Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan turned her head, as her brother asked if everything was alright. In truth, she didn't really know. She didn't know how to deal with all of this information that had been thrown at her. It was one thing to be told that her birth parents were King Arthur and Lady Guinevere - it was another thing entirely to meet them and have them be so frustratingly perfect. "I wish they had a little bit of a monster in them," Megan admitted to her brother, quietly enough that no one but him could hear. "They're idealized myths. I wish there was something in them to despise." Arthur and Guinevere were perfect - they were the heroic ideals, royals who were just and kind and righteous. People like them didn't exist in the world that Megan grew up in.

More importantly, she couldn't see hints of herself in them. She knew that there was undoubtedly inherited physical characteristics, but those personality traits and quirks, none of it was there. She knew that people didn't inherit personalities genetically - that was impossible and just bad science - but still, she felt like she had no connection to those people. At least a little darkness in them would have humanized them and be something that Megan could relate to. Instead, they just looked like strangers to her, people from a world that Megan could never belong to.

The crocodile was nearby, meaning the pirates were as well. Megan wouldn't have minded an altercation with the pirates - a sword fight with them honestly seemed fun. But they didn't have time for that. They needed to move and quickly. Unfortunately, the others, their guides, hadn't arrived yet it seemed.


EARTH 257 - 7:00 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Iron

Stolen Ship

Bonnie nodded as Matt asked her if the smell was better, but she was lying. It was horrible. She didn't realize how it was possible for her to still be reacting to the stench, but then she realized it wasn't actually the vomit that was setting her off. It was the smell of Celestine's blood, clinging to the blade that had killed her and Celestine's clothing. Matt was dragging Celestine away, but she wasn't far enough away for it to stop affecting her yet. Even the thought of formaldehyde, one of Bonnie's scents, was enough to send her stomach summersaulting. "I think I need to go lie down," Bonnie mumbled.

She didn't like this feeling of weakness and helplessness she was having at the moment. She would have preferred to join in on the line of questioning with the others, to learn more about the strange world they had found themselves plunged into. If it wasn't the knowledge that Doom and Luminous would most certainly hurt innocents, Bonnie would have been focusing all of her thoughts on finding a way home - she wouldn't have bothered to think about apprehending the pair. Of course, it probably wouldn't be that simple anyways. She couldn't imagine Luminous and Doom conveniently staying in one place together, the two mages acting as a team. They probably were on opposite corners of the globe, if they were even still on this planet. "Can someone calm Sparky down? Before she loses her goddamn mind?" Bonnie then muttered.

And then, something bizarre and unfortunate happened. Ordinarily, it would be a simple task to move a body from point A to point B. But the blade must have done more than just impale Celestine - somehow, Celestine ripped in half, her upper and lower body no longer joined together. The most horrific thing, however, was that her blood seemed to be mixed with something mechanical, almost looking like circuitry, like she had been in the process of an even further transformation.

"Holy..." Amelia whistled, uncertain as to what they were looking at. It was so shocking that she temporarily forgot about how Sparky was throwing a fit and threatening to kill them all. She just couldn't look away from the glistening techno components that were mixed in with Celestine's organs and blood, like she had been made into some sort of cyborg - or something else entirely. Maybe that homo novissima thing Folly had mentioned wasn't that far off from the truth. "Was she like that before, do you reckon?" Amelia asked. Celestine hadn't been the more open of people - maybe she already had been filled with a mixture of technological and organic parts.

Darcy bit her lip for a moment. She had clearly seen something like that happen before. But she didn't let on as to what it was. "I don't think so, our scans didn't pick up anything besides evidence of a huuuge amount of radiation exposure - like how are you still moving levels."

Folly recognized it as well. Her eyes narrowed. "And people wonder why mutants hate the Iron."

Raynor was vaguely aware that he had seen something like that before, but he couldn't remember what it was. Some of the things he had done in his 'youth' were just a blur now. All he could recall was a slight sense of fear and trepidation as he looked at the mixture of organic and technological pieces spilling out of what had been Celestine. Whatever it was, Folly seemed to know. But people wanted to question him again - to have him share everything he knew - which frustrated him to no end. "Like I said, that's too big of a question for me to answer," Raynor said.

