Avatar of Morose


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2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: NYC
Skills: N/A

Nancy had genuinely had no opinion on Demetri really before this, but she was starting to form one now. He was annoying as shit. His whining about sightseeing and whatnot made Nancy want to gag him with a spoon. And then, apparently he had seen some girl across the street and suddenly couldn't control his gifts, resulting in... his hair starting to grow? Nancy didn't understand it. If he wanted attention, surely there were better ways to go after it? She also didn't understand why Zeke was infatuated with him. Men were weird. No, boys were weird.

She raised an eyebrow as Bacchus' kid explained that Demetri hadn't been lying - that someone was working against them already. She opened her mouth, before shaking her head slightly and closing it. Whoever it was, they were gone already. If the worst thing they could do was make Demetri's hair grow a few inches, she wasn't going to be worried about it. "I can cut your hair with my knives, if that would make you feel better," Nancy offered. It wasn't clear if she was mocking Demi or actually trying to be nice and helpful.

They then arrived at Grand Central station. The front entrance had a massive statue on top of a giant clock, and it took Nancy a moment to recognize who it was depicting - Mercury. "Tuere nos, Mercuri," Nancy whispered under her breath, a quiet prayer to the god.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC - Pier Area
Skills: Superhuman Speed, Agility, Sword Fighting

Leda groaned as Hercules called her mommy again. She had hoped that it was an accidental one time thing maybe, but now it seemed clear - he thought of her as his mother. Leda, on the other hand, thought of him as the cyclops kid whose life they had almost ruined by accident one time before sending him along to safety. "Call me Leda, LEH-da," Leda told the cyclops. If he called her mommy one more time, then she'd snap at him. But hopefully this small correction would be enough to stop this worrisome trend. "Arthur, snap out of it or get out of here!" she then shouted, as combat resumed as a gaggle of cyclopses came on out.

One of the cyclopses charged at Leda, swinging a gigantic club that she deftly ducked underneath to dodge. In the blink of an eye, Leda was off running at superspeed again, breathing a bit hard due to all of the stamina she was burning through. She slashed through the cyclops that had attacked her, turning him into monster dust - and then repeated this trick four more times, taking out more than half of the cyclopses who appeared. When she came to a stop, sweat was pouring down her forehead, and her sword arm felt like it was on fire. She badly needed a rest - hopefully they'd make short work of this and then they could chill out for a while.
In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade & Guin

Somedays, Guin wondered how Mary had ever lost to the Brotherhood - her powers were so incredibly unique and powerful, she wouldn't have been able to imagine someone beating her if she had not witnessed it herself. Mary confirmed for them that voices were nearby, meaning potential people for Guin to switch with, but also potential people that they'd have to fight off. As much as Guin felt a little bit antsy to hop into a body that would let her contribute more, now wasn't the time for that.

Cass took the lead, and Guin followed along after her quietly. She'd find someone to body hop with later. All that really mattered was that she got to have vengeance for her family - that she got to kill the man who had taken them away from her. Cass then asked Mary what she needed them to do once they entered a new room, and Guin didn't say a word - mostly because she figured it was best to be as quiet as possible, just in case people got a little too close and overheard them, ruining any element of surprise they had.

Meanwhile, Jade's readied action had been interrupted by Thalia suddenly stopping time, freezing the goons into place. Edus cast a spell, creating a sort of bubble, though it then vanished. And seconds later, the goon Edus had been attacking dropped dead. Jade didn't know what exactly Edus had done, but she knew magic when she saw it - dark magic particularly. But now wasn't the time to judge or ask questions, there were more goons that they had to deal with, and Jade had brought her angel blade with her for a reason.

She then attempted to stab the remaining two people in the doorway, using her angel blade. The blade was powerful enough to kill the Devil, she hoped that it would be enough to kill these two quickly and quietly. It didn't matter who they were either - they needed to be dealt with, so they could achieve their goal.
Hey mods!

This person just posted two spam posts in my IC thread - could they be deleted? Thanks!



EARTH 257 - 9:40 PM Nov. 14th, 2021 - Genosha

Bob Banner's Home -

"Are we sure that Doom and Luminous caused the anomaly?" Bonnie posed. They didn't know anything about what had caused the anomaly - they had only been called in to investigate it. Maybe Doom and Luminous had orchestrated it all, but maybe they had simply been in the right place at the right time to escape. They just didn't know. Bonnie knew the raft had measures to prevent the use of powers and magic, but it was possible that Doom or Luminous could've found some way to disable those protective measures. There was just still so much they didn't know. "And if they did do this on purpose, why this reality? What do they stand to gain here that they wouldn't in another world, perhaps one that their alternate selves already control?"

