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@Crimson Flame: Well, the solution probably comes from the world itself and how the people within deal with ghosts (because they should exist in a world like this anyways). If the mana in the world prevents him from, say, phasing into the ground or anything else dense with mana, that should work for a start. As for combat utility... I think that making him unable to just phase through magical attacks and forcing him to dodge or just take them head-on should work.
Well, with the time I have now, let's start tackling Danny.

@Crimson Flame:
  • First: The thermos. There's no Ghost Zone to dump people into, so it's really just active until it hits capacity (and even then there are issues to be concerned about). Then there's the whole issue of the actual effects it'd have on undead or earthbound spirits and that's a whooole other can of worms.
  • You don't really need to break down every facet of Danny's ghost form for the sake of explanations, if I'm being honest. But there are a ton of smaller issues here within his powerset that I should bring up.
    • Possession of others. No. Let's not. I'm well aware that he uses that ability more often than not to get back at his bullies (among others), but it is inherently an ability that takes control away from other players, which is an issue regardless of use case.
    • Dream access: there's a whole bunch of stuff I could talk about here, but at the end of the day it's an extension of the possession issue. Like mind reading, but also pretty invasive even if there is no directly malicious intent.
    • Ability to use a weapon does not equate to skill with a weapon, to the point where I'd say if he managed to swing a sword around two or three times it wouldn't count as being skilled in swordsmanship. To expound upon this further: Danny Phantom (as a character) has limitations imposed on him by the medium in which his series originates (that being a cartoon series). There is no reason to animate complex swordplay if simple swings do the trick (a la comic book impact frames). He just can't reasonably have skill with any sorts on random weapons unless he has shown reasonable skill with the weapon and not just "able to use it because plot gave him one".
    • Casual intangibility. Like, okay, yes, he's part ghost in ghost form which should enable some level of phasing attacks, but this also puts the onus on the GM side of things to create encounters that he can't just cheese because "lol dive into the earth and yoink enemies into the ground and hope they can't respond". In context of the show, it works fine because a vast majority of his enemies are also ghosts and thus play by the same rules, but that doesn't apply here.

There might be more here that I haven't caught at a glance, but for a first pass, those are the issues that I noted. Might say more later, but that's it for the moment.
@EchoWolff: I'd rather there be no OCs of that nature in the RP, if possible. The only 'gray area' I can think of in this case is characters whose appearances are variable but whose personalities can be defined to some degree(e.g. Fire Emblem's Robin/Corrin, Mass Effect's Commander Shepard, and so on).

Again, if a choice is too nebulous, run it by me and I'll give it a check over (just so people don't commit on a form that I might take issue with).

"Millie, please, just hold on. Big bro's going to get us out of here..."

Though his lungs burned with every breath he took, a young man—his face stained soot-black from the ashes of his old home—hastily scrambled through the underbrush. The young girl clinging to his back, her breathing ragged, desperately held on for dear life as he pushed further and further into the forest. The shouts and cries of their hunters from the ruins of what had once been their quiet hometown spurred them further onward. Paired with the dying screams and cries of their families and friends...

All that could be done now was to run. Run and run and pray that somehow, the two of them would escape. The chance of such a thing happening was infinitesimal, but that smallest chance of hope was the only thing they could cling onto. If death was the only alternative, then he would cling onto even the smallest of possibilities.

But even if he couldn't make it, maybe his sister——

The sounds of orders barked out from between the trees immediately caused the runaway villager to swerve, his body scrambling to recover as he moved away from the noise. There was nothing left to be done except run away, and as far as he knew, anywhere was better than towards the enemy.

The desperate young man soon found that the forest had begun to clear, and before long the unworn dirt paths gave way to long-abandoned paved stone. Though nature had reclaimed much of the land, the sight of a half-destroyed church in the center quickly caught his eye. With the shouts from behind growing closer, however, the villager simply chose to push forward into the ruins.

Only when he reached them, however, did he realize he had been trapped.

From out of the forest came soldiers—the same ones who had been pursuing him and his sister. The fact that there seemed to be so many of them waiting for his arrival made his heart sink, and the briefest of glances made clear that they were planning on shooting at him from afar. With no other place to go but those destroyed stone walls, the young man chose to dive through the nearest broken window of the church—the glass shards tearing into his skin and clothing—to escape the oncoming hail of arrows. There were a few that made it through the broken ceiling of the building, but as if by some miraculous luck, neither he nor the girl on his shoulders had suffered any further injuries.

