Avatar of Estylwen


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2 mos ago
Current I've gone back to school, so responses are going to be slower than normal for the forseeable future.
2 mos ago
"Show them I'm the judgement call, the one who makes a kingdom fall."
3 mos ago
"But! I should have known better. Nothing ever stays dead..."
1 like
6 mos ago
"There is no one in this room that can stand against me! The Hand of God be my witness, I am the Voice from the Outer World!"
11 mos ago
Took me 10 years to realize antagonists are way more fun to write.


Your Local Antagonist



"A million times I have done this charade. The moment people figure it out, I get the boot." she thought.

"But don't you want to see the fear in their eyes when they see who you really are...? Don't you want dominion of this place, just like how you were unchallenged in Vaal Kastrix?" said the Voice.

Ciara scoffed, immediately thinking of Gulliver and Valen. "I'd love to wipe the smirk off their faces."

"It starts by building a rumor. A rumor of power. This could be the place to start."

She took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes resolutely at the Undermage. "Head Advisor, with all due respect, you have no right to ask me about my intentions. If you want answers..."

She stood from her seat, rising to her full height.

"You'll have to duel me for them."

Iris Ascendis Roleplay (2023) | TikTok Tribute

Her breath caught when she felt the cold metal of a pistol against her temple.

"Put the heart down, and back the hell up if you want your friend to live," the guard said to Ellie in a rumbling baritone, digging the gun into Dream's head.

Dream squinted at Ellie, vision blurred as she tried to breathe. The heart, glinting in Ellie's hands.

The doctor, his face turning white every time she asked what would happen if they failed. Above all else, he said, they had to keep the heart safe. They had to, even if it meant...

She snarled, her boot stamping down on the guard's foot, a burst of light bruising the bone. He yelped, losing his grip. That's all she needed, and she tore away. But in her haste, she saw his free arm reaching for her, and she slipped on panicked feet as he pushed her off the railing.

She held back a scream, staring straight down into the boiling pit below. The guard wrapped a tight hand around her ankle, and Ellie could see Dream's other foot flailing; she restrained herself poorly from kicking the guard, desperately hoping she wouldn't die.

As her captor supported himself against the railing, his pistol pointed at Ellie.

"I'll drop her, I swear I'll drop her!"

TENEBRAE: The Rebellion of Shadows Roleplay (2021)

We have a RPer Appreciation thread?
This is beautiful, I'll bookmark it. (2016)
Another kind comment. (2024)
This is what makes it worth it. (2024)
I'm grateful for the ride. (2024)

Deep, golden orbs stared back at her from within the cave.

God, she couldn't breathe.

He was monstrous. The ground trembled under her feet as his rippling, massive body exited the cave. Thunderous footsteps left cracks in the dirt, his breath sent waves of heat creeping over her skin. The transformation was slow, but it looked like something from a nightmare with the way his long teeth were bared.

A great and terrible roar sounded from his gaping maw.

She needed to run. Now.

Academy 218 Roleplay (2014)

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Estylwen>

I love them, I want to cuddle them thanks.

Glad you like them! :)
New post is up!

Just as an aside, all Wilds know the ancestral language Aes (it's Sylvan.) :)

Abandoned Facility, Five Hours South of Ehlm

@SporkoBug, @illirica

As Mimi watched from the shadows, a pale blue light grew behind him. Jumping off a path of stars and ethereal mass, a small Wild, no higher than up to a human's kneecap, came up beside Mimi.

“Aelir, faeí eínara aril adha e'thelyn, Fethraes Bestía. Ire shaey'an eil, sira talae efiná linna velethar. Aen shírae néol. Vel'kaí an ehlar aen áethila. (You look lonely here on the edge, Feathered Beast. Come join me, there are some souls that need to be drawn out here. You can witness it.)

The Wild, Cercyes, jumped back on their carpet of stars, and shot forward, landing directly in front of Wren, Ivy, and the three other soldiers.