He realized no one was going to stop asking him stuff like that, so he figured that he might as well tell them about how he had ended up on Earth-666. "My father died in the lead up to Ragnarok. My mother committed suicide. Asgard exploded. The Norns said that everything would be reborn in a golden age, but that didn't happen. We settled here, on Earth, taking land for our own and making New Asgard... I was so angry, angry at destiny and fate and choice. I lashed out. I ended up falling in with the Genoshans, leading their black ops group, the Dark X-Men. I didn't care why we did the things we did. I just wanted to make others hurt the way I did. I was a fucking monster. The Norns said I would never see Valhalla, that I would burn in Surtur's flames if I didn't leave... So I left this world and ended up in yours. Fury saw my anger and decided to help me use it for good. Is that what you all wanted to know? Did you want to condemn me for everything I did? Because I did it all. It's all true. I didn't kill for mutant rights or anything like that - I did it because I was mad and the Iron was as good an outlet as any."


EARTH 257 - 6:50 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Iron

Stolen Ship

"I'm, urgh, I'm fine," Bonnie muttered. She didn't feel fine at all. The plane had stabilized and leveled off, but her head was spinning. She had one hand on her stomach, as if that would keep her from vomiting again. She knew that if she took a moment to think, she would be able to figure out if this was something to be concerned about, if there was anything she needed to do to check on her pregnancy. She wasn't supposed to be actively out in the field, running missions - she had just come in the first place for pure investigation and analysis, only to be sucked into this alternate reality with the rest of her team.

The smell of vomit - hers, mixed in with Maria's - was particularly strong to her senses. That the explanation flashed into her mind readily for - pregnant people often couldn't stand certain smells. "Gods, will someone get rid of that? It smells like death," Bonnie requested, hoping Flynn or someone would get rid of the vomit and more importantly, the smell. Bonnie had closed her eyes, leaning forward ever so slightly, focusing on just not puking again.

Amelia was taken aback when Sparky came over and criticized her. She couldn't help but feel hurt that Sparky would think so little of her. "Mate, we were in a mountain a few clicks back, stands to reason there's mountains all around us. If we didn't gain some altitude after dropping, we'd've had a good chance of crashing into a mountain. Visibility is shit and the power wasn't just gone to the engines, it was in the readouts and everything too, so I wouldn't've had time to look for a safe spot to land. So up it was." If there was one thing Amelia was confident in, it was her ability to fly a plane.

She was going to say something else, but Sparky hobbled on off and then Oliver caught her attention. Amelia smiled as he stood up for her and praised her for keeping them from crashing. "Awww, thanks. Couldn't have done it without me mate being the Energizer Bunny and getting the power back on," she said, making sure to direct some of the praise towards Sparky. She then returned her attention fully to the readout. It looked to her like they were in what would be Pennsylvania at the moment. "One of you lovies mind giving a girl directions?" Amelia asked. She didn't know what route to take.

"Yeah, I can," Folly said, getting up and heading on over to Amelia, and giving her the verbal rundown.

As Folly was busy, Darcy took the liberty of answering Matt's question. "It's a term for the artificially evolved next stage of humanity," Darcy said. "Kinda like how mutants are homo superior. There aren't any actual homo novissima yet, but a lot of people tend to use that term for anyone with some sort of freaky tech based evolution. But it's not scientifically accurate."

Raynor was worried about Sparky, but he also was feeling at the moment that she was better off without him. He was staring at her, keeping an eye on her as she moved, ready to rush on over and help her out. But so far, everything seemed to be fine (with the exception of Sparky ping pong-ing around, but she was stable now). He undid the restraints on the seat that Oliver had placed him into, doing his best to remain quiet. He had a feeling everyone was going to yell at him and ask a lot of questions, and if they forgot he was here, they'd be better off for it.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 10:20 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: the Green Lagoon
Skills: Mediumship

Veil headed over to join the others with Spark Plug, taking a seat next to Callie once they got to the table. She liked how Spark Plug didn't waste any time with bringing up to Max that they needed to talk privately. It was probably for the best that not everyone be involved in this conversation, in order to protect Jack's privacy a little bit - but Veil also had a feeling that everyone in their little circle would end up finding out sooner or later, especially after sharing that information with Max. Chaos tended to follow him wherever he went.

Still, she raised an eyebrow as Max explained that Ben was his date for the evening, stretching out his hand for Ben to take. "... You haven't started to be able to talk to ghosts, right Max?" Veil couldn't help but ask. She honestly didn't understand Max's powers - he was one of those mutants with magic powers that seemed to be able to do just about anything? She wasn't even sure what his limits were, besides his own skill level. It was like if someone had asked Veil what the Scarlet Witch or even Magik were capable of - she honestly just didn't know.

