Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Megan Pendragon

Location: Merlin's Tower
Skills: N/A

Despite the imminent danger, a part of Megan's mind was still dissecting her brother's explanation or lack thereof when it came to his new powers. She had rolled her eyes slightly when he mentioned that magic was weird. Of course it was weird. They hadn't been in this world very long and they hadn't really had anything about magic explained to them, although Megan was inclined to believe that it had to be at least somewhat of a scientific discipline. Magic was simply things that science couldn't yet explain in her mind. And thus far, she hadn't seen any evidence to he contrary.

The rest of her mind was focused on the situation - namely, the magic SWAT squad threatening to come into the tower. They were in the woods, which made Megan briefly wonder if the SWAT team had threatened other towers along the way, just hoping they'd stumble across the right one. The door had been broken down and Megan drew excalibur, doing her part to defend the tower with the others. She swung her blade time and time again, neatly taking care of four of the would be invaders.

Genosha: July 15th, 2021 - 2:00 PM

Veil, Casper, and Sunshine

Location: the Carousel - Stage
Skills: Mediumship, Invisible Energy Manipulation

Havok turned on his heels, looking Waverley dead in the eye. "Everyone is acting like we're on fucking vacation, but Magneto runs this place. It has to be a death trap. And everyone's just too stupid to see it," Havok complained. "We're all going to die here and people just want to get pina coladas and hear a bunch of probably brainwashed people cheer their names like they're pop stars or some shit!"

Veil and Echo were close enough to Havok and Feedback that people would be able to hear their voices quietly, although Veil was keeping them invisible. Veil listened to what her brother had to say, before nodding slightly. It was something she thought about sometimes - what happened after the Mutant Underground - what happened after mutants were safe? The thought at times made her uneasy, as she realized that her entire life was based on the idea that she had to help other mutants to safety, and she didn't know what to do if she couldn't do that. "J'ai million questions," Veil whispered. "Et je ne suis pas certaine de mes réponses," she then admitted.

Her brother had then switched to English, so did she. "We all dreamed of a time when mutants didn't have to live in fear - that's what sustained us, kept us going... Maybe this is that dream realized, sooner than we had expected. And maybe just being here is our way of honoring those who couldn't be," she suggested. She wasn't really sure though. She didn't know how many mutants were actually able to get to Genosha. Was it really for everyone? Or did the Hellfire Club have some way of being selective? But there were so many in that crowd... assuming it hadn't been a telepathic manipulation of course... that Veil felt they were likely genuine.

On stage, Reeva bade farewell to the audience, and the Quiet Council members departed the stage. Selene, Reeva, and the Three in One waved slightly at Havok and all as they left, with the Three in One blowing a kiss in sync to Waverley. The crowd at large was starting to disperse, with Casper scrambling back up onto the stage. "Wait for me!" he shouted, before running towards the back of the stage - only to slam straight into Magneto.

"Oops, sorry, I didn't see you there - maybe you should wear one of those reflective vests?" Casper suggested. "I do think white is a good color on you, but it also makes you look like La Llorona. She's not real - I think."

It was hard to read Magneto's expressions at times, but he was definitely glaring at Xavier's son.

"Casper, leave him alone - the dude's a serial killer," Ben warned, coming up and standing right next to his friend, prepared to jump in if Casper needed some back up against the master of magnetism.

"You should watch where you're going... Casper," Magneto warned. His helmet cast shadows on his face, making him look like some sort of eerie phantom. It was difficult to even see much beyond his eyes. But then, Magneto did something entirely unexpected. He removed his helmet. He removed his helmet on an island filled with telepaths. His long white locks fluttered lightly in the breeze and his face, while aged, was intense. He had seen the little trinket Zarina was holding up high. "And you, Valkyrie, I expect you at the House of M for tea tomorrow, 3 pm sharp."

Then, with all the pomp and ego, Magneto used his powers to levitate and fly off.

Sunshine was completely unfazed by it. People flew places all the time on Genosha. Most mutants had figured out a way to try flight with their powers. Hell, even Sunshine had been working on it some with Renegade, trying to use her disease powers to propel herself through the air. It was just convenient to travel under one's own power. Of course, those who couldn't fly could always ask Forge for a pair of hover shoes - those were incredibly popular though and meant waiting on a wait list.

Sunshine moved on over to Thunder and Valkyrie, raising a slight eyebrow. "If you two are done making out, think we can take you to where you'll be staying and all," Sunshine explained. "Well, that's if you don't wanna be part of the Akademos - or the Academy if you wanna use the flatscan word for it," she added with a shrug, before moving back towards where the others were.

