Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

April's hands rested on the grips, their fingers resting gently on top of the two triggers. Usually when they were down here, it meant they had pissed off the wrong person and were desperately trying to get out of the situation while a hyperspace jump was calculated. That or their bounty had escaped on a ship and they were too impatient to just let them slip away and go through the work of tracking them down again. The gunnery bay was probably one of the quietest and most peaceful spots on the Excelsior. Through the scope, April could see the vast expanse of space beyond them, stretching out to infinity.

Dorian tended to meditate to find a sense of peace - but for better or worse, this was where April found it. They had inherited their family's warlike nature. They weren't a pacifist. They weren't good at staying still. But they were good at this. Through the years, their aim had only gotten better and better; they understood the weapons more, to the extent that the ship's guns felt almost like an extension of themselves.

Danni's voice them chimed in over the intercom, filling the bay with noise. April rolled their eyes, chuckling. a bit. "Maybe you'll find the Kirkwood gap you're looking for at the Weighing Stones, Danni," April replied over the comm system. At Danni's insistence, April realized that they hadn't actually strapped themselves in yet, and they quickly went about to it, just finishing right as Danni hit the thrusters - which was lucky, as otherwise, they probably would've splattered up against the wall.

April screamed slightly from the rush and the intensity of the acceleration - not a fearful scream, more of the sort of scream appropriate at like an amusement park ride. Gods, April missed Disneyland. They fired off the guns, blasting the smaller bits of debris and whatnot that they could, reducing them into bits of dust finer than sand. Each bit of ice that they passed by called out to April, a little tug at the edge of their consciousness, the water screaming out for them to manipulate it. But they ignored the siren call. They had to stay focused - if they missed just one bit of debris in their way that Danni couldn't clear out, it'd be trouble. Their shields would be shot at best - and at worst, they'd all die.

They frowned, hearing over the intercom that something was wrong with the scanners. Swiveling around with the viewscope, they tried to get a look at anything that might've been messing with them, but there was nothing - well, nothing aside from the flying space rocks trying to kill them, of course. "I don't see anything weird, might be a malfunction?" April suggested.

Got six bogies portside! Launched straight from the damned asteroids.

"On it," April verbally confirmed. They weren't surprised to hear Dorian's voice in their head. It wasn't anything new. They swiveled again, and this time they were able to spot the objects. April blasted four of them to bits, without any hesitation. Whatever these bastards were, they didn't care to find out. They did however manage to catch a glimpse of painted flames - Ravagers. "Fucking hell. They're Ravager scrapper bots!"

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train Station PA -> Burger King
Skills: N/A

Nancy had been in the modern world for a few years now, but she still had trouble when it came to adapting to new slang. It mostly happened because one of her best friends also happened to hail from the 1980s, and the slang she picked up at Camp Jupiter tended to be demigod slang. She understood most of the new terms - like yeet and bae and kms - but they didn't always feel natural to her when she used them. So at her half-brother's prompting to get a new catchphrase, Nancy flipped him the bird. "It's a common expression, you grody bitch," she complained. Had anyone else commented on her outdated slang, Nancy probably would've actually been angry.

No one seemed to know what a long bun was, so Nancy was expecting to be disappointed. "Kinda like a hot dog bun, but it's not, like, connected in the same way. It's really just a hamburger bun... but it's long," Nancy explained. "But it's whatever, if it's not a thing anymore then that's fine, I can live with that." A lot of things that she had grown up with weren't around any longer. She didn't talk about it much, but it was one of the reasons why she liked Camp Jupiter so much - she didn't have to deal with how drastically the world had changed while she was in the Lotus Hotel.

She didn't protest too much when the split was proposed, heading off with Kristin and Janelle to get there ahead of the others. Joanie was still perched on her shoulder and Nancy gave her another few scritches, hoping to keep the dragon happy and content during the walk.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

Whatever that magic weed had been, it also was preventing the weight of the ocean from crushing Leda, so that was really nice. Her eyes stung at first from the salt water, but she quickly grew use to the feeling. She remembered when she was little how much she hated having her eyes open underwater - her kid self would have been horrified. As she walked, her blonde hair flowed in the water around her, taking on a slight green-ish tint. "Oh shit, Imma look like seaweed for a week," Leda complained with a giggle. She didn't actually mind that much.

