Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan was mildly interested with the uncertainty there seemed to be in getting an audience with the Queen and King of this place - she had more or less assumed that Sierra's parents were the rulers here and would likely jump at the chance to reunite with their daughter. Everyone in their group seemed to be the children of royalty or legendary heroes, so Megan had figured it was an honest assumption. But maybe Sierra's parents, if they did rule here, weren't interested in reconnecting with her - maybe they didn't view her as their child, similarly to how Megan was struggling with seeing King Arthur and Queen Guinevere as her parents. Speaking of which, King Arthur was asking her if she had more questions for them.

Megan didn't know how to phrase her question - largely because it was one she had for herself. Were these people she was interested in developing a relationship with? What connection, if any, did she truly have to King Arthur and Queen Guinevere? Was she a Princess of Camelot - or was that a role meant for someone else, designed for someone Megan had never been? Would she have been good at being royalty? "Not at the moment, no," Megan answered Arthur. "None that you can answer, at any rate."


EARTH 257 - 7:50 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Blue

Angel's Aerie

Destiny shifted her gaze (if a blind woman wearing a creepy golden mask could really have a gaze) towards Oliver. She didn't say a single word, holding her head there for what felt like minutes but could have only been seconds, before shifting her "gaze" to look at Raynor. And then finally, back to Oliver once again.

"I'm not really sure - I don't think it's anything to worry about," Bonnie lied to Cass. She hadn't found a good time to really process the subtle changes that had been happening to her ever since they faced the Black Order. There was no denying that by the laws of physics, she should have died in that encounter - and yet, here she was, alive and pregnant in an alternate reality. She found it difficult to really worry and fret over all of that stuff though when she could feel something messing with her mind, her memories not making sense, fracturing and fragmenting almost as if two lives were fighting inside of her for dominance.

Her heart was pounding, the emotional feeling of fear and anxiety waging war against her rational thoughts. She didn't have a logical motivation to kill the Genoshan leaders. But her mind couldn't help but mentally consider the best way to do it - poison, perhaps, while cliché was effective against most mutants not of the Wolverine variety. Metal knives were definitely out. Attacking both at once would be a suicide run - she'd have to isolate them, do it one at a time and...

Bonnie shook her head, drawing on some power she couldn't name, and things gradually began to clear. The feeling faded.

"What do you mean I'm the Amelia from here? I'm the only damn Amelia there is - except for my friend, Amy, but she clearly isn't here right now!" Amelia exclaimed. Wind began to blow around them - everyone with long hair would suddenly have their hair swirling around them. Destiny's robes began to blow slightly and Rogue's hair was a complete mess in the breeze. "Now, you all are going to explain what's going on here, mates, or we're going to have a problem. I don't want to give you a Sydney Send-off but I will do it!"

"Thank you, dear," Destiny said as Mystique handed her a glass of wine, not at all concerned with the angry and confused airbender in the room. Folly rolled her eyes, leaning back slightly on one foot as she got into a defensive posture.

"You think she's being, like, overwritten? Like conflicting versions of a file?" Darcy asked, looking at Niah. Her eyes then widened. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit, if she's being overwritten, then..." Darcy gulped, looking at Flynn and Maria - people she knew in this world would kill humans. "Please try your best to, like, not give into any urges to kill me!"

"Okay, I'm sorry, but that's complete bullshit. If your mind could be overwritten by traveling to another reality, then I would be acting like a prissy little goth girl all the time, crying about how my boyfriend turns green and no one likes my photos on Instagram or whatever," Raynor pointed out. "And Sparky would think she was Lance Banner. But clearly neither of those things are happening, sooo it can't be that. Maybe the Iron left some sort of telepathic Trojan horse in Amelia's head."

"Chère... Gambit don't understand nutin' that's happening right now," Gambit admitted, looking at Rogue who had stopped hitting him with a pillow for a moment.

"That is hardly unusual," Destiny said dryly. She really hated her son-in-law.

"Mama!" Rogue exclaimed. "Ah don't know what's goin' on either, and I ain't an idiot, so neither is Remy!"

"You aren't exactly the brightest mutant out there, dear," Mystique said.