"Nope, then I would have two chaotic queers translating what I'm saying to you all instead of just one," Ben commented. Only Casper heard him and Casper wasn't super paying attention, as he was leaving with James at the moment.

"Bye Ben!" Capser shouted, waving at his friend. "Bye everyone!" He left and was soon out of sight, having left the Green Lagoon.

"And now no one can understand me, yay...." Ben sighed.

Max conjured up a portal for them - taking a few tries, with one of them bizarrely featuring what looked like... Veil paused for a moment in her thoughts, before recalling one of her geography lessons at the Xavier School - that must've been the Savage Land that they had just glimpsed. But thankfully, the portal then looked like their home here on Genosha - freshly repaired, with a new coat of paint, but still their home. Veil waved awkwardly at everyone, her eyes lingering on her twin for a second - "I'll rest later, Harry," - before Veil stepped on through the portal. "Mister Sinister resurrected Jack," Veil told Max once they were on through and the portal closed.

Meanwhile, Sunshine and Marrow couldn't help but notice that the group had gotten progressively smaller and smaller. Andy had left, Zarina wasn't talking so in their mind they didn't count her either as really being present, JMax had left with Veil and Spark Plug, James and Casper had gone to go adopt some plucky kid probably named Annie or something. Even the ghost had (maybe?) left - they weren't really sure if Ben had gone with Max and all or not. That just left them with Echo and Jack, and Jack wasn't talking. It had been fun at first to tease Echo and whatnot, but the topic was getting a little bit stale.

Grief came in waves, too. Sunshine's mood took a slight turn for the worse as she sighed. The empty seats at the table from their living friends just reminded her of the empty seats from those who had passed on. She tried to refocus her energy though. "Babes, would you get me a drink?" she asked Marrow.

Marrow nodded. "Sure, babes," she said, before kissing Sunshine's nose. "You want anything?" she then asked Echo.
Hellfire Manor...

"Maybe you have chocolate powers," Mongoose suggested, a perfectly reasonable explanation for why Miranda's hair was brown. Mongoose wasn't as impressed as someone might have been with the hair color transformation, instead visibly yawning at Miranda's display of power. One thing was obvious - this kid had attitude. "Iris can make her hair rainbow colors," Mongoose said, referring to one of the other kids most likely.

"Roasted," Stacy X commented, giggling a little bit. "You're going to have to step up your game, Moneta."

Meanwhile, Casper and James arrived outside of the manor. Casper was grinning, holding his boyfriend's hand. He adored James. And if James wanted a kid and was ready for that, then Casper was going to do his very best. "Awwww, babes," Casper said, before giving James a kiss on the cheek. "I just hope the kid turns out like you," he joked. "At least hopefully it doesn't get my attention span, otherwise you're doomed." He knew that he was a challenging person to date and Casper didn't want James to feel outnumbered.

"So... where are the orphans?" Casper asked James. He didn't see anyone sitting on the steps of the Manor or anything, looking sad and ready to be adopted into a gay and loving household. Although come to think of it, Casper was pretty sure babies wouldn't be left unattended anyways. At least, not on the steps.

Outside the Green Lagoon...

"The Council believes that some fun is needed to drown out the pain of losing our mutant brothers and sisters," Magneto explained to Andy. It was incredibly obvious from his tone that he didn't agree with that choice at all, finding it to be a mockery of the deceased. Andy's suggestion, however, gave him pause for a moment. That was regrettably one of the reason why 198 mutants had died after the attack - they weren't all strong enough to defend themselves and their home. They were weak and soft and vulnerable.

"That's an excellent idea, Champion," Magneto praised. "We lack a defensive force... and most mutants on our island are untrained. Perhaps we should found the Genoshan War College and devise a command structure... A new Brotherhood of Mutants."

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: NYC Motel, Outside
Skills: N/A

Runa had been about to join her cousin in casting a spell to stabilize the building when new arrivals came in waves; first, Pietro with Guin and a girl Runa did not recognize, second, Pietro with Lance and Annie and lastly, the man who was Sorcerer Supreme in their home reality, Doctor Strange. She didn't have a chance to tell Annie she had used divination to locate the others. Runa didn't know how strong Strange was in this world though and given that her own powers were being inconsistent at best, she didn't want to fight a potential Sorcerer Supreme. Instead, Runa stepped forward as to be visible to him, raising her hands up slowly. "Are you this dimension's Sorcerer Supreme?" Runa asked calmly. "We're refugees from another dimension. We have no wish to dwell here."