Sera looked like she had gone really great work with the coral - and other people were working on it as well. "Think you can teach us two how to do it, eh?" Leda asked, figuring it might help build up Sera's confidence some. Or at least, give her a moment to bond with Kiera. She was distracted, though, as something started to brush up against her leg. Had she been a jumpy person, she might've screamed. Instead, Leda glanced down and saw a cute little sea lion. She hesitated for a moment, before kneeling down, and petting it the way she would pet a friendly dog or cat. "Uh, hey there, little fellow," Leda greeted. "What's your name?"

"So you want to run the Belt on purpose, even though barely anyone's done that and lived to tell the tale - and those who did had one of the best ships the Empire could buy and probably one hell of a healing factor - all for fifteen million credits?" April summarized. "Fuck yes. Let's do it. If anyone can run the Belt in a hunk of bolts like this, it's us." Was it reckless? Sure. But so far, life had more or less taught April that there was nothing their little trio couldn't handle. Hell, they even had a pet theory on a way they might be able to survive the cold vacuum of space if it came to it... not that they were exactly eager to test it out.

Maybe it was really stupid. But if they didn't do it, then there was no way they were going to be the ones to get that bounty. Someone else would beat them there. So this was it. Run the belt or give up entirely. And while April wasn't one to chase fame, they also couldn't help but think of how insanely epic that story would be - the Triumvirate blasting off through the Belt, nabbing this doctor, and getting that fifteen million credit payday. That was the stuff legends were based off of.

"I'll go get in position then," April said with a mad grin, before giving both Dorian and Danni a kiss on the cheek, and running on down to the turret room. They were so excited to blast some asteroids. They hadn't been into guns growing up, but ever since being in space, they had gotten very into firepower. The turret room was easily one of their favorite spots on the Excelsior.

Guin Stark

Location: the Mall!
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks, Psy-Blasts, Unarmed Combat
~Fit Check~

While Phantazia sent pain rippling through Guin, with both her powers and her read, Guin's attention was more focused on the horrific scene going down with her husband. The crazy pink guy, Exodus, was crucifying him. It was absolutely terrifying and horrendous. Tears sprung in the corners of Guin's eyes out of sorrow, but mostly, righteous fury. She wasn't going to let anyone do that to Pietro and just get to laugh about it. Get back to the mansion, you need to heal, now! Guin urged Pietro. It wasn't a request. She didn't care about Phantazia right now, not at all.

She put a hand to her head and concentrated, sending off a psy-blast of purple-pink psychic energy rocketing towards Exodus. However, the psy-blast wasn't very strong and didn't even hit him. Even in her worst days at practicing this skill, she usually could do better than that. And then she realized why, the person preventing her from protecting Pietro, was Phantazia.


Guin really did NOT want to let Exodus just get away with this.

She wanted to wipe that stupid smug grin off of his stupid pink face.

And probably rip off his dorky white cape and donate it to GoodWill or something where it belonged.

"Fine then, bitch - you want my attention? You've fucking got it," Guin growled, before darting towards Phantazia and punching, aiming for the throat, but she had telegraphed too much and Phantazia dodged, meaning Guin only punched her in the shoulder. However, Guin took advantage of the momentum and used Phantazia's own body against her, flipping her over onto the ground. "Now stop this and go back to your guest judge spot on Drag Race, okay, asshole?"

Neil Spellman

Location: the Mansion
Skills: Telekinesis, Necromancy
~Fit Check~

Neil was beginning to wish that he had gone to the mall with the others after all.

