Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

TO: jjj@dailybugle.com
FROM: jewel@thepulse.com
SUBJECT: [Pulse] Iron Man's Press Conference


This isn't going to be pretty. I can cover this beat for you, but you need to promise no civvies will be out on reporter duty. I'm sure you've seen the conference - Captain America is public enemy number one. The Avengers are going to war.

Also, my usual fee will be doubled for this - let's call it hazard pay.

Keep it sleazy,

P.S. I mean it. If I see a single civvie pounding pavement for this, I'll break your face in :-)

St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 2:10 A.M.

The lights in the hallway flickered back on, illuminating Fury's silhouette at the end. The lights then went out again and both Niah and Oliver would hear the sound of gunshots, followed by a feral growl. The ground shook and there was a gigantic crash. The lights flickered on in time for Niah and Oliver to see as a monstrous bear, easily the size of a school bus with glowing red eyes, swallowed Fury whole. The bear let out a howl, before charging after Niah and Oliver, easily closing the gap between them. With its teeth, it caught the fabric of Niah's shirt and lifted her up towards the ceiling, before shaking its head around like a dog with a cute animal it wanted to kill and devour. Oliver would have a choice to make - he could escape while the bear was distracted and leave Niah to die, or he could try to save her and risk getting himself killed.

Ellis Island - New York: 8:00 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: Ellis Island: Far Field
Skills: Blessing of Athena, Intuition, Hand-to-Hand Combat
"Thanks, I kick ass," Bonnie told Kwassi matter of factly. She knew a lot of people underestimated her as she didn't have powers, she was just an ordinary human, and she had been recruited through Sci-Tech. To a certain extent, they were right. She couldn't throw around blasts of cosmic energy. She couldn't teleport or walk through walls. But she didn't need those feats, she just needed her mind and a bit of luck. "Today, it's yours," she then added on.

She got on up to her feet, before an idea occurred to her. She hadn't moved fast enough to make her next move before Kwassi would be able to get up, but she figured it would still work. She kicked at the ground as hard as she could, hoping that the grass and dirt were loose. Bits of dirt and grass flew up, hitting Kwassi in the eye and temporarily blinding him. A small part of Bonnie noted with interest that was probably one of the reasons why superheroes tended to wear masks. The rest of her followed through with her temporary advantage, punching him in the side of the head. It would hurt, but Kwassi wouldn't bleed from it - if anything, it would just add to his sensory disorientation.

Folly Valeska

Location: Ellis Island: Far Field
Skills: Regenerative Healing Factor (Passive), Acrobat, Adamantium Daggers
Folly Valeska was definitely dead. Her head was at an unnatural angle on the ground. Her heart had stopped beating and she wasn't breathing at all. By all appearances, Cass had just snapped the neck of a teenager - not very many people present knew that Woolf was about 22 years old in all actuality, with her exact age fuzzy due to some time traveling she had done a few years back. The Breacher would finally start coming to however, his vision blurry at first and the voices around him a bit distorted, until everything would come back into focus.

Around the field, various supers were locked in combat. Captain Marvel was fighting the Black Panther. The Invisible Woman and Mister Fantastic were in a two on two match against the Falcon and the Winter Soldier. The Wasp was rapidly changing her size, avoiding the arrows Hawkeye was sending her way. Iron Man and She Hulk were taking on both Captain America and Spider-Man at once. The Human Torch was up against Wolverine. Black Widow was up against Agent 13.

Suddenly, Folly gasped for breath and sat up, animated with life again. "I think I'd like to file a complaint about police brutality," she told Cass, narrowing her eyes. She went into a frenzy. She leapt up from the ground with deadly grace, slashing Cass wherever she saw an opening like a swarm of piranhas. The technique wasn't without its merits - she managed to stab Cass in her left eye - but at the same time, it left Folly incredibly vulnerable to attack.

Folly pulled her dagger out, the eyeball impaled on the tip. "Ha! An eye for an eye!" she declared, before biting the eyeball with her teeth and pulling it off of her blade.

