Avatar of Estylwen


Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current With a heavy heart, I set sail.
4 days ago
First time making samosas from scratch; also making fried pakoras, fruit salad, and daal. I can't wait to try it all~
13 days ago
Okowa, the sister of sushi! I got my chicken, my fish, my mushrooms - I'm gonna drown it all in soy sauce-
1 like
14 days ago
Maybe I'll play Cyberpunk 2077 some more. My brother maxed out my character a year and a half ago. Haven't seen him since. Miss him.
1 mo ago
Mica, my pet snail, passed away today. :(



”Mr. Dawson, why don't you have a seat?” He said, gesturing to the brown leather chair he had his hand resting on.

The men behind Adel stepped forward. They each placed a firm hand around his upper arms, half-guiding, half-dragging Adel to the seat. If Adel struggled in any way, their plan would have been quickly subduing him with a blow to the cheek - but besides tensing up, the man didn’t fight.

They shoved Adel into the seat, twisting it so it faced the mirror. Vincent still had that smirk on his face as he picked up a bowl of shaving cream and an applicator brush on the counter.

Slowly, methodically, Vincent applied shaving cream to Adel's face while speaking.

”Now, my men tell me that you and your spies have decided to make it your home in White Pine. Not that I care too much about that.”

He set down the bowl, picking out a barber's blade instead. He opened it, the fresh gleam of a clean, sharp blade within.

“What I really care about, though, is who set you up to do this.”

The blade pressed against Adel's neck as Vincent leaned over, staring at the man through the mirror.

”So, what'll it be, Canary? You gonna sing?”

Nocturnal Memoirs (2024)

"A million times I have done this charade. The moment people figure it out, I get the boot." she thought.

"But don't you want to see the fear in their eyes when they see who you really are...? Don't you want dominion of this place, just like how you were unchallenged in Vaal Kastrix?" said the Voice.

Ciara scoffed, immediately thinking of Gulliver and Valen. "I'd love to wipe the smirk off their faces."

"It starts by building a rumor. A rumor of power. This could be the place to start."

She took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes resolutely at the Undermage. "Head Advisor, with all due respect, you have no right to ask me about my intentions. If you want answers..."

She stood from her seat, rising to her full height.

"You'll have to duel me for them."

Iris Ascendis Roleplay (2023) | TikTok Tribute

We have a RPer Appreciation thread?
This is beautiful, I'll bookmark it. (2016)
Another kind comment. (2024)
This is what makes it worth it. (2024)
I'm grateful for the ride. (2024)

Most Recent Posts

I believe we are still waiting on three collabs from ERode, Click This, Psykers and Irradiant.

In the meantime, I'm still looking for IC posts from @twannyman, @ERode, @Psyker Landshark, @Irradiant, @Click This, and @Donut Look Now.

If you're working on a collab, I can wait until the collaboration concludes.

Twannyman let me know they're gonna be busy for the next week or so.

@The Otter I'll aim to have a response for you today or tomorrow; I'm trying to get you into the main story line at a reasonable pace. :)
@Ocelot79 Sounds good, looking forward to it!
Hey. So are we considering this RP open to new players? Or just moving forward with the three of us?

I can make a recruitment thread in the interest check section, for sure. Maybe we'll 'find' some survivors outside that can help us...

I'll have something up today or tomorrow for that.

Edit: Actually, on top of that, I would like to remake the thread so I can control it entirely. How do you both feel about moving to a new thread, @Qia, @Wayward?

I'd probably call it part 2...

C.G.106, The Princess Palace


Upon entering the Princess Palace, Abel would notice the area gave off a feeling of 90's jungle gyms. There was a castle-themed jungle gym with four small slides leading into a pool of multicolored pink balls. Entering the jungle gym and moving past the slides led to platforms and netting. Climbing up to the highest level in the platforms allowed for a bird's eye view through the netting over the room, about four levels high, and ten feet higher than the castle. From the top, Abel would beable to see, beyond the other few jungle gyms and tables in the room, there was no obvious way out.

Except for, well, what was in front of him.

The platforms were pressed against the wall, netting along the sides and roof, trapping Abel to two choices presented at the top.

Two slides, actually.

The left slide was sky blue, the right slide was baby pink. Both descended away from each other, and it wasn't easy to tell where they ended up.

Over the left slide was a black painted arrow, and some spray painted text. ‘Do you really want the truth?’

In this room were two stuffed animals, watching.

Sounds great!
New post is up!


Hospital Wing

@Wayward, @Qia

The administrator looking over their four gurneys watched with hawkish eyes. So far, there were an even amount of ‘yes’ and ‘no’. Before she addressed the rebellious spirit of A, she turned to VV.

“And you? Will you go or refuse me?”

VV glanced at D, seeing his reassuring smile. Would they really be okay if they went out and did this? Who knew how dangerous it would be. After all, there must have been a reason this powerful organization was sealed underground.

Vv's lips pursed, eyes narrowing in thought, before she finally gave a short, “Yes. I'll go.”

Pia, however, had taken a page from A's book.She had that scared, resolute look on her face. That refusal to move, to budge.

