Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

It hadn't even occurred to Nancy that they could use their musical skills to calm people. She tended to use her voice as a weapon, blowing people's minds - literally. A slight red tinge colored her cheeks. As a Roman, she prided herself on seeing how her abilities could be used to aid the group as a whole, to strengthen them and weaken their enemies. It was somewhat embarrassing that she had not considered a non-combat capability of her musical gift. Maybe she could use her voice to do more than hurt people.

The brief feeling of shame though did not last long on her face - not as Demetri, for whatever reason, seemed to be angry with her. It honestly surprised Nancy. She didn't think about him very much, he was just like any other Greek here, the only one she gave two shits about was Zeke. The others were just allies in this quest, nothing more, and nothing less. Yes, Nancy had been somewhat snippy with Demetri, but she hadn't been expecting him to snap back at her. "I don't have a problem with you, actually," Nancy told Demetri. She wasn't going to back down. "Or your bestie Venus. I'd rather gag myself with a spoon than think about either of you." she snapped.

Her ire then was diverted, at Cassian's - ludicrous - suggestion that he, Zeke, and herself could work together to calm down the passengers. Anything Nancy had preached about Roman teamwork was out the window. Her eyes had widened in shock, before narrowing. "I think I'd rather be arrested than perform with you, son of Bacchus," she said sternly. At any rate, it looked like Janelle had been successful in calming down the passengers on the train. She was winning points in Nancy's book. If she had to rank the Greeks, it would be: Zeke >> Janelle >> Kristin > Demetri >>>>>>> Cassian. "Good work, Janelle," Nancy praised, although her tone was clipped and even, not filled with positive emotional inflections, as if she was commenting on the weather.

Kristin redirected their attention to the matter of transportation. Nancy didn't like it. She had barely worked up the nerve to commit to this quest, and she didn't want to find another way to get to Las Vegas. Before the mortals had calmed down, she had seen no other choice. But now, they had a choice. They could continue to ride this train and fight in close quarters, or they could steal a car, hot wire it, and drive the rest of the way... Either way, Nancy was certain monsters would find them. No quest was ever easy.

"The next stop is... Philadelphia," Nancy murmured. They hadn't really gotten any closer to Las Vegas then. Nancy didn't want to think about it, but her knowledge of US geography also made her think they might've been slightly farther away actually. "I'd prefer to ride this train as long as we can. Monsters are going to come for us no matter where we are. At least this way, we can zip through a lot of territory." She wasn't scared of more close quarters fighting.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

Leda, luckily enough, did remember the words of the prophecy. It wasn't her first quest, so she had known how important it was to commit them to memory. She didn't pick up on Poseidon misunderstanding her compliment - she knew her myths very well, she knew that he hadn't made the oceans, but she assumed he was maintaining and renovating them or at least tinkering around with them. "To find the trident, the child of the sea, rainbow, and the dead must enter the depths to find the lord of the sea and with the camp of the sea," Leda recited.

"We had another with us on the quest - a son of Hades - but... Hades seems to have, like, grounded him," Leda explained. Prophecies could be weird sometimes. Maybe Sera wasn't necessarily a part of this prophecy, but she was a part of this quest. Though, Leda supposed that anyone there might've been a child of the dead, assuming one of their parents had passed on. Maybe that's what it had meant - literally dead, not Hades dead.

Poseidon had more or less already confirmed what the prophecy had said - that they needed to go to this sea camp, Camp Fish-blood. Leda was sure there was a copyright lawsuit pending between Fish-blood and Half-blood, things would get ugly any day now. But if the camp was being attacked by Oceanus, and it was the place named in the prophecy, she was certain that was where their quest would lead them.

@Ogobrogo: Teddy was clearly LIVING, high on life. As he took his sweaty, stinky self back to his dorm room to wash up, he'd run into a pair of siblings in the lobby. Diana Novikova and Percy Novikov, the Novikoffs if you were nasty. (See Percy's post for more update goodness~)

@Blizz: Maybe it was a trick of the light. Or maybe it was something more. Her hand seemed to darken somewhat, taking on an earthy tone and texture. The transformation would look like it had begun to slowly spread up her arm. The moment Leah released the hammer though, her hand would change back to normal - just ordinary skin, nothing earthy about it.

"Hurry up, I wanna try!" a snot-faced freshmen complained, having been waiting 'patiently' for all of ten seconds behind Leah to try out the hammer. No one had managed to lift the hammer all day, although one or two students claimed that it had started to budge, and they had stopped out of respect for Thor.

@Natsu: Once complete, feel free to post our collab :)

@BlueSky44: As Zelda makes her way back to the dorm, she will also have to go through the ground floor of Stark Hall. This places her exactly where two people who would be somewhat familiar to her are - Diana Novikova and Percy Novikov, again, the Novikoffs if you're nasty lol. (See Percy's post for more update goodness~)

@Ever Faithful: For Ardere, the person in front of her was still inside the Fortune Telling tent with Prof. Harkness. They should be out soon though, so hopefully she won't have to wait much longer. If she decides to do some people watching, she'll notice a group of girls heading over to get their faces painted - Kate Bishop, America Chavez, and Cassie Lang. By the reactions of other people looking at them, it'd be safe to say that those were THE popular girls at school, the ones who really ruled this place.


