Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Raynor Blake, Jedi Knight

21 pts (Light-Side)

Raynor remained unconscious, unaware of the looming threats surrounding them. In his dream space, he saw something terrible. It was himself, violently disfigured, clinging to life on a distant moon. His Jedi robes were in tatters, his lightsaber gone, and his eyes... they were filled with pure hatred. Raynor watched like a distant observer, unable to do anything, as this version of himself clung to life through the power of the dark side. It was gathering around him more and more with each passing moment, swirling darkness that threatened to devour him and everything it touched...

"No, no, no..." Raynor murmured in his sleep. "Not...me..."

As Emzie moved along their new path, they would find more signs of the destruction wrought earlier. One hallway was littered with the bodies of Republic soldiers and droids alike, making it almost impossible to navigate. At the end of the hallway, two bodies in particular would stand out. One was the body of Jedi Master Sevrina Mozh - a Bothan woman. And the other was the body of Commander Firtick, CT-4827.

Commander Firtick was still breathing.

Raynor Blake, Jedi Knight

21 pts (Light-Side)

"Right, the charges," Raynor muttered. He should have known that. He hated that he hadn't known that. The wear and tear on his body and mind was beginning to show. He turned, seeing that Emzie had the charges on them. Raynor knew more or less how they functioned - they were standard issue, the sort used on all jobs like these. But a relatively new design for the Grand Army of the Republic - an older droid might not know how they worked. "I can do it," Raynor assured Emzie, reaching out with a shaking hand and grabbing the bag of charges.

He started towards the core, only to stumble and fall to the ground, the bag of charges spilling out around him. Then, the last line of defense of this droid factory showed itself. It came up from the ground, a horrific and noxious gas. Raynor's vision immediately began to blur. He cursed under his breath. Some Jedi were able to hold their breath for extended periods of time, calling on the Force... but he had already called on the Force so much. And the gas started to sting. Emzie would register that this gas was a chemical warfare weapon used by the Separatists to take out organic matter, whereas droids and whatnot would remain unharmed.

"Place... the... charges..." Raynor choked out, before he lost consciousness.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train Station PA
Skills: N/A

Nancy took in the information, hearing that the best option for her to get the burger her heart desired was to go about eight blocks or so to Burger King - and that they had four hours until they needed to get back on the train. Cassian seemed to be glitching, stammering about some sort of Damned Chariot. Nancy had never heard of whatever he was going on about, but it hardly sounded pleasant. Nancy raised an eyebrow. "What's your damage?" she couldn't help but ask him, against her better judgment. "Oh, I'm feeling totally rad," she told her half-brother, as he inquired.

"If I have to stand here another minute though, I will gag myself with a spoon," she complained. "Burger King sounds great to me. Do they still have the long buns there?" she asked. She hoped things hadn't changed too much, but she guessed that a fast food joint would stay more or less consistent. She gave Joanie a few scritches, hoping that her dragon might like some of the fries or burgers that they had at the joint. And she was somewhat hopeful Zeke would come with them as well.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

Leda was somewhat disappointed she was being given what looked like magic seaweed, and not magic weed. She could've gone for an edible or too. She'd never fought while high before and it sounded like it had the potential to be loads of fun. But she couldn't really be too disappointed - some magic seaweed letting her operate normally underwater, without having to cling to her girlfriend for magic bubble protection? That sounded pretty nice as well. Leda took the seaweed and swallowed it quickly, trying not to think too much about its taste - she already struggled when it came to eating veggies. "Sick, thanks," Leda said.

Sera had already run off with Hercules to go help with repairs, adorably explaining that she had put together a bookcase once. It was cute, seeing someone who had just really started the mad descent into the world of myths and legends - Leda didn't recall the last time she had done something just... completely normal. She had left that world behind when she started attending Camp Half-blood full time. "Guard duty's a bore, let's say we help out with the repairs, hmm luv?" Leda suggested, before heading off after where Sera and Herc had gone.

Guin Stark

Location: the Mall!
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks, Psy-Blasts
~Fit Check~

Guin probably should have been more freaked out by the sudden appearance of the antagonists of the week, but honestly, she was more intrigued / perplexed by Exodus' entrance. "We get it, you accepted Jesus as your lord and savior, but somehow mixed up Jesus and Magneto?" Guin shouted. It was a little bit over the top, the way Exodus was floating up above them, and she hated the way he talked about Pietro being a stain on the House of M. Not that she had real good feelings about her father in law anyways. He always treated Pietro like shit, and that was before Guin considered the fact that Magneto was a terrorist. And had tried to kill her entire family.

