Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: NYC Motel, Outside
Skills: Asgardian Magic, Darkness Manipulation, Darkness Constructs, Asgardian Magic Attacks

As anticipated, Midgard's meager forces were distracted by her demonic shadow construct Runa was puppeteering. The Midgardian bullets were flying harmlessly through the shadow construct, as it was not made out of flesh or bone, instead made out of shadows and the absence of light. The cops had not heeded her warning though and Runa twisted her hands inward, controlling the shadow monster, and causing the construct to stomp on the cops, crushing a good portion underneath its heel. She had slain many of the forces present, with the rest scattering and running towards the hotel for refuge. Runa's eyes narrowed. It was cowardly of them. "Not so fast," she murmured, before swinging her left arm forward, and the shadow construct then kicked, hitting most of the remaining cops - and the front of the building.

A gigantic chunk of the front of the building was now gone, obliterated by her minion's kick. Runa raised an eyebrow. It was easy to forget how fragile Midgardian structures were - such a kick wouldn't have knocked down any of the walls in Odin's halls. The front of the building looked like it might be about to crumble - along with the rest of it. Still, Pietro had run inside - he was fast, he would be able to get everyone out, Runa was certain of that. And if not, Lance could shift into the beast and use his body to protect himself and the others from the destruction. "Cousin, would you mind casting a spell with me to reinforce that building? Midgardian craftsmanship is rather disappointing."

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Motel
Skills: Telepathy

Guin chuckled ever so slightly at Annie whispering thanks to her - and acknowledging that she had done most of the work. She had only recently begun applying herself at a telepath, honing the focused totality of her psychic powers, and it felt good to finally succeed at it. Guin wasn't used to having to try at things - most things were either easy or just given to her. For instance, she hadn't had to go through SHIELD's academy system, instead just put into the field. She never had had to study for tests or exams or even give an assignment more than a second thought in school - she was a prodigy, it was easy, she was a gifted child, she didn't need to learn how to struggle and how to fail. Her psychic powers were the first things she really had to struggle with to become good at.

She considered what Annie said about their being a secret way out - her mind flickered to prohibition era structures, was this motel even old enough? It seemed old, but Guin doubted that it was actually that old. The odds seemed slim to her that there were any fun secret exits, but maybe she was wrong. "Yeah, that... that's Runa," Guin replied softly to Annie. Pietro then showed up and Guin couldn't help but feel relieved - as cliche as it seemed, he made her feel safe. And she trusted that at the very least, he'd make sure that Amidala, her cute little pet, managed to get out okay.

"... I don't love leaving people behind, but the more we talk, the less running time you have. Maybe I can give you a psychic boost, help you go faster."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach
Skills: Prophecy

Niah's line was so corny and gross that Nancy, despite her general melodramatic mood, couldn't help but laugh a little bit at it - it made her want to gag, hearing that they were in Niah's heart, as sweet as the sentiment was. "Thank the gods you aren't going with Leandra, that bitch would stab you in the back as soon as she had a chance," Nancy muttered darkly. Nancy dried her eyes with her free hand, holding onto Mads' hand and feeling a little calmer, a little more reassured. Her friends were being positive - she had to be positive for them, too. She had to be optimistic about all of this. "If I join the Hunt, who's going to be there to watch over your asses?" Nancy then joked, turning to look again at Niah and Mads, only to suddenly stiffen. Her vision went dark as her body began to jerk and spasm, her head jerking and her legs kicking. To everyone else, it would look like she was having a seizure.