The King looked both annoyed and relieved that Mads had agreed to go up against Ser Megan. "Passive powers are permitted in all matches, as inhibitors are unethical," the King explained. "Beyond that, it's up to the duelists if ye would like to have all of your talents at play! The duel is to the death or yield. Preferably the latter, Megan."

Ser Megan might've scowled, might've smirked, or even just made no face at all as she looked Mads up and down. "I want you at your best," Ser Megan said. "If that's with your witchbreed gifts, then that's fine with me." She had her foam sword at the ready and she shifted into a fighting stance. She was already in the center of one of the little rings - ready to fight, whenever Mads was.

Andy would manage to make her way over to the Academy Knights booth and rejoin her friends. Along the way, Selene had mostly behaved, although she kept pointing out different students to Andy and whispering virgin. By the time they had reached the Academy Knights though, the Selene doll was still and just appeared to be an ordinary doll, definitely not possessed by the trapped spirit of an immortal mutant sorceress, who claimed to be the common ancestor for modern mutants.

There was another little ring space as well, so Vicky and Zari would be able to have their practice fight at the same time as Mads faced off against Ser Megan. But hey, maybe Andy would want to fight too, could have a 1x1x1 battle maybe?

@Trainerblue192: For better or for worse, Dorian had just missed Percy - Percy was already back down on the first floor by the time Dorian had gone to his room and read the horrifying note on the door. No one else seemed to be around at the moment really. His dorm mom / supervisor, Firestar, must've been out at the carnival with the other faculty - where pretty much everyone in the school was hanging out at the moment, celebrating a few more fleeting moments of freedom before classes would start up again. Hopefully the rest of Dorian's day goes better than it has so far! And hopefully Nemo won't be too upset about the teacup...

Percy Novikov

Location: Stark Hall - First Floor
Skills: N/A
~New Outfit~

Percy wasn't particularly interested in any of those activities - there was a reason he had spent the morning of the carnival reading in the sunshine, rather than going around and getting his face painted something ridiculous like a fairy princess or a tiger. He could guess that Diana would want to go to archery, but she had specified that he got to pick. He was intrigued somewhat by the option of dressing up for photos or playing chess. But if he were being honest... he was the most interested in fortune telling.

Some people might've been surprised, but he did believe in that sort of thing - mostly because one of his moms' coworkers was the Scarlet Witch. Magic and the supernatural weren't unproven, they were facts, real and concrete. Maybe Agatha Harkness could tell him what he had to do in order to avoid those assholes from earlier for the rest of his life. Or maybe she'd do him the kindness of lifting whatever sort of curse they had no doubt placed on him, as that many repeated traumas and assaults didn't just happen by accident.

"I want to do fortune telling," Percy settled on. "I want to ask Agatha for a detailed plan on how to never see those pieces of shit again. And then, I want her to tell me about your love life, so I can practice my disapproving glare at the lucky guy or gal early. It needs to be withering."

He secretly was somewhat interested in his own love life as well - not that he would fess up to that. He had a certain image to maintain, standards to adhere to. If Agatha told him he was going to end up with some common fool, he wanted to know now, so he could make drastic changes to avoid that fate.

Percy then turned his head, seeing someone enter the ground floor of Stark Hall. He had not really met his roommate, but it was hard not to recognize him on sight. Percy gave him a curt nod. "Nice to see you, Teddy." He had given Teddy the once over and saw that people's descriptions of Teddy as a young bear were not really exaggerated too much at all. Percy was fairly certain Teddy could knock him over just with a sneeze.

And then, not too long after, a vaguely familiar face came on through. He didn't know her super well, but well enough to recognize her - Zelda Flynn. "Is... is that a bear dressed up as She-Hulk? I didn't know bears were so popular here," Percy said dryly, his eyes flickering over to Teddy as he said bear.

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Dunk Tanks
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

"No, I wish I had - today's been like hella stressful so far, could've used something," April lamented. Her stuff was hidden in her dorm room at the moment, and April knew that Dorian was likely back there calming down, so she didn't want to go back there and intrude on him, not when he wasn't feeling well.

Something dark twisted in April's stomach though as she saw Sabine link arms with Danny. She didn't dare put a name to the emotion, though. When it came to unpleasant emotions, April tried to live by the advice of a Disney classic - conceal, don't feel. It worked for the most part. And the school hadn't ever pulled her to the side to talk about why the pipes in Stark Hall seemed to freeze over at least once a month, despite their location in sunny southern California. Nope, there was nothing here for her to examine, everything was (going to be) fine! She plastered an extra big smile on her face, even though it made her cheeks hurt. Today was (going to be) a fantastic day.

