Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 9:30 AM


Location: The Grove
Skills: N/A

Everyone, with the exception of James, had cast their vote on the matter. No single table was united, with the votes tallying 7-4 in favor of the Hellfire Gala:

In favor...
  • Selene: "Oh, this party will be to die for!"
  • Mister Sinister: "I can't wait to wear my new cape and I may have a prior commitment for a date, hehehe~!"
  • Reeva Payge: "Our people need hope - something to lift their spirits."
  • Esme Frost: "Mum always adored the Hellfire Galas..."
  • Veil
  • Moneta
  • Spark Plug

  • Magneto: "Our people survived a holocaust. Dancing won't heal their bloody wounds. It is a time for strength and unity, not frivolity."
  • Polaris: "A party right now feels fucked up."
  • Destiny: "The gala will not heal this broken land."
  • Mystique: "What can I say? Happy wife, happy life."

James' proposal was intriguing to Reeva, although Selene seemed to be captivated by thoughts of what she could wear to the event. "Caduceus, would you be willing to take the lead on coordinating the festival?" Reeva suggested. The vote on the gala would pass no matter what James voted in favor of and Reeva considered his proposal to be more or less looped into that entire event. "And Esme, would you attend to the gala itself? Plan it for a few weeks out, we want to give our people hope, not cruelty."

"How about the 22nd? The moon will be full, it'll be gorgeous out," Selene suggested. Destiny shook her head ever so slightly, the movement so subtle it was easy to miss.

"Whatever date you choose won't change how wretched an idea this is," Magneto grumbled, glaring at no one in particular.

The room, Veil had noticed, had more or less assembled into to camps - a) everyone is going through it right now, so something hopeful might be nice and b) everyone is going through it right now, so people need to feel their feelings for a while. She did like James' suggestion, finding a way to give everyone something physical to do, something to create, as its own form of therapy. The entire island was definitely doing a lot of grief counseling at the moment, as people struggled to really come to terms with such a gigantic loss. Veil didn't know whether there was really anything right for them to do - maybe some people would be helped with a gala and a festival, whereas others wouldn't.

She didn't particularly feel like dancing herself. She couldn't recall the last time she had just danced, without any worries or concerns. Ever since she had been attacked and gone to Xavier looking for new purpose, Veil had been part of the Mutant Underground, smuggling mutants towards... what? Another place where they were hated and feared? She had espoused Xavier's teachings, attempting to bring out his dream of mutants and humans living together in peace... of mutants assimilating into human culture. But they didn't need to assimilate. They didn't need to lose their identities to be peaceful.

"The 22nd I think sounds reasonable - should give everyone plenty of time to prepare and hopefully by then... well, hopefully things may not seem so grim," Reeva said. "The island's telepaths are continuing to provide private grief therapy sessions, kindly overseen by Esme. In the meantime, please do what you can for Genosha... and should you need anything, I am here for all of you."

"Lastly, Stacy X has volunteered to take care of the children orphaned in the attack. I am working closely with her to attempt to find permanent mutant families for them on the island, but if any of you wish to take a little one in, she's set up at the Hellfire Mansion."

"No thanks, Rogue was a handful," Mystique quipped.

"Caduceus," Destiny said, turning to look at him, although she was blind and he could not see her behind the mask. "Your son is waiting for you with Stacy X."

Casper & Sunshine

Location: the Green Lagoon
Skills: Mediumship

"Well, yeah, of course I got readings all the time! Roberto and I had a deal. I would get a reading, and he would get a blowjob," Casper explained. To him, it was completely logical. Roberto had been INCREDIBLY attractive and extremely insightful. Roberto didn't even need to look at the cards in order to deduce that Casper had daddy issues and Casper couldn't fathom how he had come to that conclusion without genuine psychic powers! (Not the bad kind of psychic powers of course, like telepathy - the fun, sexy kind like being able to see the future).

"That girl, Nancy, she was better at it," Ben chimed in.

"She told you that you were going to die, Ben!"

"... Well, I did. So she wasn't wrong."

"... I guess that's fair. Huh," Casper paused for a moment, before suddenly lurching for Max's cards and beginning to shuffle them wildly. He wasn't amazing at shuffling, but he was careful not to bend any of Max's cards. "I... want... to know... if..." Casper paused, still shuffling as he struggled to come up with a question on the spot, "... James and I will live on this island forever," Casper then finished, before thinking about James and sand as hard as he could.

