True Name: Constantine XI Palaiologos Dragases
Region: Greece
Class: Shielder (Lily)
Attribute: Man
Strength: C
Agility: B
Endurance: B
Magical Energy: C
Luck: E-
At the back of his mind, Constantine XI had always known that he would be the last Emperor of the Romans/Byzantines, and that the Imperial tradition which began with Augustus, and the Constitutional tradition which began with Romulus, would end with him. Nevertheless, he bravely faced his destiny, looking for allies, money, and aid to help stem the inevitable. Few came, and his own blunders in the diplomatic sphere even hastened the Ottoman Assault on his capital, the now-dilapidated city of Constantinople.
When the assault came, Constantine XI made his final stand, making the enemy pay for every inch of ground, and choosing to make a desperate last charge at the Ottoman Sultan’s Janissaries when they finally came for him. It would be the end of a life soaked in misfortune, in futility, in an endless quest to stem the inevitable tide - He had no regrets except this: That he was leaving behind his people to suffer oppression under a foriegn power.
He died, but his legend lived on, in tales of being rescued by an Angel in order to restore the Empire in the future. Those tales, and the memory of his last stand, earned him a place in the Throne of Heroes, where he waited for the aspirations of his people to be fulfilled. Which they were, in part, when Greece itself was liberated but with Constantinople itself, now named Istanbul, remaining in enemy hands. Nevertheless, he can be content with that, content with seeing the descendants of his brothers prosper again in this new modern world.
He had found peace.
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance (B): Negates E, D and C ranked spells. It is difficult for them to be affected even by Greater Thaumaturgy.
Riding (C): One can flawlessly manage beasts and vehicles if they have received the proper training and adjustments. Most vehicles and animals can be handled with above-average skill. However, Constantine XI cannot ride the likes of Phantasmal Species such as Monstrous Beasts
Self-Field Defense (C): Applies damage reduction beyond defensive limits, but he is excluded from the effect's target.
Personal Skills:
Defensive Engineer (Custom, B): Constantine can improve the defenses of one’s lair, mundane and magical, by up to B-Rank, making them hard to penetrate by intruders. This applies to things as mundane as walls, moats, and reinforced concrete bunkers, as well as bounded fields and mystic sentries, which he gains an ability to interact with and reshape to more efficient parameters.
Military Tactics (Sieges and Last Stands, A-): Applies a + modifier to a single Anti-Army Noble Phantasm of oneself and allies and a rank down or - modifier to the enemy Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. Note that if not in a siege or last stand, this merely applies a rank up to up to a single Anti-Army Noble Phantasms with their rank not exceeding A of oneself and allies and a rank down (as long as it is not A rank or higher) or - modifier (as long as it has a +) to enemy Anti-Army Noble Phantasm.
Bravery (B): At this rank, the threat of overwhelming force does not faze Constantine XI, who can resist mental interference effects of this rank (note that Magic Resistance already negates most such attempts to interfere with the workings of his brain), but more importantly, it increases the Melee Damage he inflicts.
Battle Continuation (C, Fourth Personal Skill): A Skill that allows for the continuation of combat after sustaining mortal wounds. It will also reduce the mortality rate from injury. This Skill represents the ability to survive and/or the mentality of one who doesn't know when to give up, consisting of one's strength of vitality in predicaments.
Noble Phantasms:
Title: Legend of Imperial Rebirth
Rank: A+
NP Type: Anti-Self
Range: 1
Maximum Number of Targets: 1
Description: Legends say that Constantine XI was saved from death by an Angel, turned into a marble statue, and stored in a secret cave underneath Constantinople’s Golden Gate in order to await true resurrection, after which he will, with God’s help, retake the city, restore the Empire, and drive the Turks back to Central Asia. This legend resonates in the hearts of the Greek people today, giving needed strength to the Servant.
The Legend of Imperial Rebirth is a crystallization of those legends which form their own Noble Phantasm, a Phantasm which envelops his body and cloaks it in the stuff of myths, enhancing its wielder’s capabilities to far beyond what he had in life.
And by that, when brought to the brink of death, Constantine XI’s clothes, armor, and sword turn as white as marble, and all Parameters and Skill Ranks are raised by one rank. He also gains the benefits of Golden Rule (Body), meaning that while he can be physically damaged, the damage in question cannot make him ugly. Not merely that, but Military Tactics reverts to its normal form and can be used without a malus in situations which are not a last stand or a siege. This effect lasts till the end of the fight.
Title: Hexamillion Wall
Rank: D
NP Type: Fortress
Range: 1 - 50
Maximum Number of Targets: 1000.
Description: The Hexamillon was a wall stretching throughout the Isthmus of Corinth with two castles on the end, and which had been repaired and rebuilt multiple times against invaders, never succeeding in its objective. Nevertheless, Constantine XI was one of the last rulers to try and strengthen it, turning the wall and castles into a strong point which had to be broken with Gunpowder and Cannons...
