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  • Name: Uehara Shou
  • Age: 18
  • Appearance: "Oh, sorry, I'm in the middle of something. Give me a moment."
  • Personality: Shou is a bit more sociable than one might expect, and despite his occasional weird bouts of focus or aloofness, he does have a tendency to get along with most others if given the time. He does not tend to anger easily and is often times able to keep a cool head in more stress-inducing circumstances, but that does not mean he cannot have lapses in judgement or respond to malice with malice. Due to his relatively strenuous upbringing, though, Shou is a bit of a busybody; boredom (or what he perceives as such) is the bane of his existence, and there is only so much of it that he can take before he will actively search out something interesting to use his time and effort on in lieu of laying about aimlessly.
  • Abilities: As a descendant of a long line of onmyoji, Shou is proficient in the creation and manipulation of Bounded Fields via the usage of ofuda. Coupled with his elemental affinity of Water, though, his Fields are able to shift in shape and location without sacrificing any defensive capabilities. Furthermore, Shou is able to layer those Bounded Fields on top of one another, further increasing their defensive capabilities, or invert them to keep whatever is inside from leaving rather than entering. As is standard for onmyoji, Shou is also able to create and use evil-warding talismans and charms, and, provided enough time, charms for protection or luck. Of course, the latter do not work for himself, but they are quite useful to make (and sell) when he is in need of money. Exorcism is also within his repertoire, as he can dispel lesser evil spirits with next to no work, but he is by no means able to handle anything beyond that without far more training or preparation.
  • History: As far as growing up went, Shou found himself walking the odd line between modernism and tradition; though his grandparents were very steadfast in attempting to raise him as they had (with all the pride and decorum that came with being from a centuries-old line of onmyoji), his parents were nowhere near as conservative. That dichotomy had brought with it an increasingly more complex set of relationships—on one hand, he had an obligation to carry on the intense training that came with his lineage. On the other, however, the allure of modern-day life (and all the luxuries and excitement that came with it) only served to push him towards a lifestyle that, at the very least, would allow him some respite from the same monotonous cycles he had drilled into him.
    The rapid rise of Fusang in the public eye gave Shou the perfect the solution to both of his problems. Though he was by no means a prodigy, a decade of his life being spent taking in the wisdom of his predecessors had, at the very least, allowed his parents to push his elders to let him travel overseas to study there. Not only that, but a land full of Servants, of Heroic Spirits with all their past experiences, might even allow him to find one of the founders of their craft and study under their tutelage directly.
    Of course, that last bit was more of a way to convince his elders more than anything; Shou had no reason to pursue even more strenuous training so long as he was caught between these two ways of living. If anything, his time in a place like Fusang would only allow him to choose for himself what path to live.
  • Other: Surprisingly, he is multilingual; as onmyoji has roots from within Chinese mysticism, learning all three languages was something half-forced onto him. He's not fluent in Mandarin, but given the writing system, he can at least understand most of a piece of written Chinese if it becomes necessary.

@Pyromania99: Accepted.

Anyways, Master time.

  • Name: Uehara Shou
  • Age: 18
  • Appearance: "Oh, sorry, I'm in the middle of something. Give me a moment."
  • Personality: Shou is a bit more sociable than one might expect, and despite his occasional weird bouts of focus or aloofness, he does have a tendency to get along with most others if given the time. He does not tend to anger easily and is often times able to keep a cool head in more stress-inducing circumstances, but that does not mean he cannot have lapses in judgement or respond to malice with malice. Due to his relatively strenuous upbringing, though, Shou is a bit of a busybody; boredom (or what he perceives as such) is the bane of his existence, and there is only so much of it that he can take before he will actively search out something interesting to use his time and effort on in lieu of laying about aimlessly.
  • Abilities: As a descendant of a long line of onmyoji, Shou is proficient in the creation and manipulation of Bounded Fields via the usage of ofuda. Coupled with his elemental affinity of Water, though, his Fields are able to shift in shape and location without sacrificing any defensive capabilities. Furthermore, Shou is able to layer those Bounded Fields on top of one another, further increasing their defensive capabilities, or invert them to keep whatever is inside from leaving rather than entering. As is standard for onmyoji, Shou is also able to create and use evil-warding talismans and charms, and, provided enough time, charms for protection or luck. Of course, the latter do not work for himself, but they are quite useful to make (and sell) when he is in need of money. Exorcism is also within his repertoire, as he can dispel lesser evil spirits with next to no work, but he is by no means able to handle anything beyond that without far more training or preparation.
  • History: As far as growing up went, Shou found himself walking the odd line between modernism and tradition; though his grandparents were very steadfast in attempting to raise him as they had (with all the pride and decorum that came with being from a centuries-old line of onmyoji), his parents were nowhere near as conservative. That dichotomy had brought with it an increasingly more complex set of relationships—on one hand, he had an obligation to carry on the intense training that came with his lineage. On the other, however, the allure of modern-day life (and all the luxuries and excitement that came with it) only served to push him towards a lifestyle that, at the very least, would allow him some respite from the same monotonous cycles he had drilled into him.
    The rapid rise of Fusang in the public eye gave Shou the perfect the solution to both of his problems. Though he was by no means a prodigy, a decade of his life being spent taking in the wisdom of his predecessors had, at the very least, allowed his parents to push his elders to let him travel overseas to study there. Not only that, but a land full of Servants, of Heroic Spirits with all their past experiences, might even allow him to find one of the founders of their craft and study under their tutelage directly.
    Of course, that last bit was more of a way to convince his elders more than anything; Shou had no reason to pursue even more strenuous training so long as he was caught between these two ways of living. If anything, his time in a place like Fusang would only allow him to choose for himself what path to live.
  • Other: Surprisingly, he is multilingual; as onmyoji has roots from within Chinese mysticism, learning all three languages was something half-forced onto him. He's not fluent in Mandarin, but given the writing system, he can at least understand most of a piece of written Chinese if it becomes necessary.