In the center of that broken church, though, stood a single statue—one of a goddess long since forgotten, her wings outstretched as if inviting the pair to come forward. With their death fast approaching, though, the young man could do little more than pray to that yet-unknown deity. Be it for a miracle, salvation, or even a quick death when there was nowhere else left to run...

"I have heard your prayers, weary traveler. You have done well to make it here—and for that, I shall bring thee aid. Heroes from beyond the rift, I beseech thee: take up arms and bring forth salvation—if not in the name of Lavielle, then of your own————!"

Though the voice he seemed to ring through his very bones, the source of it all seemed to not be the statue to whom he was praying, but rather of his little sister, whose eyes seemed to be shining with a light not her own. Before long, though, that light seemed to engulf her entire body, before quickly consuming the ruins in their entirety...


To summarize the intent of this RP as briefly as possible: I wrote this up to attempt—as the title suggests—a crossover isekai RP. By answering the summons of the goddess Lavielle, these heroes—characters from other universes, in short—are brought to the world of Cerennia to rescue it from an ill fate.

Now, when I say crossover, I do mean crossover RP. Characters from games, film, television, and other forms of media are all welcome here. The only thing I would note here, however, is that I will be vetting the characters in relation to one another and the world just as much as I will be the characters themselves. As such, if someone might not be a good fit for the setup, I may reject it on that basis alone.


The world of Cerennia is one of might and magic—in other words, that of what you might consider a "traditional" medieval high fantasy, complete with a variety of fantastical creatures, races, and the presence (and somewhat liberal usage of) magic. As to the nature of the oncoming threat that threatens all who live in the realm and the motivations therein, as well as those of the people who you may meet...

Well, that falls to the players to decide how to handle.

Enough waffling about, then. Here's a form (courtesy of co-GM @VitaVitaAR) for all interested parties.

As always, if anyone has any questions, concerns, or anything else that might fall under that umbrella, please do ask.
Well, that's... A lotta interest. Probably enough to move to an OoC, so I'll handle that soon.

@Lugubrious: I'll try to answer as best I can, so let's split the answer up into two parts.

What the PC's situation will be: this is mainly in regards to their on-summon summon situation. The point in time they are pulled from (relative to their own world) isn't relevant so much as it is a reference point for their abilities at the time. The OP for the RP (as is planned) will jump off from everyone being summoned to the church as per the end of the prologue section of the RP. Further details likely will be expounded on a character-by-character basis.

What they'll be doing: a variety of things (duh), but the primary goals insofar as the main plot is concerned will be to retake regions back from the oncoming enemy forces sweeping the land. This in and of itself has multiple facets, as the enemy forces are not a monolith in terms of ideology or demographic. This thus enables multiple routes to actually REACH the end goal.
That being said, taking the head of the one at the top won't actually lead to much. This isn't an army that'll just dissolve into chaos and disorder if the commander kicks the bucket.
Richard Evans
Byjerlfal City — Camphor's Lab

"Clarissa, then? Duly no—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Richard once again found himself being interrupted—this time, by the rather dour young man who had traveled with them from the docks. Though he shared his sentiments to an extent, Richard himself had no intention of getting into any sort of argument. They were here to do a job, after all, and actively antagonizing the people around him seemed like a great way to make enemies.

Not that it seemed to stop others from chiming in, though.

"...Well, I think I'll do the smart thing here and abstain from this trainwreck," he muttered to himself as the others continued to introduce themselves. Compared to his more formal greeting, everyone else seemed to be more casual—a difference in values, perhaps?

It was then, though, that the professor that had called them all here had finally made herself known. Compared to someone like, say, Professor Juniper, though, Camphor seemed to be a bit more...

Disheveled? Sleep-deprived?

...Maybe "a lot" more would have been more apt.

Apparently eschewing any sort of more formal introductions, the professor soon led them further into the lab; Richard, not wishing to linger any longer than he needed to, simply followed suit.