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy

Geez, they fight more than our group does, Guin commented. She would've said it was the raccoon's raging testosterone, but she wasn't sure what sort of hormones were in talking male raccoons - at least, she assumed Rocket was male. She wasn't actually quite sure. It was also possible he wasn't actually a raccoon and was instead some sort of alien being, beyond their human conceptions of gender. She always thought it was highly unlikely that aliens would have the same ideas of gender that they did on Earth. It was still a little weird to her how close their society was to Asgard at times.

Unfortunately, everyone seemed to be horrible at piloting their getaway vehicle. Guin rolled her eyes and cracked her knuckles. "Move over, let a pro-gamer deal with this, I've got better hand eye coordination," she bragged. Both Bethany and the raccoon had more or less tried to kill them after all, and they were currently plunging towards the bottom. Guin shoved her way up to the controls, not really caring who she had to move past to get there, and she grabbed the control stick from Bethany. She managed to level things out and she smirked slightly, as if to say - I told you so. She then gently pulled back, giving them a smooth and controlled ascent.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: N/A

Runa had only nodded simply at Lance. She hadn't actually planned on hurting Stark - it was more of a warning if anything else. On Asgard, sometimes that was what required to get people to take you seriously. She didn't like using a show of force, but it seemed to have been effective, as the young Stark was more or less leaving her alone. Runa gripped tightly onto the wall with her hands though with the raccoon and Bethany's driving, as both left much to be desired. She didn't imagine she would die from such a fall, but with her powers flickering in and out, she had to wonder if her durability may have been decreased as well.

At least Stark seemed to have things under control, moving them towards the opening. Runa relaxed slightly. "Do most of you have no experience when it comes to piloting ships?" she asked, looking towards Quill and the raccoon. She had to assume that was the case with how poor the raccoon's flight skills had been. Bethany's struggles could be excused - she had never flown a spaceship before. Runa had to assume the same was true for Quill and Rocket then.

Skrull Prison Ship

Sometimes, even the best of plans aren't enough.

Sometimes, our heroes fail and innocents suffer for it.

They managed to slow down the craft, but they couldn't stop it from hitting the ocean near the shore of Montevideo. Everyone who was on the outside of the ship would find themselves plunged underneath the water, with the massive craft preventing them from easily surfacing. They'd have to swim out away from the craft in order to get above the water. And all the meanwhile, the massive ship hitting the water created essentially an artificial tsunami...

The Invisible Woman's shields held for a moment, but even she couldn't battle a force of nature. The tsunami broke through and swept over Montevideo...

A city with 1.3 million people...

Washed away...

Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.: 12:20 P.M.

Bonnie tilted her head slightly, wondering what to make of Kwassi's comment. Her ego told herself that it was only natural, she really was a gifted fighter - for a human. She couldn't throw buildings with her mind or burst into flames like her friends. Not too long ago, that had been the norm for SHIELD agents - no one had powers. She supposed even now her viewpoint was skewed, as the Secret Warriors were only a small part of SHIELD's arsenal - and a highly classified one at that. They weren't sent on ordinary missions - only extraordinary ones.

Amelia was panting, and she was barely standing straight as she gave Cass a thumbs up. "Oh, I'm bloody brilliant, thanks mate," Amelia said, before coughing slightly. "Hey, you ever wonder what happens when a toad gets struck by lightning? Heard that question posed to one of the X-Men once - the OG ones, not the little kids in tights that they got running around now. Was such a posh look Storm had in the interview though, it was so lit, like legs for days and days."

Raynor wasn't quite as loquacious as Amelia. "This is why no one liked Thor at parties," he muttered. In his world, Thor was very much dead - and had been for some time. Thor died with the rest of the most famous Asgardians during Ragnarok. And while the prophecies claimed Baldur was supposed to be resurrected and return to rule, that never happened. They had been left with a desolated planet and fled to Earth, conquering what had been Norway and turning it into their home. A chill went down Raynor's spine as he remembered the Queen of New Asgard.

From Niah and Sparky's monitors, they could see that VP Ricky Goldsworth wasn't headed towards the Oval Office... but the pack of children were.

Amelia's eyes widened as Sparky described a strategy to her over the comms. "Uh, but I'm not the Avatar - or a fire bender, I don't think Katara or Toph could've done that!" Amelia squeaked. She was happy to see that Captain America was no longer an ice cube, but they still had a huge issue with the giant skrull. The skrull tossed Matt roughly to the side of the room, sending Matt slamming into a wall.

