Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

Most Recent Posts

1. What age are we preferring here? I listed 16, but I'm not sure I necessarily vibe with that. I much prefer older, at least 19. But I want you all to be able to weigh in on this.

1. Aaah... I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that one of the major aspects that grabbed my interest for the premise is the magic highschool aspect, where we can play an adolescent going through a coming-of-age journey into a full-fledged adult noble/knight. For transparency, if most of the cast are going to be over 18, or heck, someone mentioned mid-20s? Those are adults, and they'll have adult mindset and issues. Yeah, then it'll not be for me. Well, plan changes all the time, c'est la vie.

2, 3, 4, and 5. @Duoya pretty much read my mind with those, so I'm gonna second their suggestions on the matter.
@EchoWolff I see! Thank you for the prompt answers.

That said, hmmm... then my character concept won't quite qualify as I'm thinking of playing a highschool math prodigy with autistic savant syndrome. 18 would be college at minimum so that's a no go.

Then again, as I muse, I feel like I'll bite off way more than I can chew. I'll have to reference actual math terms and concepts, especially the advanced ones where they start to involve alphabets into the - literal - equation. Unfortunately, unlike my hypothetical char, I'm pretty dumb.

So between this and that, I don't think I'll be a good fit for the premise after all, apologies.
Interested in playing a Noble myself! Though if duplicates are needed, then I'll play a Knight as well for another player's Noble.

6) If you've read the rules, please tell us who your favorite video game/anime/manga/TV show Character is!

My absolute best favorite is none other than Saya from Saya no Uta. I'm someone who's exceedingly difficult to cry, so I distinctly remembered that Saya no Uta was the first fictional piece of media that managed to get tears out of me, the visual novel's story spoke to me on so many levels, but I've rambled long enough. So yes, Saya.
@EchoWolff Okay! I have a few questions before I'll feel ready to muse a character:

1. Do the players need to be knowledgeable in their PC's field of expertise? Like Math for Mathematicians, Psychology for Psychologists, etc.

2. While I can see no explicit IC age requirement, but due to recent experience, I've decided to err on the side of caution and just ask, what's the theoretical minimum and maximum PC age allowed?

3. For the Lucidity Mutagens, the more I think about it, unless you share the condition and/or a licensed psychologist, how can you discern whether a certain mental condition is played accurately or not? To use myself as an example, I'm in the asperger spectrum of autism, I know how an asperger would typically behave because I am one, but I can't say the same for ADHD sufferers because I don't have it, nor I am a psychologist. As the GM and voice of authority, how would you handle this?

--Varanheim - Abandoned Homestead--

In the middle of putting new entries into her personal journal, the eccentric-yet-shrewd archaeologist returned to the living room, announcing himself in that raucous tone pretty much expected from him. ... Eve turned her gaze at Vesemir when he mentioned her (and Carnatia), at first, she was curious as to what matter he wanted to address, after all, he wouldn't just do this without an express purpose. Oh... When he revealed his intentions of rationalizing the appropriation of the enchanted items, she found himself agreeing with him, and then even further when he brought a rather sizable coin pouch to "convince" those who were on the fence about the matter. At that moment, Vesemir reminded Eve of none other than Consul Konstantin, her own father. It was wise, after all, what was wealth than another resource at one's disposal? Coins were much better used as bargaining tools to exert one's will rather than being excessively hoarded inside vaults, gathering dust.

Up next, the monocled elf moved on to - frankly speaking - more important matters, the expedition. While before, Eve's attention was merely attracted, now, she was interested enough to close her journal then sauntered over to the living room's central table, peering down at the map of the Land of Twilight, which lay just east of Alkautsar. "Hmm..." She rubbed her chin thoughtfully, weighing the pros and cons of Vesemir's detour proposal, and it didn't take long for her to conclude that it was a wise decision considering the purpose of their journey, "Indeed, the more we can discover about these mythical lands as we head to Nuria, the better, Sir Vesemir." As for the remark of Gray Flame being their guide, well.. obviously, but Eve realized that not everyone might be as privy as herself when it came to the masked elf's role in the group.