Casper then stopped shuffling and looked up at Jack. "Suuuure - after I get my tarot read, and then we need to ask Max to ask the cards when you're going to finally get a boyfriend!"

Meanwhile, Sunshine was bored with Zari's response - or lack thereof. However, with Andy, it seemed like her suspicions were proven correct. It was very rare for Sunshine to feel like the mature, older role model - but she saw an opportunity here to help this little queer mutant out. After all, Sunshine and Marrow considered themselves to be one of the queer power couples of Genosha. She had to assume that others saw them similarly. And with all of the horrific deaths, Sunshine was very much in the mood to focus on something silly and cute as Andy's crush. "You know, if Zari already has parents, then you're right, it doesn't count. You aren't sisters. You're friends... who could maybe make out sometimes and it wouldn't be weird or wrong or anything. It's an option."

Marrow rolled her eyes. "Leave them alone, babe."

"What? I'm just pointing out that you two have a lot of room for different relationships here since you aren't actually adopted siblings, so you could go for just friends... or spice it up a little bit and do something more. It's Genosha, you don't need to worry about people being homophobic here, and if they are, I'll kick their ass," Sunshine vowed. She had been about to threaten something much more serious, but she didn't want to think about death. She didn't want to think about Feedback and Kristina in the ground.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Praetor Tent
Skills: N/A

Normally, Nancy wasn't a fan of physical contact or touch - the only physical contact she enjoyed was in a fight, and ideally, it was her knocking someone out with a good punch. But as Madalyne pulled her into a tight embrace, Nancy hugged her back like her life depended on it. She couldn't hold back the tears, crying into Madalyne's shoulder, weeping like a soldier's wife seeing her sweetheart off to war. Nancy was asexual and aromantic - but that didn't mean she couldn't love Niah and Mads as deeply as she did. She nodded, blinking rapidly in an effort to stop the tears as Mads pulled away from the hug, Nancy clutching onto Mads' hand like she was afraid to let go. "Yeah, yeah that'd be rad," Nancy sniffed.

She didn't want to sit in a room with the Greeks right now anyways. The sooner New Rome was independent and home again, the better. She bit her lip slightly, before drying her eyes on the back of her sleeve, taking breaths to try to keep the tears from coming again. She knew that Mads and Niah would both come home alright - but she was still terrified that they might not, that they would end up in a situation where they needed her and Nancy would be stuck at Camp Half-blood, helpless to save her friends.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Iris Cabin
Skills: N/A

Leda knew that logically, she had just barely made it back to the Iris Cabin in time to avoid getting caught by Coach Hedge, but that didn't stop her from having a self confident smirk on her face. Her siblings moved too quickly for Hedge to see more than a rainbow blur anyways. And even if he had gotten there before her, he didn't have any proof that she had spent the night in the Poseidon Cabin. The morning cabin check was a ridiculous and futile effort, especially when it came to a cabin full of speedsters. Leda came to a stop with her siblings, staring at Coach Hedge and mentally daring him to say anything. He left and Leda started cackling ever so slightly.

"Nah, the old sod can't get me that easy," Leda reassured her sibling. She then smiled like the Cheshire Cat as Tammy asked her how her evening was. "Do I look like the sort of slut who kisses and tells? Or..." Leda paused for dramatic effect, knowing that her sibling were dying to know what happened, "does other scandalous things that would make Aphrodite blush and tell?" she offered, hardly able to contain the glee in her eyes. "What about your evening, sis?" she asked Tammy.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Guinevere Stark

Guin listened to everything everyone was saying, trying not to give into the pessimistic tinge of her thoughts. They could kill Magneto and end all of this, but they had been trying to do so for ages and hadn't managed to do it. Then, if they managed to somehow stop the nuke, that didn't stop the governments of the world from sending more. Thor could potentially divert some of them into space, but every time? And even if they did kill Magneto, what stopped the government from deciding to nuke New York's mutant population anyways? She wished that she had some brilliant solution that would fix everything. As much as she claimed that she didn't care if she lived or died... Guin wanted to live. She wanted her life to go back to normal. She glanced at Pietro, contemplating something.

