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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

Most Recent Posts

--Varanheim - Abandoned Homestead--

Evelyn should count herself as fortunate, finding an enchanted item so soon into their journey, after all, objects like these were the primary reason she bothered to participate in the first place. Hmm... a finely-crafted blade, enchanted for durability, explaining its exceptionally pristine condition despite the abandonment. As always when it came to magical trinkets, it took barely any moment for the redhead to quickly engross herself as her whole world shrunk to just be between her and this elven blade. As for the blood, elven, male... around three decades old by the time he was wounded. How peculiar... what exactly happened here?

"Eh...?" As such, it shouldn't come off as a surprise that the Patrician Princess noticed Fia's arrival far too late as by the time she did, the brunette witch was already sitting by the empty fireplace, just as the curvaceous enchantress began her introduction. ... Judging from her apparel - drenched condition notwithstanding - and the way she carried herself, to Eve, this Fia gave the image of an eccentric traveler who kept many secrets, similar yet distinct from Vesemir, but unlike the jolly senior elf, the brunette appeared to wrap herself in an air of alluring mystery, like a majestic tigress hiding her deadly claws. If she had to be fully honest, the woman... intimidated her, just a bit, but the knowledge that she was on their side was relieving, "Welcome, Lady Fia, tis' fortunate that you found us when you did, I suspect the storm outside won't relent anytime soon." The young technically-not-a-noble greeted the late-arrival, "And I'm Evelyn Theophania Konstantin, but since we're comrade-in-arms, you may simply refer to me as 'Eve'."

That done, she was about to get back to work when the half-masked swordsman - Rezello, was it? - attended to the fireplace, using his presumably-magical flames to fill said fireplace with curious cyan flames, Ignition without burnable materials... a very convenient spell, that's for sure. "Much appreciated, Sir Rezello." Now she could continue her work in comforting warmth, one could never go wrong with a well-lit fireplace.

Hmm... Done with the bloodied blade for now, Eve went over to its unblemished twin, the one still hanging at the plaque, then performed the same scrying spell at it. She expected it'd bear the same results, except without the blood, but better make sure...

@Mas Bagus @Randomness @Valkon

--Varanheim - Alkautsar--

"Fufu~" The young patrician found it pleasing that Gray saw her martial skills to be adequate, she didn't need to be regarded as an expert swordsman, just decent would do. Whether Gray himself was aware of it or not, Eve regarded the masked elf as an authority figure, especially when it came to anything related to adventuring and fighting, thus his remark meant a lot to her. Satisfied that she had made her point - pun not intended - Eve sheathed her magical rapier before turning slightly toward the allegedly fearless Engelbert. "Why thank you, it's such a great honor to be praised by a legendary warrior such as yourself, Sir Engelbert." The redhead patrician quipped back with an elegant small bow.

Her business with Gray Flame done (for now), she left the two brothers-in-arms so they could arrange things with their employer, meanwhile, Eve returned to the larger plate-covered warrior in the group, "Fufu, your sentiments are wholly appreciated, Sir Forbann, though I still have much to learn, swordplay included," As Forbann began speaking, her purple eyes gazed over the Oni's armor and weapons, noticing their arcane nature, Enchanted armor, hmm? Just like Sir Engelbert’s then... perhaps he'll allow me to examine them in the future. With that plan shelved for now, she focused her attention on conversing with the Ferromancer Knight, "Why, to discover the undiscovered, of course. The ancient elves were known for their mythical magic after all, one can’t imagine the wondrous artifacts they had created over the millennia, I simply must get my hands on them, to study them, to uncover their secrets. Dangers and perils are expected in any expedition into uncharted lands, but come what way, I believe together, we shall prevail!"

Evelyn firmly nodded with a huff, then raised her right hand to clasp her chin as she took in Forbann's own reasons for being here, "So you wish to see the world beyond the confines of your homeland? Well then, you'll certainly start strong by heading to the Land of Twilight, Sir Forbann, if that place can't offer you new and exotic things to experience, then I don't know what will..." She paused, "Helvetia, perhaps? Fufu~ regardless, after we've returned, we'll love to welcome you in Venezia, Sir, you and all of our compatriots." But let's not get too hasty, first, they had an adventure to conquer.