"No way!" April gasped, at Danny's revelations about Professor Harkness and Headmaster Coulson. At an ordinary school, a rumor like that would've been dismissed immediately. But here at AA, crazy things were normal - the headmaster secretly being a clone of a crazed eugenicist was hardly the most outrageous thing April had heard about the staff here. For instance, she knew that one of the teachers was a cat created by some dude called the High Evolutionary, and went around getting into trouble, Puss in Boots style (another classic movie). "What if EVERYONE on staff is Sinister? My parents don't get involved in X-Men style shit often, my mom says she went to that mansion once and it was a gigaaaantic mistake, but like... He's no joke. I think he's on like ten million different SHIELD watch lists. Like, I think he was a Nazi or something and got paperclipped or whatever it was that they did to evil science peeps? Also, you and Kate would be SUCH a cute couple, Mai, you should def go for it even if they didn't split, wreck that home!"

When a portal opened with a whoosh, and a jacket was ejected, April wasn't as cut off guard as she had been the first few times this had happened near her. If she remembered correctly, she had actually screamed like a Final Girl the first time it had happened. Instead, she waved eagerly with her candy apple at the rapidly closing portal, despite not even catching a glimpse of who was on the other side. "Hi Mr. Gray!" April called out cheerfully, doing her best still to be the person everyone wanted her to be - the upbeat, fun, bright, ever positive girl next door.

The group then arrived at the dunk tanks, where Headmaster Phil Coulson, struggling to hold onto his remaining three or four hairs, was at their mercy. His suit was sopping wet, so they definitely wouldn't be the first students to dunk him that day. And they probably wouldn't be the last. There was a bucket of balls, and the person running the booth explained that everyone got three tries, and there were no repeat visits allowed, so they'd need to make every ball count.

"So, who wants to throw some balls first?" the attendant asked, looking at the group.

Guin Stark

Location: the Mall!
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Guin found the little mall at Salem Center to be so cute. The places she typically shopped at were for rich people, filled with useless stores selling things for thousands of dollars, without a single Hot Topic in sight. Nordstroms could only dream of being featured in the sort of places that the Starks would shop - and here, at Salem Center, it was the crown jewel in a dying mall. She secretly hoped that the mall would actually go under within a few years, just because the thought of doing urban exploration of it in, like, a decade sounded so trippy to her.

She popped a pretzel bite into her mouth, having grabbed a little thing at the Annie's. She then offered one to Pietro. "Want one, babe?" she asked him. They had been more or less wandering through the mall. She knew that Mira was at the mall (telepaths always know), but she was avoiding her. And for good reason. Guin was the reason that Mira had killed a lot of people. And they hadn't really talked much since that had happened. They had been good friends once - and now, Guin couldn't help but feel like she was drowning in guilt whenever Mira was nearby. Not a great recipe for an enduring friendship.

"Where do you want to go next - we could go to GameStop, see if they've got anything fun? Or we could go get you some new shoes, those ones are looking kinda worn out already. Didn't we just get those though?" Guin added with a frown. Speedsters did tend to go through shoes pretty quickly - an occupational hazard. "Oooor we could look for one of those silly, like, photo booths - the ones that spit out the strip of pics?"

She was genuinely happy here, just wandering the mall with her husband. It was nice to be back on Earth, too. After everything they had been through, Guin had started attending narcotics anonymous meetings again. It was helpful, just to have a place to go where she could talk about things - maybe not always how she had seen evil versions of her friends and witnessed the wreckage of a world where all hope had been lost, but hey, it was the little things in life that mattered. She had gone on a ski trip with her dad and Pepper as well when they had gotten back in the Swiss Alps. She was already ready for another vacation. Guin was always ready for a vacation.

"Oooh I wonder if we could rent motorcycles somewhere nearby and race them...." Guin then suggested, before eating the bit of pretzel she had offered Pietro.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Mansion
Skills: Telekinesis
~Fit Check~

Neil wasn't too sure what time he had woken up - or what time it was currently. He had installed black out curtains, letting no helpful rays of sunlight on through. His phone was abandoned on the desk, out of charge. And since he had no roommate at the moment (for which Neil was eternally thankful, he was still getting reacquainted with... well, himself), nothing from the outside world had disturbed him. No, instead Neil had spent hours pacing back and forth around the room, flipping furiously through the Curse of Strahd campaign materials. His last D&D group had been put on pause (read: ended) due to his ex-girlfriend dumping him and fleeing the Mansion, his family imploding with a zombie attack, and most of the X-Men team going off to space, where even Roll20 wouldn't help them.

At some point, Neil had stopped pacing. He had briefly contemplated lying down on the floor while he read, but it hadn't felt natural. No, what had felt more and more natural to him over the past year... were his mutant gifts. He focused on the books and the papers he had been scribbling on, as well as himself, and he had tried to use his telekinesis to levitate all those things at once. It had taken him a few tries to get it down and stable, dropping himself and/or the books a fair amount, before he had managed to pull it off. He was floating about six feet off the ground, his legs crossed, and the books gently floating all around him, going further and nearer as needed.

He could've stayed in that zen like pose for hours.

And maybe he did.

His stomach growled. Neil sighed. He had really been in the zone. And while the drastic change to his appearance had been, well, drastic, it was almost more annoying how many people just no longer recognized him. People had gone up to him, assuming he was a brand new student, and not a member of the X-Men. He had been chastised by one of the teachers for not being in class, despite no longer needing to take any formal classes at the school. And one particularly weird kid had told him that she had loved him in the Phantom Menace, despite having almost zero resemblance to Hayden Christensen.

