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Claire Turner

What was that about leaving? Wasn’t she supposed to hop on her bike and skip town as soon as the tournament was over?

Domino City was weird, but before she had received that totally-not-ominous note from one of the judges at the card shop she was willing to dismiss that weirdness as just a feeling at the back of her neck. Now though? She was certain that there was something off with this place. More than off; she was certain that this note had some kind of connection to the monsters she had been running from for the past couple of years. Monsters that just happened to bear more than a passing resemblance to the monsters from the very card game she had been playing when this note had been given to her.

This place was dark in a way she couldn’t explain; she could feel it. And maybe it wasn’t just all in her head after all.

So she did the stupid thing and instead of taking the shortest route she could to anywhere that wasn’t here, Claire found herself stopping her bike at the main gates to the cemetery in the middle of the night. Surprisingly, she wasn’t the only person there; several other faces she recognised from the store were there too, waiting for whoever had invited them to show up; or maybe just trying to build up the courage to go inside.

The kickstand dropped into place and Claire stepped off of her bike before removing her helmet. She shook her hair out, using the extra time to steel her own nerves before she turned and approached the gathered crowd. “Looks like there’s a whole party here! But why are we all waiting outside? Instructions are supposed to be on the gate, yeah? What do they say?”

The camp was abuzz with activity when she approached from the outskirts; things apparently getting a lot more hectic as more and more of the runts came back from their hunts. The centre of the activity seemed to be Esfir; the young Orc with the air of a much older person who had all but disappeared once they had reached the caves. Whatever she had been up too back then, it seemed she had made her way back to camp too and had set up some kind of barbeque so she could start handing out cooked food.

The older woman was leveraging her knowledge from her past life from the looks of it; preparing and cooking food that the Orcs here had probably never seem or experienced before in order to set up a little business for herself, a niche within the group. You bring her meat, she turns it into sausages. Would it work? Maybe, but given the conversation she had just had with Shamar it seemed likely that Esfir would need to be ready to defend anything she managed to create for herself; either from people who just wanted to take what she had, people who were jealous, or people who looked down on a ‘runt’ who thought they could make something of themselves.

Things were already getting kind of violent around there.

The free food was tempting, nonetheless, but rather than risk the crowd Akeno decided to wait for things to calm down a bit and hope that there was still something left. When she did, maybe she’d share what little she had learned of how things worked in the tribe with the other Orc; the older woman probably knew enough to take care of herself, but it couldn’t hurt to give a friendly warning.

Other than that, things around camp were mostly the same as before. The farmer had gotten back to his work, the bullies were harassing anyone that caught their eye and the shaman had settled down in a chair. She still had no intention of going anywhere near the chief or those associated with him and still didn’t know anything about farming. Perhaps she could go and hunt something to trade with Esfir, assuming she hadn’t been robbed blind by then, or perhaps she should talk to the shaman and see if there was anything she had that needed doing. Akeno had seen her send another runt off on an errand earlier.

In fact, wouldn’t the shaman, who also looked like she filled the role of tribal elder, be more in tune with the goings on around camp than anyone else? Other than the chief at least. I mean, if she was in the habit of sitting around camp and watching the camp like she was now, then if nothing else she probably saw more of what was happening than most. It might be worth talking to her just to find out if anything significant was happening or had happened recently.

Come to think of it, what did a shaman actually do? Akeno knew that back home shamans were typically spiritual leaders or sorts, those who dealt with spirits and who handled ceremonial stuff in certain cultures; the same was probably true here as well, but what kind of spirituality did the Orcs have? What kind of rites and ceremonies did they observe? Or was the shaman more like a folk-healer, or a midwife? A storyteller? A historian?

Curiosity pulled her towards the old woman in the chair. As she approached, the shaman caught her eye and gave her a half-smile, which was probably good enough as far as invitations went. “I’m curious. When you’re not watching us all act like idiots”, starting off with humour may not be the best idea, but the words slipped out, “What is it that you do? For the tribe.”

