Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Breacher v Angstrom
Hawkeye v Wasp
Agent 13 v Black Widow
Alchemy v Paralyzer
Kwassi v Bonnie (forfeit)
Breacher v Angstrom (rematch)
Black Panther v Captain Marvel
Falcon v Invisible Woman
Captain America v Iron Man
Spider-Man v She-Hulk
Wolverine v Human-Torch

Team Cap: +4
Team Iron Man: +7

Rogue Superheroes:
  • Black Panther/T'Challa, super soldier - unconscious, in custody
  • Captain America/Steve Rogers, super soldier - unconscious, in custody
  • Spider-Man/Identity Unknown, mutate - unconscious, in custody
  • Wolverine/Logan, mutant - MIA
  • Winter Soldier/Identity Unknown, super soldier - active combatant - apprehend
  • Falcon/Sam Wilson - active combatant - apprehend
  • Hawkeye/Clint Barton - active combatant - apprehend
  • Agent 13/Identity Unknown - active combatant - apprehend
  • Woolf/Identity Unknown, mutant - active combatant - apprehend
  • Sparrow/Kwassi Asokho - active combatant - apprehend
  • Breacher/Identity Unknown, mutate - unconscious, in custody
  • Alchemy/Elizabeth Flame, mutant - unconscious, in custody

St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 2:30 A.M.

Things really were looking bleak for Niah and Oliver, yet they had everything they needed in order to defeat the Demon Bear. They couldn't overpower it, not physically. The more afraid they became, the stronger the Demon Bear was. It fed off of their fear. How do you defeat your fear? Everyone has different strategies for this. Some are more practical - say, using salt and iron against a creature that is clearly magic. Others are more psychological, calming oneself down and finding peace in the situation.

There was a gigantic roar as the Demon Bear formed a massive hole in the ceiling and climbed on through, coming face to face with Niah and Oliver in the hallway. Oliver had already released his fear. It paid no attention to him, instead growling as it stared at Niah directly. It swiped at her with its paws, but somehow missed.

Ellis Island - New York: 8:20 P.M.

Somehow, the sound of Captain America's shield hitting the ground was audible over all of the fighting. Iron Man stood above the First Avenger, his expression hidden by the faceplate of his armor. He bent down and picked up the shield, feeling its weight in his hands experimentally. The Pro-Registration forces had won - so many members of Captain America's team were unconscious or heavily injured. Alchemy and Breacher weren't the only ones catching z's. Spider-Man and Black Panther had both been knocked out and Wolverine was nowhere to be seen, having been thrown across the sky by the Human Torch, only to land in the waters surrounding Ellis Island.

Iron Man whistled and the Iron Legion zoomed down to the island, surrounding all of the superheroes. There were easily fifty or so of them, all crafted in Iron Man's likeness. There was no easy way to escape from this. Some members of the Iron Legion were picking up the unconscious bodies and loading them onto Iron Man's quinjet and restraining them.

"Last chance to surrender, everyone," Tony Stark announced, his voice booming around the field. The Iron Legion must have been acting as speakers for him more or less, so there would be no one for him to not be heard. Tony tossed Captain America's shield in his hands. "If you surrender, I'll put in a good word for you - community service and whatnot rather than rotting in the Raft. All you have to do is put down your weapons and unclench those butt cheeks and register."

"Amran," Folly cursed in Anglo-Romani under her breath. She wasn't going to surrender. There was no chance of that. She took in those still standing on the battle field, twirling her knives as she thought of her best chance of escape. No one else was making a move to surrender. She wasn't going out without a fight. She held up her hands, walking slowly towards Iron Man. "Forgive me, baulo, but my English is not very good," she said, purposefully playing up her slight accent.

Bonnie frowned ever so slightly, feeling the tension. Why was Iron Man letting Woolf get so close to him? She was within twenty feet of the Avenger now, more than close enough. She knew that Iron Man had been fighting Captain America during this conflict, but something wasn't right here. Maybe it was the Iron Legion playing on her nerves after all of the reports she had read from the Age of Ultron nonsense. Or maybe she was just feeling jumpy after the realization that Flynn had been a skrull earlier today. Or maybe it was from their new teammate betraying them so quickly to join the anti-registration team.

"No problem, kiddo. All you have to do is stand down and agree to register - and since you look like you're what, fifteen? You'll have to give up crime fighting until you're a bit older," Tony explained a bit patronizingly, popping up his faceplate so she could read his expression.