To say that the massive underground nature preserve surprised him would have been a bit of an understatement. He had expected something more minimalist, if anything—a lot more clinical machines and maybe caretaking facilities outside the city instead of under it.

If the trip over hadn't already emphasized how much money Camphor had to throw around, this would certainly have.

But before he could ogle for much longer, Richard found himself being ushered into an elevator and down to the ground floor, at which point the professor promptly handed him (and everyone else who apparently didn't have a partner of their own) a Pokeball before directing them to go find their new partner themselves.

"...Huh. Well, this isn't what I was expecting, but as far as surprises go, this one is rather pleasant," he responded before thanking the professor and dropping his bags off near the elevator. "If you'll excuse me, then."

Breaking away from the rest of the group, Richard took a deep breath before walking towards a more verdant section of the area. It was a Snivy that he had signed off for, after all, and it'd make reasonable sense to look for one where Grass-types would traditionally linger.

Hopefully it wouldn't take too long to find her.

@Rune_Alchemist@Crusader Lord@Savo

"Millie, please, just hold on. Big bro's going to get us out of here..."

Though his lungs burned with every breath he took, a young man—his face stained soot-black from the ashes of his old home—hastily scrambled through the underbrush. The young girl clinging to his back, her breathing ragged, desperately held on for dear life as he pushed further and further into the forest. The shouts and cries of their hunters from the ruins of what had once been their quiet hometown spurred them further onward. Paired with the dying screams and cries of their families and friends...

All that could be done now was to run. Run and run and pray that somehow, the two of them would escape. The chance of such a thing happening was infinitesimal, but that smallest chance of hope was the only thing they could cling onto. If death was the only alternative, then he would cling onto even the smallest of possibilities.

But even if he couldn't make it, maybe his sister——

The sounds of orders barked out from between the trees immediately caused the runaway villager to swerve, his body scrambling to recover as he moved away from the noise. There was nothing left to be done except run away, and as far as he knew, anywhere was better than towards the enemy.

The desperate young man soon found that the forest had begun to clear, and before long the unworn dirt paths gave way to long-abandoned paved stone. Though nature had reclaimed much of the land, the sight of a half-destroyed church in the center quickly caught his eye. With the shouts from behind growing closer, however, the villager simply chose to push forward into the ruins.

Only when he reached them, however, did he realize he had been trapped.

From out of the forest came soldiers—the same ones who had been pursuing him and his sister. The fact that there seemed to be so many of them waiting for his arrival made his heart sink, and the briefest of glances made clear that they were planning on shooting at him from afar. With no other place to go but those destroyed stone walls, the young man chose to dive through the nearest broken window of the church—the glass shards tearing into his skin and clothing—to escape the oncoming hail of arrows. There were a few that made it through the broken ceiling of the building, but as if by some miraculous luck, neither he nor the girl on his shoulders had suffered any further injuries.

In the center of that broken church, though, stood a single statue—one of a goddess long since forgotten, her wings outstretched as if inviting the pair to come forward. With their death fast approaching, though, the young man could do little more than pray to that yet-unknown deity. Be it for a miracle, salvation, or even a quick death when there was nowhere else left to run...

"I have heard your prayers, weary traveler. You have done well to make it here—and for that, I shall bring thee aid. Heroes from beyond the rift, I beseech thee: take up arms and bring forth salvation—if not in the name of Lavielle, then of your own————!"

Though the voice he seemed to ring through his very bones, the source of it all seemed to not be the statue to whom he was praying, but rather of his little sister, whose eyes seemed to be shining with a light not her own. Before long, though, that light seemed to engulf her entire body, before quickly consuming the ruins in their entirety...


To summarize the intent of this RP as briefly as possible: I wrote this up intending to attempt—as the title suggests—a crossover isekai RP. By answering the summons of the goddess Lavielle, these heroes—characters from other universes, in short—are brought to the world of Cerennia to rescue it from an ill fate.

Now, when I say crossover, I do mean crossover RP. Characters from games, film, television, and other forms of media are all welcome here. The only thing I would note here, however, is that I will be vetting the characters in relation to one another and the world just as much as I will be the characters themselves. As such, if someone might not be a good fit for the setup, I may reject it on that basis alone.