How do you imagine a combination between these two going? I'm pretty familiar with RWBY and I've played Monster Hunter: World at least. There are similarities between the two, with the giant transforming weapons and the big monsters, but in a lot of other ways their pretty different; particularly in tone.

In RWBY, humanity has been corralled into a small number of defensible locations by an endless time of soulless creatures whose sole purpose is to kill humans and destroy their creations; the Grimm are drawn to negative emotions and people are terrified of them.

In Monster Hunter, humanity is thriving. The monsters aren't monsters at all, they are just large animals which people gleefully study, hunt and then make hats out of. There are a few that are more intimidating, but even something like an Elder Dragon isn't really treated as a major threat beyond "Hmm, might disrupt the local ecosystem. Better go kill it". I haven't finished Iceborne yet though; maybe the really end game stuff is different.

Basically, what kind of world do you want to make from these two? Which elements are you planning on borrowing and which side does it lean more towards?
It's a chance for our characters to get to know each other a bit as well.

I'm fine with skipping most of the tournament, since that would take a while to RP out for something that really does not matter in the slightest; we can just vote of who wins. But having us duel at least one other player does at least let us point at each other and go "hey, it you, you got a weird cemetery invite as well".
Morgana Faith

Things were a little livelier now that the full number of their little task force was back together; well, all minus one. Most were excited to be back together and had many stories to tell; Morgana didn’t much need to hear about their battle in Minsk, but given more time she would have liked to hear more about this titan they encountered.

Still, the investigation demanded their attention once more and now that they were back together there was much more information to review. They had a wider view of what this organisation was capable of now, of just how far their influence and resources reached, but a clear picture of who they were and what they were after still alluded them.

“One doesn’t need to be a deity to amass a wealth of obscure knowledge or influence; just time, resources and dedication. In fact, obtaining the latter would be a good method of acquiring the former, so long as you were able to reach out to the right people and the right groups.” Like a coven of witches, or a person or group talented enough to combine several schools of magical theory into a powerful teleportation method. “Just because this Mr X’s organisation has access to a broad range of specialities doesn’t mean they do; aside from the teleportation magic they used to smuggle their weapons, the abominable knife the biker gang had and this titan you encountered in Minsk, nothing they’ve possessed was particularly noteworthy anyway; the Roggenwolf wasn’t even them, just a mishap caused by a man desperate to free himself from their clutches.”

Though they had seemed quite eager to get their hands on said spirit, once it was in play. The armed mercenaries that had attacked them at the gardens had been quite well equipped, though maybe not suitably prepared to deal with someone like Madeleine. It did at least suggest that they had, or thought they had, the ability to subdue the Roggenwolf. “Which is all to say, it may be a little early to jump to the conclusion that Mr X is a deity.”

Which wasn’t to say that they weren’t a deity either. They would have the resources and power necessary to build a network of this size and scope, as well as the time, but there were a number of mortals who could do the same either through sheer talent or determination or simply through generational wealth. The power and influence of someone like her mother for example was much wider than most people realised and she was hardly a god, nor alone in holding that reach.

“I must admit, I’m not able to see much of a larger picture forming here. Between the arms smuggling and the connections to gangs and cults and whoever those trainer soldiers were that came for the spirit, Mr X seems to be gathering quite a personal army for himself.” One that had somehow gone unnoticed until fairly recently, which said more about their influence than even the size of their operation did. “The compulsion placed on the banker who attacked the OMR could have been a way for their organisation to acquire funds, through embezzlement or insider trading, but just having a man on the inside of a large financial institution could be useful by itself. If they have people inside of the OMR itself as well, enough to leak information about a mission in progress, then it paints a picture of someone building up to something.” Morgana waved a hand through the air to indicate just how vague that ‘something’ was at the moment.

“But it all just seems so… scattered. Fragmented. The groups we’ve run into don’t seem to share a common goal or ideology; frankly I can’t see them working together, unless they didn’t know that they were. Even if everything we’ve discovered so far had gone unnoticed and Mr X had unleashed all of this at once, what would that actually achieve? Havoc? Death? Terror? Before they are then taken down by the OMR or the other powers that be, leaving them with… what, exactly?”

