Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Guin Stark

Location: the Mall!
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

"You didn't wanna do it though, so I'm finding a friend who would," Guin told Pietro with a shrug. She liked spending time with other people anyways. Sure, a lot of people probably thought that she and Pietro were joined at the hip - and sometimes that was true - but Guin also liked having time where she wasn't with her husband. It kept things interesting. And sometimes, the speedster just wasn't at all interested in the activities she wanted to do, largely because of the handicap posed by his powers. Guin popped another bit of pretzel bite into her mouth, finishing off the container, as she glanced down at her phone as they walked to GameStop.

"Who... Oh shit, I do remember this guy," Guin muttered, talking to herself. "Do you remember the guy who was, like, kinda obsessed with you? From Wanda's big moment. Curly haired guy named Max? Apparently he's at the mansion, Mare just texted." Guin was doing her best to try to focus and remember what she could about Max, which honestly wasn't very much. There were other things from the House of M reality that were more permanently burned into her mind. She did remember that she hadn't particularly liked him. "I forget, why don't we like him again?"

She shot off some quick texts, first to Mary and then to Lance -

Neil Spellman

Location: the Mansion
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil warmed up ever so slightly to Max at his apology - 500 years old or not, he seemed to at least a kind wi- Neil's thoughts then abruptly derailed, his blood chilling as Max clearly recognized Neil's surname. As Max snapped his fingers, Neil instinctively braced himself, ready to get hit in the face with a fireball or something by the gorgeous wizard. He knew this day would come, that someone from the magical community would show up to take him out, that his family's legacy would -

"...What?" Neil mumbled, completely shocked to find that he had not been burnt to a crisp, and instead, Max was rambling on about different fictional magical families. "...I'm from Ithaca...," Neil then added, not adding on the New York State part of the location, because who could possibly assume he meant the Greek island? He felt incredibly flustered and tongue tied, and a bit weak in the knees, if he were being honest, as it became clear to him that Max had no idea about the real Spellman family. So he would have no reason to want to burn Neil alive. Not yet, at least. And Neil could operate under not yet. He could live with that.

"Uh, y-yeah," Neil answered Bethany. "Um, I've been working on Curse of Strahd some - thinking we could adapt that... You haven't played it before, have you?" he asked her. It occurred to him that it might've been stupid to start putting in work on that, without checking to make sure his players hadn't played it before. It was a pretty popular adventure, a lot of people liked to use it in their campaigns. "It's spooky and stuff, some horror elements, I think it'd be pretty wicked."

They reached the kitchen, and Max had asked them about their powers. "Um, I can move things with my mind - and briefly reanimate dead bodies..." Neil mumbled. He had gotten some more practice with his newer power of necromancy with his family, but it had clear limitations to it. He couldn't do anything with ghosts or spirits - the most he could really use it for was to make zombies. He was quiet as Max then tackled Ed basically with a tight hug, wincing slightly in sympathy. He guessed that Ed and Max must've known each other - Max seemed to already know half of the team anyways, so Neil wasn't too shocked.
The Stables...

That struck a chord with Lorna - one that she had been somewhat obsessing over in the back of her mind. Fable had suggested to her that maybe she needed to think things over, when it came to whether or not she liked girls. As the thought went back into the front of Lorna's mind, her stomach twisted with anxiety. They were both still just learning - about what cool creatures had multiple tails, how to say things, and... Lorna didn't think too much, before she spoke - not this time.

"Hey, Kitty? Can I ask you something? Because I was talking with Fable the other day, when we were off in the woods and you had run off and - sorry again about that - but like... Anyways we were talking about things and like it got me wondering and like of course this isn't a thing for like me to worry about or anything, but like... Ugh sorry I feel like I'm just, like, vomiting out words right now - guess I didn't get my dad's skill with language, he's supposed to be really persuasive and stuff - but... How do you know when you like someone?"

Her heart was pounding, and she was still holding onto Kitty - something she then became INCREDIBLY aware of as she asked this question. Lorna was confused and twisted up inside about it all, but maybe Kitty could give her some sort of answer here - not that Lorna wanted to tell Kitty that she was confused about it or anything like that, the thought for whatever reason made Lorna feel mortified.