Folly smiled unnaturally wide and she nodded. With unnatural quickness, she threw her adamantium daggers at Tony Stark. "Farmečiv House Stark." Iron Man should've been able to stop her attack. He should have been prepared. The daggers never should have gotten that close to them. Bonnie yelped in horror as the daggers hit Tony in each of his eyes and his head slumped to the side, dead. His suit was still firing off so his corpse was grotesquely suspended up in the air.


"... He's a skrull. Iron Man is a skrull," Bonnie whispered. Before she could even process what was going on, the other prominent members of Team Iron Man decided it was time to show their true colors. Iron Man hadn't been the only skrull. With the exception of the Angstrom and her fellow agents, they all were.

"Leave no witnesses," the skrull-She Hulk ordered.

"Yes, your highness," the other skrulls confirmed, before going in for the attack.

Asgard - Breidablik: 12:10 A.M.

Most Asgardians would have been offended at Astrad's question. "Yes, several in fact," Nanna confirmed. She decided to give the mortal the benefit of the doubt, having sensed that his social skills were not quite up to par. It was almost cute seeing the mortal act as if no one had considered to consult a healer as to the man's condition. Nanna smiled softly, seeing that the young woman was reunited with her true love.

"Oh, hullo there, I'm Amelia, erm, Flyer of Planes and Cool Shit?" Amelia replied to Nadia, rubbing the back of her neck slightly. She wasn't really sure what the formal modes of address were here and all. She was trying to give Sparky and Raynor their space, especially since Raynor was completely nude and Amelia wasn't comfortable with that. She didn't find him attractive or anything, she just didn't like seeing other people naked. It was a bit weird.

Raynor's vision finally cleared and his heart broke into two pieces as he saw Nanna. He knew that she wouldn't know him - that she couldn't know him. But it had been eons since he had seen his mother, far too long since she killed herself to join his father in Helheim. His chin wobbled and he burst into tears, not that attractive a sight as he was, of course, naked. "I.... uh..." he stammered, trying to excuse his behavior, but he couldn't through the tears.

"Is everything alright, child?" Nanna asked Raynor curiously.

"I...." was all Raynor could muster. He couldn't bear this. It was like torture. His mother, Nanna, was dead. This Nanna was still alive, only she didn't have a son named Raynor. And even if she did, she wouldn't have been his mother. She was a stranger, he tried to tell himself, but he just couldn't. It was a cruel cosmic joke.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Junk Yard of Hephaestus
Skills: Sword-Fighting, Agility, Superspeed

Leda twirled her sword with a bit of a smirk as Demetri praised her. "If you spent as much time practicing as ya do whining, you'd be able to pull something like that off - not nearly as brilliant of course, but still something," she told the son of Zeus. She was a year round camper and when she wasn't running or patching up the shrines, she was sword fighting. Unlike her godly parent, Leda wasn't a pacifist. She loved fighting and in her opinion, she was the best swordsman Camp Half-blood had at the moment. Her sword was glowing a cheerful sky blue. She winced a bit seeing the funny angle Kiera's arm was at. "Eat some ambrosia, luv, that'll fix that right up," she promised.

"Someone else wanna pick at Mare's leftovers?" Leda shouted out. She then charged forward, zipping in and out between the automatons. She sliced her sword time after time after time, until three of them were dead at her feet. She came to a halt, grinning wickedly as she started to get ready for her next burst of epic-ness. As fast as she was, she couldn't run too fast while cutting up these villains as it was harder to make tight turns the faster she was going, so her image while running was only a slight blur instead of a complete one.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Garden of the Hesperides -> Mount Othrys
Skills: Psychoanalysis, Strategy

Ordinarily, Nancy would've been amused by comparisons of the monsters they fought to pop culture, but she was still holding a grudge against Waverley so she just rolled her eyes slightly. She had seen the Harry Potter movies, from what she remembered a basilisk was a giant overgrown lizard. Lagon was a dragon. And for the apples, she didn't think telling Waverley that they could give someone immortality was a great idea. She didn't want to see Waverley try and end up getting herself killed.

Mads was their ace in the hole as always, disguising them and making it easier than ever before to sneak past the dragon and walk up to the top of Mount Othrys, where the sky met the back of Atlas. They were in a bleak and dark ruins, perfect for the movie set for the lair of the main antagonist. The place sent a shiver down Nancy's spine, as much as she adored Halloween and all things spooky (it was her birthday, even). She could just feel the power and misery emanating from this place.