It was just at this time that the doors had a positive response to being finessed with abyssal energy, and Ivy's strategy worked. The doors to the Umbra research facility hummed, before opening wide to accept its new guests.

Cercyes, twirling his blue-lit staff, gazed up at the humans standing at the gate to the facility.

“I smell the scent of Wilds on you…” He said in the common tongue, blue eyes resting on Wren.

The Wild didn't seem perturbed by the weapons the humans held, sizing them up as he stood, tiny and small in front of them. Before he decided, “You will do fine. Come, there are souls that are calling me here.”

As Ivy, Wren and the soldiers would look down the dimly lit hall, it would extend on for a ways before another door would open up. Behind that door was a large research room. There were glass tubes lined along the wall, holding long-abandoned specimens - human-like. The operating tables had the remains of dried blood and viscera. And, most curiously, containers of Wild hearts.

They were sealed and preserved, and were most coveted as the prime material used to power abyssal devices. The soilders’ eyes widened, doing little to hide their excitement behind their masks.

Whatever happened in this lab, the residents left in a hurry, leaving behind precious material, specimens, though taking all their research. If Ivy were to scan the console at one side of the room, the holo-screen would show that all flies had been wiped or corrupted.

However, among the trash and loose debris on the floor, there was a computer chip that could be plugged into the console. The shine of its metal meant whatever remained on it could be salvageable…

Northern Outskirts of the City of Ehlm

@rabidbacon, @Lexisheeps, @Qia, @Herald

As VV stood there, hands raised in the hot sun, she noticed what she at first thought was a mirage approaching from the city. Alas, she was wrong. It was as every bit real as she: a monster the size of a small building, haze of the sun seeping off him as his cragged jaw and eyes stared hungrily.

As far as she could tell, it hadn't made a move to attack. What on earth could she, A or D even hope to do if it did?

“Perhaps you can try swaying them to your side.” Said a voice in her head. The Wild she had subjugated in her running escapades on the Umbra space station.

“Now you speak up, of all times?” VV muttered in her head, eyes scattered between Vin and his goons, and the 25-foot monster.

“Work with me if you want to live. Speak this, and exactly this to them.” The shadow entity in her mind then uttered a sentence in a language VV didn't understand.

VV took a steadying breath, then spoke quickly, hopeful she wouldn't forget the words half-way through. Her enunciation was off, but it was understandable.

"Eldrin, shaen aen sin'ta ela'ra vel Thal'shael. Pelair, dẫneth aen thara faelin, eir shaen daen'el aen áth'winna humens. (Brother, we seek an audience with the Wild King. Please, guide us there safely, and spare us from these wretched humans.)

Vin stared for a long moment at VV, glancing for a moment back at the monstrous Wild staring them down, before he slowly, steadily approached VV. He stepped up the escape pod, looked down at VV for a moment, before a ringing slap struck her across the face.

“You think I don't know the basics of the Aes language, you little wretch? Trying to get the big boy to come save you, huh?!”

He turned to his boys, “Couple of you keep an eye on that one. A couple AE bullets will have him thinking twice.” He said, tapping his rifle.

VV, stunned, had fallen to her knees, holding her red cheek after the man had slapped her.

“Great plan, ghost.” She grumbled mentally.

“It's very uncommon for a human to know our language. This is strange indeed.” The shadow entity within VV muttered in her mind, perplexed but otherwise unbothered.

“Alright. We’re coming out.”

A joined them at the top of the escape pod, and Vin gave her a once over, eyes narrowing at her.

“No funny games, alright?”

As A tried to appraise her position and the position of the enemy, she would count five pulsing hearts spread out around them, all in fair health. The sixth heart, Vin's, was directly in front of her. Besides VV and D's hearts, she also noticed a strange rush of blood coming from the massive Wild watching from a distance. And, even more strangely, a beating heart where she couldn't see anyone…

Vin's gaze lingered on A, before his head snapped to the sound of another voice.