"We should have a contingency plan for if we don't succeed - if you all can get into the city, it stands to reason we could get Thor out. If Thor can intercept the nuke and redirect it up into space, it'll buy us some time before the next one is sent," Guin suggested. As for Edus' question, "Magneto holes up near Madison Square Garden, he controls several blocks around the place, his group is always there." They unfortunately didn't know much. Knowing more would've improved their odds of success - and everyone in the city, and the world, was counting on them to defuse this situation.

Jade Cornish

Jade was intrigued by the changes she saw in front of her. The Thing, Hulk, and Thor surviving wasn't the interesting factor - it was more that the Hulk seemed to have become tamed, almost civilized. She had to wonder if he had been capable of doing that all along and if the virus had simply given him the push needed to survive. Thor made a comment about the stench of death on her and Thalia and Jade opened her mouth to make a snarky comment, only for Thalia to run her mouth like she was medically incapable of not speaking. And by the time there was an opening for Jade to reply, the moment had passed. Of course, no one could see her rolling her eyes or how she had been about to speak thanks to the gas mask.

"So all you have is a location, something that could be easily ascertained from a satellite feed or a few hours of reconnaissance work?" Jade summarized, less than impressed with this group's abilities. Thalia had already managed to get them almost identical information with her quick aerial scouting earlier. No wonder these people had been so inefficient when it came to fighting Magneto. They were idiots. "I see. Then we should avoid giving your group any too complex a task, just in case it's too hard for your minds to comprehend. In fact, I think you all would be excellently suited to engage Magneto's forces, creating a diversion so Edus, Thalia, and I can sneak inside to slay Magneto. I trust you all have combative powers? If you don't, then you should stay behind and not waste our time - or your life."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan was a bit surprised to hear that Arthur knew what being gay was - but maybe this society wasn't completely backwards. That or he may have been merely pretending to know. He seemed to really want to do and say all the right things - something that made Megan uncomfortable. He seemed too perfect. She wanted to see his flaws, to see that he was a real person. Her paranoid mind kept wondering if there was something horrible he was hiding behind all of that perfection. But at the same time, most of her paranoia came from the fact that he was a complete stranger for her, someone she had never particularly been dying to meet. Maybe she needed a therapist to talk through all of this with.

Voices then sounded from outside of the cabin and Megan tensed. She didn't un-tense or relax either when Arthur explained that it was his wife - who Megan assumed have to the Lady Guinevere. Megan hesitated as Arthur went outside. Did she want to follow him? Or did she want a few seconds to process everything before meeting her birth mother? Did she want her birth mother to think she looked weak and overwhelmed? If anything, the most appealing option to Megan at the moment would be to run away from all of this, find Merlin, tell him he had made a mistake, and go back to her life in Kansas. Tears threatened to well up in her eyes but Megan blinked them away. She hadn't been ready for this. But she didn't want to look like a coward. She stood up and followed Arthur outside of the cabin to meet her maker.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods
Skills: Asgardian Magic, Asgardian Magic Attacks

Runa had to resist the urge to kick Klara ever so slightly in the shins for sneezing. A small part of her wondered if Klara had thought it would be a funny prank, got the idea, tried not to do it, but ended up doing it anyways - her cousin did tend to have an odd sense of humor at times. Runa herself had never really been a fan of the entire trickster label, but it was something Klara very much identified with. Unfortunately, the fake Prince surrounded the trio in flames, despite Runa's efforts at concealing them. Pietro used his powers to dispel the flames, only causing the other Quicksilver to speed on over out of curiosity, and Runa's spell concealing Pietro failed.

Runa knew she had to act quickly - he was a murderous speedster after all. Runa pulled the īsaz rune and concentrated on the false Prince, encasing his lower half of his body in ice. She had wanted to turn him entirely to ice, but she figured that was close enough. The next rune that her fingers felt was wunjō, meaning joy. She attempted to cast an illusion spell using it, designed to show Quicksilver the thing he loved most in the world, in order to distract him - but it didn't work. Her fingers then grabbed the ice rune again and Runa managed to freeze one of his legs, handicapping him for the moment.

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Motel
Skills: Telepathy

Guin rolled her eyes at Lance's comment about the hotel not looking great. "I know, I'm not fucking stupid," she snapped slightly. "But we can't leave her out in the street and dropping her off at home isn't an option as I'm pretty sure her friends would also try to kill Annie and I, so sketchy hotel it is." She was feeling slightly irritated, mostly as that was an easy emotion to process and understand after the images she had seen. They were in a completely different world and from what Guin was able to tell, this place was a nightmare. The sooner they got out of there, the better. She didn't want to stick around and learn more horrible things. She felt like they were stuck inside some emo kid's fanfiction AU.