"I don't really see why it matters - if we have to drag them back, then we drag them back," Raynor said with a shrug. He wasn't going to argue more with his opinion that they ought to just leave without Doom and Luminous. Everyone seemed strongly against letting those two roam free in this world. But if what was happening to the others was any indication, the Doom and Luminous they knew would be overwritten eventually and cease to exist. Problem solved right? "Who cares if they were the ones behind it - or if it was some crazy thing like the Phoenix?"

"It matters because the ability to hop universes is dangerous," Bonnie stressed. "If we don't understand how the anomaly formed, then we don't know how to counteract it. This time it was Doom and Luminous - what if next time it's a group of children, lost in the multiverse? Someone is going to get seriously hurt - someone might die if we don't figure out what's going on here."

Raynor shrugged, putting more food into his mouth. He trusted that they'd figure it out - but once again, his main priority was making sure that he got Sparky on home to their daughter. The universe may be in danger, but as always, his thoughts were reflected somewhat inward, focusing on his tiny family. As soon as Bob's machine was repaired, he was going to make sure that he and Sparky used it to get back to Zarina. The rest of the group could be martyrs without them.

"Wecanfigureitoutwhenwefindthem," Amelia said, her mouth full of food as to make her words hardly intelligible. She then swallowed, allowing her speech to be clearer. "Like, there's so many telepaths on Genosha that if you throw a bleeding rock, you'll probs hit one. They can take a peak inside Doom and Lumey and tell us what they did and how they did it - and if it wasn't them... Well, that's what you science-y types are here for," Amelia finished with a shrug.

"Well... I think we just eat some food, and then we drink some beer, and go to bed," Darcy said. "And then I think I'll stay here with Bob. I've got some know how when it comes to weird machines. Can't be that different from astrophysics right?"

Bob chuckled a bit. "It runs on tachyon particles, so.... sure. I have to harvest some more, but I can get one of the island's time manipulators to help me with that, so won't be a problem. And I'd appreciate your help with fixing the machine, Darcy. At least so it won't be such a lonely process."

Genosha: August 22nd, 2021 - 9:20 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: the Carousel
Skills: Mediumship

Mutant Underground Table -

Veil held up a finger, indicating that she wanted Spark Plug to wait for a moment, before she downed the rest of her drink. She had worked as a bartender a bit after graduating from Xavier's school and prior to joining up with the Mutant Underground - so naturally, she appreciated the intergalactic brews available for them tonight. And with how conversations were going, plus the fact that Selene had waltzed on up, she figured she was going to need to get at least heavily buzzed to get through the night without getting a migraine from stress. "I'll show you where I got this from - and get myself something new to try," Veil said, standing up from the table.

"I'll take something strong - otherwise, surprise me," Marrow said, having finished her beverage. She was planning to gradually but steadily increase her alcohol intake as the night went on, allowing her to get to her desired stage of black-out drunk ideally around 3AM or so. The more she drank, the later she found she was able to stay up anyways.

"Make that two mystery drinks!" Sunshine piped up. She wasn't old enough to consume alcohol in the United States, but they were on Genosha. Silly human rules like that didn't apply. Sunshine also didn't care if people were worried about how her brain would develop - there was probably a mutant out there who could repair any damage she could do. Hell, she was pretty certain that James could do so. She was feeling like a princess in her dress and she wanted to get drunk. The alcohol options tonight were way better than what the Green Lagoon usually had anyways.

"Might I recommend the absinthe? It's divine," Selene said, snapping a finger and a chair instantly pulled up for her and she sat down. One of her powers was telekinetic manipulation of inorganic matter - though most people knew her for being a psychic vampire. "Oh child, it's not too interesting of a tale. I would much rather hear about what you youths have been up to - and why your leman seems to have a hatred for French toast?"

