"No. YOU will decide whether or not to destroy this hopeless town. Lest God Ankhseram deem it far too gone."

Azuria Rutines is a Guildmaster, a leader who fights alongside her Guildmates, a warrior who fight alongside her men.
Few Moments Later

Fortuna, Ballroom Dance

"Bonjour, long time no see Monsieur Reuel and pleased to meet you Moiselle Amaya. I am Lestat de Drualac, your informant for le mishon." The young Vampire from the White Creed introduced himself.

The Vampire then used Archive Magic, flashing his prospects of the Quest including a fancy artifact that looks like two canine gauntlets.

"Le download Requip inside your minds, undercover zis mishon is. Fake Identities to be used, give it to me and I will make true of le names in registrar. Use Requip for ze Ballroom clothes, you will find Baron. Kenji Juntao amidst the crowd but beware, le KKK Territory this establishment is. It's rare for Monsieur Reuel to bring nice lady ehh, so unlikely, is Moiselle Amaya le fiancee?" The young Vampire, who was one of Reuel's informants, taunted him.

Suddenly, a flash of light glistened.

"Duke de Drualac, we found these two without passes." Referring to Shinra and Jaina.

Two Bouncer Vampires got Jaina and Shinra on their grip and they're magically dampened with magic dampening cuffs.

Not so long ago...
Weisz trolled Shinra and Jaina by mentally manipulating their minds with illusion magic, giving them the impression that they got their Ballroom passes.

"Trèspaia? They will be dinner for tonight!"

Some things just don't go as planned.
Fenix Tear, Guild Hall

𝐴nd so all our breadbaskets has been satiated in a heartily climax upon a daybreak sup, a casual daily smashing to fill the gut and quench the thirst like Accountants nibbling or gobbling to focus on the time ticking edgings known as Quests.

Deliberately steadfast, our phoenixes having marked their quests, neck to neck were like eager headhunters ready to make ends meat. Prior leaving the comfort zone, Azuria summoned those who were inside the premises except for those who've departed to their Quests. Master expressed all her sermons, bluntly delivering the bad news with the good news being saved for last.

Clearly, the sermon was a sign of holy indignation & tough love, Azuria had suspended Lucas from librarian duties because of Sabertooth Guildmaster Minerva having exposed his misdeeds via Lacrismart footage. Although an elaborate punishment, it's only light for a month, Ifrit despite not being told was also released from librarian duties for a lighter sentence of two weeks while Zeire incurred enough infractions that's worth a year cuz'of restricted section. Then there's Rena & Shinra who wasn't around, even though she's a day old member, Azuria didn't tolerate her brainrot B-Cuber livestreaming in the library.

First impressions be damned.

Shinra though amicable to everyone was only banned for a day and because of his judge of a character, Azuria revoked Rena and Shinra's bans immediately.

Just as how swift Azuria think, she immediately added more sentence duration for Lucas to a year just as Zeire, while so praising him for his hardwork, lifting his ban and turned into a vacation equivalent.

"No buts. You may enter the library but your powers are nonexistent, you may enter thrice a month, you need to be in shape and be more active in the outside world. From now on, for the whole year, you're with Gwen & Jericho." Azuria thought of a way of making Lucas more productive since he was at odds with Gwen and the noisy people in the library, this was the perfect opportunity.

"I have spoiled you Zeire. I wanted you to be better. Perhaps, the B-Class has made you complacent, you will be B-Class no longer after Crime Sorcière returns from their 100 Years Quest." Azuria was fuming at this point.

"Zeire, you and Ceri will take the A Trials with Crime Sorcière once they are back. I am contemplating disbanding B-Classes and will make the recruitment criteria to A. I am not mad, I am just disappointed and see this as a necessity, Pergrande no matter how you hide from it, is continuously at war with the Demons. His Majesty is desperate for quicker manpower."

Azuria sighed and caught her breath.

The S-Classes weren't present during the meeting because they're deployed except for Amaya who was in the Library and likely with her enhanced senses can hear every word.

Azuria turned her attention to the A-Classes, she used her Lacrismart to transmit thought projection that reached all the way to Port Camlann. "Jaina, Shinra. You thought it was Reuel? Not really. Kinda. You two will take convoy on Iceberg, in tally, this is an S-Class Quest and the both of you will pave the way for Reuel. The both of you will not just beat up a KKK, I want one alive and apprehended and taken to the Guild. Weisz will be giving specific targets.

Ceri remains unpunished.

End of Flashback.
@Lugubrious My name kinda said it all.

If it gets taken anyway, I'll think of something else.
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