And then Juggernaut - what the hell was he talking about??? Guin couldn't even be properly confused about it, because then the weirdest dressed member of Magneto's crew, Phantazia, showed up. She looked more like a Dr. Seuss character to Guin than a super villain, but whatever, it takes all kinds right? "Like the fit. Who's your designer - the Hamburglar?" Guin mocked. Maybe she shouldn't have mocked Phantazia. Maybe she should have been sincere in the compliment instead. Seconds later, pain erupted through Guin's body, no doubt caused by the spooky lady in purple.

Guin screamed in pain, reflexing reaching out with her telepathy and trying to pull an Uno Reverse on Phantazia. Instead, she managed to just shut down Phantazia's attack, which was good enough for her, as relief flooded her body. "Okay, bitch, you wanna go? LET'S FUCKING GO!" Guin screamed, putting a hand to her head as she concentrated. She had been getting better and better at her telepathy, and she had a new trick she had learned. She concentrated, creating a blast of pure psychic energy that she shot off at Phantazia, her anger fueling her...

And she missed.

Twice, even.

"... That was a fucking warning shot, so back off! Why the hell are you all even attacking us? We were having a nice day!"

Neil Spellman

Location: the Mansion
Skills: Telekinesis
~Fit Check~

The mansion shook, a mysterious earthquake - but probably something worse, knowing their luck. Neil rushed outside with the others, only to be caught unaware. There was so much chaos happening already, the garden was up in flames, and they were under attack by people he didn't really recognize - but apparently Max knew? Was this from another vision or did Max just sorta know everyone? Neil was becoming more and more certain that Max must be a centuries old mystic of great skill and power, and that --

The next thing Neil knew, strong, muscular, and buff arms had scooped him off of the ground. He heard his attacker mutter something about fucking collaborators, the whole lot of them, before slamming Neil back down to the ground with their body weight, performing a perfect suplex. The wind was knocked out of his lungs and he saw stars - or rather, a gorgeous but blurry face peering down at him. "Wha..." he mumbled. He didn't even know why they were under attack. Or who was attacking him, for that matter!

His entire body was aching and groaning, and he knew he was going to likely be a gigantic bruise for a little while if he got through this. There weren't any dead bodies under the dirt of the Mansion that he knew of - not that he wanted to disturb them if they were there - so he fell back on his telekinetic gifts. He just needed to get this person away from him, before they started to do something like kick the shit out of him. He didn't bother aiming or looking, he just felt as he launched the person back away from him with his telekinesis, sensing them with his gift as they were thrown back away from him.

"What's going on here?" he muttered.

@Kirah@Blizz: Ooof, that must've hurt for poor Leah. She would only be unconscious for about 30 seconds or so, not super long, but still far from ideal. No one besides Andy ran over when she fell - mostly because no one is around. Hmm, shouldn't there be teachers or whatnot around? Maybe someone should look into that. There seems to be a lot of obvious measures that this school just isn't participating in. Andy and Leah (once Leah woke up) would however hear something strange - a strange, playful musical voice was coming from the second floor of the gym... followed by rock music?

@Ever Faithful@Natsu: Boy, things are extra awkward here. It's almost like the universe set up a really terrible roommate situation for the two of you, but that would be very rude of the universe. No one else seems to be around right now, not even the faculty member in charge of this floor, Jack of Hearts. Somehow, god willing, these two girls are going to have to have some sort of a conversation. Maybe Ardere will stop ignoring Mary Sue now? Only time will tell.


"Ah, my fair maiden, a moment please!" the King suddenly shouted, seeing that Mads had texted something on her phone and was about to leave. "I would be most honored if you would accept this," the King said, picking up a flower crown from a plastic grocery bag it had been contained in. It was made out of various blue flowers. "It is tradition for the King to bestow upon the fairest maiden of the day the Crown of Flowers," they explained. "And there is none fairer here than you." Mads' phone would then vibrate with a text back from April.

Meanwhile in the fight between Zari and Vicky, Zari seemed to have completely forgiven Vicky for everything. To Vicky, this behavior likely would seem illogical and somewhat abnormal, but then again, Vicky probably felt that way when interacting with most teenagers. Zari whirling around and everything would remind Vicky somewhat of the more fanciful fighting done in Star Wars movies - maybe it was time for Vicky to claim the high ground??? Or maybe even look for a way to exit this fight, since it seems like Zari could - like Captain America - do this all day...