"Keep the skrull busy, I have a plan," Bonnie said suddenly, before sprinting towards the President's desk with no further explanation.

Amelia didn't need the science-type to say anything else. She figured whatever plan Bonnie had come up with would be more than good enough. Instead, she decided to take another trick from Avatar and find a way to distract the giant skrull as much as possible. Amelia hopped up and nearly fell, but managed to catch herself on a rapidly spinning ball of air - an air scooter. She started zipping around the Oval Office in random directions. "Oi, fugly, bet ya can't catch me!"

Captain America sized up the situation, and threw his mighty shield, aiming for the giant's eyes. His mark was true and he hit the giant dead on, causing the skrull to scream out in pain and reach up, grabbing for his eyes. For a moment, he was more or less blinded. Raynor darted in, intent on stabbing the giant, but the giant flailed its limbs down, hitting Raynor so hard he flew out the glass windows and hit the lawn, knocked out cold. The blow would've killed an ordinary human.

Bonnie finished looking through the desk. She found a few things of interest - a baseball and a pair of rubber gloves. Bonnie snapped on the gloves and held the baseball, and chucked it at the giant skrull, hitting the skrull in the back of the head. The skrull turned around. "Stupid girl," the skrull taunted. "You terrans can't win against us," he said, before throwing lightning at Bonnie. Bonnie held out her hands, as if she could catch the lightning...

... And nothing happened. She was totally uninjured. "Rubber doesn't conduct electricity," she told the skrull, before throwing her knives. She aimed for the neck, going for the jugular. And as if Athena guided her hand, Bonnie's mark was true. The skrull pulled the knives, not realizing the danger, and blood began gushing rapidly, thick and green... until the giant fell, and the ground shook.

"... Nice work, agent," Captain America complimented.

"Thanks. My anatomy studies have new applications each and every day, it seems."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Infirmary -> Big House
Skills: N/A

Leda was a little bit surprised to see that Chiron wasn't out on the porch, although she supposed Mr. D wasn't around to play games with him. She went inside with her girlfriend, finding Chiron listening to some records and reading a book. For a brief moment, Leda wondered if he ever got bored with reading - he had been alive for ages, hadn't he probably had his fill of reading pretty much every sort of story by that time? Did anything ever genuinely surprise him? Were writers nowadays just trash compared to the ones of his youth?

"They're bloody wild ones, too," Leda added. "One of them has three people going into a maze and a pit, another has people going under the bloody sea, and another is clearly talking about Atlas and all with going to where you hold up the sky," Leda told Chiron. She hadn't committed Rosie's words to memory, but she had gotten the basics of it all. "The prophecies name the questers too, well more of show who they should be, and give a description of the parentage," she explained.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Northern Woods
Skills: N/A

Nancy nodded. She did have more details. She hesitated slightly again, but the kids hadn't left, so clearly they were fine with hearing this conversation - and Madalyne hadn't asked for them to leave. "You're running from something, with Andy and one of the gingers. It's dark. You have a grody looking sword with the symbol I drew on it. And... Then something impales you, you drop the gem from our quest together, and fall into Tartarus as a black tentacle goes to grab the items," Nancy recalled. She shuddered slightly at the images in her mind. She didn't want to recall them - but she had to. The more information they had, the more likely they could save Mads' life.

Her thoughts flickered towards the Physician's Cure her father had given her, despite its suspicious timing. It wouldn't matter if they could get Mads out of the Pit if she died - although, Nancy realized as a monster, Mads would reform at some point anyways. It could take thousands of years though. And she didn't wish that on her friend. "I only know of two Greeks who went into the Pit and came out - and they were... you know, demigods when it happened," Nancy said quietly. She didn't know how the Greeks had survived Tartarus, only that they had.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rumple's Home -> Merlin's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan rolled her eyes at her brother's answer. "Yes, the sudden ability to produce miniature fireballs," she specified. Had she known he was capable of that, she probably wouldn't have engaged in as many petty fights with him growing up. She wondered if it was just something about this world that was giving Jack those abilities, although Merlin had been quite capable of magic back in the real world, so Megan dismissed the idea. The only explanation that made sense to her was that perhaps Rumplestiltskin had knowingly bestowed these abilities on Jack at some point since they arrived in Camelot. Was such a thing possible? Could magic be freely given?