But to Nancy, she was trapped in a vision in her least favorite place in the world. Her heart felt like it stopped beating when she recognized her surroundings - the Lotus Hotel and Casino. The place. The place where bad things, no terrible things had happened to her. She could remember like yesterday getting into the scalding hot water of the shower, scrubbing her body until her knuckles cracked and bled, all in an attempt to feel clean, but she couldn't scrub what had happened away. She wanted to scream for help - as small as it made her felt, she wanted to scream for her father. Instead, she watched as a group of five Greeks started to explore the hotel, eventually a door in a secluded part of the Casino came into view, monsters spilling out of it.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"Yikes, tough crowd," Leda said, seeing both Andy and Arthur completely ignore her as they got up and left the table. The two of them seemed to be very into spending time together, and as they were little, Leda didn't want to go 'oh they must be dating!' but it was still very cute. They seemed like best friends. But at the same time, Leda couldn't help but be slightly annoyed - was it too hard for them to give her a little acknowledgment or whatever? They could bus their dishes but not say hi? Whatever, it was their loss, not hers. Thankfully, Kiera filled her in on what they had been talking about - just the quests in general.

She rolled her eyes at the slowpoke comment, knowing Kiera was saying it on purpose. "I needed to give you some time to miss me, babe," she joked. "And I think a better question is what am I not eating for breakfast?" she then added. Her plate was practically overflowing with all of the breakfast-y goodness she had piled onto it. Such was the speedster's lot - all of that running gave her one majorly grumbly stomach and the only solution was carbs, carbs, and more carbs.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan's brief moment of anger with King Arthur and Queen Guinevere subsided, hearing that they would be joining them on this quest - good. She didn't feel a personal attachment to them, but that didn't mean she couldn't be disappointed if the royals had decided to let others fight for the good of the people in the land. She was still slightly suspicious of Arthur and Guinevere, as history taught her that there were no truly good royals, but maybe myths were an exception. Maybe they actually were good people put in positions of power by divine right or whatever excuse they were peddling that week. "Oh," Megan said. "Good."

She didn't know if she needed to apologize or not for being a bit snippy, but she hadn't been intentionally rude - well, beyond more or less alluding that kings should be beheaded, but it wasn't like King Arthur knew anything about Marie Antoinette. "I'm not used to seeing kings and queens who aren't either tyrants or puppets," Megan then explained. Despite growing up in Kansas, she spoke with a soft British accent - a relic of her youth in this world, she realized.


EARTH 257 - 6:30 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Stolen Ship

Cass tried nobly to grab the tools and assist, but she was knocked onto her ass, hitting the floor of the ship. The abrupt nature of the power being cut meant they were falling rapidly and keeping balance was challenging, even for the superhuman. Case in point, Darcy ended up falling to the side, slamming into the wall and groaning slightly from what had almost definitely left a series of bruises up her side. Maria tried to notch an arrow, but the suddenness of it caused her to actually drop her bow, the bow then sliding across the floor away from her. Flynn narrowly missed slamming into Matt, something that definitely would've improved their relationship, and he'd manage to stop his fall. Niah moved to try to get her magic headphones on Celestine, but ended up falling and hitting her nose on the ground, ouch, the headphones skidding away from her.

Matt, seemingly the genius of the group, managed to grab onto a bar secured to the side of one of the consoles, keeping himself from falling. Folly started to lose her balance, only to narrowly recover, keeping herself from going to the ground. Bonnie's reflexes similarly allowed her to grab onto a nearby support and stabilize herself. Amelia jumped upwards, manipulating the air currents around herself in order to balance on her tippy toes.

But in a stroke of cosmic stupidity, the person who fared worst of all was none other than the being formerly known as Celestine. The technopath pitched forward from the sudden change in momentum. But Celestine and everyone around wasn't the only one going flying. Maybe it was bad luck, maybe it was Amelia's air current manipulation or Oliver's speed, maybe it was just the force of gravity - but Folly's muramasa blade had pitched forward as well. There was a SNIKT! as Celestine's body came to a stop, impaled on that horrific blade.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Darcy screamed, terrified for her life. "SOMEONE DO SOMETHING OR WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!"

"Jesus bloody fucking mother of Christ!" Amelia cursed, combining a few expressions into one. She tip-toed her way on over to the pilot's seat, manipulating the air around herself in order to stabilize herself, keeping her from losing her balance. When she got there, she took a seat and then saw that - well, she saw nothing. They still didn't have any power. Whatever Celestine/not-Celestine had done, it hadn't ended with Celestine's death. "Someone needs to turn the bloody power back on or we're all going to go splat! Like those eggs we tossed off the roof as kids!"