@Ogobrogo: "Oh, thank you very much, young man - it is very much appreciated," Ser Nemo enthused. "Come, follow me, my limbs may be frail but my mind is sharp as ever - I will show you the way." He did not wait to see if Teddy was following him, assuming that the muscular young man was.

He called the elevator and got inside, holding the door until Teddy joined him, before his eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, drat! Silly me. My dear boy, there is actually another matter that I require your assistance with. You see, we are trying to pair up freshmen students with senior mentors - and I had been asked to make a match for two young girls starting at the academy. But I realize I had forgotten to do so! Here, come, would you mind showing them around today, making them feel welcome and at home? Oh, of course you will do it, that's a good lad," Ser Nemo said, pressing the button for the fourth floor.

Maybe Teddy was right to be suspicious of his teachers being sneaky.

When the elevator hit the fourth floor, the doors opened up and in the hallway were two freshmen girls, standing almost petrified outside their door. "There they are now! Ladies, might I introduce you to Mr. Thompson? Mr. Thompson, meet Ms. Sullivan and Ms. Terrane."

Percy Novikov

Location: Carnival - Food Trucks
Skills: N/A
~New Outfit~

Percy rolled his eyes at Diana calling him a grumpy little gremlin - although he couldn't quite disagree. He knew that he was somewhat prickly, it was hard not to be aware of that fact, given how silly and happy-go-lucky everyone else in the world seemed to be. Percy didn't understand how other people were not annoyed, angry, or otherwise irritated most of the time. "Yes, and she's a CareBear, ready to obliterate us all with the power of love," Percy said to Zelda, giving his sister the bird as he finished his sentence.

Diana went on ahead, getting herself some wings - Percy knew that she had a soft spot for those. And Zelda got herself cotton candy for lunch, an interesting choice, but Percy wasn't going to judge. He rather liked cotton candy anyways. When it was his turn, he got himself a hot dog and curly fries, before heading off to join his sister and Zelda on the bench. He looked around suspiciously for a moment, waiting for some asshole upperclassmen to show up and ruin his lunch, but none appeared. For the moment, at least.

"So, why are you here at the beloved Margaret Carter Institute, Zelda?" Percy asked somewhat bluntly, before taking a bite into his hot dog. "Are you hoping to save the world? Get on the cover of magazines? What's your motivation?" Some people might've found his probing words to be... well, unwelcoming. But he was genuinely curious as to why Zelda was here - he had his own reasons for being at this school, but he imagined hers differed.

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Outside Agatha's Tent
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

April's chest had exploded into a million butterflies and her face was brighter red than an award winning cherry tomato. She couldn't help but stare somewhat as Sabine left her and went into Agatha's tent, no doubt ready to hear about the most amazingly perfect life that awaited her. At least she was somewhat calmer as Dorian and his scary stalker was concerned - it was easier to accept that Agatha had handled it than that some horrible person wanted to wear his skin. That sort of stuff didn't happen to them, they were super powered teens, that stuff just didn't happen to kids!

"OMG nothing happened!!" April protested, as Danni began serenading them with the most embarrassing song of all. "Sh-sh-she just held me hand, that's all - like the guy in that Star Wars movie where he kept holding the girl's hand and it was completely platonic, that's it, we definitely weren't kissing. And if we had been kissing, you know I would've told you first, I can't keep a secret from my besties, so yeah, nothing happened, just normal hand holding like people who know each other through friends tend to do, completely natural, nothing weird at all or anything. Definitely no kissing," April stammered. Not that she didn't want to. Oh, she very much wanted to know what Sabine's lips tasted like, and how her hair would feel tangled up in April's fingers.

Her protestations though didn't last long, as Sabine reemerged from the tent - with a baseball cap? April didn't remember seeing any pictures on social media of Sabine with a baseball cap, it didn't seem like her type of thing. April somehow managed to blush even with her face already being the color of the Kool-Aid Man as Sabine threw a look in her direction. "Uh uh, sure, yeah, we can do that! Baseball caps can be kinda a vibe - are you a Yankees fan? The outfits can be kinda cute. There's this TV show I watched with my mom a while ago, it's a little dated, but it's about all these cute girls who play baseball during WWII or something, when all the dudes are away, and they were called the Peaches and they had the most adorable little outfits and some of them would make out with each other and stuff. Could do something inspired by that, maybe?"

