Avatar of Kumbaris


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Current Is there an RPGuild light mode?
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I wonder what the forum's musical preferences are.
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I wonder what future Animes I should watch, been stuck in an Isekai slump right now. No idea what else I want to watch besides Tensura and Shield Hero once that comes out.
3 yrs ago
I really want to be able to travel again real bad. I love visiting North America again.
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Je suis un homme qu'adorer le RPG, jeux vidéo, et histoire. Si vous veux jeux avec moi, envoye un PM en RPGuild et Discord.

If you can read that. Then as long as I have time. I'm happy to Roleplay with you. I'm okay with my French, but don't expect a Masters Thesis level of French from me.

I'm also cool with Roleplaying in English though!

Most Recent Posts

I've made something. You can post your new OC's here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/190673-bey…

I'll try to set something up, but I probably need a co-GM on this one.


Long ago, the gods discovered the multiverse, and with it, the existence of other worlds, ruled by other gods. Some gods created alliances that sought to destroy "evil" gods, or to conquer the multiverse. Others sought wisdom, peace, and higher planes of being. Eventually—and tragically—one such group discovered what lies beyond the veil of our simulated reality: a state of being beyond Nirvana, and a state of mind even those who call themselves gods were not prepared for. Those gods who have seen it have seen their end, and lost their minds. Those who have heard its words, their souls forever corrupted. Those who have tasted of it, turned against their own creation.

It should have been left well enough alone. Now it bleeds, seeping through the gaps between dimensions, invading various worlds throughout the multiverse. It defies the paradigms of matter, substance, natural law, living being, energy, or spirit. The gods are powerless against its corrupting influence—the worlds they ruled, lost to the dissolving of natural order caused by their end: winds, tides, and even seasons shifting beyond control. Their only hope against this unstoppable force is to rely on the strongest mortals they can find. Mortals, it seems, are immune to the madness. Perhaps, only resistant to its effects. Perhaps, this is enough. It cannot be returned whence it came, but perhaps it can be starved out—surrounded by empty worlds in which no gods remain.

With this small hope, a new alliance of gods has formed, and champions have been gathered from all corners of the multiverse, blessed with the strongest weapons and enchantments their mortal bodies and minds can handle without breaking. Only the strongest and the most skillful of champions have been selected for this most important of tasks. Now, these champions among champions prepare to do battle against the corrupted gods, to stop the spread of the undefinable "God Eater Calamity."


You will enter a role as a champion for a deity of your choice. This is not a fandom based RP, so you will need to create an original setting and your own original champion in order to be eligible for this RP. Player characters must also be some form of mortal with a string of accomplishments under their belt, and they are also allowed a blessing by their champion. Whether that champion be a weapon, skill, spell, or something else entirely is up to you.

Races of the character can be literally anything, from human, orc, elf, dwarf, or something else entirely. The only limit is your imagination. Just make sure your character is not overly powerful as to break the premise of the RP itself. A champion that can remodel entire universes to their whims would be not fun for the other players.


  • This RP is rated PG-13. Please avoid detailed descriptions of gore or sexual situations.
  • Each player is allowed one character.
  • No meta-gaming.
  • All Champions, Gods, and Worlds must be original. This is not a fandom RP.
  • Please post all finished character sheets in this OOC thread. Once I approve them they can go in the characters tab.
  • Also any other rules RP Guild has or in effect here.
  • This RP will function based off of your deities' collective decisionmaking. So make sure to deliberate on a major decision before making a decision that can end in a TPK.

@Mendicant Bias@Riffus Maximus@Emeth@ActRaiserTheReturned@Dead Cruiser@Teyao@The Muse@Expendable. The new RP is out. Post your character sheets here!
Okay, so, here's my two cents on the table. We don't know what happened with Martian, but I have run into situations in the past where GMs have flipped the table and deleted everything when their thread got hijacked. Not here, but on other places.

I would consider making a new thread, so the new GMs keep moderation tools, and put enough of a spin on the original idea so that there's not as much drama if the OP comes back. Basically a non plagiarized OoC post that's still compatible with the current cast, with minimal edits if any to character sheets. I'd be willing to help brainstorm on this if needed. Co-GM is a lot less pressure for me.

This is just my take though. Don't smite me please.