After the discussion, Eve took out her journal once more, but this time to copy parts of the map that caught her interest, for quick reference in the future. However, it was at this moment that a little "incident" seemed to crop up nearby. ...? It involved Fia, Forbann, and Carnatia it seemed, something about the former proposing to-... Oh... Young as Eve was, she was still two years older than a decade, on the cusp of growing into adolescence, between that, her extraordinary intellect, and her extensive education, the matter of the "birds and the bees" certainly wasn't lost on her... and it irked her. Ugh... Rolling her eyes at the cringeworthy display, the shorter redhead focused on her journal while her taller counterpart was being all flustered.

Some time later, after discovering an alternative method of cooking without having to involve the mold-infested kitchen, Engelbart the Chef-Knight announced that dinner was ready. At this, Eve raised her head, I suppose I'm feeling a bit famished~ nodded to herself, then closed her journal, ready to join the others in a communal meal. Unlike those hopelessly decadent patricians back home, Eve realized that expecting palace-worthy cuisine would be extremely pompous of her, so, she simply adjusted her expectations accordingly. Hmhm~ a stew would do just fine~ Really, she should be praised for that.

After a hearty dinner with the other members of the caravan, Eve simply picked one of the sofas to tuck herself in, occupying so little of the furniture that one other person - except Forbann - could comfortably sit on the remaining space.

Thus, the night passed...

--Land of Twilight - En Route--

Hours later, the caravan was on the move once more. After passing through a small village and surrounding farmlands, they finally closed in on the Land of Twilight at last. Hmm...? The young artificer looked up from her journal after finishing yet another entry, her conscious and subconscious noticing the not-so-subtle change in the atmosphere. Honestly, she was expecting it, it would be rather anticlimactic if the so-called mythical ancestral home of elvenkind turned out to be... just another stretch of land.

As they ventured under the canopies of centuries-old branches and leaves, Evelyn looked out of the wagon she was occupying, gazing down at the oddly-pristine road, their bricks bereft of any grass growing between the gaps, untouched by any invading tree roots, and free from even a speck of moss. It wouldn't take an artificer like her to notice that something wasn't natural about these roads. Her interest piqued, Evelyn performed her simple yet reliable scrying spell on one of the blocks. Ah...? What she received in return brought more questions than answers, there was no doubt about it, the road was enchanted, but with... what? She had never encountered this kind of magical signatures before, Enchantments beyond anything I've ever seen before, undocumented in any of the tomes and grimoires I've read... even just from the roads alone, the Twilight Lands held secrets waiting to be discovered.

As if on cue, then came a familiar voice, one spoken behind a mask of solid white, "Something piqued your interest, princess? It is the road, isn't it? Hardly any grass sprouted on their gaps." he paused, and peered to the side of the road as if worrying if the trees had ears. "It was said that Serensiel was so powerful her aura alone terrorized anything she was close to. And such terror, even after 1700 years still lingered at every roads and every lands she ever traveled through."

"I... see..." The redhead found herself slightly at a loss for words, yes, she had heard of Serensiel the Elven Tyrant-Queen before, but to witness her terrible legacy firsthand was still... something. Though the story gave her mixed emotions, one eventually triumphed above all, curiosity, if even the roads were like this, one could only imagine what manner of divine knowledge could be studied from the deepest reaches of Nuria...

--Land of Twilight - Campsite--

Eventually, the sun slowly abdicated its reign to the moon as the late afternoon sky stretched over the Land of Twilight. The convoy decided to make camp, located on a roadside glade, quite near to the ruins of Lasse according to the map. ... While Vesemir, Engelbert, Gray, Carnatia, and the others were discussing about the monocled elf's plans to explore the ruins that very night, Evelyn was examining the... eerily-identical tree. Is it just me or...?

Then before she could put her thoughts together, the redheaded spellsword mentioned what was on her mind, that this particular chestnut tree was identical to the last one, right down to its number and pattern of its branches, leaves, and grooves. "A enchantment of the Illusion school could be at play here, yes, it won't be too farfetched to hypothesize that it was put here to prevent would-be explorers from entering further into the Land of Twilight." The shorter redhead added to the issue.

