Location: Building 1: Ground floor, Reception
Interactions: @LupusIntus
Theria stood in the center of the reception area, her sharp gaze scanning the space as the small blue slime wobbled at her side. The evening had taken an unsettling turn, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that something larger was at play. The flicker of the desk lamp and the murmurs of the cafeteria crowd added to her growing tension.
The sound of a light cough pulled her from her thoughts. Max, who she had seen go to the restaurant, was now approaching the desk. Upon hearing that Max had come to tell her, Theria groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Of course. Why wouldn’t the fridge break, too? Thanks Max.” she muttered.
Theria leaned heavily against the desk, her mind racing. Dishwasher, phones, TV, fridge—what was happening to the building? Her snakes, sensing her stress, also started to stir restlessly on her head.
Her thoughts spiraled, jumping from one issue to the next. Could it be a magical surge? An internal sabotage? A fault in the building’s infrastructure? Every possibility seemed worse than the last.
The sharp ring of the phone startled her, making her jump slightly. The blue slime at her feet wobbled in reaction. Theria snatched up the receiver, her voice tight with urgency. “Theria here.”
“Finally got this blasted thing working.” came Guz’s raspy voice, his tone gruff but triumphant. “Landlines are back up.”
“Thank the Fates...” Theria said, exhaling a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding while also pressing the hands-free button. “Guz, you’re on speaker. It’s me and Max here. You wouldn’t believe the mess...”
“Save it.” Guz interrupted. “I already know. Dishwasher, phones, fridge, probably more by now. It’s gremlins, Theria. Saw the little pests scurrying around the wiring in the maintenance tunnels.”
Theria stiffened. “Gremlins? Are you sure?”
“Positive. Probably slipped in through one of the service vents.” Guz grumbled. “They’re chewing through wires, messing with circuits, the whole works. I’ve started setting traps, but it’s gonna take a while to get rid of ’em all.”
Theria rubbed her temple. “Gremlins...” she repeated, her voice flat. “Of course it’s gremlins.”
“Best advice?” Guz continued. “Keep everyone out of the maintenance areas, and try not to let anything important fall apart while I deal with this. And, uh, might want to warn the residents—those little guys love shiny stuff.”
“Understood.” Theria said, her tone clipped. “Do what you can, Guz. I’ll see how I can help from up here.”
“Sure thing.” Guz replied before hanging up with a loud click.
Theria lowered the receiver and stared at it for a moment. Gremlins. Just what she needed. Straightening, she looked toward Max and the cafeteria.
“All right. Max, could you tell Borkus what’s happening? Maybe also warn the residents in the restaurant. I’m going to check the manual for what to do in these cases.”
She glanced down at the little blue slime, who tilted slightly as if awaiting instructions.
“Regina, you’re probably watching...” she said. “Guz may need help finding the gremlins. Can you send your little ones to him?”
Without a sound, the little slime merely started moving towers the outside of the reception area, a sign that Regina had heard the request.
After that, Theria opened the cabinet named “emergencies” and flipped through the various files until she found the Gremlin section. She took a quick read through it and gasped... This couldn’t be right...
Borkus, standing near the fridge, noticed the arrival of Miyuki and Yumeiko through the small service window. They had arrived, and even though it was going to be a surprise, he felt the need to apologize to them. He motioned for Gurnak to follow him while also making sure that someone else was not taking over the soup.He stomped toward the dining area, where a lively assortment of mythical beings was enjoying their meals. Clapping his hands together, his voice boomed over.
"Listen up, everyone!" Borkus’s voice carried a mixture of authority and weary determination. "We got a bit of a situation in the kitchen. Fridge gave up the ghost on me… no offense to any ghosts present… and a bunch of tonight’s supplies are shot. Menu’s gonna be a little limited." He glanced around the room, his ears twitching with frustration. "But don’t you worry! Me and the team are gonna do our best to make sure you’ve all got your fill. Just bear with us, yeah?"
After the notice, Borkus exhaled heavily and made his way to Miyuki and Yumeiko. "Ladies..." he began, clearing his throat. "I had somethin’ planned for ya tonight. A surprise dinner. Somethin’ real special." He rubbed the back of his neck, his ears still twitching. "But the fridge... it gave out on me. Everything spoiled. The tuna sashimi, the dashi broth, even the tempura I had prepped. It’s all gone."
Borkus continued, his tone now slightly softened. "I wanted it to be perfect for ya, but it ain’t happenin’ tonight. I’ll make it up to ya tomorrow, though. Fresh ingredients, the works. That’s a promise."
Gurnak chimed in, his voice a low rumble. "Boss’ll have it ready. Even better than what he planned for tonight."
Borkus nodded firmly. "Yeah. I’ll make sure it’s worth the wait. But for now... I’m sorry. I really wanted this to be somethin’ special."