If he was reasonable, Runa was certain that he would believe them and potentially even work to help them return home. If he wasn't though, they might have to fight the wizard. She knew how to use a sling ring. If Runa could take the ring from him, she could trap him inside of the Mirror Dimension, buying them the time they needed to come up with a plan to escape back to their home reality. She had one idea in the back of her head, but it would be incredibly risky - her grandmother didn't tend to mix very well with mortals, finding their emotions to be a dark and corrupting influence.

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Motel -> Alley
Skills: Telepathy

Don't worry, I'll only give you a little boost, nothing too major, Guin reassured him. She didn't want to hurt Pietro (obviously, as she was madly in love with him), but she did want to make sure that they all made it out okay, especially their accidental kidnapping victim who they were dragging around all over the place at this rate. The damage that had been done to the motel was really impressive and Guin couldn't help but be a little bit proud of Runa - she was so tiny, it was easy to forget the pure Asgardian might that Runa contained. "Don't worry about it," Guin told Klara, when Klara asked who Lana was.

Pietro luckily managed to get Lance and Annie out okay, but before they could celebrate, the universe seemed determined to remind them all that this was a shared universe as Doctor Strange, the head magician himself, popped on out of a portal, looking ready to fight. Runa instantly stepped in, probably figuring that it was a magic user to magic user sort of moment, and Guin couldn't help but feel a bit wary about their chances. They had met Doctor Strange before, back with the entire House of M nonsense - if he was just as powerful here, they'd struggle to defeat him. "Sup, Steve?"

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

A few hours had gone by in Arthur and Guinevere's small cabin in the woods. Megan wasn't as extremely uncomfortable as she had been when she first encountered them, but she still felt tense and awkward. She couldn't help but feel that Arthur and Guinevere felt a connection to her that she just didn't share. She didn't remember them. She didn't know them. They didn't really know her - maybe they knew someone she had once been, but Megan hardly remembered her childhood in Camelot. Those memories and that person were gone. It was really just her surname and her faintly British accent that remained.

Arthur had taken up the leadership position, standing on the trail outside of the cabin. Megan was outside as well with her belongings, ready to take the next portion of their journey. The closer they were able to get to overthrowing Maleficent, the better. She hadn't been in this land very long, but Megan knew that Maleficent was a cruel and wicked tyrant - someone she would have adored to see in a film or a book, but in practice, she despised. Dark things were only fun when they weren't oppressing people's freedom and free will.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach
Skills: N/A

Nancy was shaking, even as the vision ended. She felt sick to her stomach. She wanted to scream and cry and hurl all at once. She was vaguely aware of Mads and Niah around her, although they felt incredibly distant, like there was a bad connection. She shook her head at Niah's offer of a drink, unaware that tears were streaming down her face, hot and wet. Someone else appeared, mentioning something about the Greeks, before running off again. Normally, Nancy would've put on a brave face, refusing to allow someone that wasn't one of her closest friends to see her so fragile and vulnerable - but she couldn't do it this time. She felt like a raw nerve. She felt almost like she had that day when those men had attempted to violate her. All of her trauma was coming to the forefront of her mind all at once and she felt both physically and emotionally sick.

"I can't go back there," Nancy sobbed. She didn't actually know if she had been a part of her own vision, but she was too emotional to think through that at the moment. All she knew was that she had been forced to go there in her vision, witnessing a prophecy. "I can't go back to that fucking place," Nancy said. In her mind, Mads and Niah already knew what she was talking about - she didn't realize she hadn't even communicated that properly to them. She hadn't even raised herself into a seated position, still on her back as Mads and Niah had directed her body as the vision overcame her.

Nancy had never felt so helpless before in her life.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Leda chuckled slightly as Kiera asked if she was going to be able to eat all of that. "'Course I can, luv. I'm not one to waste food. And even if there were leftovers, I'm sure Mum wouldn't mind an extra helping," Leda explained. She had read a lot of Flash comics when she first discovered her demigod abilities, using them to ground herself in her power. The Flash had to eat a bunch of food in order to get enough calories to run everywhere, something that Leda had found also held true for the demigod speedster. It made sense, though - energy had to come from somewhere, right?