Neil lowered the books (and himself) down to the ground. Maybe some of the old D&D crew would be getting lunch around now - he could start talking to them about characters they might want to play. He was anticipating somewhat of an uphill battle to get people to switch over to 5e for Strahd, but he had his arguments ready. His stomach growled again. Neil rolled his eyes slightly, annoyed at his own body - it was still weird at times to think of his body as being his, he didn't recognize himself most times when he looked in the mirror. He threw on his jacket and left his room, locking it up behind him.

Not too far down the hall, he saw Bethany talking to someone he didn't recognize. "Don't tell me Lance got hit with a shapeshifting curse too," he joked, his voice somewhat quiet as he walked up to the two.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

Nancy shrugged slightly at Janelle's thanks, not realizing in the moment that it was a response imperceptible to Janelle. Her mind was too focused on the impending danger of being dragged into a mortal prison, or at the very least being held for questioning. Who knew what the mortals had seen through the Mist, but Nancy could take a guess that it hadn't been legal. Zeke was naturally preoccupied with healing the Bacchus child - Nancy privately agreed with his sentiment that they ought to have let him just pass out. If he wasn't conscious, then he couldn't use his powers, and Nancy would be able to let her guard down ever so slightly...

She raised an eyebrow, as Demi insisted she deserved something as well. "No, I don't. Janelle and yourself beat the beast. I just slit his throat," she explained. It was why she had given both Janelle and Demetri the spoils - she hadn't earned them. They had. It wasn't an olive branch or a peace offering, it wasn't a vote of confidence in the Greeks, it was pure practicality. Had Nancy felt she had earned the Minotaur horns, she would've kept them both.

"And what is your track record again with successful and maintained transformations? Remind me?" Nancy said somewhat snippily. She could just see Demetri turning into a horse midway through flight, and all of them falling to their deaths. She moved back to the original car with the others, a bit annoyed as no one else seemed to grasp the situation. "Look, if we stay in this train car, the mortals clearly saw something. They'll phone the police. They'll be at the next station we pull into. And unless one of you can spontaneously manipulate the Mist to convince them to not do that, we'll be derailed - literally. Everyone on this car will be taken into custody and questioned."

Her gaze fell on Janelle though, as something occurred to her. "Janelle, have you ever been able to manipulate the Mist? You can do things with dreams, right? Maybe it'll translate. If you could convince everyone on the train that they just had a grody ass day terror and everything is fine... that might work."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

Leda had to resist the urge to point out that there were very few physical features demigods actually inherited from their parents. Kiera's hotness was all her own. Though, the storms in her eyes? Leda was positive those were from Poseidon. No mortal girl had eyes like those, eyes so deep and cataclysmic that Leda just got lost in them oh so easily... The god himself then seemed to notice them, thanks to Hercules' interjection, as he shrunk down to the size of an average mortal man and approached the group. For obvious reasons, his attention went right to his daughters.

When Kiera introduced her to Poseidon as her girlfriend, a sudden worry of being smited for dating Poseidon's daughter flashed through her. Luckily, he didn't seem to be in an overprotective dad sort of mood. "It's smashing to meet you. I'm a big fan of your work - the oceans are bloody brilliant, just gorgeous," Leda said earnestly, uncertain if she ought to do a curtsey or something else. She'd never met one of the Big Three before. The hair on the back of her neck was standing straight up. Sera seemed to be nervous as well, but she really didn't have a reason to be. Poseidon didn't have a rep for killing his kids - not like some other gods...

@Ogobrogo: Teddy is more than welcome to make his way back on over to lifting, in order to see if he can beat his best of the day and get a few more crushed vans up into the air. However, along the way back, he would run into one of the teachers at the school - Firestar. A former Avenger and a mutant, Firestar has the ability to manipulate microwave energy, although most people think she just has fire powers.

"Teddy - did you see what happened to cause that fireball?" Firestar asked. She was in charge of his dorm and knew him quite well, having taught a few classes he had been in and whatnot. "Somehow, none of the other staff members had eyes on it..."

@Blizz@BlueSky44@Natsu: As Leah left Agatha's tent, having had her dramatic and serious fortune told, she would see a new disaster unfolding in front of her. Maybe this had somehow been what Agatha had been warning about? Two new girls - freshmen, most likely - appeared to have gotten into an accidental confrontation. Leah would've missed most of it, but caught a glimpse of the illusion Zelda had accidentally projected, that of Mary Sue's parents calling her a failure. Maybe some upperclassmen advice could be used here? As for Zelda, she'd see Leah coming out of the tent. Maybe Leah would be able to help - or maybe now is a good time go find her sister?

@BlueSky44@Forsythe@Nallore: Andy had excused herself to go grab something from her room, so the quartet would become a trio. The booth for the Academy Knights isn't too far away. Assuming the trio does go to approach, they would be greeted by the president of the Academy Knights - the King himself. "What ho, three fair maidens do I see? Challengers, perhaps, to face off in a duel?" the King paused, noticing again that one person in particular was ready for another bout, and still undefeated - a dark haired girl with braids and a crest of a gold dragon on her armor.