April didn't mind that Danni had gone into the tent. She didn't really know what she was going to ask Agatha - the only thing that came to mind was asking Agatha about true love and stuff, but she was worried the witch would laugh at her and say it was something stupid to look into the future for. She had to come up with something important. Maybe she could ask Agatha who was going to try to destroy the planet next, so she could stop it? That would definitely get the Avengers interested in her! Or maybe she should ask Agatha about the Contest of Champions and what they would need to do to win - maybe even ask who was going to be on her team, so she could start strategizing? She already knew that Danni and Dorian HAD to be on her team - it wouldn't be perfect if they weren't together for it!

She glanced down at her phone, seeing that a text had come in from Mads -

"She isn't too creepy, right?" April asked Dorian, after Mai complained/confessed her feelings about going into Agatha's tent. "Well, no more creepy than the rest of the staff - especially if the rumors are true and Coulson is a Sinister, then he's definitely way more creepy than she is... If you want, we could go in together, Mai? I'll protect you from the creepy witch. My dad actually used to uh... never mind actually! Forget I said anything about him and what he definitely did or did not used to do for a living."

@Kirah@Blizz: The two of them had left the carnival behind, and were currently in the school gym. The gym facilities here were rather remarkable. The first floor of the gym was the sort of standard gym you'd find at any university - a weight room, cardio room, pool, climbing wall, basketball courts, etc etc. There was a room with padded floors where people practiced martial arts and other fighting techniques, filled with punching bags and whatnot. And of course, a big open space was used as the dedicated room for combat training, with reinforced walls that could take small nuclear blasts if needed. The second floor of the gym had a track, a roller skating rink, and a room filled with what looked like Bacta tanks that contained the school's virtual reality training software - the Framework. It was based off of some old SHIELD tech, allowing students to simulate dangerous combat scenarios without physical danger.

@Ever Faithful@Natsu: The will-o-the-wisp in the jar didn't respond to Ardere. If it were able to talk, it seemed to have chosen silence for the moment. The two girls, unaware that they were roommates, were both headed to the fourth floor of Stark Hall, room 401. Little playing cards with their names written on them in purple sharpie - Ardere and Mary Sue - were attached to the door. Room 402 had the names Sabine and Leah written on playing cards fixed to its door. In fact, if they looked up and down the hallway, they'd see tons of little playing card decorations - it was an entire theme.


Mads conjured up a shield of eldritch power to protect herself, knocking Ser Megan's sword away from her neck. With her other hand, Mads swung her blade at Ser Megan, hitting the other girl lightly in the side. "That's a rude assumption," Ser Megan said plainly. She swung her sword and it collided with Mads' magical shield, and the shield shattered. Megan swung again and her sword hit Mads' neck lightly. "You're dead," Ser Megan said calmly. "I'll die within hours of the wound you inflicted on me - if I'm lucky. Otherwise, infection will strike me down within the week."

The King was playing on their phone at the moment, updating their SuperLink profile, and very much going out of their way to not deal with any of the fights going on. One of the club members though looked REALLY engaged in the drama between Zari and Vicky. "GUT HER!!!" they screamed, but it wasn't clear whose side they were on.

@Ogobrogo: Standing at the door was an older gentlemen, wearing a smart, classic suit. He had intelligent piercing eyes and a balding head of white hair. Teddy wouldn't recognize him, not because he should have, but rather because the person at the door was new to the Margaret Carter Institute. "Yes, thank you," the man said. "I am Ser Nemo - the new, or rather, old Time Travel Studies professor. I was wondering if you might help me with some things in my office? They're rather heavy and my strength just isn't what it used to be," Ser Nemo admitted.

Percy Novikov

Location: Stark Hall - First Floor -> Carnival - Food Trucks
Skills: N/A
~New Outfit~

Percy rolled his eyes at his sister's joke. "Ha ha ha, very funny," he deadpanned. Diana could be so incredibly corny at times. If either of them had been born to be a dad, it was her. She had the exact sense of humor of a father of two in his early 40s. Percy only needed to get her a collection of graphic tees so that way she could look the part as well. She'd need to start throwing a yearly SuperBowl party too. But Percy was sure she could find her own way into doing that without his help. "As you can see, Zelda, my sister is a comedic genius. It's a shame she doesn't have her own stand-up special."

As mean and rude as he was, Percy did love his sister though. Part of this was just how he had learned to show affection. His family tended to tease each other - that's just how they were. "Yeah, your sister's friends suck," Percy informed Zelda. "Those assholes probably get a kick out of tormenting freshmen. You're better off without her."