Raynor Blake, Jedi Knight

25 pts (Light-Side)

Raynor smiled falsely at Jarothe, committing that number to memory. He could somewhat see the shape of how Jarothe would try to defend himself in court, but truthfully Raynor wasn't a politician. He didn't know every expert detail as to how Jarothe would attempt to distort the truth. And even then, Raynor's attention was pulled away. He could feel something gnawing at him through the Force, some sort of warning, there was something wrong here, something wronger than they had realized, there was -

Pshish! The doors opened up quickly, revealing a small army of battle droids. They didn't hesitate to open fire at Raynor, not caring that Shakka was directly in the line of fire. Raynor's early warning from the Force had given him just enough time, and he threw Shakka with the Force out of harm's way. He had been as gentle as he could, continuing the fluid motion to draw his lightsaber, deflecting the blaster shots as best as he could. His number one priority in this situation was to protect Shakka, the innocent. But they were cornered. The droids had the advantage here. The only exit was blocked. And Raynor had the sense that mere battle droids weren't the only ones here for him - that something nastier, like Destroyers, could just be moments away.

"I see that we are not going to be coming to an agreement then, are we, Jarothe?" Raynor said through gritted teeth. "The Council will be disappointed."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan wasn't interested in taking any of the gold - maybe if it had been cursed, she would take some out of curiosity, but money had never particularly interested her beyond as a means to survival. She had what she needed, and she didn't need this. Besides, lifting all the gold would bring unneeded attention to them during their efforts to sabotage Hook's men. So instead of looting the pirates, Megan quietly left the ship, making her way stealthily and quietly back down to the dock.

She heard more screams sounding off, and as she turned her head, she could see the bright red flames in the general direction her brother had gone. She assumed that had to be him and his magic. She just hoped he had it under control - or at least, aimed in the right direction. Megan then turned her attention back to what she needed to do, trusting that her brother would be fine, as she rejoined Sierra and her father and began to make their way away. She didn't offer a word to them as to what she had been doing, mostly as talking was not ideal for being stealthy.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train
Skills: Prophecy

Nancy scoffed slightly as the Bacchus boy referred to her and Zeke as Diana and Apollo. If one of her friends had compared her to Lady Diana, Nancy would've taken it as a compliment - but from Bacchus spawn, she was certain he meant it as an insult. She wasn't going to bother explaining herself to him though. It wasn't worth the time and effort. At least Zeke did seem to be in agreement with her on that one, as he had previously echoed her sentiments about leaving Cassian out of any musical inquest. Nancy hadn't been kidding when she had said she would prefer to be arrested than sing with him.

She didn't notice that Demetri was in a bit of a sour mood, largely because - true to her words - Nancy didn't really spend time thinking about him. Instead, she was thinking about the watch structures. Kristin had volunteered to go first, only for Zeke to interject that he and Demi would. Nancy realized she should've anticipated that. Truthfully, her ideal watch partner would have been Joanie, but there was an even number of them. And just as Nancy had been about to volunteer to take watch with Janelle, as Joanie would give them a third pair of eyes to help make up for Janelle's blindness somewhat, Cassian spoke up. His voice felt like nails on a chalkboard. But by the grace of the gods, he had good sense not to pick Nancy.

"Fine, that's fine," Nancy said, her words clipped as she was relegated to taking watch with Kristin. She followed with her eyes as Demetri and Zeke went to the back of the car, before finding a spot off by herself. She hesitated for a moment, as if what she was about to do was going to be some great evil sin, before she reached into her overall pockets. Nancy pulled out a deck of well worn tarot cards. She closed her eyes, concentrating on her question. What lies in the path ahead of us? Her hands were trembling and the back of her throat felt dry, before the familiar sense of compulsion overtook her, and Nancy pulled a singular card from the shuffled deck. She opened her eyes, staring at it - the Seven of Wands.

"More monsters," she muttered, before putting the card away and shoving the deck back into her pocket. She didn't need the curse of prophecy to be able to see that. It wasn't a quest without monsters to challenge them along the way.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

Leda had a lot of questions about Camp Fish-blood, the primary one being why children of Poseidon weren't trained there. Not that she was complaining, of course - she rather liked having Kiera at Camp Half-blood, although Leda guessed that Sera being here meant that the Poseidon cabin would no longer be a private little place for just the two of them to go to. Things were changing, for better or for worse. But it was probably selfish, Leda recognized, to be worrying about that when the fate of the universe and civilization was in the balance, hinging on this series of Greco-Roman quests. She headed out of the throne room with Sera and Kiera, a bit relieved to no longer be in front of Poseidon (the Big Three were scary as shit).