"Will you be facing each other or is anyone so brave as to fight our champion of the tourney thus far, the brave Ser Megan?"

Ser Morgan regarded the trio intensely. She had an unnerving stare.

@Kirah: As Andy heads back to Stark Hall to grab something from her room, she would notice not very many people were actually in the building at the moment - that she could see. There was a blonde girl and a short boy with brown hair who were talking in the lobby, but otherwise not really anyone was around. When she got back to her dorm room itself, it was more or less the way she had left it - with one critical exception.

The doll imprisoning the soul of her evil immortal mother, the dark priestess herself, SELENE! - somehow, the doll had moved. The Selene doll was now sitting on the floor in the middle of the room, with all of Chi Mai's potted plants (Debbie, Rock, and Bub) in a triangle around her.

"There wasn't enough for a proper circle, bah!" Selene complained, as soon as Andy came into the room. "I need you to get me some candles, black flame, won't you be a good dear and do that for mother dearest?"

@Trainerblue192: Ser Nemo looked at Dorian quizzically for a moment. "I'm not a fish....? Oh!" he chuckled, realizing the source of the confusion. Words sounded differently to him - he heard them for their true meanings. And in the case of his name, it did not refer to an animated clown fish. "I see. No, I am afraid that I have no affiliation with Pixar - an elderly queer man is hardly what they look for in terms of protagonists in the early twenty first century."

Somehow, Ser Nemo's electric kettle had already been running - despite neither of them having been in the room for very long - and it whistled, announcing that the water was ready. Perhaps Ser Nemo had already been intending to make tea before going out for a stroll on the grounds...? But that didn't make very much sense either. Maybe they'd been in the office longer than Dorian had realized.

Ser Nemo took out two teacups - the set looked rather fine, something that must've cost a pretty penny. He poured the hot water and portioned out the loose leaf tea into two tea infusers, adding them into the cups. The cream and sugar, he then set those down on the desk in front of the two of them - as well as a third tiny flask, a cordial really. "Let it steep for a moment. It's Earl Grey, I hope you enjoy it. I have cream and sugar - and some vanilla as well, should you take it with that," Ser Nemo explained.

He had listened to Dorian's tale of woes, and his heart did break for the young man. But this day was not such a large disaster that it could not be salvaged - there would be greater sorrows to come for the young Mr. Gray, that Ser Nemo was cursed to know. It was the way of the world. Nothing gold could stay. "When I was your age, I could not control my powers either," Ser Nemo commiserated. "I humiliated myself with them. But... had that not happened, I would not have met my first love. These things have a way of working themselves out, Mr. Gray. Your birthday is not yet over - I imagine your friends perhaps were just waiting to give you gifts. Professor Harkness is still there to do readings, and I am certain there are still many cute boys for you to meet."

"But perhaps I can help to make your birthday right," Ser Nemo said, before handing Dorian the small package he had been carrying earlier. "A gift, from the faculty to you. It is never easy being away from home on your birthday. I hope you treasure this."

Percy Novikov

Location: Stark Hall
Skills: N/A
~New Outfit~

Percy was indignant over the way he had been treated - but he was also hungry. And no one else seemed to be in Stark Hall, so his pride wasn't going to take too much further damage by eating some of the snacks his sister gave him. He grumpily put a handful of kettle corn into his mouth, doing his best to look angry even as his stomach rejoiced at the influx of sweet, sugary food. "You'd think they'd have learned how to control their powers - or just maybe, maybe using your powers to do the light thingy wasn't ideal - or hijacking someone's body without consent could be considered assault," Percy snapped. He wasn't angry at Diana - he was angry at the older boys who had hurt him.

He didn't mention that this situation had started due to Percy's own powers misfiring, but bumping into someone was different from setting them on fire and then possessing them. It was an entirely different class of offense. "And I'm fine, I just tripped over something," Percy lied. He didn't know what had come over him briefly, and he didn't want to think about it anymore. The day had been traumatizing enough.

He didn't particularly want to be the pathetic loser boy tagging around his sister, but he knew hiding off in his dorm room for the rest of the day wasn't a good look either. And he doubted Diana would actually let up. She was probably even more overprotective of him than their moms were. Percy sighed. "Just - just let me get changed, okay? We can't let those assholes ruin our day, I suppose." Percy then took the elevator up to the sixth floor. He opened up room 601 with his keys, and noted that his roommate still wasn't there.

Percy strummed his fingers on the dresser for a moment, before opening up the drawers and quickly assembling a new outfit. He hadn't anticipated needing to do a wardrobe change on his first day. But given how his favorite jacket had already been ruined, Percy decided to dress down compared to before. He swapped out his shoes for a pair of converse sneakers; for pants, he went with dark black skinny jeans; for his top, a plain black t-shirt. And to finish off the look, he put on a leather jacket/grey hoodie combo. If he got too hot, he'd ditch the jacket.