"Sparky, can you get the power back on?" Bonnie asked quickly. Sparky was an electrical engineer with electricity powers, as well as the ability to fly. She was pretty much the most qualified person on the ship at the moment in order to fix things and keep them from dying. "Oliver, can you make sure everyone is strapped in, just in case we have a crash landing?" she asked the speedster, figuring if he moved fast enough he would be able to keep his balance more or less.

Raynor's heart was pounding, realizing the situation. He didn't know if he preferred this to the conversation he had been having with Sparky. Namely, his concern wasn't for himself - it was for her. He knew that he could walk away from this, he was an Asgardian, it might break every bone in his body but he would live to tell the tale - Sparky? Not so much. Of course, her reminder that she could fly did comfort him, but she also had an annoying tendency to want to help and save others - and that was what he worried would get her killed.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods -> NYC Motel, Outside
Skills: Infinite Deception of Words, Asgardian Magic, Darkness Manipulation, Darkness Constructs, Asgardian Magic Attacks

Runa had been about to offer to conjure up a simple glamour for Pietro, in order to keep him from being too easily spotted - of course, Klara did have an edge on her when it came to glamour magic. Love and beauty magic went hand in hand in Runa's experience, but she didn't do shabby work at glamours by any means. She remembered one of her earliest glamours rather fondly - she had been going to a party with her old beau, a Roman god with blinding golden hair, located in the last vestiges of Roman civilization deep in the Amazon jungle. Such reminiscing was cut short when Pietro spirited them away, coming to a stop in what looked like an alleyway in New York City. Runa both loved and detested the concrete landscape of New York - it was a marvel and miracle, just as it was a horrific affront to nature.

Pietro explained the situation and Runa nodded. She knew that she had been avoiding using her power, after the trouble it had been giving her in Nova Corps territory. But there was no reason to get in her head about it. She took a pause. "I can handle the guards," she volunteered, slipping into the Asgardian vernacular for a moment. "Klara, if you wouldn't mind assisting, in mind and body? That allows Pietro then to retrieve the others." Runa then focused, Gandr extending out to full length as her staff glowed in front of her, she felt the swirling eddies of reality around her and she lied.

"The cops are all asleep." Klara contradicted her lie and Runa tugged at the strings of reality, snapping her fingers. But instead of the large release of magical power she was accustomed to, it was more a sad and timid result - she barely made any of the officers go to sleep. Her eyebrows furrowed. "The cops vanished into the aether," Runa lied, going with a more violent and permanent solution, her own frustration feeding into her choice. Klara contradicted the claim, seemingly not bothered by the violence, and Runa snapped. Half of the cops disappeared into nothingness.

"Their fellows likely will have noticed that. Go now, Pietro," Runa urged, before now going for a more showy bit of magic. She gathered up darkness around her and breathed life into a construct, using her magic to give it a voice, and she sent a large shadow-y looking demon out into the fray.

"I will spare those who flee. The rest, I will suckle on the marrow of your bones, and the bones of your children and their children after them, until nothing is left of your line but blood and pain," Runa/the shadow demon said.

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Motel
Skills: Telepathy

A voice popped into her head - Pietro, thankfully having arrived to the rescue. They had managed to avoid getting arrested and/or shot at so far, but knowing that there was a speedster outside with a pair of actual Norse goddesses made Guin feel much better about their chances. They still had to deal with the dead weight of Lana and of course, Guin was feeling guilty for the others in the hotel who weren't as lucky, who were being arrested while they were able to make an escape attempt. She wanted to help them, but they could barely help themselves as things stood. A glance out the window told her the entire place was surrounded too. It's me, Lance, Annie, and this girl we accidentally kidnapped. I don't know why the cops here, I assume because they're assholes, Guin answered.

...Sounds like the usual chaos that follows us around honestly

Guin then felt some of the cops... fall asleep? And then she heard a booming voice, threatening to suck on people's bones and eat their children. ...Is that you guys?