Asgard - Breidablik: 11:50 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: the Hall of Baldur: Entrance
Skills: N/A
Baldur smiled kindly at Astrad, sending that he had somewhat low self esteem. "I wouldn't know about that, my boy. You're one of the first Midgardians to set foot on Asgard and in fact, this group today are the first ones ever to grace the halls of Breidablik," Baldur explained. Nanna hadn't answered Maria's question about her daughter, pretending not to have noticed it. "Oh, right!" Baldur then exclaimed, realizing the problem. He went inside before coming out with a wicker basket. Inside were tubes of sunscreen and sunglasses. "I always forget to leave these outside for any mortals coming by. It's SPF-5000, make sure to reapply every 30 minutes you are in our halls, otherwise you will burn to a crisp and go straight to Helheim for the dishonorable death."

Amelia blinked. "Come again?" she asked, her head swimming with all of the Norse names and figures. She grabbed a pair of sunglasses from the box and put them on, finding instant relief. She could look at Baldur without feeling like she was burning her eyes. She grabbed one of the tubes of sunscreen as well, feeling the heat on her skin and the immense amount of sweat she was putting out as her body attempted to cool her down. "What's a Helheim?" she then added, being more specific as to what was confusing her.

"Oh, the halls of the goddess of death," Baldur explained nonchalantly. "I would try to avoid it. Valhalla is a much better afterlife, although of course being tended to by Freya would be lovely. You spend eternity preparing for battle, but you are in the sweetest meadows with flowers from every color of the rainbow and several beyond it..."

Nanna shot her husband a disapproving look. "Dearest, remember our agreement? No talking about death outside of the Yuletide season," she said, whispering the D-word.

"Right, I'm sorry, petal," Baldur apologized, kissing his wife on the forehead. "Now, come inside friends! Let us feast and toast your arrival!" He opened the doors to the halls more fully, gesturing for them to follow him to the feast hall. Amelia quickly lathered herself up with sunscreen, not sure how it was going to stop her from burning up, but she wasn't about to question magic. She didn't question the science-y stuff Sci-Tech people put out, so she didn't want to start now.

Inside, the walls and floor were crafted out of gold. Prisms and flowers were placed as decorations and mistletoe dangled from every doorway. From a doorway to the left, there was the sound of a babbling brook. To the right an open door showed a sitting room of sorts, except instead of sofas and chairs there were giant flowers, flowers so big they seemed to be able to support a person. At the end of the hall was a large feast table with four chairs. One of the chairs was occupied by a stern young man. Three doors split off at the end of the hall, each with a different norse rune on the door. One of the doors stood out from all of the others, as it was silver instead of golden.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Megan was disappointed there weren't any remains of the witch. She would have liked to see if magic use impacted the corpse. Remains could tell a story of how a person lived their life, indicating whether or not they broke their wrist as a child - maybe there would be some evidence that they knew how to cast fireball. The news that they would be sending calls for others after this mission told Megan two things: 1) they weren't going to get any backup on this and 2) they had to be the most qualified people for the job. She knew her way around a sword, but she was hardly impressed with the lot assembled.

She decided to pass on having a drink. All she would have wanted was tea and she wasn't particularly thirsty or hungry. She'd find something during the night. She was an insomniac after all and likely wouldn't be able to sleep much, but she was used to functioning that way. Her mind was always just active when the moon was shining. "I don't have a preference. Put me with whatever group needs me and my sword," she said. "Jack should be on the distraction team though. He has the muscle mass of a limp noodle."

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - the World Tree
Skills: Stamina, Agility, Norwegian

Runa nodded meekly at Klara's words of encouragement. She reminded her a bit of the guidance counselors at school - idealistic and chatty. She was waiting for Klara to start talking to her about transcripts and personal essays and what universities she was interested in applying to and what she was intending to study. Runa never really was interested in higher education - she wanted to just do her own thing off by herself. Maybe she would have opened up a metaphysical shop on Etsy, as she wouldn't need to see anyone ever and she could just spend her time off in the woods. That wasn't really in the cards anymore as she was dead and on a hopeless quest to save some supposedly dead god that she had never met before.