As if on cue, Vesemir announced that they'd be departing with a rather grandiose speech. One which Evelyn found herself agreeing with every sentiment. With this, they shall make their marks upon history!

--Varanheim - En Route--

During the journey, Evelyn was content to sit nicely in one of the passenger wagons, taking up the least space out of everyone else in the group due to her size. Aside from writing - and sketching - entries into her personal journal, there wasn't anything notable to be done. This phase of the adventure would be a peaceful one it seemed...

...until Mother Nature herself decided to throw a little roadblock in the form of a fierce thunderstorm. The more superstitious folk would see this as an omen that they shouldn't continue, that venturing into the Land of Twilight would be their end, but there was a reason why such folks tended to be... less educated than most. Only simpletons would misconstrue natural weather phenomenons as some sort of divine omen.

Well, be that as it may, the storm still forced them to take shelter, how frustrating, but there wasn't anything Eve could do about it. Perhaps one day, I can craft a device capable of manipulating the weather itself... hmmm... And there, another entry in her journal.

--Varanheim - Abandoned Homestead--

After disembarking from the carriage, Evelyn proceeded to follow the Gray Flame alongside Vesemir, heading to the decrepit home's main entrance. Unlocked... The redhead noted, So this is truly an abandoned place, not simply neglected. She had a thought of brandishing her sword and drawing her revolver, but decided against it when she saw the monocled elf getting all comfortable. Mmm... Out of all things she could see in the living room, two stood out to her the most, those being the twin elven blades, one displayed on a plaque by the fireplace and the other strewn haphazardly on the table.

... Her curiosity pique, the Patrician Artificer sauntered over to the swords, specifically the one on the table first. Odd splotches... hmm, old blood? But whose? She'd immediately begin examining the weapon, her right hand reaching out to deftly trace runes in the air just above the elven sword, a simple scrying spell to gather information about the object, particularly its make, materials, condition, and most importantly, whether it possessed magical enchantments or not.

@Mas Bagus @A5G @Deide

I'm one of those unfortunate people who has autism... but not the genius savant syndrome together with it, as a result, I'm just an awkwardly weird idiot instead of an awkwardly weird super-genius.

So, if I can have some wish-fulfilment by roleplaying a genius savant with supernatural powers? Sign me right up.

tl;dr: I'm pinning my interest here.
Oh, this sounds neat! I heavily prefer a Gundam-style mech than a Super Sentai (Power Rangers) animal-style combining mech myself.

For the moment, I'm pinning my interest here. Update: Nevermind, rescinding interest. Regardless, good luck with the RP!

--Nagano Prefecture - Abandoned Mansion--

Teratoma - in all of its true eldritch glory - fought against the phantom ashigaru alongside three of her 'friends'. Between its teeth, tentacles, and teethed-tentacles combined with Arisa's massive fuck-off sword and fiery magic, Yuuma's good ol' application of the Second Amendment of a certain Western country’s constitution, and Numako's spooky scary spray ink, the initial wave of the wraiths proved absolutely no match for the four Sefirot operatives.

However, they had simply won a single battle in this twisted reenactment of the Sengoku Jidai, the war raged on still. "RrRrRrRgGgGhHhH!!" After smashing through the first vanguard, A-188 had no intention of backing down now, there were still more bad monsters to punish! Thus, in a show of alien fearlessness, the mass of living red flesh began - literally - crawling forward on innumerable limbs, charging head-on toward the fusilier phantoms covering the entrance. Whether it was a decision made through careful calculations or pure instinct, it wasn't clear, nevertheless, what Teratoma was doing served an important purpose...

To take the brunt of the beatings for its 'squishier' human friends.

A veritable hail of musket fire erupted near the entrance as the spectral musketeers opened fire at the advancing shoggoth. Yes, it didn't work before, but surely that was due to insufficient application of force... right? Unfortunately, primitive firearms simply weren't enough to do any damage beyond superficial wounds, if only they had grenade launchers equipped with incendiary rounds, but alas, blackpowder arquebuses were all they got. As such, for all their efforts, all the ghostly gunners achieved - just like their recently-departed comrade from before - was painting a figurative target on their backs...

...as the eldritch blob that was A-188 barreled down upon them, lashing, crushing, and chomping at their ranks. All the while, its allies were nearby, ready with their respective weapons and/or magic to further thin the revenant herd.