Yeah, it's Runa trying to scare people to get them away. Not sure how well this will work out if the cops decide to come after us or whatever.

Dramatic af. Anyways. Coast seems clear inside here, if you can speed on up and grab the girl. Maybe Lance too. Annie and I can get out ourselves, we've been kinda kicking ass with illusions.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 10:00 AM


Location: Heading to the Green Lagoon
Skills: N/A

Veil's feelings about the X-Men were complicated and ever-evolving. There had been periods in her life where she idolized them, seeing them as the perfect mutant heroes, mutants who could demand dignity that humanity tried to withhold. At other times, they seemed like celebrities - superficial, fake, elite, and beautiful. "I'm frustrated with them," Veil admitted. "They're supposed to care about mutantkind and work towards making a better world for all mutants - but it seems like they can't be bothered to descend from their ivory tower in Westchester when we need them. X was always asking us to do things, sending us little bribes so we wouldn't realize that we were expendable to him... If you don't wear an X, you don't matter to him and his child soldiers."

Maybe the X-Men were heroes - or maybe they were nothing. It didn't change the fact that when mutantkind needed them most, they weren't there. And given that they were led by one of the world's foremost telepathic talents, a man equipped with a machine that allowed him to connect to every mutant mind on Earth, it was inexcusable to happen once, let alone more than that. And it had. Xavier didn't care - and the X-Men were made in his image. "Sorry to get all political on you, it's just been weighing on my mind since... well, since what happened to the Morlocks."

They were outside the Green Lagoon now. Veil stopped, not knowing if Spark Plug wanted to continue this conversation or head inside. She then noticed Andy coming on out, looking slightly distressed. But before she could approach Andy, someone else did.

"Are you alright, child?" Magneto asked, having come from the Grove as well. He removed his helmet, his silver-white hair blowing slightly across his face.

Casper & Sunshine

Location: the Green Lagoon
Skills: Mediumship

Casper found Max's distrust of Selene a little funny, given how they had thrown their lots in with their former enemies, the Hellfire Club, on Genosha. It seemed to him like this entire experiment only really worked if people trusted each other, if they were willing to hand out second chances like candy, and have everyone work together. But then again, what did he know - he hadn't even managed to successfully graduate from high school, much less take any sort of political science or theory class.

Casper was distracted from whatever he had been about to blurt out when his very sexy lover came up from behind and tilted his head up into a kiss. Casper's eyes fluttered from the simple sweet gesture. "What plate, babe?" Casper asked, having already forgotten about the plate shattering incident.

"The one you broke?" Ben pointed out.

"Huh? Oh! Babe! Guess what! Ben is back! He's okay! He's not dead! Well he's dead but he's not dead-dead, you know? Like Echo didn't actually kill him forever, he just sorta... I don't know what he did but Ben is back!"

Sunshine snickered slightly as Echo asked her why Northstar being an asshole was a good thing. "Because I think you kinda want someone to step on you," Sunshine explained bluntly. Echo didn't strike her as the sort of person who wanted to be in charge when it came to a relationship - and she could easily imagine Northstar calling the shots with a charming smirk on his face. "I don't know how he tips, because again, money isn't really a thing here."

"He was in the Olympics, got a gold medal and everything in some skiing event," Marrow said. "He's very... fast, if you catch my drift." She then snickered a little bit herself. There were a few speedsters on the island, and, well... Let your imagination fill in a few of the dirty details and you probably have an idea of what Marrow was implying. "He is a speedster after all - and he can fly and I think shoot light beams."
Hellfire Manor...