I'm down with doing this, maybe we can discuss this further? On PM's? Or in Discord?
Alright, I'll then wait for tomorrow evening when everyone has made a decision, and then I'll ask all of you to move your IC's into the Character tab. We can start the RP then and there.
I just need everyone else's thoughts on the matter. And maybe I can start the thing myself.
I can try GMing this, but I don't think I can play as both Martian's and my character at the same time, so I probably need a co GM.

EDIT: I have a crazy idea, but I would need everyone's agreement for this. So Martian's god and champion is kinda stuck somewhere, and while they're stuck, Pax Celestia is leaderless, so either my deity (Amaterasu) gets chosen as the leader and do whatever it is Pax Celestia does, or all the deities make decisions together.

What do you think?


Amanda quickly changed the tapes and decided to look over at the parking lot for once. Seems like a logical extension to see where the fake agent Mosley’s going. It didn’t take too long however to find out that something was much amiss, the Android could barely believe it when the tape rolled and she saw agent Mosley.

Or lack of an agent Mosley to be exact.

It’s more likely that this ‘agent’ went and gone off into the Ether. Something that is pretty much impossible unless you have such large mana reserves you can teleport out of the building, and that kind of stuff is reserved to deities really, AND the mana residue out of such an exhaustive teleportation spell would be easily detected by anyone in the building.

But Amanda did see something interesting. There is a white Lada in the parking lot, and a pretty buff individual seems to be exiting the elevator, and went into the Lada before going off on his own. She did seem to identify the car’s plate, and the seemingly convenient timing between the (potentially) fake agent Mosley and the guy exiting the car seems to good to be true.

“Guys. I’m going to run over to get some identification on that car. I just need to see if the place of the car’s residence and registration can lead us somewhere. So just hang tight and I’ll see what I can do.”
I have... concerns that this is unlikely to actually start.

You read my mind.

@Martian, are you going to accept all our CS's? I think this RP has potential to be really good.


Amanda pondered at the various suggestions made by Micheal, Faye, and Scarlet. While they all made compelling opinions, Amanda decided Scarlet’s suggestion made the most sense. She knows that there should be a dispatch center around this office, and a brief search later, she found the tape.

“Hmm… let’s see what we got.” Amanda said. Playing the tape, and then analyzing it’s contents as the video played on the TV. Amanda fast-forwarded, and slowed down some events as everyone was busy piecing together the information. Typical OMR work really, nothing too exciting on this front.

It was around 2:00PM yesterday that Amanda caught something interesting. Was that? “Yo, do you guys see that?” Amanda mentioned at the one person who suddenly entered the dispatch office and started asking around. He started flashing his ID, and although it is too blurry to decipher anything, the physical appearances of the person is quite indistinguishable.

“Is that agent Mosley?” Amanda asked. The Elven ears, the black trenchcoat, that face. "Was… was he here before we went? But that’s impossible! And who gave him the card?”

She turned to the rest of the team. Dumbfounded. “Okay. I’ve read some books about spells before, but I don’t know about spells that can change your appearance to that level. This assailant could also presumably left with a car. Shall we check the garage footage next?”

It’s impossible that the actual Xaviron is betraying the OMR, she looked at his file and no, Xaviron’s loyalty to the OMR is solid, so whoever’s portraying as Xaviron here most likely knew who he is, or perhaps got a look at his file when he first arrived in Frankfurt. Quite a perplexing mystery to be honest.

@Martian@King Cosmos

Madeleine sighed in relief as the Roggenwolf seemingly walked into the magic circle Morgana created. The demoness walks off from the Roggenwolf and stood right next to the English witch.

“Just make sure it’s as harmless as possible Morgana. I don’t want angering a Roggenwolf as part of my resume now do I?”

She then waited patiently as Morgana was busy preparing the spell she would use to banish the Roggenwolf back to its realm. She is not someone who is very familiar with mystical world and the ‘mystical world’ per se (She’s more into Hell and Heaven herself, and she’s been to Hell many times), so she is keenly interested in seeing Morgana do her magic.

“So. I’ve been wondering, but how does this ‘other side’ differs from Heaven and Hell?” Madeleine asked. “I know witches have their own schools of thought and philosophy, so I’m curious myself.”
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