"Подними голову, Новиков," he murmured, staring at his reflection in the mirror. He would never admit it, but part of him was nervous to get back out there to the carnival. Everything had gone so wrong with the first group of students he had interacted with, what was to prevent things from getting worse?

He tried to shake those feelings off, as he left the room, locked up, and took the elevator back down to the first floor where he had left Diana. "Alright, sister dear, where to?"

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

April had made a mental note to tell Dorian exactly what Danny had said so innocently to Teddy later. She would've texted it to him, but her hands had been a bit full with all of the food she had grabbed from the truck. The group had moved off to the side of the line now though, so hopefully no more mean freshmen would be criticizing them for holding the line up. April was pretty sure she'd have a nervous breakdown if one more thing happened that day. It was still bad enough she had made everything wet in front of Sabine...

April wished she could go ghost right about then and there, rather than make eye contact with the Most Perfect Girl in the world. She felt only slightly better when Danny kissed her on the cheek in thanks for the food. At least it had been before he'd eaten the funnel cake, so she didn't have powdered sugar lips on her face. "Yeah, you get to choose!" April encouraged. Had Dorian been there though, it obviously would've been his pick.

The promise of gossiping about Kate Bishop also helped her feel a little less mortified - she had never really gotten the appeal of Kate and Tommy as a couple. It felt like they were each other's beards, if anything. April was even considering if it would be too inappropriate to ask Agatha her thoughts on that entire situation, surely her mystic powers had to have SOMETHING to tell them...

"Yes, yes, let's go drown Coulson! If we miss, as long as no one is looking who would get me in trouble, I can see about making sure he gets dunked anyways. You don't think I'd get detention for it, right? Could always say my powers are going out of control. Everyone's powers are out of control here all the time, it's why the insurance rates are sooo high and barely anyone is willing to cover the school, like I think a bunch of Avengers' personal fortunes are basically going into paying the rates, that's what my mom says to me anyways.... Sooo dunking time? Yes, dunking time, you're coming, right, everyone? We could invite the mean freshie, she seems lonely, but also... kinda awful, not gonna lie," April rambled, saying the last part a bit quieter, just in case she was overheard.

April looked at Sabine expectantly for a moment, wondering if she would be joining them at the dunk tank. Maybe if she did get caught using her powers to dunk Coulson, Sabine could just edit everyone's memories to keep her out of trouble... April's mind briefly went off topic, having a vivid imagination of April and Sabine ending up in detention together, and somehow, there was just one desk, one chair, their hands touched and....

"Let's go, everyone!" April then chimed in, before walking in the direction of the dunk tank, while eating a candy apple.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Sierra asked Megan if she was nervous, and Megan shook her head. "Excited, really. Swinging a sword at someone in practice is one thing - this is something different," she answered. It was true. Rather than feeling frightened, instead Megan's adrenaline was beginning to spike ever so slowly. She could feel her heart quicken, her blood pumping a little faster, and her fingers itched to hold excalibur. Megan moved with Arthur and Sierra, hiding with them in the bushes near the docks. She noticed along with them that there was a patrol going along the docks, but that they seemed to be departing - and she could hear the sound of the drunken pirates.

Arthur crept forward, using the darkness to cover him. Megan had no real difficulty in doing exactly the same, making her way quickly and quietly onto the docks. The docks were really horrible - just completely terrible. Megan wouldn't have been surprised if just bouncing up and down would be enough to ruin them. Did they even really need to try and do so? Maybe the pirates would destroy it all by themselves soon enough... At any rate, she was ready to put the plan into action.

@Blizz: Go ahead and post the collab we did :)

@BlueSky44@Natsu: As Zelda left Agatha's little tent, Leah went in without saying a word to her. Perhaps Agatha ought to have given a protection charm to Mary Sue as well, as the sweet young freshmen's attempt to make her first real friend went... poorly. Specifically, Zelda's special note from the first update is coming into play. Zelda manifested the first fear listed on poor Mary Sue's CS completely by accident - Failure.

Given that failure is somewhat of an abstract concept, images of Mary Sue's mother and father - Niah Bautista and Oliver Sullivan, ex Agents of SHIELD - appeared. Both images looked at her with disapproval, while her father shook his head. "You've always been a disappointment to us..." he said. Her mother then chimed in. "Honey, it's not her fault - she can't help being a failure. Maybe the next kid will turn out better..."

The images would then disappear. Well, this is awkward, huh?

@BlueSky44@Kirah@Forsythe@Nallore: It's too bad that no one turned out to be worthy of the hammer, but poor Mr. Eyeball didn't even get to make an attempt, which, honestly, rude! People are still giving Andy somewhat weird looks for her retro fashion sense, a few giggles directed her way. If Zari has noticed Victoria's secret, she hasn't said anything yet, which hopefully is putting our robot friend at ease. And if you all do want to go hit each other with foam swords, the Academy Knights' booth isn't too far away! They might also notice the gigantic FIREBALL someone over by the food trucks blasted up into the sky, but that's just a normal day at AA, right? None of the teachers seem to be doing anything about it.

