Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: George Washington University
Skills: Perception, Pop Culture (failed)
"Uh...shitty plastic and cheap metal?" Waverley answered, not understanding the rhetorical nature of Polaris' question or why she was asking it. To be perfectly honest, it annoyed her to no end when the well-groomed white girl tried to use black history against her, but she did her best to keep it from showing. The women seemed plenty confident in her ability to take them all on alone, and confidence that strong is rarely unfounded. Not to mention that the woman's attitude had become less aggressive, and Waverley didn't want to risk changing that. A look of confusion fixed itself on her face as she tried to puzzle out the why Polaris had decided to interrupt the fight with a trivia question about cars, though that question immediately left her mind when she opened the car door to find that it was a good thirty feet off the ground and was rising fast.
She let out a screech as she quickly slammed the door shut, grabbing onto the steering wheel for dear life. As the car rose, getting farther and farther from the streets,
where cars were supposed to be, she could feel the familiar feeling of her heart banging against her ribcage. Her head whirled panicking from window to window, looking for some sort of help. Unfortunately the help that appeared first was her enemy, floating before her with an outstretched hand. Waverley stared at it, before looking down to the ground. She saw a number of her allies trying and failing to get to her, and it caused her heart to beat all the faster. This was a decision she'd have to make alone. She looked back to Polaris, and gulped.
"If the Underground is a band-aid, your little society is a DIY amputation," she yelled at Polaris. There was passion in her voice, though it was overshadowed by fear. If she were being honest with herself, the primary reason she was talking was to stall, in hopes that a third option would arrive.
"You're leaving our people behind to rot! Running away won't stop mutant kids from being born and killed here in America!" As she spoke, she could feel the panic building up inside her. If she didn't get herself out of the car fast, she knew it wouldn't be long before she cracked and took her enemy's help. So, hands shaking, she opened up her door, shifting her feet out to the very edge. She dug her nails into the top of the car, her body jutting out, staring down as she tried to gather her courage.
"There's no fast-acting antidote for bigotry. Believe me, I wish there was. I wish we could buy California and ship all the mutants to go chill in fucking Yosemite, but that's not how we save our people. The real way to get equality is by standing our ground, and making sure we're heard. And I agree, the Underground could be doing so much more. But it's got good people, a good heart, and good intentions as its foundation. That's all you need to change the world. And if what you say is true, if you really did lead the Underground, then at one point you knew that too." Waverley nervously chewed on her lip as her gaze shifted back downward. If she threw herself just right, she could probably get close enough to the flying girl to grab on. Still, even as she planned, she was on the verge of a breakdown. She sent a silent prayer for protection upward.
"I-I'm gonna jump now. I'm gonna jump because I'm a gullible idiot who still believes in God, goodness, and the power of fucking friendship motherfucker!" she cried out, unclamping her fingers and letting her weight pull her forward. Her plan to aim for Kristina was promptly squashed, for as soon as Waverley let go of the car, she clamped her eyes close in absolute panic. There were no coherent thoughts going through her head, only pure, unadulterated fear. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she plummeted towards the world below.