@VitaVitaAR @Raineh Daze @Eisenhorn @Rune_Alchemist

--Varanheim - Alkautsar--

Oh my~? What an interesting turn of events. At first, Evelyn believed that she was the last to arrive, but she was pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong. Two more interesting individuals made their presence known; the first one was an armored swordswoman riding a steed, a fellow human who shared a nearly identical hair color and style as herself, albeit her locks had an orange ombre to them and she sported amber irises instead. She was... gorgeous, for a lack of better words, at least Evelyn believed so. Little did the young girl know, she admired her father so much that she became subconsciously partial to people sharing his traits, and the warrioress who just introduced herself as Carnatia definitely qualified as one, small differences in detail aside. As such, without even realizing it, Eve found herself not-so-subtly staring at the exiled noble...

"...-eh?" Fortunately for her noblesse oblige reputation, the other new arrivals broke her out of her trance by introducing himself. An absolutely massive specimen of an armored knight, towering above even Engelbert and Tillius, the de facto tallest member of the group. Eve had to crane her neck up as high as she could go just to even gaze at his collarbone area. Like Engelbert, she couldn't see much due to Forban's full armor, but he most likely wasn't human, nor elven, one of the Djinn races, perhaps? Nevertheless, he appeared to be a cordial fellow, well, as expected from Vesemir, the entrepreneur explorer was eccentric, but not stupid, "Indeed you are, Sir Spiser, please make yourself at home." Evelyn gestured toward the encampment, taking the initiative to invite the gentle giant into the group.

As for the Gray Flame, due to the convenience of having confidential information courtesy of her father, Evelyn found his reactions to her presence to be... within expectations. After all, the only one guaranteed to know she's coming was Vesemir, while the masked elf was up for debate. However, judging from this turn of events, it was safe to conclude that Gray wasn't informed beforehand, or at least not the whole picture. Fufu~ She found the result to be quite amusing. Soon enough, they finished bickering with victory firmly in the hands of the monocled elf.

By the time Gray returned to her, Evelyn was already wearing a small, subtle, yet noticeably sly smirk. A single expression that spoke a thousand words, a facial gesture that basically said "It's all proceeding according to my plan~". Out of all the possible questions he'd ask her, inquiring about her father was among the most expected, very well, she shall humor him, after all, they're old friends, "Father dearest is doing well, Sir Gray, thank you for your concern. To add, the same can be said for mother and my brothers and sisters as well," After a short pause, Eve coyly clasped her hands behind her back as she leaned forward ever so slightly, "Do forgive my presumptuousness, but if you're worried for my well-being, please don't. I'm very much capable of taking care of myself."

To give proof to her claim, Evelyn brandished her enchanted rapier from its scabbard, then began performing deft swordplay, showing off the results of her training, her performance further augmented by her equally-enchanted dress. She then finished off with a flourish, the tip of her sword ending up being pointed toward Gray's collarbone, "And this is but a small sample of what I can do, Sir Gray."

@Mas Bagus @Deide @Randomguy

--Venezia, Helvetia - Palazzo Consolato--

Venezia, the bustling capital of Helvetia, a founder country of the Council of Nations; a veritable metropolis, Venezia served as the republic's central seat of government and largest settlement, where commerce, culture, and politics flowed in and out of its massive ports. Then, at the very heart of the city was the Palazzo Consolato, where the reigning Consul or Consulesa and their family resided.

Speaking of, Frederick Konstantin had been serving as Consul alongside his beloved wife, Consulesa Helena Konstantin, for a good few decades now. Known as the 'Auric Consul', Frederick was known far and wide throughout the continent and even beyond as a leader who brought his nation into a golden age. By building upon the foundations laid upon by his forefathers since five centuries back, the Auric Consul brought the republic to even greater heights. Whereas other nations were busy feuding with each other and crippling themselves through endless petty wars, Frederick - like his predecessors - deftly maintained peaceful stability for his people. As a result, it was inarguable that Helvetia is a shining beacon of progress, wealth, and peace amongst the sea of ignorance and hatred.