Zelda struck him as being pretty different from her sister anyways - he wasn't sure how they were related, just in brief encounters he could already see how they were almost alien to each other. Zelda's sister was loud and annoying and fashionable, whereas Zelda was quiet and shy and hidden and insecure. As they headed out of Stark Hall and towards the food trucks, they'd end up passing by Ardere and Mary Sue - not that Percy noticed those two or thought much of them, but Zelda would likely notice Mary Sue. And Mary Sue might notice Zelda in turn.

"The line's shorter now, at least - I was going to jump in front of a car if it hadn't moved," Percy observed. The lunchtime rush was over, so now it was a pretty short line to get carnival food. And he was somewhat hungry. The snack Diana had given him after the ordeal hadn't been very much.

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Dunk Tanks -> Outside Agatha's Tent
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

Just about every emotion known to humankind had to be swirling inside of April, as Sabine took her hands in her own. She had not fathomed that she'd be holding hands with Sabine fucking Bassard, the hottest girl to ever grace the halls of AA, when April had gotten up that morning. Being called gorgeous earlier by Sabine had already made April's heart flutter like a swarm of butterflies, desperate to escape the enclosure the kindergarten class was keeping them inside of for a science fair project. But now, with her hands in Sabine's soft, smooth, and delicate ones, April was in the eye of the storm of the hurricane of emotions.

She hadn't noticed before, but Sabine's eyes were a gorgeous hazel - flecks of green and brown intermingling together. April's own eyes dwelled on Sabine's face, and she couldn't help but take a small peak at Sabine's perfect lips. She dared to fantasize for a moment about what it would be like to kiss Sabine - what would her lips taste like? What would it feel like to cup Sabine's rosy cheeks in her hands, to hold that perfect girl? April decided kissing Sabine must have been like kissing Aphrodite - that the girl in front of her had to be the goddess of love in disguise, walking with the mortals just for fun.

The moment passed though, as did April's brief fantasy, as Sabine led her away from the dunk tanks - away from the Headmaster who was definitely going to be pissed if he realized April had been the one to shatter the tanks - and off after Danny and Mai. As worried and freaked and stressed as April was about Dorian and that horrific stalker, the butterfly storm swirling inside of her was an odd counterbalance, making everything feel somewhat surreal.

"Sorry, sorry, I kinda tend to ramble and then like can't really stop talking? Like, if you know that old meme where it's like do this or draw a million Uno cards it's like that, only it's shut up or draw a million Uno cards and I have like five gazillion cards in my hand at the end. I don't know if Danny's mentioned that - well I don't really know if he's said much of anything about me to you? He says all amazing things about you, btw, of course. Like, who wouldn't have only good things to say about you? Right? Um anyways so like also, I just got this nightmarish text from Dorian, so we do need to go find him really quickly - or I mean I need to, not that you need to, I'm not telling you what to do or anything, you can decide if you want to or if you don't want to and everything is chill and... Right, deep breaths, I'm going to stop right now and take a breath and..." April paused. Her fingers felt icy in Sabine's warm hands. As emotionally confusing and up and down as this moment was, she wished it would last forever - that she could just stay with her hands in Sabine's. April took a deep breath. "Sorry again - and um, thank you. For being so cool. And understanding. And like doing this - because you obvi don't have to, like, do this for a practical stranger. It's really cool of you. I mean, you're really cool. Sorry, I'll stop talking," April finished, laughing a bit nervously.

Eventually, they managed to catch up with Danny and Chi Mai, both of who looked a little lost. Ironically though, Agatha's tent was just around the corner, just out of sight. April didn't know that of course, having declined the map offered to her when she had first entered the carnival earlier - something she regretted. "Um this doesn't look like fortune telling... Unless Dorian wanted us to meet him at facepainting instead and I missed that?"

Guin Stark

Location: the Mall!
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Guin raised an eyebrow, reading the text that had come back from Mary. With the additional context Pietro had given (since honestly, if Guin remembered every person who was a bit weird around her, she wouldn't have much space in her brain to remember much else), it seemed like pretty much everyone had a negative opinion of this guy overall. "That... vaguely rings a bell, I think," Guin said. She couldn't really remember what Max looked like, but she did remember being moderately annoyed about things. It felt like a lifetime ago that they had been trapped inside Wanda's poisoned House of M reality, and while they had been there, Max hadn't been at the top of Guin's mind.