Despite throwing Frenzy away from him telekinetically, that didn't do much to slow her down. And hearing her call them all collaborators - what was that supposed to mean, he had no idea - stunned him temporarily. The next thing he knew, her firm hand was gripping his throat and he found himself slammed onto the ground, gasping for air. In a blind panic, he did what was (unfortunately?) instinctual. He could sense when there were dead things around, things that he might reanimate and bid to serve him. He didn't like doing it - mostly because it was difficult to get consent to turn something or someone into a zombie. But right now, things were dire. This woman was going to kill him. And Neil didn't know how many times he could just shrug off death.

Unfortunately(?) though, there were no dead things in the Mansion's front lawn for Neil to work with. Necromancy wasn't an option here.

So he did what had only somewhat worked for him last time - he telekinetically flung Frenzy off of him, hoping this time to knock her into a tree or something. Gasping for breath, Neil clutched at his own throat, feeling the bruises already forming. "Does anyone - wheeze - know why - wheeze - they're kicking - wheeze - the shit out of us?" Neil asked. He tried to put his hands up in a rough imitation of a boxing pose, to try to preemptively brace himself for Frenzy's next attack, but his form was poor. Still, he was doing his best to not be killed outright. He was so focused on keeping his eyes on Frenzy that he didn't really look around at the others for more than brief glimpses, seeing that the new girl seemed to have sprouted wings, and the old wizard now had an ancient looking weapon on him.

April's blaster hit the holo table, thankfully not firing off, as Dorian barreled in and pulled them all into an intense hug. They couldn't help but jump up and down, returning the hug to the people they viewed as brothers. The amount of money offered up on this chit was life changing. They could do anything, go anywhere. They could go to the spas on Chandilar that only the richest in the galaxy could afford; they could buy those spas and relax, letting their purchase generate more money for them. They could build a palace on some moon somewhere, rename it after themselves, and relax. They could drink every waking hour of every day, and never run out of money. And the clothes. They could get some of the good stuff. The galaxy's finest designers would stock their closets, and gods, the holopics they'd take...

"We find this guy, ice him, and then we're fucking rich! I don't think anyone in the galaxy could find a way to spend 15 million credits, but by the gods, we're going to find it!!" April said ecstatically. They loved the idea of an AI assistant - only the fanciest people had those around, and April was enamored with the idea of that being them. They'd be princesses and princes with that sort of money - hell, maybe even kings!

"Is there any way we could go faster, Dory?" April asked. "I know you hate gunning it, but there's bounds to be loads of fuckers trying to find this guy, and I really really really don't want to be the last one there. And what if some of them are already on Titan? What if we lose our chance at 15 million credits because we're too slow? Please? Please? Can we gun it?" This wasn't the first time April had asked for them to go faster - they found the ship almost always to be a bit too slow, preferring to really push the engines to the max and then some. Patience wasn't their strong suit.

"Though, I'm surprised you two don't remember him - Haggar's the guy from the Nilix incident. Y'know, with all the creepy experiments that got loose and made a mess of things - remember the flora colossus we brought in a few years back, with the cybernetics that ate shit once we caught him? He was from this guy's lab. I'm surprised the Empire hasn't killed him already, to be honest. Heard from La'sara he got a new employer, but y'know how her info is, hit or miss." La'sara was a dancer at a joint on Arakko that April was really found of - although that was mostly because La'sara was there. There had been many drunken nights where April proclaimed that La'sara was the love of her life, but things had never really worked out between the two of them.

"Def think this is an imperial job, at any rate. But I don't care. Fifteen million credits is worth doing almost anything. And I don't have any sympathy for a fucked up scientist." Yes, they had heard the rumors that Dr. Haggar had been trying to save the experiments. But April didn't care about a rumored change of heart. A job was a job.

They had been having such a nice dream.

Or at least, it had been nicer than the ones they usually had. Most nights, they were grateful to close their eyes and just have blackness envelope them. If dreams came, they were filled with people long lost, people they had given up hope ever seeing again. Even their mother, functionally immortal thanks to the goddess Athena, had not survived the onslaught - that beam that had come from out of nowhere, and blotted out every super powered being in the Sol system. Only their little group had survived - a cosmic joke. April wasn't sure where the rest were - their sister at least was likely still on Olympus, more and more the goddess and less the person ever day.