Perhaps this was why the red-haired Consul was blessed with many boons in his personal life, aside from his beautiful and shrewd wife, he also sired five children, all of them bright lads and lasses. However, even amongst them, one stood above the rest, his youngest, Lady Evelyn Theophania Konstantin or, more casually, Eve. At only twelve summers old, Eve had already proven herself to be the brightest mind Helvetia had ever seen since recent decades, and considering the republic's de facto status as the world's leading nation in technological progress and higher learning, it was quite an achievement indeed. The Young Mistress' hunger for knowledge was insatiable and though she might still be considered a child, she already had massive ambitions and goals to pursue, and one such goal happened to involve the ancient and mysterious Land of Twilight.

As of the moment, the youngest of the Konstantins was in her personal study, performing final checks on the things she'd bring for the long trip ahead, most especially her self-defense equipment. "Alba Dorata, durability... optimal, photon edge circuits... functional," The young redhead murmured to herself as her keen mind studied her self-made artifact, "Schwarzerblitz, mechanisms... zero complications, crystal cartridge supply... adequate." Meanwhile, her parents - the Consul and Consulesa - were in the room with her, watching their excitable daughter. The former boasted a proud smirk while the latter was less than thrilled at the prospect.

"Are you sure about this, love?" The goldilocks Consulesa whispered an inquiry to her husband, a not-so-subtle worried frown on her blue-eyed visage.

"It'll be fine, love," The carmine-haired Consul replied in an equally low voice, adding a short reassuring chuckle, "After all, I've already arranged for him to serve as Eve's escort, something he may or may not yet already know, but will discover very soon regardless.."

"Oh?" Helena's concerned frown slowly shifted into a mix of relief and curiosity, "If I may ask, who is this... 'he', Frederick?"

"Ah, just an old colleague of mine," Frederick's confident smirk never relented, "Unfortunately, he prefers to keep as low of a profile as possible and as a colleague, I aim to respect his wishes, regardless, all you need to know that he's more than capable, our daughter will be in good hands."

Some time later...

--Varanheim - Alkautsar--

Unlike some of the other applicants who might have stumbled their way to the staging grounds, Evelyn moved with purpose as she trekked her way to the outskirts of the city, heading directly to Sir Vesemir Barandir's encampment. Along the way, the young artificer prodigy - with her doubtlessly noble apparel, eye-catching carmine locks, and bright amethyst irises - certainly attracted the gaze of more than a few onlookers, inflicting various emotions upon the people of the city; curiosity, bewilderment, surprise, and concern being a few examples. However, the subject herself had no time to be humoring them, for she was on a quest of utmost importance!

Eventually, the Konstantin scion arrived at the designated place, a rather large camp with three parked carriages, but the best proof that she was in the right place was the presence of a white-haired, blue-eyed, and lanky senior elf wearing distinctive apparel, an aura of exuberance oozing from him despite his apparent age. Oh my, indeed, it's as father said, one look and you won't mistake him for anyone else. The one and only Vesemir Barandir, plus other individuals who were most likely her fellow would-be adventurers. Splendid.

Curling a confident smile, Evelyn sauntered over to enter the camp's vicinity proper, "I see health and fortune remain by your side always, Sir Barandir," the redhead announced her presence with a greeting, "I trust you've heard of me, we (the Konstantins) have sent a correspondence to you beforehand," Eve made a deliberate pause as began curtsying with all the peerless elegance only those born and raised in nobility could muster, "Evelyn Theophania Konstantin, at your service." before proceeding to straighten herself, even as her eyes began scanning those who had arrived before her.

First, there was the famous wandering knight, Sir Engelbert the Fearless (allegedly), clad in his armor as usual, the plated warrior never seemed to remove them under any circumstances anyway. Well, if the knight of stellar repute was among Vesemir's band, things were looking swell already.

Second, a platinum-blonde Elven woman wearing earthen-colored clothing, an archer judging from her equipment and going by the presence of a flute among her belongings, also the one responsible for the beautiful melodies Evelyn heard moments before her arrival.

Third, a mighty Greenskin fighter bearing a shield almost as large as he was, though he was with them in body, his mind was somewhere else, hopefully he was having a pleasant dream.

Fourth, another imposingly tall heavily-armored knight, clad in leaf green tapestries, although unlike Sir Engelbert, there was something... unusual about the dark-haired young man. It was as if he was less wearing his armor and it looked more... fused to his skin, at least it seemed that way for his mask-like helmet.