A wall is conjured up across the battlefield with two castles at either end, and both wall and castles can shoot arrows of pure prana. This wall can withstand most mundane and magical attacks and can be strengthened to B-Rank by someone, not just Constantine XI, with the appropriate Skill (usually Defensive Engineer).
The size of the wall and the castles depend on the size of the battlefield itself, but it can theoretically expand to the length of the Corinth Canal, which has the same length as the IRL Hexamilion Wall...
Name: Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya
Age: 21
Aliases: He Who Should Not Be
Titles: Cause
Height: 5'7
Weight: 60kg
Family Backstory: In this alternate timeline, Shirley, Noritaka Emiya's assistant, did not turn into a Dead Apostle, Kiritsugu, Noritaka's son, did not commit patricide, and Noritaka himself lasted a few years longer before being captured by the Clock Tower's enforcers. Kiritsugu was old (and sane) enough to neogtiate with the Clock Tower for some of the remains of Noritaka's Crest. He and Shirley then settled down in the Philippines as a minor Spellcaster Family... Then they had children, mostly daugthers, then a son.
Personal Backstory: Lorenzo was a Momma's Boy; Shirley had never forgiven the Clock Tower's enforcers for capturing Noritaka and hoarding his research, and made much about how said research would have benefited Humanity. Kiritsugu, meanwhile, shared that same resentment, but was far more forgiving in this timeline, although he was still rectient about teaching Lorenzo even the basics of Magecraft. Nevertheless, Lorenzo learned enough to qualify as a Magus, and had some of his grandfather's interest in reaching The Root; this made Kiritsugu reluctant to bequeath to him the remains of the Emiya Magic Crest, but eventually, he did so, opening Lorenzo's eyes to a wider world of Magecraft and Supernatural Intrigue.
His mother would not forgive him if he joined the Clock Tower or any branch of the Magi Assocation, though, so despite his sexual orientation and heretical irreverence, he joined the Holy Church, specifically the Assembly of the Eighth Sacrament that allowed the use of heretical means such as Magecraft to exterminate the enemies of Humanity. There, he learned enough lore, both Church-sanctioned and heretical, to realize that Humanity's destiny was already pre-saved, that the Age of Will was a reachable concept, and with some mental gymnastics, it was perfectly compatible with the Church's belief that Humanity will have a Paradise/Heaven after the Day of Judgement and the End of the World.
His next epiphany came from battling a Magus of great power who, as it turns out, was trying to save Humanity in the beginning, and fell into blashphemous means from a place of trying to save Humanity as an entire species/concept. After realizing it, after seeing that even the evil Magi who harmed others could do so from good and noble intentions, it was all Lorenzo can do to make sure that the death blow from his sword was clean and painless, and that comfort and prayers were extended to the soul of the person whom, just an hour ago, he had seen as the vilest of enemies.
But his loyalty to the Church was stronger than ever, even though his beliefs would never line up to its own theology. And so when a new Grail appeared in Kyoto, Japan, Lorenzo would be sent with a Saint's Shroud of a Filipino Saint who died in Japan to investigate the war... And prevent people from dying.
Personality: Lorenzo believes that the world comes pre-saved, first by the Sacrifice of Christ and then the inevitability of the Age of Will. Thus, he is allowed to just save people, without forming a calculus of how best to save as many people as possible and putting complete strangers above one's on close friends and family (unless they are genuinely not innocent). To him, life is something to be enjoyed in a healthy manner, with attention to safety, sanity, and yes, consent. This causes friction between him and the higher-ups in the Church, but when push comes to shove, the Church's enemies are his own, and he believes that both he and they value Humanity without engaging in grandiose plans to 'save' it.
Magical Parameters:
Magical Circuit Quantity: A
Magical Circuit Quality: A
Composition: Normal.
Reinforcement - Magic that flows energy to “elevate the existence” of the target. This has effects such as increasing the sharpness of bladed implements and the nutritional value of food.
Bounded Field - Magic that partitions inside from outside, and operates on the boundary or the inner portion of the affected region. It is primarily used to protect one’s body or property.
Gandr - A magic passed down in northern Europe. It is a curse on the target that the user points at, inflicting discord on the mind and body. Because one must point at a target within one’s field of vision, it is also called the “Gandr shot.”
Mental Interference Magecraft - Lorenzo knows enough to rewrite and erase memories en masse; best to avoid having to kill those who find out about the supernatural.
Time Alter - The Emiya Family had been seeking the secrets of Time-based Magecraft before Noritaka was finally captured and Sealed by the Mages' Association, and Kiritsugu, then Lorenzo, inherited a small part of Noritaka's Crest, enough for Lorenzo to learn how to use a Bounded Field on himself that he can use to alter the flow of time for himself alone, speeding it up, slowing it down, and releasing it, and restoring the flow of time to himself at any given point.
Theosis Magecraft - The Church teaches that divine grace can transform a person, with Athanasius of Alexandria saying metaphorically that, "He was made man in order that we might be made gods.[Christ] manifested himself by a body that we might receive the idea of the unseen Father; and He endured the insolence of men that we might inherit immortality."