Whee surname changes.
@Raineh Daze@KoL@Rune_Alchemist: All accepted.

It might be time to start figuring out pairs and the like, huh?
Ultimately, Misaki's rounds around town had borne more fruit than she had expected. As it turned out, wandering around was indeed a fair deal more productive than simply waiting for something to happen to her. The presence of salt was immediately noteworthy (though obviously she couldn't even think about taking any for herself), even if she couldn't exactly try to do anything industrial with it... At least, for the moment. Salt like this was probably used for more culinary purposes, anyhow; anything on a larger scale would require a bit more chemistry knowledge than she had at the moment. Could it be reproducible with time?

...Probably; it might be a good idea to check in with other natives in the future to see if things like glass weren't already being refined at a smaller scale to see if she could apply some more modern techniques to their production. Crystal-clear glass could easily be made a luxury if they hadn't already figured out how to produce it, at least...

What was more immediately useful to the foxgirl, though, was the herbalist's helpful crash course in local flora. Even if she didn't have any samples, the voice in her head (her gift, she presumed) was vaguely cataloguing things to reference later. Painkillers, mild depressants, coagulants... Even a doping effect. Needless to say, the matter of dessicating the plants or extracting whatever compounds caused that could prove to be a worthwhile path to pursue in the future, but if they functioned well enough in the same vein as Chinese medicine, then gathering them on a proper trip to the forest couldn't hurt. As for mixing them... Well, it'd be less risky to test that sort of thing once she had a stockpile large enough to consider experimenting with. She wasn't going to toy around with them like herbs from a certain survival horror franchise—at least, not for the moment.

To think that she would immediately be pulled away by Nobunaga to go and pursue a ritual to pay respect to the Kyrinth near the forest, though... Honestly, the foxgirl hadn't expected to be going out of her way to poke around quite yet, but it seemed to be a bit too late to stop the warlord-turned-small girl at this point.

That being said, she couldn't deny the logic in front of her outright; there was some merit to the idea of returning an offering long forgotten, and even if that failed, it was quite possible that she would have the opportunity to gather up some plants to use as well. Maybe examining everything in detail would also allow her to notice plants with other uses—ones that hadn't been explicitly shown to her by the herbalist. After all, herbs and spices were important for a reason.

"Kyr reed, kyr reed..." she said quietly to herself as she followed behind Nobunaga, eyes scanning the area as she weaved about the sides of the path they were taking in order to try and obtain that which they were seeking. If it wasn't readily available here, though...

Well, that only really left trudging through the forest anyways to find it, wouldn't it?