All they had left was this ship, this tiny family of three - Dorian and Danni. Nothing else had been consistent. And while they had once hoped to be a hero, that hope had died long ago. Now, they set their skills to bounty hunting - it didn't matter who gave the job, a job was a job. And there was no point in fighting the Empire. Nemo had told them to not even bother with his dying breath. So they did this. They got the job chit, used their mutant powers and tendency towards strategic chaos, and collected the bounty. All while trying their very best not to damage the ship too much, as they weren't exactly mechanical experts, and repairs were getting more and more expensive by the day, what with the Emperor raising taxes on parts.

They wished they had still been asleep. They had been dreaming of a girl they had met once - a pink skinned Kree, her name had been... Well, it didn't matter what her name had been.

Especially as April then realized what had woken them up. A scream. Danni's scream. They grabbed their blaster out from underneath their pillow, and pressed the release button. The door to their small room opened with a hiss, retracting into the wall, as April ran barefoot towards the sound of the scream. They scurried up from the living quarters to the main deck, ready to blast anything that moved, only to find...

"Danni, what the fuck is going on?" April asked. "Are you okay? Is it a psychic attack? Point me in the direction of what I need to shoot and I'll--" they fell silent. Their eyes had spotted the holotable. The chit. The reward. The reward. "Holy shit!!!" they screamed. "FIFTEEN MILLION CREDITS?!?!?!?!"
The Stables...

Lorna didn't know what she wanted to say in response. She didn't even know what she had been hoping for Kitty to say. Everything just felt confusing. She felt like she was dangling upside down, the blood in her body draining into her head; she was positively sick to her stomach. "Oh, huh, cool! I-I don't think I've ever really liked anybody - which is fine, not that I'm like rushing towards it or anything, I've just never felt that way about a guy before - but maybe I will one day, but yeah, thanks!" Lorna found herself rambling. Somehow though, her own words made her feel uneasy - like she was missing something important.

They landed, but Lorna still felt like she was up in the sky. Her legs felt unstable on the ground as she hopped off of the pegasus. "Oh right, yeah, I guess it is getting kinda late - that was really fun, thanks for taking me up there!" Lorna said, although the cheerfulness made her feel weird. And she didn't know why. And she didn't want to unpack why. "Um, I guess I'll see you after dinner? I should probably go now, if I want to get an actual seat at the table, and not the floor..." the Hermes table got crowded pretty quickly these days. Too many unclaimed campers.

@Kirah@Blizz: The boy let out a high pitched scream of surprise, practically jumping out of his skin. "What?!?!?! Oh gosh, sorry, you scared the shit out of me," he apologized, clutching his chest. His heart was beating frantically. He had assumed everyone else was going to be off at the Carnival, and that no one else would want some time on the Framework. "I'm, uh, I can wrap up if you guys wanted to take a turn to use this...?"

As this was Andy's first year at the school, she wouldn't know what this was. Leah, however, would recognize it. This was the Framework. It was a virtual reality training program, allowing them to simulate their powers in real fights, without any risk of physical injury. Participants would go inside what looked like bacta tanks from Star Wars and have their minds plugged into the Framework. It was off limits without supervision, mainly because it was old military tech - SHIELD used to train agents with it. The school had it for combat classes, but it was mainly used for training for the Contest of Champions.

"I'm Ed, by the way," he introduced himself nervously. "I think you're in the year below me," he said to Leah. "And... I don't know you, are you new?" he said to Andy.

@BlueSky44@Forsythe: The fight between Zari and Vicky was beginning to go a bit long - Andy and Leah were long gone at this point, and there were still other things at the carnival to go explore and see. There were a few hours left before things would wrap up for the musical performance, so maybe it was time for the two of them to call things a draw, so they could go explore the rest of the activities? After all, there was still fortune telling and face paint and chess and trivia and all sorts of other things to get up to! And it might occur to Zari that her girlfriend might appreciate spending some time with her, rather than spending all of their time at swords.