Guin and Annie managed to carry Lana between the two of them, with Lance keeping them invisible with his powers. She hadn't heard anything from Pietro in a little while either and it was worrying - he was a speedster, he was usually impatient and hyper, not unresponsive and silent. The hotel itself wasn't an all too unfamiliar environment to Guin. She had stayed in places like this as a teenager, particularly when she was doing one of her many dramatic moments of running away, ditching her school and attempting to live life as someone else. She had also been battling drug addiction. The guy working the counter was... Well, Guin tried not to judge other people fighting addiction, but she was a judgmental person by nature. She raised an eyebrow, biting back some snarky comment, and instead doing a quick telepathic sweep of the hotel - nothing out of the ordinary.

"That's... not usually how these things work," Guin then said, glancing at the pills Lance had been handed. She didn't recognize them. She supposed that was a sign of progress. "I'd flush those, if I were you," she then added, before moving Lana into room 207 and getting the sleeping beauty into the bed.


EARTH 257 - 5:50 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Stolen Ship

Amelia was a bit taken aback, seeing how the console... fought back against Oliver? She didn't know it, but she was witnessing the latest event in a series of oddities, where the technology in this world seemed to almost be sentient, almost alive. She glanced up on the monitor, seeing how Celestine had dashed out of the tree-line, making a run for it. The other ships' fired on her, throwing down a gauntlet more or less - and miraculously, Celestine made it to the ship Amelia and Oliver had hijacked.

"Y'alright, mate?" Amelia asked, her eyes a little wide, but realizing that their situation had taken a turn for the worst. The other ships hadn't known that Amelia and Oliver were in there. And now, they knew that Celestine had hurried inside. One of the buttons on the console began flashing red.

"Someone's hailing us," Celestine said. She was very impulsive. She closed her eyes and put a hand on the console, using her strange powers to patch herself in. "And... I told them we handled it and are going to bring the prisoner back in for interrogation."

"So... Are we going to do the entire trope where Ollie and I dress up in their suits and pretend you're our prisoner?" Amelia suggested, willing to hear the ideas the others had.

"Actually, I'm hearing frequency chatter that the others have escaped - I can patch in and coordinate an extraction point," Celestine suggested. Both of them looked at Oliver, waiting to see his thoughts on the situation and have him weigh in.

"I think either sounds fine to me, 'course that console seems a bit weird, it shocked Oliver," Amelia said. "Ya sure you can control it?"

"Well, that's because the console is alive," Celestine murmured. "His name is P.H.I.L."

Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11 - Basically everyone now -

"It's... a long story," Bonnie admitted to Cass, as Cass asked where she had gotten the armor from. Greek armor was a little bit of an oddity. Bonnie had found the transformation necklace in a letter addressed to her, written in ancient Greek. She had managed to cobble together a translation using SHIELD's translation software, but even that hadn't been perfect. It was enough, though, for her to get a rough idea of the message. For whatever reason, the goddess Athena was interested in her. Thankfully, Cass also seemed to agree that now wasn't the time to talk about it - honestly, it never seemed to be the time to talk about the Greek goddess of it all.

Bonnie had been kind enough to grab the gear of those currently not with the group as well, making sure that no one's items had been left behind. Darcy was carrying most of it. "This stuff is so heavy," Darcy complained. "Oof, she is pissed," Darcy then commented, seeing Sparky shouting at some hot guy - Darcy then did a double take, realizing that she recognized the hot guy. His face had been on the news for years, making sure everyone in the Iron knew exactly who Ragnarok was. If anything made her question her choice to throw in with these people, it was seeing him. "Uh...."

Raynor winced. He knew a day like this was going to come at some point. But he had been naive, thinking that he could avoid it. The few times he had tried to tell Sparky he had either ended up being interrupted or just chickening out. And would she have even really believed him? He was the God of Lies. Telling her that she was adopted and came from a different reality was insane. "Sparks, we can talk, okay? Just not here!" Raynor insisted. "I don't want to die and I don't want you to die, so once we escape, you can yell at me."