"Vin, I want Maddox if he's with them. I'm willing to trade with you."

Vin almost appeared like he saw a ghost at the sight of a floating Bastian, before he heaved himself off the escape pod and took a few menacing steps toward Bastian.

“You son of a bitch, you dare show your face here? After everything you've done?”

Vin growled under his breath, before he sighed angrily, and waved a hand at the girls. “Have at it.”

Bastian's next question was posed to VV and A.

"MC-457-R2M-21. Is he with you?! Is he alive?”

VV slowly got back on her feet, throwing a confused glance to A before she blinked. Realization hit, which quickly turned to sadness.

She spoke loud enough her voice carried across the dust. “M… He… He didn't make it. He died trying to protect me, to protect us.”

“He was tasty.” The entity within VV's mind chimed in.

“That's cruel.”

While Bastian got his information from the girls, Vin had retreated back to one of his men running some type of interference device by the jeep, holding a receiver up in the direction of the girls.

The man gave a yip and a holler, pointing enthusiastically to the girls. “The signature is a little off, but they got it, boss! They got Wild hearts!”

Vin suddenly looked at the girls a little more hungrily, already seeing the credits rolling in. “Well, well, ya don't say. Well ain't this our lucky day!”

He took a step closer to the girls, the men surrounding the escape pod still holding their weapons trained.

“So here's how this is gonna work, ladies. You're worth quite a shiny penny. We're gonna walk you into town and sell you to the highest bidder. They'll likely strip you for parts… but that's no concern of ours, is it boys?”

There was a hoot and a holler from the men surrounding VV and A. VV could feel her stomach churn, but refused to let it show on her face, instead aiming a glower at Vin.

Before the man standing by the jeep adjusted the knobs on his device, and shot a worried look to Vin. “Hey boss? We got some interference? Motion interference, just a blip, but it came from that building.”

The man pointed, and Vin looked. He looked carefully, but couldn't see a damn thing.

“Is it worth the bazooka?” Vin asked steely.

“I… I think so, boss. What with snipers, raiders and all.”

Vin growled, not taking his eye off the building, before he turned gruffly to the back of the jeep. Roughly slamming parts together and loading it, Vin knelt and spun in the direction of the building staring through the sight. He gestured to the escape pod without taking his eyes off the building, and one of his men jumped into action. They went straight up to A, grabbed her arm, and pulled her down. VV watched in horror as she was brought in front of Vin, acting as a barrier to protect Vin from Izaac in the building.

With a human shield covering him, Vin yelled at Izaac through the space between them.

“Whoever you are, we don't take kindly to sneaky little thieves! Exit the building and come face us, or I'm blowing up the building you're in until there's nothing left!”

Now I'm dying for this post-
@Estylwen@Lexisheeps Are there stuffed animals in the new room too?
Is the water from the pool transparant as in that you can see to the bottom?
So there are the pools and next to them two staircases with an exit at the top of one and at the bottom of the other?

There are stuffed animals, I just wasn't sure if it was time to write them in or not due to the timing of Lexi's hiatus. When I have some time I will make another post for the stuffies.

And yes, you can see to the bottom. And yes, there's a long length of pool, and along the lane of that pool, following it for a few minutes, you'll reach the other side, where there is a staircase with exits at the top and bottom :)

I've been informed that there's a certain course of action that Duke Rhinecliff may or may not take in the current scene.

If he does take it, then a partial retcon of the scene between Vulluin, Eirwen, and Melisande may be necessary.

In relation to that, I'll also wait for Erode's next post as Rhinecliff before writing my next one, just in case a retcon is necessary.

No worries, whatever changes you want to make, we can make them.

Will be attempting to get a super snazzy totally Rhinecliff approved Nyx post before the weekend’s over

Sounds great, I'm looking forward to it!

And finally posted! Erode was pretty much on the money there. Nothing game changing, but Mirie's reaction to what she was already suspecting definitely would have (and will) warrant another full post.