As she continued to climb, she braced herself as the squirrel barked at her - apparently bark was another English word for insult, she noted. She blinked and then smiled slightly. "Det er det? Det har ikke vært en dag jeg ikke har ønsket å drepe meg selv i årevis. Jeg hater hver centimeter av meg selv. Jeg føler meg som et spøkelse som har et lik. Du kan ikke få meg til å hate meg selv mer enn jeg allerede gjør," she whispered to the squirrel.

February 17th, 2021 - 11:00 AM

Let's get this wrapped up folks. Once we resolve the Jack situation, we'll be moving onto the next episode - I'm itching to move on and get to the good stuff!

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Dining Room
Skills: Mediumship
Casper couldn't help but feel puzzled - he was certain he had heard someone say the word Genosha before, but for the life of him he couldn't remember where. Whenever he closed his eyes and tried to picture it, all he could think about was a vacation he had gone on with some of his dad's students when he had been little. He had cried the entire plane flight - shockingly, Cyclops didn't have any paternal instincts when it came to little boys afraid of heights. "Ben, do you know anything about a Genosha?" he asked.

"Isn't that the pretend country from Princess Diaries, with the pears?" Ben asked, although he wasn't really sure. He had wandered on over to the girls and was listening to their whispers. "Cassie, they're talking shit about you," he announced with a smirk.

"Ugh, rude. This is why you can never trust a pack of teenage girls. They go to the bathroom in groups, they're not normal," Casper whined. "I think you're thinking about Genovia though. Genosha is whatever... well whatever it is. Maybe it's where Magneto gets his immortality juice? Since how the hell is he not dead yet? He survived the Holocaust and it's 2021 - it's just weird at this point. And he's still having kids? Aren't his balls just one wrinkly sack by now?"

Casper swayed slightly, before stumbling forward and hitting the ground, promptly vomiting up his entire breakfast. "My waffles...." he sobbed.


Location: Mutant Underground Garage
Skills: Quebecois, Invisible Energy Manipulation
Veil realized her mistake not too long after she had made it. She should have asked Glimpse to telepathically whisper to her the results of her investigation. Jack's mind had been tampered with by Sinister, he wasn't thinking like himself - he was thinking like a cruel, sadistic monster. He had been playing along the entire time with their fears of Emma Frost and now that he was exposed, he only really had one option - to attack. Veil instantly blamed herself for his attacks on Glimpse and Feedback. She should have known better. She shouldn't have been so sloppy. "Glimpse, I need you to work on undoing the damage to his psyche. Everyone who's sick or injured, get out of here. Everyone else, we keep him contained and try to avoid any lasting injuries. He's been mindfucked, this isn't the Jack we know and love," Veil instructed calmly.

She had no intention of telling Jack where Sunshine was, even if she had known. She hoped that Max and Sunshine were off somewhere safe and she would figure out what had happened with those two once this crisis was handled. They didn't have time to waste. Like she was bending an invisible force, Veil surrounded Jack in a bubble of her force fields. The bubble would barely be visible to most people, looking like a shimmering purple field of energy not unlike Violet's powers from the Incredibles. With him trapped in there, he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone else and Glimpse would be able to repair his mind quickly.


Location: Island M, the Bermuda Triangle
Skills: Survival
Sunshine's eyes widened as Max unceremoniously cut her out of the ropes. She fell the nine or so feet and rolled slightly as she hit the ground, minimizing the damage. She didn't break any bones, but her body would definitely feel bruised and sore for a few days. She hardly missed a beat as she snatched up the knife, wanting to let Max be in possession of it, especially given how bad he was at throwing things. That was half of the point of a knife anyways - you either slashed or stabbed with it, or you threw it. "Thanks, Twinkle Toes," Sunshine said. Her voice didn't have any affection to it, hardly sounding nice at all. "I didn't need your help. I could've gotten out on my own."