Then, Evelyn closed her eyes as her lips curled into a small confident smirk, "Fortunately for us, I'm quite capable of unraveling enchantments as much as I can apply them, s-" but before she could properly finish her little boast and eventual offer to help, the Gray Flame was already offering his guide to-... Lady Carnatia...? But... why? That didn't make sense, at all! But-... I am the artificer here, she's a spellsword, what is she going to do? Chop the tree down?! Was it because they were both redheads and Gray simply confused one for the other? No... no that's impossible, he's not an idiot... so, why...? In her assumption of perceived disrespect from someone she looked up to, Evelyn failed to realize that Carnatia can use her disenchantment technique without having to swing her sword.

"..." The masked elf himself might have meant nothing by it, but he nonetheless elicited an intense stare from the younger redhead of the group, to someone at least a bit more observant than average, it'd be quite clear to them that she was holding herself back from throwing a fit, barely. For all of her talks of maturity, decorum, and noblesse oblige, it seemed the prodigy wasn't so above it all, especially when it came to slights against her greatest passion, falsely perceived or not.

@Mas Bagus @Randomguy


How would you two like to be the starter duo (With me adding in my own character) for this? I can get an OOC up if you two are up for it!

Sounds cool!

--Golden Platter Casino - Main Floor--

At this point, it was beyond any shadow of a doubt that shit had hit the proverbial fan, but hey, it was already admirable that the squad came as far as they did. Initially, Angel had the inkling that they'd be sussed out right at the porch, but sometimes, it was nice to be proven wrong. "Yeah that's right! This here is a fucking robbery, so scram if you value your lives!" Fortunately, the civilian employees - who weren't paid enough to call a bluff from the 'lunatic redhead with a gun' - immediately retreated from the vicinity. Good, the less collateral damage they had to worry about, the better it'd be for everyone involved.

With her aerial form still encased in Orion's neon-green barrier, Angel decided to err on the side of offense more than caution, saturating the first floor with supernatural bullets from her equally-supernatural gun of an esper instrument, forcing most of the mobsters to hunker down behind cover, just as intended. Hey, if she could get a lucky tag here and there, then it'd be nice, but her main priority was to keep them occupied.

As a result, Angel's rambo rampage allowed Cerberus and Witch Hunter to more easily close the distance with their respective targets; Honey Badger for the former and Spades McGraw for the latter, engaging them in melee. Only time would tell how well that'd go...

...and apparently, not too well as a pair of those devil-touched monsters finally made themselves known, weretigers, neither tiger, nor man, living insults upon God's creations, abominations deserving nothing more than extermination. "Oh, shit!" However, as much as Angel wanted to assist her comrades - and also indulge in a bit of personal vengeance - in culling the feline mutants, Estelle being accosted by Loki meant Spades was free to fight fire with fire, peppering the Messenger of Gunpowder with hails of .45 from his own SMG, the classic Tommy gun. Perhaps as a testament to his skill, he was accurate enough to hit Angel enough times to shatter Orion's shield despite the redhead being a moving target and partially covered by the massive chandelier.

"Tch..." Okay, now it's personal.

For a brief second, Angel's fiery ambers and Spades' sharp golds mutually found each other, and though it lasted barely an iota of passage in the grand scheme of the universe, in that infinitesimal moment, they both understood what they must do, what must transpire.

Blessed be the Lord, my mountain. He who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle.

Furious swirls of golden wind began surrounding Angel's body. This time, she opted to let her defensive Melody protect her while she hovered in place, focusing all of her attention to one thing and one thing only, neutralizing the SMG-wielding mobster. If God wills it, he'd go from sharply-dressed to bullet-ridden very soon.

Thus, without a moment left to spare, the two gunners of opposing sides began furiously exchanging shots, a deadly waltz of bullets backed by the symphony of hammers striking against primers. Time itself seemed to slow down, allowing any would-be universal observer to witness a few of the projectiles clashing mid-air, mutually flattening each other with impunity, while their compatriots blitzed through the air, whizzing past, occasionally shaving a few locks of either red or dark hair, and maybe, just maybe, one or two would be fortunate enough to claim the grand prize of a forever home within the vitals of their respective target.

@Ponn @ERode @BrokenPromise @Majora

--Aventon - Hunter's Lodge--

Now that everyone had gathered once more, from either having just awakened or returned to the lodge, the discussion for their next move could begin in earnest. While Remilia herself had expressed interest in neutralizing the beast - or beasts - by culling it, there was no guarantee that everyone would share the same desire.