Fifth, a swordsman who looked quite foreign, exotic even, what's with him looking like a vagrant and a warrior simultaneously. An exile from his homeland, perhaps? At least Eve thought so, considering everything about him appeared to be worn down by endless travel.

Curious individuals, the lot of them, all strangers yet the artificer prodigy was sure she'd get to know them in due time, but for now, she had an acquaintance to speak to...

And then, last but definitely not least, ...him; the ashen-white hair, fair complexion, elven ears, and - ironically enough due to its intended function - most distinctive of all, the eerie white mask. Yes, just as Vesemir was, there was no mistaking this Elven fellow. He was none other than the Gray Flame himself, "To think I almost missed you amongst this eccentric party we find ourselves in, Sir Gray Flame," Evelyn flashed a grin as she nonchalantly approached the man twenty four decades her senior, "It's an honor, and considering we'll be relying on each other for the journey ahead, pleasure both." Apparently, he and her father had history, the good kind, well, time to see if he was as capable as papa said he was.

"And the same sentiment goes to all of you as well, fellow adventurers." Evelyn declared to the group in general to finish her introduction.

@Mas Bagus @A5G @Visyn @Conscripts @Valkon @Louise Ironside

--Golden Platter Casino - Parking Lot--

Whether Ellie recognized Ashley's disapproval or not, it wasn't clear, but the bespectacled agent was right on the money that the blonde's current attitude was a subconscious attempt at maintaining control of the situation. Nevertheless, the gunner esper put her money where her mouth is by actually listening to what Ashley had to say, being all ears from start to finish. "I see, roger that." Though the confidence exuding from her voice never relented, it was now clear that Ellie had no intention of underestimating the assignment, after all, they had a veteran agent to rescue and mobsters to cull, regardless if they were weretigers or not.

"You got it, boss," Ellie nodded as she snatched the forged ID offered by Ashley, "In the past, I used to... err... indulge in these kind of vices, not anymore though, don't worry, but I shouldn't be too rusty at this, just let me do the talkin', k~?" She finished off with a quick wink, already getting into character, or more like, who she used to be. ...oh God, now's not the time for nostalgia cringing, El! Keeping her turmoil purely internal, she flashed a thumbs up at the second-youngest operative in the squad, "Orion, Witch Hunter, Nails, and last but not least, yours truly, Angel." The blonde enunciated her impromptu roll call, turning her amber gaze at each associated agent before finishing off with a small bow the moment she mentioned herself. "And no more questions, ma'am."

With that, Ellie took the initiative by opening the van's passenger door before disembarking. Soon, they would pass the point of no return, but she was confident that no one here would chicken out at the last moment.

Approaching the thug-faced bouncer stationed at the main entrance, she flashed him a knowing grin, a natural (former) party girl at work, "'Sup, big man, now, I know you're closing in, buuuut... can't you at least let us play a few? You see..." She leaned in ever so slightly, eyeing her "nerdy friend" for a moment, "You won't believe how hard it was to slip her out, religious parents, you see? This may be her only chance to know what living for real feels like, so... please~?" The older - and taller - of the pair begged, while slipping a few green notes into the bouncer's chest pocket...

Then, after a quick (fake) ID check, they were in, just like clockwork.

--Golden Platter Casino - Main Floor--

Ahaha... I swear I'm not falling into my old ways, dad. Ellie couldn't help but mentally cringe at all the sinful debauchery on full display before her; the blings and dings of slot machines, the cigarette smoke, and the alcohol. To think she used to find this kind of life... desirable. Work hard, play hard, that's what she used to say, oh how utterly wrong she was. From the outside, however, the blonde sauntered through the main floor with all the swagger of a social butterfly, even giving the sharply dressed man a quick smirk after she noticed him looking at her and her ”'friend”. "So, how do you like it, girl? Waaaay better than a boring ol' mass, am I right or am I right?"

Eventually, the two passed under the grand chandelier then reached the booth at the other end of the floor, "He-" "-y, sup'~ can a gal get some chips?" was what Ellie about to say to Honey Badger when the stereotypical-mobster-looking-ass was promptly spooked by the vent gremlins. "Welp, actually, nevermind, I'm cashin' my chips now!" The blonde guffawed as she promptly reached for the ruby-encrusted gold cross hanging at her sternum, clasping it as she solemnly closed her eyes...

Even though I journey through the valley of death's shadow, I shall fear no evil, for You are with me; Your light and Your embrace, they comfort me.