"Seriously? None of you are going to tell me what the bloody hell is happening?!" Amelia exclaimed - the wind was becoming more furious now. Darcy had to squint from the slight pain in her eyes it was causing and Folly had to grip onto a table, as it was becoming enough to begin to slide people backwards.

"... I think Niah is right. I think... I think it might be happening to me, too," Bonnie admitted. "I remember the X-Men killing my parents... I remember some vague details of living in the Iron... Things that should be impossible. I'm French Canadian, not... Iron-ian or whatever the term is."

"The file corruption will become permanent if you stay in our world too long," Destiny then said. "I see that one of you will be overwritten and lost forever. More, if you aren't careful and quick. You will need the aid of a powerful sorcerer - a scarred man with a metal mask - in order to return home."

"...Doom? We need to go to Doom for help? Gee, isn't that convenient," Raynor muttered. [color=d86615]"Love how you just happen to know everything, Irene."

Irene took a sip of wine under her mask. "It is my curse."
In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

It wasn't long before they spotted a group of about three or four (even Jade's heightened powers of observation couldn't tell her whether or not that additional fourth person was really there, strangely enough). She found the conversation the group was having about eavesdropping to be rather funny, given that she and Cassandra were eavesdropping in turn. She wasn't surprised to find out that the government's plans had been leaked - the government was rather thick in her opinion. She also wasn't shocked to hear the rather simplistic and obvious plan Magneto's forces had of simply throwing the nukes right back. She did doubt that just any mutant would be capable of throwing back a nuke, but certainly Magneto himself and other heavy hitters could do it.

The individuals they were watching were, as best as she could tell, mid-tier goons. They weren't anything special or noteworthy, but at least seemed to have some intel. She was honestly more curious as to whether or not Magneto's team new a small group had snuck into the city, one of them clad in a gas-mask (which was uncomfortable at this point) in order to avoid breathing in the deadly air. She glanced at Cass, crouched behind the car with her, and Jade shrugged her shoulders - a silent way to communicate "expected", to reassure Cass that the government's plan being spoiled was not a huge loss or surprise.

Guinevere Stark

Guin had technically been a secret agent at one point - despite the fact that she had been sent to more or less stare at the X-Men, a team who probably did need assistance from someone - just someone better than her and Cassandra. The self deprecation stung slightly. If someone more experienced had been sent to assist the X-Men, maybe her family would still be alive - maybe most of New York City would still be there with them, strolling idly down Fifth Avenue without realizing what they had come so close to losing. She would have killed to be a part of that alternate reality, that place in the Multiverse where everything had turned out okay.

All of this was an aside to say - Guin didn't have a 'stealth' skill, but she wasn't too bad at moving silently and unnoticed. She wasn't going to win 'sneakiest mutant' or anything, but she didn't do too bad either. She managed to keep up with Edus and stay near to him, avoiding the critical error of splitting the party... which, she then realized, they had already technically done - oh well.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach
Skills: N/A

Nancy was glad to see the other groups away from her. She didn't want to talk to people right now. She was making an exception for Zeke, as they had become somewhat close, and he deserved to have this information. Nancy pet Joanie's nose, appreciating the intuitive nature of the tiny dragon. She still felt shattered, but slowly, Nancy was pulling the pieces back together. Each breath came a little bit easier. The vividness of the trauma of the Hotel was beginning to dim bit by bit, moment by moment, breath by breath. "I'm okay, girl," she murmured to her dragon.

She then saw Zeke coming up the beach - and she shattered again, realizing that he wasn't alone. She should have asked for Mads and Niah to send him alone. All of her walls and defenses shot up, like a suit of emotional armor had been crafted around her, something that Nancy could hide inside. She stood up from where she had been sitting and remained still, her body tense, her posture rigid - even as she wanted to flip the world off and just leave all of this behind. Nancy's eyes narrowed as Zeke approached, his stance hard and his words cutting.

