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1 day ago
Current Two years, nine months. Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, my RP, still needs players.
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24 days ago
Two years, eight months, three threads... Four months more until my RP as a whole lasts three years.
1 mo ago
My Elder Scrolls RP may reach a third month... or die in a few days. It depends on luck.
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2 mos ago
My RP, despite many challenges, has ran for two years and seven months across three threads.
2 mos ago
Thanks to all who stood by me; you're all good people.


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With all due respect, if someone like me, who isn't exactly the most-liked among some RP Circles here (and I admit I brought it on myself), can get enough players to keep a Group RP alive for two years and three months (and still ongoing), then the genre/platform/hobby isn't dying.

So, no, Forum RP isn't dying. My own game could use more activity due to some players being stalled by IRL matters (heatwaves, hurricanes, and stuff like that), but Forum RP as a whole isn't dying.
@berry12401, hello, welcome to the site!
@Ayden123plat, hello!
Mykhailo Martinez

Mykhailo ate his food in bitterness, seeing both sides of the issue between Valkyrie and the others. But it didn't matter; the young man had made his choice - Like heck, he was going to abandon his friend, but he knew full well that to pick a fight against people who were themselves grieving, people he understood, was not a good way to handle things. But how was he going to tell Valkyrie that he was not going to abandon her?

Oh, wait, he had a Datapad. So after eating, he typed a message to Valk on the pad, a personal message that said: Oi. You need to eat. I'm bringing you food. Just because you're not forgiving yourself does not mean you're allowed to starve - What if the foe attacks at any moment?

And so he took Valk's tray and rules or no rules, went to the very door of the Women's dorms, and knocked, gently but audibly, saying, "Did you get my message, Kyrie? You're not allowed to get yourself bent out of shape till you save more lives than you've killed - You're still willing and able to save people; so you don't get to harm the capability to do that; not if you're serious about it..."

To be honest, part of Mykhailo regretted being so free with words of forgiveness and friendship, not with someone he would have shot down himself not too long ago. If it had been Artemio she had killed somehow, back then... But regrets did not mean faithlessness; Mykhailo was anything but faithless, despite what Priests and tut-tutting lay preachers accused him of during his time with Artemio. He had made his bed, and it was time to metaphorically sleep in it.

But next time, he will make it clear that when someone needed his forgiveness, it was only personal from him; he was not going to speak on behalf of others. And forgiveness did not mean being blind to the danger others presented whether they meant to betray him or not.

That was a valuable lesson to learn - A bitter fruit the 21-year-old knew was vital to taste.

@AtomicNut, considering that a Noble Arm is born from personal development, including negative development, Damian's chaotic soul works as a one in a billion (or one in two billion) sort of 'functional madness' that acts as an exploit with how Noble Arms work (Formation and Inheritance, specifically).

Make it clear that it is an Exploit both ICly and OOCly, that Damian cannot take Noble Arms from a living person, and that when an Arms Master dies, he only has a few seconds to take their Noble Arm before it fades in a flash of light/motes of light/just fades away.

Edit: Or it could be that Damian can delay the fading away of a Noble Arm if it is within sight range (not sure if scopes and such should enhance this).
@HeroesCrescent, welcome!
@avril, welcome!
Mission Four - Knives in Phnom Penh

Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 07:19 UTC+7, which is 8:19, UTC+8

Myron acknowledged Marta and Berto's words as he fast-walked towards the transports, and responded without ceasing to move, "All right, then; if you two want to stay once we get to the airport, we're staying. Also... Berto... If your Noble Arm can get Marta back to fighting shape, use it on her - Now let's go; we've dilly-dallied long enough already!"

The transports were in sight in an increasingly chaotic city; the Cambodian ASEAN Loyalists under Dara Chea, the one whom Nico had brought to their side, were waiting for them, with the dark-skinned blond opening the doors to one of the BTR-60Ps, just outside the Convention Center to gesture them into the vehicle, which was mostly empty. Once they were inside, and mostly insulated from the sounds of fighting, Dara would then give everyone the sitrep of what had been happening.

"The Air Force has defected to our side rather than face Lotus Squadron; this is turning the tide in our favor, but large portions of the Royal Army, plus the Gendarmerie and the Marines are still with the foe - The Russian and Venezuelan Mercenaries the Prime Minister brought have also overrun our positions in the eastern part of the city; they've begun sacking the richer businesses and homes, those assholes. As for the Prime Minister and his son... A group of Arms Masters are trying to capture them and the National Assembly, but they're encountering heavy resistance."

All the while, the vehicle was driving towards the Phnom Penh International Airport, where a new member was waiting, one Lupe Chang; Myron was only informed of her existence as the Vehicle drove away from Koch Pich, and thus did not have the time to do any extensive investigation, not when Noel's absence and Qingshe's death meant he had to assume provisional leadership of Task Force Obsidian...

Phnom Penh International Airport, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 07:38 UTC+7, which is 8:38, UTC+8

They arrived at the Airport; where Myron gave Berto new orders.

"We have a new member called Lupe Chang; she's a Filipino Chinese with a Noble Arm focused on Healing and Enforced Pacifism..." He then forwarded him a picture of the girl in question, then continued, "Once you find her, set up a triage site for military folk and civilians alike."

As for Marta, Henri, and Nil, Myron held out his Noble Arm, the shield that can render people down to data and transmit them to another location through radio, landlines, and the internet, and said, "All right, you three; here are the options - Either help Berto and Lupe set up a triage here or help me do my part to take the National Assembly Building from Prime Minister H.S. We need to win this battle and we need to do it now."

Nico and Aoi have not responded in a long while now; what exactly were they thinking?

@Gerlando@Nimbus@QJT@Amidatelion@Digmata@Chiro@Creative Chaos@AtomicNut
@Dyrpyn96, welcome!
@PickYourPosion, welcome!
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