In a nigh-instant, the young woman's body shone a divine golden glow before the light erupted into a shower of luminescent feathers, heralding the arrival of Angel, Jehovah's Messenger of Gunpowder. Blonde locks igniting into blazing red as a pair of shining halo and prismatic wings manifested around her, the hand that was clasping the cross pendant was now holding a decidedly SMG-esque instrument as her stylish dress morphed into a set of equally stylish techwear uniform. With the immaculate power of God vested in her, she'd smite these monsters, in His name.

"Here's a newsflash for ya, the house doesn't always win!" Angel quipped as her now-winged form took flight, soaring backward to the grand chandelier, aiming to use the fixture to her advantage as a form of cover, then, she took aim at the mobsters on the main floor, "And this is why!" before promptly started blasting, raining bullets after bullets from her supernatural firearm, the more attention she can grab, the better, give her allies an easier time at dispatching these tangos with her Heaven-ordained covering fire!

@BrokenPromise @Ponn @ERode @Majora

--Ruined Village - Hunter's Lodge--

The Scarlet Healer continued undertaking her self-imposed duty to mend the physical maladies of the infirm, whoever they might be, she might even try to heal Anne's wounds, only to find out that for one reason or another, the brunette was quite resistant to her benevolent blood magic, their effects were muted, especially when compared to the others. It was as if a part of Anne's body didn't react at all to Remilia's haemomantic ministrations, how curious, yet not unexpected considering she was a fellow trans-universal adoptee. Whether Anne would deign an explanation or not, Remilia wouldn't push her to explain every single detail of her condition, not when she had others who also needed her help.

While continuing the small talk for some form of social entertainment on the side, the Blood Mistress would eventually finish with her task. It was certainly quite the labor, what's with her crippled condition. Mere hours ago, she could've achieved this with one quick burst of a healing mist, ah truly, how far the mighty had fallen. Urgh... how long has it been since I feel the urge to sleep instead of simply wanting to? Yet the fact remained that her body was demanding, screaming at her to let herself get some rest. A well-deserved one if I do say so myself...

Thus, with barely any energy left in her, Remilia picked herself a corner, sat down with her wings folded behind her, then hugged her knees with her face tucked on top of said knees as she began drifting off into a state of coma-like slumber called 'torpor', appearing more like a stiff corpse than a sleeping individual, one of the distinctive traits of her kin.

Morning didn't come easy for Remilia, there was no affectionate little sister cuddling her arm, no warm greeting or finely-cooked breakfast by her head maid, and no pillows and cushions appropriate for her stature, hell, she didn't even have a bed, the very bare minimum of a decent resting place. "Uuurgh..." Thus, the first "words" - noise more aptly - that left her slightly ajar lips were a long, exhausted groan, like an elderly woman who had not many years left to give. Even before being fully cognizant, Remilia knew that her afflictions would remain for the foreseeable future. "..." Regardless, there was little point in moping about, others with less willpower would've given into abject despair after so suddenly losing almost everything they had, but not her, not Remilia Scarlet.

"Hmph..." Pulling herself together through sheer spite against being seen as weak, Remilia unfolded her wings as she floated up to a standing position. It was at this moment that the verdant-haired Moriya Miko too awakened from her slumber, "I am." The lilac-haired vampiress answered curtly, a frown growing on her visage as she glanced over to the still unconscious form of Millie, "So it seems." To a discerning person, they'd be able to perceive vexation bubbling just underneath the surface, but that was all, the Scarlet Devil was anything but impulsive.

Since there was no use in trying to force the child to awaken, Remilia put the matter at the back of her mind... for now, while in the meantime, her pointy ears twitched as she overhead the hunters' conversation, crippled she might be, her senses were still sharper than the common man, "First, the Raven Heralds and now, this... beast, creature, whatever," The vampiress exhaled heavily, "I suppose... I'll graciously lend my services once more..." Though there was a subtle spark of eagerness in her blood-red eyes as she turned her gaze at her fellow abductees, Gensokyan or not, "What say you, ladies and gentlemen?"

@PKMNB0Y @VItaVitaAR @DracoLunaris @Lugubrious @Raineh Daze @Drifting Pollen
NOTE: Player resigned. Consent given to the GM to do whatever they wish with the character.

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