She got up from the ground, before offering Max a hand. He didn't exactly look steady on his feet at the moment. Sunshine stiffened all of the sudden, as she could have sworn she heard something. "Shut up," she told Max instantly, even though she had been the one talking. She listened a little more carefully as a haunting melody was coming from within the building. She inched her way over to the door and she pressed her ear up against it. Whoever was singing this lullaby, they were coming closer. It sent a shiver down her spine. She looked back at Max. He was too weak to really defend himself. She didn't know why she did what she did next.

"Hide," she whispered to him, as she slipped out the door.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - the Galley -> Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

"Bloody hell, never figured you were obsessed with earthquakes," Leda commented, impressed with Mary's knowledge. She wondered whether or not it was a Demeter thing, being connected with the earth, or if it had just been from boredom or curiosity that Mary kept up on current events. She quickly pieced together a theory though - if there had been some major earthquake, maybe a shrine to Apollo had fallen into Tartarus? "And yeah, Elysium's wicked cool. It's where all the best heroes end up. If being a good person isn't good enough for ya, then the eternal party is one hell of a motivator." She grinned with confidence as Kiera gave her a kiss on the cheek and Leda jumped out of her seat with the news that they had arrived. Finally. She was getting so tired of staying still!

She went up with Kiera to the top deck, snaking an arm around Kiera's waist. She took in the view with a gasp of astonishment. Leda had never seen so much celestial bronze in one place before in her life. Scraps of it were piled up in mountains, looking every bit the junk yard of a god. The news that some of it could be active and lethal sent a bit of a chill down her spine, not in fear but rather in anticipation. They were demigods. Nothing was ever going to be easy. They'd have to fight something here. She climbed down the rope ladder after Kiera, before picking a direction at random. "Wanna be partners, luv?" she asked, walking towards one of the mounds of stuff.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Base of Mount Othrys
Skills: N/A

Nancy processed the information she got from Niah. She didn't trust Prometheus, especially given that in the last conflict he had sided with Saturn and the other titans. She'd need to hear him swear an oath in front of Niah in order to take his words as being credible, but there was no harm she could foresee to having the Legion ready for a fight. Best case scenario, Prometheus was lying and nothing would happen. Worst case, he was telling the truth and New Rome would need to stand without its praetors. Hearing that Emily ran after Waverley into the woods caused her to sigh ever so slightly. She was sure Emily would be fine, but she had the impression that Waverley would be the type to eat berries without considering whether or not they were poisonous.

"No," Nancy whispered back to Madalyne. "Don't worry, you haven't gotten rid of my lovely face just yet, Crane." She winked. She would have teased her co-praetor more, but they had business to discuss. If the titans were trying to spring Atlas, they had to have some immortal shmuck to take his place. Mortals were too weak to hold up the sky for very long. And knowing the titans, she couldn't help but have a grim fear that they would use Diana. "The Hunters of Diana captured Prometheus, by right he is theirs to deal with. I'd recommend dragging him off in chains and reinstating the old liver-and-eagle trick, but again, not our place to decide. We should move onwards and deal with whatever's going on with Atlas. They'll need to get someone to take on his burden and us heroes wouldn't last long, so odds are, we're going to end up saving a god or goddess."

TO: jjj@dailybugle.com
FROM: jewel@thepulse.com
SUBJECT: [Pulse] Iron Man's Press Conference


This isn't going to be pretty. I can cover this beat for you, but you need to promise no civvies will be out on reporter duty. I'm sure you've seen the conference - Captain America is public enemy number one. The Avengers are going to war.

Also, my usual fee will be doubled for this - let's call it hazard pay.

Keep it sleazy,

P.S. I mean it. If I see a single civvie pounding pavement for this, I'll break your face in :-)

St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 2:00 A.M.

"I was in the neighborhood, got a tip that something odd was going on here," Fury said cryptically. He wasn't the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. anymore, but that didn't mean he was about to volunteer information if he felt it was better to play things close to the vest. With his one good eye, he surveyed the hallway. It was freezing cold, so cold that Niah and Oliver's breath looked more like smoke or steam. The severed head had ceased screaming. He didn't detect any movement. "Do either of you two hunt?" Fury asked.