Nancy had a gift for psychoanalysis - it only took Atlas opening up his mouth for her to figure him out. He was arrogant, sadistic, psychopathic - and understandably wanted to see the downfall of Olympus. She figured that if the proper amount of pressure was applied, he'd be the type to scream out his evil plan. "Nah, we're here to see what a square loser looks like," Nancy taunted Atlas, crossing her arms a bit aggressively. "So At-lose, when you need to use the bathroom, do you just.... go? Is there poop smeared all over your asshole, since that would certainly explain the smell."

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower - Top Floor
Skills: Telepathy (Mental Link)
Guin was still slightly unnerved seeing Wanda wandering around her home. She knew logically that Wanda was an Avenger now, but she was having trouble relaxing around her. The knowledge that Wanda was pregnant felt a little Twilight Zone-y to her too. Was Wanda even qualified to have kids? Sure, she was a reformed supervillain, but she wasn't even old enough to drive a rental car. Did she know how to do taxes? Was Robot McRobot Face going to help her? How'd she even get pregnant? Robots didn't have sperm. Yay, you can be overprotective over her today then and leave me be, Guin whispered telepathically to Pietro, only mildly jealous.

You aren't off the hook for that either Guina, I can be overprotective of you both.

You have superspeed, you're not Multiple Man, she pointed out, before going over to her father. She-Hulk being around was new as well. Guin couldn't help but be annoyed with all of the new Avengers in the building. She didn't understand why she was feeling so irritated at others joining the group - she was with the X-Men after all, it wasn't like she wanted to be asked to join the Avengers or anything like that. "Hey, Old Man. I'm assuming you're all going to come help us out with this one?"

"Yup, that's kind of the idea."

"Is today, like, Reserve Avenger Day?" she couldn't help but ask. Besides her father and Thor, no one from the O6 was here. Hulk was understandable, as he was MIA still. Captain America she was pretty sure was either on vacation or sulking after the entire skrull business. She had no idea what was going on with Black Widow or Hawkeye though.

"Yeah, we thought it'd be nice to have the Reserve Avengers here to help out with the X-Men Little League Team," Tony replied sarcastically, shaking his head.

"Well maybe if you do really good today, you'll impress Cap and he'll promote you to be a real Avenger," Guin quipped back, smirking slightly. "I'll leave a good review for you. It's Iron Dude, right?"

"Wow, your words have wounded me, they actually broke my arc reactor! Is that the light I see? Everything.... dark.... going cold...." Tony said, fake falling backwards, clutching his chest.

Guin rolled her eyes and giggled. "Such a drama queen."

Neil Spellman

Location: Stark Tower - Top Floor
Skills: N/A
Neil was a bit starstruck, having not really met anyone in the room before. Iron Man, Thor, She-Hulk, and the Scarlet Witch all in one place? He could practically feel the power radiating through the room. He wondered if the rest of the Avengers were already off chasing after Loki or if he had sent them some sort of sick game as well. His jaw dropped slightly as he realized that the Scarlet Witch was pregnant. He was pretty sure that crime fighting was against doctor's orders. He couldn't imagine that was healthy for the fetus. But then again, the Scarlet Witch was magical - she probably didn't have to play by ordinary rules. He admired her that way, since most of her feats reminded him of his aunties. They dabbled in dark magic and it matched what he had seen in the news from Scarlet Witch's years as a terrorist.

The She-Hulk scared him. He was afraid of the Hulk, he didn't like Lance, and knowing that there was a third person who could go green and smash things was not at all comforting - especially since the She-Hulk was already in her green smashing form. She at least seemed to be kind and gentle, something he couldn't say for Lance who seemed to switch between angry and (now that Runa was around) horny for his emotional moods. "So, uh, you're pregnant... That's, uh, cool. Do you need help with baby names?" Neil asked Wanda awkwardly, not really knowing what to say. He was hoping no one would tell Thor he had been the one to destroy Klara's eye.

"The mage indicated that Loki was near a harbor. Are there any nearby?" Runa asked, not having been in New York before really. She had visited Midgard a few times but she never remembered where anything was.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Megan raised an eyebrow at the news that her brother was going to be on the rescue team. While he was a cop, he was a detective - and one that didn't even carry a gun. She had as much faith in his ability to hold his own in a fight as she did in, say, a talking mouse being able to best a dragon. Sure, there was a way in which it could happen, but it simply wasn't likely. Gretel asked for her to go with the rescue group, so at least she would be able to keep her brother from getting killed. Someone needed to look out for him, no one else would. She was a bit disappointed Merlin wouldn't be in the same group as her, but it made sense.