Andy's phone will ring with a text though, from her mom - BORED! xoxo Mummy

@Trainerblue192: Dorian must not have been paying 100% attention as to where he was going, as he collided into an older gentleman with a monocle. It was like the man had suddenly appeared out of thin air. He had a briefcase in his hand, and a small package in the other. He peered at Dorian, as if he could see him - and then Dorian would realize that he definitely could. An ordinary person shouldn't be able to do that. Hell, even some extraordinary people weren't able to see him. And Dorian definitely should not have bounced off of the gentleman, but he had.

"Mr. Gray," the old man said - he had a prim, sort of faux-British accent, the sort characters in Star Wars or fantasy movies had. He set down his briefcase and reached into his pocket, producing a silk handkerchief. "Today is not a day for tears. If my memory is accurate, and it always is, today is your birthday, no? Come with me to my office, I shall make us some tea and you can tell me what happened."

He then chuckled slightly, realizing he hadn't introduced himself - and Dorian would have a sense of déjà vu - as if he had seen this man before, but he wouldn't be able to place where. "How silly of me - I forgot to make introductions. My name is Ser Nemo. I'm a new instructor and coach here at the academy."

Percy Novikov

Location: the Field (School Carnival) -> Stark Hall
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

Percy didn't even know what to think when he saw snacks dropping out of nowhere in a trail in front of him. He was half tempted to scream LEAVE ME ALONE in every language he could think of. Sure, he had been bullied before at his old schools, but it was nothing compared to this. He wanted to punch a wall until his knuckles bled, and drink bourbon in his room to feel the burn crawl down his throat and into his stomach. He wanted to be alone, allowed to put together another suitable outfit, and read - maybe use his phone to watch some TV, if he got bored with Homer.

But the universe didn't seem to have that in mind for him.

He had just gone past an older gentleman in a suit when a massive wave of nausea and dizziness hit him - he saw stars as Percy stumbled forward, hitting the ground and landing on his knees. His ears were ringing. As much as he was freaked by the sudden onset of these symptoms, Percy couldn't help but become more infuriated. Everyone at this school was going to think he was some sort of sickly, frail kid who had to hide behind his sister.

Percy gritted his teeth, staggering up to his feet as he continued to walk towards Stark Hall. And then suddenly, the symptoms were gone. He felt perfectly fine. His skin felt like it was crawling with goosebumps and the hair on the back of his neck must've been standing straight up. When he made it to the entrance of Stark Hall - the building overlooked the field where the carnival was being held - Percy turned around. He saw Diana heading after him.

He huffed slightly. "I'm fine, Diana," he insisted. "Go back to your friends and have fun. I just want to be alone."

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival)
Skills: Hydrokinesis
~First Day Fit~

April was really torn - her immediate instinct was to run off after Dorian, maybe even give him his birthday present from her early (she had been saving it until after dinner - tickets for a K-Pop concert in LA happening in December). But as much as she felt compelled to go try and fix everything instantly, she knew that wasn't what Dorian would want - he'd want some time to be alone for a bit, to calm down, and then they could check in on him. She'd been besties with him long enough to know what he needed. "Dory..." April bit her lip, and wrung her hands slightly with nervousness.

Danny had latched onto Sabine, throwing himself - quite literally - into her arms. April's eyes widened in surprise as Danny set off a gigantic fireball (which was totally cool!! but also totally scary af). April nodded slightly as Diana said she was going to go after her brother, waving bye somewhat awkwardly at her. But as Leah took her arm away from her, April's internal sense of stability was majorly shaken. Her anxiety felt like it was a bunch of ants, crawling up her skin - that or knives, piercing her stomach. Without even realizing it, April started to rapidly cool the water vapor in the air around them.

A high pitched screech of Dani heralded the arrival of Chi Mai (complete with an EPIC tiger face paint, April would have to go by and get her face done too) - and gods, April could really go for a little weed break right now. She felt so incredibly frazzled, and not the cute hottie she had wanted to be today. Thankfully, Sabine seemed to be taking control of the situation - her methodical and thorough words, analyzing the entire situation and putting it in rational terms, it couldn't help but make April feel a little steadier.

But then, Sabine - perfect Sabine with the sun-kissed skin and perfect blonde hair and piercing blue eyes - Sabine called April GORGEOUS.

April couldn't breathe. She was pretty sure her heart had stopped beating. Every fiber of her being felt like it was on fire. She wanted to cry - not out of sadness, but out of pure elated joy. Her crush on Sabine was a relatively recent affair - she hadn't even told Danny or Dorian about it yet, partially because she knew that Danny wouldn't be able to keep it a secret from her bestie. She felt light on her feet and off balance, ready to fall backwards and just keep on falling for eternity, hearing those words replaying in her head over and over again until she died.

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous...

The water vapor in the air became sufficiently cool. What had been a gas became a liquid. A light watery mist hit everyone in the group - not too heavy, and it wasn't painful by any means, but a mist nonetheless.

April turned bright red.

"Umm... I'm gonna get us the food, sorry kid, we were - we were waiting and...." April didn't know how to finish that sentence, instead stepping up to the food truck - as it was finally their turn - and getting an assortment of items, enough food for the five of them. She didn't know if she'd be able to eat really, though. She didn't know if she'd be able to ever eat again, she was pretty certain there were piranhas and butterflies in mortal combat inside of her stomach.

