Location: Building 1: Ground floor, Reception
Borkus->@Xaltwind, @CitrusArms, @LupusIntus
The Mischief Accord.
Theria scanned the emergency manual quickly, her heart sinking as she read the terms. The gremlins had been invited to take up residence in Umbra Rose decades ago. In exchange for their dwelling rights, they were to cause controlled mischief at random intervals, sparking a game among the residents. The agreement dictated that the gremlins could wreak havoc for a limited time, and residents were tasked with hunting them down. Prizes would be awarded based on how many gremlins were captured and delivered to the front desk.
She slammed the book shut, her snakes stirring restlessly on her head. “Unbelievable,” she muttered. “They turned chaos into a game.”
Theria walked to the intercom system, her fingers brushing against the ancient microphone. She pressed the button, the system crackling to life as her voice resonated throughout the building. Thankfully, it was working.
“Attention, residents of Umbra Rose,” she began, her tone professional despite her simmering frustration. “This is Theria. I need your attention for an important announcement regarding tonight’s... inconveniences.”
She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. “The disruptions you’ve experienced tonight are part of an old accord between Umbra Rose and its resident gremlins. As outlined in the Mischief Accord, these gremlins are permitted to cause random mischief, and it is your task to capture them. This is a sanctioned event, and prizes will be awarded based on the number of gremlins delivered to the front desk.”
The intercom crackled as she let the information sink in for a moment. “Here are the rules. Captured gremlins must be alive and unharmed. Bring any you can find to the front desk for counting. Once all the gremlins have been captured, or time is up, the resident with the most captures will receive the grand prize. There will be additional prizes for runners-up. The time limit is midnight. The grand prize today is a voucher for a free item from the outside world. A new appliance... a new couch... a new smartphone... You name it.”
Her voice steadied, becoming sharper. “I expect everyone to handle this responsibly. If you have questions, I’ll be at the front desk. Happy hunting.”
She could already hear the sounds of excitement bubbling up from the cafeteria. Chairs scraped, voices rose in laughter and challenge, and the building came alive with an electric energy. Residents, from harpies to goblins, were gearing up for the hunt.
Theria slank into her chest, steeling herself for what was bound to be a long and chaotic night. “Let the games begin,” she said under her breath, just as the first resident burst into the lobby, grinning and holding up a squirming, disgruntled gremlin.
Borkus gave a small, apologetic bow to the two oriental ladies. "Thank ya kindly for understandin’,
" he said, stepping back from their table. "I’ll have a quick curry rice prepared for ya. It’s not the feast I promised, but I’ll make sure it’s somethin’ worth your time. Tomorrow, I’ll make sure it’s a meal worth rememberin’. Tonight... well, we’ll make do."
As he turned to leave, he felt something brush against his side. His eyes widened slightly, but when he glanced around, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Shrugging it off as the bustling of the dining room, he made his way toward the kitchen. The sounds of the residents laughing, chattering, and speculating on the "mischief" spread through the hall, making Borkus even more anxious to get to work.
As he pushed through the swinging kitchen doors, he muttered under his breath. "This day just keeps gettin’ better and better." He barely had time to pick up his ladle before he heard a voice calling out to him from the counter.
Borkus turned, his brow furrowing in irritation as he spotted Max, the human receptionist, calling him out from the counter. With a groan, he set down his ladle. "Hold the fort, Gurnak. I’ll be right back."
He stomped over to Max, wiping his hands on his apron. "What’s the big deal, Max? Can’t ya see I’m up to my neck in work here?"
Right after that, a crackle from the intercom filled the air. Theria’s voice echoed through the kitchen and beyond.
"Attention, residents of Umbra Rose," she began, her tone calm yet commanding. "This is Theria. I need your attention for an important announcement regarding tonight’s... inconveniences."
Borkus raised an eyebrow, glancing back at Gurnak, who had paused mid-slice to listen.
"The disruptions you’ve experienced tonight are part of an old accord between Umbra Rose and its resident gremlins. As outlined in the Mischief Accord, these gremlins are permitted to cause random mischief, and it is your task to capture them. This is a sanctioned event, and prizes will be awarded based on the number of gremlins delivered to the front desk..."
The rest of the announcement played out as Borkus crossed his arms, his face contorting into a mix of confusion and irritation. When the intercom finally clicked off, he turned to Max with a confused look, motioned for him to follow and then stomped back toward the kitchen.
"Gurnak," Borkus started, his voice low with frustration, "what in Tartarus is she talkin’ about? Gremlins? Mischief Accord? What kinda nonsense is this?"
Gurnak chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound. "Ah, boss, you weren’t here for the last one. It’s a gremlin hunt. The residents love it. Catchin’ the little buggers, bringin’ ’em to the front desk... good fun for them. Keeps the mood light, y’know?"
"Light?!" Borkus barked, throwing up his hands. "I’m runnin’ a kitchen, Gurnak, not some circus! And now I gotta deal with gremlins makin’ a mess on top of a busted fridge?"
Gurnak grinned, unbothered by Borkus’s tirade. "Aye, it’s a pain. But you’ll see—it’s good for the residents. Gets ’em movin’, gives ’em somethin’ to do. And by the end of the night, they’ll all be talkin’ about how much fun they had."
Borkus grumbled, running a hand down his face. "Fine, fine. If it keeps ’em outta my hair, then so be it. But if one of those little gremlins gets in here and touches my pots, there’ll be Tartarus to pay!"
Gurnak smirked, returning to his chopping. "I’ll keep an eye out, boss. You might even enjoy it. Residents gettin’ along, havin’ a laugh—it’s good for the place."
Borkus snorted, grabbing his ladle again. "I’ll believe it when I see it, Gurnak. Now get those carrots diced. Limited menu or not, people still gotta eat." He then turned back to Max. "Now what did you need Max?"
As the kitchen settled back into its rhythm, the faint sound of laughter and excited chatter from the dining hall hinted that the building was already alive with the thrill of the hunt.