Besides, she appreciated that Gretel thought of her as the weird girl with the bones. She had watched enough shows and read enough books to know that kids of royalty usually had a hard time dealing with people thinking of them as princesses and whatnot. She didn't want to be a princess, and she sensed Merlin was more likely to be weird about it than Hansel and Gretel. Although, wasn't just about everyone in Disney royalty? Were there really any commoners left? "No more questions here."

February 17th, 2021 - 12:00 PM

The Hellfire Club - Earlier...

The Three-in-One were dressed from head to toe in black, a veil hiding their mournful faces. Their mother had died, succumbing to a disease before Magneto and his Brotherhood could return with the cure. Esme, Sophie, and Phoebe felt the loss keenly. Their attempts to resurrect their fallen sisters had been futile, with both of the pre-selected hosts perishing before they could begin the experiments. Just as they had done with Mindee and Celeste, the Three-in-One had made a copy of Emma's consciousness right before she died, in the hopes that they could find a suitable body one day.

All members of the Washington D.C. Hellfire Club were assembled, in order to select the next Lord Imperial and Black King. The White King, Magneto and the White Rook, Polaris were both still in the field. This meant then that in attendance was the Black Queen, Reeva; the Black Rook, Mister Sinister; the Three-in-One; and a visiting guest, the Black Queen, Selene.

"The Lord Imperial - Emma - has died," Reeva said, standing as she took in the small gathering. "The other circles have begun to question our leadership. If we are to prepare the homeland and see the rise of Genosha, we need to choose a Black King who will last."

Mister Sinister yawned slightly. "Please, Reeva, spare us the theatrics. We all know you're going to take the throne for yourself. Magneto isn't here to protest and Selene loves New York fashion too much to move to D.C."

"Oh, pish, posh," Selene said dismissively. "If there's anything that matters more to me than fashion, it's Genosha. I want to see every bouncing mutant babe on that island, living in peace and finding utter bliss."

"We claim the title of White Queen," the Three-in-One interjected. "It is our birthright. Mother wanted her successor to defend Genosha with their life, so we'll support whoever has the greater claim."

"Oooo, a duel! The winner takes the throne, I love it! Phoebe, Esme, Sophie, would any of you be a dear and fetch me some popcorn? With extra butter, I'm having a cheat day," Sinister cackled.

"I accept the challenge," Reeva said.

"Are you sure about that? I'm an external, darling," Selene boasted. "I never die."

"We'll see about that."

Veil & Casper

Location: Mutant Underground: Dining Room
Skills: Mediumship
Everyone had gotten healed up and there was still no sign of Max or Sunshine. Veil was getting worried. She wasn't worried for Sunshine, fairly confident she could handle whatever came her way - she was more concerned that Sunshine might have murdered Max. Jack's reaction to finding out what Mister Sinister had done to him was understandable, in fact it was comforting. Had he done anything other than try to bash his head against the wall, she would have considered him as not being blameless in his actions.

Most everyone was downstairs in the dining room, with the exception of Spark Plug as her M-Pox had taken a turn for the worst - she was up in medical. Veil had been calling various heads of Mutant Underground stations, giving them Max and Sunshine's descriptions in the hopes that someone might have seen them, but she hadn't heard anything yet. Well, that was until her phone buzzed with a tip from a number she didn't recognize. Someone had seen them near a strip club downtown called the Glitter Factory. "Someone saw them, they're at the Glitter Factory downtown," Veil announced. "We'll get a team to go and -"

There was a gust of wind into the Underground as Pietro Maximoff appeared out of nowhere and sat down on a chair in the room, and in front of him sitting on the table was a box of sorts. "Hey, was told to deliver this to you guys, it's cures for M-Pox that Xavier managed to get ahold of. And a message, apparently the Hellfire club might be targeting some vaccines being sent to the White House. Or something like that..."

Casper had his feet up on the table, blinking as he saw the box appear nearby. "Oh great, is Daddy Dearest trying to win father of the year?" Casper complained. He had to resist the urge to smash all of the cures to make a point, but he knew that wouldn't be a popular decision. Magik had already died because of this, a lot of people here were sick and they needed to be able to function. Casper was used to not really functioning properly, so he didn't mind, but other people weren't intimately familiar with the best ways to projectile vomit. "And do you have any idea how vague that is... just some vaccines? Like what, are the Hellfire Club people hoping the President is gonna use a dirty syringe they found on the street for his nightly good times? I mean it makes sense, his wife is definitely a lesbian."

"I'm pretty sure that's just a meme, Casper," Ben reminded him. "This sounds serious. You should pay attention - and take one of those cures."