Meeting her murdered grandparents had probably been the highlight; but the memory that inevitably crawled to the surface, that she saw sometimes in her nightmares, was the murders Pietro committed gladly. While she loved him, she knew that there was a darkness to him, a madness that was lurking just beneath the surface, even here and now in this mildly depressing ghost of a mall.

She took a breath for a moment, reminding herself to focus on the present moment and not dwell on the nightmares of the past. "Mare says he might be there to, like, join the team. Which I guess we have an opening for another magic person with Runa back on Asgard and all. But the weird thing is, he knows Ed but Ed doesn't know him?" Guin reiterated. "So knowing how things tend to go with us, that's going to turn out to be some sort of fucking huge ass problem," she said with a sigh.

Guin then quickly shot off another text -

Neil Spellman

Location: the Mansion
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil didn't really know what to make of Max spontaneously hugging Ed, acting like the two of them were long lost friends. At first, he figured that maybe Max had known Ed when Ed was a small boy, given that he suspected Max might have been far older than he appeared. Instead, Max explained that his magic sometimes caused him to experience vivid premonitions, ones that he could confuse for reality at times. While others might've been suspicious of that explanation, it sounded perfectly reasonable to Neil. "I have a great uncle who has that - or had," Neil offered. "He died in a car crash... The visions never had convenient timing from what I was told." He stared at Max, wondering if he'd go into a trance when a sentinel attacked or something, and give him a similar fate to Augustus Spellman.

His shyness didn't prevent him from all social interactions - and Max, as weird as he was, had a comforting presence to him. Neil had no intentions on talking about his curse or his family to him, but there was a playful, almost stupid chaos to Max's aura that felt safe. Of-All, one of the newer mutants on the team who Neil didn't know very well yet, seemed to Neil like she might've had a crush on Max. She struck him as somewhat giddy to hand Max a bottle of sparkling water.

He was curious about the answer to Bethany's question - if this newcomer was here to join the team, or maybe he was supposed to be a teacher? Maybe Xavier had decided to have a formal magic program now, with more mutants popping up with connections to the occult. Neil was fairly certain that Edus would've refused to teach the class had Xavier asked - and despite his family being comprised of Satanic witches and wizards, Neil knew very little magic himself. He was the normal one of the family.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan watched the carnage unfold, her face emotionless, as if she was watching a commercial about paint thinners. She watched the massive series of explosions, lighting up the shoreline, and the deadly shrapnel that went flying. They were safely out of range, leaving the pirates to the mercy of death. The screams of pain came next, creating the soundtrack for the morose scene. Megan didn't know if they were the screams of just pirates - or if perhaps her brother and their allies and some of the freed mermaids had gotten caught in the terrific display as well. But she watched and listened.

The ships were sinking, the flames roaring, and the sharks began their feast. The others then returned and Megan saw that her brother was alright - that Jack was alive. "That was a bit much, hmm?" she deadpaned to him, a joke. She honestly didn't think he had been excessive at all - and if he had been, then it was fine. He was allowed some dramatics from time to time.

"Shouldn't we wait, see if there are any survivors?" Megan asked. She didn't know if it was right for them to just deal this blow and vanish - there could be some pirates who survived, and it would be easy to handle them now while they were still frantic and scattered and afraid.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

Nancy's watch had been uneventful. She hadn't really slept at all before it was her and Kristin's turn, instead just sitting by herself and taking some solace in the quiet and hush that had fallen over the car. Had the circumstances been less serious and dire, and had her questmates been comprised of friends instead of largely strangers, she might've doodled on the sleeping demigods. Most of her traveling companions today likely wouldn't have guessed it, but Nancy had somewhat of a soft spot for the occasional prank. The graveness of their present circumstances - the fact that no matter what, Nancy couldn't help but think about that place and those people every time she closed her eyes even briefly - obscured that lighter, more jovial side of them.

She figured that the Greeks figured she was a - in her own words - a goddamn megabitch. But she didn't care.

So instead of talking to the others and seeking out conversations during the ride, Nancy had listened to music instead. One of the modern demigods had helped her get the music she liked in a device she knew how to work, meaning that as the train pulled into Philadelphia, she was listening to Venus by Bananarama. She chuckled to herself slightly when the song had come on, as well as an ever so slight shake of her head. The universe had funny coincidences like that.