"That's exactly what I want you to do, diapers need to be changed. As much as I'd love to boop these little devils on the nose and keep them from pooping, the shit has to go somewhere and it's better it goes out the correct end," Stacy X explained. "The other thing you could do would be to adopt one or more of the kids and show them a loving home, or hell, bully other people on the island into doing that - I'm not going to play mommy to these kids forever. I've got a life to live."
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

Jade didn't bother pointing out to the rest of these people that she had what O.M.E.N. classified as a deviance. They seemed far too narrow minded to comprehend such a subtle gift and ability. She also let the ginger's comments just roll off of her back, not giving them too much weight or mind. She didn't see a point in the young British woman informing her of an obvious conclusion. There were plenty of ways for people to die. Jade didn't even know how her deviance or the fact that she had been resurrected would interact with Magneto's virus, but she didn't care. She wasn't here to survive. She was here to stop Magneto - something this group proved incapable of doing. "You could be killed with something as meaningless as a paperclip," she told Carolina, before stepping out of the area where everyone had crowded in order to contact Jakobsen.

"Jakobsen, this is Cornish, do you read me?" Jade said into her communicator.

"Yeah, I hear you, what's the situation over there?" Jakobsen's reply came.

"We located Magneto's base of operations, he's taken over the buildings near Madison Square Garden. Resistance efforts seem to be made up of Thor, the Hulk, and the Thing, as well as a handful of the kid X-Men. They haven't made much traction, seemingly from either a lack of skill or experience or leadership or both," Jade said, delivering her assessment.

"So they are alive huh? Though doesn't sound like there is a whole lot that has been done. The good news seems to be you do have more then just the three of you to potentially do something. Though the fact that they haven't been able to accomplish a lot isn't exactly a good thing, or reassuring really."

"The way I see it, their most effective use is as a distraction," Jade replied bluntly.

"You likely won't be able to accomplish much if you only use that group as a distraction, you'll need their help to likely be able to have much of a chance. There is only so much three people can do against Magneto and his group. No matter what you'll need to be careful, as you are severely outnumbered."

"Then we use the baby X-Men as the distraction and take the Hulk, Thor, and the Thing with us."

Guinevere Stark

Guin wanted to claim independence and leadership and all of that, but honestly, it was nice to see Edus more or less taking charge. She didn't know him, but he seemed like he was confident and had a plan - and unlike Mary, he didn't scream at them all the time. It also didn't hurt that he was a bit older than the rest of them, helping him to look somewhat like an authority figure - like someone her father might've asked to join the Avengers. "Blueprints should be kept on file at City Hall, in the city planning office," Guin pointed out. They should be able to get physical copies from there - at least, she had watched enough Parks and Rec to be fairly certain that they'd exist there. The other option would be to somehow get access to the Internet and be able to download them, but Guin wasn't going to hold her breath.

"Yeah, I can leapfrog from body to body..." she said to Edus. She hadn't done it very often and it took a bit more energy out of her. People seemed to end up back in their correct bodies when she was done with it, so that was nice - it would've been stressful if people ended up randomly mixed in the wrong bodies. "And no, I can't read their minds, since they're displaced by me."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach
Skills: N/A

Nancy felt much better once they were out of the dining pavilion - even with the openness of it, the Greeks made the entire place feel stifling. She wished that Niah and Mads were going on the quest together, as at least then they could watch each other's backs - but instead, the only two Romans going would be separated from each other. Even the prophecies seemed to favor the Greeks. Nancy wondered if that was some sort of cosmic joke - the Roman praetor shunned her prophetic power and thus the prophecies shunned the Romans, dividing them up and keeping them apart. If Niah were to die on this quest, who would bring her home for burial? When Mads... When Mads died on this quest, there wouldn't be that problem - she would burst into dust.

She shook herself out of her thoughts, sitting down on the blanket Mads had conjured, and tossing Joanie a biscuit. "Maybe," Nancy said to Mads, before sighing slightly. "I know I'm being a bitch about this. We should be toasting you two and doing whatever you want, but... I'm fucking terrified I'm about to lose the people I love and I can't do anything about it..." Nancy admitted, turning her face away so Mads and Niah couldn't see her. "There's a million Greeks on these quests and neither of you will have a Roman sword to back you up. That's bullshit... We're supposed to be strong and enduring, and we don't even have a home. We lost our home and we've been treated like trash."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"Me? Cheat?" Leda asked, looking offended by her sister's words. She went up and tossed in a bit of food from her plate to her dear old mother, with an added prayer for Iris to convince Hephaestus to start airing Drag Race: Mount Olympus worldwide. She knew Apollo would take the crown, but Leda considered that hypothetical show to be the synthesis of her two cultures - Greek mythology and gay. She then sped her way on over to her girlfriend, sitting down next to Kiera at the Hades Table, and glancing across at the younger company.