Now, what if the first part was literal? Lorenzo believes that a key essence of Athanasius' Pro-Trinitarian arguments in the Council of Nicaea was that 'God became Man so that Man (Humanity) can become God (metaphorically)'. However, why would not God himself go further and uplift Humanity to equality with himself? Thus, Lorenzo is secretly developing a Magecraft that would enhance his existence to the level of the Divine, but for now, Theosis Magecraft is merely a more powerful version of Reinforcement with Healing Magic, albeit one capable of allowing one's strikes to harm Servants conceptually (in the sense that a thumbtack can harm a full-grown adult by pricking them).
Mystic Codes:
Shroud of the Filipino Patron Saint - Saint Lorenzo Ruiz was the protomartyr of the Philippines who died on Japanese soil, murdered by the Tokugawa Shogunate. Lorenzo Emiya was given a Shroud bearing his name before his trip to Japan, which allows him a bonus to his endurance when attacked by Japanese Magecraft or to some extent, Japanese Non-Christian Servants (almost all of them except Amakusa).
This can be upgraded later in the RP.
Ash Lock - A type of Conceptual Weapon normally used by Executors, but lent out to Lorenzo; this one normally takes the form of a sleeveless glove that turns into an armored gauntlet when Magical Energy/Prayer Power is poured into it.
Blessed Blade - A Western Longsword with prayers for the dead written on them. Concealed with Mental Interference Magecraft, the weapon can deal conceptual damage on its own as well as physical wounds, and acts as a focus for Theosis Magic, which allows it to function as a 'real' Holy Weapon...
Swordsmanship, both Western and Japanese, as well as Parkour, Track and Field, Stealth, Basic Marksmanship and Computers. Also Literature, History, and Theology.
- A large amount of cash.
- Fine Clothes.
- Casual Clothes.
- A backpack.
- A first aid kit.
Name: Oleg-Marie Animusphere
Age: 22
Aliases: The Discarded.
Titles: Heir of the Animusphere Family.
Height: 165cm
Weight: 80kg
Family Backstory: Canon Info from the Type-Moon Wiki
Personal Backstory: Abandoned and left to be raised by a branch family member by his asshole of a father, Oleg-Marie Animusphere soon learned that he had to prove himself to get any positive attention other than pity. The metaphorical jackals were baying around the Animusphere Family, and Oleg knew he had to fend them off or lose everything; that and prove himself to be someone worthy of continuing his father's research, which required a huge amount of resources, not even Magi normally had.
Oleg's father, the infamous Marisbury Anuimusphere, before abandoning him forever, had ordered an agent to investigate the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, only to find out that the Fuyuki Grail was corrupted and thus worthless to him. But then, after finding out someone made an Imitation Holy Grail in Kyoto, he suddenly contacted Oleg, asking the latter to participate in the Kyoto Holy Grail War. In exchange, he was willing to see him again.
By then, however, Oleg had already found out about some of Marisbury's plans and the culmination of the Animusphere Magecraft; CHALDEAS and CHALDEA and a plan that required massive deaths and destruction to make Humanity the top dog of the Universe yet also the most disgusting aspect of it, and decided to agree only so that he could betray his father.
Unlike his counterpart from a parallel timeline, Oleg was not so dependent on his father he was willing to join a plan that was mad even by Magus standards. No, he was going to kill his father, then find a spouse and raise children (if his spouse was male, he'd just get a surrogate mother from a strong bloodline whose family was in dire financial straits) in a way that was better than he had been raised!
Oh, right; he has met with Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya before in secret illegal negotiations to give Noritaka's bones back to Kiritsugu and Shirley (who are still alive in this timeline).
Personality: Rebellious, aggressive, and prone to overconfidence in his Magecraft and his mundane abilities, Oleg-Marie Animusphere nevertheless has the conscience of his female parallel counterparts, and is willing to cast aside his dreams and die if someone else's wish can foil his father's malign plots, which are abhorrent even by Magus standards. A born fighter, Oleg also wants to make it so that killing him would be a challenge, an epic fight worthy of the heroes of old. He does not want civilians killed, if only for pragmatic reasons, but is willing to sacrifice criminals and gangsters because they are scum and do not qualify as innocent; the hypocrisy of this approach is something he is well aware of.
Oh, he also likes cats, dogs, cockatoos, and lions.
Magical Parameters:
Magical Circuit Quantity: E-
Magical Circuit Quality: EX
Composition: Abnormal
Magecraft: Identical to Canon, due to this sheet being for an NPC Master, a full description of Magecraft is unnecessary for now.
Mystic Codes: See the above link.
Skills: See the above link, but Oleg also knows Parkour and Modern Pankration, Boxing, and Marksmanship.
- A lot of money.
- Fine Clothes.
- Casual Clothes.
- A Traditional Japanese House/Mansion.
- Retainers and Bodyguards provided by the various Animusphere Branch Families.
Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald is still alive in this universe, and is the new (NPC) Master of Rider as the relevant player left.
Update: @GOATPlumber is the one playing Kayneth.