Folly, meanwhile, had picked up the extra Muramasa blades. "Is this all of you?" she asked the group.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Guinevere Stark

Guin didn't know how to put into words everything that she was feeling, but primarily, she was tired. The humans were apparently going to nuke New York City, as that was always their solution. The last time they had sent a nuke, her dad had almost died diverting it into outer space. Maybe it had been foolish for him to even try back then - maybe New York's destiny was to be destroyed by the United States government. And if they managed to stop this nuke, what stopped the next one? What kept the government from sending a nuke the next time an Avengers level threat reared its ugly head? Was there a point in resisting Magneto if the humans were going to kill them anyways? "I'm fine, I'm just tired of all of this - of living in the fucking sewer and eating garbage... I should be in a penthouse watching Netflix and scrolling through social media, or in a lab running some sort of experiment... I'm not meant for this," she confessed to Pietro quietly.

"I know Guina... None of this is really what any of us expected at all..."

"The humans are going to kill us all - and if they don't, they'll just send a nuke again. The first one nearly killed my dad," Guin said.

"You don't know that..."

"Yeah, I don't," Guin said, but privately, she couldn't help but wonder if they were on the wrong side. She didn't believe that Magneto was good - she hated him, he had killed her family - but humanity didn't seem much better either. Maybe it would've been better to walk away and let everyone kill each other. She waved slightly at the Thing, not really in a mood to talk anymore - even with Pietro.

Jade Cornish

Jade wasn't shocked to see that apparently the Thing had survived all of this - and to learn that Thor and the Hulk had as well. It was grim to know, though, that even their resistance against Magneto hadn't been enough. She knew she was an egotistical person, but even Jade was finding it hard to believe that they could succeed in their mission when those three powerhouses could not. A moment's reflection though comforted her - Thor and the Thing weren't known for being geniuses. And the Hulk was a complicated case. The answer was likely not brute force here, but strategy - and she excelled at that.

All they needed to do was devise the optimal strategy and enact it. She would need to catalogue all of the powers and abilities available to them amongst this group, as well as those of their opponents. Some of them in this tunnel would likely end up having to sacrifice their lives - Jade herself knew she was unlikely to leave this city alive - but that was acceptable. She didn't come here to live.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 9:20 AM


Location: The Grove
Skills: N/A

Reeva smiled, pleased to see that the Quiet Council was now whole. "I am sure you will all serve Genosha well," she said, in an attempt to reassure Spark Plug in particular. With the Summer Table, the heroes of Genosha, now seated, Reeva commanded the attention of the room. "The Marauders have been dispatched to replenish our supplies and should return by sundown this evening. We've solved the physical problems from the attack... as much as they can be solved," Reeva paused, doubtlessly thinking of the 198. "But we still have a threat to Genosha that must be addressed - the emotional and spiritual trauma. Our people have lost their hope and we must restore it. I'm open to suggestions from any table on what we can do," Reeva finished, before taking her seat once more, her eyes sweeping over the rest of the Quiet Council.

At the Autumn Table, Magneto was silent - emotions were never very much his area of expertise. In the past when the Brotherhood members had a crisis of faith, he had used force and fear to 'inspire' them into action. Selene was twirling a strand of her hair around her left index finger, before reaching underneath the table and grabbing... a human skull? No one seemed to say anything, even as Veil's jaw dropped.

"His name is Nick Damiano, dear," Selene said, sensing Veil's confusion. "He's my emotional support skull."

Veil was fully convinced that Selene was insane - she reminded her of a popular DC Comics character, Harley Quinn. It baffled her that no one else here seemed to be concerned? She glanced at James and Callie, very clearly non-verbally asking them if they also found this weird as hell.

"How about we give them drugs?" Sinister suggested, completely serious. "We could even turn them all into Hounds. A mind-controlled citizen is a happy citizen after all."

Polaris' eyes flashed. "No!" she said firmly. "They're fucking people, we're going to treat them with dignity. It'll take time, but morale will bounce back, we just have to be patient and committed." Sinister smiled sickeningly at her.

"How's Havok, by the way?" Sinister asked.

"Perhaps we hold a gala," Esme Frost suggested, cutting off Sinister and Polaris' conversation. "Let everyone dress up, hire Saucier to cater, have dancing and fireworks and music," Esme said. "Jumbo Carnation's here, I'm sure he would design for us if we asked, Fashion Week isn't for a few months."