@Rezod92: Yeah, the wiki link works. The image link does not. That's all there is to say on that front, honestly.
@Rezod92: Nope, the link fizzles outright. Might be better to fish for another image.
@Rezod92: Nope, still broken.
Character Roster

<Blank until more people fill things in.>
  • Name: Meltryllis
  • Class: Alter Ego
  • Appearance: "Humans never seem to learn."
  • Personality: As the Alter Ego of pleasure, Meltryllis is equal parts sadist and a maiden in love. Borne from the emotions of the cast-off Sakura AI within the Moon Cell (which thus became the existence known as BB), Meltryllis cares not for humans or their actions. Rather, her actions show a near-total contempt for those around her, regardless of her status, save the target of her affection (if any). To that extent, Meltryllis is also incredibly harsh to others; as she sees and acknowledges the fact that she is a monster, and thus attempts to create distance from humans and paint herself thus. That being said, though, the incidents that she has found herself wrapped up in have caused her to reconsider her beliefs and, at the very least, respect beauty that exists outside of her perception of the world... At least, to some extent. She still seeks love as a maiden, and pushes her own will upon others without care for their own feelings. Despite her own desires, she dances on the battlefield, a so-called 'monster' of her own volition who acts, lying to herself all the while.
    But if, by some chance, one manages to push past the barriers she has put in place and gives her a reason to love, she shall dedicate her everything to them. Not as a weapon to eliminate enemies, but as a simple maiden desiring the heart of another.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: E
    • Endurance: C
    • Agility: A+
    • Mana: A
    • Luck: B
    • Noble Phantasm: EX
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: B. Cancels spells with chants under three verses. Higher-level spells will have difficulty sticking, if at all.
    • Riding: B. The ability to ride vehicles and animals that exist in the world. Barring things such as Phantasmal Species, Meltryllis is able to use such things as she pleases.
    • Independent Action: A. The ability to maintain existence in the world without a Master and act without the direct command of one. This skill also allows Meltryllis to exist for up to a week without being maintained by a Master's mana.
    • Goddess' Essence: B. A skill that can be described as an upgraded version of Divinity; in addition to all the benefits and demerits thereof, this skill maintains her mind, body, and soul. This, in other words, means that she is far more resistant to things such as mental interference and that her form will never change regardless of consumption of food or exercise. As Meltryllis is comprised of multiple divine existences, this skill manifests as such.
    • High Servant: A. An abnormal being (Alter Ego) composed of Artemis, Leviathan, and Sarasvati, this Skill essentially exists to denote Meltryllis, a member of the Sakura Five, as an existence beyond normal Servants.
  • Personal Skills:
    • Crime Ballet: A. As a ballet aficionado, Meltryllis re-configured her combat style to draw influence from the performances she learned of. The graceful movements she executes coupled with her high agility, in short, makes her able to weave through continued assaults without so much as a glance.
    • Sadistic Constitution: A. A skill that strengthens Meltryllis's combat capabilities. The longer she remains in battle, however, the more pleasure that she derives from the pain of others and the less composure she maintains. Her defensive abilities drop in turn, so extended combat can be dangerous if not properly moderated.
    • Melt Virus: EX. A so-called 'cheat skill' derived from Absorption and delivered by means of leg-based piercing attacks. Though ordinarily able to break down or copy even the most terrifying of enemies in order for Meltryllis to consume their abilities for herself, her manifestation here has led to it becoming far less lethal in nature. While higher dosages of the virus are still able to break down enemies and allow Meltryllis to consume them to strengthen herself, smaller amounts will only instead lower the parameters of any enemy who falls victim to it. Additional strikes will both allow Meltryllis to take in the elements broken down by the virus and inject more into the enemy's system.
      Survivors will regain their former abilities provided that they receive proper care thereafter, but the virus can remain in their system if not treated properly (by either Meltryllis herself or by someone able to nullify its effects). The effects on Meltryllis herself will wear off if she did not consume the entirety of her target, lasting for varying amounts of time depending on how much was absorbed.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Benzaiten's Five-String Biwa — Sarasvati Meltout
    • Rank: EX
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Though originally an Anti-Army (or Anti-World) Noble Phantasm, her current Saint Graph limits this to a physical attack. Though it shows its true colors when targeting noncombatants, its usage against other Servants (at least, in this context) becomes a combat dance of sorts. Circling the enemy faster than the human eye can see, consummating in a whirlpool-esque torrent of slashes from her feet that serve to fill her enemies with her virus and crush them mercilessly under her heel—this is how she executes her foes.
      Needless to say, the current her has no particular intention to strike down civilians—doubly so given the state of the world she has been summoned into.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good (Yes, really.)
  • Changes: Closer to her GO iteration in terms of abilities and personality. In other words, Melt Virus has been nerfed and she's less sadistic and selfishly one-sided. Additionally, there is a plot-related reason for as to why she is able to be summoned here, but that will become a plot point later on. Probably.
@VitaVitaAR@KoL@RolePlayerRoxas: All accepted.
@Rezod92: Also accepted, but I'm gonna mention that the image link for Fran's mace is broken on my end. Just sayin', is all.

Anyways. Servant (because I'll figure out Master status l a t e r).

