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@Crusader Lord: Updated form accepted.
Uh... Yeah, I think that fundamentally that probably won't work out just by concept alone, but... You certainly can try.
In the interim, here's a Discord server. While I can say with a fair bit of certainty that I'll respond here just as fast, this might expedite communications a bit. Not mandatory, of course, but the option is here.
Akio and Fumi
Empty(?) Apartment Complex

For the most part, the duo of Attuned were fairly silent as the others made their quips about the state of the building. With one hand over his sword, though, Akio continued to lead the way forward through the lobby. When nothing seemed particularly inclined to attempt to leap out at them, though, the young man let out a stifled sigh.

"...There's a reason I don't play horror games..." he sighed before walking towards the nearby staff room and pulling on the handle of the door. "...Locked."

There was a pause, though as the sight of something black seeping through the cracks in the door caused him to immediately take a step back and draw his sword.

"Guess whatever's here figured out what we're here to do," Akio remarked as the viscous liquid seeping through seemed to spread around to cover more of the door. A quick glance towards the entrance and windows showed that more of the same was beginning to appear there, too, which meant that whatever was causing this was well aware of their presence now and didn't want them to leave.

Not that they were planning to, though.

"Fun. All the better for us if it's not going to try and hide, though," Fumi remarked as she and Akio backed up, her weapon at the ready as a dull 'bang' seemed to resonate from past the door. Covered as it was, though, neither of the pair could really see what had caused the noise. Then another.

And another.

The ever-escalating frequency finally reached a fever pitch, though, as the door seemed to blow off of it's hinges, releasing a torrent of what seemed to be black hair and armlike appendages towards the group, all of them grasping towards whatever was nearby.

"Yep, that's certainly par for the course!" Fumi shouted, leaping to the side as she slashed out at the oncoming mass of... Whatever this was. Hopefully, the others would be able to dodge in time.

Umeda Park

Though it had managed to catch the one who had charged into it, the Grudge in question had found itself equally anchored... For better or worse. With a giant torrent of flames fast approaching, the amorphous blob did indeed attempt to struggle to retreat—but with that option all but removed, all it could do was let out an unearthly howl that seemed to shake the very earth they were standing upon as it was lit aflame. The mass that it had allowed to spread onto the ground quickly retreated backwards, shoring up the creature's size as it seemed to recoil in pain... Assuming they could feel pain, of course. This had the side effect, though, of releasing Kyozan from it's grasp and allowing the rakshasa free movement once more.

Once the flames had subsided, though, the Grudge seemed to begin to bubble, if but for a moment, before attempting to simply envelop the nearby youkai in an attempt to consume it. It had shrank from what it had been before, if only somewhat, but what was left was still more than enough to at least attempt such a feat.

At the same time, though, the sight of the Grudges that had not yet been immobilized by the nekomata and her partner beginning to recoverge towards meant that something else was afoot; maybe the monster was a hive mind and seeked to protect itself instead of expanding further?

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Zeroth
@MagusDream: Ah, makes sense. I just double-checked and realized it was "broken" HTML instead of BBCode, so my bad on not realizing that was intentional. Anyways, all good now. Accepted.

@Teyao: That... I mean, the problem is that the concept of the character means that I can't effectively judge it in the first place. I'd personally recommend scrapping the form altogether and starting from scratch, if anything.
@MagusDream: Putting the tag error aside, I find it weird that the person's family name pre-isekai was 'Blueflame'. Could probably change that to be something a bit more 'normal'. Rest of the form looks fine to me otherwise, and it'll be an acceptance once I give an okay on the name.

@Crusader Lord: Honestly, my biggest problem with this character is the weird (and maybe accidental?) suicidal ideation that the character portrays. It's one thing to pass away due to an accident or being a victim of some crime and be given a second chance, but to willingly take one's own life and, in essence, be rewarded for that?
...Yeah, doesn't sit right with me. I'll concern myself with the rest after that bit's fixed.

@Teyao: What I find a bit more problematic is how the character just doesn't fit in thematically with the rest of the cast at the given point in time in the story we're starting at (read: the start of the 'game's' story). There's no clean way to integrate the character into the RP for the first who knows how long, and if I'm going to be completely honest here it's fairly unlikely that forcing them into the cast would lead to anything productive. Sorry.
@Fiber: Concept as a whole feels a bit too nebulous for my liking. There's not enough there to form a cohesive character around simply BECAUSE of the concept, and the secondary person added in adds nothing meaningful to the world or cast in my opinion.
@AThousandCurses: Character looks fine. Accepted.