The hippocampi were outside, three of them again, meaning she would have to share one with Kiera - something Leda also wasn't complaining about. "Sure, luv, can't be that much different than driving stick, eh?" Leda teased. She got one foot in and then swung the other leg over, mounting the gorgeous little creature. She then offered a hand down to Kiera. "My lady," she said with a smirk, "if you would be so kind as to hop on up here."

@Ever Faithful@Natsu@TrainerBlue192: The flaps to Agatha's tent billowed open, as Mary Sue exited. Agatha peered out for a moment, taking in Ardere and Dorian. The expression on her face was unclear - surprised, perhaps? Or wary? It was difficult to say. At any rate though, Ardere had gotten there first, so it was her turn to go ahead and talk to Agatha. Dorian would have to wait a little while longer - he'd likely notice the cute little compact in Mary Sue's hands, with its striking resemblance to the compact of Sailor Moon, only with a moon instead of a star. Maybe something worth talking about? (@Ever Faithful go ahead and post the collab we did now!).


In the fight between Vicky and Zari, things were bound to be interesting. The two of them were both tech types, both with Nordic heritage, and somewhat of an obsession when it came to swords and shields. As Zari went into a defensive stance, allowing Vicky to make the first move, Lady Luck was clearly on her side. Vicky lunged forward to catch Zari's blade, attempting to block with one sword and let the other attack. Instead, Zari's defense and parry knocked Vicky's forward sword out of her hand, sending it flying into the seats where it hit some poor sophomore in the face (sorry, Carl!).

In the fight between Mads and Ser Megan, Ser Megan was either excited or annoyed that Mads had managed to land a blow on her, albeit a soft one that she had quickly returned. "It's been a long time since someone managed to do that," she observed dryly. Was it a compliment or a dig? With this girl, it seemed to always be hard to say, something that was no doubt infuriating. Megan advanced forward with a quick sequence of strikes, alternating in heights and targets, all in an attempt to catch Mads off guard, but Mads would manage to - just barely - block them all. They were evenly matched - for now.

"What ho!" the King, aka the president of the Medieval Knights, said as Leah approached. "Yea and verily, we doth have a new contender for the tourney!" They weren't really using the correct terms or whatnot, instead speaking like an actor's rough approximation of what someone from the middle ages might sound like - likely from Monty Python. The King paused for a moment, trying to figure out who to have newcomer Leah spar off against, but then they spotted Andy - talking to her bag? "Fair lady knight, doth thou wish to compete in a contest of arms?" they shouted out to her.

"Why yes, I would LOVE to do that! Before you kids got all into scissors, we had swords," Selene the haunted doll shouted. Then, at a longer volume, she giggled and answered - or at least gave a response to - Andy's questions. "Aww, you're going to make mummy cry with joy - now go and kill this girl in an unrighteous fury, dove."

The King didn't see the doll, so he assumed that weird (British? Greek? it was hard to say) accent that had answered them must've come from Andy. "Excellent! Verily! The two of you shall face off in yonder spot!" they said, pointing at an open mat, and gesturing to the foam swords lying on a tarp. "Pick your weapon! Powers may be used if both parties doth agree. And these fights are to the death, good lady knights!"

Percy Novikov

Location: Stark Hall - First Floor
Skills: N/A
~New Outfit~

"Likewise," Percy said to Teddy. "I don't think I will have a problem telling you if I'm annoyed," he then said honestly. He tended to speak his mind without restraint.

Percy could not help but have déjà vu, seeing the boy from earlier crash into Teddy and land on his ass this time. He didn't know it, but Percy was staring at him with a clear expression of disgust. Had anyone called him out on it though, he would've claimed that was just his face. He couldn't help that he had a bad case of RBF from time to time. Particularly when assholes like Dorian were around. But the expression of disgust was replaced with one of immense confusion, as Dorian excused himself with the most nonsensical thing Percy had heard in his life.

"... I think he might have a concussion," Percy said, trying to wrap his head around it. He had heard plenty of French, he didn't have a problem translating it thanks to his powers, and he was almost certain the boy had said Would you have before rushing out of Stark Hall. Maybe it was best if he didn't think about him too much. He was only going to annoy and confuse Percy at best. And yet, he was having trouble getting him out of his mind - and clearly, out of his life as well. In a school of almost a hundred students, how come he had run into this guy twice in barely an hour?