To begin, the Knight-Witch Rayne brought up a good question, It's true, we never did discover the name of this place, hmm? Well, to be fair, twas' a paltry matter compared to the disaster we had to deal with yesterday. Now that things had calmed down a bit, she supposed it was a good time to address the matter. Aventon Town, located within the territory of the sovereign nation of Riltaea, one of hunters said, Can't say I can remember or even ever heard of such a country. Indeed, it's already beyond any shadow of a doubt that this place is not the Outside World that she came from before her exodus to Gensokyo. Troubling, but no longer a surprise.

Next, Lewa the Toa of Air proposed an alternative solution to the issue, one that might seem... unthinkable to the average commoner, but the Scarlet Devil was no commoner, nor average, Hmm... an interesting proposal, one that aligns with Sir Lewa's peacekeeper principles admittedly. Still, it was something to consider, "If we can somehow tam-... befriend this beast and turn it into an ally, that'll be swell. After all, Aventon needs all the help it can get." She certainly wouldn't stop Lewa from trying, but if push came to shove, then as much as it was unideal, they'd have to slay the beast.

Then came the woman whose body partially rejected her healing spells - Anne, was it? - and she'd be the first who expressed the desire to stay behind and maintain overwatch of Aventon instead of venturing out to hunt, proving to Remilia regarding there being no guarantee that everyone would be on-board. "Understandable." The vampiress didn't have much to say on the matter, she was sure that Anne and the others could handle themselves.

At the very least, the plight appealed to the Half-Phantom Gardener's sense of naive heroism, as was expected. Youmu had always been the selfless savior kind of individual, meanwhile, Remilia had no illusions about her own motivations, while yes, altruistic acts were 'morally appropriate' by itself, she couldn't deny that there was a sense of thrill in discovering what wonders - and dangers - this world had. If she had to be stuck here for the foreseeable future, might as well make the best use of her time here. Imagine the stories I’ll be able to tell Flan and the others, fufufu~

The Moriya Miko was the last to chime in, and unlike everyone else, she took a third option of just dipping her toes in the hunting endeavor before returning to the village. Personally, Remilia thought that was a bit pointless, why not simply guard the village from the get-go? However, she wasn't in the mood to argue, she knew that the green-haired shrine maiden could be insufferably stubborn when challenged, just like her red-white counterpart, I suppose being exasperatingly hardheaded is a requirement for the job? Heh.

With the conference concluded, it was time for action. "Please, by all means, lead the way, good hunter."

--Aventon - Forest Outskirts--

Without the pouring rain, this place can be pleasant after all. The Scarlet Devil mused as she returned to the forest lying just beyond Aventon's town limits. As they went, Remilia's keen eyes and nose started noticing the tell-tale signs of the thing responsible for all the signs of disturbance on the vegetation, "Hmm..." Slitted blood-red eyes scanned her surroundings while a hand rubbed her chin thoughtfully, "I concur, good hunter, my senses tell me that we're dealing with beasts, plural." And what was the best of the five senses in terms of tracking things down? Correct, the olfactory organ.

"Debilitated as I am, let us see if I can track their scent." The lilac-haired youkai smirked before she closed her eyes, then inhaled, focusing her mind to identify every distinct scent she could notice.

@PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR @DracoLunaris @Lugubrious @Drifting Pollen @EchoWolff

--Varanheim - Abandoned Homestead--

"Hehen~" After her successful arcane appraisal, a feat which would be considered within the realm of professionals, Evelyn couldn't help but allow herself to express a modicum of smug satisfaction. There, that should silence any doubts regarding my expertise. Before she could dwell on it any further though, the platinum-blonde elf archer started retrieving the items from the table, except for the blood-encrusted sword, making a whole scene about it as she did. ... This caused mixed emotions brewing in the younger redhead of the party, she was bewildered... yet somewhat curious. The thought of someone who appeared to be an adult acting like a petulant infant almost seemed alien to Evelyn, and yet... here before her was an undeniable proof that such a thing was possible. Is Roxas actually younger than I am? Do a few elves physically develop that fast? It... it was unnerving.