Nancy turned off the music, and pulled the earbuds out of her ears. They fell down in the process, but as she didn't use those weird ones without the wires, it wasn't an issue. She just put the jumbled mess back into her pocket, where the MP3 player was. Everyone looked pretty groggy, as Kristin told everyone it was time to get up and at them, and that they could head off to the station's lounge. "How long until the train leaves again?" Nancy asked. "I wouldn't mind getting a burger or a hot dog that hasn't been under a heat lamp since the Kennedy Assassination." She was somewhat hopeful maybe there was a good mall or something nearby, if they had the time. Some of the demigods had told her that mall culture wasn't really a thing anymore, which Nancy refused to believe. How could there not be a banging mall in every major city in America?!

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

Leda smirked. She loved hearing Kiera call her her knight. She liked the idea of protecting her lady from dragons and evil wizards and all sorts of chaotic things, and she definitely wouldn't protest to see Kiera dressed like a princess from an old myth. She could feel Kiera's body heat up against her skin, and had they not been a) underwater, b) in front of Kiera's father's guards or c) in front of her sister, Leda might've been in the mood to continue the roleplay a little bit further. But alas, it was not meant to be. "Got it, just like a horse, lovely," she said. She had ridden horses a few times - not often, because they were annoying slow, but once or twice.

The ride felt like it took an eternity - Leda was getting somewhat impatient by the time they arrived, feeling like they must've been going in circles or looking at the same aquatic scenery, it got old so so fast. But she didn't want to be rude, so she didn't say anything. But Kiera likely was able to tell all the same, as Leda got more and more fidgety by the minute. Demigods weren't good at staying still. Demigods with the gift of super speed had it extra bad - Leda's ADHD had ADHD.

Camp Fish-blood looked pretty much like a knock-off Camp Half-blood to her - making Leda wonder if there was an aquatic New Rome copycat somewhere else on the ocean floor. Did the fish people demigods also have that Greek-Roman line split? And who were the parents of these aquatic demigods - did she have any fish people siblings down here? Her thoughts scattered slightly as she took in the defense preparations, that these demigods were getting ready for a battle. "Looks like that, darling," she answered Sera. "But we'll be fine. No need to fret. This is why we're here - where we're meant to be."

@Ever Faithful@Natsu@TrainerBlue192: Once Ardere has left the tent, with her new shiny magic item courtesy of the witch Agatha Harkness, it's Dorian's turn to go inside and get his fortune told. Mary Sue is of course welcome to wait outside if she'd like to continue chatting with him afterwards, or perhaps Ardere is the next candidate for her to try to make friends with? If not, there's always other activities going on at the carnival - maybe one or both of them wants to try out sword fighting? Or dunking the Headmaster Coulson?


"My goodness! In agreeance with the oracles and the prophecies and the fair maidens of the east, ye haft doneth it!" the King exclaimed, their words getting even more incomprehensible and confusing, as they saw the foam sword shatter against Leah's hair. "A winner of this round of the tourney, we doth have! You shall advance to cross swords with more, yes? What is your name, brave ser knight? So that the bards and the sweet small children might singeth it in agreeance with what is right and just!"

The King wasn't touching the conflict between Zari and Vicky with a ten foot pole - they really did not want to deal with it. So they did what they did with everything they didn't want to deal with, they ignored it. Besides, given that they were also annoyed with Ser Megan, it was much more fun for them to focus on the girls failing to sword fight and instead doing what looked like a sword boxing match from an SNL skit?

"Do you know what we do to witches in Otherworld?" Ser Megan asked Madalyne plainly. She feinted forward, managing to catch Mads off guard, and Megan held her foam sword at Madalyne's throat. "Yield or die, witchbreed," Ser Megan warned. Not that she was ACTUALLY going to kill her, right? Plus, the sword was made out of foam - foam couldn't hurt people, right? No one from the club seemed to be concerned about Ser Megan threatening death, and the King had even said these fights were to the death, so it all had to be pretend.... right??? RIGHT??? RIGHT???!?!?!??!?!?

@Ogobrogo: With his roommate out, there's no one around in the room to bother Teddy - or perhaps tell him about the problematic history of Dr. McCoy and suggest perhaps a better author with fewer war crimes to read from. The carnival being hard for him was unfortunately not surprising - that was the danger about being friends mostly with upperclassmen. Hopefully though, once school got underway properly, the loneliness would get a little bit easier. But the universe seemed to have something else in mind for him. There was a rap-rap-rap at the door. "Mr. Thompson? I was hoping if I could have your assistance," an elderly voice, with a faux British-ish accent, called out.