He was irritated not just at that boy though, but at his sister. He would have never brought up her sex life as a joke. He was barely fourteen years old. He didn't want to think about anything like that ever, it was gross to him. So naturally, he was angry that she had brought up his - something that he was very much not partaking in. He hadn't even kissed a boy yet.

His roommate, Teddy, seemed fine though. Percy was certain that he would have no trouble calling him out if needed. Zelda was still there though, as Teddy left. And she seemed to be painfully shy. "What kind of encounter?" Percy asked curiously. "The asshole who knocked into our friendly giant? He got his buddy to light me on fire and then he possessed my body," Percy said bitterly. "I'm sure it can't have been worse than that."

He then looked at Diana. He didn't really want to be hanging around solo with his sister. That wasn't the vibe he wanted. "You should come with us. Safety in numbers."

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Dunk Tanks
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

April pouted slightly at how easily Mai gave up on her Kate Bishop dreams. She didn't necessarily disagree though. There were plenty of rumors going around that Kate might've been bi, but she hadn't dated anyone seriously besides Tommy Maximoff so far at AA. She nodded in agreement though as Mai declared that dudes were crusty - they really were. April didn't like the label, but she was a gold star lesbian, having never even considered the possibility of a special guy in her life. The only special guys she needed were Danny and Dorian.

Which then proceeded to bring back the little bits of dark swirling jealousy in her stomach - especially as after Sabine's killer shot, Mai was cheering for her, and Danny was shaking Sabine in excitement. April's chest began to feel a little bit tight, and she could almost feel the hint of something behind her eyeballs. "OMG you did it!!!" April cheered, putting on her best smile. "That was, like, absolutely killer! You didn't mind wipe us to make us all think you did it right?" April then teased slightly, before instantly regretting it. "Not that I'm accusing you or saying you would, though! You totally did it all by yourself without your powers! It was amazing!"

And then, April felt like that had been all too much. She was never good at doing things in moderation. It was always way too much, way too fast. She wished that Dorian was back. He was supposed to be meeting them there soon, right? She pulled out her phone and shot off a quick text to him. April took another bite into her apple, before realizing her appetite had almost entirely vanished. "I'm gonna go throw this out, be right back besties!" April said, before hurrying off to the nearest trash can.

Poor Headmaster Coulson, meanwhile, was rapidly blinking his eyes, trying to get the water out of them. It took him a minute before he managed to climb back up onto his chair, wet as a dog. "Sparkling, Miss Bassard," Coulson answered Sabine, shaking his head at the crazy kids.

Guin Stark

Location: the Mall!
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Guin rolled her eyes at Pietro's complaints about motorcycles being too slow. "Maybe I'll have to go race them with Lance, then," she suggested, sticking her tongue out slightly. It was rough being married to Pietro Maximoff at times, particularly as while Guin's mind could more or less keep up with him, her body could not. She ate another bit of pretzel bites, thinking for a moment as to where she wanted to go next, as Pietro seemed to have zero ideas. She was mildly suspicious that he had already zipped around this entire mall.

She pulled out her phone, and shot off a text to Mary -

"Leeet's go to GameStop, then. Maybe they'll have something fun that I can rip apart and rebuild," Guin proposed. Refurbishing an old Wii or GameCube sounded like a fun project. It'd be a nice thing to do in her spare time. There were moments when it was almost awkward, being into machines and robotics, when part of the X-Men - as famously, robots and mutants didn't tend to mix. Guin was pretty sure her X-gene was somewhat of a cosmic joke at this point. She then turned on the ball of her foot, and started walking off to the GameStop. After that, she had nooo idea what she was going to do. It'd come to her in the moment. Provided they didn't get attacked spontaneously. That did tend to happen. Ruined the vibe sometimes.

She shot off a text to Lance as they walked -

Neil Spellman

Location: the Mansion
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil felt somewhat flustered by the newcomer's rapid fire questions - and immediately regretted making the slight joke he had to Bethany. It was one thing to joke about that around people who weren't versed in magic, and either this man was really into LARPing, or he was magical himself. Neil sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck for a moment. "... I'd rather you didn't, to be honest," Neil told Max. He didn't know the man at all. He'd never met him before. The best of the best of Neil's family hadn't been able to remove the curse, and having this stranger examine him... it made Neil feel vulnerable and afraid.