...oh god. Before a horrible realization dawned on her as a single emotion began overwhelming all others, that being worry, Healer, she said. If our healer has such a repulsively uncooperative personality... I dare not even entertain the idea of her being able to fulfill her duty as one. This was definitely a cause for concern. Evelyn hoped that the tantrum-prone elf wasn't the only one among them who possessed such skills, That brooch, should we take it, must go to someone else more deserving. To say that Eve's first impression of Roxas being unfavorable would be an understatement.

"Hmmgh..." The youngest, yet ironically not the most childish, of Vesemir's band simply shrugged, physically and mentally. She pushed the matter of the childish woman(?) out of her mind for now, instead focusing on the gratitude expressed by Engelbert, Carnatia, and a few others for her appraisal services, well, she would be lying if she didn't think it's deserved, twas' not a skill any person could possess after all. "You honor me, Sir Engelbert, Lady Carnatia," The artificer performed a small elegant curtsy, "This will be the first, but certainly not the last time I shall do so. I imagine we'll find countless artifacts to examine during our journey."

In the meantime, the introductions continued for the remaining three individuals in the room, all of them men of martial persuasion. The first amongst the three to take the stand was the veteran Tillius Battakka, a former officer of Westernant's armed forces, an admirable achievement considering the country's strong military. Judging from the orc's impressive build and stature, one could easily deduce why. A professional soldier... with all the physical training and mental conditioning that come with such a dangerous profession, yes, we can definitely appreciate someone who can remain calm in the heat of combat, especially since we have a... Evelyn almost felt awful at seeing a certain healer in such a light, but facts couldn't lie. Nevertheless, Sir Tillius' allegiance to our cause is more than welcomed.

Following Tillius was a scion from the city of Scheel who introduced himself as Rezello Fulsteel-Ashton, That naming convention... is he of noble blood? He was a knight so perhaps, though unfortunately, Evelyn wasn't familiar with what happened to his homeland, and Rezello made it clear that he wasn't in the mind of elaborating his past, a sentiment that she would respect. It doesn't sound like a pleasant event anyway. Then the masked fighter showcased his ability to shape various weapons through flexing his arcane muscles, Conjuration and Evocation magic? Impressive... Just like the veteran soldier before him, this former knight- no, runeknight - was a fine addition to the party.

Then, lastly, the foreign vagrant warrior revealed his name and intentions for coming all the way from faraway lands to Varanheim. So he was adopted by a Varanheim-born elf, and this elf had passed away and been cremated. He was here to honor her memories, well... admirable, a touch bit sentimental, but admirable nonetheless. His skills suggest espionage training, is he a spy then? Well, the equivalent of a spy from whatever nation he hailed from. That was good, they had plenty of warriors, knights, mages, and a combination of those, but not many dedicated espionage specialists.

Well, that was everyone done with, Eve supposed she could get back to tinkering with those items-... oh right, Roxas took them. "Sigh..." A subtle sigh of disappointment escaped her lips as the redhead awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck, dejectedly looking off to the side. This gesture seemed to attract Gray's attention as the masked elf proceeded to inquire her about the items, He read me like an open book, was I that obvious? Truth to be told, Evelyn had zero interest in participating in the whole 'Finder's Keepers' debacle, but since she was asked directly about the matter... "Perform any necessary maintenance to return them to full functions, if needed, then give them to someone who can make the most use of each artifact; the brooch to-..." She paused briefly, her eyes looking to the side for a moment before returning to Gray Flame's eye slots, "-...a healer, the lamp to Sir Takumi, and the twin swords to Sir Tillius or you, Sir Gray."

Unless prodded further, that answer would be the last time Eve would humor the topic. Much preferably, she'd let Engelbert, Gray, Vesemir, Fia, Carnatia, or anyone else - as long as it's not herself - to handle the tantruming healer. As for the items, well, apparently they held great sentimental values judging from the history of their owners, some Varanheiman elite soldier according to Gray. Mmmngh... I want to explore mythical lands of ancient secrets and otherworldly artifacts, not... this. Well, to be fair, they got here due to a storm-induced detour anyway. Haaa... With her job done and little else to do besides socializing, the young artificer decided to just reserve a seat for herself, procure her journal, then began sketching and writing about the items she just appraised.