Pietro had put a single sheet of paper in Veil's hands - it indicated an address. She assumed that was where the vaccines being sent to the White House were coming out from. She couldn't help but feel internally conflicted, as much as she was relieved that their sick would finally be healed. They needed to go find Sunshine and Max, but they also couldn't let the Hellfire Club assassinate the president or whatever was going on. "This is above our pay grade," she said bluntly to Quicksilver. "We'll handle it. Are the X-Men busy with a cross-dimensional tournament?"

Casper opened up the box of cures, seeing little vials of pills. He popped open one of the vials and took one pill - the dose needed - and dry swallowed it. "Nah, the X-Men are too busy having an orgy where they talk about how amazing they all are," Casper explained. "Oh, Scott, the way you wore that outfit was breathtaking!" he mocked in a falsetto.

"We're handling Magneto - speaking of which, I need to get back.... Good luck!" Quicksilver cheered, before running off and vanishing as quickly as he came.

TO: jjj@dailybugle.com
FROM: jewel@thepulse.com
SUBJECT: [Pulse] Iron Man's Press Conference


This isn't going to be pretty. I can cover this beat for you, but you need to promise no civvies will be out on reporter duty. I'm sure you've seen the conference - Captain America is public enemy number one. The Avengers are going to war.

Also, my usual fee will be doubled for this - let's call it hazard pay.

Keep it sleazy,

P.S. I mean it. If I see a single civvie pounding pavement for this, I'll break your face in :-)

St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 2:20 A.M.

The demon bear was only growing more and more powerful - it wasn't weakening at all. Fury's words would perhaps come back to haunt them - that the demon bear was only playing with its food. The more afraid Oliver and Niah were, the more powerful it became. Niah's time with Doctor Strange gave her an edge though - she'd be able to realize that what they were dealing with was magic. They didn't have any magic users around though, perhaps they could have called Captain Britain for help but would he even arrive in time? What stuff usually was helpful in movies about witchcraft - salt and iron? Or was the key something more fundamental like cutting off the source of the demon bear's power?

The demon bear swiped at Oliver with its claws and missed him, and Niah luckily dodged a fatal blow that went her way. Had she not moved, the bear would have killed her instantly. It let out a roar, somehow growing larger in size. Its glowing red eyes were almost smoke like.

Ellis Island - New York: 8:10 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: Ellis Island: Far Field
Skills: Blessing of Athena, Jack of All Trades (Medicine), Enhanced Physiology, Perception
Captain Marvel was still coming to blows with the Black Panther. The Invisible Woman and Mister Fantastic hadn't made any significant progress against the Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Hawkeye had managed to hit the Wasp with an arrow, knocking her unconscious. Iron Man and She Hulk were fighting Captain America, Spider-Man, and now Hawkeye all at once. The Human Torch and Wolverine were at a stalemate so far. Agent 13 took the Black Widow down, taking a breath before joining in on the group ganging up on Iron Man and She Hulk. Poor Alchemy though, the ICER dart would finally cause her to slip into unconsciousness.

Kwassi's accusation that Cass had killed a teenager rattled Bonnie. Despite her better judgment feeling that it was an emotional ploy to get her to let her guard down, Bonnie turned her attention away from Kwassi and looked over at Cass. She saw the girl with a metal arm on the ground and from her vantage point, she couldn't tell whether or not she was living or alive. "This isn't over," she promised Kwassi, before Bonnie sprinted over towards Cass and the others, making a beeline for Elizabeth. She didn't have time to go through methodically all of the flaws in Kwassi's argument, not if he was right and there was a dead teenager, she had to know, she had to be certain.

Bonnie managed to weave around the active combatants, coming to a halt and kneeling on the field next to Elizabeth. She checked for a pulse first and she was incredibly relieved to find one, a strong one too. From what she could tell, it looked like the teenager had just been hit by an ICER blast. She let out a sigh of relief.

Folly Valeska

Location: Ellis Island: Far Field
Skills: Regenerative Healing Factor (Passive), Acrobat, Adamantium Daggers, Toxin Immunity
"Do you know what it means when you try something over and over again, expecting different results?" Folly asked with a giggle. "It means you're insane. And for an insane person to have to tell you that? It means you don't even know you're insane, which is an entirely new level of crazy!" It wasn't clear whether she was taunting Matt or Cass - probably both of them. Her mutant powers were a regenerative healing factor and toxin immunity. As long as she could move and had energy, she could keep on getting back up and attacking again and again.

"Also, is your blood type A+? Your eye had a certain sweetness to it, almost like soy sauce," Folly added, doing a cartwheel. This was all just a game to her. And since Cass had killed her, she didn't see any reason to hold back. She ignored the blonde Battle Nurse that came on by to check on Elizabeth, although she did wonder whether or not she would be considered an in-network provider. Insurance was such a scam like that.