Fine. He could go fucking die for all I care. "You're going to the - the hotel. With him," her eyes darted to Demetri. "Try not to die," Nancy then turned around and started walking off in a huff, not really knowing what directions she was going or what she had in mind, but she felt like a raw and aching wound. She knew she should've told Zeke more. But with a stranger there, Nancy's guard went up. And this was a prophecy that required her to reflect and dwell on the most traumatic events of her life.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: the Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda's eyes widened, as Cassian displayed an ability she hadn't thought him capable of. She almost looked around to see if any Hecate kids were around, getting revenge on her for dumping Rebecca last year. "What the bloody hell..." Leda murmured, fascinated - but also angry to see a sword held in the distance between them. "That's cheating, mate. Impressive. How'd you do it? I doubt Mr. D would toss a power like that to one of his kids," Leda asked. She considered using her superspeed to actually kick him in the ass and send him flying, but they really couldn't spend all day fighting. And a draw or stalemate, Leda supposed, would have to be good enough. She'd need to figure out a way to counter whatever sort of magic tricks he had anyways.

Leda then tossed him back his bow, her sword in its necklace form around her neck. She smirked a bit as Cassian marveled at her speed. "Thanks, I'm the fastest kid of Iris or Hermes here at camp," she boasted - and it wasn't a lie. Leda was the fastest of all her siblings - at least, of the ones she had met. It was possible there was another sibling of hers out in the world who was faster, but Leda sincerely doubted it. And there was no way she could believe a Hermes kid beating her. "Tam's the only one who comes close."

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Guin was honestly getting stressed out with all of this yelling. She was normally fine with yelling. Hell, she would join in on the yelling. But the existential weight of the guilt of her counterpart from this world was really weighing down on her. She wanted to take a hot soak in a hot tub, down a bottle of something alcoholic, scream, and live tweet an episode of some terrible TV show - and not necessarily in that order. She wanted to go home and smash random bits and parts together and behold her monstrous creation. She wanted to play with Pietro's hair and tease him about his facial stubble. She didn't want to be here right now, doing this.

"Is there somewhere we can go that's... well, not here? This is honestly stressing me out and making me want a cig," Guin admitted. She rubbed her forehead, pushing her hair up. It was a mannerism she had learned from her dad. He did it too when he was stressed.

"Where? Since most people clearly don't like us, not to mention smoking bad!"

"I know, I'm not stupid," Guin complained. "And that's why I'm asking if there's a place we can go, since I don't know the structure of this place, and I don't feel like digging around in other people's heads right now. Also, seems rude." Guin was clearly a little bit crabby. She was shifting her weight from foot to foot, and scratching now at her wrists, her classic coping mechanisms.

"We also kind of stick out like a sore thumb," Pietro pointed out, since it was kind of hard for most of their group to blend in, though mainly him, since he's got the hair that stands out fairly easily.

"Are there no rooms that we could go chill in?"

Runa, meanwhile, she begun some magick rituals, designed to locate their missing friends. They were almost all together as a group. They were just missing a few of their members. She concentrated on the runes she had pulled previously in the woods to determine locations, closing her eyes and meditating as she began the divination cast. Fortunately, it seemed that their lost, wayward members had all congregated together. That would make things easier for a retrieval. The name of the general location the others were in then came to mind. "Manhattan. They're in a building to the north of us. I don't have a more specific location - Stephen, perhaps if you assisted?"

He was, after all, the Sorcerer Supreme of this world. That ought to give him extreme magical powers and capabilities, access to spells that Runa could not bear to cast. It ought to not be a huge trouble for him to cast a simple location spell on the others, particularly as they were all together in a group. And from there, they could use Stephen's sling ring to open a portal and grab the rest of them, finally reuniting the team into one place, where they could hide until Strange's spell to return them home had completed.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan didn't get much from the list of knights that King Arthur listed, as she only knew about Lancelot from the stories of Lancelot and Guinevere sleeping together. She had to wonder if that was true here as well. Was there going to be a twist that Megan turned out to be an affair baby? She wished she knew more about the Arthurian cannon - and then she stopped her thoughts there. She didn't need to know more. This wasn't an inheritance or a heritage. These people weren't her parents - sure, they had conceived her, but they hadn't raised her. They didn't owe her anything and she didn't owe them anything. Once everything was over, Megan was going to go back to her normal life... but she was keeping the sword. Excalibur was hers.