The world of Cerennia is one of might and magic—in other words, that of what you might consider a "traditional" medieval high fantasy, complete with a variety of fantastical creatures, races, and the presence (and somewhat liberal usage of) magic. As to the nature of the oncoming threat that threatens all who live in the realm and the motivations therein, as well as those of the people who you may meet...

Well, that falls to the players to decide how to handle.

In any case, though this is an interest check (and thus not necessarily off the ground by any means), I have a form prepped (courtesy of co-GM @VitaVitaAR) in case anyone might want to get a head start.

As always, if anyone has any questions, concerns, or anything else that might fall under that umbrella, please do ask.
Richard Evans
Byjerlfal City — Camphor's Lab

With there being little else to do and none of the others seeming particularly intent on pursuing any other conversation en route, Richard simply chose to follow after Camila with the others. The city's sights didn't pull his attention any which way, which was probably for the best; his funds were a bit tight and would continue to be as such until he got his first paycheck... Or until he could get into a good enough position to start battling with reasonable confidence. Whichever came first, really.

Once the group arrived, though, Richard silently took note of the other group of people who also seemed to be arriving at the same time. Given their general appearance, it seemed like that it would be reasonable to assume that they were here for much the same reason they were; the following explanation that he managed to overhear made that less of a guess and more of a statement. Either way, the number of people was rather notable—and the group of people who seemed to be waiting in reception for much of the same reason only served to add to their number. Twelve in all, himself included—in other words, it was inevitable that at least some of them would be journeying together in the near future.

Though some part of him wanted to move and plainly introduce himself, one person from the other group took the chance to make himself the center of attention (and rather flashily, too). Though the reception area was by no means cramped, seeing someone choose to sit on the table rather than at didn't quite sit right with him—not that he was particularly inclined to call them out for it, though. With his luggage still firmly in his grasp, Richard simply moved towards the other group and flagged down their attention—however briefly—with a wave instead.

"I suppose we're apt to be coworkers—er, co-assistants?—from here on out. Name's Richard Evans; it's a pleasure to meet you," he said, unable to really dodge a more formal introduction given the current atmosphere. The overbearingly casual nature of the one person who had chosen to accost the other three people who were waiting was a bit too much for his tastes, and making a first impression like this seemed less likely to backfire than...

Well, whatever that sort of entrance was.

@Crimson Flame@Theyra@VitaVitaAR@Crusader Lord
Richard Evans
Byjerlfal City — Docks

With both his backpack and luggage double-checked to make sure nothing had somehow left his person (mild paranoia about petty thievery was a valid concern when this out of place, after all), Richard simply made his way over to the assistant whose sign was waving about in the air. The appearance of the ship's captain to follow after them to hand something off to said assistant was mildly unexpected, of course, but as the other apparent assistants-to-be congregated around the sign, Richard simply chose to take note of the others who would be his co-workers in the near future.

The girl who had initially approached him—Isla, if he had heard her correctly—seemed to remain mostly silent on the way over. In that regard, it was hard to get a gauge on her character beyond maybe being a little soft-spoken. More concerning, though, was the girl who had interjected earlier. Her name half-lingered inside his head; Jane or Jill or something of the sort. More notable that the Trainer herself was the Aipom she had with her; it seemed fairly lackadaisical in nature (as one might have expected), but the fact that she was okay with it hanging out outside of a Pokeball meant that she either had built a great rapport with the creature or that she might have been too carefree as a Trainer.

Hopefully it would be the former, else it would probably be prudent to take a different route from the ninja-apparent when everyone inevitably split up to take their own paths around the region.

And then there was the last guy, the one who had somehow slipped into the group without so much as a whisper. Something about him seemed oddly familiar, but to what end Richard himself couldn't quite put his finger on at the moment. Not that he particularly wished to interrupt someone lost in their own thoughts right now, else they respond unfavorably, but at least his presence would be acknowledged... Or something of the sort.

But rather than waffling about trying to start up some more small talk, the assistant—after being handed an odd package by the captain—swiftly made the executive decision to lead them away. Probably for the best, all things considered; Richard was more than ready to see what Professor Camphor had planned for the near future, even if it probably just boiled down to "give everyone who didn't already have a partner one and throw them off into the world, guidance be damned."

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