Casper wanted to sulk slightly, hearing James' request for Max to fetch the two of them water, but he was pretty much instantly distracted by Selene's fit. Her fascinator was completely fascinating - a moon symbol with an entire array of ostrich feathers. The sculpturing evocative of the triple moon, the black blue gradient of the fabric, the tasteful skin that was shown... Casper was instantly in love with Selene's outfit. If he had had cards in front of him, he would've been giving her 10's all the way across the board. "Damn, Jumbo outdid himself," Casper whistled. "How's all of the metal bits not just falling off of you?" Casper asked, thinking more about the design and structure of the dress now than the fact that Selene was Andy's mother.

"My mutant powers, of course," Selene answered. "I am holding this dress together through sheer force of will. Of course... A suitable distraction might find me suitably undressed," she then added, giggling a bit at her own joke.

Ben got up from the table. Selene gave him the creeps. He wasn't a ghost anymore, but she had eaten enough ghosts that he wanted to steer clear of her. She was so incredibly sinister and campy that most people seemed to have let their guards down around her, but Ben wasn't so trusting. She was up to something - he just had no idea what it was. (Of course, Ben had also blushed slightly when Max invited him to go with Spark Plug to get a drink. He had to get better practice at hiding his emotions, he had gotten too used to just showing it all with Casper).

David was staying relatively quiet. He was picking up on the tension Selene's arrival had caused, and he was curious as to what exactly was going on between her and Jack. If Selene was Andy's mother, who was she to Jack?

House of M Table -

Magneto listened to what Miranda had to say. He didn't agree with her, but he listened. He didn't interrupt. And she didn't give him a chance to respond before she walked away. If she turned her head to look back though, she would notice that the pocket watch that was part of Magneto's outfit had been crushed into a tiny wad - no doubt through his magnetic prowess. He was angry.

But he didn't go after her.

He let her go - for the last time.

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Guin was a bit surprised as a sling ring portal suddenly opened up, revealing the Sorcerer Supreme - who she was a little surprised and annoyed to see, since he was supposed to be working on a way to get them on home - standing outside the ruins of Xavier's mansion with their damaged ship in tow. She stepped on through the portal along with the others, not too terribly shocked when Strange revealed that he had a way to get them home - but that he needed their help to do it. It felt like they were living out the plot of a video game - there's a path to the goal, but trials and tests await ye, young heroes! Sounds like the McDonalds version of an infinity stone - or a McFinity stone Guin commented to Pietro, as Strange asked if any of them knew what the M'Kraan crystal was.

"Hmm, I'm guessing that you can't just teleport us to its exact location? Because that would be too easy," Guin commented. Yup, this was definitely feeling like a quest out of a game. She couldn't wait to fight Ganon at the end of all of this. The crystal also sounded like some major magic mumbo-jumbo. It probably then also followed weird magic rules. At least they had some magic people with them. Yeah, let's go check it out Guin said. Once the wizard finishes talking.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Runa was silent for a moment, as others discussed the M'Kraan crystal. She knew the basics of its existence - its immense power, the potential for danger to the multiverse at large, and then its connection to the Phoenix. That same entity was her grandmother, having lived inside the Asgardian woman and conceived a child with Runa's grandfather. She didn't often speak about her connection to the Phoenix. Not everyone regarded the entity very kindly, especially after what had happened with its Midgardian host.

"I have a connection to the M'Kraan crystal," Runa said, deciding it was best to reveal this information now. "My grandmother and the M'Kraan crystal are intimately related... for my grandmother is fire and life incarnate, the entity that Midgardians call the Phoenix." Runa paused for a moment, before continuing. "I may be able to attune to the M'Kraan crystal and use it to bring us home with the aid of the Sorcerer Supreme."


EARTH 257 - 9:30 PM Nov. 14th, 2021 - Genosha

Bob Banner's Home -

"I don't know about you all, but I'm hungrier than a pregnant lady," Darcy said, stacking three patties onto a bun and taking a gigantic bite into her cheeseburger. With her mouth full of food, she continued - "See? She's eating a tiny salad and there's an entire baby inside of her!" With her gigantic cheeseburger, Darcy pointed at Bonnie.

Bonnie rolled her eyes slightly at Darcy. She wasn't planning on just eating a salad. She had a small salad in front of her, and then another plate with a truly horrific combination of toppings, hamburger patties, and hot dogs pressed between two buns. "Happy for you," Bonnie told Darcy. She was a little bit on edge. She still wasn't quite sure where things stood with Flynn at the moment - he had been one of the last to wake up at the Healing Gardens, and then they had quickly made their way to Banner's place for food and lodgings, meaning the two of them hadn't gotten a chance to properly talk.