"What are we talking about, luvs?" Leda asked, curious as to what she had missed. Even speedsters missed bits of conversations from time to time, it wasn't too unusual. Arthur was standing up, looking as official as a small baby child can look - and Andy was still eating. Probably a good idea. Quests often were just stretches of looking for food to gorge on after skipping a few meals. And as a speedster, Leda tended to need to eat more than most. "You two excited?" she asked the kids.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan found it incredibly odd that Arthur and Guinevere weren't instantly volunteering to move with them. They seemed like perfect people - wouldn't they want to go with them to find the mermaids and continue to work towards removing Maleficent from power? Had they just given up them, resigning themselves to living in this cabin in the woods? Guinevere went off to make food - Megan was slightly irked, feeling that Arthur should've gone to help her, she didn't like that task falling solely on Guinevere. But then, Arthur was offering to give them information about the surrounding areas and whatnot. Megan, however, couldn't help but fixate on the idea that Arthur and Guinevere had given up - that they had accepted their fate.

"Are you not coming with us, then?" Megan asked, perhaps a bit sharply. "You're going to stay here and do what, exactly? Perhaps the French were right with Marie Antoinette, if this is what kings do." Her emotions were going all over the place, but it was easy for her to criticize Arthur and Guinevere's decision to seemingly stay in hiding, rather than risking their lives for the betterment of the less fortunate. As much as Megan didn't like the concept of monarchies and royalty, and she didn't feel that excalibur was a good indication of the right to rule, maybe this was why the sword was hers now - and not Arthur's.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods
Skills: N/A

Runa was offended at Quicksilver's distaste for the outfit she had given him - it had been all the rage in 1963. She had seen a young speedster on Midgard wear it back then, what had his name been, it started with a W? At any rate, it was fashionable and she made a mental note to get Pietro to wear something like it once they got back. He could use with an updated look anyways - the silver jacket and Hawaiian shirts were beginning to get a tad old. Thankfully, Pietro managed to beat Quicksilver in the battle of the speedsters, meaning that their opponents had been taken out.

Runa was of the mind that the best course of action would be to re-group with the others, as much as she was mildly curious about where these enemies had come from. "We should make way towards the others, we know the general direction, and my magic and your mental bond to Guinevere can guide us the rest of the way," Runa told Pietro. Once they had the others, they could begin to figure out their next steps. She would just feel much better once she knew the rest of the team had regrouped, particularly those ones that Runa worried about being alone in combat, like Lance and Annie.

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Motel
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Battle Meditation, Telepathic Attacks

Guin really hated cops. It was one of the reasons she was glad she had left SHIELD - back then, a privileged rich brat, she hadn't really realized that SHIELD agents were just cops with fancier titles. The entire superhuman Civil War she had missed out on during her honeymoon had more or less been proof of that, where the government tried to force all the superheroes to register and basically become glorified super-cops. It was one of the reasons why she was proud to be an X-Man - no one ever mistook the X-Men for cops. The Fantastic Four and the Avengers occasionally drifted into that territory, but never the X-Men.

Aside from feelings of anger towards the cops in the room, Guin was feeling pretty proud of herself - she had been applying her telepathy more and more lately, and it was paying off. She was single-handedly convincing the cops that their room at the motel was entirely empty - she just hoped everyone else in the motel had made it out before any of the asshole police got to them. She noticed Annie begin to pick up the slack and Guin took a breath, redoubling her efforts. At first, she almost lost her grip of both the boost to Annie's powers and her mental meddling, but she managed to improve her own illusion work drastically after another moment of focus. This plan was working.

Can't talk. Focusing.
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