Yeah, sorry about that. It's a great post. I've finessed things on my side and re-posted below you.

Tarin, Eagle Inn

@The Otter

The whistle of a knife cut through their ‘conversation’, causing the hooded man and Anabel's eyes to be drawn to the dagger stuck in the floorboards.

Anabel immediately twisted in the man's grasp, turning to glare at Callum. “Are you crazy? You could have hit me!”

"That's no way to treat a lady or a child, is it?"

The hooded man regarded Callum with a silent stare, before he chuckled, and clenched down on Anabel's arm harder, causing her to yelp in pain.

“Is that so, little man?” The man said in a deep, relaxed voice behind his mask.

"We were just about to have a lovely dinner together. Can I interest you in not being a nuisance, and leaving us be?"

The man stared a moment more, before he shrugged. “Sorry, boy. I'm not leaving until I get what I need.”

Two guards entered the tavern, clearly marked as a noble’s entourage. Anabel's guards. Their hands flew to their swords, unsheathing them as they yelled. “Unhand her, or else!”

The masked man merely stared somewhat amused at this, before he waved his hand. Two wisps shot out, striking their targets, and the guards slumped where they stood, dazed and unseeing.

Not sparing the intrusion another thought, the man glanced down at his captive Baroness. “Well, my lady, shall we get going?”

With a confident “humph!” The man slung Anabel over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She uselessly beat his back with her little fists.

“Put me down!”

He shrugged her once, impacting her diaphragm and winding her, causing her to groan quietly, and become silent. Satisfied, the man returned his focus to Callum.

“Being a hero doesn't suit you, boy. Trust me. Why don't you step aside, and you can forget you ever met this little girl, or that you ever laid eyes on me.”

There was a threat laced in his tone, and as he spoke, Callum would notice something bone-chilling begin to take shape. Shades, demons, began to morph in the man's shadow, stretching out with bony, phantom hands towards Callum. Just the sight was shocking enough, however, it was what they whispered in Callum's ears that truly drove the fear home.

“You will never amount to anything. A noble without recognition, forgotten in the history books.”

“It's your fault they died. You're cursed. Everyone that gets close to you perishes.”

As the phantoms spoke, the man's aura seemed to fill the entire room with fear and dread. Even Anabel had grown quiet.

Grinning behind his mask, the man stepped forward, aiming to move past Callum.

Athroyeaux Castle, Throne Room

@Izurich, @LunarParadox, @ERode, @Irradiant, @Click This

"If she truly wishes to resort to such lengths to consolidate her power, then I... no, it's the duty of all to stop her hubris, even if one supports her to the very end, she knows not what she's about to do. I do not believe for a moment that such a behemoth would answer to anyone but itself."

The Ghost King nodded, please with their answer. Before his head tilted, and he spoke a bit in response.

“Alas, what my,” he glanced to Valor for a brief moment. Associates have discovered is that not only is it possible, but it's an undeniable fact that if Evelyn gets her hands on this leviathan, she will be able to control it to such a fine degree, not even all our armies combines stand a chance.

“That's the power of a particular Seed she's unearthed, from my sources.”

“Your Majesty, this is certainly an artifact without compare, but if you possessed such power, I must ask: why have you not simply claimed the Wizard-Queen for yourself, before this critical juncture was reached? The Clandestine have moved across Hathforth without duress, and the duchies are, at best, neutral towards our sovereign. There would have been no great demand to have her returned, if you had spirited her away.”
Duke Rhinecliff

“Rhinecliff has brought up a prudent observation, King of Ravenfell. Trust should be the foundation for all forms of cooperation.And what precedes trust is transparency.”
Duchess Bastille

“What His Majesty speaks is true. What the Queen will find in my waters will change the balance of power. However, I find myself in full agreement with Duchess Altina. You cannot hope to open a mutual dialogue with us without some basis of trust. Your Majesty, is it merely the Queen that you desire? Or something yet more?”
Duchess Agustria

The Ghost King rested his hand on his fist as he sat on his dark throne, gauntlet glinting in the white magelights as he regarded the duke.