Thankfully, he was saved by the bell - or rather, the Phoenix. Neil relaxed ever so slightly when Mary showed up. She was the leader of the team, dealing with magical newcomers was quite literally her job description. Neil tried to silently communicate to Bethany that the two of them could leave - he did still want to pick her brain some about D&D - but instead she invited Max to go along with them to the kitchen - the exact place Neil needed to go, as his grumbling tummy kept reminding him. He kept trying to read the body language of the people talking, to figure out what sort of person this Max was - and wait, did he say he had a family? Neil was trying not to judge, but he looked a little young for that. But maybe he was actually, like, 500 years old - magic people tended to age weirdly. Neil had a baby cousin who had been born in the Stone Age and was still, by all intents and purposes, a baby. They still had to use a pacifier.

He cleared his throat slightly, as Bethany spoke for him. "Neil Spellman - Solstice, if you want my mutant name," Neil offered, before holding out a hand for Max to shake. If he knew about Neil's family and had a problem with it, it would be better for them to figure it out now and get it out of the way. His reaction - ideally lack thereof - to that name would be the deciding factor. He was curious about this Mutant Underground stuff as well - the name was vaguely familiar.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

For the relative silence that they needed to operate under, it served to make the shrieks of pain that much more piercing. Megan was disappointed she couldn't take the time to enjoy it properly. It was a symphony to her ears, the final performance of a beloved and magnificent opera, about to leave the stage forevermore. Sierra and Megan's father were both sabotaging the docks, whereas Megan heard another noice pierce the tenuous silence - crying. She turned her head, following the source of the sound, and she spotted cages on one of the nearby ships.

Megan didn't say a word to Sierra or Arthur, as she diverted her course, nimbly making her way onto the ship. There, she found more prisoners that she assumed to be merpeople - or merpeople enthusiasts, as they were wearing Atlantean clothing, shells and whatnot. Luckily, they had feet at the moment instead of finds. Chains and ropes kept them bound, and Megan paused for a moment, examining them all. "Don't move," she cautioned, before using excalibur to release them, hacking away their bindings like they were nothing.

"Now go, and quickly," she said, quickly scanning the ship for anything else interesting. The gold might've interested some, but it was dull to her.

Raynor Blake, Jedi Knight

21 pts (Light-Side)

Breathe. In. Out. In. Out.

It was taking all of Raynor's focus to not just focus on the bloody wound in his side. He had to use the Force, reach out with his senses, determine if the way ahead was clear. The battle raging above the planet's surface depended on them. It didn't matter if they lived or died, all that mattered was if they could destroy the power core of this factory. In the shape he was in, Raynor didn't know if he'd be able to escape the factory in time if he destroyed the core, resulting in a violent explosion. "Do you know how to disable the core, Emzie?" Raynor asked, even though each word physically hurt to form.

He reached ahead with his senses, trying to determine if he detected any lifeforms up ahead. He didn't feel any. There could be droids though. That was one of the pesky things about the clankers - they were slippery when it came to the Force. He could throw them around with the Force all day, but feeling their souls, their presence? It was almost impossible for him. He knew other Jedi were better at it, but he wasn't. Especially not now.

He took another breath, bracing himself, before flinging the door open with the Force. His muscles were tensed, ready for a fight, and...

The room was empty of droids.

"Emzie, I don't like this..." he muttered warily. "It should be guarded, right?"
The Stables...

Lorna's eyes were wide with fascination as Kitty explained all of this lore to her. She couldn't help but notice that of all the mythological Japanese creatures she knew (which were now two), they both had extra tails! "Woah! Do all of them have like more tails and stuff? Or is it just the cat and cat-like ones? Like is there a dog thing with like ten tails?" Lorna asked. Her next question died in her mouth as she let out a slight screech, clinging onto Kitty for dear life as they suddenly rocketed up into the air. "Oh my gods don't drop meeeeee!!!" she cackled, enjoying herself just as much if not more than she was terrified. When they came to somewhat of a stop, hovering about the stables, Lorna processed the next bit of information that Kitty had given.

"So it's not like a mommy kitsune and a daddy kitsune have a baby kitsune - anyone can just... give birth to one? That's wicked cool! And weird! But mostly cool!" It was really blowing her mind to think about, which was saying something as there were so many weird Greek myths that Lorna shouldn't have been that thrown off by it. She wasn't too disappointed either by Kitty saying that she didn't know things - Lorna didn't know lots of things. "That's okay! We're both just learning. Like, I still don't know Hebrew very well, and like, I can say basic things in it but I don't really know what I'm doing, I kinda mumble through it on holidays and stuff..."

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