@Visyn @A5G @Randomguy @Conscripts @Valkon @Remuri v2 @Mas Bagus

--Varanheim - Abandoned Homestead--

Just as before, the scrying spell unraveled the secrets held by the bloodied sword's twin... only for there to be no secrets at all, at least not what Evelyn didn’t already know. Just as I expected, this is simply the other pair of its twin, it holds the exact same enchantments, of course without the dried blood as it went unused. Mentally shrugging in lack of surprise, the artificer returned to her original spot in front of the bloodied sword at the table. It was at this time that the wandering witch quipped at her, and even though Fia meant nothing by it, her words nonetheless rubbed Eve the wrong way.

"Uh..." Eve's lips pursed as her brows frowned, her mind barely reigning herself back from making a snide response, this time, her rationality triumphed over her emotions. Calm yourself, Eve, she's simply one of the many strangers blind to your worth due to your age, in time, she'll see... they'll all see. As a result, Eve simply smirked in response, "Very soon, Lady Fia, you'll see that my age has no bearing with my contributions to this expedition." There, she'd leave it at that, noblesse oblige preserved.

Soon after, the boisterous voice of Sir Engelbert the Allegedly Fearless echoed in the living room, following an equally-loud twin claps from his gauntlets. Oh? An invitation to introduce oneself to the whole group? Well, this should be interesting, and indeed, essential. Each and every member of the team would be relying on each other through thick and thin, knowing who your comrades were and what they could do were the bare minimum of camaraderie. For the moment, Eve was content to let others take the honors first.

Up first was Sir Engelbert himself, and though they had only met recently, the adventurer-knight had such a reputation about him that winds of his fame had reached her ears, after all, words travel fast in Venezia. Indeed, the enchantments upon his armor are the feats of master artificers. It won't be feasible now since we're on an expedition, but I must ask him to let me examine his armor in detail once we have the opportunity. Eve mused, nodding idly to herself with a hand clasped against her chin, And perhaps, if my skills allow, improve upon it. It'll honor me greatly to work upon such a masterpiece.

Then, before anyone else could take their turn, the elven archer - Roxas, was it? - returned from her foray to the second floor, bringing with her various items. Ohooo... interesting... Safe to say, the young artificer's interests were piqued, and even before Roxas or Carnatia mentioned it, she was already planning to scry those items. But it'll be uncouth to do so now, I'll wait until the introductions are over. Besides, she had yet to introduce herself.

The next person to ascend the proverbial podium was none other than the arcane-swordswoman with blazing red hair and equally fiery eyes, the one that caught her attention earlier. Wielding magic and might both, a runeknight? Hmm... perhaps battlemage would be more appropriate since she admitted to be relying on magic more than martial. She spoke of dismantling magical enchantments, is she a fellow artificer? Perhaps not, I have the feeling that what she meant is more on the combat side of things rather than craftsmanship. Regardless, Eve found herself staring at the comely warrioress once more... "...-eh?!" So when Carnatia mentioned her name directly, she was taken by surprise, all due to her own doing, "A-... aaah... ahem...!" Evelyn was quick to save face though as she cleared her throat, pausing to gather herself as she nodded at Carnatia and Roxas with a confident smile, "Yes, Lady Carnatia, Lady Roxas, such feats are well within my expertise, I shall do so in but a moment."

Unfortunately, that plan was not without its issues, one that Engelbert brought up, something about disrespecting other people's belongings. Well, he might have a point there, but surely just examining them wouldn't hurt, right? I'll just scry them, doesn't mean I'll take them... However, she wasn't willing to debate the knight of stellar repute on the matter, especially when she partially agreed with him, but then, the accusee - Roxas - also brought up points of her own, defending her actions, and honestly? She too had merits. Aaah... Before Evelyn knew it, what was once a jolly introduction session had turned into bickering.

Fortunately for everyone in the room, Engelbert decided to back down, proving that he deserved his reputation as a chivalrous crusader. Instead of escalating the tension and antagonizing his fellow party member, he decided to consult privately with his good friend instead. Sir Gray should be able to provide him with sage advices. With that little altercation dealt with, the introductions could continue.

