Avatar of Hillan


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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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To add on what Buddha said - this RP didn't come from anything else, except our want for a Naruto RP, and as the interest check says, we do in fact know what we're doing. It's far from our first rodeo, if you put in the commitment to the RP, it'll be awesome, because we're two GM's who are willing to stick with this, provided we get a good cast of interesting characters and dedicated players.
While you're racing to make a character - remember that the winter came twelve years ago, so most of our characters wouldn't remember much but the winter and the harsh times, so the regular go-happy characters you'd find in the canon story might not be so fitting for this one.

Just to let everyone know, Hillan has withdrawn from the RP.

He has. Thanks everyone for a good run, and best of luck.

Im interested. I was hoping someone would do this. Can't wait. The normal canon clans exist in this universe right? Uchiha, Senju, hyuga etc


Power Balance are like Buddha said redistributed though, so don't get married to the idea of the Uchihas and the Senjus being the most important clans in the land.
I suppose I have to make an appearance, too.

In -Dead- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
<Snipped quote by Jasonhero>

It's not cool if we copy the stuff you copied?

In -Dead- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hello people, both old and new.

Edit: As far as hybrid-clan issues, from what I know of the Senju Clan, users of the Bloodline limit is very few and far between - in canon, only Hashirama could use it, but seeing as this is an AU, that's obviously not the case. Because of the rarity of their actual bloodline, I'd say that they're very open as far as marrying/courting outside of the clan. They'd be treated like everyone else, Senju-wise.

I wanna point out there's absolutely 0 evidence for the Wood Release to be a Senju KG. Their only potential KG's the exact same as the Uzumaki one, which is high vitality, since the two are sister-clans.
Hashirama's Wood Release is probably mutation found only inside of his DNA. No one else has reproduced it, and there's a whole lot of offsprings / relatives of his in canon, but only people with his DNA can use it (Madara, Obito, Yamato, etc.) As far as the canon's concerned, you can be from any clan and have the Wood release, or the Boil Release, or the Dust / Magnet / whatever release. Only thing we know for sure that's bloodline's Haku's ice - but that might've just been the mirrors, not the ice itself.

In -Dead- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
<Snipped quote by Hillan>

So far we've only been allowed to play as native Konohaians... Konohanistas... Konohaii... Konohainitionists. Anywho, people have asked about playing characters from other villages and have been shut down due to the perspective of the game. No telling of what will happen in the future though. Just informing because the issue has been raised and is now ninja-hidden somewhere within the eight pages of OOC-stuff.

Crouching ninja, hidden post.

I getcha. This full indefinately, unless dropout, or are there any in-the-near future openings? Me and @Buddha are both Naruto-RP Veterans, for a lack of a better word, and at least I've gone too long without a good one.
In -Dead- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Posting here to show my interest to @Jasonhero and @Rusty4297. Would appreciate to hear when a spot opens up.


What are the exact nature of Amegakure? I'm thinking about making someone there. That Jounin Commander sounds pretty cool, any chance we'll see development involving the country of rain?


| B I R T H N A M E: |
José Suarez

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |[
Joe, some folks can't pronounce José.

| A L I A S ( E S ): |
Jeremy Williams

The Silencer

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |

| A B I L I T I E S: |
Sound Nullification; Able to completely to stop the vibrations of certain frequncies, blocking out sound in an area around him.

Wave Disruption; He's also able to disrupt radio, satelites and wifi.

| S K I L L S: |
Marksmanship; He's a excellent sniper, able to match the best of any military organization.

Intelligence; Above average IQ, excellent mathematician and knows just about everything there is to know about sound.

Hand-To-Hand; Trained in close quarters combat, able to handle himself in a fist fight.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
José Suarez comes from a poor family in sothern Mexico, as a child, his parents fled to America with him as illegals, they spent all his early years working, putting José in the care of their neighbours, they had saved up a fair sum of money when the U.S Government caught wind of their existance, José's father had been a small time criminal involved with the mexican Cartels, thus, he was bumped up high on the priority list of law enforcement.

His parents were both detained and arrested, but not before they could spend their money on getting José falsified papers, claiming he was born on american soil, and therefor an American citizen. His parents were then arrested and he never saw them again, only hearing that his father had been made to flip on the cartel, and had been killed in lockup for it, his mother's destiny remained a mystery for him.

Raised with a misstrust of the U.S government, he found himself in the care of a old man, Earl Grant, a 'freedom fighter', a real second ammendment believer, right wing, beliving the government would be coming for their freedom any moment, he was far from a nice man, yet, he was a good guy to José - Joe, as he called him. Raising Joe like one of his own, teaching him to shoot a gun, how to hunt deer, and to never trust anyone who says they're with either the church or the government - all forms of establishment were evil, in Earl's mind.

Joe took to shooting, a natural talent, in fact. His unusual upbringing, plus his mistrust for the government made it natural for him to turn to crime as a means to support himself, stealing, and soon he began commiting robberies. He never got caught, he was a very smart kid, after all.

With his stolen money, he managed to move into his own at 16, and go to high school. Day after graduation, he signed up to the army, and instantly made it to a sniper platoon inside of the rangers. After seeing combat only four times, he was dishonorably discharged for insubordination - too willing to press the trigger.

He turned back to crime, this time as a enforcer - a hitman. Around this time he discovered his extraordinary gifts, he was able to shoot a gun and completely remove the sound - he was the ultimate marksman, the enemy cannot counterattack when they can't hear where you are shooting from, nor where the bullets hit.

Crime would be the name of his game, working with everyone from the cartels to the C.I.A off the books.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |

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