Chiron then got everyone's attention at the front of the room, explaining that he had some announcements for people going on the Quests. Leda was a little bit curious as to what they would be - though, she figured it was just something about Argus dropping them all off at the bus stop in the Camp Van or something like that, probably nothing too interesting or exciting. She noticed her sister Tammy dash off, probably to go fetch everyone who wasn't here and who was going on a Quest.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

"I can handle this. I'm not worried," Jade said honestly over the communicator to Alex. She wasn't worried. She was incredibly confident. She had been killed once before and it didn't take. Part of her even figured if she did die here today, there was a 50-50 shot that someone else would find a means of resurrecting her - she had hardly known Darren and he sold his soul for her. He was burning in hell at this very moment, all so that Jade could breathe the air here in New York and take down Magneto. She had killed the Devil already - doing it again wouldn't be particularly hard. Maybe the Avengers should've approached her for membership - maybe more of them would still be alive.

"Any plans you could try to get to us of the area Magneto's taken over - near Madison Square Garden - would be helpful," Jade said. She wasn't one for showing more positive or gushy emotion, so she didn't end with an I love you or anything, rather just leaving a moment of silence. She didn't have time to waste talking to Alex. He'd been updated on the situation. Hopefully he could give some aid, but if not, that was fine. She needed to get back to her, ugh, her team soon and start getting things into motion.

Guinevere Stark

Guin was feeling a little hesitant with all the questions Edus had about her power - she didn't have very fine tuned control over it. The psychological trauma of everything that had happened and then just the circumstances they were stuck in meant that she didn't have a super great grasp on it, not as much as she could have. She didn't want to be close to people and that's what her power required, being so close to someone that she literally became them. "Yeah, I can use their power but, it's not like they come with an instruction manual, and those powers aren't always intuitive. So unless they happen to be similar to a power one of our group has, it'll be my first time trying to use it." She hated that she didn't have good control over her power. But another part of the problem was she gained her power the day her father died - she couldn't help but connect the two in her mind, her power and his death.

"I'll go wherever, but I'm guessing you'll want me on recon," Guin said. If she could find someone to hop bodies with, it would be an easy-ish way to handle things - assuming someone could knock out her body or restrain it or something. She didn't want to leave someone like Sabretooth inside of her body unattended. And then there was the issue that if she did bodyhop, whoever she swapped with couldn't be kept in the tunnels, else they would learn where the resistance was based out of.


EARTH 257 - 6:40 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Iron

Stolen Ship

The universe seemed to really be vibing with Cass, as Cass would manage to perfectly, flawlessly, and gracefully get herself strapped into a seat. Her movements would more or less seem effortless, like she had been born to try to strap herself into a crashing ship. "Uhh... whatever you say, boss!" Amelia replied to Cass' suggestion about using air currents. As was the case, the cosmic luck seemed to have abandoned Amelia, as Amelia couldn't make the air all around the ship stir - it was just too much, it felt like trying to control a hurricane, she just wasn't strong enough. "I can't do the thing!" Maria would be able to get herself into a seat, although without the ease and grace of Cass.

Raynor hit the ground when Sparky dropped him, only to then be scooped up by Oliver and rushed into a seat and strapped in a moment later. Raynor opened his mouth to protest, but then promptly closed it. He knew that he was in deep trouble with everyone at the moment, as much as he wanted to yell that Oliver should've gone for someone weaker and more fragile to strap in - like that new girl, Darcy - rather than himself. He also figured that over Darcy's screaming, it would be hard for people to hear him anyways, and arguing right now wasn't going to make things any better.

Sparky kicked the power back on and Amelia instantly pulled on the controls, attempting to halt their descent. She had no idea how high up they had been, but they had been falling for a while, and she figured any second now could mean impact. Luckily, Amelia was one of the best damn pilots there ever was. "Hold on tight, mates!" Amelia instructed, as she put all the power she had into the engines, the plane's descent abruptly stopping and changing as they began to climb almost vertically - anyone who wasn't seated and strapped in would fall to the ground, bruising themselves badly - before eventually leveling out. "Whew, those were some serious G's, you all okay?" Amelia asked. Most people on the ship would feel like vomiting. Those 'serious G's' Amelia exclaimed about were likely why Oliver's speed more or less had run out for a moment there.