He reached into his pocket, pulling a pistol. He didn't wait for them to answer. "A good hunter stalks their prey, takes it down skillfully and peacefully... They don't draw attention to themselves, using the natural environment to help them blend in. But whatever's here, it ain't hunting us... The motherfucker is playing with its food."

Fury then purposefully walked down the hallway, going south, as the power in the hospital died and sent them into pitch darkness.

Ellis Island - New York: 7:50 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: Ellis Island: Far Field
Skills: Blessing of Athena, Intuition, Hand-to-Hand Combat
Bonnie couldn't help but be annoyed when a knock-off Ant-Man flew on up and interrupted the fight she was engaged in with Kwassi. She knew about the CEO of Serval Industries and his corporate superhero team, the Uncanny X-Factor. But Bonnie didn't need to know a thing about him in order to feel that she didn't want anyone coming in and trying to fight her battles for her - especially when they didn't seem to be able to get the timing right on their moves. "I've got this, go help someone else," she told the tiny man bluntly.

She threw a kick at Kwassi, but he would be able to easily block it. Bonnie didn't slow down or take a beat though, continuing in her onslaught of attacks. Her gut was telling her to just keep throwing things at him and eventually, he would have to slip up. Eventually, she would catch him off guard and knock him to the ground, ideally unconscious. She didn't have any hard feelings towards him, there was nothing personal about this fight, but Bonnie hated losing. At one point in her line of attacks, she almost tripped on her own feet - but then, as if the universe decided it was going for an opposite things, the way she ducked down to regain her balance gave her the perfect opening. She was able to punch Kwassi with the hilt of a dagger in the upper chest, the momentum carrying her through and knocking him flat on his back on the ground.

Folly Valeska

Location: Ellis Island: Far Field
Skills: Regenerative Healing Factor (Passive), Acrobat
"Because you don't want to waste my time? There's lot of people here that need stabbing," Folly pointed out sagely to Cass. She whimpered slightly as her wrist was broken. Folly grabbed it with her good hand and forcibly snapped it back into place, feeling the searing pain as her healing factor went to work and quickly mended it. She was back at full strength, meaning that she and Cass essentially were right back where they started. The only difference was they had an unconscious Breacher on the ground near them.

Folly prodded him slightly with her foot. "Are you dead?" she asked. He was firmly unconscious though, and his head was bleeding from the decent whack he had given himself when he fell through the portal. She definitely lost interest in him though when she saw how Elizabeth's plan backfired so spectacularly. Another combatant was shooting at Elizabeth too and she didn't seem aware. "Might I suggest enrolling in a physics course? They're rather educational," she called out to Elizabeth.

She decided not to take care of the shooter though, since how would Elizabeth learn to handle her enemies otherwise? She had to lead by example. Folly did an impressive backflip, soaring over Cass and landing behind her. She then kicked Cass as hard as she could in the back of the neck, knocking the taller, older woman down to the ground. Unbreakable skin wouldn't stop Cass from feeling the strain of whiplash and the difficulty breathing associated with it. Folly then jumped onto Cass' back, wrapping her legs around Cass' neck to keep herself from falling down.

Asgard - Breidablik: 11:40 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: The Meadows of Nanna -> the Hall of Baldur
Skills: N/A
Nanna laughed, as if Astrad had told her an amusing joke. "I have seen Midgard complete its journey around your star some 15,000 times. To me, you are all infants playing soldier." Nanna gave everyone privacy, not looking at them as they bathed. She seemed to be completely at peace in the meadow, as if she had been born from the flowers and the gentle breeze and the kiss of sunshine.

"Crikey, I don't think we even have a word for your generation," Amelia whistled. She was dressed in her clothes again and she felt incredibly refreshed. She had to wonder if any of the younger Asgardians had started saying okay, boomer to the older ones. And was the longevity of their race an issue - would people just have so many kids that they'd run out of space for them all? Were there several other Asgards for the new generations that just didn't make the cut? Did they have to ask Odin for permission to procreate?