Since she couldn't break Cass, she decided to try breaking the other person present - proof that she wasn't doing the same thing and expecting different results! She sliced at Matt with her dagger and he'd be able to narrowly dodge out of the way. She stabbed again and Matt would be able to block with his ICER. "Stay still, please?" she asked, batting her eyes as she sliced again and Matt would be able to dodge once more.

Asgard - Breidablik: 12:00 A.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: the Hall of Baldur: Entrance -> Healing Room
Skills: N/A
"Please, just call me Baldur - or if you are a bit formal, I've also gone by Baldur the Beautiful over the years," Baldur corrected Astrad with a soft smile. The temperature in the room went up several degrees just due to his smile. Amelia remembered something about gold being really hard to melt, so maybe that was why Baldur and Nanna appeared to have gone all out on gold for construction. She did wonder though how the flowers weren't bursting into flames, but she figured maybe Nanna's magic or something stopped it? It was a question waaaay above her paygrade at any rate.

Nanna nodded at Maria's comment. "Oh yes, I adore flowers. When you are as old as I, you learn to follow your bliss," she said kindly. "If you're interested in gardening, I could see if Idunn would be interested in meeting with you? She's the goddess of spring and youth, a goddess after my own heart."

Forseti glared slightly at Nadia, as the drumstick picked itself up from the table and then hit Nadia in the head. "My baby sister is in Helheim for all I know and you expect me to be merry?" he snapped at her. He got up from the table and headed to one of the rooms behind the feasting area with a golden door, slamming it shut behind him.

Amelia blinked, trying to take in what had just happened. She had no idea why the bloke had stormed off in such a fit. She didn't like the way the blonde girl talked about her and her companions, as if they couldn't answer for themselves, but Nanna's joy was infectious. The anger she felt quickly went away and she didn't even ponder whether or not this was emotional gaslighting on the part of the goddess. "Hi, I'm Amelia Baptiste, we're here like Sparky said looking for this gent named Raynor," she explained.

Speaking of Sparky, Amelia saw her going off into one of the side rooms. She didn't think splitting up was a great idea, so she followed along on after her, poking her head in. Her eyes widened a little bit as she stepped into the room, seeing a naked guy on a bed of flowers. The room itself didn't even make sense as a room, it was inside but really felt like she was outside. "... So do you know this bloke or are ya just staring at his dick, since that's creepy if you are," Amelia whispered to Sparky.

"Oh, that poor soul... I found him in the riverbed some months ago near death," Nanna said, coming into the room and sighing. "He's been in this state since then, never waking. He just sleeps."

Runa Johansson

Location: the World Tree -> Boston, MA
Skills: N/A

Ratatoskr's words hit their mark this time, deflating Runa's self esteem in record time. Her chin wobbled first and her breath hitched. She tried to avoid the inevitable, but she couldn't. He was right - no one loved her. She didn't even love herself, so how could she blame them? Her life hadn't meant anything and her death was just a cosmic joke. She wasn't capable like the others here - they had superpowers and what could she do? Nothing. Tears spilled from her eyes and blurred her vision. She couldn't force herself to climb, just wanting to dissolve into nothingness and die - again. She wished for an afterlife where she didn't exist, one where she didn't have to feel this pain. There was one thing she knew she could do to make the pain stop - her fingers itched for a razor. It felt like she had been clinging to the tree, crying her eyes out in misery for hours before she could make herself move again, before she could continue her descent.

She struggled with the idea of just jumping into the portal and hoping her head would be bashed in against the pavement. Each movement of her arms and legs felt completely impossible. When she passed through the portal and hit the ground, it didn't feel real - it all felt like it was happening to someone else. Her head was spinning and all she could do was cry, unable to even breathe naturally. She was having a complete breakdown, not even aware of her surroundings. She could have been in Paris for all she knew.

February 17th, 2021 - 11:10 AM

Let's get this wrapped up folks. Once we resolve the Jack situation, we'll be moving onto the next episode - I'm itching to move on and get to the good stuff! Also, I love how Havok is unconscious on the ground and no one's even moved him :P

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Dining Room
Skills: Mediumship
The world was spinning like a figure skater at the height of her career, competing for the gold at the Olympics. Each time Casper blinked, he noticed something else about the room. The first thing was the smell. It was an odd mixture between barf and sugar, reminding him of one of Jack's ex boyfriends. He giggled at the thought, only to then discover that there was an immense weight on his lungs, making breathing difficult and laughing uncomfortable at best and deadly at worst. The next blink, he noticed that Spark Plug had rejoined them. Wouldn't she look so much better with some pink highlights? Or some blue ones, to match her sparky aesthetic?