"Owww...." Darcy complained, holding her head. She had a nasty gash on her forehead from slamming into something during the abrupt leveling of the plane. "And I thought flying Gamma Air was bad..." she grumbled. She hadn't ever flown outside of the Iron before, but she had flown within the Iron from time to time, especially for academic conferences and whatnot.

Folly had hit the wall as well, but the bruising that resulted had already healed, thanks to her mutant power. "I hate homo novissima," Folly said, shaking her head slightly as she looked at the thing that was once Celestine.

Bonnie, despite having been strapped in by Oliver (for which she was very thankful), was feeling more or less horrible. She hadn't had much experience with G-force before and she was pregnant. Her skin looked like a light shade of green and she was sweating profusely, telling herself as a doctor that everything was fine, this was a perfectly normal response... But it didn't change the sense of stress and shame as Bonnie's head lurched forward, and she vomited onto the ground in front of her, some of the vomit hitting her feet.

"I'm... I'm fine," Bonnie said, pausing for a moment, before vomiting again.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 10:10 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: the Green Lagoon
Skills: Mediumship

Veil's thoughts darted back towards Max's plan to raise the dead - and the knowledge that Mister Sinister had done so successfully with Jack. She was vaguely aware of other cases where the dead had come back to life, usually happening to the most prominent, A-list superheroes - and mages. It all then clicked into place in her head. She was angry at the X-Men for not saving their people - if she didn't do what she could to bring the dead back to them, she was no better. She made up her mind then. She would tell Max what Sinister had done.

Veil hugged Spark Plug back, smiling ever so slightly. "I think it might be time to spill the beans to Max with what happened to Jack." She didn't want to immediately say openly the prospect of raising the dead - so much loss had happened on the island recently, she didn't want to get people's hopes up if they were overheard. That would be worse - promising to bring back the ones they lost, only to fail.

Meanwhile, at the table, any chance Casper had of remembering that Jack wanted to speak to him privately had really gone out the window. He was already distracted and hyperactive on a good day - and now, his lovingly adorable James was here and asking if he was ready to adopt a child. Casper felt ever so slightly faint. He didn't know if he was responsible enough to be a father - he then calmed down instantly, reminding himself that even if he wasn't ready, James was certainly more than ready. And they had talked about it and if Destiny, the weird mutant seer, said to do so, that wasn't much different than the tarot cards, right?

"Sure!" Casper blurted, before standing up from the table. "We have to pick a cute one though, we have standards to uphold in our family," Casper then joked. "Actually though, just no straight babies... I'm kidding... Unless...?" he said. It was really hard to tell if he was joking or not, as Casper rarely took anything seriously at all.

"Those are a hoax," Ben said to Max, referring to his comment about the oujia board, even though only Casper could hear him.

Sunshine raised an eyebrow at James asking Casper about getting a kid. "Are you sure he's old enough for that?" she asked, before returning her attention to her little conversation group at the table - Marrow, Echo, and technically Valkyrie, although Sunshine was ignoring Valkyrie as Valkyrie seemed to have the social skills of a baby worm. There wasn't much of a point in explaining things to her, especially as she was beeping and booping along with that weird robot thing of hers. Honestly, sometimes Sunshine wasn't even sure what Valkyrie was even doing here.

"You should ask him out, I'm sure he'd say yes," Marrow said with a shrug. "Especially if you're on good terms with his sister, Aurora."

Sunshine's eyes then widened and she snorted a bit. "Actually, I don't think you and Northstar can date... because there's a rumor going around that Aurora and Veil might hook-up, so it would be some twin on twin action which is a little too much."
Hellfire Manor...

The small girl with purple hair and eyes tilted her head at Miranda. "Purple Mongoose," the girl answered, before reaching out and yanking on Miranda's hair. "Why your hair look like poop?" she then asked, referring to the brown color of Miranda's hair. Stacy X started cracking up slightly in the corner. "Yeah, why does your hair look like shit, dear?" Stacy asked Miranda.

Outside the Green Lagoon...

Magneto's facial expression would be a little bit easier to Andy to read - there was a slight hint of anger there, with an almost pensive tone to it. It wasn't anger directed at her however. "The Council thinks that what ails Genosha can be solved with a drunken soirée," Magneto said bluntly. "Sometimes I wonder if in our new home, we've become soft and vulnerable, easy pickings for homo sapiens and their monstrous machines," he then admitted. "The horrors of my youth repeated, this time for the mutants instead of the Jews."
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