"Our tribe is the Aesir - although we've intermarried with the Vanir so much now, I imagine it's the closest we would have to a generational marker... Although my daughter would call us the Old Ones," Nanna said. Her voice hitched with sadness as she mentioned her daughter. The light in the meadow dimmed and silver tears appeared to stain her face. The goddess sniffled and dried her eyes. "We must be off. My husband should be home shortly and we can see about finding your husband, dear one."

It occurred to Amelia that Nanna must have been really going through something. Had Amelia not been incredibly impulsive, she might have held her tongue - instead, she blurted out exactly what she was thinking as Nanna led them away from the river and towards the gleaming golden palace. "Are you going through something right now? Like, do you want to talk or something?" Amelia asked. "I know we just met and all, but maybe there's something we could do to help you?"

"That's very sweet of you," Nanna said. She didn't say anything else though and eventually, they reached the gleaming golden palace. Darkness had fallen upon the meadow, but the palace was warm and bright - intensely warm, almost unbearably so. The doors were swung open by a jubilant man with sun-kissed hair and an easy smile. It was hard to look at him directly and Amelia found herself squinting her eyes, holding up her hand to try to block out a bit of his image, as if she were looking directly at the sun.

"Husband, I've brought these travelers to our halls," Nanna explained, giving Baldur a kiss on the cheek. "Dear ones, this is my husband - Baldur, God of Light, Love, and the Summer Sun."

"Ah, adventurers! Welcome to Breidablik," Baldur greeted. His voice was thick and warm, comforting and reassuring at the same time.

Guin Stark

Location: the Living Room
Skills: N/A
Unlike everyone else, Guin had gotten out of the entire ordeal unscathed. Even Edus had taken a few good hits, a fact that annoyed her - along with the fact that he had been the one to shout out Jumanji and end the game. Her armor had a few dents and scratches on it, but it had done its job - it had kept her sequestered from the actual blows and allowed her to deal a lot more damage than punching and kicking things would have done. Her telepathic abilities didn't come in handy too often. Guin opened up the armor and stepped on out, stretching her limbs. "I think I'd need to be drunk or high to play that again - or I suppose if Loki pulled the same stunt we'd end up having to do it, since I'd hardly call us willing participants," Guin pointed out.

"Uh yeah, but if we're lucky he'll find it too boring to play the same trick twice so we wouldn't have to. Also no being high, ever, that's bad," Pietro responded, adding the last part in when his brain processed fully what she had said.

"I like that being drunk is okay," she joked, cracking a smile.

"That isn't either, but brain focused on the high part first."

Mary looked really beat up - and Guin wasn't sure if Ed had enough strength left in him to play healer. The Viking LARPers appeared a second later though, moving on through a portal, so Guin was hopeful that maybe she could convince them to do some more magic healing. She wasn't against the use of magic, especially when it could get everyone back up to full strength faster than rest and treatment in the med bay could. Guin couldn't even remember if Hank was around at the moment. The chatty one, Klara, volunteered her services in healing not too long afterwards though, meaning that Guin didn't even need to ask her. "Definitely could use help with the healing people. Mary looks like shit, honestly a lot of people here look fucking horrible. Since we beat this game, I'll call ahead and let the Avengers know to expect us - trust me, you do not want to run into Hawkeye when he's just in his boxers, so it'll give them all a chance to look decent."

Neil Spellman

Location: the Living Room
Skills: N/A
Neil was completely exhausted. His brain was aching from all of the use of his telekinesis, his stomach was still hurting from his injuries, and his stamina was definitely at an all time low. He could hardly believe it when they were all transported up to the living room and if it hadn't been for the injuries, it would have been like nothing ever happened. "Thank you," he said softly to Edus, knowing that he had been the one to roll the dice for the last round. Neil knew that it had been a team effort, but he still couldn't help but have gratitude for the person who managed to win the game and get them all to safety.

