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"Myrr" Velasien

--- Center of Settlement -> Springwood Forest ---

Interactions: @Zeroth @Remram

The morning sun filtered through the slender trees as Myrravel walked alongside Brom and Akitsugu, her eyes constantly scanning the path they were taking for any kind of plants she could use. She kept a close distance to her companions, still a bit reserved with the strangers, but feeling secure in the company. She watched as a monster she was familiar with, a slime, blue in color, appeared in the distance. This brought back memories of when she was learning her trade with her grandmother.

"You know," she said, looking carefully at the slime, "even creatures like slimes can be quite useful in alchemy. Their residue, when properly processed, creates an excellent binding agent for certain pot-"

She stopped mid-sentence, her eyes widening as she spotted something among the undergrowth. "Oh! Stinging nettle!" Already reaching for her satchel, she took a few eager steps toward the patch of tall, serrated-leaf plants. "This is perfect - it's excellent for reducing inflammation and the young leaves can be used for tea. Though we'll need gloves to harvest it properly..."

As Akitsugu turned to her, she immediately started studying the trees around them with a practiced eye. "These are all birch trees. We can use them for smoking, but they'll need to be treated properly first. If we go deeper into the forest, we might find oak or cherry wood that would be better suited and-"

Her professional explanation cut off abruptly as something caught her eye. "Dandelion!" She was already moving toward the cluster of familiar leaves, her earlier train of thought completely forgotten in her excitement. "The roots can be roasted for tea, and they're wonderful for liver health. And the leaves are edible too..."

Catching herself mid-ramble, her ears pinked slightly as she again remembered why they were actually here. "Oh! I'm sorry," she said, turning back to Brom with an apologetic smile. "Here, let me help you gather some branches for now, and we can look for better smoking wood once we go deeper into the forest. I’ll get the herbs on the way back."
Whatever you do Xalt. Don't add the False Hydra to the monster list. This stardew rp will quickly turn into a horror story!

Oh no. Please do. I ran it for my group once and it was amazing. I really want to be on the receiving end XD. Such a fun monster.
<Snipped quote by Dragonydas>

Thank you. Where would be a good place to plop Sam into the current plot?

Here's what happened most recently:
Electronics and appliances were mysteriously broken. Gremlins were found out to be the cause. Theria spoke on the intercom, which connects everywhere, that there is an hunt for gremlins and whoever gets the most gets a prize.

You're free to start at wherever you want, but I believe most people are at the cafeteria right now since it's dinner time. The fridge also broke so currently the cafeteria staff is going in to overdrive to try to prepare meals for everyone with the supplies that survived.

I added a bit of detail for Azir. Would that be enough for the sheet to be acceptable?

Looks good. You are accepted. Please feel free to post your character in the character page.

The question is, do gremlins have blood?
If gremlins have blood and Velvet is in a hunting mood, she's going to have a good time.

They do... It's green and would feel really sour to a vampire. Like drinking lemon juice without adding sugar.
"Myrr" Velasien

--- Center of Settlement ---

Interactions: @Zeroth @Remram @LupusIntus @BunniesOfDoom

Rinn's sudden proximity had made her freeze mid-thought. Her ears began to pink at his poetic declarations, and she clutched her book even tighter to her chest, taking an instinctive half-step backward.

The relief was palpable when Brom's form appeared between them, and even more so when Adrila smoothly guided the bard away. Her shoulders relaxed visibly, and she gave both of them a grateful glance, though she doubted they noticed.

"Thank you," she said to Brom quietly, then muttered under her breath, "Love potions indeed. As if the careful study of alchemical properties could be reduced to mere... parlor tricks."

Turning her attention back to Akitsugu, his formal bow and mention of monsters brought her back to more practical matters. "Oh! I... well, I know some water and ice magic," she offered, her voice regaining its earlier scholarly confidence. "I can’t do much with it though. Maybe good enough to set some slipping traps perhaps? Though honestly, I'm more likely to recognize which plants we should avoid touching than which monsters we should avoid fighting."

She adjusted her satchel, adding with a slight self-deprecating smile, "I suppose that's useful in its own way - knowing which vines won't cause a rash when we use them to bundle the wood."

Her mind was already working through the practical applications of her knowledge. "Actually, we should keep an eye out for silverleaf and white willow bark while we're there. They're excellent for treating wounds and reducing fever, and given the state of things..." She gestured vaguely at their surroundings. "Well, it wouldn't hurt to start building up a proper medicine store. Especially if we're going to be doing this kind of work regularly."

She pulled out her research diary, making quick notes with practiced efficiency. "The edge of the forest is actually perfect for gathering most medicinal bark and roots. Though we'll need to be careful about proper preservation methods… Without proper storage facilities yet..." She trailed off, realizing she was slipping into her scholarly mindset again, but the practical importance of the task kept her focused despite her usual social uncertainty.

Tucking her diary back into her satchel, she looked between Brom and Akitsugu with a mix of scholarly enthusiasm and slight social awkwardness. "Should we... shall we head to the forest then?"

Might need help with Sam's backstory, Personality and the description of his room if you don't mind.

Very interesting character indeed. What exactly do you need help with? Personality and room description seem fine to me. You could maybe go a bit more in to detail for Azir maybe? Like... what exact monster he is for example.
Iris needs a new phone. So good luck everyone else!

I wrote the phone in there specifically for Iris XD

Hello, I was just wondering if you had any room for one more person.

Applications are indeed open. Just post up a CS here if you would like to apply.
"Myrr" Velasien

--- Center of Settlement ---

Interactions: @Zeroth @Remram @CitrusArms @LupusIntus

When Akitsugu mentioned his intention to gather wood from the forest, Myrravel perked up from her botanical musings, her attention caught by the prospect of forest exploration. But it was only after Brom volunteered to join him that she found her voice, her fingers immediately beginning to flip through her book's pages with renewed purpose.

"Oh! The forest? I could... that is, would you mind if I joined you both?" The words tumbled out before she could second-guess herself. "It's just, there are several plants in my book that typically grow in these kinds of forests, and if we're going out there anyway..." She stopped herself, cleared her throath and then added with more scholarly confidence, "I mean that I could help identify any useful herbs or materials while you gather wood. And maybe spot good vine sources for the well repairs!"

Niara's request about seeds pulled her attention momentarily, making her eyes light up with additional enthusiasm. "Seeds? Oh! Yes, I could definitely look for those while we're out there! The forest would be perfect for finding blackberries and elderberries, and I'm sure there are plenty of herbs that could thrive in this climate..."

The sudden sound of music cut through her expedition planning, making her jump slightly. Her ears pinked as a dramatic figure played on a vielle and walked towards the group. She noticed him take a turn straight towards her, and she clutched her book closer to her chest, caught between scholarly focus and social uncertainty.

"I, um, Myrravel," she managed, her voice quieter than when she'd been discussing plants. "Though most just call me Myrr." She glanced down at her book, then back up, adding with a touch of professional pride despite her embarrassment, "I'm an alchemist. And, um, currently hoping to catalog some local flora, actually..."
Well, looks like it'll be adventure for us, then, @Dragonydas? Perhaps join the logger on the quest for plant matter.

If you can protect Myrr xD She's not a fighter, but at least she will tell you if the plant you are about to step on is poisonous and how long you will have to live unless you decide to cut off your leg.
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