"Oh, I love a party!" Selene said, clapping her hands together. "A fetish ball will lift everyone's spirits. Perhaps we can even invite some of the humans, make a day of it," she suggested, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Irene directed her gaze directly at Selene, although she didn't say a word.

"... That's actually not half bad," Reeva said, looking a little surprised. "Shall we vote then on the proposal? All in favor of a Hellfire Gala, raise your hands..."

Veil hesitated for a moment. She didn't know if a party was going to really help things - but then again, maybe it would. Maybe a night of fun and dancing would boost the island's morale. It wasn't like it would be that very day anyways, it seemed like the sort of event that would need at least a week's worth of planning. Maybe the change of pace would do everyone good. And it was hard for her to see the harm in throwing a party.

Veil raised her hand, voting in favor.

Casper & Sunshine

Location: the Green Lagoon
Skills: Mediumship

Shockingly, ghosts were capable of crying - everyone's kind remarks caused Ben to get teary eyed, as he wiped away his ghostly tears. "Tell Max thanks, I'm glad to see him too - and that he's looking cute today," Ben said. "Tell Echo for me that Ghost Hawaii is boring compared to Ghost Vegas. And tell Jack his butt is looking cute today."

Casper crinkled his nose, mostly at that last comment. "Eww, Ben, that's gross. I get why you think Max is cute, but Jackie? Really? He looks like someone put a hot dog through a taffy stretcher machine thingy and glued on some Mr Potato Head eyes!" Casper protested. "By the way, Max, Ben says you look cute today - and Echo, he says Ghost Hawaii sucks ass." Ben sighed slightly, more or less used to Casper's less than stellar translations - it was one of the worst parts of being a ghost. He could only really communicate directly to Casper, unless Casper had conjured him.

"Soooo anything fun in those cards?" Casper then asked, a little bit curious about Max's tarot cards. Casper had grown up in New Orleans and had gotten a few tarot readings done, as it was very much a French tradition and French magic had a home in that city, particularly in the French Quarter. "Can you do a reading for me?" Casper then pressed, easily distracted and now fixated on the subject of tarot.

Sunshine pulled away from the kiss with her wife, raising a bit of an eyebrow at Andy and Zarina. Those two were being awfully quiet - well, not really Zari, Zari seemed to be incapable of shutting up. But she wasn't saying anything that anyone else could understand. So Sunshine, feeling still a bit raw from everything that happened and eager for a distraction, decided maybe it was best to pry a little bit into those two. "So, are you two friends or...?" Sunshine trailed off.

"Babe, you can't just ask that," Marrow said, chuckling lightly.

"Well too late, I just did, so spill the tea you two," Sunshine requested. "I heard Magneto adopted you both basically, so you're sisters or...?" she trailed off again. It reminded her slightly of something one of her cellmates in juvi had been obsessed with - some show where two characters who were very much in love and dating were suddenly declared to be cousins.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Everyone else had emptied out from the room, loving her alone with Arthur. Megan wasn't certain whether to interpret her brother's gesture as him being confident in her or him being worried. Her thoughts were so scattered, racing around in her head constantly. She wished she could have had more time to prepare for this - even though deep down, she knew it would still be awkward. She couldn't study for a meeting with her biological father. And she realized that her biological mother would likely be making an appearance soon too. She listened to his explanation, noticing that he outlined what Merlin had wanted - and not what he and Lady Guinevere wanted. She didn't know how to interpret that statement - should she take it in good faith? Or should she assume the worst?

Megan swallowed slightly. She wanted to rush into a safer question - like asking Arthur about his medical history, so that way she would know if there was anything in her family history she needed to be aware of. But she tried to force herself to live in this moment, as uncomfortable as it was. "What did you and Lady Guinevere want?" she asked him, her mouth dry.

"Your mother and I always wanted to keep you safe no matter what, even if it meant that we would have to send you away which is the hardest decision we had made."

He seemed like a good person. Megan was having a hard time accepting that her biological parents were... nice? It would have been easier to process if she had been told that Captain Hook or someone was her biological father, as much as Megan knew that personality traits and skills had nothing to do with genetics. "I... Okay. What do you want to know about me?" Megan asked, feeling uncomfortable and not knowing what to ask or how to proceed.