He looked at Carolina next, worried that she might have somehow become gravely wounded without his noticing. Elizabeth was strangely quiet, but Neil figured that was probably because Iris nearly burned her alive and that would traumatize anyone. "Carolina, are you okay?" he asked, wanting to check in on his best friend. He had been so worried when she was stuck in the jungle. And when the prospect of hunting Loki down was brought up, Neil felt torn. On the one hand, he wanted to march on down and rip out Loki's spine - and on the other hand, he really wanted a nap. His eyes were fluttering with tiredness as Klara prattled on, as if she were a boring professor for an 8 AM lecture.

"You could look lovely with a ruby eye," Runa pointed out to Klara. "Eyepatches aren't quite in style this millennia, although you may become a trendsetter." She adored fashion. It was something she had in common with her older brother - case in point, she used her magic and chanted a few words, changing up her outfit into something more comfortable. She was in desperate need of a bath after being stranded inside of the game, but at least she felt a bit cleaner. She turned her gaze towards Lance for a brief moment, a blush coloring her cheeks. "I can attempt to cast a spell to track Loki, although it will be difficult without anything belonging to him, and he is unfortunately not a biological relation of mine or Klara's."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Megan tried not to laugh slightly, learning that Hansel and Gretel were the boss. She remembered their tale involved nearly being eaten by a witch who lived in a house made of candy. Megan had always rooted for the witch whenever her adoptive parents recounted that story - it seemed so much more interesting to be a cannibalistic outsider than a gullible child. Hansel and Gretel didn't look like children though. They also weren't nearly as plump as she would have expected. Perhaps they decided not to eat candy anymore. "I assume the witch is dead - that's a pity, I would have liked to meet her," Megan murmured quietly. She still hadn't taken her hand off the hilt of her sword.

"Yes, several questions. Should we somehow become separated, where should we rendez-vous? Do you have the remains of the witch who tried to kill you still and if so may I have them? Does, erm, Red know to expect us? What level of resistance should we expect from the guards - I assume they're trained?" Megan asked seriously, hardly blinking an eye as she requested her answers. "And once we've got Red, where are we going to bring her - back to here? I assume we'd flee the city."

TO: jjj@dailybugle.com
FROM: jewel@thepulse.com
SUBJECT: [Pulse] Iron Man's Press Conference


This isn't going to be pretty. I can cover this beat for you, but you need to promise no civvies will be out on reporter duty. I'm sure you've seen the conference - Captain America is public enemy number one. The Avengers are going to war.

Also, my usual fee will be doubled for this - let's call it hazard pay.

Keep it sleazy,

P.S. I mean it. If I see a single civvie pounding pavement for this, I'll break your face in :-)

Ellis Island - New York: 7:40 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: Ellis Island: Far Field
Skills: Blessing of Athena, Intuition, Hand-to-Hand Combat
Bonnie struggled to get air back into her lungs, stumbling slightly from the massive blow Kwassi had delivered to her stomach. She felt the tempting urge to just surrender, to just kneel on the ground and focus on the pain. But she was never the sort of person to just get up. She forced her lungs to fill with air and then release it, mentally focusing her attention back on her opponent and away from the pain. Her mind cleared as she feinted a jab, only to then swing her knee upwards, connecting with Kwassi's jaw. The force she delivered was not at all proportional to what someone would have expected for a tiny thing like her - it was more on line with what someone would've expected from Black Widow.

She had succeeded in her first move though - to knock Kwassi off balance. A good crack to the jaw met that description. She then threw a swift kick, aiming for Kwassi's stomach in order to return the favor, but he would be able to block her attack. They were fairly evenly matched. Bonnie was mentally keeping a running tally of possible weaknesses that he had. From what she knew, he was just an ordinary human - he didn't have unbreakable skin or anything fancy like that.