Blink. What was Greenie's name again? His brain short circuited for a moment before providing him with the answer - Veronica, of course! "Veronica, sweetheart, it's okay if you're not 21. I'm not going to snitch on you. I was doing far worse at your age and Maman hardly gave a shit," Casper enthused. He lost track of Ben but he figured he couldn't have gone too far. There wasn't really a lot of room to move around in here. Casper rolled over slightly on the floor, before moving his arms and legs as if he were about to make a snow angel. "Oh and just know, if a boy pressures you into prom sex, just punch him in the dick."

"Your advice just gets better and better."


Location: Mutant Underground Garage
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
"Feedback, I need you to get out of here, go find Spark Plug and stay with her," Veil ordered, like a mother trying to get her kids away from something potentially traumatizing. She knew that Feedback wasn't in any shape to deal with this, especially after what Jack had done. Fury was boiling in her stomach and she had to remind herself to direct it towards Sinister, not Jack. Once Glimpse repaired his mind, she'd hopefully be able to give them a better idea of the extent of what Sinister had done - and how much blame Jack had for his actions. Jack had broken free from her force field and her brother had sent a laser blast off at him, tragically missing. Sapphire's powers were apparently a no-show, only adding to the pressure put on Veil.

"Any time now, Glimpse!" she shouted. She kept throwing force fields at Jack, trying to encapsulate him, but they weren't sticking. Her concentration was off. The more Veil got angry at herself for messing up, the sloppier her techniques became. She needed to slow down and focus, going fast and rushing wasn't helping in this situation. But as it stood, the best she could do was make a shield out in front of herself - she couldn't trap Jack inside another cage. She just hoped Glimpse was about done.


Location: Island M, the Bermuda Triangle
Skills: Survival
Sunshine's eye twitched slightly in irritation as Max intruded her headspace, but she didn't cuss him out. In terms of religious beliefs, she was hellenistic - she believed that there was a mystical mountain home to the gods, ruled by Zeus the Thunderer. She had always connected deeply to the tales of Apollo, adopting him almost as her patron of sorts - filling the role of a father that she never had. So when Max told her that there was a ghost in the building and that was what was making such haunting music, she believed him instantly.

"Calm the fuck down," she thought, not really sure how this communication worked. She had a plan. She knew that ghosts were subject to the will of Hecate and she knew that Hecate was also associated with crossroads. "I'm going to invoke a goddess and ask her to banish it. Just need to find something for an offering. Can you summon up some like ribs or something?" Sunshine asked. She conjured up a ball of disease, using it to illuminate her path.

She wanted to find a place where two hallways met, a crossroads of sorts. She crept forward, going deeper into the mansion. The haunting melody was becoming closer and closer and her heart was pounding so incredibly fast, she thought it was going to burst. The color drained from her face as she spotted the ghost. It was holding an axe and wearing a Victorian looking gown covered in blood. The woman looked almost manic, as if fire was dancing in her eyes, and a chill went down Sunshine's spine as the ghost met her eyes.

Sunshine abandoned her plan and ran in the other direction as the ghost lunged at her.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Junk Yard of Hephaestus
Skills: Sword-Fighting, Agility, Superspeed

Leda swore under her breath in ancient Greek. "I bloody hate repeats. Once you kill one Colchis bull, you've killed 'em all if you ask me," she complained. She had last faced one when she had been tasked to save Calliope along with Kristin and Zeke. It had been the most dysfunctional questing group in history, especially since they almost adopted a baby in the process. The bull knocked Kiera under a pile of rubble and Leda saw red. She tugged down on her pendant and it transformed into her sword, Ultraviolet, glowing a furious shade of red. She dashed forward at superspeed, swinging her blade and connecting with the bull's armor.

It sadly wasn't that easy a thing to kill. The armor was made from celestial bronze. She took another swing, aiming for a chink in the armor. She hit her target and the bull sparked - it had already been hit there once before evidently, someone must have damaged it. That was probably why it was in Hephaestus' junk yard. The god of the smith was done with it and didn't bother to fix it, so he just tossed it aside. Leda was fluid with her movement and she swung her sword again, jabbing down into the chink and this time, her strike was true. The bull collapsed and died. Leda was panting ever so slightly, the Colchis bull had been rather hot (temperature, people).

