W A R R E N W O R T H I N G T O N I I I (C L O N E) ♦ S T U D E N T ♦ W E S T C H E S T E R, N Y
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
Cherub is the X-Baby counterpart to the mainstream Earth's mutant and X-Man known as Angel. Specifically, Cherub was created at a period in Warren's life where he was known as Archangel, the former Horseman of Death. An artificially engineering being, Cherub -- like all Adorable X-Babies -- was designed to appeal to Mojoverse audiences as part of a Murderama special. Similar to Warren during the period that he went by the identity of Archangel, Cherub possesses blue skin and a pair of techno-organic wings that are razor-sharp, with a neurotoxin on the points.
This Cherub is, in fact, not the original X-Baby encountered by the X-Men. With the X-Men remaining popular in Mojoverse media, the X-Babies are periodically "cancelled" and replaced with new clones that represent the current generation or evolution of the team. While tedious, the cancellations are often some of the highest viewed specials between seasons. This Cherub, the second X-Baby modeled on Warren Worthington III, was part of the third generation production run, with the original having been part of the first Murderama. As Warren Worthington of the X-Men had taken back the mantle of Angel and once again featured feathered wings, the decision was made to cancel this Cherub and replace him for the next season. Fleeing from the warwolves, Cherub encountered an unstable Spiral. In the chaos that ensued, Cherub accidentally fell into a portal that transported him to New York. Amid the mild panic that ensued with a flying boy over the Big Apple, the warwolves pursued him from Mojoverse, leading to the X-Men intervening.
Debate over what to do with the X-Baby continues, but in the meantime, he'd found a home at the Xavier School. Attending classes with the New Mutants, whether his current status as free of Mojo's control is temporary or not remains to be seen.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):
Doc, Retired, and I kind of stumbled on a shared vision for the X-Men and New Mutants. Cherub is a character I've thought about taking a stab at developing a few times, being one of the more interesting (conceptually) X-Babies in my mind, so this seemed like a good opportunity to write a character that might not otherwise fit in a lot of narratives. And using the X-Baby version of Warren leaves the original free for someone to use.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
While every Marvel writer who has touched them has reinvented them (from tweens to literal infants), this character has undergone several name changes; being first stated as Cherub, then Lil' Archangel, and finally X-Baby Angel. Each incarnation resembled the Warren of the current comics with no shared continuity between appearances. For simplicity's sake, I use the original name and tried to account for the lack of continuity and changes in appearances by adding the "cancellation" aspect to the X-Babies/Murderama story.
Rounding out the youngest New Mutants, Cherub is joined by Katie Power (Energizer) and Sammy Pare (Squidboy), who are both 13 years old for purposes of this application/continuity.
A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.