@MagusDream: Yeah, that concept's perfectly workable.
@AThousandCurses: I see no issue with the concept, honestly (though I wonder how the second function, which you could probably argue is more important, would be presented).

@Rune_Alchemist: Accepted.
@VitaVitaAR: Character accepted.
  • Name: Reginald von Afah
  • Age: 16
  • Appearance: "I'm a bit... Occupied at the moment."
  • Gender: Male
  • Personality: A rather brusque individual when caught up in his work, Reginald is not much a fan of pleasantries. He is curt and often to-the-point (and was in the past prior to regaining those memories of another life), to the point where words of blind praise seldom come out of his mouth, if ever. To those within his inner circle (small as that is), though, Reginald is far less unshakeable than the facade he puts up. The weight and the constant possibility of his entire world collapsing over his head has led him to become as driven as his 'vengeful' self was, though for completely different reasons, and though he desires to live a life free of turmoil, neither the position he was born into or the one that awaits him seem to wish one for him. To him, so long as those 'bad ends' can be avoided (or at least mitigated to some extent), then all of his struggles will have been worth it.
    With that said, what comes 'after' or what happens to him on other routes is yet unknown to him, and with the world as it is, the fear of wait awaits him beyond that horizon continues to slumber in wait... To say nothing of what enemies await him past even his own 'scenarios'.
  • Abilities/Skills: More than anything else, Reginald's skill in melee combat is what sets him apart from many others—or, at the very least, sets him apart within the game of "Cross Heart Academy". When siding with the protagonist, Reginald is oft considered one of the best melee units in the game, with a heavy focus on strength and agility; considering how most routes in which one plays with him usually cause a non-insignificant portion of the recruitable cast to be against the player by default, though, that much might be expected. When against her, though, Reginald has the potential to be just as devastating (if not moreso), as with his tendency to focus out the supports and backline first, rosters of characters could end up crippled even after a victory against him without proper planning.
    When placing matters of battle aside, though, the few years that Reginald has spent with his new memories have led him to study far more than his past self would have in the years leading up to his arrival at Starveil Academy. Though he does not have the political know-how to navigate social situations like many of his peers might, his information gathering and breadth of knowledge (especially when coupled with what knowledge he had before reincarnating) allows him some leeway in terms of studies and gives him more chances to try and either better himself or dig deeper towards the root of his problems.
  • History: Prior to his 'awakening' as Reginald, the young man inhabiting his body was a college student who had a penchant for the sciences—in other words, a bit of a nerd who so happened to play "Cross Heart Academy" on a whim. Though the plot of the game had intrigued him as a whole, much of his focus had been on the game's combat scenarios—particularly the RPG and SRPG sections. With even the smallest of changes causing ripples down the line in terms of both encounter and map design, that college student found himself engrossed in those scenarios... Leaving many of the more 'peaceful' scenarios to the wayside (unless, of course, they unlocked something else for him to try his hand at).
    All of those memories came flooding back into him at the age of twelve after a bout of illness, and the following days were spent trying to sort out the deluge of information that had suddenly come pouring into his head. Ultimately, though, the young boy had come to a simple conclusion given all that he had learned thereafter: that such a fate could not come to pass. While he could not in his heart condone what had been done to lead him down that path of vengeance, neither could he accept the person that 'he' would become. What else was there to do, then, but try and avoid that fate with all his heart?
    Ultimately, though, this meant that Reginald would throw himself wholly into his studies, be they academic or martial. Social presence was put to the wayside as he tried to hone himself in body and mind, but his status as a duke's son meant that no matter how he tried, politics would return to claim him once more.
    The ideal goal would be to unravel the schemes of those who sought to bring him to ruin before they even began, of course, but failing that...
    Fighting for his life was always an option, dire as that seemed to be.
  • Original Role and Background: Reginald's role in the original world of "Cross Heart Academy" was that of one of the main 'capture targets'—one who was pivotal in more than a few arcs involving the political instability of the kingdom that the Academy resided within. Depending on the choices taken by the player, Reginald would either become the main focus or major antagonist of the second half of the game in those more political and battle-centric routes and disappearing into the shadows on most others. Calling him a 'vengeful specter' would not have been far from the truth, given what fate befalls him and his family, and whether or not he moves to destroy the nation often hinges upon how far he is pushed mentally.
  • Other: Has a younger sister named Ellen who, depending on how the scenario plays out, either dies in the incident that brings down his family or joins the protagonist in order to stop him (and possibily dies in the process). Needless to say, Reginald would rather none of those happen in the first place.
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