“I'm… I'm not going.”

The administrator stared at Pia for a long moment, before she shrugged, and stepped up to the woman. A small needle appeared in her hand, which swiftly found itself embedded in Pia's neck. Pia yelped, a hand rushing to the puncture site.

With a cold, grim smirk, the administrator withdrew the needle and took a step back. Pia stared in shock, not comprehending, before a look of horror shadowed her face. She began to convulse on the bed, little whimpers escaping her lips, before she stilled, eyes glazing over.

VV stared in shock. Her eyes blinked frantically at Pia, before turning to the administrator.

“What… what have you done?”

The administrator shrugged with that cold smile still on her face. “I don't need all of you. If I have to kill off the ones who refuse to comply, I will. Or I'll find other means to ensure compliance…”

The administrator gestured with her chin down the hall. Attendants came immediately, carting away Pia's gurney. Her lifeless body swaying against the movement.

Attendants, in their blue scrubs, also approached VV and D. VV immediately flinched at their touch, unsure of what to expect. But she relaxed when she realized they only meant to free them. The cuffs were removed from D and VV, and the administrator gestured with a hand.

“Come stand by me, Umbra's champions. I will clothe you, feed you, and give you all the tools you'll need to win.”

VV gave a look to D, before she crawled off her gurney and moved to stand by the administrator. Dressed as VV was in a hospital gown like the rest of them, a change of clothes would be welcome before venturing out into… well, whatever remained of the world.

The administrator turned to D specifically. “For you I have a special tool. Something that will fit nicely in your hands, and show off that strength you have. The Wilds won't stand a chance, I'm afraid.” She said with that cold, calculated grin.

Then she turned to A, still trapped on her gurney. “Your friends have done the sensible thing. Why don't you join them? Give up this senseless rebellion, and take up your destiny.”

The administrator turned to VV and D. “Why don't you convince her?”

VV pursed her lips, glancing at A. Her expression was a mixture of fear, before it softened. “A, we've done everything together, we can do this too. I just…” She ran a stressed hand through her short hair. “I don't want anything bad to happen to you… Come with us. It'll be okay, I promise.”

VV swallowed hard, staring intently at A, before she turned to D. “Back me up, D.”

The House on the Hill

Interactions: Jack (@Blizz), Linqian (@FernStone), Adora/Ruby (@Shin Ghost Note)

”What you’re hearing there is Naomi Rodgers talking to me. I had to step in to keep her from attacking. That was right before the Wolfpack arrived. Britney can tell you she wasn’t up to anything great.”

”Thank you. Naomi is entirely innocent regarding the death of Alizeé, as I am certain the House of Card’s spy knows, since she was clearly present.”

Luna pocketed her phone, keeping her mouth firmly shut. Layla was looking between the three of them, a bit at a loss for words.

Was she, in fact, wrong?

The doubt showed on Layla's porcelain face. Sure, she might have had mixed feelings regarding Stormy, and even more mixed emotions regarding Jack. But that was already two against one. And she knew she couldn't float on a word all by herself.

”A bunch more of us would be fucking dead if it wasn't for their healer. So step the fuck back.”

Layla's jaw dropped a little, looking directly at Linqian. “You… really mean that, Jea-jie…?”

She was looking like a child that got admonished by a parent, and her cheeks flushed slightly. The doubt coloring her face increased, her brows furrowing.

”Layla is not Sycamore. She is associated with the Temple.”

Before her doubt got erased by rage as Jack mentally slapped her across her face. Her ears were practically ringing as she stared daggers at him.

"Heeey! Let's go outside so we can chill out! Okay? Okay!

Layla flinched as she felt Adora's hands on her. She resisted, wanting to take another step towards Jack, trying to raise her hands.

“I am Sycamore, you sonofabitch.” She growled, baring her teeth.

Before she let the Adoras have their way, and cart her angry face outside.

”Luna, how the fuck can you be all 'Not now' then be all for it?! You know exactly what you are doing, you shady bitch!"

Luna stared back cooly at the Adoras, before a glimmer of a grimace crossed her features. She turned away from the four of them as they left, instead taking up her station behind the bar again. Her hands were instantly busy with glasses, making another drink for herself.

She hummed to herself, before she addressed Ruby. ”Sorry about that. The girl's had it hard. I'm Luna but uh… I think you good folks already know all about me.”

"The fact that she's jumping up and down for someone that clearly doesn't fuck with them is just sad.”

That was the last thing Layla heard before one of the Adora's shut the door, and the four of them were outside.

Layla was gritting her teeth, teetering between rage and grief, hands clenched tight. Before her eyes squeezed shut, and she tried to hide her face from the Adoras watching, feeling the heat behind her eyes turning into unbidden, bitter and emotional tears.

"You can let go of me, I'm good.” She said in a tight, wobbly voice, desperately trying to keep the tears out of her tone.

@WhiteAngel25 It's perfect! Your post was amazing to read!
The clues look great, Lexi!

If anyone is having any issues with the clues and puzzles, feel free to reach out to Lexi or I in DM's or the OOC.

Vertigo has also let me know they should have their CS ready by this wendesday. :)
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