Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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OK. I know @rush99999, @Crimson Flame, and @Benzaiten are still here. Thank you!

Now let's see who else is here...


Are you guys still around?
@Dark Cloud @Guardian Angel Haruki @Birdboy @Lurking Krog @XxFellsingxX @LostDestiny

Alrighty then. What I'm getting from this consensus is that the use of an annis hag is fine, provided that her child minions are non-combatants that can be rescued from her clutches and led back onto the straight and narrow.

If I've got that right, allow me to pose my final question.

Would you all just like to skip this encounter?

Since the whole fighting a kid thing is killing the vibe, I could just hit fast forward, resolve the rest of this situation ASAP, and get us on to the next thing if that's what you'd like me to do.

I think we should fast forward if everyone else is okay with it. ^^"

I'm also going to retract my previous IC post.
Sorry for the wait on my end guys. Been worn out from work for the past couple of weeks. ^^"

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Didn't notice this post until just now somehow.

Either way, don't forget that chases have different rules from combat.

I completely forgot about the chase rules. Excuse me while I refresh my memory on this...

Also...considering what's happened in Adventure, I do feel that I need to let you guys know:

Yes, there are children NPCs in this game.

No, the module will not sic them on the Player Characters as enemies, no matter what first impressions may be.
@Dark Cloud @Guardian Angel Haruki @Birdboy @Lurking Krog @XxFellsingxX @LostDestiny

Ok. By unanimous vote encounters against evil children are no longer on the docket. I offer you all my deepest gratitude for your input, as well as my sincerest apologies for any discomfort I may have caused. I shall try my best to avoid doing this in the future.

It is with this goal in mind that I ask my next question.

I'm sure by now that some of you have guessed that this campaign will feature a coven of hags. Without spoiling too much, one of the coven's members is an annis hag. A variant of hag whose preferred targets are children.

Should I swap the annis out with a different hag?

I've run an annis hag in a different game and I have a similar villain in Wild Beyond the Witchlight (without giving spoilers).

Fighting an Annis Hag, or any hag, is not the issue, as they are depicted to be irredeemable monsters.

The main issue with this encounter is fighting the child without the possibility of helping the child.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I feel like your going to turn my body to mush

The idea isn't for Hammerhand. ^^"

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Create or Destroy Water specifies that it can only effect water in an open container. So the mouth would count so long as it's open. As would the eyes and nose.

Also, now that I think about it, I probably should have checked how ok you all are with this whole evil children thing before implementing it... Welp. Better late than never I suppose.

@Dark Cloud @Guardian Angel Haruki @Birdboy @Lurking Krog @XxFellsingxX @LostDestiny

How ok are all of you with the use of children as enemies? Do you not mind it happening or would you prefer that I not do that?

Thank you.
And like everyone else I would prefer that after this, we do not go that route again.
@rush99999 I hate that we're fighting a kid in this mess, because I've been trying to think of what to do...and I just feel bad. -_-"

I have an idea, considering Max just spit in Hammerhand's mouth, but I have a question for you, Rush.

....Would you count a living humanoid body as a container for water?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

You're up.

Well then...
Time to see what I can do...

In the meantime, Check out this short I found! XD
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Does Cascade currently have her shield equipped?

@Guardian Angel Haruki

How close did you move to Max? Are you within five feet of him?

How far away was Max from Hammerhand? ^^"
She moved to interpose between the both of them, to prevent a fight.
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