Folly Valeska

Location: Ellis Island: Far Field
Skills: Regenerative Healing Factor (Passive), Adamantium Daggers, Acrobat
Blood was gushing from Folly's broken nose and she laughed, although with the injury it sounded almost more like a noise a dying goose would have made. Within seconds though, her nose repaired itself and the bleeding stopped. "Does my nose look normal? If not, would you mind breaking it again? It doesn't always set properly," Folly complained. The girl hadn't replied to her questioning, but Folly was used to people not responding to her. And at any rate, she was ready to have some fun.

"Non-fucking-lethal Woolf," Wolverine growled, before he darted off to take on his own opponent.

Folly rolled her eyes. "It's so rude, he has no faith in me whatsoever..." Her gaze focused on a point slightly behind Cass for a moment, before she smiled brightly. "But you heard him - lethal it is!" she cheered. She had strange looking knives in her hands - not because of the shape, but due to the material. Elizabeth would recognize them as being adamantium. Folly went into something that could only be described as a feral frenzy, slashing and jabbing at Cass as much as she could with her knives, spinning around her with graceful movements fit for a ballerina. The blades didn't cut Cass' skin, but they did shred her clothing and Folly couldn't help but giggle. She could see Cass' bra.

"Is all of you unbreakable?" Folly then asked, as if raising her hand in a college lecture and posing a question to the professor. "Even the eyes? And other openings?"

Asgard - Breidablik: 11:30 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: The Meadows of Nanna
Skills: N/A
Amelia wrinkled her nose as Astrad winked at her and she shook her head. "Sorry, mate, I've got a special gal in my life," she told him. Had it not been for Nanna's joyous influence, she probably would have slapped him. Instead, she just moved on and didn't bother elaborating on her comment, not even thinking to clarify that by special gal she meant her quinjet. Romance wasn't really her thing. It seemed too complicated to her and she just didn't understand what drove people to want to smush their faces together.

"Are you and your bloke germaphobes?" Amelia asked Nanna, tilting her head slightly. "I knew a guy in basic like that, he wouldn't let anyone near him unless they misted themselves with hand sanitizer."

Nanna gave Amelia a smile, leading the group through the meadow. In the distance was a gleaming golden palace, it was painful for Amelia to look at even while squinting her eyes. It didn't seem to bother Nanna though and the goddess didn't answer her question about germs. She only spoke again once they arrived at a small river. Sitting by the shore was a basket with soft, fresh towels covered in sunflower petals. Sitting on top was an old fashioned looking brush, as well as a thick bar of scented lavender soap. "Once you have all bathed, we can continue onwards. I ask that the young man avert his eyes to preserve the ladies' modesty," Nanna requested.

Amelia didn't really have any shame when it came to her body. She was feeling a bit sweaty from all of the fighting and traveling they had done anyways, so she stripped on down and neatly folded her clothes up in a pile on the riverbank. She had grabbed the bar of soap and got to work lathering herself up. Nanna must have been used to having to provide soap and whatnot for travelers, or perhaps the basket was enchanted, as there were three more bars of soap available.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - the World Tree
Skills: Stamina, Agility

Elizabeth left a sour taste in Runa's mouth, but at least she had been willing to give her an answer. If she fell, she would be devoured by a monstrous snake. And given her deathly fear of snakes, Runa had to coax her limbs slowly to continue to go through the motions and get ready for the climb. She wished that there was some sort of magic adhesive to let her stick to the tree like Spider-Man. Or a pill she could swallow in the event that she did fall so she could guarantee dying before hitting the bottom. But could they die twice? She wasn't sure. She paled at the idea that falling would always end up in survival and being conscious as a snake ate her, slowly being digested inside of the beast, aware the entire time...

She didn't know what Elizabeth's problem with her was and frankly, Runa didn't need to find a reason for it. She was used to people hating her and picking on her just because she existed. There had been tons of bullies in her school and even though Elizabeth was blind, it didn't mean she couldn't be cruel. Runa gave Nadia a slight nod, although she didn't say anything. She just made sure not to get too close to Elizabeth as she started to climb the tree, just so Elizabeth wouldn't have a chance to kick her off or anything.

The squirrel was definitely freaky too. It was massive, easily the size of a house.

Runa climbed a little faster.
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