"Okay, I got food for everyone, just take whatever you like, and um, yeah we can do whatever you want Danny! Or like whatever everyone wants, I'm not picky, I don't want to do anything actually - I mean not that I want to do nothing, just that I have no preference for anything, well there are things that I do think sound fun but like not more fun than anything else that anyone else might want to do!"

Guin Stark

Location: Woods
Skills: Telepathy

Lance didn't seem to even hear her suggestion of beating up Loki - if that was Loki, anyways. But as much as Guin was concerned about Lance, she was also concerned about their next move. She couldn't help but be fearful of and for Mary right now. Hosting the Phoenix was an awesome cosmic responsibility... and one that Guin didn't think her friend was prepared for - that any of them would have really been prepared for at the end of the day. No one seemed to make any decisions about maybe-or-maybe-not Loki, instead refocusing the conversation on how they were going to get home, with not Klara in tow.

Yeah, this is... all very strange, no pun intended, Guin agreed with Pietro. "Runa, do you wanna give the doc a ring then, tell him we're ready for him?" Guin suggested, agreeing with Annie and Bethany that they ought to just get Doctor Strange here, and he could use the shard of the M'Kraan crystal to send them all home. Maybe he'd have some advice on how to get the Phoenix safely out of someone as well, just to prevent any Dark Phoenix II situations from happening. Guin really did not want to see the remake.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Woods
Skills: N/A

"Yes, Klara, these are our allies," Runa reassured her cousin. Perhaps when they returned home, one of the Asgardian healers could restore the rest of Klara's memories. But if not, it was such a short period of time anyways to an Asgardian. Had one of the Midgardians been missing decades if not centuries of memories, Runa would be a little more concern, as that was more or less the extent of their lifespan.

"I s'pose we can take them back to Asgard and kill them there," Runa relented. They did need to leave, before more damage could be done to people's minds. She was still somewhat in denial over what had happened to Lance. Maybe he'd never want to see her again. Maybe he would never remember his life, just remembering this dark shadow of Earth-667... She bit her lip, steadying herself emotionally.

The subject had changed anyways to how they were going to get home, most of them pushing for Doctor Strange. But Runa hesitated, not calling for Strange. She could feel the presence of the Phoenix was here - perhaps just from the M'Kraan crystal in Mary's hand, but maybe something more. "Grandmother... If you are there... Will you send us home?" Runa asked softly, looking at Mary and the crystal. She wasn't sure where the Phoenix was, but she was here, somewhere, and that was all they should need to use the M'Kraan crystal, something so intimately connected to the Phoenix itself.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train
Skills: Daggers

Nancy made quick work of the Minotaur, stabbing it with her twin Celestial Bronze daggers. The Minotaur collapsed into a pile of dust, leaving its horns behind. Ordinarily, the trophy went to the person who had delivered the killing blow - but Nancy didn't feel right claiming them. Instead, she picked up the two horns. "Janelle, I'm giving you one of the trophies - one of the horns," she said, before placing a horn gently in Janelle's hand. "Try not to stab me with it." Janelle had been the one to really fell the Minotaur - but she couldn't have done it without Demetri's distraction. Nancy then held up the other horn to Demetri.

"Also going to ask that you don't stab me with this," she requested. She had more faith in Janelle when it came to not accidentally killing her anyways. If either of them didn't want it, Nancy figured she'd give it to Joanie - Joanie could use a good chew toy anyways. As much as Nancy found it cute when Joanie nibbled on her hair, it probably wasn't good for her hair in the long run. Nancy peered up and down the train corridor, and nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary anymore. It was all back to normal. Well, except for the panicking mortals.

Nancy pursed her lips. It would probably be in their best interest to get off of this train and out of sight. But they had already spent so much (of Janelle's) money to get these tickets. "Cacas," Nancy cursed. She had been hoping the Mist would encourage all of them to start vibing and just ignoring what had happened. "Unless you all are really into the idea of talking with the police, we're going to need to make ourselves scarce, pronto." She wished Mads had been there - she could've used the Mist to calm all the mortals down.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

Leda raised an eyebrow, at Kiera's proposal that she'd just have to carry her around in order to test her speed. "Believe it or not, but carrying you does slow me down - so we would just have a lower limit to my speed, not a max," Leda argued. She was happy though to have Kiera's arm around her. She liked the physical show of affection, even something as simple as this. Hercules then prompted them to go and Leda followed along with the rest, going up into the palace, past the merpeople acting as guards, and eventually into what must've been Poseidon's war room.

"Bloody hell... Your dad is fit," Leda couldn't help but blurt, slightly mesmerized by Poseidon's abs. She couldn't help herself, though. Gods and goddesses tended to make themselves incredibly hot - and Leda, being bisexual, couldn't help but appreciate all of them. Though, she did feel a little bad about blurting that out in front of Kiera. "Not as hot as you, 'course, babes," she added in a whisper. She would've said it louder, but she was mildly afraid Poseidon would turn her into a piece of coral or something.
Heyo, could this post be removed? Thanks!!

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