Percy Novikov

Location: Stark Hall - First Floor
Skills: N/A
~New Outfit~

"You weren't there, Diana - you showed up after the fact. They're a pack of vicious, cruel assholes," Percy swore. Was he exaggerating? Maybe just a little bit. But again, he wouldn't fess up to it. He was purposefully leaving out that he had lost control of his own powers, triggering the entire situation as he had bumped into Dorian. As much as Percy prided himself on being right and being logical, he was also incredibly emotional. He was angry and pissed, so sure, maybe he'd exaggerate things a little bit to save face.

He listened to Zelda recounting her story - and if he were being honest, he had no idea what her powers were. Some sort of image projection, it sounded like? He was sure that whatever she had shown this girl couldn't have been that bad. Maybe she had projected a picture of some fanart she had seen of She-Hulk and Daredevil kissing, and the girl had run away in fright? Zelda struck him as the geeky type, purely based on the bear she had been holding. He didn't have much else to go off of. Oh, and the name - he figured it was hard not to be a geek when you were named Zelda.

"People are idiots anyways," Percy said, attempting to be somewhat reassuring to her. "I wouldn't bother with too many of them." A few were fine. Percy would rather go for quality over quantity when it came to friends. He also just had issues in general when it came to trusting other people - he'd much rather rely on himself. Why introduce new variables that he couldn't control?

"We were going to head to fortune telling, I'm sure that girl must be gone by now. Can't imagine why she'd hang around outside the tent all day."

If they ran into Dorian and the other assholes though, Percy might just lose his mind...

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Dunk Tanks
Skills: Hydrokinesis
~First Day Fit~

To say April was flustered and emotionally knocked on her ass when Sabine came on over was an understatement.

She wished that the ground would swallow her hole - or that she would be able to just open her eyes and find herself in bed, and this had all been a bad dream. Maybe one of the kids with magic or reality warping powers had done a not-so-funny prank on everyone at school, making them live out their worst nightmare versions of a first day of school. She wanted oh so desperately to be able to just have nothing have happened, for this to be a distressing dream she could recount to her friends later and get a mixture of shocked gasps and stifled chuckles.

More than anything, April didn't want to take responsibility for the words that had flooded out of her mouth like an oil spill.

There were a lot of days - more than April would admit - where she wanted to run away from herself and just be anyone else. With the gorgeous girl in front of her, the light perfectly playing with tones of Sabine's hair, April wished a meteorite would crash into Earth's atmosphere and nail her perfectly in the face. Nice and quick, a real blink and you miss it moment, and sure people would be sad, but at least April wouldn't have to feel the things she was feeling.

"Oh my gosh, I am SO SO SO SO sorry!!" April apologized frantically. "I regretted saying it the minute I said it, my mouth tends to just have a mind of its own and then I just can't stop saying things but that is 1000% on me, I don't know you super well - but you're besties with my bestie so you have to be pretty cool and you have amazing hair, by the way, if you want to share your hair care routine? Wait, shit, sorry, here I go, rambling again. I am really sorry about that. You had made the joke when we were heading over here about mind wiping the teachers so I, like, assumed that it was fair game but that was wrong of me and I promise I'll never do it again."

"Again, so very very very sorry. But there's nothing eating at me - I'm completely fine - thanks for asking though!! Like, I appreciate it because again as we've just established we don't know each other very well so I guess maybe I seem like I'm not fine, but I am fine - not that I'm like fine fine because I think that's kinda obnoxious when people say that about themselves, but I'm like oh she's doing well, she's vibing, she out here - that sorta fine if that makes sense?" April's face was bright red. She was trying very much not to think about that, and instead to try to slow down her own tongue, but she already tended to word vomit when she wasn't nervous and stressed - and being confronted by her crush on the first day of school for a poorly chosen joke, right after her besties had a nightmare of an interaction with a freshie? April had never been this stressed out before in her life.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when Danny shouted at her and Sabine that it was time to go meet up with Dorian. Once her heart rate had calmed down a little bit, she glanced down at her phone, seeing that there was a text from Dorian. Clicking on it, she opened up the image and... April's jaw dropped. "Oh my god, I need to go find Dorian right now!!"

Behind them, at the dunk tanks, Coulson had just managed to hoist himself back up onto his seat. There was then a loud CRACK! as the tank suddenly exploded, the water exerting high levels of pressure up against the glass. Luckily, none of the glass hit anyone or anything, but it did mean that the dunk tanks were out of commission - something Headmaster Coulson honestly probably did not mind very much...

April turned her head, her eyes wide as she took in the scene. "Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit... was that me??? Did I do that? Oh gods, I hope he isn't hurt, please please please be okay..."
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