"Kiera, luv? You alright?" Leda asked, picking up what remained of the bull - a nose ring. It was about the size of a bracelet and Leda slipped it onto her wrist. She'd put it next to her other trophies at Camp Half-blood after this was all over.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Base of Mount Othrys -> Garden of the Hesperides
Skills: Strategy

Nancy looked a little bit impressed, learning that Waverley had managed to kill the pit scorpion. "Maybe you're not completely useless after all," she told Waverley. Nancy held grudges for a long, long time - had Waverley not insulted her earlier, she would have given her a real compliment instead of a veiled insult. The description Emily gave as to how Waverley killed the thing did make her chuckle internally. It reminded her somewhat of her own fighting style, when she didn't use her knives she tended to sing and make heads explode. "Thank you, Lady Diana," Nancy said, bowing her head slightly as well.

Kallisto's bow felt heavy on her back as she traveled with the others, leaving Diana's camp. They arrived in a beautiful garden, so gorgeous that it made Nancy feel a bit sick in the stomach although she wasn't sure why. A dragon was curled around a tree with glimmering golden apples in its branches. Waking up a sleeping dragon was not something she had on her to do list, although it wouldn't have been the first dragon she fought. "Avoid the tree, keep your voices down, don't talk if you don't have to," she instructed the others in a tense whisper. She took the lead and began to creep forward silently through the garden, staying as far from the tree as she could.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Living Room
Skills: N/A
Neil nodded, accepting Carolina's help as he got onto the couch. "It hurts, but I'll live," he told her, smiling slightly. He had to resist the urge to use D&D terms and go I'm not bloodied to indicate his health. The healing he had received so far had really helped, but now that he was coming down from adrenaline he was feeling all his injuries a lot more keenly. He really wanted to roll over and take a nap, his mind felt like a bowl of soup after all of the use of his telekinesis. Neil could have easily slept for a month or more. He couldn't help but laugh, then wincing in the pain laughing caused, at Iris' joke.

He definitely knew that not everyone really liked Iris, but she was incredibly funny. Her humor reminded him of those weird British sit-coms, the sorts that Americans couldn't handle unless they remade it - like the British version of the Office. He didn't really see the gameboard anywhere, but he couldn't have helped out with the magic. The most he could have done was offer to call his aunties or maybe his cousin Rebecca and ask if they wouldn't mind tracking down the God of Mischief. He wondered briefly what they were up to at the moment - were they in the garden, inspecting the harvest? Were they down in the mortuary, preparing bodies for burial? Were they dancing around a fire in the forest in the nude?

Runa ran her fingers through her hair, trying to brush out some of the glitter. It was rather hard to do so since she typically wore her hair in complex braids, not the easiest scenario for getting things out. Glitter was one of the substances most resistant to magic as well in her experience. Even if she banished it, some of it always remained. It was stubborn like that. She found that the board was just sitting there and she picked it up. She closed her eyes, opening up her Third Eye and peering as to where Loki was. His location was foggy. "He's somewhere in the place called New York," she informed the others. "Once we fell Loki, he will face justice in my brother's court."

Guin Stark

Location: the Living Room
Skills: N/A
Guin didn't have a very high opinion of Asgardian justice. They had supposedly locked up Loki back in 2012 and yet, he had gotten free somehow to terrorize people. She really had expected that the ancient society would be able to hold Loki for more than just a decade at a time - especially since Asgardians loved to go around about how short a human lifespan was, that it was the blink of an eye. So then, by that logic, they would throw Loki in their Asgardian prison and before they could blink, he'd escaped! Though, she supposed Thor wasn't exactly known for his wits and since he was next in line to be king, maybe Asgard wasn't known for their IQ.

She walked over to a corner by herself, so that way she could have some privacy. She took out her phone and dialed her father's number. The phone rang a few times, before she heard a click on the other end. "Hey, Dad?" Guin said tentatively, hoping that he had actually answered it and it wasn't J.A.R.V.I.S. or something taking the call instead.

"Hey there Penguin how's it going?"

Guin decided to cut to the chase and not beat around the bush. “Don’t worry, we’re all fine here. But Loki is on the move," she said bluntly. She figured her dad would have questions, but it got the important information out of the way - namely the who and the what.

"Wait what?"

Maybe she hadn't been as clear as she thought she had been. “He attacked us, we’re coming over.”

"He did what?????"

Maybe Tony was finally going senile? Did he need hearing aids? How was she unclear? "He tried to kill us with Jumanji, you know like the movie, but we’re good.”


Finally. But somehow, she was unconvinced that he actually understood anything she said at all. "See you soon, Old Man."
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