Their carriage ended up coming to a stop inside a bay of sorts, one of the few places that seemed to actually be a sealed air-environment. Megan was a bit relieved that was an option down here - she had been ever so mildly concerned that they would have to swim around in deep diving suits or something the entire time. Megan stood up from her seat and hopped out of the carriage, staring back at the people gawking at them with mistrust. She had a bit of a dead eyed expression almost, like the look of someone so desensitized that it just bored into your skull - an unnerving, uncomfortable gaze. It was her natural resting face. Like she was thinking about how best to murder you and hide the evidence.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 11:10 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

The Green Lagoon...

Legion chuckled. "Five of you? That's rookie numbers. I'm pretty sure there's thousands of me - hence the name Legion," he joked. However, he was clearly delighted that Echo had said yes. He had never had a boyfriend before really, for obvious reasons - or at least, not one that he could remember having. He wouldn't have been too surprised if some of the others had dated and just not shared that knowledge with him. David stared into Echo's mind, before using the power that David had primary control over - telepathy. And suddenly, Echo would find himself on the astral plane (his astral form will reflect how Echo truly sees himself, up to you how this looks). David was floating along with him, looking mostly the same, his hair all messy and spiked up.

"Can I kiss you?" Legion then asked.

Hellfire Manor...

Casper was unsuccessful in resisting the urge to sob. He didn't know he could already feel so fiercely attached to a little poop machine, but he was. It was like the three of them had always been a family together, it just felt so right and so natural. He didn't even know that he had wanted to be a father until this very moment. "Y-yes!" Casper squeaked, blinking his eyes rapidly. "Ugh, I'm crying like a little bitch," he said, laughing a little bit.

"Uh, sorry, I mean I'm crying like a little..." he paused, trying to think of the right word, "... crying person? We can swear still, right? The baby's not old enough to pick up swear words, right? Also, do you have a name in mind? I honestly can't think of anything except for not Kevin at the moment... Does the baby have a name already?" he then asked, looking at Stacy X.

"Doll, I think you can rename a baby if you want. I can go check the files on that one in specific for ya, but most of the information we have on these kids is incomplete - it was hard enough just trying to figure out who their parents had been. Odds are, we don't know the kid's name."

Meanwhile, Mongoose beamed slightly at the idea of having candy for desserts and snacks - and playing dress-up. "Suuuure," she answered as Miranda asked her if she wanted to come with her. Things had been traumatic recently and Mongoose's trauma response was pretty much to block out all the painful memories and just focus on the good things. This seemed like a good thing.

Outside the Green Lagoon...

The Rebuilt House of M...

Magneto raised an eyebrow at Champion's proposal, already noting one flaw in the power classifications. "Where would you put the master of magnetism then?" he asked her. Elemental was technically the closest match to his powers, but not quite. There were other mutants who were power siphons and mimics who couldn't fall neatly into any of those either. And of course, the witches and demons - those who commanded the mystical arts. He then listened to Valkyrie's proposal, which was based off of fighting styles, yet already filled with some complications as apparently it wouldn't neatly classify her either.

Magneto frowned. There had to be a way to train mutants effectively to fight. His mind flashed to his old beau, Charles Xavier. "Perhaps we organize our Brotherhood into squads, each with an assigned mentor experienced in using their mutant gifts to fight. We will train them to fight as units... The Akademos should be sufficient to ensure everyone at least knows how to control their mutant gifts, so we needn't worry about that." He then paused, eyeing the two girls. "Fight me. I wish to see your strength." He then said abruptly.

Max's Room...

Static rushed through the spirit box - even with Max managing to boost the connection, it was tenuous at best. Veil was still shocked that it was able to work at all. It seemed like something ghost hunters on TV would use, something that could never actually give proof of the supernatural, that ghosts walked among them. "Can we ask anyone to test this out?" Veil asked, meaning morally, not practically. "It isn't fair for us to refuse to let Ben try if it's dangerous and kill someone else's soul by accident."