Vicky did somewhat of a fake out, slashing in one direction only to reverse at the last second - but the abrupt change in momentum caused her to stumble slightly. This would be enough for Zari to harmlessly block the blow.

"What ho! This challenge continues to go on! I see there are no mere fair maidens before me, but maidens of battle and spirit!" the King praised, coming over and taking interest in them. "Methinks perhaps you two might be interested in joining our fair kingdom, the Academy Knights?" the King suggested. They had already gotten Mads down as a new member - and they figured both Vicky and Zari seemed to be really into this.

@Ever Faithful@Natsu: As quickly as he had come, Ser Nemo was gone - leaving poor Teddy behind in his wake. Teddy looked somewhat flustered, as if he hadn't really been anticipating this to happen today, and clearly a bit put on the spot. "Uh, hey!" Teddy greeted. Mary Sue and Ardere would get the sense that, while a bit off guard, he was a genuinely nice and helpful person. "Is there anything you two need help with...? I'm pretty handy with things - or could give you some pointers on where to go, if you're lost?" Teddy offered. It didn't seem like he really knew what they wanted from him. "I'm Teddy, by the way - don't need to call me, uh, Mr. Thompson... I'm not that old. Not yet."

Percy Novikov

Location: Carnival - Food Trucks
Skills: N/A
~New Outfit~

Zelda really did seem to be quite shy. She didn't seem to have an immediate answer to Percy's question - although it also might have just been that her mouth was full and she didn't want to be rude. "I guess I can go first," Percy offered. It was only fair. He had asked her something personal - maybe she needed him to give his own answer, giving her time to think and/or chew - whichever the issue was. "I've been fascinated by Greek myths since, well, since I can remember. I've always idolized Odysseus. He wasn't a demigod - although Hermes was in his family tree - just a man. A man who could go anywhere and do just about anything thanks to the strength of his mind."

"People today obsess over the Avengers, but Odysseus? He's the real deal. A true hero. I can understand any language, given enough time to process it, and jump through space-time." Percy did not mention that he lacked control, only able to displace himself spatially along small distances. He hadn't tried any dramatic time travel events, due to the warnings of his moms that he might end up trapped in some distant apocalypse. That didn't mean he wasn't curious though. And maybe one day, that warning wouldn't be enough to stop him.

"I'll never be Iron Man or Captain America. But I don't want to be. I want to be Odysseus," Percy stated. "I want to go places no one has ever gone before and come back alive against all odds. I want to speak with the gods and fight monsters and create my own myth. So that's why I'm here. Training to become the Greek ideal of heroism, not the American one." If his sister teased him for that, he was fully prepared to kick her in the shins.

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Outside Agatha's Tent
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

April and Mai returned Dorian's hug, the three of them squeezing together into one squishy blob right in front of Sabine. "We won't say a word, cross our hearts and hope to die, no resurrection bullshit either!" April swore. Her heart was hammering still, probably from the fact that Sabine was right there. But she focused instead on Dorian, on the birthday boy. His stalker situation had been settled, but clearly there was something, something that not even Danni could be told. Whatever it was, it had to be gravely serious...

Chi Mai nodded, narrowing her eyes slightly. "You got it, bb!" she swore, doing a bit of a military salute.

April gasped, her eyes widening as Dorian revealed that his true love was on their way. April couldn't help but be so incredibly excited for him, even though she knew it would mean that they'd be spending less time together as a trio. She was already mentally making plans to make those hats that look like bushes, so that way Danni and her (and Mai too, maybe?) could spy on Dorian during these cosmically important dates - to make sure nothing went wrong, of course! People did it on TV all the time, so it had to be totally normal, and if no one else did it, well, it still seemed like a brilliant idea to her. "Oh my gosh you're going to be the star of your own YA!! Ugh, I'm so jealous! And happy for you! Do you know what they look like - they have to be cute, right? What if they don't like the same shows we do? Or if they have like totally backwards politics? But never mind, I'm sure they're going to be perfect because you're perfect and you deserve it!"