  • Name: Meltryllis
  • Class: Alter Ego
  • Appearance: "Humans never seem to learn."
  • Personality: As the Alter Ego of pleasure, Meltryllis is equal parts sadist and a maiden in love. Borne from the emotions of the cast-off Sakura AI within the Moon Cell (which thus became the existence known as BB), Meltryllis cares not for humans or their actions. Rather, her actions show a near-total contempt for those around her, regardless of her status, save the target of her affection (if any). To that extent, Meltryllis is also incredibly harsh to others; as she sees and acknowledges the fact that she is a monster, and thus attempts to create distance from humans and paint herself thus. That being said, though, the incidents that she has found herself wrapped up in have caused her to reconsider her beliefs and, at the very least, respect beauty that exists outside of her perception of the world... At least, to some extent. She still seeks love as a maiden, and pushes her own will upon others without care for their own feelings. Despite her own desires, she dances on the battlefield, a so-called 'monster' of her own volition who acts, lying to herself all the while.
    But if, by some chance, one manages to push past the barriers she has put in place and gives her a reason to love, she shall dedicate her everything to them. Not as a weapon to eliminate enemies, but as a simple maiden desiring the heart of another.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: E
    • Endurance: C
    • Agility: A+
    • Mana: A
    • Luck: B
    • Noble Phantasm: EX
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: B. Cancels spells with chants under three verses. Higher-level spells will have difficulty sticking, if at all.
    • Riding: B. The ability to ride vehicles and animals that exist in the world. Barring things such as Phantasmal Species, Meltryllis is able to use such things as she pleases.
    • Independent Action: A. The ability to maintain existence in the world without a Master and act without the direct command of one. This skill also allows Meltryllis to exist for up to a week without being maintained by a Master's mana.
    • Goddess' Essence: B. A skill that can be described as an upgraded version of Divinity; in addition to all the benefits and demerits thereof, this skill maintains her mind, body, and soul. This, in other words, means that she is far more resistant to things such as mental interference and that her form will never change regardless of consumption of food or exercise. As Meltryllis is comprised of multiple divine existences, this skill manifests as such.
    • High Servant: A. An abnormal being (Alter Ego) composed of Artemis, Leviathan, and Sarasvati, this Skill essentially exists to denote Meltryllis, a member of the Sakura Five, as an existence beyond normal Servants.
  • Personal Skills:
    • Crime Ballet: A. As a ballet aficionado, Meltryllis re-configured her combat style to draw influence from the performances she learned of. The graceful movements she executes coupled with her high agility, in short, makes her able to weave through continued assaults without so much as a glance.
    • Sadistic Constitution: A. A skill that strengthens Meltryllis's combat capabilities. The longer she remains in battle, however, the more pleasure that she derives from the pain of others and the less composure she maintains. Her defensive abilities drop in turn, so extended combat can be dangerous if not properly moderated.
    • Melt Virus: EX. A so-called 'cheat skill' derived from Absorption and delivered by means of leg-based piercing attacks. Though ordinarily able to break down or copy even the most terrifying of enemies in order for Meltryllis to consume their abilities for herself, her manifestation here has led to it becoming far less lethal in nature. While higher dosages of the virus are still able to break down enemies and allow Meltryllis to consume them to strengthen herself, smaller amounts will only instead lower the parameters of any enemy who falls victim to it. Additional strikes will both allow Meltryllis to take in the elements broken down by the virus and inject more into the enemy's system.
      Survivors will regain their former abilities provided that they receive proper care thereafter, but the virus can remain in their system if not treated properly (by either Meltryllis herself or by someone able to nullify its effects). The effects on Meltryllis herself will wear off if she did not consume the entirety of her target, lasting for varying amounts of time depending on how much was absorbed.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Benzaiten's Five-String Biwa — Sarasvati Meltout
    • Rank: EX
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Though originally an Anti-Army (or Anti-World) Noble Phantasm, her current Saint Graph limits this to a physical attack. Though it shows its true colors when targeting noncombatants, its usage against other Servants (at least, in this context) becomes a combat dance of sorts. Circling the enemy faster than the human eye can see, consummating in a whirlpool-esque torrent of slashes from her feet that serve to fill her enemies with her virus and crush them mercilessly under her heel—this is how she executes her foes.
      Needless to say, the current her has no particular intention to strike down civilians—doubly so given the state of the world she has been summoned into.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good (Yes, really.)
  • Changes: Closer to her GO iteration in terms of abilities and personality. In other words, Melt Virus has been nerfed and she's less sadistic and selfishly one-sided. Additionally, there is a plot-related reason for as to why she is able to be summoned here, but that will become a plot point later on. Probably.
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