Her thoughts were cut off as Merlin teleported them back to the tower. Megan was just relieved that they had managed to rescue Jack without any great harm coming to him. Unfortunately, it seemed that the others had gone missing - and someone was knocking on the tower door. The irritating baby faced boy came into view, explaining that guards were here. Megan tensed slightly, a hand resting on the hilt of her sword. She was ready for round two.

Genosha: July 15th, 2021 - 1:50 PM

Veil, Casper, and Sunshine

Location: the Carousel - Stage
Skills: Mediumship

Casper looked at James with total adoration as James seemingly lost his mind at Havok's little snafu. It was pretty hilarious - and Casper only regretted that he hadn't taken advantage of the mindless chanting to try to get the crowd to say other things. If he had shouted I hate Professor X would the crowd have just shouted that back at him? If he had jumped off the stage, would they have let him crowd surf? He'd gone crowd surfing before and it was easily the best form of surfing in the world.

"Don't," Ben warned, seemingly reading Casper's mind, but it was too late. Casper gave James a wink before rushing up to the edge of the stage, turning around, and trust-falling backwards. "Cannonball!" Casper shouted, despite not having made a cannonball motion at all. Fortunately, he was indeed caught - unfortunately for him, the person who caught him had eyes covering every inch of their body and Casper squealed slightly from the oddly wet touch, before his crowd surfing finally took him away from Eye Boy.

The crowd was a little confused when it came to chanting for Waverley, so there was a lot of disconnected murmurs, switching back and forth between the varying names and words she had said - no one was really sure which one to shout. They were very much relieved when Stretch and Valkyrie introduced themselves next - those were simple and to the point, great for chanting, especially since Valkyrie was three syllables. Although, some of the younger mutants were chanting Stretch to the tune of Shots.

The witch of the Quiet Council tilted her head, cackling slightly at Max's antics. "Il piccolo bambino ha molto da imparare," she said to herself in Italian. Her voice wasn't telepathically boosted for all to hear, but those on the stage may catch a word or two. In fact, if anyone studied her closely enough, they would realize she had a striking resemblance to one of the newest members of their group, their eyes and facial features practically cut from the same clothe. She could have been Andy's wicked, older sister.

The witch twirled one of her fingers lazily, and suddenly, it would be like a cord had been severed and both Max and Havok would drop to the ground unceremoniously. The witch gave Max a cheeky wink. "I'll see you in Voltus Glade at the witching hour, little Warlock."

For a brief second, Reeva glared at Echo, before resuming her composure. Veil instantly went after her twin brother, turning herself invisible in the process. She didn't want to be stared at as she left. At least being invisible prevented that, as she caught up to Echo at the edge of the stage, taking his hand. She cloaked him in invisibility as well, and he would be able to see her now, although to each other they looked like ghostly outlines thanks to Veil's powers. "Ça va?" she whispered to her brother, getting to the point by asking him what was going on/how he was doing.

"THUNDER! THUNDER! THUNDER!" the crowd chanted. It had began as Thundering Champion, but it was a bit of a mouthful, and the crowd of mutants quickly shortened it.

The roar of the crowd died down, as Reeva stepped forward once more. "Thank you. Now, brothers and sisters, I ask you - who are these kind souls? Who are these heroes of Genosha?"

"MUTANTS! MUTANTS! MUTANTS!" the crowd cheered, instantly going back up into a frenzy. Some small children were looking up at the stage amazed, as if they were meeting the Avengers.

"Precisely. And for what people is Genosha the promised land?" Reeva followed up.


Sunshine was beaming. She was practically glowing. She loved it here. She didn't have to worry about her friends and family being hurt - she didn't have to look over her shoulder for a Purifier. She was able to be free and true to herself. Beyond even just being a place for mutants, so many silly human customs just weren't a thing here. People could love who they loved. And capitalism was a dead concept. She hadn't smiled this much back with the Mutant Underground, but now, she was smiling so hard that it hurt.

"Magnus, would you be so kind as to present our heroes with a token of our gratitude?" Reeva then asked, as Magneto stepped forward.

Usually, Magneto was dressed in red and purple. Instead, his suit was all white, as if symbolic of the new era they were in and the fresh start. Magneto outstretched his hand and revealed several small metallic cases, about the size of a baseball. The cases flew over to each person, with two going to the edge of the stage for Veil and Echo to grab when they wished. Inside the metal cages were what looked like a strange rock.

