--Venezia, Helvetia - Palazzo Consolato--
Venezia, the bustling capital of Helvetia, a founder country of the Council of Nations; a veritable metropolis, Venezia served as the republic's central seat of government and largest settlement, where commerce, culture, and politics flowed in and out of its massive ports. Then, at the very heart of the city was the Palazzo Consolato, where the reigning Consul or Consulesa and their family resided.
Speaking of, Frederick Konstantin had been serving as Consul alongside his beloved wife, Consulesa Helena Konstantin, for a good few decades now. Known as the 'Auric Consul', Frederick was known far and wide throughout the continent and even beyond as a leader who brought his nation into a golden age. By building upon the foundations laid upon by his forefathers since five centuries back, the Auric Consul brought the republic to even greater heights. Whereas other nations were busy feuding with each other and crippling themselves through endless petty wars, Frederick - like his predecessors - deftly maintained peaceful stability for his people. As a result, it was inarguable that Helvetia is a shining beacon of progress, wealth, and peace amongst the sea of ignorance and hatred.
Perhaps this was why the red-haired Consul was blessed with many boons in his personal life, aside from his beautiful and shrewd wife, he also sired five children, all of them bright lads and lasses. However, even amongst them, one stood above the rest, his youngest, Lady Evelyn Theophania Konstantin or, more casually, Eve. At only twelve summers old, Eve had already proven herself to be the brightest mind Helvetia had ever seen since recent decades, and considering the republic's de facto status as the world's leading nation in technological progress and higher learning, it was quite an achievement indeed. The Young Mistress' hunger for knowledge was insatiable and though she might still be considered a child, she already had massive ambitions and goals to pursue, and one such goal happened to involve the ancient and mysterious Land of Twilight.
As of the moment, the youngest of the Konstantins was in her personal study, performing final checks on the things she'd bring for the long trip ahead, most especially her self-defense equipment.
"Alba Dorata, durability... optimal, photon edge circuits... functional," The young redhead murmured to herself as her keen mind studied her self-made artifact,
"Schwarzerblitz, mechanisms... zero complications, crystal cartridge supply... adequate." Meanwhile, her parents - the Consul and Consulesa - were in the room with her, watching their excitable daughter. The former boasted a proud smirk while the latter was less than thrilled at the prospect.
"Are you sure about this, love?" The goldilocks Consulesa whispered an inquiry to her husband, a not-so-subtle worried frown on her blue-eyed visage.
"It'll be fine, love," The carmine-haired Consul replied in an equally low voice, adding a short reassuring chuckle,
"After all, I've already arranged for him to serve as Eve's escort, something he may or may not yet already know, but will discover very soon regardless..""Oh?" Helena's concerned frown slowly shifted into a mix of relief and curiosity,
"If I may ask, who is this... 'he', Frederick?""Ah, just an old colleague of mine," Frederick's confident smirk never relented,
"Unfortunately, he prefers to keep as low of a profile as possible and as a colleague, I aim to respect his wishes, regardless, all you need to know that he's more than capable, our daughter will be in good hands."..........
Some time later...
--Varanheim - Alkautsar--
Unlike some of the other applicants who might have stumbled their way to the staging grounds, Evelyn moved with purpose as she trekked her way to the outskirts of the city, heading directly to Sir Vesemir Barandir's encampment. Along the way, the young artificer prodigy - with her doubtlessly noble apparel, eye-catching carmine locks, and bright amethyst irises - certainly attracted the gaze of more than a few onlookers, inflicting various emotions upon the people of the city; curiosity, bewilderment, surprise, and concern being a few examples. However, the subject herself had no time to be humoring them, for she was on a quest of utmost importance!
Eventually, the Konstantin scion arrived at the designated place, a rather large camp with three parked carriages, but the best proof that she was in the right place was the presence of a white-haired, blue-eyed, and lanky senior elf wearing distinctive apparel, an aura of exuberance oozing from him despite his apparent age.
Oh my, indeed, it's as father said, one look and you won't mistake him for anyone else. The one and only Vesemir Barandir, plus other individuals who were most likely her fellow would-be adventurers. Splendid.
Curling a confident smile, Evelyn sauntered over to enter the camp's vicinity proper,
"I see health and fortune remain by your side always, Sir Barandir," the redhead announced her presence with a greeting,
"I trust you've heard of me, we (the Konstantins) have sent a correspondence to you beforehand," Eve made a deliberate pause as began curtsying with all the peerless elegance only those born and raised in nobility could muster,
"Evelyn Theophania Konstantin, at your service." before proceeding to straighten herself, even as her eyes began scanning those who had arrived before her.
First, there was the famous wandering knight, Sir Engelbert the Fearless (allegedly), clad in his armor as usual, the plated warrior never seemed to remove them under any circumstances anyway. Well, if the knight of stellar repute was among Vesemir's band, things were looking swell already.
Second, a platinum-blonde Elven woman wearing earthen-colored clothing, an archer judging from her equipment and going by the presence of a flute among her belongings, also the one responsible for the beautiful melodies Evelyn heard moments before her arrival.
Third, a mighty Greenskin fighter bearing a shield almost as large as he was, though he was with them in body, his mind was somewhere else, hopefully he was having a pleasant dream.
Fourth, another imposingly tall heavily-armored knight, clad in leaf green tapestries, although unlike Sir Engelbert, there was something... unusual about the dark-haired young man. It was as if he was less wearing his armor and it looked more...
fused to his skin, at least it seemed that way for his mask-like helmet.
Fifth, a swordsman who looked quite foreign, exotic even, what's with him looking like a vagrant and a warrior simultaneously. An exile from his homeland, perhaps? At least Eve thought so, considering everything about him appeared to be worn down by endless travel.
Curious individuals, the lot of them, all strangers yet the artificer prodigy was sure she'd get to know them in due time, but for now, she had an acquaintance to speak to...
And then, last but
definitely not least, ...
him; the ashen-white hair, fair complexion, elven ears, and - ironically enough due to its intended function - most distinctive of all, the eerie white mask. Yes, just as Vesemir was, there was no mistaking this Elven fellow. He was none other than the Gray Flame himself,
"To think I almost missed you amongst this eccentric party we find ourselves in, Sir Gray Flame," Evelyn flashed a grin as she nonchalantly approached the man twenty four decades her senior,
"It's an honor, and considering we'll be relying on each other for the journey ahead, pleasure both." Apparently, he and her father had history, the good kind, well, time to see if he was as capable as papa said he was.
"And the same sentiment goes to all of you as well, fellow adventurers." Evelyn declared to the group in general to finish her introduction.
@Mas Bagus @A5G @Visyn @Conscripts @Valkon @Louise Ironside