The static broke, with Ben's speech coming through. "I'm going to be the test case. You'll need my body... But it's in New Orleans. And you'll need a--" static then cut in again, interrupting Ben. The spirit box was beginning to overheat - it would be hot to the touch. The waves Ben was manipulating in order to speak to them must've been producing a lot of heat.

"... Well, what if it's like Build-A-Bear?" Veil suggested. "I'm not a wizard or anything, and I haven't read whatever necromancy book you two have, but maybe we need to get a viable, living body - find some way to transfer the soul into the body, maybe Casper could do that? And probably some crazy, chaotic element of luck." Veil didn't know it, but she had stumbled upon an important number in mystical rituals - Three. A ritual circuit of Casper, James, and Max had the potential to raise the dead. Casper to guide the soul, James to heal and restore the body, and Max for that chaotic special something that would alter the threads of Fate.


EARTH 257 - 7:40 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Blue

Angel's Aerie

"I'm fine, just thought I heard something," Bonnie told Cass, smiling ever so slightly. She appreciated that her friend was checking in on her. This definitely wasn't the ideal circumstances for a pregnancy - as a doctor herself, Bonnie would officially recommend against interdimensional travel. And prison breaks. And encounters with the Phalanx. All of it was not at all good for her or her unborn child. Plus, now she was randomly craving waffles all of the sudden and Bonnie doubted she'd be able to get her hands on any - not that she also wanted to excuse me, I need waffles.

"Well, you lot are going to get ported off to Genosha, and I'm going to collect my check and go on a vacation," Folly said bluntly. "Dunno about the extra flatscan though, I guess you can bring her along," she added with a shrug, nodding at Darcy.

Something then suddenly changed in Bonnie's mind, as Folly informed them their next stop would be going to Genosha - she was afraid. She knew that it didn't make any sense, that her parents couldn't both be alive and murdered by the X-Men, but it felt true. And if they were going to Genosha, that would mean going to the home of the people who had killed her parents, the home of people who had (and yet had not?) ruined her life. A mixture of anger and fear came over Bonnie, but she kept her composure. They might have been in the Blue, but this was definitely mutant territory - the Aerie.

Steady your mind, the mysterious woman's voice whispered into Bonnie's head.

Folly shrugged at Sparky's request to stay outside, before heading inside the cabin. As far as Folly was concerned, her job was pretty much done now. She had been hired to break Raynor out of prison and see him to the Blue. It would be up to the residents of the Aerie to get them back to Genosha the rest of the way, which shouldn't be too hard - there were no anti-teleportation fields in the Blue like there were in the Iron.

"If you stay outside, you won't bear witness to a murder attempt. Perhaps that is for the best," Destiny told Sparky cryptically, before heading inside, along with Mystique.

"Uhh... What the fuck?" Darcy said. "Am I the only one that's freaking out? But also, like... damn, she has legs..." Darcy rambled a little bit. She stuck close to Bonnie, the other normal human from what she could tell. She was a little bit nervous to be in such strong mutant territory as well, but it wasn't like she had anywhere else to go. She could never return to the Iron.

Raynor frowned, seeing that Sparky wanted to stay outside - and he hated hearing what Destiny said even more. Oracles were the worst. The Norns had driven him away from his home, only for fate to bring him back here. They probably had known that this would happen. And now, their warning that he would never see Valhalla came back to him. He would die a disgraced death, a black spot upon the House of Odin. "..." He opened his mouth to say something to her, but then decided against it. She was better off without him.

Raynor headed inside, as did Amelia, Bonnie, and Darcy. Inside, it looked pretty much like a rich person's cozy cabin getaway. Over a roaring fireplace was a portrait of a beautiful, well off couple, with the inscription: Warren Worthington III and Candy Southern - Gone, but never forgotten. On the couch, Gambit (only with white hair in this reality and demonic icy blue eyes) was sprawled out, with Rogue hitting him with a pillow.

"But chère, ah think if ah kiss ya just one more time, it won't hurt as much! Gambit has to build up his tolerance, ya hear?"