"Meteors, portions of an asteroid, killed the dinosaurs and allowed for homo sapiens to evolve. Mutants, homo superior, are the logical end of the evolutionary chain, for we shall inherit the Earth. As thanks for your bravery, we give you these meteorite fragments," Magneto explained. One of the fragments had ended up hovering over the crowd surfing Casper, who grabbed it, being a bit confused.

"Since when were you all into space, Magneto?" Casper shouted.

Magneto pretended he couldn't hear him.

Havok stared at the meteorite fragment, before chucking it at the stage and storming off, muttering curses under his breath about how the entire world was going to hell if Magneto was trying to give them prizes.

Skrull Prison Ship

Mister Fantastic stretched his neck out across the room, staring at Flynn dead in the face. "On the contrary, that may be exactly what is needed. As long as we have a means to anchor you to us, you can produce fire and aid in the propulsion of the ship," Fantastic theorized. "Stark, perhaps some magnetic --"

A pair of what looked like clip on booties hit Richards in the face and Mister Fantastic groaned in annoyance. "Already done, old man," Tony said with a smirk. "These shoes'll grip the side of the ship, allowing you to basically turn yourself into an engine to help out Marvel and Torch and all."

Captain Marvel had a haunted look in her face as Maria absorbed some of her powers. She had consented to it, yes, but she clearly wasn't thrilled. If anything, she couldn't even bring herself to look Maria in the eye right now. "This better work," she warned, before Captain Marvel went out of the bridge, heading for the nearest access point to the outer hull of the ship.

Roman jumped as Maria flicked his ear. "What? Oh. Uh, I don't really work with big picture stuff like this... I can make a drone fly, maybe drive a car, but anything bigger than that... doesn't work..." he admitted. He was the world's most useless technopath for several reasons apparently.

Tony was quickly throwing together a huge jetpack basically for She-Hulk, although it looked like it would take him a bit more time than the magnetic shoes he had made for Flynn. The Invisible Woman was trying to make a gigantic shield around the ship, but she was having trouble as her pregnancy was making her feel completely sick at the moment.

Impact - next round

Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.: 12:10 P.M.

The skrull!Jakobsen looked visibly nervous for a brief secondary after Jakobsen punched him, before smirking slightly. "I take it someone skipped out on their flight," skrull!Jakobsen quipped. He nimbly dodged Cass' attempt to punch him, before throwing a punch of his own that missed. He was able to break free from Oliver's flag, thanks to his super-strength, only to then be knocked to the ground by a poll.

The guard Matt had taken out didn't appear to shift into becoming a skrull. Maybe he was human. It wasn't entirely impossible for the skrulls to have left some of the human security forces in place. One of the guards was down, the other one and Skrull!Jakobsen was still at large.

The other guard went to use the radio he had attached to him, in order to call for back-up - but he didn't move fast enough. In the blink of an eye, Raynor threw his dagger, Lyting, and skewered the radio. It wasn't usable. The guard let out a frustrated growl, before revealing his true form - a gigantic, towering skrull, easily ten feet tall. He was much larger than any other skrull they had seen before. And to make matters worse, electricity was arcing around his body in waves.

"For fuck sake," Raynor cursed under his breath. He hadn't expected things to be easy, but he also hadn't anticipated that they would be fighting a giant with lightning powers. He almost wished that Sparky was inside with them, rather than outside in the van. She would've been able to stop this. But she wasn't here, so Raynor steeled himself and swung his fist in an uppercut, aiming at the giant skrull's family jewels - only for the skrull to catch his hand. The skrull's electricity was drawn to Raynor's body. If it hadn't been for all the times Sparky zapped him when annoyed, he would've passed out instantly.

Raynor tried to free himself from the skrull's grip, but he couldn't do so. He opened up his free hand, calling his dagger to himself, enduring the immense and prolonged pain. But even as the dagger hit his hand, he was still helpless in the skrull's grasp.

That was, of course, until someone stepped in. Amelia took in a deep breath and then blew as hard as she could, amplifying the air currents she was moving until a gigantic gale of wind slammed into the giant skrull. The giant skrull toppled backwards, taking a few steps and releasing Raynor in the process, blood having trickled from his eyes, ears, and nose. "Oi, wanker, how about you pick on someone else who is still not your size!" Amelia jeered.

The skrull obliged, rushing at Amelia, grabbing her and slamming her up against the wall. Electricity arced through his body and into hers, causing Amelia to convulse painfully. She barely managed to summon up a ball of air in her hand and throw it at the giant to break free. As she hit the ground, Amelia felt like she had been frying for a thousand years, even though it had barely been any time at all.