What was the goal? What was the objective? What did her mother gain from siding with these people?

What weren’t they seeing?

Claire Turner

Domino City was one of the stranger places Claire had stopped off in.

Three years on the road had let her see more of the country than most people ever would; let her spend time in multiple cities from the North of the island all the way down to the South, a bunch of smaller towns and literally everywhere in between. She’d been to enough places to be able to have favourites, to be able to make comparisons and liked to think that she had enough experience to identify the vibe a place gave off within a couple of days of arriving. And Domino City? Something about Domino City was off. The kind of off she usually only felt when she’d spent too long in one place and the nightmares that she was running away from caught up to her. The kind of off that had her checking over her shoulder and keeping a close eye on any shadows she passed. The kind of off that had her keeping a hand on the deck of cards in her pocket, as if the monsters in it might protect her somehow.

Claire didn’t think she was going to be sticking around for too long as a result. She’d finish this little event, which unfortunately didn’t even come with any prize money, stop off at the hotel to check out and then get back on her bike. Honestly, maybe even before then; usually duelling like this calmed her down, as well as giving her a good opportunity to meet new people and get some information about the place she was in. But today? Maybe it was the way the judges seemed to be paying extra close attention to all of the duels or the store owner, or maybe it was that weird lightning storm the night before, but the sense of dread kept building.

Across the table from her, her opponent asked her something that she didn’t hear and she missed an opportunity to activate a trap card when she should have. Her opponent missed lethal anyway, but it was enough for Claire to decide to focus on the duel instead of her worries.

“I activate the effect of my Siverd in the Pendulum zone to destroy my Metalfoes Combination, to set Parametalfoes Fusion from my deck. Then I activate Metalfoes Counter in response to summon a Metalfoes from my deck and chain the graveyard effect of Combination to add a Metalfoes to my hand.”

From there the rest of the duel was fairly quick, with Claire summoning two Fusion monsters to bounce their strongest monster with Mithrilium and then Pendulum summoning and attacking for a huge amount of damage with Orichalc’s piercing ability.

Beside her the judge watching their match, an attractive blonde woman with the name tag ‘Valentine’ made a note of her win and moved on to the next pair.That was the first round dealt with at least.
Are duel disks still a thing or are the duels taking place at tables?

Duel disks are a thing, but they aren't common; pretty sure they are only used by the magic duelists. Duel Monsters is a niche hobby in this setting, not an all-consuming juggernaut like the show, so this should just be a regular store tournament with games at tables.
If duelbook or similar simulators have a written play by play that could be referenced after the fact for writing purposes, that might help, but still seems like more effort than my proposed system, particularly since my method can function even if you only have time to go through a single turn.

They have replays you can go back to for reference.

My system does have a slight stumbling block of "what if you go through a whole turn only for the other player to have a response to everything before they can even take their own turn", but at that point it's a matter of coordination between the players, making both ideas kind of a hassle in the same ways that matter, so maybe just roleplaying it is the better (or at least simpler) option?

You have to collaborate on duels. There's no other way to go about it in a game that allows responses.

Whether that's a fully roleplayed/scripted duel or a write-up of a duel in a simulator should just be left up to the individuals involved. Just do whatever works best for the scene.
I've never seen Arc-V so idk on that front

Master Rule 3, Pendulum era kind of decks. Not literally, you can use Links, but personally I aimed for the power level of a deck that would be casual in that format, with room to grow.

Pure Metalfoes with no staples, that I can add other Pend stuff to.
You have your deck list; number each individual card.
pull up google; there's a random number generator tool.
Set the parameters for random numbers from 1 to whatever the total number of your cards is (minimum range 1-40).

If you've built your deck in a simulator, then the deck builder might also have a shuffle option that will randomise your deck for you. I know Dueling Nexus does, not sure about others.

Im just trying to figure out if I should go balls to the wall and run a gamba deck or just run sky strikers...

gamba is so tempting.......

The suggested power level was Arc-V, if you're undecided.
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