Bonnie wasn't even sure who would be talking back at her - if it would be the Flynn she knew or someone new. But ultimately, all that mattered was the safety of the unborn child she was carrying. Bonnie just hoped that Flynn still wanted to be a part of that, that his experiences here and Xavier's psychic surgery hadn't taken that away. "I'm fine, Cass - you don't need to worry about me," Bonnie then answered.

"It's no problem, really - I could use the company anyways," Bob said with a shrug, cracking open a beer. "Sparky, huh? Bit on the nose - but then again... Not much better than Hulk, right?" he joked. He was starting to calm down and relax a little bit more, the initial shock of being reunited with his daughter wearing off.

"Yeah, she's a dead ringer for that name, mate," Amelia chimed in, agreeing completely. She was nursing a beer herself and had put an exquisitely "topped" hot-dog on her plate, along with a small bit of salad, as she was trying to make sure she got her greens. "Almost a bit cliché even, like that's the sorta name that you find in comic books. Tho I s'pose Doctor Strange isn't much better, he's a doctor and he's super fucking weird, so Strange works out for him. Or who else is there that has a fun one... I'm blanking, but you get the idea anyways."

"Personally, I'd be into taking a nap after eating and figuring things out in the morning - I'm fucking dead tired," Amelia admitted. She figured that any plan they came up tonight would be just as good as one they'd come up with in the morning, so it didn't really matter to her when it happened. But sleep, sleep was important. Every part of her body was aching from exhaustion and her brain was fatigued from the psychic surgery. All Amelia wanted to do was curl up in one of the sleeping bags and go to sleep, preferably helped along by a food coma.

"Bob might have a way to get us all back. If he doesn't... New Asgard will," Raynor said. He hadn't bothered going for a beer. Midgardian beer always tasted like absolute shit compared to what was available on Asgard. And it wouldn't get him drunk anyways or even lightly buzzed, so he didn't see much of a point to it. Raynor didn't relish the idea of going to New Asgard, but he knew that odds were, his cousin was still alive. She had used dark magics to send him through realities before - she ought to be able to do it again.

"Are we even going to bother with Luminous and Doom though, really?" Raynor then asked bluntly. Yes, it had been their mission to investigate the anomaly that Luminous and Doom had escaped through. As far as Raynor was concerned at the moment, Luminous and Doom weren't their problem anymore. He just wanted to get Sparky home safe to their daughter.

"You can't just leave psychopaths on the loose in... wherever in the world they are," Darcy protested. "They're from your reality, they're your problem - that's only fair!"

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: NYC
Skills: N/A

Nancy didn't really know what to say when she was told just why those giant ugly skyscrapers weren't there anymore. Had she not been a Roman demigod, she might've even been in disbelief. But she was used to seeing things rise and fall - her own home had burned to the ground. "Grody," Nancy finally decided on. She didn't feel like asking more questions about it. The world had changed while she had been gone - and it was going to keep on changing no matter what she did, provided that it didn't end.

Besides, the conversation was quickly changing as the Jupiter kid asked to go sightseeing. Nancy did a bit of a double take. Sure, she could understand a desire to see the world - but that was for when the world wasn't in imminent danger of burning to a crisp. "Zeke is right - we don't have time for that," Nancy said sharply. "You can see New York from the window of whatever train or bus we take. Grand Central Station sounds perfect. Let's go." She didn't leave any room for argument.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC - Pier Area
Skills: N/A

Leda's eyes widened as the teenaged cyclops charged at her and hugged her tightly, declaring her mommy. Leda's memory was admittedly a bit hazy on the matter, but she was fairly certain they had killed Hercules' actual mother. And in no way did Leda consider him to be her son. She didn't intend on having kids and was fairly certain that the universe could only thank her for that decision. "Nice to see you too, Herc," Leda wheezed, finding it difficult to catch her breath from how tightly he was hugging her. "Mind letting me down then, mate? We've still got work to do, the rest of the bastards ran on in."

Arthur at least seemed to have freed most of the captives, though about a dozen or so still needed to be helped. Leda would've offered to help out with a few well placed blasts of rainbow light to see if that could get the chains off - if not that then some whacks with Ultraviolet ought to do it - but she was tied up herself. And she didn't want to hurt Hercules. He wasn't her kid, but she didn't want to see him hurt - she wasn't an asshole, after all.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Her father didn't give much details on the other potential enchanted weapons that existed courtesy of Merlin. She supposed though that when you wielded Excalibur, you didn't pay much attention to the weapons that others had. Of course, Megan didn't even know the extent of her sword's power. She knew that supposedly, the sword granted the right to rule - and that it was magic in origin. She didn't know what it could do though, beyond being used to cut people.