Destiny, even though she was wearing that scary mask, looked like she was plotting exactly how to kill Gambit and make it look like an accident. Mystique was pouring herself a glass of wine.

Amelia then startled all of the sudden, looking around with wide eyes. "Woah, who are you people? What the bloody hell am I doing here?" she exclaimed.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

"I'm always alert," Jade pointed out to Cassandra quietly. To Jade, it was the rest of the world who needed to pay more attention to things. She had always been gifted, able to notice things that others didn't. OMEN had even classified her observation as a minor deviance, a subtle superhuman ability. But Jade didn't think to think of it as some power - as if it had been something handed to her. Her mind was her own. It wasn't her fault no one else was using theirs properly.

Like others, Jade was pretty stealthy when she needed to be. She used to work as a homicide detective, which often meant poking her head around where people didn't want her to be - she had had a similar set of experiences as a private investigator, also poking around where people didn't want her to be, but without a warrant or anything to back her up. At least she hadn't been a cop then. She couldn't say as much now, working as a glorified supernatural cop for OMEN. She snuck forward softly and carefully, scouting out this area more.

Guinevere Stark

Guin cursed internally as Magneto's C list goons started heading their direction. She didn't doubt that these were the losers Magneto was leaving in the most vulnerable/boring position, but she also didn't feel like getting murdered by them. Fortunately, her job before all of this had been to be an agent, and she had been trained by the world's best... former best... assassin - Black Widow, the Super Spy Femme Fatale. Guin snuck quietly off, moving away stealthily with ease, as if she had been doing this her entire life. She trusted that Edus would similarly be able to move without attracting too much attention to himself.

Maybe he could summon up an invisibility cloak or something with his magic - or muffle the sound of his footsteps. She figured he also might benefit from crouching slightly, as he was quite tall. And hopefully none of the Nobody Brotherhood turned out to be telepaths, as Guin figured her thoughts were probably rather loud at the moment, like a flashing neon sign going HEY OVER HERE!. Thinking about that didn't make her thoughts less noisy however.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach
Skills: N/A

Nancy nodded. "Yeah, won't miss it," Nancy promised. She knew that they wouldn't be leaving for their quest right away - nothing was ever punctual when Greeks were involved, so she still had plenty of time. And she didn't feel up to facing anyone else from New Rome or Camp Half-blood at the moment, not with the horrible prophecy filling her mind. As Niah and Mads left, a sudden chill overtook Nancy again and she curled her toes inward, as if that would somehow keep the bad vibes at bay. She hated prophecies and destiny - she hated this 'gift' that her father had given her, it was really just a curse.

It occurred to her that she didn't even know if Zeke would come to see her. Things hadn't been great between the Greeks and the Romans, with Nancy herself being inclined to take the Romans and march back to California the next day rather than sit around and stay here. But she had to tell someone in that prophecy what she had seen. She couldn't know that they were going to the Lotus Hotel and Casino and live with herself if she didn't say anything. No one deserved to be trapped in that horrifying place.

Well, maybe Leandra...

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: the Arena
Skills: Superspeed

Leda tried not to get too angry at the fact that Cassian had managed to hit her with his stupid dummy arrows - she tried not to let it hurt her pride too much, but she had a very high opinion of herself as a fighter. "Guess you aren't as slow as ya look," Leda teased, before in a blur of rainbow light she made her move - well, moves. Step one - return the favor. She used her superspeed to throw the three dummy arrows right back at Cassian, hitting him with all three of them. Step two - immobilize. Leda dashed faster than the eye could clearly see, heading over to the bow racks, and snapping up some rope she had spotted earlier. She then ran back to Cassian and ran around him in a circle, quickly tying him up with the rope, giggling ever so slightly.

Step three - be petty. She then snatched the bow right from his hands and returned to the position she had started in, waving cheerfully at him. She didn't want to let on that he actually wasn't a half bad shot - she would rather be seen as the clear victor here. If anyone asked, she would probably claim that she had let him hit her with his shots - that she was the cat playing with the mouse. "Hope you don't mind, I decided I rather fancied it," she said, referring to the bow that was now in her position. "Besides, you're a bit tied up at the mo' and weren't using it."
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