The spotlight shone on the tallest and widest adventurer amongst them, the Ferromancer-Knight, Forbann Spiser, who confirmed Eve's hypothesis that he belonged to the djinn kin, oni to be more specific. Fascinating... truly fascinating. A wielder of the malignant Cursed Iron, a material so hazardous that even Evelyn dared not to tinker with them, at least until she gained more experience in handling corrupted materials. However, standing before her was an expert of the craft. Heh, even if Sir Vesemir cancels the expedition now, I'd have gotten myself quite a number of interesting individuals to correspond with. And Forbann was definitely listed among them.

Then, once more, before the next person could step up, Gray returned with Engelbert to share a few words of wisdom to Roxas, and by extension, the rest of the group. "Fair enough, Sir Gray." Eve acquiesced with a small nod, "But at least let me examine them first, if anything, it'll allow us to be properly informed if any of these items bear any harmful curses, I believe such a precaution is justified."

Back to the introductions, the witch and collector of arcane trinkets took the stage. By all purposes, she was the first dedicated magus amongst those who had introduced themselves, and perhaps the only one too, pending any further revelations. Her display of magical prowess as she flexed her mastery over element after element was equally beautiful and terrifying. Here lied a sorceress who could lay waste to a small army all by herself... and to top it all off, she revealed her skill with a blade too. ... Once again, Eve was relieved that they were on the same side.

Following up after Fia would be a tall order, but Eve wasn't one to back down from a challenge. "Ahem!" Clearing her throat, the shorter of the two redheads aimed to gather the group's attention, "For the benefit of those who has yet to know me, I am Evelyn Theophania Konstantin or, for your convenience, simply ‘Eve' will do considering our circumstances." She made a short pause, "I hail from the Serene Republic of Helvetia, under my own behest to discover what mystical wonders held within the Land of Twilight." Knowing what she'd say next, the redhead curled the confident smirk that was arguably iconic of her by now, "My passion lies in Artificing; the art of identifying, designing, and crafting artifacts through magical means, in addition, to guarantee my own safety, I also dabble in swordsmanship and marksmanship." Speaking of which, she brandished and drew her rapier and gun respectively, showing them off to the group, "I crafted these myself, along with the enchanted apparel I'm currently wearing, rest assured, they'll serve us well in the coming journey." She nodded firmly as she stowed her weapons back. "And that'd be all, comrades, it'll be a great honor to march alongside you. Once this is all over, all of you will be welcomed at Helvetia, regarded as dauntless explorers who ventured where few even dare to."

With her part of the introduction done, Eve huffed as she went over to the trinkets that Roxas brought down. Hmm... Methodically, she performed a scrying spell on each of the items. I see... Nodding to herself, she made quick mental notes of her findings before turning toward the group. She'd wait until whoever was currently on the spotlight to finish their introduction before speaking, "Everyone, please excuse my impudence, but may I take a moment of your time?" She paused to let her words sink in before continuing, "I've gathered what I could from these items, let me relay them to you."

First, Evelyn picked up the elven blade, "This sword is part of a twin pair alongside that one above the fireplace. It's enchanted with runes to reinforce its durability, explaining its pristine state even after decades of abandonment. The traces of dried blood revealed that the wielder was an elven man who was three decades old by the time the blood was spilled." She finished as she put the sword down.

Second, she procured the gold brooch with an emerald gem slotted in it, "This is an Arcane Focus, a trinket capable of improving various aspects of spellcasting. This one in particular is attuned to healing spells, enabling the caster to consume around half of the usual mana required for a specific spell. A great boon for any healers out there for certain." She set the brooch back down before moving to the next item.

Third, she held up the crystal-infused lamp, "This, for a lack of better words, is simply a lamp, although powered by mana instead of heat. When infused with mana..." Evelyn did exactly that to demonstrate, conducting a minor flow of mana from the environment into the lamp, causing it to illuminate, "It'll shine, providing illumination. A simple yet useful item for countless situations." The redhead shrugged lightly as she deactivated the lamp before returning it on the table.

Finally, she gestured lightly to the rest of the items; the dagger, quiver, hairpin, and pendant, "The rest are mundane objects, nothing outwardly notable about them, aside from any sentimental values, that is." And thus concluded her reports.

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