Avatar of Letter Bee


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13 days ago
Current Two years, eight months, three threads... Four months more until my RP as a whole lasts three years.
25 days ago
My Elder Scrolls RP may reach a third month... or die in a few days. It depends on luck.
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1 mo ago
My RP, despite many challenges, has ran for two years and seven months across three threads.
1 mo ago
Thanks to all who stood by me; you're all good people.
2 mos ago
We've done it. Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, lives.
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Sorry for the delay; just got busy for the past few days, but am willing to make an OC soon.
Mikazuki Nakajima

As Bakuto realized the error the ad-hoc trio had succumed to, Mikazuki nodded, and said, "I have healing ready for when you need it - Just give me a signal!"

It seems I misjudged Bakuto, thought the young man as he watched, waited, and focused, watching his friend as he leapt into the fray. This isn't foolishness, and even if it is, it's better than doing nothing!

In coordination with Tony, Mikazuki rushed into battle, ready to defend Bakuto with his parries and counterattacks, pull him out of the fray if that was needed, and heal him. He was not going to let his misjudgement cause his friend's death - It mattered not if he died early instead; right now, he knew what he was here for.

And it was not to be selfish; not to believe that he was the only one who can take on his Grandfather's crimes.

So Mikazuki dove into battle, but kept a reserve of strength for when the foe took advantage of their belated onslaught; he knew they were going to take advantage of the delay - So be it; he was done playing around. But he was not going to give up his caution either; Tony may need help.

So rushing over to the other youth's side, Mikazuki drew his sword and parried the next attack that came his' or Bakuto's way (assuming he could), then proceeded to counter immediately with a cut at whoever struck at his friends (if his parry had been successful).

He then began circulating healing energy through his body, before shouting at the Hollows as he held out his sword to parry and counter, "I still have to know them, bastards! I don't know how to know people well, but I want to know my teammates!"

After all, this battle may be his last chance.

@Sho Minazuki @BladeSS4 @McNephelim @LC
Intermission Four - Darkest Hour

La Trinidad de Manila Academy - 12/1/2022, 8:23, UTC+8

Far Eastern University In Real Life; the location and structures are used for La Trinidad de Manila in this timeline for convenience

Myron finally strode in to fetch Tonka in the cafeteria shortly after her meal. He was deathly nervous, as he knew that even with her help, it would be very, very hard to save the First Lieutenant from Superbia itself. With the veteran members of the team vanishing without warning, and with every risk that Qingshe's death may be real after all, it was clear that he was probably going to spend the lives of promising new members trying to save the First Lieutenant, Noel Alonso, who may no longer be able to save Task Force Obsidian from complete oblivion. Was this the end? He didn't want to give up on the young commander; the latter was just eighteen!

But everything in him screamed that it would be better to drop Noel, that Tonka and Oscar were better used against the PLA Navy.

Walking up to Tonka, he said to her, "Good, you've finished eating; let's go to one of the side offices - Oscar is busy getting to know the other members so I'll brief you first."

La Trinidad de Manila Academy - 12/1/2022, 8:26, UTC+8

The side office was covered in hardwoods, and so were the desk and the chair, with few electronics except for a desktop computer that looked like it was from the early 2000s. Myron then brought out a dossier seemingly out of nowhere and handed it over to Tonka, saying, "Yulian, aka the Avatar of Superbia, has his 'perv dungeon' in this deep shaft mine in Gansu Province, China. You know the steps made to keep the mine as hot and humid as possible to discourage... modesty among the enslaved male PoWs, but as for the defenses, I will not lie; Yulian knows what my Noble Arm can do and has invested in firewalls and jamming equipment to prevent me from 'blinking in' for several hundred miles around that place."

He was visibly gritting his teeth, trying to hold back desperate rage as he said, "I know some among us won't forgive me for this, but I have contacts; other former terrorists. We may need them for the assault, but I want to ask your opinion first. Should we call on the lost remnants of the Hammer of Masters and the Disablers?"

@Chiro@Goblininamech@Vidar the Quiet

Refugee Camp North of Manila - 12/3/2022, 10:53, UTC+8 (Three Days Later)

The Philippines had a population of 109 Million, maybe 110, before the start of the Philippine Civil War in June 2022 and the Chinese Invasion of September of that same year. Now it was December, and five million people had already died, not just due to direct military action, but due to starvation and disease. Millions more have been displaced, cramped together into squalid refugee camps like the one they were in, where thousands had to create lean-tos of plywood and corrugated steel just because the Philippine Army and Police had run out of tents.

Not just that, but it took the Philippine Government of National Salvation and the Red Cross/Crescent everything they had to organize the camps such that rubbish and latrines were in separate areas and people did not just throw their rubbish everywhere, nor turn the entire camp into a living toilet. Even then, the arrival of the Arms Masters with food and supplies was most welcome, even though some of the soldiers glared at the newcomers with hostility for a while until realizing that they were not just slumming it, they were ready to help.

The Crown Prince was with Cristina cooking soup for the soup kitchen as he whispered, "These horrors... I won't lie; I suspect that my sister is too eager to listen to those who want to inflict them once more."

A brawl was about to erupt in the lines, but then suddenly, they were all interrupted by the radio as it said, "Breaking News! The Russian and North Korean Fleet has been sunk into the bottom of the sea - Admiral Yi Yeol of the South Korean and Japanese Combined Fleet have won the Battle of Tsushima Strait! Help. Is. Coming!"

The crowds gave a loud, collective cheer; a spot of hope brightening up an otherwise gloomy day.

Alternate Character Options (If you do not want to play an Arms Master)

<Snipped quote by Letter Bee>

My bad. First time properly doing one of these, I'll be honest, so I'm not exactly familiar with standard operating procedure. Not to say I don't have experience running other kinds of RPs, but there's a difference between DMing and Text-Based RP. I'm gonna make a 0th post with the essentials real quick.

There's also editing the first post?
@Bacon, D.C. is fine. Also, shouldn't un-approved CSrs be in the OOC?

Also, its customary to have the first post of the OOC be a fuller version of the Int Check, with rules and the Character Sheet Template?
In Hi! 14 days ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@Helena Strong, welcome; do ask if you need any help finding an RP.

@Letter Bee Sure!


Here; I'm the server owner but the Server hosts space for OOC discussion of multiple RPs, including Rhona's.

@Driving Park, want to join the Discord Server too?
@Driving Park, we would be glad to have you!
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