The carriages were ready for them, with the fairy tale characters already sorting themselves into carriages. The day before, Megan would not have sought out a seat with Guinevere and Arthur. But now, she remembered them as her parents. And Megan wasn't much of an extrovert. She didn't like riding with strangers. So, Megan took a seat in the same carriage as Arthur and Guinevere. She left the door open as she got in, assuming Jack would follow most likely.

Genosha: August 22nd, 2021 - 9:10 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: the Carousel
Skills: Mediumship

Mutant Underground Table -

Ben huffed slightly. He missed the part of being a ghost where people left him alone when he wanted to be left alone - except for Casper. But he had gotten so used to Casper's constant Casper-ness that it didn't phase him as much. "I really don't want to talk about being dead - I'm happy to be alive, but if everyone could just stop pestering me, that would be fucking fantastic." His table manners weren't the best either - once again, he was out of practice when it came to socializing with people.

"Like I said, cranky," Sunshine repeated. She could emphasize a little bit with Ben - sure, people were pestering him, but they just wanted to talk to him. And he had just come back from the dead - people wanted to talk about it, it was the most interesting thing about him. Give it some more time and people would start asking him about other things. On her part, teasing was how she showed affection - calling Ben cranky was Sunshine's way of saying I care about you.

"You should never ask a lady her age," Casper said, before putting the fingers of his hand under his chin, in a way to look cute and innocent. "But I'm a slut, so I'll tell you - yours truly is thirty one years old~." Had he been able to speak with a sparkle emoji, there would've been one following his sentence. Casper's attention though immediately shifted to Max's answer to the game -

"You gotta fuck Captain America, everyone knows he has a star spangled bubble butt!" Casper looked around the table, expecting to see people nodding their heads in agreement. "He's def a bottom. Maybe a power bottom, but a bottom anyways. Now Stark? Stark is a top. I'd let Stark blow my back out any day - with your permission of course, babe," he then added, slinking an arm around James' shoulders.

"...I'm so out of my depth here," David admitted nervously. He had spent most of his life in one institution or another. In some areas, he was extremely naive - and this happened to be one of them. Ordinarily when he got nervous like this, someone else would take over and run things - but tonight, he was doing his best to be present for Harry.

"You're fine, Davie," Casper told his brother. "But our little bro? He's so quiet. Why are you being so quiet, Jackie? What's your answer? Me, I agree with Max. I bet Erik is fucking wild in bed too though. Old men know things. And you cannot convince me that he's not a little fruity."

Veil shook her head slightly. Casper was derailing things a little bit, but she also didn't care. Her Shi'ar cocktail was taking the edge off and giving everything a pleasant buzz. "When you're done defending yourself, it's at the Shi'ar tent - it's called the Gin Crimson," she explained. It was a pun on the name of a not-so-secret Shi'ar society, the Kin Crimson - with famous member Erik the Red, who was not Cyclops, despite Cyclops at one point pretending to use that name.

"Huh, wonder what she wants..." Marrow then said, noticing a woman dressed with an elegant, witchy headdress walking over towards the table - making a beeline straight for Andy.

"Darling, won't you give Mummy a kiss?" Selene asked, grinning wide. She then shot a wink at Jack. "And don't think I've forgotten you, handsome."

House of M Table -

Magneto glanced up from his seat at the table, seeing Miranda standing near him. Polaris had been sitting with him at the table earlier in the night, but she had gone off with some of her friends, dancing the night away. It was only him at the table reserved for his family, the House of Magnus marked with a glowing M on the surface of the table. He certainly looked the part of an aristocrat, dressed in white with gold finery. Rather than a helmet, he wore an elegant top hat. His mind was open to whatever telepaths were present.

While they were both members of the Quiet Council, Miranda had been avoiding him - and the feeling was mutual. They had been on-again off-again for ages - Miranda had helped to raise some of his children. But this, this felt final. This felt broken. "Moneta," Magneto said, his voice even. "If you've come to deceive me, I'm uninterested," he added, not rising from his seat.
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