Arthur started to think for a moment as he looked over at his daughter. "What do you do for fun, and what do you do for a living?" He asked, wanting to actually try and get to know his daughter some more.

"I cut open dead bodies," Megan answered reflexively, before pausing slightly, "... so I can determine their cause of death. That's for work, not fun - I mean, I love my work and I do have fun, I just... get paid to do it... For fun I watch horror movies and fence..." She stared at him, expecting to see a look of horror on his face.

Arthur looked at Megan with a surprised look when she opened up that she cut open dead corpses, but then learning more on the cause of someone's death was a bit interesting. "I'm happy that your work does make you happy." Arthur said, he wasnt sure what a movie was but he knew what fencing was. "What is a horror movie?"

"It's... " Megan paused, about to repeat the word movie before realizing that was probably most of the problem. "They're stories about people going through terrifying situations, like being stalked by a serial killer or possessed by a demon or hunted by witches. They're like plays, except you can watch them whenever you want. Most of the characters in them die horrible bloody deaths."

Arthur wasnt sure what to think if he would actually like watching a horror movie or not, and with the description that his daughter made it was a source of entertainment. Plays were always pretty common and had gone to a few as well in the past, but none of them were really about murders or anything like that. "They sound pretty interesting."

"... You don't think I'm a freak?" Megan asked, surprised.

Arthur smiled and shook his head towards her. "I don't think you are a freak at all, i'll support you no matter what, thats if you want me and your mother around that is."

"... I... I'm not there yet, for a family relationship... I don't know if I ever will be... But... Friends, maybe?" Megan suggested. "Also, I'm gay, if that's going to be an issue."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Praetor Tent
Skills: N/A

Nancy slept without any prophetic dreams that night. On the one hand, it was nice to get some peaceful sleep - on the other hand, it made her feel useless. No dreams meant that she wasn't being called to anything. Even though she hadn't been in the prophecies, she had expected on some level to still play a role in events, beyond just keeping a watchful eye over the Legion. The thought only served to bring an edge of horror to her feelings. Part of why she hated her gift of prophecy was that she didn't want to become the old crone the Legion would drag out for predictions and advice - but now, she felt she may as well have been a hag, left behind while the others risked their lives.

Maybe she ought to get used to it, she wondered glumly, aware of Joanie asleep on top of her head. She was going to join Diana's Hunt and become frozen at age 18. Her friends would grow old and leave her behind, moving forward in their lives as she remained eternally stuck. Maybe it was better that it happened already - to make it less painful later on. She heard Mads moving, getting up and getting ready to get dressed. Nancy didn't want to move. She wanted to freeze this moment, to avoid getting up and seeing her two best friends go off - perhaps for the last time.

Her love for them was painful and raw.

"Off, Joanie," Nancy muttered, pushing the sleeping dragon off of her face. She got up and got dressed, putting on a black turtleneck and frayed jeans - one of her more contemporary outfits. "... Are you heading out now or do you have time for breakfast?" Nancy then asked Mads and Niah, not looking them in the eye in order to hide the fact that her eyes were watering with tears.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Poseidon Cabin
Skills: N/A

Leda woke up from the dream to soft, gentle kisses pressed up against her neck - something infinitely better than a nightmarish battle underneath the sea, where Oceanus' forces had claimed Poseidon's Trident. She knew that it was something they'd have to deal with - 'twas the nature of demigod dreams. But it wasn't something they had to deal with today. Today was going to be fun and exciting, maybe involve falling into a minor monster's trap, and then some greasy food on the side of a road somewhere. Hopefully Arthur wouldn't get too grossed out with some sneaked kisses between her and Kiera every now and then - but then again, Leda wouldn't exactly care if he did.

The domestic bliss was shattered though as Leda heard the screams of a rather angry satyr - Coach Hedge. She rolled her eyes slightly. "What a bloody buzzkill," she murmured, giving Kiera a kiss on the neck before getting dressed. She figured that he would be in the Poseidon Cabin quickly enough, but not so fast that a speedster couldn't make a quick getaway, allowing Leda to speed off to the Iris Cabin and pretend she hadn't spent the night having fun with her girlfriend. She didn't see why it mattered anyways - it wasn't like she and Kiera were going to get separate hotel rooms during the quest, unless Coach Hedge was counting on Arthur to be a chaperone.

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