Bonnie, meanwhile, knew that she wasn't going to be the most help when it came to these super-powered fights. She still didn't fully understand what she was capable of. She had heard from Sparky and Niah that there were apparently children in the building, and secrecy was of the utmost importance, so as the fighting raged on Bonnie went around the Oval Office quietly, locking up every door that she came across, and pulling the curtains closed.

"You might want to stand down, son," Captain America recommended to Jakobsen.

"I don't think I do," the skrull said, before breathing ice and freezing Captain America where he stood, turning him once more into a living popsicle.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Lobby
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded, taking in the advice that Klara and Nadia had given her. Both of them were more or less in agreement - she should speak to him. She was at a loss for words though. In many ways, he was a complete and total stranger, yet she felt a tangible connection to him. He reminded her of her mother in many ways and that made Runa's heart ache - it hadn't been very long, but she already missed her dearly. She didn't know if she would be allowed to go to Norway and see her, or if such things were forbidden in Valhalla. There were so many questions she wanted to ask - how had they met? Did he have other children? Had he watched her grow up from afar?

Her father made the first move though, approaching her. He had such a gentle, calming presence. "I'm okay," she said softly. "It's just been a lot to take in and all but... It's not all bad. I never thought that I would meet you and... here you are..." She felt incredibly awkward. He was a god. Was he even interested in what she had to say? "... What are you going to do next?" she asked. It wasn't the question she wanted to ask, but it was already taking a lot of effort for her to overcome her natural shyness. "Will Hel just... capture you again?"

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy, Pistol

Guin thought about it for a moment. The day before, she would have given him a firm no on this being any sort of fun at all - her fear of prison had been debilitating. It was only through this horrific form of exposure therapy that she was beginning to see the other side of it. She was still scared, but no more scared than she was on any other seemingly impossible mission that they had embarked on under Professor X's banner. A small part of her couldn't help but be slightly irritated. He was the only leader of a team she knew who didn't actually go on missions, instead remaining behind in idle comfort and luxury.

He was probably just too posh to get his hands dirty - and she supposed the wheelchair was as good of an excuse as any...

I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, honey, Guin replied somewhat sarcastically, before opening up the door. Wow so nice Guina. Shh, I need to concentrate if I'm ever going to pull off a convincing Bastila Shan LARP, Guin replied, teasing her husband slightly. She concentrated, taking a minute to try to feel all of the minds around her. To her, it was like everyone was a Wii remote, and she was just trying to get them all connected to the Wii (herself) at once. She was able to bring them all telepathically together, causing everyone to fight a little better and work together a little more - in other words, battle meditation.

But Guin didn't like being a passive support player. She - Ruuuuuude Pietro's voice interjected. Guin rolled her eyes slightly, opening fire with the gun and taking out five guards. She was an excellent shot. She had been a SHIELD agent after all and her Aunt Nat had been the one to teach her how to use firearms. Guin was fairly certain Nat had tried to give her a gun as a wedding present. You make it so hard to concentrate sometimes, babe. I mean, not my fault?

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Darkness Manipulation, Daggers, Darkness Constructs

Runa hated feeling powerless.

Perhaps someone else in her position would have been glad to be rid of her powers - but her powers were part of her. The scathing words and remarks from her fellow Asgardians, their judgmental stares, it had been enough to drive her towards self-harm and suicidal thoughts... but never to give up her abilities. It would be like giving up her very soul. She would rather die as she was than live as someone she was not. So now, with her powers working unreliably, all of Runa's most negative emotions were bubbling up to the surface. Instead of the guards, she saw every Asgardian who had shouted at her, who had lobbed rotten fruit at her, who had demanded that the All-Father banish her before another Loki could brew...

She curled her hands around daggers made out of pure darkness, Gandr temporarily reduced in size so as to be out of the way. Runa dashed into the room and moved like a leaf in the wind, slicing through guard upon guard. She didn't mean to take any prisoners or leave any survivors. All she heard was the beating of her own heartbeat and all she saw was the blood of the guards spilling, as she mutilated guard after guard, until the room they had entered stood empty, void of life. But she didn't let her rage end there. No, she dwelled more on her anger and frustration, killing guards from the outside as well, until she had slain fourteen souls - souls who could now be judged as to whether they were worthy to enter Valhalla or Freya's court.

Guin whistled slightly. "That was hella emo."

Runa shot her a warning glare, raising a dagger and pointing it at Guin without saying another word.
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