“You're a wise man, Duke of Rhinecliff. As are you, Duchess Bastille, and you, Duchess Agustria. I will endeavor to be as transparent with you as possible, in this moment…

“You're right, the Clandestine are undetected in Arrowfell. They could easily spirit her away, if I were to command it.”

His voice reverberated in the stillness of the stone throne room, echoing into the quiet before he spoke again, steel in his disembodied tone.

“It's only been recently that I've discovered the Wizard Queen as the one I have lost. The one who betrayed me and my kingdom. However, I do have… other plans, that have kept me rather occupied.

“If I were to take the Queen myself, I would not send the Clandestine. Nay, I would bring my armies. Those take time to gather, of course. And I would not… Be leaving empty-handed.”

The Ghost King leaned back in his seat, looking at the ‘Tearmoon’, Lord Blackthorne, Duchess Bastille, Duke Rhinecliff and Duchess Augustria. His tone was calm, as if he were merely stating facts.

“This is why I've extended my invitation to you. I plan to expand my domain, and liberate it from the tyranny of the Wizard Queen. Help me, and you will survive the changing of the crown, and find yourself in a favorable position. You will retain your titles, your lands. You will only swear fealty to me, and welcome in the age of a new dawn. Everything the Wizard Queen has taken from you, I will return. Every suffering you have felt, I will lift it. I will return peace to Arrowfell.”

Hathforth, Pier, The Battle-Blood Minstrel, Top Deck


“Good day, Your Highness, I prostrate myself before your radiance.”
Sir Hayworth

The Wizard Queen watched the small battalion with shimmering eyes, a light smile on her face. Her eyes darted down the glance at the sword when she detected the slightest use of magic, and her eyes half-lidded coolly.

”Be at ease, Sir Hayworth, and company.”

“Unfortunately, Her Grace could not make it this occasion. I hope it is not an insult to Your Highness to have me take her place on her behalf. Her Grace has bequeathed to me her most prized possession, a sign of her dedication to your safety.”
Sir Hayworth

The Wizard Queen spied upon the fanciful diamond-like Seed in Sir Hayworth. It was evidence that the duchess had indeed placed Sir Hayworth in her stead while she attended other business.

The Wizard Queen's head tilted, curiosity passing through her as she considered what the duchess could be busy with.

”To bequeath you her Seed is quite the display of trust, Sir Hayworth. I trust you're working on her behalf.”

“People often say that there will inevitably come a time when the student surpasses the master. But I’m afraid that time has not yet come for our poor Duchess. Rest assured, Your Highness, I will keep you safe.”
Sir Hayworth

”I have seen Duchess Bastille's skills in action, she is no small feat. As you are the one to have trained her, I can only feel gratitude that you are with me, good sir.” She said, her soft smile slightly extending.

The Wizard Queen gestured to the helmsman beside her, “I will have Jeoffrey, my helmsman, escourt your men to their quarters. Meanwhile, I would ask that you remain at my side while we navigate the waters to Athius.

“We are not expecting any resistance on the way, but once I've acquired what I need in Athius, I am curious if the fates might try something…

“There's also the nature of the… asset I'm requiring. Luke breaking a horse, it may need a few lashes before it heels. I would ask for your assistance in this matter as well, Sir Hayworth.”

The Wizard Queen gestured to the staircase leading below deck as the sailors around them busied with preparing the ship.

“There is a buffet below you and your men are welcome to, and spend your time how you like before we depart in the evening. There is the matter of Duke Willowsteel’s execution I must attend to, and then we will set sail.”

Alright, I've asked for the IC post to be removed, I'll keep you updated. Apologies for the confusion!
Shoot, I thought I had until tomorrow lol.

Sorry, I thought I'd be alright to post a little early. ^^; Feel free to post, or I can edit to adjust for you, and then I can post again after you.
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