"Bruh, you gotta spill - who is it?" Mai insisted.

"Yes, yes, you have to tell us who it is!" April added. She had gotten so excited and overwhelmed thinking about Dorian's love that she had almost forgotten the most juicy part - that Dorian already knew who it was. Maybe. Her eyes kept on darting over towards Sabine. She had a brief fantasy about walking into the tent and getting a similar reading from Agatha, where Agatha would tell her that the blonde with the sports cap was her cosmically important love, and that their sapphic vibes would one day free the galaxy... April sighed slightly. A girl could dream.

She watched as Sabine blipped in and out of existence, gasping slightly, only to then receive another shock as...

April screamed in surprise, as someone hugged her from behind - Mads! "Girl you scared me!!" April exclaimed. She turned slightly red at Mads complaining she hadn't invited her - which was correct. April hadn't. Because it was Dorian's birthday. And while she loved Mads, Dorian was like her brother. She wanted him to feel special on this day - and she'd have tons of time to catch up with Mads as they lived together.

Luckily, she didn't get a chance to answer - as Danny came out of the tent screaming that he needed help. "Damn, I gotta bounce - I'll see you all later," Mai said, before Tiger Mai disappeared into the crowds of students, off to do whatever it was she needed to do.

"Danny, what happened?" April asked, her chest tightening. She couldn't help but feel terrified. They had finally gotten back into a happy, chill space and now, someone was crying again. She saw that Danny had in his hands the jacket he had made for that asshole freshman, but nothing else seemed to be wrong. "Are you okay? What can I do to help you? Did Agatha tell you something bad? Is something bad going to happen? As long as we know, we can stop it - unless that makes it happen because we try to keep it from not happening..." April bit her lip, her heart hammering - she really wanted to know immediately what was going on so they could fix it. She hated the suspense. Even just a few seconds was too long of a wait.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: N/A

"How hard could it be?" Nancy joked, as Niah pointed out she didn't know how to drive and didn't know if either of them knew how. Nancy's mother had never bothered to take the time to teach her how to drive, not that she had been old enough to do so before she ended up frozen in time anyways. But Nancy wasn't going to think about that place right now - nope, she wasn't going to let it ruin her good mood.

And luckily, the universe seemed to agree. Nancy didn't have huge qualms about hitchhiking, mostly because it had been a fairly common thing to do when she had been growing up - people weren't as scared about it back then. And given that the truck had the decal for Camp Jupiter on it, Nancy didn't let a thought cross her mind that they maybe shouldn't have trusted this random person. "Gnarly. Love this for us," Nancy said, as they walked up to the truck. "We're on a quest for the Legion and could use a lift to the nearest town. Or if you're willing, the nearest train station - we can trade you some gold for tickets."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan still couldn't help but be surprised that that had been all they needed to do. She had been expecting something harder, more drawn out - she had honestly been expecting a good amount of swashbuckling, perhaps a showdown with Captain Hook. It made her wonder why they had needed them to come out here and help, since it seemed like they had more or less done all of this easily on their own. Or was this some rule of story logic, where this wasn't the big bad they were meant to fight, so the fight could be done and over more quickly? She was becoming more and more convinced that this world operated by the rules of what would make a good story.

And she supposed the best story would be them taking down Maleficent and her forces.

They had headed back now and things were beginning to be loaded up, and discussions of Merlin were about. Megan wondered how her parents would feel about seeing Merlin again, after all this time. She wondered if they would blame him at all for the missing time. But she imagined mostly, it would be a happy reunion - one that now Megan had memories to give context to, as beforehand, Merlin had meant nothing to her. Now, he was as much her family as Jack. "Alright." Megan didn't have much else to say. She didn't have any questions - none that she wanted to voice at the moment, at least.
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